Fellow that the latest developments and a look back at events over the last 7 days to me watching that we can hear an r. T. International now after being delayed by the Global Pandemic moscow finally held its huge military parade on wednesday marking the 75th anniversary of the soviet victory over nazi germany red square echo to the sound of thousands of marching feet from those tasked with protecting the motherland and hot on their heels quite literally was a procession of military vehicles and equipment before the whole thing was topped off with a spectacular fly past. I feel i please please. Please. Please listen. Well our correspondent was you dont often have the chance to travel to red square with some of the troops taking part. We are in the russian capital about 20 or so kilometers away from the red square its about 5 oclock in the morning and this is where it all begins this is where all the military hardware well all military machines are parked station before they rule towards the very heart of moscow and this beast is the one that we are actually going to be riding in. This tank support unit actually has a catchy name and thats terminator 3 and these machines including this one were tested the hard way in 2017 that was sent to syria to take part in the war and that was how they earn their permanent place in the Russian Armed forces. Well when it comes to weaponry this machine is very versatile for instance it carries full guided antitank missiles you can see them over there for instance painted red apart from that it has 33 millimeter machine guns and you can see them from over there over here and over there was a massacre in a village and all of this makes its eliminates and will live up to its name and its reputation because. The sorts of things from infancy to stomach vehicles and even helicopters and other low flying talk its. Well. One of the downsides of this particular machine is that it is very very expensive even by the military standards for instance somebody would suggest that to produce a think tank might be actually cheaper to produce this tank support unit but well right now it is in the best shape it can be because thats what it takes to raise the red square on a parade. Well this year we did launch the victory medal project offering you the chance to deliver your messages of fangs to world war 2 veterans letters arrive from all over the world to say thanks to those who contributed to the victory over nazi germany and once they arrive here at our offices we then send them on to the war heroes to remind them their acts of bravery have not been forgotten and theres nothing more touching and seeing some of the stresses being ill. Never need to go left. Or i think therell likely need. To be put in. Place. At. Least in the. Woods in there that way you got good work yes. But that. They were having. To do. That. He was there. You. Will remember for larry was there were things i mean you were going. To tell with the things we have but you will be. With us time does march on from these world changing events it does seem that history is not always being remembered the same way in may for example the white house to pay tribute to the u. S. And u. K. For delivering victory in the 2nd world war completely ignoring the soviet effort and its not the only example of air brushing the past either john hawkins reports now from victory park in moscow. Parlors then 145 american Great Britain had victory over the nazi the us president came under fire for ignoring the part played by other allied nations in defeating fascism not least the soviet union which suffered over 25000000 casualties but recent events go beyond just one tweet on the 23rd of august 1939 the soviet union in nazi germany signed a treaty of nonaggression known as the molotov ribbentrop pact and its secret protocols dividing europe and the territories of independent states between the 2 totalitarian regimes and grouping them into spheres of interest which paved the way for the outbreak of the 2nd world war history is a set of lies agreed upon according to napoleon but when former liberators are officially relabeled this occupants and victims as aggressors just with a few strokes of a pen then both truth and agreement become allusive rewriting history revisionism altering the past to fit with present political paradigms multiple states at the center of those tragic events have been mired in controversy but when it comes to russia controversy turned to something and forgivable all but equating the soviet unions role in world war 2 with that of nazi germany dear president putin heater and stalin colluded to start world war 2 that is a fact part of was a victim of this horrible conflict from the munich pact and partition of czechoslovakia to western business interests in nazi germany many countries at the center of the wars outbreak have skeletons in the closet the key aim is to learn lessons what can be done today to maintain violet of peace the russian president has his own thoughts the historical revisionism where witnessing in the west particularly with regard to the subject of the 2nd world war and its outcome is dangerous because it grossly cynically distorts the understanding of the principles of Peaceful Development laid down in 1945 by the conferences in yalta and san francisco. The main historic achievement a few and other decisions of the time was the agreement to establish a mechanism that would allow the major powers to stay within a diplomatic framework when resolving their differences the response to russias position such as passing its own historical laws is telling rather than a debate accusations of deliberate false for