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Held saniel meeting this week and Member States adopted a resolution to launch a probe into the Global Response to the cole the 19 pandemic i guess china doesnt like this what do you expect from that thats a great question larry because the World Health Organization itself is going to have 6 outlines of this impartial independent review now this was voted upon and approved by a 144 countries china didnt object but we do know that from chinese leaders sieging things speech to the World Health Assembly this is not the investigation that he wanted so i think that theres going to be a lot of behind the scenes scrambling between china on the one side and the rest of the world on the other as to the scope of this review or do you think china doll why doesnt china was it care if they have to if theyre in their right. Thats. Actually i think china believes that there is something to hide because we know that from december all the way through february beijing took a lot of moves that were intended to prevent the world from actually sending in for ologists and in a bit to me ologist to study this and so the natural suspicion is that yes there is something to hide you know we really dont know i mean there is there are allegations that this was a bug scape from a lab china has cleaned up the lab by the way which is a worrying sign but i think that essentially larry although china is resisting the investigation eventually the truth will come out because there are just too many people in the world who want to know and i think the Chinese People themselves are going to leak a lot of information about what went on in november and december when the outbreak 1st started a complete investigation into this whole coronavirus. Pandemic a complete investigation could take years. Will that work out to chinas favor. Well the longer this takes i think that it does help aging right now theres a lot of anger around the world at what is perceived to be chinas hiding of the virus as well as some deliberate. Deceptions so clearly right now is not a good time for their investigation to proceed but i actually dont think over the long term this is going to help beijing because you know china and the United States are involved in this struggle this struggle is not over this year or not over next year so whether this investigation concludes now or in the future i dont think it really makes much difference because the United States right now at least under President Trump is very much determined to get to the bottom of this do you trust information that comes out of beijing. No you know we have seen for instance on basic numbers on infections and deaths theres a big gap between what beijing has been reporting and the anecdotal information that we have seen so for instance while they report Something Like 8384000 infections there are indications that the number of infections were in the high 600 thousands maybe even more than that there was a leak reported by Foreign Policy magazine of a military website which seems to indicate that from early february to about middle of april there were 640000 cases reported and that would be on top of the cases in November December and january so i think its a real indication that theres a gap between what china has been telling the world and what weve been able to see just from the hens here and their president from didnt take part in the w. H. O. Summit he did release 11 threatening to pull the United States out of the all the his asian of influence are made chinas president address the summit and pledged 2000000 to help fight coleman 19 does he outplayed trump in a sense it i think it did i mean certainly china made big advances in terms of his Public Relations effort whether that will be enough to. I actually dont think so because beijing has a really bad story to tell and as we talked about this investigation i think is going to reveal deceptions and other acts which the worlds going to a poor but at least for the moment at the World Health Assembly meeting that just concluded yet beijing was able to advance his cause very well. Earlier this month you asserted that chinas handling of the coven 19 has been an issue of quote malicious in terms of deliberately taking actions that would inevitably lead to the spread of the virus outside of chinas borders you called it the crime of the century 10 elaborate on as sure beijing only publicly admitted that covert 1000 was human to human transmissible on january 20 but doctors in mohan knew that this was h. G. H. Human to human 2nd week of december maybe even earlier than that now if china hadnt said anything for that 5 week period that would have been grossly irresponsible but during that period beijing trying to convince the world that it was not human to human and that of course lall Public Health officials around the world but to make this story worse beijing during this period when it knew that this was contagious tried to convince countries not to impose travel restrictions in coron jeans on arrivals from china and because of those chinese travelers thats what took this epidemic in china and turned it into a Global Pandemic now i dont know what chinese rule or siege in ping had on his mind but if after having seen the coronavirus cripple as country if he wanted to spread the disease around the world in order to level the Playing Field larry he would have done exactly what in fact he did which means that the best interpretation you can put on the facts as we know them is that he was either reckless but it does look more likely that he was malicious but in either case china is responsible for the deaths of infections around the world and thats what beijing i think is really trying to hide thats why an investigation is seen i think as a mortal threat to the existence of the communist party. At this point is beijings influence and position in the global arena diminished or enhanced because of this. Well on balance i think its pretty much the same i think that in the beginning stages of the epidemic china was actually making an umbrella of advances around the