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Worldwide this is r. T. International from moscow im calling brian welcome to the program a member of the mass migration alternative for Germany Party has said that extremists have threatened to assassinate her because of her political beliefs. The media and other Political Parties to stop words their hate campaign against her Party Reporting next from berlin heres a banjo sepsis. If the politician christina has posted a picture on social media of a cross with number of insults written on it but also a very serious threat towards her the cross was this covered by the if there politician near her office where she works as a dentist on wednesday evening the police do not know who the perpetrators are but since this is a threat towards a local politician they have passed on the investigation to the Domestic Intelligence Services Office the alternative for Germany Party has quick to condemn the attack and urged the media and Political Parties to stop spreading their hatred against the ai if the. Thread to me is just the tip of the iceberg attacks on i have to officials are becoming more and more common that 1st officers and events of the were attacked and now its apparently against the law the health of our politicians while many politicians have come out to condemn this threat towards Kristina Brown the greens who have seen a fair share of threats towards in the past say that these types of incidents should not be tolerated but a social democrat politician has called out kristina as being a liar and all this comes as pressure has been a mounted on a if the politicians by the c. D. U. And see as hugh calling to boycott them and impose a blanket ban of anybody cooperated with them they even went as far as saying that even having a cup of tea or coffee with them should be prohibited we have made clear again that we reject any form of cooperation with the dea even if it is just but if we go back a little bit from the beginning of this year theres been a number of threats and attacks towards politicians from many sides of the political spectrum. We. Are. We. Are we will it seems that the Political Landscape in germany has been changing with a decrease of popularity form the c. D. U. And the speed to the increase of popularity for the specially in the Eastern States of this country while while these attacks are becoming more dominant in politics in germany critics are hoping that this will not turn into a disturbing trend a last hour i talked to alternative for germany euro and pay go back he blames the coverage given to the f. T. As making it an easy target. Theres little doubt that my party is the principal victim of this Political Violence whats triggered it well its a combination of Relentless Media portrayal of our party. As a little edged rightwing or perhaps even freshest organization in fact none of our policies would have shocked c. D. U. Voters about 50 years ago its important to bear in mind that germany in many respects is not the society that it is betrayed as many people are dissatisfied with the extreme consensus politics people are now beginning to realize that despite the fact that mrs merkel is telling them that theyve never had it so good Living Standards for well over 2 thirds of the population have not risen in the last 25 years. Its been a rocky start for some u. S. President ial election campaigns with several run ins already stumbling over 1st hurdle and dropping out but it seems that the baby yoda character from a star wars spin off could be quite a successful candidate if it through its name into the 2020 president ial race according to a recent poll baby otoh is outrunning all democratic hopefuls on social media including front runners joe biden and Bernie Sanders but thats not going to stop those 2 and the many others still up for consideration striving to be called the perfect candidate but i guess the it has more on them. In this imperfect world of ours the hooli grail is finding something perfect it is of course impossible but goodness do they really try every 4 years in America Elections the eternal search for the perfect candidate a smallish chink in there who we are than that our armor is enough to sink him or her and i really mean the smallest chink for example pete booted judge currently ranked 4th in the democrat candidate polls hes a darling a mayor a family guy openly gay and he even has a disabled dog i mean what an angel but then now i see he went too far he helped the homeless participated in Salvation Army Charity Events and thats a Christian Organization which is sometimes accused of homophobia you know hard core christians and all apparently race issues arent the only thing. Is slow to grasp what is his excuse for not realizing the Salvation Army is homophobic hard to imagine a more succinct visual metaphor for i will gleefully work for the active destruction of my people if it makes me seem in a yacht or more electable than booted shorter within a seriously antic with Salvation Army these activists are literally accusing an openly gay man of supporting homophobia just just let it sink in he hasnt dropped out of the race yet unlike camelot harris and one of her crimes as a half black half tamil indian woman was that she just wasnt black enough skin pigmentation seems to really really matter for a president ial candidate then you. Have Bernie Sanders spent his life trying to power the poor and for his troubles had the d. N. C. Election rigged against him last time around but bernie just doesnt get it america doesnt want someone who cares so much for the poor sanders just does not understand that a 15. 