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Front line and getting only applause. Good morning live from internationals World News Center here in moscow my names kevin only here for the next 30 minutes with the latest update for you can count on your company for most the all the bullets in the so were starting with this is mention the United States is slashing its military presence in germany its withdrawing all redeploying nearly 12000. 00 personnel is part of a long running dispute donald trump has with berlin claiming its not paying enough into the nato military alliance although a slip of the tongue by the u. S. Defense secretary raised a few eyebrows to. Ive said that very privately to my counterparts as well about the importance of nato any alliance sharing the burden so we can all deter russia and avoid peace in the board but hes played all of us that morning pay us a clip is probably going to come back to haunt him will still a bit of a worry though for germany isnt it but weve all had them kevin havent we where we have said something just slightly wrong and that the words get away from us but me and you have never been the defense secretary of a Nuclear State 12000 american troops will be leaving germany 6400 of those will be returning to the United States 5400 will be redeployed elsewhere around Europe Donald trump the us president has called germany delinquent in the past over it defense spending they seems to have been the trigger that prompted this troop withdrawal but. There. Was one. Lets be clear i think germany is the wealthiest country in Europe Germany can and should pay more to its defense it should certainly meet the 2 percent standard and i would argue go above and beyond that the number of troops to be withdrawn is high yet the 9000. 00 that was quoted by the u. S. President earlier this month the minister president of bavaria markets a man whos also taped as a potential replacement for coal when she steps down from Office Next Year has said that this move will damage german u. S. Relations the u. S. Governments decision was very regrettable use of this dream in the u. S. Human relations its not clear what the game is for a military standpoint. In the us itself in the long run but its also prompted a lot of domestic politicking in the United States democratic senator from new jersey bob menendez has said that. Champagne would be popping in the kremlin this news thats despite the reality that moscows less than happy it this it will almost certainly mean that u. S. Troops will be stationed in poland right on russias borders but weve heard from the foreign minister and the chancellor here in berlin is that donald trump being voted out of office in november wont automatically fix things that the relationship between germany and the United States that those problems go much deeper we grew up in the certain knowledge that the United States wanted to be and world power should the u. S. Now wish to draw from that through all of the cereal would have to reflect on that very deeply everyone who thinks everything in Transatlantic Partnership will be as it once was with a democratic president underestimates the structural changes there you go the United States to withdraw almost 12000. 00 troops from germany and what would be so any one of the biggest shake ups in nato since the cold war is donald trump continues his policy certainly seems like a policy anyway of how to lose friends and alienate people diplomatically i told some of the chancellor merkel c. D. U. Party uses the us troop withdrawal could be a Good Opportunity for germany to reevaluate his Defense Strategy and its role in nato. Never been an alliance of equals but now of course been turned and twisted into Different Directions and people trying to cling on to all structures for lack of imagination or maybe far for fear of the unknown of course the year political elites and also corporate lives mostly think that we should keep it the way it is but theres a significant stream in the general public that well see less thats reduce it of course its also a contentious issue and also an issue between east and west because i would say in the east of germany former g. D. R. Most most people would say that the most strongly to this ourselves are these cars this the smallest are going to russia in the west again it looks it looks differently so the country is divided on this issue i for one then welcome it and theres a theres a group in germany well council official policy or policy makers dont want most of them to its a chess some more if you thinking has to be done and i think. What trump is doing now is will bring about those. Farts and the thinking and that can only be for the good. Well talk of double trouble for casinos to hotels to office blocks the name trump of course plastered on many prime businesses but an israeli settlement named after the u. S. President as a thank you for is back in the territorial disputes looking much less resplendent these days paulus lear went to take a look. What does President Trump love more than seeing his name in golden letters on a big sign while praising recognition one would say and here in northern israel hes got both trumped heights in the middle of nowhere thank you from Benjamin Netanyahu to his american body for doing what most of the International Community would not recognize this is the Golan Heights as part of israel you have been an incredible friend for israel and youve done extraordinary things for the jewish state which we are eternally grateful to much fanfare and celebrations you might imagine an idyllic place but the 1st thing you see is the settlement gate which doesnt close completely and theres a gap here through which i can just go into it but jari gets into it and then you find that no boulevard or fancy entrance leading into the village instead of hot overgrown with weeds and piles of stone a far cry from what youd expect the entrance into trump heights would look like when you think a place like you had a 2nd chance you see this this building used to be the common law say to the regional village for him and now 80 although hes been a fantasy name change a new settlement has filtered tracked many residents today less than a dozen lives here and right now no one seems to be. So alone is there any one poem hello. Israel captured this territory from syria during the 19676 day war and later and next to 981 now most of the International Community considers that annexation illegal and does not consider the Golan Heights as part of israel locals dont take it seriously either and it was i think its not a good location its very hard its a neglected area and i simply dont know why people go to live there for us it was very very sure this is going to want to see it because we think its all roads are going to get. Sued. Has evoked work which is this is an American Issue with. Israeli government says plans and a way to eventually house 300. 