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You can visualize it you can better understand it so weve told you about all the different incidents that have been taking place here in the persian gulf over the last several weeks how volatile this this region right here has become of late its almost like think of it this way its like this area here is like a line of demarcation between 2 countries that hate each others guts they despise each other right so heres saudi arabia on this side of the firs in golf right saudi arabia which needs United States protection here in the gulf which it offers which also needs United States protection here in yemen where its fighting a war right now let me show you the adversaries the other side right here is a wrong as you can see right there which supports the actions in yemen that are at war with saudi arabia and also what can we say about iran well they want dominion of this area of the per. And golf and are trying to establish it with its navy so both iran and saudi arabia right you have iran and saudi arabia fighting for gemini in this region they both want to say were the boss you know were were controlling this situation but something something happened last year something that began to alter this a little bit let me show you another map so we can capture what were talking about here bring that in if you can kevin all right here it is its these 2 dots essentially right here see these 2 locations that are not far from riyadh that last september of last year there was a bold attack i mean they hit them hard these are the famous aramco oil fields in saudi arabia one of them are kurds right here this is called an ill try pronouncing it but its a blue kill right here in this region and the other one occurred here in the region known as coup rise those are 2 big giant Major Oil Fields they knocked out Oil Production for more than 2 weeks shut him down and there is reason to suspect that you know who was behind it iraq iran behind the attack so what happened saudi arabia turns to the United States after this incident and they say please help us United States so the United States sent them several batteries of Patriot Missiles and 2 jet fighter squadrons to defend these particular oil fields so guess what happened within the past week the United States says to saudi arabia sorry charlie were going to take those Patriot Missiles and the fighter squadrons back youre on your own because the saudis were Still Producing and shipping out too much oil causing the price of u. S. Crude to tank and all the businesses here were complaining to the white house the white house picks up the phone they threaten saudi arabia essentially telling them look you either stop producing or you going to lose the protection that were giving you and then. The white house did it wasnt just a threat President Trump pulled the protection so now guess what saudi arabia does guess what theyve just done they just announce that theyre going to reduce their output of oil again by another 1000000 barrels a day right so essentially as i lay out this scenario for you you have to ask yourself who is the winner in all of this and who is the loser well the winner in all of this d say middle east experts is iran interestingly enough while theyre also saying that for the 1st time in a long time theyre seeing the the saudi veneer if you will showing signs of cracking let me put up another sign that kind of shows you what were talking about these are the signs that the saudis are hurting right. Or oil demand down right nobody wants or oil because of covert 19 thats tough for a country thats basically a one trick pony economy right theyre forced to cut their production right they say that they will not pay for their own defense really. And iran is not letting up and now we had Something Else we have learned that its going to begin to tax its own people as we see here in the bottom of the kingdom is actually increasing its that its a value added tax which is what they call it there we dont have it here its a tax on consumers and businesses by a whopping 15 percent. Thats a situation something we havent seen in a while this is friction this is pain where there usually isnt any now how does this change the middle east dynamic thats were going to drill down on right here on the news of rick sanchez where we believe its time to do news again. Is one of the worlds richest countries hurting and how much how many states in the u. S. Are opening restaurants today show greenstein is going to handle that for us is the Worlds Largest Retail Entertainment venue really reopening disney all right lets begin with the curious case of saudi arabia for decades it has flown to its wealth on the world stage often times to the point of seeming almost repugnant about it and with the exception of iran countries big and small all over the world have told saudi arabia whatever you want you can have but cope at 19 in the circumstances were seeing now globally maybe changing that is it episodic is it long term weve expanded coverage on this story and were going to get with our t. V. Correspondent. John. Saudi arabia like the rest of the world has been struggling with the corona virus pandemic the kingdom of 34000000 people has more than 42000 confirmed cases and close to 300 deaths enough to hit the economy there hard as well so much so riyadh is planning a tripling its vet the value added tax on basic goods from 5 percent to 15 percent starting july 1st while also suspending the cost of living allowance to its citizens starting june 1st saudi arabia instituted the vaca years ago as part of an overall plan to cut its reliance on the worlds crude oil market a cost of living allowance of 1000. 00 reales or about 270. 