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And fuel your own existence unencumbered by any state apparatus which is fantastic part of globalization that keeps us powerful as unique individuals is that we can speak to people around the world were not ignorant we dont rely on one you know giant News Organization for example or our state department to tell us whats happening in latin america or asia or anywhere else in the world we have Internet Access we can speak to people around the world and he points out here in this article starlink musks plan for 12000 or more cheap high Speed Internet satellites will free the internet from reliance on anita restoral government and you already see the beginning of the splintering of the internet as its parts of it get handed off like dot org that domain name has been handed off to private equity so thats going to be crushing thats one of the beginning of the private. Zation of parts of the internet and its already starting to create its like divides there but if we have satellites we can still communicate with people around the world and if youve ever seen an apocalyptic film like box or something you need to communicate with other people any survivors out there of whatever our governments and military going to you know bring upon us right those rail guns by the way can launch a satellite into space from a stationary position on earth you dont need a rocket to blow to blast into outer space you can launch the projectile from base on earth using a rail gun to put that satellite into space so that a given normas ability to put these satellites and get individual sovereignty now the perfect currency for this is big coin because its a sovereign and theres frictionless if its a store of value you can move it around for virtually no money cost him to move it back and forth and thats part of this revolution so a lot of mosque and bitcoin is like a match made in heaven im sure hell come up with the guy who runs twitter jack dorsey at some point to create some applications and Financial Products to go with the musk individual sovereignty revolution well actually i thought jack dorsey is in ethiopia and he tweeted at mosque and said hey why dont you bring some teslas down here to ethiopia he was talking to a woman who runs an organization there on all electric stuff bringing electric power there and so they were to reconfigure the world toward individual sovereignty so its a distribution of wealth into Wealth Distribution energy just to be asian into lobel ization dollars ation i think those 2 guys could maybe peter teal to some degree although he seems conflicted somewhat but he could also be part of the mix if youre driving around in this postapocalyptic world with failed states of course you need to protect your self from the many many neighbors of yours who will not have protected themselves who do not have big point who do not have gold you do not have solar panels and havent thought to they had always relied on the fed to bail them out and always rely. Right on the government to shoot dead anybody in the world that they dont like so now thats not there anymore so you need a giant truck of mad max truck and most latest venture the truck certainly fits the theme and even if the demonstration didnt go as well as planned isnt it interesting that the truck is advertised as bullet proof mad max would be pleased were heading into reverse hunger games in the reverse under games of billionaires are being hunted and youve got your cyber truck youve got your solar panels and youre individually sovereign and these billionaires who come around are begging bowls trying to get morphia money give me one more free of money and theyre out in the no mans land well speaking of apocalypse the ongoing apocalypse in the fracking sector just as we had pointed out and of course we got in trouble from the big state about pointing out the truth and telling you to prepare yourself fracking blows up investors again phase 2 of the Great American shale oil and gas bust so in 2019 through this 3rd quarter 32 oil and gas drillers have filed for bankruptcy that makes 200 since 2015 and all the latest f. E. C. Filings are showing the enormity of the losses that are going on as weve said theyve never made money in the 10 years of fracking that has existed in the u. S. Never annually have they ever made money some individual producers have with the sweetest spots but there are very few sweet spots chesapeake has been burning cash ever since it started fracking to feed its cash burn machine it has borrowed large amounts and has been buckling under its debt for years selling assets to raise cash and keep drilling for another day but as debt is still nearly 10000000000. 00 its shares closed on friday a 0. 59 which is down like 90 something percent and over 5th and as you see filing it warned of its own demise unless oil and gas prices surge into the sky a. S. A. P. If continued depress prices persist combined with the scheduled reductions in the leverage ratio confident our ability to comply with the leverage ratio cov an interim the next 12 months will be adversely affected which raises substantial doubt about our ability to can you continue as a going concern i. E. Were bankrupt yeah gotta go to the kids or say were bankrupt then were going bankrupt then were going to need a bailout too and youve got to clean up this mess weve created fracking as weve pointed out was never a viable business but it was a great story and the story was we we need to be Energy Independent from those bad guys in the middle east and so people poured money into the story the same way people pour money into the we work story because the founder said im going to have a Global Real Estate play the Global Real Estate market is extremes of dollars on a baguette 5 percent of it or 10 percent of it the company is going to be worth you know 10 trillion dollars and the story sold because money is dispensed to people with good stories not to stop the spends to people who have Good Business plans you need a good story because most of the people of most of the money. Are beyond looking to make money theyre looking to be entertained theyre looking for to get a good story and so we work was a great story and it was a 48000000000. 