Transcripts For RT Worlds Apart 20240712 :

RT Worlds Apart July 12, 2024

Now one of the things that has been possible in me is that all of the call that 19 pandemic is that in many countries its economists spread merrily liberally minded economists who are very much in favor of the strictest possible while many it could mean all the just and other Public Health professionals are a forum or are reserved about such tools mashers how do you explain that. What i think it what economists did early on starting in march the reason university of chicago study was they took the most extreme. Model which was the Imperial College of london model which has been shown to be fundamentally flawed and they said ok lets take that as given and then lets look at lets kind of see what policies will save how many lives and they came up with us an astounding measure 1760000 wives which now by the way birch really no one believes that anyway thats what they said and then they took this value of a statistical life that economists talk about i can explain that a little more she was multiplied one by the other and valar got almost a trillion dollars in benefits and they said well lock downs are extremely costly but they are going to cost close to a trillion so therefore we should do it. Is was it an economic consideration rather than a moral or ideological one thats correct but by the way i should have said lockdowns let me just read you what they studied they studied combined the home isolation of suspect cases on koren 1000 of those living in the same household as suspect cases and social distancing of the elderly and others at most risk well guess what we can we could have a has essentially had all of that without lock downs so even that was. Done even justify a lot of parents so thats striking and there is a want to call that 9000. 00 response that i find i think the most cynical and that is in mandating those top almost to the low down government supposedly chose lives over money. And the reason i max are 2 reasons why i take issue without 1st is that they i think be chose lives over other lives and 2nd the motivating factor if i somebody else of money and im wrong and. Youre correct on that now to give their. Do so if you look suicides have gone way up other times or things have gone up theres still if the if the military from other diseases is now going out across europe because people yet received the necessary procedures on time right so if we could have magically handed back seen by now you could pretty much be sure weve saved lives but one of the studies shows that wait a minute youll get the lives lost later and so there isnt that much of a saving a lot is to let me point out about the tradeoffs between money and you make a very good point its some peoples lives versus other peoples money which is problematic morally but it also just even aside from that look at how we react are a large we act as if our lives are worth a finite amount not a new term you cross the street you take a risk you get in your car you take a risk and we we still leave in the world where death does exist there is no vaccinate against it and i think many people are now days of pretending that somehow it disappeared because as ive seen you point out in one of your articles 78 percent of all 19 deaths in the United States are people over 65 so its not so much about saving their lives but prolonging bound by a few months or maybe a few years i had a huge cost to society and other groups for example lets take our children they have been taken out of school for you know many months on hands and children you know they you know it could be a life threatening situations a i wonder if its even possible in economic terms at least to protect one Group Without causing some amount of damage to the other well its possible to expect to protect one group naming the elderly without causing much damage the other 6 so theyre one of the worst things that it was shut schools down because i looked at the data the other day the number of people age 14 and under who lost their lives so far from over 1000 United States remember we go under 20000 number of people fortune on whove lost their lives is really sick shipping up this right is 12. People and so when them go in that they dont. Get sick or they dont get to be very sick we get closer to her community that was one of the biggest mistakes and then the other big mistake is what Governor Cuomo of new york where he said he put out executive order in march that said if youre a nursing home and someone has cobra dirtied or someone might have it but we havent tested them youve got to accept them without testing thats crazy and i think we can attribute a few 1000 deaths to that pennsylvania governor did it also and i believe the new jersey governor now i started this interview by referencing the value of a human life something that economists call the value of its the to stick to life we see it be if our as far as i know in the United States its currently at 10000000. 00 per person although ive seen from economists use different figures to calculate the tonsil covered 1000 on it how arbitrary or solid that figure is what goes into calculating that number because its used in a lot of. Of the cost of the current matters yes let me tell you how we come up with that we come up with that with market data so that means its not arbitrary it might be wrong but its not arbitrary and the idea is you look at what a worker has to be paid all of the things equal to except a tiny increase in risk in a year so lets say theres an increase of one in 10000 of losing your life on a job in a year. And lets say that turns out to be 500. 00 to take that risk more than 10000. 00 workers would have to be paid 10000. 00 times 500. 00 which is 5000000. 00 to 2. 00 to lose a statistical life one in 10000. 00 times 10000. 00 is one and so thats how they do it the 5000000. 00 tends to be close to the low and the 10000000. 