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A News Conference to announce what i am about to share with you but now it seems the whole world knows that the reason the coronavirus is so insidious is because you really dont have to be symptomatic to pass it on to somebody right in other words anybody but young people especially can show absolutely no symptoms none whatsoever but still be carriers and then pass the disease on to somebody else heaven forbid somebody old who could probably die like their grandparents are ok again everybody who watches the news this newscast other news casts listens to doctors Public Health officials knows this everybody that is but the governor of georgia who presides over the a the biggest state in the United States of america with a population of roughly 11000000 people brian kept called a News Conference thats to announce that hes ordering residents to stay home why because he just. Found out that people who may not be symptomatic can still pass on the disease he just found this out. You know finding out that this virus is now transmitting before people see science. What weve been telling people from directives from the c. D. C. For weeks now that if you start feeling bad stay home those individuals could have been infecting people before they ever felt bad we didnt know that until the last 24 hours and his daughter to me told me she goes this is a game changer i think the guy in the back with the beard is probably smarter he just found this out and its a game changer well. And i could go on and on but i wont im going to let my im going to let mark twain handle this one mark twain maybe the greatest and plainest writer who ever lived or at least who ever picked up a pen and paper he would describe heres how he would describe a public official who calls a News Conference to announce what he just learned heres heres 20 or Samuel Clemens advice to the governor it is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think youre a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Now why is this story so important well you know i think its important because we here in the media including myself by the way in the United States weve been pointing out the missteps and criticisms of the guy in the philippines and the guy in india and whoever right leaders all over the world and maybe its important to point out at this point that we really dont have to go that far to find Public Officials who are also worthy of criticism this is the news with rick sanchez and we do believe yes we do that its time to do news again. Already heres a list of the questions we think youll be asking them are oh how is new york city the epicenter of the United States handling the coronavirus today its been troubling the economy whats the latest and how much more can it take of this pandemic and why is the media wasting time attacking the president asking questions about whether he needs to be attacking other countries at a time of crisis. All this week were going to bring you special coverage of the coronavirus with updates from around the world and everything that you need to know to protect yourself and your family tracking coronavirus sorry tonight the war of words between state officials new york federal officials white. Its gotten ugly or downright vicious at times it began when new york senator Chuck Schumer criticize the president for being behind the 8 ball behind on testing and for not appointing a czar to handle all of this the president of them shot back on twitter saying please explain to cry and Chuck Schumer that we do have a military man in charge of distributing goods a very talented admiral this as the world is on the brink of hitting the milestone in the corona virus that we all thought coronavirus pandemic that is that we all thought might be coming well i came joining us now from the global coronavirus desk is ben swan hes been dutifully following all developments for us today and he joins us now with the very latest ben. We have a few things to get to the 1st one being that here in the United States were now looking at 10000000 people who have filed for unemployment in just the past 2 weeks and 1000000 people who say i have gone from having a job to having 0 hours for no work at all in the last just 2 weeks its an absolutely incredible number and were talking about an Unemployment Rate that could climb as high some analysts are saying as what we saw in the Great Depression or even worse than that now of course you have to keep in mind rick obviously these numbers are a little bit different this is not an economic crisis right now its a pandemic meaning that in theory as soon as everything kind of reopens people would be able to get those jobs back and get back to work assuming that all businesses get back to work. Yeah assuming and im glad youre using that very important word because there are those out there who are saying that its not going to be that easy this is not going to be a quick turn there are going to be effects of this quite some time and this recession is definitely here to stay and that i think is a fact right totally agree with that heres another very interesting headline thats breaking late today there is a new poll out of rescues and poll that shows that 2 thirds of u. S. Voters 2 thirds of americans say that they would like to see border controls that prevent people from crossing from state to state during the course of this pandemic while actually one Border Patrol set up on state lines to prevent people from being able to cross into their states 2 thirds of americans feel that way whatever that you know what does that say about Human Behavior that we we have a 10 we have a tendency as human beings in moments like this to suddenly almost become. Selfish we start protect oafish closed yeah i think i think that term is tribalism right at romes tribalism where we our tribe is safe and everyone on the outside. It is different world war headlines are here u. S. The u. S. Is actually sent out have of all of its ventilator supply so we know that the u. S. Had some supplies of the letters that the feds were holding they are now saying they