cation and deceit to divide and conquer in pursuit of nefarious motives historians and politicians may argue for years about blame and responsibility but as the memory of conflict fades so does the fear of such tragedy repeating itself they say history is the sum of all things that could have been avoided a vast Early Warning system and the response to the president s peace may have missed the main point. The way we understand history shapes the way we understand the present and shapes how were going to act in the future if we have a distorted a corrupt titian of history then were not going to be able to 1st of all know that a different future is possible but we see history being deployed for nationalistic propaganda stick for mythological for militaristic purposes all over the world and i mean russia is certainly guilty of that too to some extent im not saying that russia is outside of that but on the issues of world war 2 russia is much closer to the truth and to have a vision of the world based upon collaboration between the United StatesRussia Britain the French Resistance forces china back to allow us to begin to reinvention a world in which we can begin to Work Together again. Now the usa crieff status accuse the human the u. N. Human Rights Council of a poker see ya after release the resolution drawn up in the wake. The killing of george floyd last month. Also pointed his finger at cuba china and iran where he thinks that Racial Disparities are truly systemic however the u. N. Document itself is also being criticized by activists creeps of being too soft as modern dance the reports when the entire world gets these agri this view reus something must be done Rights Groups and Civil Society have mobilized armies of activists to lawyers to make sure that it does its now or never hears that chance to get rid of xenophobia and make this world a better place. The undersigned family members of victims of Police Killings and Civil Society organizations from around the world call in Member States of the un human Rights Council to urgently convene a special session on the situation of human rights in the United States in order to respond to the unfolding growth human rights crisis born out of the repression of nationwide protests the a. C. L. U. When 600. 00 organizations have written to the un human Rights Council to take action to do something new that the United States gets mentioned specifically for obvious reasons you watch my brother that are there could have been me i hear. You i met your man in a sense are your brother the 1st keep on air america and you have the power to help get this from. The un human Rights Council hears that it gets to work on un draft statements and says what the people wanted to say strongly condemns racism against africanamericans and the Structural Racism built into the American Government it says it will investigate abuses against africanamericans in the United States this is far of stuff powerful and righteous we believe the situation in the United States warrants country specific intervention and that a thematic global investigation is also an order what happened was a too harsh maybe an unacceptably strong stance against racism they call racism bad names because those righteous words didnt make it into the final report they were moved here is the watered down blub blub version that they agreed on the draft resolution now before the Council Requests the high commissioner for human rights with the assistance of resident relevant special mandate holders to prepare a report on systematic racism violations of International Human rights law against africans and and. People of african descent by Law Enforcement agencies especially as those incidents that resulted in the death of george floyd and of africans and of people of african descent here some of the parts that washington convinced them to remove no longer does america have a problem with a race is just a system now its a common problem see no longer will the u. S. Government be shamed and called out for the murder of george fraud now its a global murder we all black and white and asian and arab were all potentially responsible for American Police murdering a black man the a. C. L. U. Said it best what a circus it is absurd that the final resolution passed by the United Nations strips mention of the United States where Police Kill People particularly black people and alarmingly higher rates compared to other developed countries the United Nations needs to do its job not get bullied out of doing it and hold the United States accountable the country must face independent global scrutiny for its oppression of black people witness the power of american diplomacy the ability to bully the African Group predominantly made up of blacks into watering down a statement against racism the United States which itself pulled out of the human Rights Council asked its friends apparently to do a little arm twisting it looks like a back room arm twisting is going down the us which quit the human Rights Council has successfully enlisted the un missions of the u. K. France and australia to Work Together and undermine this important text the efforts of the us to board consular tension only highlights why such security is needed and how far there is still to go to dismantle the pernicious structures of institutionalized racism just one thing if George Floyds murder had happened in. Syria or in iraq it would have been a war crowd that Police Officer knelt on a defenseless handcuffed mans neck as he slowly suffocated begging for his mother and all those american diplomats they would have been in the front ranks pretending to care screaming and frothing for justice only to deny that very same justice to anyone else. But i guess if they come on the week we can facing is underway in russia at the moment on amendments to the countrys constitution weve got the details to start. