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Studios and most of this is our International John thomas with us. Right here in the militants backed by Turkish Forces have launched an offensive against the syrian army in the province but they were pushed back by russian airstrikes donna has more on the latest developments. Basically what happened terrorist factions launched an offensive on the Syrian Forces who were holding one of the villages a village in that Northeastern Province a very large scale offensive supported by artillery strikes by the turkish army so that offensive or that was of such scale that the troops the syrian troops on the ground could not withstand it on their own so the ask the Russian Air Force to help out so it did but again that offensive that terrorist offensive was supported by turkish artillery so moscow had to intervene and reach out directly to ankara and ask them to stop the support to prevent militants from moving deeper into syria into the 24 aircraft of the Russian Air Force at the request of the syrian command have carried out air strikes against the dancing armed groups this allowed the syrian troops to successful the ripple all attacks the Turkish Ministry of defense has confirmed that 2 of its soldiers have been killed as a result of the airstrikes and 5 more wounded now it is not clear yet who fired those deadly rounds or what were the those Russian Air Force or the Syrian Air Force but still the situation is very very explosive given that now 3 independent 3 sovereign states have been engaged in a skirmish effectively in a deadly skirmish in one of those states being a nato ally as well its been a rapid escalation hasnt it just over the last day or so how did it reach this point well essentially turkey has been very vocal about the situation in libya and the turkish president earlier one has been telling syrians to get out of to move out of that province behind the troops line that had been preagreed back. Hes been the one has been giving deadlines to the syrian army by the end of february then we never going on the. Demand and saying that theres no deadline they should move to made immediately or the attack or the turkish attack would be imminent. I dont doubt that the operation is imminent in particular we will not leave it to the regime which is not yet understood our countrys determination on this issue and those who are encouraging it refuted to making it live a safe place for both turkey and the people of the region at all costs. Well it seems the push has come to shove now in the syrian province and interestingly turkey has been encouraged from abroad it has been encouraged by its main nato ally the United States theyve been sort of cheering ankara and saying that they are all along standing by their nato ally also literally hours before the advance whether or not it is a coincidence we dont know but an official nato twitter account an International Twitter account posted a promo video saying that we are nato and thats in turkish language now russia has been all along saying that turkey has failed to deliver on its promise ankara being. One of the guarantors of the Peace Process in libya has been tasked with delivering a clear distinction between radical hardline ji harvests and those groups who are ready to engage in dialogue and sit behind a table and talk to the Syrian Government and russia has been saying that it has failed to deliver on this key promise and key tasks so well certainly have a look whether this this mess in todays mess and will see all sides back at the negotiating table political commentator mario osman believes that turkey is trying to buy time on the ground in syria let us remind the audience that whats going on on the ground in sokoban or in nato which is an area or a village in south east is not inhabited by residents its only or by civilians its military zone it is where the Syrian Arab Army is advancing to liberate the city of idlib and its where the militants are residing its practically the last frontline that the militants can hold on to try and stop the Syrian Arab Army from advancing to adlib city what is happening right now is truly very dangerous but at the same time to provide it. Really speaking i think this is just the last straw jane politics on the ground that can be played by the turkish side before eventually sitting on the table with an intermediary of the russian side with the muskets and talking about how turkey will have to eventually leave the syrian land because its syrian learn and its the Syrian Arab Army trying to clean this land from terrorism so what is turkey doing there anyway. Cities in germany have held vigils for the 9 victims of wednesday nights shooting in the west of the country this is back to the attacker is believed to have had racist motives 5 of the victims were turkish nationals arties peter oliver has. 2 vigils have been taking place here in the german capital in response to the killings in the western city of now at the Brandenburg Gate that iconic symbol here in the center of berlin we saw people forming a human chain in solidarity with the people of haiti now also at another location in the city people saying that theyve come out onto the streets against racism and t. Semitism and right wing terrorism theres also been a vigil taking place in the city of where this incident took place frank felt the steinmeyer the german president was in attendance there have been other politicians out and about various events that have been taking place on thursday evening 9 people were killed 2 separate locations 2 she should bars in the western city of head now not far from the major city of frankfurt a 42 year old man who is believed to be the main suspect was later found dead at his home alongside his 72 year old mother eyewitnesses who with there when the shootings took place that she should bars have described the scenes and what they saw and heard you dont have such if you had to go i heard gunshots then i ran out and looked in the direction of the she should i couldnt see anything. I mean that the doors were open and people were running out of the other restaurants i heard from my neighbor that someone was shooting at the restaurants around back and told my guests to stay away from the window. I walked with my 2 little kids past the bar shortly before the shooting began through actually 100 meters from the place when i went up stairs i heard 5 to 7 gunshots. You know i came home at half past 9 parked my car and went upstairs we watch some t. V. Then my wife said there was a helicopter hovering overhead and i thought whats the matter we waited a little and then looked out the roof window and saw a large group of Police Officers about 25 of them with about 20 vehicles and they surrounded the house it was a strange thing to see. Of the attorney general is investigating links to right wing extremism in this case thats after a 24. 