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I think if you were to remove. Solutions to. Officially you poll shows at least 40 percent of europeans believe that the blog has shown itself to be relevant because nations could count on the help of. A good afternoon to you watching r. T. International. Locals in the district of london are complaining of Police Aggression after officers broke up a street party that violent such events have been gaining popularity of late despite being illegal under lockdown rules 22 Police Officers were left injured after the disturbance. Oh. But what began as a large scale street party quite peaceful descended later on into Police Clashes on this very street here in angel town in brixton now police were called around the 1 am too am mark to try and discuss the crowds from the scene but weve seen some quite alarming footage emerging on social media including a police being hit with perhaps but also plays out responding in quite an aggressive manner as well over 20 pieces have been injured as a result 2 of which have been hospitalized but also 4 people remain in custody for public order offenses now what ive been hearing on the very scene from local residents is quite a different picture to those alarming scenes in the people here in the community so the place really need to be acting better image this pandemic of racism worldwide but also an incident like last night has merely exacerbated tensions between the police and the community its also have to do with us black people that whole we feel as well do you know this really are we feel as if theyre being targeted so when we feel as if weve been targeted for me i will retaliate you know im quite peaceful vote of the people they will retaliate if you succeed to displease you and they would have been the police distribute your stuff from around you to get you to sit to what you did like. They would do the next book when youre taken out youll find youll feel she knows im here you know suck were herded sheep it makes us feel like animals i dont like stuff like that you know at the end of the day how i see this stuff just for many of the parts is a 1000000 and one things going on and ive never seen a bunch of use of this is like just to be dispersing people out like that they would see them if you see an ox in my skin because ive done the same thing to us now the Prime Minister spokesperson has said that the scenes last night were appalling and that anybody that used violence against police will face the full force of. The law weve also heard from the home secretary pretty patel shes labeled the incident as vile weve heard from the mayor of london sidique khan as well and he said that last nights events were completely unacceptable plus the metropolitan police a certain event of a scale of that of last night was unlawful pubs and bars and restaurants are of course closed Community Centers in areas like this also remain closed so people are having to go to public spaces like streets and parks to congregate in a social fashion but it brings the point that they are not theyre not patrolled by streets and parks and even lit so many would argue there are not enough safe spaces to actually do so which arguably would bring policing into question all the lack of especially when we look back at how the government has handled this coronavirus pandemic in all its process not just clinically and medically but socially as well former head of the National Counterterrorism Security Office Chris Phillips believes that the problems are the result of attitudes towards the police. Its so very long that 3 of the last 1015 years have been emasculated by government by the media in such a way that theyre really wants to take strong actions because they know that they will be criticized for it so in my opinion theyre actually just i may have been in the short term preserve their own safety but of course to allow them all as we saw yesterday to take control of the streets is always going to be wrong and needs to be you know. We need to have a rethink in the u. K. As to how do you deal with it and i think theres no respect or fear of something more which allows these people think that they can do this without any repercussions the mob is there because it feels that its got its got the ability to do this now and the police are going to react in a strong by that they will do it and until we get hard at all we wont be able to do with the problem. The black lives once a movement is impacting on many sectors and one of the latest is the Beauty Industry several companies have faced a backlash for marketing skin whitening products Corporate Giant unilever has now announced that it is going to rename its product line which is currently called fair and lovely. We recognize that the use of the words fear white and lloyd suggest a singular ideal of beauty that we dont think is right and we want to address this the move comes after 2 petitions demanding a ban of the products attracted thousands of signatures the petition states these whitening products were developed from internalized racism and promote black feelings in l. A. But was not the only company in the crosshairs of activists u. S. John johnson and johnson was also forced to take quick action its going to pull from the shelves its entire range of lightning products which are distributed in asia and the middle east. You know i mean they pick. Why did you raise your eyes without the one to get a feel conversations over the past few weeks highlighted that some product names or claims on air neutrogena and clean and clear dark spot reduce of products represent fairness or white as better than your own unique skin tone this was never our intention healthy skin is beautiful skin. However a lot of consumers who use the creams are outraged at what is happening we put the issue up for debate. Theyre removing these products that are not used to correct issues of you know skin issues but they are used to create the fairest of possible skin and such products should not exist they should not be marketed they are result of White Supremacy in colonialism i think if your were to remove white you can see what you have you have to also remove tanning solutions to mean lotions tanning oils so i think that we should make it completely legal still because its everyones choice to have you know whatever they want to do with their own bodies the difference between