00 per month to state employees starting in 2018 to help offset the increased costs of the vat and a rise in the price of petrol now with revenues falling because of the coronavirus pandemic the kingdom is looking to recoup the money lost the countrys finance minister mohammad alger dunn said in a statement the measures are aimed at helping put public finances in a position to support the economy as it emerges from lockdown adding quote these measures are painful but necessary to maintain financial and economic stability over the medium to long term and overcome the unprecedented Coronavirus Crisis with the least damage possible the question is how much damage these measures will have the most drastic action taken yet by a major gulf oil producer since oil prices plunged more than half in march the International Monetary fund has projected that all 6 Energy Producing gulf states and the Gulf Cooperation Council saudi arabia kuwait bahrain cutter United Arab Emirates and oman will be an economic recession this year and as the g. C. C. States grapple with the Financial Outlook post pandemic saudi arabia is also planning to cut its Oil Production by 1000000 barrels starting june 1st to reportedly further help support the Global Oil Markets coate and the. He also planned additional cuts meantime United States is removing 2 Patriot Missile batteries that had been guarding Saudi Oil Fields from iranian attacks and what was reportedly the fall out from the dispute over the Saudi Oil Price War with russia asked about the removal of the patriot batteries President Trump said this last week well i dont want to talk about it but were doing some things were making a lot of moves in the middle east and elsewhere were doing a lot of things all over the world militarily weve been taken advantage of all over the world our military and. In the sense that were and this is nothing to do with saudi arabia this has to do with other countries frankly much more u. S. Secretary of state my palm peo said the Patriot Missile battery with her all did not signal any decreasing support for saudi arabia nor was it related to the ongoing oil dispute between saudi arabia and russia pompei 0 said the u. S. Still considers iran a threat it will likely be a topic of discussion when secretary pompei a meets with israeli officials this week in jerusalem where hes also expected to discuss Israels West Bank and plans and chinas control of israels haifa port for the news with Rick Sanchez John hardy great stuff john thanks for putting that together for us so what do you do when all youve got is off suddenly nobody watches joining us maillard 2 perfect guests to discuss this topic of former u. K. M. P. George galloway and economist and noted professor Richard Wolffe professor im going to start with you what do you make of this this sticky wicket that suddenly the saudi arabians of find themselves. Well of course the United States is that anybody who continues to believe that as secretary of state they. Really need to clean their ears and reopen their eyes to understand you have it right rick this is a very important were raked in the relationship between the United States and saudi arabia they used the word. Together pretty well pretty consistently to make a lot of money for Oil Companies i mean we didnt price up or down as needed now it had over flowing out of the United States in the leadership of mr trump wants to make friends among the people doing the oil fracking and in the oil business in the middle of our country from china in the north through texas in the us to do that is trying to get the price up and to get the price up the biggest producer of oil in the world is saudi arabia weve had a cold virus at work since that and simple law of economics cut the supply so far down that the price of oil goes up that is what the people in the midwest the crackers want are and actually the Oil Producers one fact a little hurt all of us with our heating oil and our gasoline and the fertilizer producers who use the oil that comes later thats after the election the immediate yard is what it is and its audis have to go along or else they get threatened in exactly the way you summer thats interesting and im thinking george i wonder. Are the iranians are smart enough to newt to know this was coming and to kind of almost. In a malka valium fashion set this whole thing up as some are charging. No i think they just sit back and watch the special relationship between the u. S. And saudi arabia begin to see it and that is whats happening. Professor wolf just said the special relationship doesnt look so special now the trumpet ministration has punished saudi arabia quite severely here this is not just a token withdrawal its sending a big message to the world and the punishment is for flooding the market with. Oil trying to destroy the shero oil and fracking oil industry in the United States and severely damaging the interests of the u. S. And multinational Oil Companies so you might say saudi arabia was a trifle on grateful in doing that because the United States on the rights the very existence of saudi arabia and President Trump was very blunt about that last year when he said publicly the the saudi royal dictatorship would be didnt put it that way wouldnt last 2 weeks without the american underwriting and that was brutal but true so i dont think iran has set this up but iran is clearly a beneficiary of it. Just our discovery though rick theres still plenty of u. S. Hardware in the persian gulf the biggest u. S. Military base in the whole world is next door to saudi arabia and qatar and as weve discussed before the persian gulf is truck a block with American Naval hardware professor let me ask you economically speaking lets look at the long range picture here i imagine the saudis are saying eventually this whole things going to be over everyones going to want our oil again and were going to be top dog are they smart or are they right or wrong if theyre thinking that way. Well i think that theyre probably carefully weighing the pros and cons of what might happen since none of us really know let me add another caution production by a 1000000 barrels is not going to bring the price of oil up because the problem is much bigger than that there would have to be much larger cuts both in saudi arabia and in the other Oil Producing countries who are not at all in a position to do that. Not russia not my area and so on and so ive seen that youre going to see mormon new jury as each side tries to give up the least in order to get the most and saudi arabia is going to have to do. Then were seeing now if thats going to be the way to fix this problem and they are going to resist because it shaking up their own society so it really professor wolf and George Galloway my thanks to both of these gentlemen for their input by the way if this is the world really thinking about starting to take reservations for its hotels really going to break that story down for you whats coming up im rick sanchez here watching our special coverage that are going to be that. You cannot be