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Q. Broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our International Control thomas for the type of the. Art leading politicians in germany have lashed out at the end to immigration f d party in the wake of wednesdays racially motivated mass shooting in which left 9 people dead although the authorities have not established a direct link between the attacker and the Party Lawmakers are arguing the a. F. P. Has helped create an atmosphere of xena phobia and hatred. But i had at 1st glance it looks like it was a lone wolf but that one member doubts that they were those who had provided him with this ammunition and the differently moment gifted in germany struggles to come to terms with the events of this weeks tragic slayings in hull now weve seen politicians from the Christian Democratic Union the social democrats they are part of the Ruling Coalition as well as the left party and the greens as well coming out and accusing alternative media day of funding the flames of far right extremism in the country of course theres a direct connection between the growing strength of the f. D. A. And the increase in right wing violence citizens of foreign descent are being denied their Human Dignity its so dangerous because it brings some to a point where they commit a crime here we have a fatal disinhibited at work and the f d bears responsibility for that too 9 people were killed this week 2 shooting incidents at 2 separate she should bars in the city of hama all of those that were killed were from an immigrant background most of them were young people as well we heard from one eyewitness he described for us the scenes of that night condom on the man came in and started shooting at a kiosk then he came to us he shot the 1st person in the head then shot of the 2nd person well drop down to the ground i pretended to be dead we all pretended to be dead we all fell down in a heap the shooter had emptied his magazine and by then and just run away. From my eyes i was ok i was still alive but i just didnt want to believe it was real i asked unitive everything was ok he groaned he got me he got me there was a hole in his neck i shouted the other guy to ask if he was ok he hadnt seen a bullet in the shoulder yet he didnt see the blood as he was wearing a coat he said jamiroquai i stood up and saw interest lying to his brother nasser who is dead and the others were lying there too so i went out and peeped into the key. The people in their rules i didnt know what to do i just couldnt believe it was happening or police have confirmed that the main suspect had killed himself his body was found alongside not of the 72 year old mother the 42 year old own and 2 weapons legally the handgun that he used to carry out the attack had been modified to allow it to release bullets quicker is that alongside calls for tighter security and more surveillance of far right activity in germany there are also calls for tougher gun laws in the country peter by sharon is the a half decent Foreign Policy speaker in the bundestag he told us why he believes the party is being targeted. The killer was d a paranoid he was sued because of threatening the police said it very soon on twitter. This guy had no connection to any any Political Group to any to ride to extremists to any right wing groups and what this world as terrible as the situation that the the all the Political Parties are trying to stick it somehow to the a. F. P. This is the only way how can they manage to fight against us because they have no real political arguments and pull into political discussion so therefore they are always just trying to push us into a right to in corner so that people who are afraid even to talk to us to listen to our political arguments we are we are living in in the very heavy political oppression in my mind we are not free to express what we want our people are. Under a tag of left extremist and. You know what what happened now is that we are putting in the corner where we dont belong. The leaders of turkey and russia spoke by on friday about the deadly conflict in syria is italy but province one of many put an end reptile you better one said that they remain committed to the previous the escalation agreements earlier this week militants back to my turkey launched an offensive against Syrian Government positions near the town of all near up. Im. Not fucking. Much. With an estimated 900000 people displaced by the violence 2 u. S. Lawmakers have called for secretary of state might bump aoe to take diplomatic action against syria and russia at the same time though American Military officials have also acknowledged the complexity of the situation in italy admitting that the province has become a haven for extremist factions is liberal and seems to be a magnet for terrorist groups especially because it is an im going space in many ways the rev wright of groups there all of them are a nuisance a menace and a threat to hundreds of thousands of civilians who are just trying to make it through the winter are he has done of now takes a closer look at how it has become a key flashpoint in the syrian conflict or drawing in competing international powers. Pushes coming to shove in syria turkey and the us russia israel and multiple militant factions all skirmishing in the country and previous motives for warring are fading into oblivion. Its time for assad to get out of the way. We have won a good study says weve beaten them and we beat them badly all that is a thing of the past now as new goals vividly take shape