world with its mass diplomacy and with other initiatives with its donations but recently china has for a couple of reasons i think hurt its own cause with this wolf warrior diplomacy which is extremely truculent and prognosis but also because countries are starting to see what occurred and thats the reason why you had 144 countries at the World Health Assembly wanting an independent impartial investigation something that china didnt want and that really shows that china has lost ground diplomatically in recent weeks why would china hide it i mean what what what would be behind their reasoning to not let the world know what was happening. I think its because. You know maybe they were embarrassed but embarrassment doesnt explain or. I think seen jumping believes that china should be at the top of the International System and he understood that he would not be able to do that if china were the only country that was affected by the coronavirus. Id like to think that there was a benign explanation for this but i cant come up with one and this is more than just incompetence this is deliberate because when you start looking at all the things that china did and we havent gone through all of them but when you look at all of the things they did its just. Its just malign i dont know any other word for that. We asked about beijings influence well why what about americas response to this pandemic or how is this affecting our influence in reputation elsewhere. Well because the krona virus has had so many infections and so many deaths its reflected has a reflection on american competence the image and this is something that they jim propaganda talks about all the time now i think that americas situation is not as bad as it appears but this certainly has not helped the image of america around the world but you know in terms of you know people saying well if the United States has lost the moral high ground United States has withdrawn i dont think those are actually the facts because what we have seen is President Trump. Actually talk about things that are now being talked about around the world that message is resonating there really it really is concerned about china and President Trump is at the forefront of that so its really a mixed situation but i do think that criticisms of american diplomacy have just been overdone and have been overdone in this Administration Like theyve been overdone and 3 vs ones i just think america is in a much better position than most people think. Of a pandemic salvias effect on our economy whats the situation on chinas economy. China is in a recovery now people say that this recovery is a very sharp recovery upward i actually think that thats probably an exaggeration we know that the 1st quarter their economy they said was contract and 6. 8 percent probably 1516 percent reality this quarter theyll have a recovery it wont be nearly as bad as problem though is that its got a 2nd wave of chronic virus infections so theyve been locking down they say about 100000000 people right now and thats got to have an effect on the economy also the problem for china is that its traditional export markets the European Union and the United States were just not buying as much and that means although chinas been able to get the workers back to the job sites it hasnt been able to get the factories to sell to the extent that you would have thought so chinas going to take a little bit more time to recover than most people think is going to be an issue in the election absolutely i mean some people say and i dont do domestic politics larry but some people say that china will be the central issue in our election it could very well be not because of anything that President Trump or Vice President biden want to do but really because the chinese will make it an issue by pressing the United States and the world maybe basically creating issues every week or so that have got to be addressed by the 2 candidates so i think that probably china if not the central issue is going to be a major issue and we will see this because of the krona virus epidemic which really is a china issue and his fundamental core goal and i fand cant thank you enough for all your time you give us are great person great expert on this topic. Well thank you so much larry i really appreciate it. My pleasure you too gordon chang we thank him for starting today more a lot more politicking right after the break. As you notice in your restaurant that the blowup patrons are consuming anything the solution according to the policy makers would be to make them blow up consumers bigger like and inject more of you know helium or oxygen into the blow up and that all somehow improve the situation theyre not taking into consideration of their dead their life was that they they cant consume just like the moneys velocity number shows us that for now a couple of decades theres been dying in recently the money velocity is now pretty much 0. During the vietnam war u. S. Forces are also bombs in neighboring laos there was a secret war. In for years the American People did not know. How much it is officially Katherine Bouton country per capita all Human History millions of unexploded bombs still in danger lives in this Small Agricultural country jordyn wieber. Even today kids in laos full victims of bombs dropped decades ago is the us making amends for the tragedy in laos to the people need in the too little land of mines. Welcome back to politicking earlier this week President Trump met with leaders of the Restaurant Industry at the white house to discuss the impact of the cold 19 pandemic for analysis on that meeting im joined by jon taffer entrepreneur and t. V. Personality host and executive producer of the reality t. V. Series bar rescue he joins me from las vegas are you the only one there in las vegas. All. The residents say that theres no tourists to its something you drive down the strip and you know these casinos dont even have locks on the dorsal area they never contemplated locking members right theyre all going to open and but the good news is theyre getting ready to open and we expect to be open by the end