00 page manifesto was found in the possession of the main suspect in that manifesto he talks about hatred of foreigners and non white people he talks about the extermination of certain nations in north africa or in the middle east and in central asia its riddled with racist tropes as well as being full of a far right ideology searches things like eugenics theres also a video that emerged that was published just a few days ago from this man this 42 year old german man who is the main suspect in the shooting in the shootings in this video which gives no clue that he may have been preparing to take a to carry out this attack he speaks in english its understood its being directed towards a u. S. Audience and its full of conspiracy theories really. What we have seen though is a number of politicians coming out in condemnation of this attack also the german chancellor Angela Merkel saying that there would be a full investigation and. No stone will be left unturned. Its too early to give a conclusive assessment everything is being done to find out what was behind this murder but a lot already suggests far right racist motives of their tacker he apparently acted out of hatred towards people of different descent religion or appearance racism is a poison hatred is a poison and this poison exists in our society and has led to many crime. So the feeling here in germany really one of sadness of mourning but certainly of anger that this was able to happen in the 1st place in the wake of the shooting the chairwoman of the ruling c. D. U. Party was quick to point the finger at rivals from the alternative for Germany Party accusing them of having extremist tendencies. Even in theater i mentioned if you look at their texas profile it seems like he had racist xenophobia as well as far right motives and this transcends mean my believe therefore the c. D. U. Should always be clear not only for the c. D. U. But for all parties in germany that they can be no corporation with a party which tolerates far right extremists and lets call a spade a spade not since im on its ranks so we are resolved to have no cooperation with the f. D. A. In any shape or form its important to keep the spine. Of the tentative for germany its more or less the parliamentary wing of a right Wing Movement and if not the right wing terrorists if they want or not they are the ones who give the key. To terrorists and every collaboration by other parties with the what. But give this party more credibility in the eyes of the followers so we have a level in the public debate that is more of a child than a rational political debate and when i hear it yesterday night about it shooting i instinctively knew that our opponents would blame us for being responsible for it it is completely ridiculous and i can only ask everyone to read that money fester of this crazy terrorist and then compare it to what we are doing and then its all views that its nonsense but no one reads of money 1st 2. 00 and so opponent think if they only repeat and repeat and repeat that we are somehow linked to that or that that this terrorist had links to us than enough people would believe in ok maybe it happens but its just fake news and of course we fight against it fake news. For decades greece has been locked in a tug of war with the u. K. Over the parthenon marbles but in. Is a contest athens has never won however it seems brags it could change all of that amid reports that historic sculptures could be part of trade negotiations the parthenon marbles were current are currently on display at the British Museum they were taken from athens 2 centuries ago and greece says that the u. K. Should return what is effectively stolen property but a government spokeswoman says the u. K. s position has not changed the case position on the parthenon sculptures remains unchanged they are the legal responsibility of the British Museum that is not up for discussion as part of our trade negotiations or a cultural historian wendy early and a political and social commentator morons are shared their thoughts on the story. You cant go around the world nicking stuff and then just saying were going to keep hold of it because its really valuable and we want people to come and see it it just is awash now adays in a i hate you saying it but in a relatively woken like in Society People are asking for their stuff back and its very hard to construct a case when we go around the world stealing stuff and dont get back i think history itself is a very complicated place to go history is complex we do very well in britain Education System and so our western media missed telling and misstating it we we dont half pick and choose what and how we tell history i mean we can say that the item and this is the worst of it. But in time to me we should be trying to we should be trying to have a discussion about this rather than you trying to interrupt me and the point i know its a case not only do i know he believes there is a history what we can do with these mothers now is continue to learn about history continues one to stand their histories and continue to develop our knowledge by returning them back willy nilly to places that demand them were not caring for the objects themselves were not looking at these as. Pieces of our heritage of Global Heritage every single argument you make for keeping them away can be used for returning them