00 minimum wage will hurt the job market and theres no way we can afford to make education free for everyone and on top of bernies you know principles and decency hes just ancient. Get on much like former Vice President and controller see magnet joe biden ease neck deep in just the weirdest stuff begin getting really close and taking the night sniff of peoples hair now embroiled in ukraine gate he got his little boy a nice cushy job that pays a standing amounts in ukraine the poorest nation in europe and modern civil war to boot oh sure he can remember all that stuff them ages getting the better of him to his memory isnt what it was then we have Elizabeth Warren who hasnt quite yet figured out who she is in case you missed it she tried to pass a self off as part native american which was an exaggeration by which i mean it was entirely made up bashing. No one it seems is good enough homosexual homophobe a black woman who isnt black enough an old man thats obsessed with helping the people that need help biden in his head sniffing and seriously what the hell then again perhaps people wouldnt need pick so much if you know they had Something Else to talk about if these people had a plan beyond beating trump a clear plan for america and americans but hey maybe not i mean seriously and. Living stuff. I was u. S. President ial hopefuls look to divide and conquer the polls ahead of the 2020 election a Public Policy surveys reveal insight into how americans View Division in society more than 90 percent of people who responded to the poll said the division should be a key policy issue for president ial candidates on the campaign trail describing it as a huge problem but staggeringly nearly one in 5 americans thought that the issue wasnt a big problem going into the whole vote 2020 lets talk now to hear rivera from the reactionary times ill call him high that what you think america is becoming increasingly divided was behind that well i think a lot of it is manufactured i think that the Mainstream Media has become basically the propaganda arm of the Democrat Party and the Democrat Party i think at this point knowing full well that the law for not saying. You know anything positive to the American People from a policy perspective. Basically at this point have kind of gone out guns a blazing against this president you know their effort at this point is to try to impeach you know basically the president only and i think that you know the media is kind of contributing to this kind of the feel you know that there is divided the country where there were there really isnt i mean i think america right now is thriving i think americans are doing better we added you know a couple 100000 jobs last month you know the economy is strong you know i think that this party has decided that they dont want to legislate anymore and the only effort youre taking all this congressional time basically at this point just having each minute hearings because they dont want to move forward on anything positive policy wise i dont know exactly who they are asked in this particular poll but here really think its the political tribalism that theyre thinking in terms of division being a big issue i thought to be more to do with access to Health Care Inequality rights gun control. Yes i mean at this point the b. Important issues arent being addressed youre absolutely right i mean the you know these this party basically went out in 2018 and campaigned on issues and said they were going to do x. Y. And z. But theyre not really delivering for it for the American People and i think maybe that some of the frustration has to do deal with you know or the idea that we have this divide you know i think its probably a lot of americans do feel under served you know by their legislators you know the people that they went ahead and and sent to try to make their lives better in america and kind of gone gotten caught up in this whole obsession to remove the president from office in terms of the impeachment saga than the way those who really enjoyed going through all this to be have those that roll their eyes but does coles division and opinion will it continue will it end if trump keeps his job in the 2020 election. You know today were going to and the fact of the matter is this is always been i think about power other democrats dont really care about a lot of the issues that they claim to care about i mean one perfect example of that is what happened in the state of virginia last year when you had ralph north on the blackface scandal and you know i you know the democrats claim to be this party about social justice and you know theyre the politically correct party and they hate donald trump because you know supposedly hes a racist but they went ahead because of the fact that you know the Lieutenant Governor in virginia was also important in the scandal as well as the attorney general the next in the line of succession would have been the republican leader of their state legislator state legislature so they didnt really push on trying to get somebody who was outwardly racist removed from office because they dont want to give power to the republicans so this is always only been about retaining power for the democrats some Democratic Candidates have spoken about uniting america so its a big ass whichever way you look at it given that in campaigning and its d. N. A. Its about polarizing people into these people are bad and will help you is it even achievable. I dont think so i mean i think that theres a real detachment from reality with this party because you know i think that they really hate everything that you know the the right stand for at this point ive never seen in my life and i mean im only 42 years old but i dont remember a time where you know in america you know there was quite a division based on party lines i mean i remember when republicans and democrats got along a lot better than they do now and on the parties were so different and in some ways there was a lot of overlap i do a lot of the policy issues now it seems that the left has gone all forit into you know the socialism direction while the right is fighting for limited government limited taxation and in all those important things that the country was supposedly built on i mean i think that you know maybe if the democrats can produce some socalled blue dogs you know some of you know people that are a reasonable moderate democrats maybe they do a lot better i think especially with the working class white voter which is quite frankly i mean you know the majority of the voting bloc about 70 percent of the voters in america are you know the working white one of the democratic hopefuls judge says that anyone who supports trump is turning a blind eye to racism is alienating trump vote is a good tactic if you just preaching to the converted theyre not i mean i think they i mean thats thats what they believe you know the fact of the matter is though i mean you