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A controversial treatment for covert 90 as French Health care workers continue to rail against the governments efforts. And half a 1000000000 people could be pushed to poverty by the pandemic according to leading british humanitarian Charity Oxfam. Hello this is Art International live from moscow welcome to the program just turn 4 pm here now this saturday my names kevin owen im here for the next 30 minutes with the world news round up and lets start with the latest figures in the covert 1000 pandemic that the number of cases around the world is still on the rise with 1700000 people now infected another grim milestone has been reached to we can report more than 103000 have succumbed to the virus but its also not a more positive note that over 3 internet 88000 people have recovered. In news here russia has to carry out Clinical Trials of a vaccine against covert 19 initially on 60 volunteers the countrys now registered over 100 deaths and more than 13000 infections meantime the mayor of moscows amounts of the says he will gradually roll out of past system designed to tell you can control over Peoples Movement is said to come into force on monday this is mean time you see waiting to transfer patients to one hospital in moscow thats been repurposed to focus on coronavirus patients and the number of admissions has doubled since last week and more than 85 percent of the patients of whats described as pneumonia the Authorities Say the peak is still to come on the ramping up restrictions in the capital with more on that side of it 1st jacqueline the. Late on friday evening it was announced that there is going to be a new system of tasks is to be used in the russian capital and that was announced on the moscow mayors web site where he said that it was a question of the health and the state of all the People Living in moscow because the situation has only gotten worse recently that he was really left with no choice but to implement this which there has been they didnt aggressive towards a virtual since the beginning of this week the situation with the coronavirus has been worsening previously hospitals has been receiving 500 patients daily now the number has surpassed 1000 a past regime inside the city is an inevitable restriction which will be implemented gradually started for monday. Now over the past few days there really has been a sharp increase in new cases in the russian capital almost every day has seen about 1500 cases and just on friday there was almost 2000 along with 18 deaths as well now another announcement that we heard was that for the next week there will be further restrictions on businesses in moscow and all but the most essential ones will be shut for the week and that could possibly be extended. Many do as well as more most of moscows organizations and enterprises will temporarily stop working for a week with the possible. T. To prolong it only essential enterprises will keep operating with. The. Its just those people who work at those essential businesses who will be the 1st ones affected by it and seeing how this past system works because the 1st stage thats being rolled out will be passes given to people and order for them to get to their places of business the 2nd round whenever that is released will be for other trips around the city and the 3rd if necessary will actually be passes for people to leave their houses at all in order to move around their neighborhood to go to the local store or their pharmacy or anything like that and of course thats something weve seen and a number of European Countries but it does seem like the moscow thirtys do want to avoid that situation but are prepared to do it if necessary and the governor of the wider Moscow Region has put up a warning to that effect starting from monday we will actually increase the number of policeman National Guard and Traffic Police who will stop people to ask them why they are outdoors thats why im asking you to stay home and take seriously all the precautions we are facing now to prevent the spread of the virus that increased Police Presence that he was referring to really does seem necessary at this point because i can tell you even looking out my own windows on my balcony i can still see quite a bit of activity people just out with their kids walking and lots of cars still are on the street so its really hard at this point to say that people are following the restrictions that are already in place and that all started back on march the 28th president putin came out and said that he was announcing a week off work where people would still be paid but they would not be going to work and that has actually been extended until the end of april those were all businesses where it was possible to not actually physically go to work and of course on the 30th of march thats when moscows mayor put out restrictions saying that people should only leave their houses in the event of a medical emergency if they have no choice but to go to work and to go to their looks. Shops and pharmacies but like i said it really doesnt feel like people are following those restrictions and that is something that the moscow mayor commented on saying that that was one reason that this past system is being walled out so hopefully this is enough at this point for people to really listen and stay inside. Law enforcement in moscows registered over 400 self isolation violations at least 26 people have been hit with fines of previously offices only find violators who had the virus or were suspected of having it he goes down off spend a day with the moscow police. People are only allowed to leave their homes to go get groceries in the nearest supermarket to get medical help or to walk their pets within a 100 meter radius from their homes so right now i will be joining the most School Police force who are right now on the beat to see how they are dealing with those who have world fall into the temptation on this perfect summer like day. Police the self isolation rules. Unless its absolutely necessary please do not leave your homes take care of