im sure the greek people you know the home of democracy some great thinkers you might consider will be able to figure out how to display this to the public we shouldnt be just using them as as kind of political footballs all taking the moral taking taking the moral high ground taking the moral high ground we live in a world that is constantly changing and we need to i think recognise that you know that these are bigger than the moment this moment in history my concern is that by not coming under the auspices of the European Court of justice were not going to be held accountable how on earth is the British Government ever going to be held accountable for the sins that it commits as a state at home and overseas if we dont have a higher court to answer. So i think britain is is perfectly poised to be able to do exactly what it wants and i think in terms of brechts it that discussion about it is a discussion about democracy its about sovereignty theres no point in kind of really hashing old historical arguments when we are when i think were in a completely new place where people in britain are thinking about how do we have a future where were free of a bureaucracy outside of person that were not that is not accountable to us and how can we can tie on a far lighter than a losing argument. Well ok thats your opinion. Hysteria is spreading in 3 ukrainian regions where protests have been held over the countrys nationals being brought back from the coronavirus epicenter in china the fight carrying flight carrying 73 people evacuated from war hand eventually landed in the ukrainian city of harkov now demonstrators have clashed with police in the town where the passengers are meant to be quarantined. Right. Was no no no no no no no no no. Oh. God oh. God i think it. Was. So far ukraine has yet to see one case of the corona virus but many people clearly are quite scared of even taking that chance in the region of lavals groups of protesters worse were seen blocking the streets to a Major Hospital where the passengers were supposed to be quarantined after arriving in the country riot police were quickly sent to the scene they could be seen dragging people from the streets and even some of them were hospital workers themselves now for the past couple days other skirmishers between protesters and the police have become widespread across the country but the ukrainian authorities are saying are trying to reassure people that none of these passengers were affected or infected by the coronavirus about half of them were ukrainian or ukrainian and the rest come from a number of Different Countries but all of them have been screened twice before being allowed to board the plane now the governments been trying to find a quarantine area for a while now and amidst all the chaos of these new protests president selenski says that these reactions are not really something to be proud of these reactions to something that was supposed to be a gesture of goodwill to help people in need is a shame the not all of us can be proud of the humane reaction the efforts to show to find ways to blow close spittles not to let ukrainians back to ukraine we want demonstrating the best of our character here especially given the majority of the passengers are under 30 to most of us they are almost children now the passengers are bound for a Health Center in the Poltava Region of ukraine but with such a negative reaction to something intended to be a gesture of goodwill well have to see how similar attempts in the future to fight the coronavirus fair if there are any at all. Man has been stabbed inside a mosque in london thats right much more after a short break this is hard to international. Bob dylan once said money doesnt talk it screams former republican new york city mayor Michael Bloomberg is proving this just the sheer force of lavish spending has made him a serious contender to capture the democratic nomination are we experiencing peak travel arrangements syndrome. And welcome back this is our international now an elderly man who was believed to be leading the call to prayer at a mosque in Central London has been stabbed in the neck he saw early reports now from the british capital. What we know so far is that the gentleman the mizen is that school at this mosque in Central London this is one of the 1st mosques to be established in the u. K. He was reading the call to prayer for the afternoon prayers around 3 or 330 in the afternoon when he was stabbed in the neck by another person who has since been arrested the 29 year old now just the gentleman the victim in question is said to be in his seventys and hes in hospital now where hes expected to survive that attack despite it being a starving attack in the neck now weve spoken to some people who have been inside the mosque earlier this evening and earlier on in the afternoon and they say that according to officials here at the mosque the gentleman whos been arrested the man whos been arrested was seen here before he had been a visitor here but had perhaps been seen as somebody of an outsider was suspicious in some way so its unclear whether this is someone who was an attendee of the mosque or someone who was possibly staking out in preparation for an attack like this in any case the police have released a statement they say theyre not treating it as terrorists at this time but of course tensions and fears will be high in the u. K. And especially amongst the Muslim Community here. U. K. Home secretary has unveiled a new point based visa system the scheme is intended to reduce the number of low skilled Migrant Workers entering the country. This is the 1st time in decades the government has been able to take control run its own immigration system after weve left the European Union and Free Movement and low skilled migration to our country which means that we will get migration numbers down and that essential to this policy of a points based system the new system requires an immigrant to prove their knowledge of the english language as well as professional qualifications and skills in existing job offer meeting minimum salary would also be required ph d. Qualified specialists