Transcripts For RT Keiser Report 20240712 :

RT Keiser Report July 12, 2024

Pill is of course this is a reference to the film the matrix that was made and which is a huge hit especially amongst online woke communities really woke not the fake woke of s a m s n b c and you know the Big White Community and the mean sort of Community Red pill is a very very very famous means and then meaning the actual meaning of red pill that has now been deemed by the likes of m. S. M. B. C. New York Times Washington post as evil you cannot say that read poetry 1st to becoming enlightened to the truth about reality especially a truth that is difficult to accept or exposes dissolutions thats right at that so we learn from the film the matrix and morpheus present the media with 2 choices the blue pill and everything stays the same or the red pill and you go down the rabbit hole as he described. And now in 2020 because the idea of an enlightened population is scary to the entrenched all a couple of pocket fists and psychopaths they are trying to do exactly what orwell warned about newspeak and his dystopia nivel 19 eightyfour by memory holing the word reptile or give it a new meaning so therefore that i actually go and see the matrix or was it just like the cat walking backwards and my even in this moment now or am i in Rachel Maddow subconscious. According to Rachel Maddow i dont exist am all words dont exist all poetry doesnt exist all film doesnt exist all artist dont exist only her view of a perfect elegant expression of hilarys malfeasance exists but of course these people who escaped the matrix meet on line and they have anonymous names they dont know each other in real meat space and that does not mean anything to them they are able to overpower the matrix the people who want you to believe what youre having is a read you know a state a real juicy steak when its not so the you know the agent smith of this world is the sort of whatever cable news channel feeds your partisan hunger is an urges and desires to hate that other side they direct your hate towards the other side you have trigger words that make you think youre eating steak and youre getting the red meat of the politics then so theyre always trying to keep you as part of the matrix and not understanding the actual nature of truth in many ways and weve covered that so many times over the kaiser report but for in terms of what we focus on which is finance and economics one thing thats starting to be difficult for them to hide that you know is the money printing so people are starting to understand that its not real steak that somethings wrong with this system that we keep on printing money and its actually just sucking the life out of us heres a tweet the official narrative especially since greenspan is that the fed is this wise group of impartial high priests who keep the economy from boss and work for all americans if you look at the actual results not the narrative you can clearly see that the narrative is nonsense so this is the share of income going to and actually wealth in the economy to the top one percent this is from the Federal Reserve own. Research and you see its hitting all time highs the matrix agent smith multiply and they fill the airwaves and the editorial pages of the new York Times Washington to post to make sure you are not listening to this evil these evil words these evil truth put casting doubt on whether or not this is a genuine red stake or right and the evidence that doesnt work is clear its very clear you can just look at them they money velocity number right there this is something weve been pointing out for a few years that it is the barometer of this is the fed money printing to cause inflation and to cure deflation working ok lets look at the money philosophy chart its going straight down and the rate of excel rating toward 0 has increased so look if you dig up the corpse from the ground and you take a bag of plasma and you stick it in the arm of the corpse and you. Pumping and the corpse keeps decaying. You would have to conclude that youre not effective in your transfusion if you have a dead economy in the United States and Global Economy died in the year 2008 and then you stick a bag of money into the corpse and you pump it and money velocity is continuing to decay and decompose i think we can say now 12 years later that this theory of trying to animate that dead economy with the money the sinai the finance doesnt work well exactly and theres no better sign of the fact that that is not a stake that you think is your economy in front of you that is not a state that you think is a functioning marketplace a free market there in the economy that the fed printing all this money is not an endless both say for all and that is that money velocity number you point out since 2000 the fed printing money has made money velocity decrease and reached new lows every year since 2011 so 2000 is when the matrix really arrives for the us economy thats when we saw the end of plastique all thats when we saw the introducing introduction of the commodity futures modernization act and we also saw. The rise of china into the deputy the following year therefore that was when the people running the matrix decided that we dont need anybody in this iconic me because now that we have the rest of the world producing our goods and services for us the elite just throw some money through some basically brioche the equivalent of brioche 1st the money at these people and just keep them dose out for as long as possible keep throwing them you know its states which arent really sticks as just food stamps and lack of dignity and human respect for us like using. An analogy here so agent. Smith smith who keeps multiplying. Infant items during the film that is the money printing right it doesnt make the matrix any less of the maker. So but to defend it yes keep multiplying. But this is just doubling down on the fraud that is the matrix they need to that they can spread has to multiply indefinitely thats why. Chairman jay powell goes on 60 minutes and tells the reporter on 60 minutes point blank we we can multiply indefinitely thats a threat like agent smith threatening me out like look i can multiply you a 1000 times you can never beat me because i can multiply 2 quantitative easing of the kashkari set on 60 minutes with q e 2 infinity we can print money to infinity thats agent smith threatening our livelihoods. Our humanity with this threat of replication of garbage of garbage money you know and so this is where were at is 12 years into this mess and we have solutions on hand you know but you know its not easy. The solutions are have been there since the end of the dot com era 3 when we saw the emergence of web 2. 