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Super spreaders of the coronavirus well tell you all about it all right its time to boost your news i. Q. Or its still no deal on the Coronavirus Relief bill a bill that has already failed twice this week and to make matters even more complicated senators are calling it a day and they may not be back in session anytime soon. Has been following the story for days so fair and what more can you tell us so we know House Speaker nancy pelosi she did say that major progress was made republicans did give some things up but democrats they still want more however its been discovered by a high ranking g. O. P. Member that the senate might not even vote on this for about 3 weeks why well next week the senate is. On recess for 2 weeks senator roy blunt stressed that the decision is up to Majority Leader Mitch Mcconnell but he thinks the chamber will go on recess telling the hill quote my guess is we probably dont come in next week and then dont come in the 2 weeks were scheduled but use those 3 weeks to get ready for whatever is phase 4 now republican senators are in a jam to pass their bill but today you even had democratic senator doug Jones Crossing the aisle voting to pass the bill saying that progress has been made and were running out of time and the senate is currently scheduled to be in session through friday april 3rd and after that its the senates 2 week recess now the irony to all of this the senate was actually scheduled to be out of session last week but changed plans to stay in washington all the past a 2nd coronavirus responsible and start crafting a 3rd well monday Speaker Pelosi and House Democrats introduce their own Coronavirus Relief bill this is the house left last week without a return date so thats why blunt says that the senate could likely stay around to see what the house does on legislation. Obviously the president wants to move this or anything forward and many say one way to do that is by telling the whole country to get back to work by easter or whats going on there in just 1000 days manila so the Coronavirus Task force briefing it wasnt at the White House Press room today like it normally is rather it was in the rose garden with interviews with fox news where the task force had a virtual town hall take a listen here. You said that we would im paraphrasing now you would like to be back to normal by Easter Sunday yes thats 19 days from now ok is that true is that possible or is that its so simple why isnt it i mean weve never closed the country before and weve had some pretty bad flus and weve had some pretty bad viruses and i think its absolutely possible now people are going to have to practice all of the social distancing and dont shake hands and wash their hands and all of the things that were doing now but we. To get our country back to work theyre going to lose their jobs maybe never to get them back theyre going to lose their business is never to get them back we want to start up as soon as we can because were going to have a very quick comeback if we do that. Now the president s prediction however was shot down today by top officials at the pentagon who predicted the outbreak could actually last anywhere from 10 weeks to 3 months now trumps announcement comes as unemployment numbers have searched last week there were 281000 unemployment claims made by the end of this week the department of labor is projecting more than 2250000 claims will be filed reporting in washington fair and fronsac. And those hospitals and medical facilities across the u. S. Face massive shortages of coronavirus tests and even basic supplies the Trump Administration is poised to invoke the defense production act for the 1st time this week arties Rachel Blevins join me a little earlier to discuss the Current Situation and filed this report listen. Courts are now claiming that the trumpet administration is set to use the defense production act for the 1st time to obtain more than 60000. 00 coronavirus test kits this according to the administrator for the federal Emergency Management agency who said the decision was made because there are some test kits the government needs to get their hands on you also sort of language from the d. P. A. Will be inserted and to a mass contract for 500000000 masks invoke the defense production act in an executive order issued last week this appears to be the 1st time his administration is putting it to use however did take to twitter Tuesday Morning where he said the defense production act is in full force but havent had to use it because no one has said no millions of mass coming as a backup to states now the defense production act which was signed into law back in 1950 during the korean war gives the federal government the authority to direct private companies to meet the needs of National Defense that the president use loans and other and sent. To boost production of materials and it has been invoked during war natural disasters and as a response to terrorism while the defense production act does not fully nationalize private companies it does give the president the power to force companies to prioritize government contracts trump previously claimed he did not need to invoke the d. P. A. Because Companies Like ford General Motors and tesla were already shifting their priorities to make ventilators and other Metal Products in response to the coronavirus pandemic but while the shifts in production could take months to come about some lawmakers and state officials argue that the u. S. Should have invoked the d. P. A. Long ago because the federal government has more leverage when it comes to their purchasing Power New York Governor Andrew Cuomo said on twitter we need the federal government to use the defense production act so that we can get the medical supplies we desperately need we cant just wait for companies to come forward with offers and hope they will this is a National Emergency right now the u. S. Is facing shortages of everything from coronavirus testing kits to surgical masks states across the country have reported a lock of basic supplies and the c. D. C. Has responded by Encouraging Health care workers to improvise by using materials like bandanas in place of the mask they desperately need and right now the United States ranks 3rd in the list of countries with the most confirmed coronavirus cases and while the trumpet ministration appears poised to gradually invoke the defense production act the increasing shortage of supplies has raised questions about whether the u. S. Will be prepared for the worst of the virus when it hits