know of a rican descent and you know im a problem from supporter and an american and i know a lot of conservatives that are minorities and i think that what theyre going to do is theyre going to wind up turning was undecided voters and independents and people who are concerned with the economy ultimately as the steward of the American Economy President Trump has done a spectacular job so i dont think that hes done anything to merited being voted out of office i mean i think americans tend to vote with their wallets and i think that when we look at. Economy and we look at the jobs that have been added we look at the unemployment numbers historic lows unemployment numbers for hispanics and blacks last year in october there was a report from the bureau of labor statistics saying that women across all demographics unemployment was at its lowest point in the last 65 years so i mean do we want to go back to you know the numbers that we had under obama economically were Labor Force Participation was as low as it was you know since the jimmy carter years and do we want that stagnation you know or do we want to continue to move forward and be prosperous as a country and i think that you know when when you cant offer anything from a policy perspective that will improve the day to day lives of americans the only thing that you resort to that you can resort to is what the left is doing right now to basically just you know going to even saying racist you know spewing this takes the rhetoric did that its an unfortunate state of affairs with the Democrat Party at this point but lets be honest some of the things the president said over the years in different times would have been enough to have got them hounded out on the campaign trail let alone make it to the white house in the oval office the democrats trying again to inflict reputational damage on donald trump like Hillary Clinton did in 26 states if it didnt work then what should i what mel. Oh i mean theyre basically you know theyre going to continue to beat that dead horse i mean i think that there are there this is basically what its been since you know june of 2015 to this donald trump announced that he was going to run for president in terms of what youre saying i mean i think that kind of some of the language that he use at times i mean i kid you know i cringe sometimes with some of the things that he said but one thing that i learned very early on because i was of the crew supporter and we were going to you know we were the party or the other candidate writ against trump the strongest and i was part of his campaign and the thing that i learned is that donald trump is impervious to himself that anything that would destroy you know any other camp or any other candidate or campaign you know things that he say only make him stronger in a resonates with certain corners of his base you know i mean i support president truck now at this point be based on the job that hes done and i think that he deserves to stay president but yes i mean i dont think that you know he does as good a job at times of trying to unite the country with some of the things that he says and i think thats a Fair Assessment ok well no doubt well get up there for you again as things bruising months continue for now though when youre a very bad editorial director at reactionary times dot com thanks for your time thank you so much for having me. And the man acquitted of murdering unarmed black teenager Trayvon Martin in 2012 has launched a lawsuit asking for 100000000. 00 in damages the regional case sparked the black Live Matter Movement in the United States. This traces back to february 2012 Trayvon Martin was returning from a trip to the Grocery Store the Neighborhood Watch volunteer George Zimmerman thought he was acting suspiciously then during an altercation mr zimmerman fatally shot the 17 year old claiming that it was an act of selfdefense he was later cleared of 2nd degree murder but it seems that even 70 years on that division over the verdict remains his role as a. It was one of the most resonant criminal cases in recent u. S. History the 2012 shooting of an unarmed africanamerican teenager a stark reminder of americas racial problems the vigilante George Zimmerman saw the unarmed africanamerican teenager Trayvon Martin while patrolling in his neighborhood he then shot him dead family of Trayvon Martin has always maintained that this was a case of murder but George Zimmermans claim of selfdefense got him a verdict of not guilty in court but now George Zimmerman is going back to court hes going to sue the Martin Family as well as the prosecutors claiming they did irreparable psychological damage to him because of their arrest charges prosecution and federal investigation zimmerman lives in constant fear of physical harm due to regular Death Threats which often are expressed in rap music as well as online social media commentary this move has got the black community theorists many calling zimmermans move noxious this is why we will never be silent and continue to fight fully variation in justice. George zimmerman has punched through the bottom and sunk lower than scum i dont care how specific the allegations are he deserves nothing except prison time i fail to understand the logic i mean how absurd can american legal system be now the attorney representing Trayvon Martins parents says that this lawsuit is reckless and unfounded i have every confidence that this unfounded under richesse lawsuit will be revealed for what it is another failed attempt to defend the indefensible and a shameless attempt to profit off the lives and grief of others 7 years on from the death of Trayvon Martin and the woes seem on heal for martins family and from George Zimmerman and us society also as wounds that are sore and open the divide is getting wider well those of us who are waiting with these protests in nature us resort lation this tasteless no surprise we all know that there has been a virtual reign that. The white population of United States now at least during the battle day to slavery well look at the decade your star party this reign of 0 have been exacerbated but theres your government was which is ripping the bandaid off. Its certainly infuriating the white population at large were 3 on martin slain it would not surprise me at all if there were massive protests erupt in florida in coming days and weeks in a direct response in a direct you so this film a lot so i hope that the 3 month Martin Family are of a very good sorority and more than that hold their rate. So its moved but since this was. If it is in hong kong whove given the go ahead to what could be the 1st major rally in the chinese territory since its prodemocracy camps call that landslide victory in last months local elections the police have warned though that they wont tolerate any violence from demonstrators saying that theyll intervene if necessary in the illustration of the dangers officers have faced in recent months the citys bomb disposal squad released this video on friday. It shows police carrying out controlled explosions on homemade devices seized during the 6 months of rest that have rocked the territory they say that as little as one gram of the compound known as t 88. 