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Leading figures who have supported israel and palestine over decades i think. The International Community specially europe needs to say enough is enough we have the power to refix the balance and citrus rael we are partners we are friends but we also friends of the Palestinian People and we want peace in this region so think about what youre doing. And work for peace instead of destroying the 2 state solution if an action is this country. In a. Few days or few weeks this will be a huge a major turnover in this conflict and i dont know what distant you can bring but i see nothing but that but then are. Ok they write that today talked about with more for you can often oh. I understand that a firm on doesnt know how to lead the world in getting off projects and joy and moving toward Global Energy as fast as possible the planet will be unlivable for organisms like us i used to say lets shut down Vermont Yankee in 2012 meet the promise that we may be sure that actually scheana cleans up the mass and much of our governor whos going to move us to removal energy and move to a sane Energy Future lets vote for change on november 2nd thank you so much. Peter shall. Do solemnly swear that i will be true and faithful to the state of vermont to shine least where there will be true and faithful to the state of vermont. Federal regulators now say that for my gang he is fit to be open for another 20 years or geno boler joins us now with the latest on this jena kristen late this afternoon in a Conference Call that. Clear Regulatory Commission announced that they voted to extend for my employees lives. The n. R. C. Says it will formally. But under vermont law the Public Service board in the Legislature Must also approval less than 6. Tonight unlike a lot of Nuclear Emergency a massive new explosion rocks a crippled reactor plant in japan prompting the greatest fears yet radiation catastrophe and a new wave of back to a should. Call out for this reactor up in smoke how dangerous radiation leaks can be a plant located on a seismic fault the smoldering disaster zone the latest challenge at the Fukushima Daiichi site a fire in the number 4 reactor thats right down here in the area just near the roofs were highly radioactive spent fuel rods are stored in this turn for the worse in reactor 4 after a day in which there was some evidence japan might finally be making some small progress as it struggles with the worst Nuclear Crisis since trolled. Lets assess the risk its only gunderson hes a Nuclear Safety advocate who consults with them on State Government about the month Yankee Nuclear plant mr gundersen is joining us a little. Phone search based on what you have heard this is reactor number 4 there was a fire there the other day what does that tell you mr gundersen ive learned from my sources that the radiation levels in the 4th reactor are so high that theyve had to evacuate the personnel from there what that indicates is that the the fuel pool is running out of order and if the personnel are not there to keep it refilled it doesnt surprise me that radiation levels are increasing dramatically if the wind turns and goes the other way. I would suspect contamination not just in japan but but potentially korea and china as well almost time to they have before this is catastrophic it can boil dry in a day so they have you know on the order of 24 hours to straighten it out Arnie Gundersen is a very sober assessment we appreciate your expertise youve had experience building these spent fuel rods checks and we appreciate your expertise tonight i cant say i enjoy what im hearing but im glad were getting from someone who knows does so well mr gundersen thank you so much. I showed angry i felt scared i felt very sad when i heard about fukushima because of the people there who were displaced and because of the contamination of our world environment. Those folks had to evacuate and god knows for how long i love this place i love where i live i dont want that to happen here. I dont want to see this beautiful paradise destroyed like that. In the United States theres 23 General Electric mark one reactors identical to Fukushima Daiichi for mining he came on line almost. To Fukushima Daiichi you know what. They have the same design. The same reactor same contractors worked on them and the same flaws and weaknesses. Of containment structure designed to hold in all the radioactivity after an accident is too small by 986. 00 the nuclear Regulatory Commission had the term and there were 85 percent probability that the containment would blow up and fail in the event of a meltdown. So much hydrogen gas would be. Released that the containment would be blown to smithereens and all of the radioactivity inside it would be released to the public. Shima show decided to percent 3 of. The regulators have known that this design isnt capable of withstanding an accident since it was built. During the middle of the crisis and who push even to each one of the key regulators that the n. R. C. Got in chuck casto said this is the worst containment in the world. Well if its the worst containment in the world why are we keeping 23. 00 of them running here in america. The actual Fukushima Dai ichi was caused by an earthquake and the tsunami. But really at the root of it was that the earthquake knocked out the off site power and that the tsunami knocked out the cooling more pumps on warming the ocean. That can happen anywhere you can lose offsite power from the storm or from a tourist action and you can lose the pumps they call the plant from the same exact cause so we dont need a tsunami we dont need an earthquake to cause that kind of a damage in an American Nuclear plant. Im here because i think this is very dangerous were facing the end of life as if it just. When i heard that. It up i was devastated. Ive got to get at yankee because its. More. We would like to believe. Everything that i know today and all i have left is my body. But. Just say no. We will definitely be doing it to your. Name in a women. And after that when people asked me how many times have you been arrested and i say not. In u. S. District court. Energys lawsuit claims that vermont should have no role in approving Vermont Yankee speech or after 2012 in the state of vermont i dont think its too much to say that this is this is an antidemocratic situation youve got a large. Wealthy out of state corporation trying to have its way and override the legitimate laws of a sovereign state and its a its a power struggle unfortunately for not being its size its a david versus goliath power struggle but its one weve got a lot of energy to fight. Its the 1st day of the trial of Entergy Corporation versus the state of vermont and there are many of us in a lot of support in the state of vermont in that legal battle we believe that corporations are businesses that operate in the state of vermont should be should be falling from our long. This case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on wheres the power in this country where is it going