00 families but in the years since trump prices beeman overrated nothings being done maybe it doesnt even matter the un has been bestowed the facts on marginal after all we live in an era of fake news as president trying to likes to say here are trying to hide its northern israel well this was a meeting of minds the most powerful bosses in big tech go to dress and from u. S. Lawmakers over their market power and claims of political censorship the heads then of Facebook Google and apple faced congress and so too to the worlds richest man and boss jeff bezos soon made his 1st appearance amazons dual role as a platform operator and competing seller on that platform is fundamentally anti competitive and Congress Must take action please but messenger Whatsapp Instagram are the most now downloaded amps of the last decade your company sir owns them all in we have a word for that that word is monopoly i believe it is in fact your company that is engaging in the election interference well its Little Wonder there are monopoly concerns the combined market value of the worlds big 4 is greater than the entire German Economy plus with political advertising regulations increasingly in place its suspected that the social media giants play a crucial role in the elections that may be perhaps biased towards the democrats r. T. Americas been discussing that. What about the timing of all of this why is it happening right now is there any significance to that well theyre definitely isnt the chairman of the subcommittee spoke out today when the hearing started and he said that this is even more important now because as were still dealing with a lockdown as a result of the coronavirus pandemic it is really hit Small Businesses the hardest and in turn it has actually made these 4 Big Tech Companies there theyre talking about even more powerful than before take a listen to the code 900 demick these corporations already stude out as titans in our economy in the wake of 9 where theyre likely to emerge stronger and more powerful than ever before as American Family shift more of their work shopping and communication online these giant stand to profit locally owned businesses meanwhile mom and pop stores on main street face an economic crisis unlike any in recent history now as we know these Tech Companies are no strangers to privacy concerns and so there have also been a lot of questions about how they use all of the information that they gather from their users that are on their platforms and where thats going to go in the future yeah i think thats a really good point i think you have to look at the fact that essentially all these Different Companies could be i believe they are but could be violated antitrust laws in the fashion in some way or another they do seem to be engaging in very similar conduct which is essentially keeping competition from rising up using data to hold back competition all competition goes away no one is big enough or rich enough to be able to compete and also as we all know these companies are kind of the say in that theyre all Data Companies thats actually what they are there are companies that mine our data and then sell that data thats how theyre so powerful is anything actually going to be done by congress to address this or is this kind of an opportunity for those on the hill to do some grandstanding and ruffle their feathers. I think its a lot of grandstanding i dont think much is going to come out of this and theres a couple of reasons for that you and i have been talking about this for years that essentially these companies they are abusing section 230 and acting not as platforms but as publishers theres really no discussion right now of removing that even though some members of Congress Want to do that the president has talked about doing that its not happening and so the question becomes if you really want to get these guys in line theres a couple of things you can do and one of them is to say you are in violation were going to revoke it from you. Every week at the height of the pandemic people across britain turned didnt they to applaud Health Workers it was very appreciated but medical staff marching on turning street on wednesday say what they really could do with right now is a decent pay rise across the sector their message to government is clear plumping wont pay my Bills National Health Service staff are due to get a pay rise but not till next spring unions say the money is needed now especially as exhausted Health Workers are bracing for what could be an imminent 2nd covert wave wellcome painters say they know money is really tight right now things are tough but that existing funds should be spread more fairly. You know i completely agree that were in a very tricky situation at the moment and things are more precarious than they were you know you know the last 10 years weve seen a star of the cuts weve seen a lot a lot of damage done to certain sections of the workforce in our society now weve also seen in recent times billions of pounds being on companies and private companies and businesses you know there are priorities that we can see the n. H. S. Is clearly not a priority in fact is seen so ironically or you know quite scary really the n. H. S. Is being you know hes continued. To be undervalued despite being. The n. H. S. And has. The british governments response to the pound the biggest still getting fear scrutiny from the new report says homes which suffered the most from infections and so many deaths were quote thrown to the wolves he is a london