the latest fighting in ad lib is a mere accessory to the geopolitical connotation is global and regional superpowers sparring with each other for dominance ideological and moral borders are blurred with turkey a nato country theming up with terrorists to push syrians out of their own province. The operation is imminent in particular we will not leave it to the regime which is not yet understood our countrys determination on this issue and those who are encouraging it for a few minutes and making it live a safe place for both turkey and the people of the region at all costs militants shamelessly boasting turkey provided a. P. C. s coming on mosques covered by turkish artillery fire russias air force joins the Party Together with syrians repairing the onslaught as. Moscow officially asks ankara to hold its fire and so it does to prevent militants from moving deeper into syria into su 22. 00 of the Russian Force at the request of the syrian command have carried out and strikes against the terror groups the salada syrian troops the successful the ripple all attacks but turkey is not alone in this fight while jihadi groups are doing the bloody bidding on the ground washington cheers from over the atlantic that a very good job or say shit with the president her to watch the fact is that hes fighting on it led he doesnt want people to be killed by the thousands and hundreds of thousands the United States will continue to coordinate with turkey on diplomatic approach is to restore a cease fire to the it lead deescalation zone and achieve a pullback of assad Regime Forces to the 2018 so she ceasefire lines the us has its own stake in the syria war and it hasnt signed on very particular and well predictable prizes from geo political dominance to well oiled we did leave so just because were keeping the oil we may have to fight for the oil thats ok i like the oil yet a nother act in this conflict israeli jets routinely hit targets on syrian soil its clear what israel wants to to weaken irans influence yet another power playing its hand and this massive and messy political gamble unfortunately for the people of syria since 2011 their country has been used as a chessboard on which the syrians appear as pawns and its somebody elses geo strategic chess board in particular the United States and its allies basically tore syria apart partly designed to topple the. Secular but legitimate government in syria the sovereign government the government recognized by the United Nations partly to topple that government and partly to claim different parts of syria for themselves syria has an important place in geo strategic we in geographically in this resource rich region of the middle east it also has. So yes what weve seen the tragedy of syria the tragedy of the socalled civil war is actually a proxy war by International Players using the syrian country the syrian battlefield as a proxy battlefield. The United Nations has sharply criticized rioters in central ukraine after they attacked a bus taking a vacuum from china to acorn 100 facility fearing the spread of the new coronavirus dozens of locals in novi some jari demonstrated against the arrival of 45 nationals and 27 foreigners from the city at the epicenter of the outbreak 0. The flight from the chinese city of luan where tens of thousands of people have been infected landed in the ukrainian city of harkov on thursday the clashes left 9 Police Officers and one civilian injured and hes done quarter as the story. Say some new people moved into the neighborhood they came from the epicenter of the deadly coronavirus pandemic perhaps youd be worried or angry but it would be hard to match the anger brewing in ukraine to just that situation. Coke. 00. 000. 000 ok. For the past several days ukraine has seen violent clashes across the country scores of policemen have been injured by locals throwing bricks riot police have been called in to disperse angry mobs and its all because the ukrainian authorities tried to do a good deed for the International Community they accepted with open arms a number of their countrymen and foreigners trying to flee by plane assuring the public the passengers were 100 percent coronavirus clean an important detail when ukraine itself has yet to see a case of the disease a Quarantine Zone was even set up at a Health Center in poltava just to be sure but the protesters did all they could to stop that plane from landing and when that failed they started blocking roads until riot police removed them by force. Her own you. Know the number of. The bus has made it to their destination in the end but theyre on welcome reception wasnt exactly what kiev expected presidency lansky even called out the protesters for showing the uglier side of their humanity its a shame the not all of us can be proud of the humane reaction the efforts to show funny ways to. Spittles not to let ukrainians back to ukraine were not demonstrating the best of our character here especially given the majority of the passengers are under 30 to most of us they are almost children children are not ukraines protesters dont seem to be up for a game of russian roulette with the coronavirus. U. S. Weapons worth hundreds of millions of dollars are believed to have fallen into the hands of extremists in syria this story and much more after a short break this is our international. Media a reflection of reality. In the world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Tyson nation community. Are you going the right way or are you being let. Go of. What is