00 tends to be close to the heart but one thing it doesnt take account of was the older system like me and. 69 ive got fewer years of life well so really all of the things you call my value of life is probably lower than the value of life of someone like you who is obviously very young and he said good care of my house im going to ask you a question about it later but. Just for the record i do think that life is very valuable im just very uncomfortable with saying that is the highest that all you because. Existence is ultimately about all life not only human life and death is also part of life now i understand the politicians can no longer afford to say a large slab nature take its course they have to be seen as a sparing no means to protect the lives of their citizens do you think thats actually a good change in a far as social and political norms are concerned i think it wasnt putting human life above all else it was putting human life to avoid cold 19 above all else and eat right because as you pointed out we have losses in in other areas probably from other diseases and certainly weve had more suicides United States than is typical in a month so its not even clear thats putting life above all else and then also lets even say that saving lives from coburg 19 go back to my nursing home example that was actually not putting life above all else so its a mess its what government does actually make a mess of it and then theres a very well studied phenomena in economics and moral hazard. Somebody takes our bigger risks because the consequences of that action ah put it by somebody else i want to leave that has come into play here by making the governments farm was susceptible to the risks of call that night and sometimes quite outlandishly define the risks and being almost oblivious to the consequences and the costs of taking those measures well i think theres something to that but let me just give the other side their due my daughter was missing for fathers day this weekend she went out with a friend shes an adult she had her cold night she just just before coming home so she knew she wasnt during a shoot out with a friend from High School Days and they were into a bar and no one was Wearing Masks there was no szell just in saying it was all these young people and based. So she left you know it was like they werent doing the basics they were doing just the easy basics so there was moral hazard because the odds that they get sick are very low but they can pass that on some of the risk really a very interesting another very interesting and intriguing phenomenon about 19 because it. Shifted responsibility for personal house outcomes from an individual to the society or to somebody else just because there are so many asymptomatic carriers bodies are considered to be walking weapons what do you think about that a u. R. L. Is it terry and right. Answer here you know respect i think theres something to that and heres what happened. When the government kind of took over at various state level 45. 00 states imposed a lockdown on the shifty states. Then you know that they they kind of took it over but also look at the bad advice that the Church Anthony family gave where he admits now that he lied he wont use that word that he lied he said mass dont matter and he admits now he did it so that professionals would get the mast up so so when the major Health Officials why people take them less seriously in the future so i think that was a real problem again there would have been a little more not a lot missile had been a little more responsibility if theyd been straight with us. But look professor henderson as much as people hate to admit it susceptibility to complications from card at 19 is a matter of 2 factors wise age as we agreed before there is no vaccine against death yet and 2nd one is a state of mid to bowl a house which to a large extent is solved driven if we accept that asymptomatic carriers are a danger to. We applied the same standard to people who dong take proper here of doubt on how one bad create a new war a hazard i do whatever i please with my body but you have to change your life your life circumstances. In order to protect me can i put out of my words and maybe slightly more gently and i said this in an article in early april staying in the lockdowns now i was one of the 1st to say that basically if you look at who is at risk its older people with comorbidities well guess what a very low percent of them are all played outside the home so its relatively easy theres this car unshipped in wide delivery and i miss a wide will be called lowest cost of a waiter we should cross the border to the person as the least cost should be the one avoiding the problem and thats kind of what youre saying so if youre one of those people whos old with comorbidities stay home its very easy and its relatively easy for order people run up to younger people or people were 40 your shift you need to make a living and so that i think is what should have happened well at home dads taking into account next time around those low dollars are rolled out but for the time being after festa henderson lets take a very short break well be back in just a few moments. Help lots of become a battleground in the u. S. In vermont people are demanding the shutdown of a local plant from my yankee is right now my focus because its a very dangerous oh no clare power plant the owner is attempting to run the reactive beyond its operational limit this case just sort of puts a magnifying glass on wheres the power in this country where is it. And is it moving more towards corporate interests or is it more in the idea of a traditional disappearing to barker seize power lie with the people this case demonstrates that struggle is very real a. Struggle on r. T. No t. V. No crowd. No shots. Action. Let me stress no small. Point should your thirst for action. Welcome back to worlds apart with David Paterson a Research Fellow with the Hoover Institution at Stanford University dr henderson our discussion about one thing is enough to get us into hot water but i want to push both of us into even more controversial territory and that is the racial tensions in the United States and i want to start with the data. The conventional and now almost obligatory ringback a wisdom is that. You know why the privilege of White Supremacy continues exerting. Its