0 and the merchants of basically online communities and some of them yes our growth some of them do you know come up with discussing ideas but within that they also come up with you know brutal images and meanings and understanding of that of the matrix of the world around us and this is from the alternative media that we have seen the pushback especially its getting worse and worse with each crash thats thats like the cat walking backwards in the matrix that suddenly people realized wait this isnt quite right were not eating steak where we dont have a healthy economy with this none of this is real like everybodys home right now on lockdown but the markets are still going up like do we need any of us like what do we actually do all day what have we been doing for all these years so youre starting to see that like all media like joe rogan who has millions and millions of followers he like that when hes endorsed one candidate here which is Bernie Sanders during the primaries the eruption in the matrix the agent smith on cable news was that hes racist hes you know all sorts of stuff which anybody who watches or listen to stuff and i do occasionally not much that much but i have never seen anything what i know and my history just like i know red pill for 20 years as one thing and they suddenly decide to change the meaning well to get using the metrics again as. Knology so we find out toward the end of the film that humans are batteries and theyre powering the matrix. And similarly when you asked well what are we all doing here i mean were all locked up and we have no jobs in the stock market hes going to hire whats our purpose the purpose is that in our office controlled fractional reserve banking world of Central Bank Domination for every click on facebook the Facebook Corporation can borrow 100000. 00. They can monetize that click which has a nominal value of a penny mark like a brick and go to the Banking System and say i need to borrow 100000. 00 with that 100000. 00 you can buy back his own stock which makes it go higher which make a Stock Options go higher which makes them 8090000000000. 00 so your purpose on life is what i call the casino gulag is in a click the add a pill click the as a pill thats your purpose you are a battery thats it i mean its pretty clear poetry many times describes reality to perfection as picasso once said art is a lie that tells the truth the matrix is a lie that tells the truth well lets wrap this all up because what it is important is to keep the masses from understanding this and thats why youre saying shut down all media thats been getting worse and worse every year at the platforming that the allegations that theres some Mysterious Force controlling all our minds through twitter and stuff like that here is an example of this notion of what they believe in at in the matrix the agents map this is some Bloomberg News its a modern dilemma for the ultra wealthy a yacht of weight but how to safely reach it without exposure to the germ ridden mouth is right so the yacht in question is owned by a Hedge Fund Manager who has a hedge fund whether it could be said adele for example or ben bernanke the former fed chairman sits on the board and its run by a guy who just bought an apartment in new york for a quarter of a 1000000000. 00 so the yacht was a gift from the set yes and that it sits over there in the Bell Haven Country Club in New Hampshire in kent so that area for example is a compelling or its a gift and his job is to buy government bonds that are going in negative anneal right so those government negative yielding bonds negative Interest Rates which will bankrupt everyone in the. In the world if youre a Hedge Fund Guy whos been gifted a yacht to buy those bonds you can make money on price appreciation if year on that side of the Interest Rate apartheid wall as i call it. And so thats the quid pro quo thats the deal thats the deal and if somebody asked coronavirus on your way its your yacht well we know how that goes up right when we come back much more coming your way. Problem drugs dont always come from unscrupulous dealers but from pharmacies to in every state in the United States weve seen very sharp increase in the number of people seeking treatment for addiction to prescription opioids invaded america under the banner of medicine persisted with the pain but instead of trying to wean him off though she did go after dose after dose after dose and really became his drug dealer whos to blame patients doctors manufacturers. Joined me everything on the alex im unsure and ill be speaking to guess what the world of politics or business im show business ill see you. Know whats a clip of she will be no use to you. But its always at the because it was the. Moment of the late. You need me to. Take you through. The. Yes. Yes. Welcome back to the kaiser report on backscatter time now to turn to robert grade love hes been causing quite a stir in the pic oint in finance circles all over the world with some of his recent essay there really outstanding hes the founder and c. E. O. Of the power lex digital is an amazing writer offering big picture philosophical insights into bed coin and many other monetary phenomenon robert great to have you on greater of america the essay that really just set the world on fire here because it is asked special as the number 0 you write because it is the money as 0 is to mathematics elaborate on this in the past many numeral systems didnt include a 0 interest in the 7th