00 catastrophe fracking was a great story its exciting were going to believe that the saudis are going to become the Number One Energy producer like word to wire some my money its a great story the Business Plan was nonexistent theyll never ever make money theyre all going to go bankrupt but you want to feel better about yourself doing it well the articles that hes looking at in this piece from wall street they actually talk i think its from wall street journal or bloomberg the Financial Press and they actually talk about the billionaires that have been wiped out because there was the 1st crash as he talks this is phase 2 phase one was in 2014 through 16 during the member the big crash in the oil prices and a load of billionaires poor do billions what they talk about 12. 00 brothers that lost a 1000000000. 00 by for throwing a 1000000000. 00 at the fracking thing which they thought at the bottom and 201532016 but as they point out here its like waiting petroleum which was one of these big fracking plays their shares were 370. 00 in august of 2014 today theyre 5. 34 so thats course than any of those i c os are all in october i was a stockbroker for many years and sometimes you have to take the role d of a priest where someone shows up with a lot of money and they fit their riddled with guilt you want to lose it and you need to relieve them of their guilt and show them how to lose all that money in a fracking stock ok we take the commission ill be happy to do so to keep the church of wall street going and youve been relieved of your guilt in the form of being disabused of your wealth and the cycle continues and all this glorious you know you often talk about your days on wall street when houston became a c 3 city be right out oil crash back that well what youre seeing in houston again and the in the 3rd quarter vacancy rates. In the business sector the Office Vacancy rate is at 24 percent and houston right now because of this white house going on and the fracking and oil sector right and the thing with houston and the Energy Market recovered in large part because of enron and enron had this is the answer that they were going to financial eyes everything then that was a spectacular flameout of course 80000000000. 00 aberrated one day and now during this crisis youll see another savior appear another enron like company because memory is short weve totally forgot about enron theyll be another enron like company that all arise from the ashes and will propose some monetization of all these problems to deliver the wall street crowd the dividends that they so richly dont deserve and cycle will continue and by the Way Investors will have to come to realize with grapple with the reality that their money was drilled into the ground and its gone but you are closer to god so stay tuned much more coming your way after this. Special something we can thank you so its a really good. Book because. We also. Talk to home dont we can russia think was over for get it. Through a couple. Of models of. Russian outlets eligibility for the International Competition season state which includes events likely to kill him picks and the fee for world cup in qatar if i am. Not here when you come in you know just as it was 4 years ago moscow antidoping plavix at the center of the scandal so who tampered with the duping samples database and what does greegor you have to do with it and you must. Shes doing is worse dr paul zameen is not. Welcome with us whats more not hes the push from the richest guy he was employed to expose me in the sometimes we dont have the bullshit in his name. So. Welcome back to the kaiser report im max keyser time now to go to south africa and talk with Abraham Cambridge of the sun exchange follows closure im an advisor i am i done iris i see on very well how he doesnt spend about 2 years since we last spoke so for those who dont recall tell us about some exchange what you call solar powered money some exchange is a peer to peer solar panel micro leasing platform and i was a baby and awoke to purchase a solar panel on line they guess and still would hit in sunny south africa and eventually sell electricity to organisations schools and chose one lakh reserves you name it anyone from a desktop computer or a mobile phone can now so the power of the greatest thing about that is the income generated from selling the cider is returned to people in big point so it effectively allows completely global irish of so pounds and wherever to the effect of the stream modify sunshine from one form into the other and why do you think this is profound is that many individuals especially these days are increasingly frustrated by that and the lack of action of of government to stop transition the world to cleaner and cheaper sources of energy such as solar power and that issue is no more important than than here in africa way gone its very slowly theres a giant need for cheaper more sustainable sources of energy well theres People Living in apartments in new york and london that would love to you decide a panel but dont hurry to put it on and through some exchange dot com people are now a recital panel in the sunniest places on earth so its basically a revenue split so the sun shine hits the solar panel the school gets some of that energy to offset their cost now theyre theyve. Comes solar power and then anybody who puts as little as 10 bucks into financing those panels gets part of the revenue they get at david and in the form of because that goes right to their back quite a while and suffer the investor who is participating in this game theyre turning sunshine into crypto currency and typically and it goes right into the wallet and its happening in south africa how has the project scaled over the past 2 years youve done a lot of deals right well this time last year we are producing about 150. 