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Over we ask longtime protest organizer vice chair of the Oregon Democrats black caucus gregory. And his nasa launches its historic perseverance rover to mars to look for signs of life is at the end of us a gemini and rocking the secrets of the universe after chinese attempts to make history on the red planet we ask alan stern who is leading the 1st ever mission to explore pluto about how high the stakes are when it comes to space all this more coming up in this lockdown edition of going underground but 1st lets go to portland to Gregory Mchale hes the vice chair of the Oregon Democrats black caucus gregory what on earth is going on in portland were seeing images all over the internet of tear gas of warfare not seen even in even in countries where are the u. N. Is imposed sanctions on. Yet its really appalling to see in the streets of berlin its right downtown in the heart of our city every night appears to look. A war zone we have troops in camouflage police deploying tear gas and flash bangs and its absolute chaos down town portland and its hard to see in a city that i love so much now you know the jaguar the boss of the department of Homeland Security says youre all violent and i casts on the streets of poland apparently they are using george w. Bushs 2002 Homeland Security act 200 to not change under president obama that allows the federal security Security Forces to attack what they presumably see as violent advocates yeah i mean im not a violent man i care if they have never committed violence at a protest much of what they say is violent an arche is actually graffiti. I know that many people are appalled to see that graffiti but i think that images such as george floyd getting the life choked out of him or even the flash bangs and rylan that weve seen at these protests as much more appalling than any graffiti that may occur at a protest and i also think it is a very small amount of individuals who may do that graffiti and it does not make sense in a country those opposed to be a free country that they would be deploying indiscriminate weapons against entire nonviolent crowds just because of the actions of some small amount of individuals while the nato nations are supposed to i dont know media in countries that washington may see as enemies the pictures of had to be on the internet mainly theyre not headlining the news what have you witnessed and what have you heard from the street level actions of Police Involved in because weve been seeing what seem to be u. S. Federal forces attacking protesters on the ground amidst clouds of tear gas i think what youre seeing is accurate but i think that part of the story that is missed is that this happened because its 50 days of protests. Before the federal officers came in and before it was federal officers to point here gas it was our own local Police Departments that were deploying tear gas and beating protesters and so its just continued weve seen terror for years with mayors in america as well as. The president himself not over what to do about pro protest but rather who gets to beat out protesters who gets to detain them who gets to throw them in a unmarked bands who gets to deploy tear gas and so at some point the person deplane the tear gas might change the tenor on the ground in the end. Of the protests i dont think its going to end until we see justice for people like Brianna Taylor and george floyd in that many others that have been killed by police in portland well president jiang has previously been on the record as saying of course the black eyes Mother Movement began under obama not his presidency and hes saying that there would be no portland he would be burned it would be burned to the ground if it wasnt for those federal forces anything personally that said touch your mother demonstrations. Yeah i mean the effects of this tear gas i think are any credibly scary we were there in full protective gear trying to help people out of the gas you dont actually see it coming it just is in the air its not like a cloud that you can run from there was no warning your skin begins to burn and then eventually your eyes you can completely not see cant breathe and it completely immobilizes you so its not even a effective way for crowds to be dispersed but rather it makes you have to stop you cant see you cant run away with it which then exposes you to hits from baton send a rest in excedrin and i also think that there are long term effects as well as the short term effects of the tear gas that we dont yet know all of the details about you know for people around the world watching they probably dont know all portland is i suppose there have been never reports that its one of their happiest most sought after places to live in the world to tell me just a little bit about poland because i understand even that story isnt true because it mosques or race that race has passed yeah absolutely parlin is a beautiful pristine city and there are a lot about it that i like and i think that we can see that many of our Community Members deeply care about our city and thats why weve been out protesting but portland and the state of oregon have a racist past or again it was not a slave state upon its inception but not because it did not. For any moral reasons but rather because it did the oregonian did not want black People Living in the state whether they were slave or not and because of that blacks were excluded from the state of oregon for a very long time theyre still deeds to peoples houses that say that they cannot be sold to people that are black that is obviously not enforceable because of the interpretations of the constitute. Now but those deeds exist theres a lot of races history here not just of exclusion but then also the lack of infrastructure as black communities have flooded in there and because of that and then we see gentrification in disparate police scene that occurs in portland just as many cities in america well what do you think you are a democrat of what nancy pelosi said that trump was turning it into a banal or a republic i mean i mean that and itself is a strange phrase to use arguably because it is redolent of us empire in your hemisphere with you who are you with the. Trump is suggesting that your period they try that you live in a Banana Republic thats what this is these pictures show that all these federal forces in poland mean. Well i think its important to know that this is just a small part of portland the entire city is not under siege but i do fear about what this could look like in other cities i do fear about what impact it can have on the election or even our ability to have an election as you know the city is definitely largely democrat and if ringback cities are turned into war zones in the heart of their cities across the country come november it makes it a lot harder to especially