true. Is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallows. This whole business about blaming russians americans is getting really pathetic because heres a guy whos effectively trying to dehumanizing a group of people slavic people of the stakes this is remarkably ironic coming from life like. This is r. T. International i plan to go on that report has accused the u. S. Military of failing to keep track of weapons worth hundreds of millions of dollars in syria it suggests weapons were left vulnerable to loss or theft and comments. If you were spending hundreds of millions of dollars to send weapons to a foreign country it would probably pay to keep track of them but apparently thats the last thing that was on the pentagons mind when it came to Operation Inherent resolved in syria. Special Operations Joint Task force Operation Inherent result person who did not account for the budget is 715800000 of count on train and equip Fund Equipment for fiscal years 2017 and 28 seen hundreds of weapons were not properly stored duplicate purchases were made the amount spent went higher and higher now that might give critics of the military Industrial Complex something to complain about but thats not the crux of the problem here take a listen to this special Operations Joint Task force operation in hebron resolve on 1st that sustainment command personnel left thousands of Council Offices trained and equipped for and weapons and sensitive equipment items fordable to muscle theft without conducting consistent inventor reason ensuring proper security for c t e f s equipment 1st c. S. C. Could not determine where the items were lost or stolen which could delay the initiation of an investigation so lets be clear theyre saying theyre not 100 percent sure that these weapons and it up in the hands of isis terrorists but that theres a pretty good chance they did now that should raise plenty of questions especially for those who recall that back in 2718 the socalled vetted opposition was getting stock loads of handouts in weapons from the pentagon. The original fiscal year 2017 president s budget requests to train and equip and fits in syria funds training and equipment for about 14000 part of foods troops from the vetted Syrian Opposition seems like some of these vetted opposition were not really interested in fighting the ice real terrorists they just focused on their ongoing efforts to violently overthrow the Syrian Government one of our Partner Forces there unilaterally conducted patrols outside of the agreed upon deescalation zone and engaged in activities not focused on fighting isis it seems like american weapons pretty consistently end up not in the hands of terrorist fighters but in the hands of terrorists themselves lets see whats been captured. 715000000. 00 can buy are a lot of ammunition now and that much goes missing in a war torn country thats crawling with terrorists eyebrows should be raised for comparison the republic of the congo and gonna spend less than 715000000. 00 in their annual military budgets latvia spends slightly more in 27. 00 team approximately 1000000000. 00 worth of arms transfers were not properly monitored by the pentagon big mistakes were made in this arm and equip program it partly its an accounting issue because the pentagon as we know has never been successfully audited they tried to audit the pentagon once and it was an absolute failure. They have no idea where the money goes and thats one half of the problem they just dont care because its not about the fence its about 1st of all the military Industrial Complex the more weapons you lose the more you can buy and its this kind of symbiosis that the war machine in washington has so that is on one hand but on the other hand i think theres an intentional lack of oversight with regard to weapons in syria weve seen so many times advanced American Military technology in the hands of isis and their offshoots in the region theres a been a flood of weapons into the region there are no consequences to the u. S. Its only a benefit to the well politically connected military Industrial Complex in washington d. C. To manufacture and send over more weapons they dont care about the misery of the people on the ground who have to suffer u. S. Leaders frequently describe their operations in the middle east as efforts to stabilize the region but nothing brings stability like going into war torn country is crawling with terrorists bringing in hundreds of millions of dollars worth of weapons and then accidentally losing them caleb up and r. T. New york. Britains largest arms maker be a e systems has received a backlash online after its chief executive boasted about the firms bumper profits last year 21 seems a good year for the company we grew sales by 7 percent. And that enabled us to grow individually like Foreign Office which is the greatest increase weve had to give it in the past 8 years. B. A. Isas tems is the leading defense contractor in europe. The 4th largest in the world its most lucrative customer is saudi arabia which accounts for 15 percent of annual Group Earnings the companys dealings with riyadh have been repeatedly called into question over accusations the gulf kingdom has committed numerous war crimes in yemen saudi arabia launched a Bombing Campaign in yemen back in 2015 to help the government fight a hoot the rebel insurgency since then the war has claimed more than 100000 lives millions of people have been displaced and much of the country is in ruins be a he has always insisted it complies with all arms licensing regulations but that has not stopped the