bleaching and tanning is this bleaching your skin comes from an ideology White Supremacy and selfhatred is actually in my opinion a form of self mutilation where if you harm it really want to remove the melanin and the color in your skin because you want to appear as wide as possible i think its up to people to see because its massaging the stick because men look at their breasts more thats like saying the same thing i mean every every day something is going to be quoted as racist and i dont think thats right and i think that people are moving way too fast with this notion and i dont think that should be the case as right now there is never a speech thats too fast to eradicate racism we have been for hundreds of years seeing the remnant of that. In the form of selfhatred and physically for china its rooted in attempting to create parity with europeans who came in sign a back in the thirtys i think that chinas case about why you know what incomes and whatever its based on not by supremacy but its based on and in the in the old days when workers used to be farmers they would take a lot and then it would be perceived as more poor if you go out in the sun so its not about why supremacy is about peoples own thoughts and minds and cultures if a person who works in the sun is seen as a worker and a lower income person then thats a book thats actually been used across hundreds of years in asia to discriminate against. When people who are darker a star said this is a person saying i dont want to identify with my ethnicity either way its peoples rights to their own body whatever they want to do i dont like how payola look i put 10 cream on every day and i think its great i dont think its White Supremacy i dont think that im trying to be black and i dont think im trying to be darker its just i think that thats why i like it suits my body well and i like that the status symbol of white the artist i think created in the minds of people around the world that if you are white you are better than his brainwashed and equal and unfortunately it was her face or not even inspired an. Insane talent that Michael Jackson possess inside of his well matt i think what we should do is that we should educate people on the notion that that white isnt just the most beautiful you know other of stuff on the shelves to make that happen and you could educate people you commit make a movement saying that i think that if you remove these when creams off the shelves people go to dangerous notions dangerous measures to make them see their skin away provide education for children for the future your future generation the current generations to say that hey whiter isnt beautiful and you are perfect just what you are and then its up to them to decide what they want to do with their lives. The European Union was proved to be launched irrelevant during the pandemic according to a new opinion poll the findings come out a certain individual Member States complained that they had to look outside the block for help as the coronavirus to cold explains. A crisis a time when your colors are really showed when you are the pilot together or fall apart or just prove yourself to be neither here nor perhaps more worrying than the large numbers who say the you performed burghley of even larger numbers has been irrelevant a new poll reveals a damning portrayed of how easy it is and think about the blog in the wake of the create a virus pandemic if this were a popularity rating you would be seriously worried about reelection so what led to this loss of confidence what we all know to ease proud of its open borders its one of its selling points moving from london to paris is as busy as swapping a bowler hat for a beret but Free Movement is also ironically one of the things that failed brussels i think is going to administer and we all share the conviction that travel restrictions or border closures would not be appropriate in the particular precautions at this point. But as the number of infections continued its upward trend criticism within grew last of the fact that a party that was no far the game plan other than just leaving the door open. We were told that it was obviously very important that we should be under this umbrella of a European Union which acquired the countries to Work Together the European Union has said nothing the only thing they have said is that there is absolutely no need to set up restrictions on travel at the buddhists and then the peak pass when countries pondered how to restart the ailing economies reopening and letting tourists and was seen as a logical step but even that process was riddled with indecision and disagreements. It is crucial for us to coordinate our choices on the european scene particularly with regard to the area however at the moment this is not happening. I was also a bit of a free for all on how individual countries behaved with the. Own borders its me knocked out and threw away the key no restaurants no sport nothing britain dollywood before following suit but you could back the size on the street are not where mosque and suite and people continue to walk around eat cinnamon buns and dogs around the maypole as for testing the u. K. And france have similar populations but 4 times more brits than french have been tested and looked like there was no strategy in play no one to the e. U. Needs of Health Official resigned in frustration and dismay ive been extremely disappointed by the European Response to cope with 19 for what pertains to the complete absence of coordination of Health Care Policies among Member States their current opposition to cohesive Financial Support initiatives to provide a safe one sided border closures and the marginal scale of synergistic scientific initiatives and on the streets but also wasnt a feeling that it was one for all and all for what to come as no one european age has been great in aid that came from within the e. U. Community. I dont know when germany or france and we are always there for them when its the opposite not so much like another we should be thankful to russia but also to china and cuba as well as to other countries outside the European Union which brussels did show some remorse it is also true that too many were not there on time when italy needed a helping hand at the very beginning. And yes for that it is right that europe as a whole offers a heartfelt apology that still didnt stop the chaos from continuing