your health and the health of your family. You should love people were all different. People dont even argue they say yeah yeah we understand everything im just going to the shop and back to the pharmacy some. People really understand that we have to conduct this patrol there are considerably fewer people around as you can see everywhere. Russian tech giant yandex has recently rolled out a self isolation rating for cities more school has been graded a solid 3 out of 5 a good but still far from perfect score so i asked police if theyre going to switch from words to action fines. Issuing a fine is a. Last resort measure at the forefront of self isolation is prevention so were just asking people to follow suit and many people are listening to this while one group that simply cant stay home the police even worse talking to underage of people every day now is literally their job description. The United States has registered the Worlds Largest number of deaths in one single day more than 2000 died there on friday bringing the countrys total to almost 19000 among efforts to try to cope with the rising number of bodies dozens of refrigerated trucks have been parked up ready to be used as makeshift morgues one doctor working in the bronx told us his experience fighting coronavirus he says is worse than tackling a boner. I mean if you sent over if you sent over if you sent out im we see colleagues from different parts of the world giving you all every day and night i grew up in nigeria i was born and raised and also trained there and i experienced the polar people up here but this is crazier than what i would have ever imagined the change of experience to be despondent me to speed is that feeling of helplessness sometimes like the fact that you dont know you can do and used to get the negative all come from this in my personal experience he was i would say moderate some dont i was in town for more than 7 days at least 7 days and it was scary the major part of this experience was here and we would have seen in the hospital and with the cases ive seen seen young people die from this you know i think there was a very large component of fear for me because that too is you can go you can get better or you could go to that i see you again to be that im probably die from this and i was the fear part but i know im im a man of feet so i as much as possible just try to put things through gods and then i go healed. And i did a great job on all the other frontline workers too because its Health Workers arguably risk the most from exposure to coronavirus hospital stuff in new york held a vigil on friday for colleagues who lost their lives fighting the pandemic or to americas turn to each other his next has more on the strain the citys hospitals are facing right now. Today new york city the crossroads of the world has more confirmed cases of cold in 1000 than any other city on earth hospitals still hitting capacity and medical staff pushed to their brink everything were trying. Preoperatively were giving our all really every human keep her medical this. Right there. Is even more than they ever have while the u. S. Navy hospital ship comfort to the Javits Center are supposed to help alleviate stress of the citys Hospital System the 500 bed vessel comfort just has over 60 patients while the 1000 bed Convention Center Field Hospital has seen about 225 patients new reports suggesting the army and the navy are handpicking and transporting small numbers of hospital patients while the virus continues to strain e. R. Rooms 1st responders also on the front lines the f. D. A. And why reporting that nearly 480. 00 a mass workers including firefighters tested positive for the corona virus that weve dealt with for scale events before you havent dealt with a state serious call volume now going on its 3rd week with no in sight and roughly 3000 of the departments 15000 were out sick the phrase you know what its like the 4th is as much as we never know we dont know if we havent seen. No one. But we know why you signed up. The perhaps some hope the governor now saying the curve is slowing but while the curve may be leveling off the city is still dealing with the mounting coronavirus death toll the National Guard now using rental vans to pick up hundreds of dead bodies from new york city homes more exposed in the city dwindling the city now using an island off the bronx waters called hart island as a temporary burial site an aerial view shows hired contractors wearing protective gear digging graves and lining up dozens of caskets in those deep trenches under a new policy the medical Examiners Office will keep bodies in storage for 14 days before theyre buried in hart islands potters field which is a burial site for people whose families cant afford a funeral or who go unclaimed by relatives the number burials increasing from about 25 a week to now 24 a day reporting. New york trinitys others r. T. The french president s been Meeting Health professionals to hear firsthand what its like tackling coronavirus even though many arent happy at the governments response but one encounters raised eyebrows shot to do bensky explodes as the race is on to find some way to bring hope that 19 to its knees it seems the french president isnt leaving any stone unturned emanuel might call spent a day even sitting medical staff although some may have been a little surprised to learn that on his list was professor did. Oh who is the head of the i h you made it an Infection Institute in my say and some of his ideas about 19 have raised eyebrows. I am a practitioner and doctor and im shocked to see this survey that says that only 37 percent of doctors in the whole world prescribe hydroxy chloroquine in france the amount of people who prescribe it without saying anything hes huge. He claimed following a small study that chloroquine a malaria drug was the cure and should be used immediately grow even one stateside in donald trump is a real could have a tremendous impact would be a gift from god if that worked those claims caused controversy among the medical community here in france there were criticisms