both with the yeah you like. Im chris hedges the corporate coup detat has destroyed our Democratic Institutions the commercial media is burlesque part of the reality show president s expose the trivia plots seen on contact question more. Seen the horrors that arise with money and evil. Corporate criminals who trash calculus lives to add just one more dollar to their millions. They threaten they bribe theyll do anything to keep their crimes in the door but the people theyve heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on americas lawyer. Dear you are thank you for finally changing. Your tired of network news. d no matter what. You know me d im famous for my views. Yours truly d scottie hughes. Im holland cook i invite you to climb with me part of the Mainstream Media empire and from that higher fan to each to glimpse the big picture question more. Than we welcome you back this is a very important story that weve been following now for some time the general consensus from the very beginning of the coven 1000 pandemic has been that small children in particular are essential and not even affected by this virus but in the last week or so. Weve started to see some reports both out of the u. K. And here in the United States that seem to suggest the children in rare cases are succumbing to something called pediatric inflammatory syndrome it is said to be associated with corona virus and can be quite serious so our new york correspondent today files this report for us laying out whats going on in new york and try to job as also talked about the risk to children here it is. As many are expecting new york officials to begin easing restrictions on friday hard hit new york city has to wait and the may beginning of june is when well be able to start filling in the blanks de blasio addressing the likelihood of nonessential businesses opening up in americas largest and hardest hit city in the near future but cautions the state and local rates of transmission and cases is still a major factor unless something miraculous happened were going into june so i think its fair to say that june is when were potentially going to be able to make some real changes if we can continue our progress and more and more but the number of coronavirus cases in this city increasing as of may 10th hospitalizations were slightly up to 57 from 55 a day before and the number of i. C. Used also increased to 555 from 537 the number of people testing positive up to 14 percent the virus claiming more than 20000 lives since the outbreak began here the city testing around 14000 people a day who wants to ramp it up to 20000 a day but officials are still scrambling to understand how the virus affects children the citys Health Commissioner advising families such high to remain indoors as much as possible their reality is that were still going on. Isnt being shown and so it turns out im. A muslim. Family. Outwards. Doctors in california identify what they believe is the 1st known case linking co the 19 to a rare inflammatory disease in children as cases grow across the country at least 11 states have reported children with the rare pediatric syndrome linked to corona virus with new york now investigating at least 93. 00 cases reporting in new york trinity each others are to. Get stuff to 93 cases in new york alone thats definitely a story were going to stay on top of meanwhile there is a world is announcing today that its going to get accepting reservations again july 1st for its hotels they say they expect or at least hoping to be at 50 percent capacity by the end of the year but is this plan a real dream or is it more in china the disney dream seems to be coming to fruition its already happened thats right sharing high bismillah have actually opened its doors this week here is our t. Correspondent alex my over the edge with whats going on its what disney fans in china have been waiting for. After a hiatus that lasted nearly 3 and a half months many of the familiar sights and sounds are back at Shanghai Disney resort Shanghai Disneyland was the 1st of the companys theme parks that shut down due to covert 19 but the. Like. And now it is the 1st to be back in business with hopes of reaching a new normal the Chinese Government approved the theme park to run at 30 percent capacity but disney is being extra cautious to ensure social distancing measures can be met the park is restricting visitor numbers to only 20 percent of its daily limit or about 16000. 00 people and it doesnt end there while parked at worst look at cited to be back at the Magic Kingdom other than capacity limitations it is obvious some things have changed. Because the images i did it didnt. Make him saying. Anything at all to stop crowds from forming popular parades and fireworks shows are being shelled for the time being in addition disney is insisting that all park tours wear face masks and go through temperature checks while employees make sure to keep things disinfected at the resort although the new strict measures may seem stifling peter instilled seem to mind in fact some are finding benefits in the Restrictions Mean i was thinking as to be silly money now i dont need to stand in line was no means an era in on some of them that i had a couple of times that while for the people its all about fun for disney the reopening of the Shanghai Resort is an important step in recovering from a virus lockdowns would have cost the company an estimated 1400000000. 00 in pretax profits the good news is if the 1st day of reopening indicates anything it is that disney is as popular as ever when tickets went on sale for opening day they sold out in 3 minutes but Shanghai Disney isnt out of the woods yet and neither is china in general china has reported a new cluster of covert 1000. 