correspondent shaadi edwards dashti. The 1st glimpse the 1st real look into how the sector has been treated since the height of the pandemic though it found that the governments approach was inconsistent and out worse negligent now according to make here heres the chairwoman of the Cross Party Committee she says the National Response was simply not good enough our care homes were effectively burned to the wolves and the virus has ravaged some of them putting or else aside the government must use the narrow window we have now to plan for a good wait lives depend upon getting a Response Rate slow inconsistent reckless and appalling were used to describe the way in which patients were discharged into care homes without any knowledge of whether or not the patient had to prove it 19 now a massive 25000 hospital patients in england and wales were moved to care homes to free up beds spaces as i say no covert 19 test it also found years of inattention and funding cuts by successive governments have left social care worse for wear and that the government was aware of this but failed to change its policy and then more recently Boris Johnson the Prime Minister at the start of july shifted the blame someone on to the care homes saying that they were not doing their jobs properly we discovered too many homes didnt really follow the procedures in the way that they could have now the report has suggested some recommendations including improving that discharge process and it wants the government to respond by the end of the summer because that is a crucial time when we do expect to see a 2nd wave of the coronavirus pandemic. So its come out 60 minutes past the morning moscow time were you watching a high coming up the solo stuff in south korea this testing tempers in tokyo right now its a bit more real marking japans dark past that reviving decades old to speak to the Prime Ministers taken a person who will tell you why. Seemed wrong. But old rules just dont call. Me. Yet to stamp out these days to come to educate and engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. So every crisis in america has been packaged as a bond and sold into the junk bond market with a longer maturity at a slightly lower coupon rate and theyve been doing this now for 40 years to the point where americas indebtedness says. They engineered to the point of an extinction event as have many countries as the global. Economy. Again the unnamed source is running again this time making headlines in the western press accusing russia of spreading disinformation over coronavirus on news websites linked to russian intelligence he goes down off his coat warning. According to the reports of the russians are back at it again and they are trying to spread misinformation about the coronavirus pandemic it has been cited by multiple this has spread the story got picked up by multiple outlets but as one might say is already media tradition nowadays its based on the accounts of people who have preferred to stay anonymous to american officials describe the newly declassified intelligence but would not provide the underlying reports about the activities of the g. R. U. They discussed the information on the condition of anonymity. Well when it comes to the upper tier its the new tour ears and a mysterious g r u Intelligence Unit according to the reports and theyve picked the coronavirus as one of the most divisive stories to reportedly spread misinformation about them amplifies such messages for example like the virus had been developed and escaped an american lab and did not originate in china the claim that has been thoroughly debunked in the months during the months of the pandemic what the report fails to to detail though fails to delve into as to how exactly these messages in this misinformation is being amplified because remember how in 2016 it was all about russian bots russian fake accounts on social media well according to the report apparently the russian intelligence has gone past that and theyre using what the report is saying is a trio of websites but again what the report fails to explain as to how those articles that are published on websites are being made viral while the specific sites may not receive much traffic american officials believe the distance from asian written by Russian Military intelligence is amplified sometimes intentionally sometimes unwittingly so sometimes unwittingly it could only mean one thing is that nobodys really trying to amplify it but people are just sharing the article but well nonetheless we have already had reaction both from the russian government and one of the websites named and shamed in the report heres what new trip a score of the spokesman for the russian president Vladimir Putin has had to say about this. When someone talks about jacintha nation it is an obsessive in there is no need to blame high quality in objective media work for dissent from nation well when it comes to the website its called one world by the way theyve put out a statement and essentially theyre saying that the claims made against journalists and writers and contributors linking them to the Russian Military intelligence theyve said this is essentially defamation that theres no proof that they are working with them and they are saying that theyre out of it is completely independent but well as the election day draws near while it might be that Robert Miller will be hired to pen a mother volume in his legal practice. He goes down offer for there for us the next story about a statue in it Botanic Garden in south korea this rig knighted no result bitter war time with japan let me tell you more it shows a man kneeling in front of a girl whose symbolizes military sex slaves euphemistically called comfort women for japans imperial colonial era nearly a century ago but whats really annoying japan about it right now is that the man looks just a little bit well you could judge for yourself like Prime Minister shinzo himself no stranger to said argumentive flabby with the way to japan says it is based on it was seriously and relations with south korea. Does god or god deal with it and i think such a thing is unforgivable in terms of International Courtesy if the reports are accurate it will have a decisive