that his trials will change small too fast to be meaningful and concern about potentially dangerous side effects for those with heart problems but it seems that most people in france believe that has tapped into an effective treatment one whole found that 59 percent of people in france believe that clara queen was the miracle cure romo has gone even further since then organizing for mass testing of the virus at his clinic to find official policy that was struck such experiments to those with symptoms people queued outside his hospital despite there being a look down the french government later caved in and a creed that the drug could be prescribed but questions and now being asked if this visit by president back on has only added fuel to the hype over what remains without a full series of Clinical Trials and proven treatment. The message that president macron has sent in is one of support which is due to mental to the Scientific Community professor all certainly has an interest in personality but one doesnt heal but personality. Visit of more than 3 hours was in private but terms being splashed across the front page news his advisors see you. It wasnt an inducement but rather intended to show that the president is listening to wide swathe of scientific opinion but this visit came before the results of Clinical Trials which are under way a do you to be released and some suggest that this is more about macro bowing to popular pressure or perhaps even politicizing the issue i am a bit surprised by the president s visit to professor old because its a little unexpected to endorse this treatment while we are still awaiting a real double blind study with a control group it is starting to become showbiz politics which is not good though general opinion polls have surged in support from macrorie as the pandemic has unfolded it seems amongst the medical Community Medical staff the president is not pretty popular they raise their voices demanding protective gear and they were not the only ones on the same day call had visited a hospital here in paris there too he was greeted by angry medical stuff. Going has said from is out war with 19 and as the commander in chief he is aware that there is a war he must win even if getting that means veering away from the usual tried and tested. Arty paris things take of the times watch out international today on the way after the break none of the crowded congregations celebrating easter this year. And instead the worlds 2000000000 christians are having to mark only week at home as Church Leaders address empty spaces after the break how religion so adapting to the local. Im going to fulfill the repeated promises apologise to the people and promise that you know weve all pots. You. Pretty well. Pretty good. Now you want to 1st correct that. You know. All the cut. Coming. Well again this is Art International with me kevin no in its estimated that the pandemic could push half a 1000000000 people into poverty the grim for cars than from leading british humanitarian Charity Oxfam comes as the economic fallout widens the gap between the worlds richest and its most vulnerable arties double court has been taking a look. As government lock downs around the world continue without an end in sight the writing is on the wall worse things are on the horizon we anticipate the worst economic fall outs in the Great Depression the world is confronted with a crisis like no other covered 19 has disrupted our social and economic order at lightning speed and on a scale that we have not seen in living memory more than 16000000 American Workers have lost their jobs in just the past 3 weeks thats about double the american jobs lost throughout the entire 2008 recession as for europe where lockdowns were imposed earlier many dont even have enough money to put food on the table in other parts of the world the worst of the pandemic has yet to come oxfam predicts that more than half of the global population could be living in poverty when the smoke of this crisis clears the estimate is based on the road buying into it so we looked at the numbers of People Living in poverty currently and then we move to what a 20 percent drop in peoples income would we as the nights in the impact of the Coronavirus Crisis could be to crease. The numbers of People Living in poverty by 500000000 or whole 4000000000 people which would set back. The poverty has been reduced in recent days this would set back the fight against public to. Sarah huge impact on the poorest people across the world where theres tragedy for some theres prosperity for others billionaire filmmaker david geffen is a living example of how the rich are literally sailing away from their problems sunset last night isolated in the granite deans avoiding the virus im hoping everybody is staying safe how lucky we pledge zar for gaffin is concerned there are those from the ruling class that did stay behind though and theyre not too happy about having to self isolate one thing that i learned from being. And teen is that people this is like being in jail is what it is if prison is anything like allens house we might soon see a serious spike in crime adding to how out of touch the wealthy are seeming these days is a video of hollywood stars singing imagine. And there is no. It probably seemed like a fine idea at 1st but the video didnt exactly play on everyones heart strings. I will never get over gal gotos singing imagine theres no heaven and smiling into the camera as thousands of poor people die of coronavirus her rif ache some rich people are even trying to join in the fun of working people struggles look one of even found a mask to match or dress too bad many medical workers dont have one that matches their scrubs or even one that doesnt the world was already more unequal than ever before this pandemic hit but with this new economic crisis on our plate the gap is only getting much wider. Instagram going celebs are the only ones getting some reserve soften the blow a bit to self isolation seems british m. P. s are getting an additional 10000. 00 pounds for expenses to work from home lawmakers have already received an extra 25000. 