of the month all of his xenos some of them theyre going to do it in stages so a couple of casinos are going to open then a few weeks later a couple more but the small yesterday morning bars opened restaurants open the week ago and theyre getting busy people getting used to a new normal im starting to see some activity finally president drum met with leaders of the Restaurant Industry last week or this week rather one should take from that meeting well ive heard very good things about the meeting the big focus now is weve gotten stimulus dollars that help us larry we pay were all rent and utilities the next round of stimulus has to help us with an inventory credit for food think about all these restaurants are the refrigerator is are empty even the beer kegs are stale and need to be changed so its going to be costly for these restaurants to get their inventory back so the next round of stimulus its important and this was discussed that we get an inventory stimulus the restaurants buying that inventory supports the farmers the manufacturers the distributors the whole supply line is reinforced as more restaurants fill their refrigerators so thats the next level of stimulus that needs to happen. How did the president react to the needs well you know the president being a hospitality guy himself with his own casinos his own restaurants so i think he has a 1st hand knowledge of the pain even had a Casino Company go back up on him if you remember many years ago so i believe hes keen on the pain i think the president is extremely receptive i think washington is extremely receptive lets remember the Restaurant Industry is the largest employer in america other than the federal government so this is important to us all to get this industry going so those employees can go back to stores get their jobs back and fuel our whole economy this is a big part of america resetting. So allows vegas right now is looks like a deserted city right now its unbelievable to see the people are riding bicycles up and down the strip in las vegas thats the new thing for the locals to do of course you get killed by a car if you ever took a bicycle on a strip in normal times but thats whats going on here now and the locals have really stepped up theres a lot of Charity Programs going on you know this is a city thats all hospitality and we really have no other industries so the industry is supporting the industry and were getting through it. Help me Las Vegas Business model largely based on inexpensive buffets affordable rooms and great air conditioning and casino force all these are impacted by the coronavirus does las vegas need to reimagine itself. It does larry and for example to the nation m. G. M. And when have all issued some of the new policies that theyre implementing that the nation for example has over 800. 00 policy changes all due to covered 19 so their policy changes with regard to the way employees dress the way they behave the way to sanitize virtually every process has been evaluated in change but you know harry last vegas were good at this we feed more than anybody when were full with our Convention Activity so vegas is really good at systems and procedures you have to be to function that are scale so i would venture to say that anybody gets it right vegas well hows it been seen oh than a handle social distancing how to play blackjack was social distancing our what were some of the card games might not some of the table games might not be happening but were going to see things like foot pedals and slap machines are see a place machine with your foot rather than touching a machine were going to see digital playing on your phone we sit down and interact with your phone rather than touching cards or dealing with the dealer were going to see a number of these changes the games that are threatened most are some of the table games now imagine. Bars and restaurants are they going to do ok. Its difficult where you know weve been cut by 50 percent and whats interesting is theyve bunched bars and restaurants together which is really unreasonable so they say that the restaurant can open a 50 percent capacity but yet nobody can walk up to the bar nobody can sit at the bar nobody can stand so you have to be in a table you have to be 6 feet apart in net table and you can be no real bar interactivity so even though theyve open restaurants per se they havent yet opened bars because everybody still has to be seated as you know are one of the most important parts of the bars Walking Around and being close to people. I would favor a Liability Protection for businesses in regard to this pandemic yes to a reasonable level you know i think that were neglect occurs has to be defined but yes i think we need latitude with regard to liability now because some so much of this is not controlled by the operator but there still needs to be a point larry where its negligence and then the liability kicks in i would expect the restaurant to to to implement certain standard policies and procedures that dont make it negligent and then l. Liability should be gone after that but negligence a stone that which is now one of the hotels already closed right. This one and often its already closed another one called the times has announced that theyre closed indefinitely. But they havent said theyre closed permanently but look at when that we have the Biggest Hotels in the world here when you have a 5000 room hotel 6000 room hotel how do you fill a hotel of that size after a crisis like this so were going to start to see the smaller properties opened 1st and then a bigger will come out or. So we can safely say in the near future las vegas will not be never be to same never be the same but i also think les vegas is going to believe her in this larry i think were going to set the standards were going to show how masses of people can come together and we can control it right so in as much as this is a difficult time for us vegas its also a great time for a spotlight on las vegas too how are they holding on the Hotel Workers of a call they handling it you know a business jet all of it is are you know the stimulus has