is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea the idea of a traditional participatory democracy is power lie with the people. This case demonstrates that struggle in very real ways. We go to work. Straight home. Mr throughout the course of good he study for good and its you who bother the no human russell body. But on the but are going to that the brooklyn is so small that this isnt just. The start of. The emotion learning t. M. Must go if it was totally stuck or even outsourcing the course putting the issue resists in or out of option is to slow. Or for gut feel that the truth. From business compassion then we do nothing that. We think he minds be soldiered dickys off the boots hes wearing. To church so the sold out so quickly move to a possible opinio more than with the new one legged on the shore stuck in the summarizing the police force sort of us hold up. When it became clear that entergy was going to continue to operate past the end of its 40 year license which came to an end on march 21st 2012. We felt that it was necessary to. Take an action that would inspire people in the area not to give up. Not to allow themselves to be rolled over by this corporation. We are here to demonstrate in the most dramatic way we can that a gross injustice is being created by this rogue corporation the Entergy Corporation against the people the government of ramadi and the whole surrounding area where all of us are threatened by this reactor as long as it stays open and were calling upon the entergy to respect the democratic process in vermont and to shut this dangerous leaking accident plague plant down. There are times when you feel something so strongly that just holding up a picket sign or just attending a rally or demonstration is not enough you want to speak with your whole life your whole body and so were placing ourselves in jeopardy jeopardy of being arrested and possibly jailed in order to make the strongest statement that our conscience is called post. Mistake years life this day cares or future generations the very things that we need to exist clean water clean air the health of our citizens its all at stake and for what. For right now its just for corporate profit thats all it is. Is a power straw. About the will of the people to decide whats best for them. Its a political struggle about the basic fabric of our country despite the market. So this is about whether peoples voices are going to be heard. Yankee is shutting down Nuclear Power plants will close by the end of next year of officials from entergy which for my yankee made a surprise announcement this morning. Todays an extremely tough day for us of interest and more importantly really 630 employees and for my yankee earlier this morning we told these men and women the Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power station will stop operating at the end of its current fuel cycle and move into the decommissioning process in the 4th quarter of 2014. This decision was based on the economics of the point not Operational Performance not litigation risk. Nor political pressure simply put the plant costs exceed the plant revenue in this asset is not financially viable for those of us and. Its not good news its a very sad day. Its sad because were worried about whats going to have more friends neighbors for the folks who have to move its going to be painful see them go Nuclear Plants around the country warmest financial pressures right now theyre getting old and Everybody Knows a cost more to maintain an old car than a dozen new car the same is true for a nuclear plant. All of them are going to require modifications from Lessons Learned after Fukushima Daiichi. Sankyo was going to need about 250000000. 00 of repair and replacement over the next 2 or 3 years to keep running and entergy didnt want to spend that money. Entergy new that from entourage were not going to allow this plant top arrayed unless it was in top notch condition. And they couldnt afford it so they pulled the plug on for mine yankee for economics but it was economics under the scrutiny of a smart electorate who had kept themselves in form for the last 10 years. The closing of Vermont Yankee is the big trees that democracy. Entered you would continue to operate if it wasnt for all the hard work all these people did to make this happen is a win for david over. People power works we as citizens have the ability to effect change. What gives me hope in all of this is that. In some little way our actions are going to inspire other. I. Think you know that i find that there is no way. Out people often say to me i wish my grandmother or for her like you get your grandmother did join our benedict. And you know we did have a victory for egging meant that the whole state i feel fortunate to still be alive and in relatively good health and a boat you know struggle. You cant do it alone you need kevin unity to do this son then youre going to support one another and both that head together. Theres no getting around the fact that the site were Vermont Yankee exists on the banks of the Connecticut River will remain as a High Level Nuclear radioactive waste dump in danger and people for miles and miles and miles and miles around. Poisonous toxic legacy of what has been created is not going to disappear and it will affect future generations for a long time ago. This is a technology thats fundamentally flawed i dont believe we should build a new Nuclear Power plant ever again and i think we should orderly manner shut down every Nuclear Power plant weve got. Beginning with all of these mark one designs that are identical to Vermont Yankee and identical the Fukushima Daichi. Then gradually over the next 10 years do it charmed to do it and shut this technology down for a. Crackers financial black guy i dont buy a i because of my features. Based on how the friday as last of my answering machine or the track out watch guys are. Secret prisons are not usually what comes to mind when thinking about europe however even the most prosperous can be deceived within this 0 zone there were too few houses were allegedly bursts of prison was located and the only cia people had access to the story from investigators she held they uncovered the darkest dealings of the secret services but i mean there you go 8 of nor in dr nonsense. He seem a bit sore knee yes or no for. Crying for justice on r. T. Was no no crowd. No shots. Actions speak. Well. No 1st. Point your thirst for action. France is much anticipated tracing app is used to send just 14 alerts in 3 weeks and its often been people deleted from their phones the service is free to paris to find somebody whos using it. No no no no no no we didnt say. Americas reputation in europe still to big blow by its handling of the corona virus a new poll suggests that as the u. S. Hits an all time high of code cases 40000 added on thursday alone. More companies joined a boycott of facebook for its failure to remove hate speech and its reluctance to take down some of the Donald Trumps more controversial controversial posts however a new undercover reporter

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