criticism online. So glad killing people has brought you nice dividend manufacturing weapons of death and sell them to questionable states to murder kids but well done. Systems profits more than just financial killing. Didnt at the expense of human life murderers andrew smith is a Media Coordinator for the campaign against the arms trade he told us earlier that governments need to take a far more stringent approach to weapons sales. Criticism of b. Has to be that it is arming and supporting some of the digital interests of the she was in the bottle just his putting weapons into the war zone in yemen which is making the situation in measurably worse because rape no nothing to objects which are made by systems of flying over yemen where fighting missiles which you need by. Missile companies has one virtue and by the systems longer about what is going on and more they have profiteered because where everybody is war and conflict there will always be major armed companies trying to profit from it because the problem isnt just the companies that will become pleased to have responsibility of a problem arbet governments are taking such a relaxed approach to arms that the arms control and are actively arming and supporting human rights abusing regimes dictatorships in war zones around one of its bats lead is about level of Political Support for the arms industry which really needs which needs to stop immediately. Iran has condemned the latest u. S. Sanctions imposed over fridays parliamentary election washington earlier blacklisted 5 members of Irans Guardian Council accusing them of unlawfully disqualifying candidates from the ballot one of those officials gave his reaction saying the restrictions have nothing to do with supporting democracy even without boycotts and sanctions on members of the Guardian Council the u. S. Regime has shown that it has nothing to do with democracy its a business and its to stop this dictatorship and milk the region like a cow we are now more determined to lend our votes to the people polling stations across iran close to a few hours ago with more than 7000. 00 candidates vying for 290 seats in parliament all candidates were vetted by the 12 member Guardian Council which is responsible for interpreting the constitution and overseeing elections its the 1st nationwide ballot since u. S. Sanctions against iran were reinstated after washingtons pullout from the iran nuclear deal. I mean election comes at a challenging time for iran with the economy in recession and recent hostilities with the u. S. Over the killing of a gentle soul in many middle east analyst support already gave us her views on the latest sanctions i think that its fine for the west to be pointing the finger at iran because that when theyre actually quite 104 fingers at themselves showing because the world now has come to laugh at america at the elections that theyve been holding to farce and the lies and propaganda but i think theres also a dark message in the us and i think that is to agitate iranians inside iran and polarized. The United States wants to give the impression that is on the side of the people who have who are more progress and theyre dug reformists theres nothing more outrageously open than obvious about the interference with these sanctions because the sanctions insult as far as the monetary things girl doesnt make any difference its just the message theyre sending and theyre saying how do you not pick the candidates that we would approve of more thats basically what it is. Our in just under 33. 00 and a half minutes ill be back with more news at the top the hour of his arch international. Was. Going to. Be. This up to you culpable more than other more through the mob but in your circles want to. Get. Into before the much for the privilege of a little a minute to do it when there. Was. A whiting good bit of produce here already in the simpson but never you know made a simple choice. Did he do. That that. Julian associate travels to sweep to deliver a speech while there he met 2 women aged 3126 the wiki leaks founder was soon involved in an intimate relationship with both of them. The woman who. And find it him. Also offered her. Which is studio so theres only one theres only one bed in a tent she said im going to be away you can stay so great. How everythings chang and the woman came back. And. Wanted julian to stay there in. Those women the really approached him it seems like especially the younger ones saw him on t. V. Fell into law whatever that means to be the person that it looks like someone who wants to be a rock n roll groupie or something approaching him and really chasing him down and finally she also succeeds in it and they share a one night stand which at some point becomes a balticon dont you know. It was only after learning that a song should slept with both of them at the women decided to go to the police that proved to turning point both from wiki leaks founder Julian Assange it was when this story took a very different. Women went to the police. Ones there to report her rape their report they wanted to encourage him to have an h. R. Vetoes because they have had sex with him unprotected and. So there was no like actual rape right there was no violence there although all the newspapers afterwards they were saying rape allegations rape allegations there was no actual rape that this is Serious Business is that this is exactly this is that was the aim of the whole exercise to start hearing the word rape in connection with Julian Assange

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