00 which is used in the crude bombs can cause life changing injuries if they were to say that theyve seen them regularly used during the protests. When history rewrites this that. Theres a review of. My watch the officers day after day night after night month after month d. And all the like. The families of the being attacked like this. I mean hold the line for more selfcontrol the face of incredible violence. Last month the police claim to have discovered around 4000. 00 molotov cocktails in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University which had become a focal point of the unrest of the 1000. 00 explosive devices were found as well as hundreds of other weapons hong kongs protests Campaign Began in response to a proposed extradition law and gradually morphed into a movement calling for universal suffrage demonstrators have also been demanding an inquiry into allegations of Police Brutality lets talk now more of this with political analyst and journalist andre wilczek welcome back to r. T. How do you see this rally panning out there that were going to see further violence there also seems to be not a veiled threat as such but a warning from police that there intervene may be stronger this time what do you expect to happen. Well actually i believe that the hong kong police. Been much much stronger maybe because. Protests are becoming a riot hope where you call that are becoming life threatening some people died already the impulse of course the case of. Elderly man in hong kong trying to clear the road who was he stole to die people were. Put on fire by. Rioters and basically this is a very dangerous situation because this the d. P. A. Substance has been already used on several occasions we only have to hold that. It is not what some of us think it is because you know in bangkok in one of 2015 this substance was found it was who attacked the temple there are now 2 people or a trial and thai Police Arrested they found quite a lot of this substance so hong kong is being infiltrated. To different groups. Most likely by groups but those so there are people from ukraine from the right wing greater just guards for that schroeder my italian colleagues who are of the separating this of photographs so its all living under more of the rioters from home got good so but the west is using actually many. Round same regarding their sort of extreme right wing. To call the terrorist groups. Who used to be a position of all sorts of explosives. Devise a single both men should. Be on trial you surprised at the level of violence has got to the state and it hasnt and among the the genuine hong kong demonstrators the prodemocracy demonstrators that could the allegations of Police Brutality somehow be fermenting anger. I dont really believe in. All these groups already in hong kong you are talking to me of im talking to you from somebody other than chill and i want 2 hours ago we learned through living and so i saw what the real marlons. In hong kong. Police is actually receiving this. There are those who are using extreme violence as i mentioned the past police is using go usually very mild tear gas compared to everything that you can see in places. Or bolivia and also the water which they are using is that it is a pure water its a drink of water and this is all getting laid its basically the rest is trying to harm china as for just possible they are attacking on several fronts hong kong is one of them. Is the other are. Syria know how to star in indonesia and other places also they can think of damage inflicted just watching them actually china responsible for those so South China Sea also. So after latin america going back to im gone i will be reporting good one week from there but what all of this but little time you know and im not really a 1st of all by allegations by western media and the brutality of a Horrible Police actually secret of a spirit astray given that it will feel so very entrenched now especially as the violence are getting such International Attention and cementing foreign support for the movement it does feel like they said were going to end anytime soon with that in mind what we expect the chinese authorities today. I think the chinese authorities are. Very cautious because they know that all this is done in order to provoke them they are the ones they are provoked once they interfere there will be enormous backlash from the United States and from the European Union calling china democratic or. Oppressive and so on but it is a political game these protests are basically all riots are being. You know injected to hong kong and supported. The congo by the west. It has nothing to do with this because again if you want to be fair the bright guy is free to speak in bolivia you know there is a horrible situation in the gulf and it is not being reported and all the while hong kong is constantly under the scrutiny of this or under the microscope there is enormous western press Media Presence i feel the rifle to be at the beginning of the search but i its there was on the reform the whole 1000 so for 40 goose while media goes well in the places where actually there are its being robust and going is furthering people there is nobody there to cover it ok andre when you back in hong kong by will catch up with you again then i hope i have

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