00 kilowatts of solar power during the during the daytime where now just about one point to make a will so we basically increase the installation capacity on africa by about 10 fold right now we go fight for Solar Projects under construction hiring schools and supermarkets were awesome own retirement home i mean these are organizations which benefit hugely from having a Lower Cost Energy and the list will forget that solar power is now the cheapest form of energy in the world so this is a really great opportunity for businesses to get access immediate access to Lower Costs Energy well as they bring people to a new solar panels i must point out this is not being issued as a dividend this is basically a micro power Purchase Agreement its somebody who is going to a website bought a sort of handle and is leasing about so about directv so a project better choice peer to peer hands to Pierce Odonnell might be releasing fair enough. We also just you know just post a major milestone with we just cherry did a google hour of atrocity just 1000000 kilowatt hours of electricity thats enough electricity to fully charge a tesla model s. Enjoyed it equivalent distance of the moon and back 9 times thats how much i trust you we are now through this platform and im just im thinking back to a book i read by Buckminster Fuller not too long ago he made. To the point that planet earth gets about a 1000 times more energy from the sun every day that it uses sun other words the sun is a so normas source of energy that up until recently has been untapped and instead people are burning fossil fuels and theyre doing other ways to generate energy which are incredibly inefficient and in places like india are just out of saying theyre undergoing ecological devastation the externalities of burning these fields as catastrophic heres the sun offering not only Plentiful Energy at cheap rates because a photo electric poundals but you have developed over some exchange a way for anybody essentially to tap into the sun and generate revenue from the sun the sunshine come here regularly and sear interior krypto wallet and totally the growth they are talking about there is phenomenal and. Have there been any projects that have failed during that time whats the success ratio you know you kind of 100 percent success ratio i mean when we launch a project on some exchange it sits on the market place and sort of the sort of house of bull once they very likely they produce power and be electricity is sos the end user and return to the solar panel because were just from your point really interesting thing you just said about your promise that for the amount of some point reaching the earth and it be much more efficient and effective to Source Energy from that i dont just point out that its almost unparalleled see whats going on with the in special Banking System and dont forget that. Bank of scotland off funding to explore a should i mean the keys i think so pipeline in the United States which has now leaked was funded by o. B. S. That was also bailed out during the last financial crisis and these the banks which are financing post groups were asians so some stranger as it still would seem to be going to join. Rest money away from main street high street banks which are using money to create more debt and to finance fossil fuels say money out of banks and put it into transparent Certain Energy projects with valuable assets on the line then they produce real valuable energy on a predictable time scale with returns this great a better place. And thats what our projects deliver and so the i mean the internal rate of return of our projects is over. 1112 percent are all im not going to focus on a 20 year lease so somebody could buy some of our projects but 20 years of income source from sunshine and as we were the sun is going to come up every day yes some days maybe shorter journey is so maybe longer over year basis is highly predictable the income that people produce from this great great great points there and you are as you point out taking money out of the banks pockets that are funding fossil fuels so its a its a really horrendous relationship between banks and the fossil fuel industry they Work Together they have been doing for decades they are dependent on each other to fuel this economic degradation here at sun exchange its an economic and an energy model that is completely divorced from the current model and if if anyone is concerned about the environment heres a way to monetize or concern youre making up to 12 percent a year internal rate of return which is a which is amazing so lab rate on how the how big coin works in the sun exchange as each kilowatt hours consumed by an end user own the other end of the solar panel the electricity is purchased and for whatever the lease is tied to the moment that tied to the South African rand and that is all about the converted into big coin through this african critter. Currency exchange which then has been returned into the hole it on i used to count i was really cool about that is that were tracking the Energy Production in real time so a very soon with the introduction of Lightning Network rails you can actually pay out peoples income as the electricity is produced in real time so you can written down stream of photons think about it into electrons being converted into cryptic currency by literally streaming monetise sunshine from from the sun source of power into some of my own i will it last last bit is coming too so this is really essential i used energy to decentralize our shit with the centralized money so this is history that you know the the ultimate vision of how the will be with. Fair economy to access to energy next to access to money isnt applicable to. Topping up batteries in other words he can it can energize battered batteries this wouldnt be as solar panels for schools but just to have freestanding batteries so you could have a station intermittently over there over that array and that would it be able to power up solar cars and sorry electric cars so the electric cars need energy and different power stations can you use this technology to keep lets say stations topped up with energy to keep those electric cars going its just as an agenda for the metric cars its a battery on wheels i mean and thats what i want your car is i mean this as long as you can charge the battery was sort of power we can measure how much lower power is going to the battery and then people can enjoy