would receive extra points making it easier for them to gain entry but the new rules would have proven quite a challenge for those who have already made a career in the u. K. I dont know if id actually be in this country under these rules would you with your parents they wouldnt qualify it with this is a very different system to what is going on in the past and dont forget this is a point based system on the labor market. Non u. K. Citizens have until now made up a substantial part of the countrys workforce with close to a 1000000 immigrants working in the low skilled sector in 2018 liberal democrat politician Jonathan Fryer believes it will not take long for the new system to reveal its faults really a very dangerous game that the home secretary is playing basically just to satisfy the promises that the conservative party made during the general election and to deliver briggs it as it was proposed many businesses have warm but its just unreal this stick to assume that you can change the nature of the workforce in the way that the home secretary and presumably the Prime Minister want this doesnt solve the problem which i think is going to arrive very soon which is this country needs a lot of people in whats hot for the moment lower paid jobs basically what this new policy is saying is that the sorts of work theyre doing often for not very high pay is not being valued and that maybe theyre not being valued as members of our society. In norwegian concrete firm has lost its legal bid for damages from of the government over a botched attempt to recruit its employees working in russia as spies arties my financial reports. It drains like an unlikely story a government with quite literally a concrete plan for spying now we gen intelligence a used one of the countrys Successful Companies to snoop on russia but when caught red handed the company has been left empty handed with its hugely lucrative contract ripped in pieces. But dont blame the now we just saw a taste for that and filed a case against them but lost now its preparing to appeal were earning it twill affect the countrys business and its relations with russia it will for sure have great impact on other Norwegian Companies plan and activities in russia no way has a very hostile attitude towards its business in russia. It is unclear whether the alleged attempt spied in the region Intelligence Services were successful or not but the company had been the only one to get the hard to win contracts with russia that surprised many people from. Tough guys when i was minister of Foreign Affairs we were in contact with them he struck me then there was actually no one who succeeded in russia except for one they did not come from the russian neighboring region nor did they have any of the natural conditions for success in the moment but they got it it seems that the battle is not yet over not until the courts final decision is set in concrete or that does it for me this hour ill be back with more news at the top of the next hour this is our 2 international. Intentions of architecture. In question and maybe even 40 years ago. Simply evaporated not so you can impress yourself. Were still in an era of resource colonialism again this is a big risk and the one big thing that could really inhibit the kind of electric vehicle revolution that a lot of us want to see is if we cant resource the battery components in a sustainable ethical way then its not going to be a successful revolution. In the troubled 19 seventies a group of killers rampage through parts of Northern Ireland that was coordinated loyalist attacks particularly on the population of belfast tens of thousands were forced to flee their homes and what was striking to put these attacks was that the or you see the Police Actually took part in the attacks so instead of preventing. They were active participants in the burning of the streets in belfast i think more than a 100 innocent civilians well. I was there if you can see in years i mean somehow more i was surprised about the extent of the crater which the killers and was involved in some of those cases the killers would later be named the then again i think it went to the very same very top i think it gave. The water where all the patients you thought was going on and give the go ahead. Welcome to the alex im sure we returned to the subject which provided one of the crunch quotes of todays amazement or to government the plight of unaccompanied child refugees seeking to join family members in this country in 2017 when the house of lords held an enormous way in the house of commons was finally balanced the issue of unaccompanied child to fijis was brought to the center of the bricks to beat large up some self brought to this country as a child refugee from nazi germany seized the opportunity to propose an amendment to the may withdrawal bill which the make government were then forced to accept as i arrived in this country in the summer of 939 as another company child if you jade in fact this comes to you at the time ill put safety to some 10000 chill. And it is thanks to nicky winton who helped organize kinda transport from czechoslovakia that i got here tall and i almost certainly owe my life to him once in a while the major challenge is to test our humanitarianism and europes effigy this is surely one such challenge but within that there is i believe need to do something about unaccompanied child i could use in europe im like other children to be able to safety in this country and be given the same welcome and opportunities that i had how things have changed when the house of lords similarly amended the johnson withdrawal bill the government use its Newfound House of commons muscle last month so overturn it without any set of many tournaments this week or 2 more summit for. The other place in the name of the noble lord lord ups where the government humbly disagreed with the noble lords a moment this moment in no way affects our commitment to see can and agreements with the e. U. Primary later suasion cannot deliver the best outcomes for these children as it cannot guarantee

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