because its in the overwhelmed by 34000 thats got about as a people tree 2000000000 euro from the Emergency Relief Fund while hungry with just one 6th of the population of italy and far fewer cove a tad more than 5 and a half 1000000000 you have to distinguish between different that people demand more cooperation and not say theyre easy and whether theyre easy next year or so i cannot say that 80 patients or so they will who should have most of the day demeaning to germany and should be germans and want to be in and theres been a literacy between the different states its like theyve been stealing from each other you know one people taking. Medicare as your place from another i mean the European Union you see is based on the idea that you can build from above and then you know blokes at equal we a utopian citizenship that simply does not exist in the in the manga people are sort of on today as of right no one was ready for this but the European Union sin was not in the fact that it struggled with this unprecedented crisis but that it failed to live up to its name. Following a 3 year investigation famous russian theatre director. Sort of but it sort of put a nick of has been found guilty of embezzlement the level that it was on after this quick break. No clue no crow. No shots. Back shoes belts. No purse to. Point your thirst for action. When i was told some seemed wrong why dont we all just dont know all. The world yet to shape out just they can stick out again and again tread because of the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart. Just to look for common ground. Come back theres been a Big Development in the tourist case of a Prominent Russian film and theater director accused of fraud court today found. Guilty of masterminding a huge embezzlement operation it was a 3 year investigation of which the. He spent the last 18 months and house arrest for more on this lets go live to r. T. Correspondent is outside the courthouse take us through what was said today than in court. But it was a 3 year long investigation as you mentioned multiple probes there were twists and turns there was a lot of Public Opinion expressed on this matter but ultimately. Nick of and 2 of his producers 2 producers working with him were found guilty of embezzling laundering money to the some of you know to the to the sum of hundreds of millions of rubles 2000000. 00 near enough from the russian government during the course over the course of these Money Laundering schemes they did this via both creative and classic embezzlement schemes for example vastly overstating and exaggerating expenses as well as setting up fake Shell Companies to which they made payments for services that were never rendered now this version of events that the beans were spilled so to speak by his accountants who came out and told prosecutors told investigators exactly what they did and they said they acted on the orders of kill city havent you got to do what they did to make the payments that they made the illicit illegal payments that they made. Ultimately he himself during the trial admitted that the bookkeeping and accounting at these projects and companies was sloppy even catastrophic but that he himself never involved in the financial side of things but stuck to the artistic side of things. Exercised leadership over all members of the group he mentored measures to conceal the embezzlement the group and gazed inactions aimed at gaining personal profit through defrauding stuff and the Russian Ministry of culture. Even self maintains his innocence but it must be mentioned that. Over the last decade or so has become an icon of the liberal left him and his Production Companies stayed staged hundreds of Theatre Projects and concerts all of a russia domestically and internationally and for this reason he earned himself awards and all his fame and recognition all over the world that some one point more than 3000 celebrities and. Artists here and russias who signed the letter expressing their support for him even angle a muckle in germany came out and beat for him but for now the Court Verdict stands hes been found guilty of organizing and running a fraud and embezzlement scheme jaring which vast amounts of money was stolen from the russian government from the ministry of culture which gave him grants which funded him and ultimately now his only avenue the uni avenue left to him is to appeal the guilty verdict. Thats articles from them or against the ever the very latest information on that court case thank you. Defund the police is a rallying cry of the black lives matter protest is across the United States but it comes at a time when crime is on the rise new york is just recorded its highest month of shooting incidents in nearly a quarter of a century and police warn that this could become a new normal for details his killer. The recent decision by the new York City Police department to disband the anti crime unit last week was most likely taken in response to protests against Police Brutality now shootings in the city have broken records 125 People Killed since june the worst sense 1996 the courts are now closed and those charged with the possession of illegal guns are free to walk the streets we have over 1000. 00 people that have been indicted on a gun possession charge where the cases are open and theyre Walking Around the streets of new york today 53 shootings have taken place since the anti crime unit was disbanded mayor bill de blasio is saying he wants action from the police this weekend we also saw a real challenge is out in our streets in terms of gun violence and this is something we all have to focus on and i know the n. Y. P. D. Is focused on it we have to address a troubling trend weve seen in terms of shootings over the last weeks mayor bill de blasio says that 26 different incidents happened last weekend he blames that on the summer heat we know in the warmer months unfortunately historically there been more shootings thats not something we accept but its something we understand we have to fight against but some voices are speaking up and blaming the Police Department and noisy shooting violence in 24 hours thanks to new yorks failed politicians who lack the courage to tell the truth and now who suffers who are the real victims where are the phony politicians now take a bow de Blasio City Council new York State Senate the body count is growing you own it nothing indicates