century ancient indian mathematician that brahma. Who actually discovered what he called the concept of 0 in meditation so the experience of what inspired me to rule number and by adding fuel to a new most of it made it qualitatively or quantitatively easier it was prone to error so the 0 based numerals system which came into arabic numerals as a balls into the numbers we used so now computed all of them why because it was so much more efficient and i made the argument comparing the discovery bob heres the money as a similar similarly profound discovery in terms of Energy Efficiency computing obamas right this idea of 0 or absolute scares today was a novel idea at the time applied to mathematics it opened up a whole new world of mathematics and way of thinking and that before that time all calculations were extraordinarily cumbersome you talk about various numeral ology systems as a roman system except where its quite cumbersome and awkward but when you add the 0 suddenly. So much as possible in both mathematics and the concept itself of nothing that are the void bang codified and quantified like that because the concept of 0 and it was adopted quickly in europe it took hundreds of years for to make its way into europe it was unstoppable as you could say as bitcoin is and it became quite as you quote a sort of Software Upgrade to the global hive mind l. O. L. Operation america you know we know today if youre into meditation benefits the mind that many ways increases green matter of the sort and it seems as by facilitating the discovery which is symbolized in the number 0 that it actually gave us a number before collective mind as well i kind of look at the World Economy as sort of the interconnection of who consciousness is all of our minds connected and coordinated by price and i just thought of listing the so as a pragmatic missile concept or discovered a spiritual or do a spiritual practice and the other thing about 0 that is not only made math much more efficient but also the discovery of negative numbers because of the deal made of the imaginary and all of you know basically became the cornerstone of calculus on which all modern physical sciences. Biology chemistry as everything was in calculus and so every miracle of maternity basically was accessed by the discovery and because proof of Work Technology is constantly chasing down the rabbit hole toward absolute 0 because the nonce upon which the prism worked out for them is based is constantly getting smaller and contestant last fall or as part of the difficulty adjustment thats at the core of that technology so there is some animal analogy there and the same thing you know your comment about the universe thought on contest of the global hive mind are fascinating and i think as you describe it prices give away to corn. At that global hive mind and at that spent true sense antiquity when price said dolls are really the cue for d how way they travel how we trade how we think how culture develops and money they put money into that max we had for thousands of years the only real money was gold because it satisfies the greatest number of people in that universal hive mind as a medium of exchange and now becoming famous for doing the same thing but as you point out its following a tried and true path of a philosophical mathematical querrey by that the human mind as it explores our our very universe now youve recently read the medium post titled bitcoin and the tyranny of time scarcity so what do you mean by the tyranny of time scarce say and what are the big calling fixed you know historically its very important to understand the evolution of money money has to pull the troops be divisible as the durable or more as be recognizable and very importantly it has scarce and historically monetary metal bust fulfill those functions and other monetary models gold was the most serious thats why it became what i call global prime money which is essentially the monetary donation and on the issue of sovereignty and thats why the innovation of bitcoin is truly momentous in that because it is your information it optimizes are maxed out a spot so information is basically infinitely divisible can be subdivided to recombine years your cost is infinitely durable because information doesnt. Mean that it really or the wall is that we know we can move information the speed of light is and is a generally recognized information the most just to be discernable substance in the universe were. The genius ive been coined as that situation combine thermodynamics and game theory essential its a construct money that has absolute scarcity meaning that as a 1. 00 the last big one is mind admits one second century its money supply. Increases will reach absolute 0 and this is this was not possible with any physical money because everything physical in the world is just a function of our time necessary so we can flip a switch today and make everyone on earth so occupation go on in survival suits or this is simply not possible so big point becomes a more perfect reflection. And im scarcity is this really what were competing against is what we do in the real economy trade increase our collective time savings and inner geniuses to overcome this the impositions of time scarce imagine thermodynamics there and that would be the 2nd law of thermodynamics there afrin saying i refer to both of them in the piece the 2nd law is the one that has the thermodynamic arrow of time so every closed system tends towards more interest. And we basically work against and you know you talk about time you talk about energy here and you know in your essay i think everyones got to read the f. A. A. To quite a number 0 and recently in macroeconomics theyve had some very sting things going on 1st of all Interest Rates went negative for the 1st time ever and thousands of years and while price went negative so here you have a situation where time in fact going backwards and they. Bond market or the Interest Rate market and matter is gone into anything matter because energy is out price of the negative h

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