reporting in the newsroom Rachel Blevins archie. And florida corona virus cases continue to rise topping 1400 as of today and miami beach has now issued a stay at home orders for all its residents this as the governor continues to stand behind his decision to not issue a state wide lockdown as businesses remain closed in many counties and cities and concerns continue about the Economic Impact in a state that relies heavily on tourism are to correspondent john how he has the report. Well governor the sentence is opinion by the way there was definitely not shared and its contrary to what many top Public Officials here in florida are saying and that is that people should absolutely be self isolating to stop the spread of the disease at this point there are more than 1400 confirmed cases of the coronavirus here in florida in comparison last week there were less than 200 so you can see how much that has collated and speaking of the Governor News just came out that he once florida declared a disaster area he sent a letter to President Trump last night it was made public today basically saying that the state has already spent upwards of 200000000. 00 in fighting this ongoing disease on the spread of it so. Thats some new information that were seeing the census also said in comments yesterday as far as why hes not basically shutting the state down he said quote you simply cannot lock down our society with no end in sight flurried in are willing to do what it takes i dont think that its going to stay in your house for 9 months thats just not going to work. And i mentioned this yesterday is really left up to the various cities and counties in florida to make the determination whether or not to close the beaches to close businesses to close Non Essential Services that kind of thing many have including here in the city of miami and Miami Dade County certainly after a ton of controversy regarding people not self isolating and in some areas continue to not only go out to the various beaches and parks but also on boats and that seems to have changed at this point but spring break you know was essentially in full swing as of last week on tuesday before being shut down by the county and you know there were hundreds if not thousands of students spring breakers on south beach partying even going into the weekend going out boats in the various part. Cruises despite the shutdown and ongoing concerns about the spread of this virus that said 5 students at the university of tampa have since tested positive for the corona virus so a vacuum raises concerns about these kids you know spreading and contracting in you know spreading it around so according to the university they were traveling together for spring break we dont have much more as far as that goes but this you know just basically jobs one of the concerns that were hearing governor dissent is continues to take heat over not issuing a state wide beach Closure Order there are some beaches in the central northern part of the state that do remain order you just can get on various websites you can see that hes also being sued at this point by at least one attorney here in florida over the fact that he hasnt issued a state wide order there remains of course a debate both here in florida and nationally about how long businesses should be closed and who should be allowed back to work and when im not going to delve into that certainly weve been talking a lot about that but there is a local level and from a local standpoint as far as the state of florida goes there have been hundreds if not thousands of layoffs at this point particularly here in south florida mostly Service Industry employees those working in the Hotel Restaurant convention industries look some are doing what they can and some Restaurant Owners are doing what they can to help employees basically trying to pay them despite being close other restaurants remain open as were seeing for delivery and takeout this is something i talked about yesterday there are also reports that ive been seeing and hearing about landlords basically delaying rent payments for their tenants to try to help them out as well but as far as the financial the overall Financial Impact we dont have a firm handle on the numbers and the financial loss in all this there was a recent study of financial study that said could be in the billions but again i think as the. This continues we see the overall and getting those numbers but as a measure governors to stand just did ask President Trump to declare florida a disaster but well see if that happens but no luck to all right john hardy live for us in miami thank you. Meantime china is set to lift travel restrictions in the who may province starting tomorrow for all its residents that scale back however wont apply to the city of holland which we all know as the center of the corona Virus Outbreak the announcement comes as china claims to have brought their outbreak under control according to officials who may see their travel restrictions lifted by early april. And in the age of code 1911 states and washington d. C. Are now letting those who are uninsured sign up for obamacare the states implementing this change include california colorado connecticut maryland massachusetts minnesota nevada new york rhode island vermont and washington it would be open enrollment under the Affordable Care act allows people who have recently lost Health Insurance due to being laid off to have some sort of coverage the trumpet ministration is considering a similar act. And boeing says theyre going to suspend factory operations at its puget sound facility in Washington State due to cope at 19 this will also include suspension of its maintenance activities on those ground at 737. 