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. Spearing dramatic developments only really going to exist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. The world is driven by shaped by. The day or thinks. We dare to ask. The weekly now a vote on reforming the russian constitution kicked off polls are open nationwide until the 1st of july the vote had been originally planned for april the 22nd but was delayed because of the coronavirus pandemic and to alleviate concerns about crags polling stations are open for a whole week instead of a single day there are around 200 amendments proposed to the constitution one of the changes put. In to potentially run for president for another 2 terms critics have argued over the all or nothing approach to the vote as people can pick and choose which amendments they sack and which they dont pay to nose out of his support. Change is an espionage in the state thing back in arizona. It was january when president putin stunned russia by proposing changes to the countrys foundational law the constitution within hours the entire government had resigned the current constitution dates back to 993. 00 to western backed president Boris Yeltsin built from the debut of the communist soviet era yeltsins constitution created what would be criticized as a hyper president ial system the president called all the shots and it was forged in bloodshed as a hostile communist control parliament tried to impeach yeltsin he resorted to the military to keep in power. 187 people were killed that autumn. One of the most important proposals today is to end that hyper president ial system while keeping the fundamentals of the constitution intact so what powers does the president currently have only he alone can nominate the Prime Minister and other cabinet Members Parliament just gives a formal green light to the candidates the proposal would flip that giving parliament the final say on who serves in government and the president would not be able to reject the m. P. s choices powers would be redistributed between various branches of government intended to lock in more checks and balances into russias government system another big change would limit the president s tenure to only 2 terms in total as opposed to no more than 2 terms in a row as it is now. That means future leaders wont be able to serve for as long as putin has but its not a member which has got western media excited putins perceived trick to stay in power forever the existing rules say putin must stand aside in 4 years time after his 2nd consecutive term albeit his 4th mandate in total m. P. s are pushing a proposal to 0 out his term count a reset button for an updated constitution i propose to add to the new constitution that the current president like any other citizen would have the right to be elected to the post of head of the state that would mean putin could run again in 2024 and in 2030 if he wants to rewind back to january and why putin said he wanted to change the constitution he says its to develop a welfare state. The reason for these amendments is to ensure the further development of russia as a state governed by the rule of law is to increase the efficiency of institutions in our country with that in mind the room more than 140. 00 amendments one guarantees that the minimum wage will not be lower than the cost of living another secures an annual adjustment to improve the real value of pensions and allowances there would also be tougher requirements for Civil Servants such as banning key officials from having foreign citizenship or Foreign Bank Accounts the would also be a ban on giving away any russian territory and priority to domestic law over international there are some controversial proposals to marriage would be classified solely as a union between a man and a woman and god gets mentioned or the constitution will still say russia is officially a secular state its an all or nothing vote russians wont be able to pick and choose which of the amendments they want to say its simply a yes or no to the whole package and the changes will only be enacted if the russian people give it an unequivocal mandate. If people do not vote for the amendments they will not be added to the constitution online voting is being held for the 1st time in a. 2 regions are holding their electronically its another measure to help quell overt faith is the Online Platform being promised data encryption and also given privacy guarantees registration for on line voting day last week now while some of the proposed reforms are proving to be controversial analysts have also argued that overall change is needed for russian society. I think its very important to note that the present constitution came out of violence came out at a time of deep uncertainty a time a very small chance events after the collapse of the soviet system here we are 2027 years later and this document is a centralized power dramatically putin feels it needs to be changed opinion polls suggest a majority russians feel it should be changed as well while the western media is focusing on the putin term limits thing which by the way does mean yes to go initially one day anyway putin says he will respect that vote you mean technically by the way he didnt have to have this National Vote at all i mean it was passed by every russian region all 85 federal something passed in the state parliament the duma passed it the National Parliament he didnt hav