having a hand on black communities is that supported by the Economic Data and can you actually calculate the impact of racism on the people who leave right now. Ok so i wouldnt put it so much as White Privilege i think if i look at my life i dont see that i was privileged i grew up in a bad bad finally privileged 15. Well guess what the only thing i have is my brain and so if i outsource my brain to others and let them say whats true im in way hot hot or water then being accused of having White Privilege so if you think of privilege as having something to do with well i grew up in a distinctly non wealthy family now theres room one way that im all other things equal substantially better off than a black person in my situation i have looked at the data theres a guy named roland fryer who had an excellent piece in the wall street journal a couple days ago in which he pointed out and he just he went to hes black and he went against all his own biases just to watch the data and he said no theres not if i recall correctly there is not a. Dramatic difference in unarmed black men being killed by cops versus an unarmed white man but there are dramatic differences in the number of times theyre stopped theyre just driving a wall and theyre doing nothing wrong and theyre stopped way more like a multiple of the percentage for white people i think that matters but i wrote an article and i dont know if you want to take away yet or are stuck on this but i wrote an article saying heres what we do know black widely hoods matter and when i look at whats in the way of black livelihoods a lot of government regulations are in the way now to those regulations apply to everyone black and white yes but if you look at the areas where they fly they tend to just fortunately black people the true disha one historically was the minimum wage and gunner mirrored all who was a kind of a social democrat from sweden wrote this classic in the 1000 shorties called america and american dilemma about the situation of black people. It was a very talented its a classic dammit it was published that i think way back in the fortys do you think that argument still stands because let me let me make the point in that all fast forward to now one of the things he studied was the minimum wage and he pointed out that the minimum wage was differentially hurting black people why because on average they were less productive than white people and so if you add there being west productive and theres some discrimination then it isnt any longer worth it for a white employer to hire many of them and so it was when they met it was really when the minimum wage got heat back in the late fortys early fiftys that we started seeing a big divergence in black teenage unemployment and white teen or john and so the minimum wage differential hurt them and it was met to john f. Kennedy almost on a Senate Committee area night you could see 7 sad he was he understood that an increase in minimum wage would hurt black people in the south and help his white workers in massachusetts now and so you know im sorry for jumping into that since yesterday and that mentioned. Mitt mystic president candidate i want to mention another president ial candidate of this point joe biden who as part of his. Can pay for the Office Proposes to double the minimum wage and the not efface to 15. 00 delirious and our as far as i remember i just sang. People asked specifically black people would actually be heard events to into past yes unskilled people would be hurt and that differentially therefore effects blacks you especially black youths and the reason is this a minimum wage doesnt guarantee you a job it guarantees you that if you get a job you be paid that wage history so i see that guarantee that means youre less likely to get the job and so i would predict. Probably over a 1000000 people would lose their job if the minimum wage were doubled to 50 now they want to phase it in so maybe 800000. 00. And that would be differentially in communities ripple out of black people alabama mississippi lower wage states and other interesting point youre making in that article is that whats hurting the black community more av than other communities is. Excessive occupational licensing and one of the fascinating examples you provide is hair braiding which many black women and i say maybe mad as well in gaijin but. 16 american states require a special license to do Something Like that i checked some of the states they tend to be democratic and i think the funny thing about american politics is that democratic states tend to favor more regulation rather than last even even though maybe thats just my anecdotal impression in any case do you think the time has come to abolish Something Like that because obviously. There seems to be. A consensus on the need to do something for the black community to provide them with better and more patooties yes i think it is time to abolish it was always time to abolish it especially now and just let me point out you did your Research Well i didnt know about the democratic states thats interesting i didnt count them i just looked there were 16 but heres the weird thing you have to get a cosmetology license in those states you have to pay hundreds or maybe thousands of dollars you have to take hundreds of hours of training and whats one of the main things you learn to do use chemicals whats the thing you do not do when braiding use chemical so its clearly a protectionist measure by existing hairdressers to price out their competition so you are getting rid of that would help getting went to berkeley all occupational licensing would help because we have other ways of. People you know weve got yelp weve got all these other things and if you look it was never consumers who were saying we want protection we want licensing it was always people in those occupations already firmly entrenched who wanted to keep the competition out so yes that would help and by the way the Obama Administration their counsel economic advisors had a very good report on this the last couple years they were in office weighing out som

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