have sent out half of them which means they only have about 10000 ventilators left in in the entire storage thats left in the entire United States not near enough if we still see a peak in the next couple of weeks youre right however many that is its still not enough as usual doing really really really great work for us thanks man. Lets talk about the proverbial elephant in the room shall we the coronavirus pandemic is bringing the economies both on wall street and main street to its knees maybe the best way to phrase it is that its on a ventilator and the ventilator is the fed thats just printing money like there is no tomorrow dont have a job i did check to pay your mortgage so i did money but it has gone bankrupt whether its related to this or not dory were not going to let that happen should the government be doing what its doing be what happens when and if the gravy train finally leaves the station what are we going to be left with economically theres one guy one guy whos making a big name for himself providing both micro and macro econ lessons almost every single night on you tube in fact out just full disclosure here when i go home at night after doing what 22 newscasts in a row i slumped on the couch sometimes with an adult beverage and watch. To learn a thing or 2 and maybe you could too i want to do should to him his name is George Gammon good enough to join us now to kind of help us understand this so george if you would just take it away what is your take on this situation we find ourselves and. Well i think the economy is going to struggle on a moving forward basis what weve done is weve inflated what we all call that everything bubble and thats a direct result of the fed in their intervention going back to the late eightys it doesnt start thats for sure but if you go look at the bust they tried to paper over it by inflating another bubble that was the housing bubble then in 2008009 they had to create another asset bubble and that is what where we are today i always say in my videos that the u. S. Economy is built on 3 things asset bubbles debt you. Confidence and i think that knows that very well so in your intro youre saying how theyre just printing money trying to paper over everything and just there are literally throwing everything at it in the kitchen sink theyll probably do that in a future so its 125000000000. 00 a day in quantitative easing they were doing committing to a trillion day in the republic market now theyve gone in created a report market outside of the United States and what theyre trying to do in my opinion. Is get as much of the private sector Balance Sheet onto their Balance Sheet because if you have equities or on any type of asset on the feds Balance Sheet since they dont have a profit and loss if those assets to get 50 percent haircut and theoretically its not going to affect the economy and because the economy is so dependent upon those asset prices staying high i think thats pretty much going to be the feds game plan so the question really becomes what are the knock on effects of the fed taking their Balance Sheet to 10 trillion 20 trillion you name it and i think the release of their long term is definitely going to be the dollar so if thats the case how do we. Regular joes you know out here try and figure out whats going to happen in the future for us not for the big guys on wall street just for us. Well i think were going to see is a stagflation ery type of environment and again there are no certainties there are only probabilities so what does that look like looks like the 1970 s. From the standpoint of 10 percent plus inflation and thats the inflation that the government is willing to admit to that its probably low and you can see high unemployment and i think the big difference between 2008009 and all the money printing the fed does that went into Financial Assets so a lot of that you know the counter argument to what im saying is well george it didnt really create Price Inflation back then so the fed can go ahead and just print as much money as they want and were just going to see that movie replayed again but what theyre not understanding is before the fed created money through bank reserves. And it is true that the primary dealer banks in the banks under the feds umbrella they have to take an action in order to get money into the real economy but now with the government doing their 2 trillion in stimulus or whatever it is i mean its probably going to be a lot more than that theyre going to get money into the real economy so its going to be chasing most likely fewer goods and services because of the supply chain disruptions that we see and the globalization and so youre going to most likely see Consumer Prices that you buy at the Grocery Store every day is going to go up in price or assets come down and again that stagflation or type of environment stagflation he talks about it all the time i recommend you go see him on you tube hes good george thanks again hey come on back im looking forward to having another conversation with you. Yeah thank you for having me. You know as we follow all of these stories we get into the part which we havent covered yet today and that is whats the media doing how are they helping or not this is that is a wreck sanchez youre watching our special coverage of kobe magazine and we are going to be right back. Join me every 1st day on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to get a feel of the world the politics Small Business im show business ill see you that. Much. So it was possible china has been shipping piece you know massive either been selling or donating everywhere the armor in the way you are feeling about child and leave much of this narrative that theyre taking on and the leadership role in the president s supporters on that is fragile and i wonder if there was a new theres a possibility of a little bit of the consumerization arms are the militants such as part of sam and find out how long youre going to make sure overseas you know if there are more injunction in place the mexican cartels a serious challenge is in getting that. Pressure of crimes against china under reports the number of