00 and after a month without new cases and a number of infections have also been reported in the city of in the north of the country the cases are adding fears that another wave of coronavirus could be on its way as the country continues to ease restrictions and that means that the doors of disney could be closed once again while experts predict future ups and downs with covert 19 for today this is the only kind of roller coaster ride there is that are such a high disney are concerned about a little disney magic to remind them of better times and hopefully a sign of brighter days ahead for use with rick sanchez im out with some highly bitch there are reporting there and usual for mileage mile of edge. Lets go to our rob corona virus update desk matting in for so ben yesterday with the very 1st want to bring us the story. About this restaurant in colorado where they do a sudden hell where they were going to open up wow i looked at the pictures just this morning damn ben i mean when they said theyre going to open up and to hell with it they really meant it didnt. They did and its incredible to see the number of people who turn out hundreds of people who showed up at this restaurant they packed the place up this was all a mothers day other this took place the video youre seeing here again this was a mothers day people arent Wearing Masks they are 6 feet apart i mean it was as if they just flashed back to december of 2019 its kind of a great sight in my opinion but then today some new news on this rick because that restaurant c. N. C. Breakfast kitchen its in by the way castle rock has been shut down again the Health Department came in and shut them down as of this morning saying that they had violated the safe or at home order now theres a stay at home order in colorado that has been lifted but theyre in phase 2 in colorado under something called safe or at home which requires that restaurants do not have sit down dining inside and as a result of that the Health Department now think about this the Health Department is shutting them down not as a as a medical concern but treating it as if theyre in violation of health code which technically theyre not. Of an executive order you know its interesting i guess where they kind of lose some of their argument is they were so blatant about it you know its one thing to say look up were going to just treat you know serve a couple of hot dogs or some hamburgers and pizza or some people make them sort of far part of the training outside its another thing to just say were having a Big Old Party everybody come in which seems to be were kind of they did it i think it is what they did but i got to tell you rick there are some people who are ready for that and some people who are saying you know what if we all choose to be here if we choose to congregate here if we choose to do this i think thats what were seeing more of now there seems to be a straw. Anger resistance in among people who are saying no more and another example of that if you just move a couple states over is out in california where ilan musk has reopened his tesla factory in Fremont California keep in mind that tesla factory its the only one in the United States he has now put workers back on the line and said he himself he said this in a tweet he himself will be working on the line he will do so in defiance of the governors order in california for them to remain closed he says he will not remain closed any more hes been pretty outspoken about being open and not only that but says he himself will work on the line and if they come in to arrest anyone they can arrest him you have this is a fascinating story because you know you could you could parse it out to well what if i decide i dont want to have insurance when i drive and who is the government to make me have insurance and i could think of several other examples of that so i think these are the kinds of conversations guys like you and i and maybe people even smarter than us are going to have to figure out at some point before it gets out of hand. I understand you have another important story for us you want to get in right well yeah the only other one is this though in the midst of all this happening you know restaurants kind of reopening and some states are reopening on the other side of it youve got Dr Anthony Fauci who is of obviously the head of in i. H. Hes on the the trump taskforce for corona virus he is now warning not to reopen quickly and to take your time and again this is where there is a a growing divide between the medical community and suspects really bureaucratic the medical community theres a lot of doctors who feel differently right right about bureaucratic medical community and on the other side of that entrepreneurs and Business Owners who say youre destroying our livelihood so theres a real conflict here and the interesting thing is we have a president right now who is not really willing to wade into it yeah its a real schism between some politicians and others in the medical Community Good job and i appreciate it were out of time well see again very soon one of the. News again. Join me every 1st on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sport this list im showbusiness ill see you that. Cigarettes are coming and a lot of people say well you cant go negative on the World Reserve currency they also said you can never print a negative Oil Futures Contract they said you can never print and negative Interest Rate on a sovereign bond thats already happened and think about Warren Buffett 1st 2nd i mean i pity them at this point because he says he doesnt like stocks and hes hiding out in cash but his cash is about to go negative returns but negative Interest Rate on his cash is going to be losing money on his cash pretty soon and he said i would never own gold and i would never own big point so the only 2 life boats for Warren Buffett at this point are bold and quiet and hes out of pride hes going to stick on his negative Interest Rate cash and he wont buy stocks so hes already underperformed the s. And p. For 15 years this is going to his career as basically a glorified Money Market Fund that was around nowhere that everyone will just forget about. During the vietnam war u. S. Forces to neighboring laos it was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. How much it is officially the most heavily bombed country per capita in all Human History millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country she wanted i mean we dont think were going to continue to happen. Even today kids in los full vixen. The bombs dropped decades ago is the u. S. Making amends for the tragedy in laos built to the people need in that little. Greetings and salutations welcome back my hawk watching friends as we begin a new week in the age of 19 here in the United States of america recent daves have brought us a a tale of 2 protests one featured americans from all walks of life joining together to take out a corrupt system of oppression that is robbing people of their law

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