00 max jets at moses lake for 14 days starting tomorrow the company says it will be cleaning impacted sites and work to establish rigorous criteria before letting employees come back to work. And hundreds of inmates are being released to avoid a corona Virus Outbreak in jail so could the virus mean freedom for them well show you in a discussion here and over in sports regina hamm takes us to china where a Mini Marathon took place despite the coronavirus you dont want to miss all this will be right back. Well the past 5 or 6 years very aggressively people have sold dollars to buy these emerging market currencies because they can get a better yield on those currencies suddenly when all liquidity disappears. Heisenberg uncertainty for its market to schroedingers cat of markets everyone is then short dollars to buy those dollars back because theyre now losing catastrophic plan all their non dollar plays on the market and this is causing a runaway Freight Train of the u. S. Dollar going higher. Join me every thursday on the alex im unsure when ill be speaking to guess what the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Seemed wrong. Roles just dont hold. Me you wont get to shape out these days to come to capital and engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. From donald trump in 2016 to 2020 there is part of the electorate that responds to can tie war anti interventionist rhetoric and in fact there is evidence this significantly helped get trump elected but the fact remains the establishment is keen to downplay and even demonize any candidate who questions to support the doxies why is this. True. As the corona virus spreads across the nation millions of people remain confined to their homes but while this pandemic continues to evolve the outbreak is forcing officials to rethink the criminal Justice System this move could actually bring freedom to thousands of inmates earlier today i was joined by watching the hawks cohosts tyrrell and across heres what they had to say on this topic. You know if these people are a threat to the society if they were some kind of real threat to society now theyre so can you want to give them care then you have to ask were they where they should be jailed the 1st place thats what i was so i looked at it i think the overwhelming population should be released back surely over 70 percent of those who reside in jails across this country are low level they are nonviolent they are individuals who are there because they couldnt pay parking tickets right there individuals who are there because maybe they stole a grapefruit from a Grocery Store these are individuals who do not pose any significant threat to the population as we just heard in trinitys report she said these are low level offenders people that are put away for you know 30 to 90 days Something Like that and so these are these these are all going to petty theft when it comes to Harvey Weinstein now on the other hand i understand why this and why does he even get a test why why why did harvey even get to us when we dont get what i would only have a we have a country where people arent being able to have access youngsters but were testing r. V. Y. Esteem and theyre not doing math to figure in general right either silly Harvey Weinstein is an example of someone who is still privileged even while going to all right it is a good point so because of people like him though richard not he has tested positive he is i dont i dont know if he is in an isolated area you would hope that since he tested positive that he was quarantined but he poses a threat doesnt he need to other. Inmates to the people that work in the jails because hes contagious i mean should he be moved outside of the prison system going to live to pose as a threat but i think that we have to think beyond the context of Harvey Weinstein for me as someone who has worked in criminal justice advocacy for a long time and said its on boards for National Organizations and my mom was incarcerated she died from cancer in prison so when i think about what can happen the lack of actual access to necessities and medical care we talk about the importance of hand washing and sanitizer sanitizer is banned in prison because it contains alcohol these individuals have to why if they cant just go about it like we can out here there is no way to to social distance in a prison or in a jail so i think that we have to think about this in the humanitarian contact and also in terms of the limitations you have if you are someone who is in jail or prison i mean this is totally going to pose a Public Health nightmare here we already know as a minister just highlighted the prison system has atrocious health care if you even want to call it health care if its even available at all what if someone were to die from this new outbreak of coronavirus i mean if they die behind bars because theyre untreated from coronavirus are they just Collateral Damage is that i mean who were going to rely on that we cant look at these people because theyre incarcerated people and look at them and see all the Collateral Damage anyone who dies from a Public Health crisis is never Collateral Damage this is a they died from a lack of infrastructure care or they died from the failure of our prison system to take care of incarcerated people they didnt die just because they got the virus that is actually going to. Nor should we should be treating these people not putting them in solitary you know you have to separate sick from the healthy from the healthy but they should not be punished for being sick its not their fault they got sick right we have seen video footage from several jails where people that are calling for help you know theyre theyre yelling from their cell that theyre you know theyre. Theyre bleeding over there and they have some trauma and no one gets help i mean i can only imagine what might happen with a virus you cant see on the inside right so you said you brought up solitary confinement theres folks against this move theyre saying you know if an inmate falls ill with covert 19 then perfect jails are the Perfect Place for them because they have solitary confinement they can be confined there and the virus will be kept in solitary confinement how would you respond ive never heard something more ridiculous heard that informal solitary confinement always against everything that we know about mandy moore and it increases the level of Mental Health issues because being away and i feel a ship for any period of time is going to cause those types of issues but in addition to that solitary confinement in and of itself is a form of torture the idea that youre going to take someone who is already sick and put them in an area where they get nothing no sunlight no other interaction whatsoever that only makes matters worse and yes we do need to work on containment we do need to make sure that were not spreading this virus but solitary confinement is not the way to do it and its honestly demonstrative leap or for anybody in the American Population or anywhere else to suggest that that would be a solution and you dont like that argument but no not at all imo and i grew my coach completely and look lets look at what this virus who shows this virus has shown us that our Health Care System is an abject failure this virus is now showing us that our prison Justice System is an abject failure lets actually look at this and learn from this and learn from the mistakes that many of us have