cruisers and the toll from the crude farmers the university is mr president what does it mean for our mission should which honestly your version should presume she. Is the minds of. The soundings of oppressions a hard time just mean if you think strategically is that a pox on their heart or is this sign from the mary beard british marriage the surgeon for ya. We put that video together and i wanted you to see it you know i wanted you to see that because there was a time in america where politicians didnt know of a war or an aggression toward another country they did not like today even when politicians want to back off aggressions it is reporters as you just saw for yourself that was from yesterdays News Conference at the white house its reporters who seem to feel that there is not a single war or a threat of war they dont like however think its so flipped thats coming up it may be a model with Ruben Navarrette but 1st as mentioned at the top of this hour there is a palpable friction between state governments and the federal government right now and today that really came to light in New York New York seems to be struggling with its ability to keep up with its very dense population having enough medical supplies to meet the demand and just moments ago the white house shot this extremely nasty letter that senator schumer talking about what theyve done what they havent done its nasty real nasty now heres trinity chose with the latest on whats going on on the ground not the politics on the ground in new york. Today officials tightening restrictions in new york as the city remains on lockdown you know right now as you can see new york citys you see pretty busy right now but its Governor Andrew Cuomo ordering all playgrounds in new york city to close down saying that many people still are not complying with social distancing we agreed initially with the mayor that we would try compliance and the mayor was going to try to use the n. Y. P. D. To enforce compliance social distancing in playgrounds it is still a problem were going to close down the city playgrounds and leave the open Spaces Available that says the number of new coronavirus cases continue to batter new york city with more than 270. 00 deaths and nearly 4000. 00 cases reported in 24 hours doctors on the front lines of the pandemic warning that hospitals are increasingly overwhelmed unfortunately i just think that this is a situation thats going to be going all around all over every hospital unfortunately begin to see this happen hospital in queens in the borough with the most coronavirus cases in the city possibly hit the hardest the 545. 00 bed facility full with kovan 1000 patients its terrifying here because were downwind of this of a hospital thats percent of the of the National Crisis so yeah im terrified to go out to officials now issuing new guidance for m. S. Workers in the city and long island saying that patients in cardiac arrest would not be transported to hospitals if they cannot be saved in the field at the hospital itself there overrun with patients you know your message last night broke a record we handle 6500 calls and while the Navy Hospital ship comfort and the iconic central park try to relieve the burden already seeing patients new york city mayor bill de blasio says that the city needs thousands of more hospital beds we need to build out an additional number of 65000 hospital beds in the city of new york by the end of april. We already have a tremendous start but 20000 beds i say theyre already there the governor warning the crisis could last for months and causes many as 16000 deaths if this model is correct. This could go through the summer officials are ramping up testing with more than 238000 people tested with the number of total confirmed cases in new york surpassing 90000 the governor says the number is expected to grow in the coming weeks as they continue to increase testing so far 600000 test kits from a general and corning have become available and another 500000 tests are coming soon reporting in new york Trinity Chavez r. T. Them all that are the White House Correspondents Association has removed a reporter from a mills outlet for. For what she did during a White House Briefing early shes been kicked out of the White House Briefing room now the Association Says that they corresponded violated the social distancing policy that was established there or to correspond to touch us we those were all those decision. Yes he was in effect other than those things are. Going back to your point how many Clinical Trials in the past steve perry would you like to see before you put a stamp on it because it gave her the trial seemed to take place the moral thing here which is the down part i made the case is that you like to say this was the last press briefing one american uses on attended on march 31st as you can see there are less Seats Available in the White House Press Briefing Room to integrate proper social distancing loriot it does not have an actual seat during this time according to a media report she had said she was attending as a guest of Stephanie Gresham the White House Press secretary so the White House Correspondents Association decided to remove away in seats altogether for what. Called not abiding by their social distancing policy and the letter sent out to correspondence it says quote under this policy we have asked reporters who dont have a seat not to attend press briefings it goes on to say we are writing to inform you that the White House Correspondents Association board has voted this evening to remove a news outlet from the rotation for seat in the Briefing Room we did this because a reporter for the outlet twice attended press briefings in contravention of this policy we do not take this action lightly this is a matter of Public Safety in the past riaz colleagues from other outlets have criticized her questions after briefings here you can see a photo of a letter from someone asking if she thought her question was helpful in halting the spread of the chrono virus here is riyadh at a recent press briefing asking a question you surely when it hear from c. N. N. 2 states have suspended