that these high crime numbers are going to decrease anytime soon meanwhile lives are being lost amid the political games and battle of words hail a mop and artsy new york. Spin avail the u. K. Watchdog in charge of scrutinizing the countrys arms. Sports has been shut down for the last 6 months and news comes amid concerns recent sales have been fueling conflicts abroad the Parliamentary Committee on arms export control is responsible for examining each and every sale but it hasnt since december is general election with the u. K. Currently the 2nd largest arms exporter in the world many m. P. s are calling for the committee to be reformed as soon as possible they claim the publics being kept in the dark about the countrys weapons trading. There are currently many complex being force around the world in which britain sells arms to one or more of the warring parties including the ongoing conflict in yemen there is mounting and legitimate concern over a number of existing licenses that would allow the potential use of british equipment such as rubber bullets for example in places like hong kong the United States and other destinations of concern the committee on arms export countries needs to be allowed to scrutinise these licenses at the earliest opportunity. The u. K. Has been accused of selling arms to countries considered frequent violators of human rights its called took billions in sales to saudi arabia since 2015 when the gulf state began its the tourist bombing of yemen the lucrative sales push a strong shock criticism of legal action even from antiwar activists british built fighter jets stopping british build bombs over yemen by the Saudi Air Force resulted in a court ruling that the exports had been a lawful Supreme Court case is currently pending several human Rights Groups and politicians have also called on the u. K. To end its export of tear gas and rubber bullets to the United States oxfams policy adviser on arms in conflict martin but she told us why the u. K. Arms export watchdog considered one of the strictest in the world is so important. High court in 2017 noted that it was a crucial part of the machinery for making sure that parliament had oversight of government policy in practice and it has indeed proved that time and again over the years this is a Vital Committee for example after the arab spring when the committee examined licenses to supply to countries that were committing human rights abuses the government ended up canceling 150. 00 of those licenses so it can name and shame and that pressure has an effect that the legislation we have on paper is good and if there are improvements that could be made and we need to stick robustly to that legislation and to agreements like the arms trade treaty and clearly having a Parliamentary Forum to debate these issues and to put pressure on the government will be very important in making that happen. Tomorrow was supposed to see the 1st white house initiated meeting between serbia and kosovo 19 months but its been called off after the course of an Prime Minister canceled the trip after the course of and president was indicted this week or more crimes due to the new developments in pristina and as a result of the indictment submitted by the specialized Prosecutors Office i have to return to my country to deal with the situation a special Prosecutors Office investigating kosovos war with serbia in the late ninetys has indicted president intact she along with 9 others for alleged war crimes the includes murder and then forced disappearance of people and torture although theres been no official statement from touching on previous occasions hes angrily denied any accusations of wrongdoing the hague court has yet to decide whether the case will go to trial serbian canadian film director about a similar gorski is skeptical. Well the tribunals was a reform to justice the balkans was formed to justify u. S. Foreign policy towards the balkans in the 1990 s. Where the serbs were. As the only culprit in the breakup of yugoslavia and the war costs of 0 and he tribunals verdicts were meant to simply sort of verify. This Foreign Policy decision and prove that the were in the only ones who are committing war crimes and committing atrocities in touch she was a command of the cause of the Liberation Army which fought for independence from serbia well then 10000 people died in that war which ended with kosovo declaring its independence something serbia still doesnt recognize along with a handful of other countries after the war time she went into politics fun becoming president in 26 the u. S. Has been kosovos close ally since nato is intervention in the war that friendship can be seen in 10 shes photographs with u. S. Officials very small a game believes that the United States has always known about the control to see surrounding tenchi. I basically think that the western leaders knew all along about toci sistering not only with the publishing of dick morris report namely in this that of the organ arms trafficking ring but back in 1908 in 1009 is well when she thought she was actually nicknamed the snake that was his actual nickname while he was the military commander of the lake so the americans knew who they were going in with because their interest was take control over kosovo and then the new thats the kaylee were the ones who were ready to die for the United States the power over kosovo because thats what our again and everybody else has done after that they ceded control of kosovo not to the albanian people as they promised as they allegedly fought for but to the United States and the west because the coastal todays essentially us colony. And that brings you right up to date staying with us here not international about with more and often. Nuclear become a battleground in the u. S. In vermont people are demanding the shut down of a local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because its a very dangerous oh no care power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactor beyond its operational limits this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on wheres the power in this country where is it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional for just a few very democracies or power line with the people this case demonstrates that struggle in very real ways our struggle on o. T. You cant be both with me yet

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