impact on japan and south korea relations. Well well see what happens on that but the bigger issue behind this is over reparations for the socalled comfort stations in use from 1032 to the end of the 2nd world war women were lured with the offer of work only to be forced into providing Sexual Services to Japanese Imperial Army Soldiers its thought around 200000 mostly korean women were enslaved now this cycle is going on for a long time attempts to resolve the dispute over the years have been slow theyve been painful theres a lot of acrimony over it a treaty to try and normalize relations that came about in 1965 but it took japan in till 93 to finally apologize and admit that there were women forced into sex slavery by 2015 a forward policy and deal was agreed with the fund to compensate victims but it didnt go far enough as far as south korea was concerned and the deal to almost fell apart campaigners say there is still a lot of Unfinished Business re this than. We will never have peace is in danger its cafe culture that part of that is the ability to sit out here on a terrace whatever the weather and watch the world go by in the summer you can enjoy the sunshine but when it comes to the winter when the weather is grey matter and very cold sitting outside is only made bearable for many by the heat is but not for much longer it seems as there are bound to be axed in the plans by the french government as part of a push towards ogu enough teacher for the country this is about ending practices that decision to come logical irregularities that lead to completely unjustified our consumption of energy we cannot for the mere comfort of not having to open the door of the shop or condition street in the middle of summer when its 30 degrees celsius and we also cannot fully terraces in the middle of winter in west syria to chris celsius for the mere pleasure of drinking wants coffee outdoors while staying warm since the smoking ban was introduced a decade ago restaurants and coffee shops separate life even more on heated terraces to keep their clientele happy and now its suffering from the impact it could be 19 they are concerned about this. It is a hasty decision because we dont have an alternative way except putting blankets outside which will be warm enough we have a big open terrace so i doubt the blankets will be enough so its not the best decision for us coffee shop and Restaurant Owners especially with the situation of kovi because we have to pay a lot for the terrace when its cold the 1st thing the oscars that he said previously they stopped us using gas heaters now its electric heaters so its bad for the restaurant sector and he says that this could slice their business in. Most of what would you or i cannot tell you exactly how many people wont come as a result of this sort how much money well lose but were. Sure that the customers who come during winter and use the terrorists will not be there we have a part of our terrorist which is close did but the other half is in the open air with an electric heater. Environmental campaign is the say there are serious grounds for that decision by the french government studies have shown that by gas heaters in a terrace of around 75 square meters produce the same amount of c o 2 throughout the winter as the average car would going around the world the green finds here in paris the reaction to the pound has varied but out of the people that weve spoken to those supporting the ban in the majority. I think this is good we dont have to warm up terraces during the winter its a good move for ecology we have to make some effort i like to sit during winter on tarsus but we have to make an effort and this is the kind of measure that shows things are moving ahead. So i think it is a good solution for the environment i think it is supposed to have because we proved once the terrace here another one there are places like here where there are holes and terraces isnt the pollution maybe its more comfortable for people because they are warm on the terrace where you have the sun and thats Real Solutions forces but it is not very nice to be outside in the cold during winter on a terrace and electric heater it will be too cold already it is complicated for shop owners with the Current Situation so if the this into the mix it will be even harder for them i think it is not the thing which makes a lot of pollution there are other things that we need to look at rather than electric heaters on a terrace the move is part of a package of measures aimed at was ceasing Carbon Emissions which is set to include a ban on installing coal off the royal this is the focus that leaves promise split between there you see think that it must be quick toward supporting a future and they say that these parties are all right. Sometimes sunday evenings me off to paris will show mr paul this selfexplanatory of course but of course if youre wondering whats happened we didnt link him to that its about the tos not being allowed to be more impious but you got the gist of it thats the way things are looking so far from the be true were keeping you covered from a very stupid on because around the world as the day progresses from now from moscow kevin on reporting and have a great. Show every crisis in america has been packaged as a bond and sold into the junk bond market with a longer maturity at a slightly lower coupon rate and theyve been doing this now for 40 years to the point where americas indebtedness says spend they engineered to the point of an extinction event as have many countries as the global. Was a pandemic no certainly no borders im just delighted to nationalities. So much time with the we dont look like seeing the whole world needs to be. Judged as commentary crisis with this intensity moment times we can do better we should. Everyone is contributing each of our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges created with the response has been so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Heis a nation full community. Are you going the right way or are you being led to. Direct. What is truth whats his face. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or remain in the shallowness

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