elective abortion to make more Resources Available for coronavirus cases thats texas and ohio do you agree with states who are placing coronavirus victims above elective abortions and should more states be doing the same here re on asks about the World Health Organization confirming if iran is downplaying its cases of the coronavirus iran it is vastly under reporting in front of various pieces not just cases but to our point on the ground as to mess it might be as high as 15 and a half 1000 deaths there is you commanders in the military in iran are now confirmed either in dire condition or dead rianne has been criticized for her support of President Trump and for now is no longer being allowed at the White House Press briefings reporting in Los Angeles Natasha sweet r. T. Ruben navarette is joining us now to try and figure out the muddled media situation here with i was going to talk about the situation at the white house not the one with the reporter who seems to be told i guess. Having a problem with the reporters whatever. But Something Else that just came over theres this letter that was just sent by the present the United States to Chuck Schumer with its address on a white house letterhead and its just willy nasty and says sure if you spent less time on your ridiculous and pietschmann hoax which why the hapless leon forever and ended up going nowhere except increasing my poll numbers and instead focused on helping the people of new york city we would not be so completely unprepared for this invisible enemy no wonder a. O. C. And others are thinking about running against you they would likely win and then he says ive known you for many years but i never knew how bad a senator you were for your state of new york until i became president i mean while. This missive was just fired off by the d white house i feel like i should take a shower this is nasty i dont even know what to say. I know what to say that im living with 3 teenagers at the moment present a teenager theyre exhibiting the same sure behavioral tactics this is a really serious time if you look at what we just heard on your network the report from new york about how this might continue on through the summer every single time we turn around it gives us pause our heart stops at the length of the extent of this crisis the terrible human cost involved this letter is inappropriate its crazy and it shows that the president is very petty very defensive very childish and at the wrong moments hes his own worst enemy and its dont wonder its no rick rick its on wonder that when people are polled they say that republican and democratic governors are more trusted on this issue than the president and im not trying to carry water for the president here but apparently schumer went on morning joe this morning and blasted the president and you know the president watches television he sees that and said im off lets move on now lets move on to Something Else and that is this penchant for. Are reporters at the white house to go on this this is this inclination to want to go the president into hating iran and attacking iran and hating china and hating that as well and hating russia well what i mean whats with that yes the white house and the press corps and the media in general very badly in this crisis theyve shown their true colors they ask questions to bait the president to trap the president to make the president look bad now as evident by the 1st segment sometimes the president as needing help to look bad yeah he can take care of that on his own but the media also has these childish tendencies to make the story about them and themselves and they do lead these they pass these very provocative questions that are needlessly you know pointed at the president and theyre not getting at the truth the decision to get under his skin yeah no i think i listen i think youre right now especially when it comes to that particular issue theyre not acting like the reporters that we used to admire and the guys that we grew up with and the gals never at your good might go to porter good journalist im glad we have you on thats our news were fake plum out of time as they say and im rick sanchez stay safe stay connected with us on portable t. V. And well see you again soon when its time to tennessee. In london Julian Assange is standing trial on whether he will be extradited to the u. S. To face espionage charges the stakes could not be higher i saw inches liberty even life is on the line freedom of speech is also on trial though you wouldnt know that mainstream media. Your government and our government and all the other major governments of the world know whats going to and when its going to. But they havent told you and they havent told me they havent announced. Imagine something as big as the earth. Is going to cause tidal waves earthquakes volcanoes are wrapped and its going to chill. So worry for a while right. My great grandfathers. Nobody would care about the law or prison so you should have. A terrible life between the. People who lived in towns to which excess is now restricted are allowed to revisit their homes a few times each year 51 is given a dosey meter to show how much radiation they are exposed to while inside the zone. The march 27th earthquake and tsunami. A giant wave hits the fukushima one Nuclear Power plant. Flooded almost the entire facility. The reactor cooling system is compromised then theres an explosion then another and another. Radiation rises to 5 times the normal level the situation is exceptional and its given the highest possible School Office of verity of nuclear contamination. Tens of thousands of people are evacuated from a 20 kilometer exclusion zone centered on the power plant. 80 years later and japanese authorities are still actively decontaminating huge tracts of land. They have removed the upper levels of soil and washed and cleaned everything. Now one by one they are gradually reopening areas where the government sees people can live safely. On their own like cars are not among. Them of. That mosque there also thought about though. Is just not the one that the. Guy

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