helped i must say the stimulus is how many employees the new unemployment levels have really helped a lot of employees theyre making almost the same money they made when they were working but a lot of the casinos even though theyve laid people off theyve kept benefits in place so almost all of our employees have retained their medical benefits for now and that along with their unemployment coverage were getting through and you know im very proud of the city of us vegas theres been a lot of support but nobody is falling through the cracks yet do you expect some to fall. Sure im worried are you know some of these casinos you know theyre saying now theyre going to try to reopen they might not you know theres a lot of restaurants now that are saying they might that but they might not what worries me is this 2 things here are the sustaining ourselves there in a pandemic and then theres positioning ourselves to be successful after the pandemic im so worried everybody spending so much money sustaining during this period of time that we wont have the money to reopen properly when that sense so thats what i worry peoples intentions are to reopen a cad they sustain it long enough to reopen thats the issue to me can we say the pledge to me of all the cities in America Las Vegas has been hit the hardest per capita. Believe thats the case of because such a large percentage of our population is in fact in the Hospitality Business here in las vegas we dont have farming in agriculture you know we dont produce cars we dont produce appliances our industry is hospitality so yes larry weve been devastated. City in say taxes on hotel rooms in liquor and cabs are they going to go up well you know i hope not you know i think that was vegas needs to put forth a Value Proposition to be successful now Going Forward and ive looked at the comeback in an interesting way that i think youll like our i believe a 3rd of the population is going to come out pretty quickly those of the younger people they feel infallible the 2nd 3rd of the population is going to watch what happens for a few weeks they want to make sure that theres no surges in infections they want to see how restaurants and retailers act rate and then in a few weeks that 2nd 3rd comes out the 3rd 3rd i called a certain 3rd theyre older people with preexisting conditions theyre not going to go out until theyre certain theyre safe and if theres a vaccine unfortunately that last 3rd the certain 3rd is the affluent 3rd they have more disposable income theyre the ones that buy 1000. 00 hotel rooms so when were losing that affluent end of the hospitality audience i think we all have to look at Value Propositions now because were targeting a younger a less affluent audience to start their conventions booked for the fall so there are still conventions booked for the fall i believe theres some still booked in can in august that have not yet been canceled and it becomes a real problem where the Las Vegas Convention center is booked years ahead of time and theres not a lot of availability so getting dates next year for rescheduled events its not so easy so theres a lot of work to put it all back together again. John judd shes an apple be rebranding themselves on food delivery abs under different restaurant names what are your thoughts. I think thats smart you know where years ago or before the pandemic delivery was like a sideline for us it didnt matter that much to us we did it because you know its revenue we did it as we saw it i had to do was good for our brands today delivery 7080 percent of our revenue if not 100 percent of our revenue its really important its the core of our business now so all efforts to brand the with every create apps get easy delivery out of peoples phones get involved in us doing more delivery expanding our prices in delivery all of this is critically important so yet all of those investments are going to happen i think youre going to see huge investments in delivery by all Restaurant Press john tavener thanks she had time today always great talking with you good to see it to be well and be safe you do and thank you viewers for joining me on this edition of politicking remember you can join the conversation on my Facebook Page or tweet me at kings things and dont forget to use the politicking hash tag and thats all for this edition of politicking. You are no fan speed you no longer a young woman in fact you are one of the last living survivors of the nazi ellis asked im aware of it. Leverage it all you like. You can never forget they are gone now auschwitz was really like to be in hell because he would never believe it want to go to as a copy of a course for 30 years and over the curb it it all seems so logical for why you decide to make it. When i get out on the farm saw you know what song to heard next so you can listen and hopefully bless god heard. It appears a new cold war isnt played this time which should get china one of the terms of engagement what does it mean to win this conflict and is all out war possible how did the us and its alliance oh i just find themselves in this situation. Happen finding them on the phone and. Swayer both the food. Bank itself moved to. Plus weve got 2 dogs so hot nothing on the other decide to see the look of the paperwork and i know from the start then if. This is the only thing that we do is music because everybody fights his way. I destroy you can follow the feet all found this will persuade you that you have a hole even at the bottom. But i think it is this is the fun that is all come from. Ah. No no crowd. No shots. To actually go. Through i know its one. Point should your thirst for action. Welcome to the kaiser for a dime a minute max kaiser yeah thats right i got strong after last episode statesboro in the laundry and shrunk me now im only about 8 inches tall station next hand me the little mini max here because you know if max this max were introducing the show you upright find it pretty creepy probably as creepy as these blow up dolls now filling the empty tables at restaurants here is a headline that i found

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