00 pounds to cover added stuff costs thats on top of the pay rise they got of the start of april which took their basic salary to over 18000. 00 pounds its not going down well then with other brits also stuck right now trying to work from home. Its actually doing my head in the m. P. s have been given 10000 pounds each to work from home yet my mum who is working in the front line for the n. H. S. Has to share protection because there isnt enough. Why do m. P. s need a 10000 pound allowance working from home many others are having to work from home and they get 0 allowance 10000 pounds minus travel expenses minus sundries not incurred would equal far more than this theyre already getting a good deal on 0 allowance. Echoing that the founder of britains largest independent food bank who believes the extra money is better spent on others who are more in need we have our imperialist supposedly representing the people and here they are you know milking the truck 10000 people 10000 pounds many of them are not doing surgeries many m. P. s are not really helping in any shape or form my Corona Community support network it in my area in london is actually doing the job of the council or the Council Service is a closed and so were actually crowd funding to raise money to pay to feed people in crisis me all m. P. s are doing absolutely nothing in this crisis nobody seems to understand that you know if youre a low paid if youre clean if you work in a coffee shop if youre a bus driver you get very little money you dont have savings to fall back on the elite are completely oblivious to the reality of what its like to be poor in the world in 2020. Its the holy a celebration of the year for the worlds 2000000000. 00 christians but easter this year of course is not going to be the normal family and religious get together usually this weekend youd see for instance catholic worshippers crowd in sicily Peters Square in the vatican to hear the pope but not this year instead the faithful are having to make do with watching it from home as services are conducted under lockdown conditions your correspondent peter all of a next takes a look then at how many faiths are reassessing the services and of necessity as congregations are told to stay away. Finally with coronavirus having the impact it is all around the world d this is exactly the time may think people would be turning to religion for a little bit of comfort and this time of year is usually when we would see the largest religious gatherings taking place it was. To. Go. With that not possible because of the virus religious practice has had to adapt services are being broadcast online allowing believers to take part from home the vatican is even published special rules for easter mass the faithful should be informed of the times of the celebration so that they can prayerfully unite themselves in their homes pope francis even offered the full removal of scenes for anyone who chooses in while in the United States some churches are trying out drive in services and which they celebrants dont leave their vehicles our message even this Easter Sunday is there is the reaction has not been cancelled the Russian Orthodox church has also moved Services Online the patriarchal. Moskow karylle saying that people should stay away from churches for their own health and the health of this. For 51 years i have been preaching from the pulpits encouraging people to come to church and overcome the inclination of their own evil will and external circumstances i have dedicated my entire life to this call i hope you understand how difficult it is for me to see today refrain from going to church in the greek Orthodox Church services are being held behind closed doors with east the celebrations postponed until may and islam daily prayers are being held online for christians and muslims their religious worship transfers online not exactly easily but with a minimum of fuss the jewish people the celebration of passover involves large social gatherings called say it is day 2 of how to go online. Almost 100 percent of jewish people attend a seder this year family gatherings are out and people will have a seder on their own often just one person and it will be a bittersweet celebration not everyone is in bracing the necessary changes in the United States expected that some Church Groups will break social isolation rules it appears to be out of line extreme and clearly in violation and they did violation of our fundamental rights these are testing times to be sure for people all over the world from all different faiths and staying away from one another may seem strange at this time of year but it is the best way to stop the spread of the coronavirus peter all of a r. T. You know very much so what units are in half an hour but thats it for this weekend world news update from moscow for now with me kevin though in that r t h q a reminder for you theyll be live bulletins at least times every day to keep you posted on that our web and social media teams are working around the clock as well the person who download our up any breaking news that happens will go straight to mobile devices for now stay safe thanks for watching him have a nice rest of the weekend. In this community there are people who believe that its ok. Its really hard there are no jobs and you see that ive got kids that ask and as a parent. I can come up with lots of arguments and theres a lot of conflict within the game between the teams most of the conflict i would say over balls around morning there is maybe. Close one on each of those he knows each other is good because the state of california alone makes 6000000000. 00 a year of prison complex just to get some 20 a life where. You dont care and cares about your so you. Jackson in georgia. A town of 4000 people in the southern United States. A place where executions in the nearby prison are a way of life. In a few hours one will take place by lethal injection. How does it make you feel to me that hes happening around you. Im with. The

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