been sitting up on you know been sitting saying look everybody Pay Attention to this is a major problem well now that virus is bringing all of this right into the right into our for writers and right into our faces and instead of reacting which i fear that we will in this kind of you know post 911 lets pass the patriot act and create more layers of government lets actually look at this and say what do we truly need to reform and big and get back to what it should be not you know what it is today which is an abject failure in our prison systems our Health Care Systems over there and you guys recently did a special on. Prison and alabama you sent one of your producers down there in death story we see the prison conditions thats a good example right there if somebody somebody fell ill there from coronavirus they can literally die it doesnt matter if theyre 30 years old the prison itself is condemned so you know what its a lot of rating you know somebody exactly like you know these are still people these are still members of society regardless of who committed the crime and are being punished for that at the end of the day theyre still human beings theyre still somebody whos wife brother sister mother daughter you know there are all these Different Things that we have to care about them but narrative that weve created for so long in the media has helped it to this extent around incarcerated people that they are irredeemable that they are kept away that they dont need to be in society has helped people to create this ideology that they dont need to be helped so if there is something that goes on there are millions of people who die from the flu in jails and prisons right every year there are people who dont have clean Running Water in prisons there are people who dont get adequate food in prisons it actually is a copay to see a doctor in prison this is a problem for those on the outside but its a major problem for those on the inside because where do they get the money from and these prisoners were released and lets be clear theyre not you know werewolves and you know were not releasing the worst of the worst of the worst were releasing people who are small time offenders of the of the who they should be getting help all right guys weve got to leave it right there. Are u. S. Marines and amorality forces began a major joint military exercise about 4000 u. S. Troops participated in this exercise called native fury at the u. A. E. Alhamra military base where part of that drill was to seize a model city complete with multistory buildings and oil refinery and even a Central Mosque amid tensions with iran u. S. Officials denied these exercises were intended to provoke tehran which is only 186 miles away. Right we know that drones can do. Pretty cool things but check out this cool drone a Spanish Company has developed the drone korea project which allows this drone to drop seeds from the sky to help fight deforestation this drone in particular is dispersing seeds out of spain and can transport up to half a 1000000 seeds her white it is good for the earth like that. Right were going over to regina ham at the sports h. Q. Now regina sporting events in china seem to be starting to come back this one was a race in chengdu what went down it actually really well and you know people are probably glad because many marathons and races have been canceled or postponed but in china this one Mini Marathon is bringing joy to many after being in their houses for weeks panda Mini Marathon took place after weeks of limited sporting activity in the country its a 1st in 1000. 00 person race since the start of the current a virus pandemic and runners were excited to put foot to pavement runners objected to temperature testing before even entering the grounds and masks were considered mandatory monitoring points and id checks were major factors were going to hers to make that decision to hold the race as restrictions are lifted usually the chain do marathon features over 20000 runners and the full 26. 2 mile course however runners are all smiles during the shortened race and its a beacon of hope for sports everywhere to come back soon. And speaking of sports going away after veteran International Committee member dick pound said the i. O. C. Reached to the city to postpone the 2020 summer olympics 24 hours later the japanese government the i. O. C. Finally confirmed the news the formal announcement came after multiple countries said they would not send a delegation to tokyo if the games went on as planned in july 24th on july 24th olympics have never been rescheduled due to a pandemic with the 196940 in 1904 games being cancelled due to world war 216 rio summer games did go on although there were affected by this week of a. Iris organizers eyeing a summer 2021 as a potential rescheduling date but the game will still be called the olympic and Paralympic Games tokyo 2020 i. O. C. President thomas bach expressed that athletes spectators and organizers health was a key point postponing the games the flame will stay away and on display in fukushima until the games Opening Ceremony next year and while the details of events are so in the works and wanted to be the best experience for those representing their country the athletes will have a chance and the opportunity off their life to make of their olympic dream coming true even in these Uncertain Times were all going through it together. We all want to see the olympic flame at the end of the strike. All right thank you for that regina ok thats it for me im an old hand ill see you back here tomorrow writing it to. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to happen and when its going. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent though. Imagine something as big as the earth is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are going to wrapped and its going to chill. So were in for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so you know wallace of. A turtle was between the. Childs seemed wrong. But old bulls just dont call. Me that yet to shape our disdain comes to agitate and indeed from an equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart when you choose to look for common ground. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to mess im sorry manchester aopa in washington coming up markets are rallying back as a coronavirus impacts the Global Economy then it will see an immediate shift in Consumer Behavior or will leave once the virus subsides bust amazon crack down on the thousands of users for a fight we

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