around on sunshine so its entirely possible it is a 1000000 ways you can use solar energy and chose to go into gaza stepping one of them and if anybody is looking for a cheap source of pounds charge their rhetoric on it what looks like the solar energy and this is. Why it makes no difference really on i want to talk a minute level what that Energy Policy is so how is now the cheapest form of energy so you know the likes of amazon and Google Facebook switching solar power on the data centers irrespective of whatever policies of the u. S. Government has a joint revive code because it makes no economic sense to do so so lets talk about the n. S. A. How big is the Solar Industry at the moment how fast is a growing globally regionally for you in Subsaharan Africa whats the market look like how much bigger is it going to get so i just sort of what was mornings over the next 9 years its projected that 2 terrells of atrocity generation from solar is going to be installed while white thats 2000000 get whats 2000 and you could house stations weapon at u. T. This could be below the next next 9 years theres already 300. 00 gig whats. In store what whites thats 300. 00 Nuclear Power stations with and your production is still the energy cost is coming down so production costs are coming down but then places like africa where Energy Access is ret the grid infrastructure has not been constructed yet at reliance on a centralised Energy Distribution model which is from the Victorian Era where they would have an essential oils cope our station pumping out how to address the country this is the most of it at trying to replicate it in new markets such as such as african nations and it doesnt work it takes too much time to connect centralised and she stations so rural areas so Energy Poverty is a writ if you access with interest you are very a real problem some of the power can be deployed very very fast in remote locations providing energy is cheaper barry was on a tube so the future africa really is decentralized energy is what we agreed to so enable is the radical esque acceleration of clean Energy Access across the continent and list all forget all that money future of africa is also. To carp so you mean here in south africa has got the greatest use case per capita of big point than anywhere else in the well people know this money works its transnational is universal it works across school just very quickly and easily and they work because you are from zimbabwe with uganda living in south africa its remit money back so the future of money constant is a big point if you share the energy from coast and it is. Im so sorry just to rebuild is too different what was it 2 parents together right a brand campers thanks for being on the kaiser report thanks for showing me all right thats going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser and Stacey Abbott like to thank our guests a brand cambridge of the sun exchange dot com if youd like to get in touch tweet us the kaiser report until next time by. The special something we can thank you so many to. Look to. The gulf where. You thought the whole doping can russia think was over forget it. Talk about career complete pressure we have some of the muscles of the. Russian outlets eligibility for the International Competition season steak this includes events like the tokyo lympics and the fee for world cup and qatar if i am in the early as last. Year when you come in you know just as it was 4 years ago moscow antidoping plavix at the center of the scandal so who tampered with the doping samples database and what does greegor you want she could have to do with it and you know she still has worked out the pool is immediate. The spots will not use the push on the richest book you will ship by to expose me in the ocean little devils suitable she did initially. In this community there are people who believe that its ok to suffer actually its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with lots of arguments and theres a lot of conflict within the game and between the 2 things most of the conflicts i would say are over balls around money and most of them money is made. Close one on the childrens cosimo each other is Good Business the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of the prison complex just to get some point to a life where. You dont care and one of my cares about you so youll care about anything. Please. Live. Live. Live. Live. Live live. Live. Live live. Live live. Live. Live. Live. Oh. Please. Live. Live live. Live. And very well might continue watching on since last. Thinking of getting a cue from the ones we got in here shes not around watch this video until you strap in this tiny little wired how much you dont need a crate with him he will just stir freaking out and she will want to spray him anywhere near and thousands of breeding dogs are caged in in human conditions on puppy farms i mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection. Its ok but you. Know its 2 kids. Across the u. S. Cruel puppy mills are supported by dog shows and pet stores most of the puppies are coming from these large Scale Factory farming kind of operations are being sold in stores even giant a Good Businesses are involved like cargill among santa there has been a shocking amount of the organizing opposition to adverts to increase the standards of care for dogs bred in commercial breeding for so many most of that opposition is coming from huge agricultural groups and industries that have nothing to do with dogs dont buy dog on o. T. 3 people are killed off or Saudi Air Force training opens fire the u. S. Naval base in florida the authorities are investigating whether its terror related. Tension spike between north korea and the United States as pyongyang says its no longer willing to hold forth on its nuclear program. No laughing matter of the u. K. Dimension charity shop he criticizes online retailers for selling a Christmas Card making fun of people without 5. There are ways you can cross jokes in order to secure. Away from people still no ability to my father had alzheimers before he died. And i didnt find it funny ever

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