at a time in which many places do not have mail in voting and so i do wary about the impacts but i do think that it is also still important to know d that this is not having a huge every day fact on every single persons life in portland but i do think that if elected officials both locally and at the National Level such as nancy pelosi dont do more to protect cities from this sort of animation that we could be in a situation that might not necessarily be a banana Banana Republic but does look a lot like fascism well. They dont trump says the mail in Voting System means that you might not even have elections in november you did you did imply that handing lee and the trump stuff there in some state level responsibility there needs to be taken because 10 wheelers means he has some kind of hero he was hit by gas himself and there is he to blame partly as well because you say the state Security Forces were there before the federal troops and and they too were not policing a demonstration as they should. I think ted will is fully to blame because there are a lot of steps that could have been taken to prevent this sort of federal invasion as i said there were 50 some odd days of protests prior to dharma chimes invasion in those protests had nothing to do with donald trump but had to do with our local police and those protests where tear gas in and be in and arrested just the same as the federal officers had been doing so what i would have said is that if ted wheeler would have stood with his people from the beginning if he would have been al in the streets with his own people from the beginning we would have not been in this situation had he not been trying to demonize protesters himself using the same rhetoric that we had talked about earlier about there being a mile an hour kiss and outside agitators and trying to quell protests himself we would not be in this situation and if he had just simply listened to the demands of the community and how we wanted to reform in the fire and in reallocate funds from violent policing into our community at a time during a pandemic where our Community Needs those files if he had done all of those things we would have seen 50 something days of protest and thus the federal officers would have not come in so yes he did stand they get tear gassed one single day his own Police Department threatened to use tear gas and against those same protesters once he had left that night and had also used tear gas and continue to use tear gas against protesters in conjunction with Donald Trumps federal officers well u. N. Permanent Security Council members china Russia Britain france then are raising this at the u. N. Security council and your top law officer in your country bill maher he said your fellow activists are using tasers pellet guns all manner of ammunition against Law Enforcement thats thats the view of your top law officer in your country. I go with hesitate to think that he truly believes that and if he does he is having bad information. Ask him to maybe attend these protests and see how peaceful they are we see things like people cooking their 247 and feeding in our houses community we see people just standing there are signs and chanting in so incredibly nonviolent protest that has been cracked down on i think so that images of chaos can be seen in that bureau can then be used for damage charms reelection bid to say that this is the rylan democrats and this is what is coming if you vote for joe biden. But this is trumps america right now in the violence in the chaos that were seeing is being ensued by his federal police force as well as local Police Forces well yes finally joe biden the contender democrat contender in november presumed contender hasnt even been to poland why should anyone in portland expect things to be different if joe biden is the president given well on racial issues hes known of course for opposing the segregation of schools in his background and his past. I think joe biden definitely has a lot of work to do when it comes to ration it but the thing is i believe that he is willing to put in that where can i dont know i think weve seen 4 years of donald trump in a way he is willing to do and i believe that his presidency is an existential crisis but again if the federal troops leave it doesnt matter if joe biden were to send them back or if donald trump which is send them back we will still see protests in cities across america because. Of these protests the death of george floyd as well as the reminder of all the deaths that have occurred in portland or in play in cities across the country and those usually were happening at state and local levels and they happened during obamas presidency that and during times presidency so theres something very broken with our policing system and regardless of who the president is we have a lot of work as a nation to reconcile that right mcalary stay safe thank you so much for being on the program. Thank you i appreciate it thanks for having me after the break the man who is leading one of the for this exploration is in Human History tells us just how high the stakes are when it comes to a lot being the secrets of the universe all this and all coming on part 2 of going underground. We go to work. Straight home. The end of a love story will tensions in the u. S. German relationship determine the fate of nato if elected will joe biden be americas version of the soviet ruler plenty of fresh. Thinking this. Doesnt come down to foreigners continues to perseverence of humanity launching the next generation of robotic explorers to the red planet. Welcome back well in the past few days while we dont look down on the people have been going to outer space joining me now from boulder in colorado is alan stood and whos been working on a project to the farthest reaches of space allan thanks so much for joining us just tell us 1st about the launch on thursday and what the mission is. Yeah nasa launched its latest mars rover in the one twit perfectly and the spacecraft has already made contact with the earth and seems to be in good health and is on the on course landings in february and this is really different because this rover is going to cache samples around surface of mars for another mission to come pick up in return to the earth later in the twentys and how long is it ok for all of. Well its probably going to be most of the decade because the return mission hasnt yet been started so theyll get that underway i think now that this is their launch and whats it like as a scientist working these things out on such make timespans i mean i know you work with Jeff Bezos Blue Origin here he was testifying in congress there are you you work with so many Different Private Companies but youre working on time scale the 10 year is 20 is longer. Yes some of the missions stay for a long time they take a long time to get funded and then we have to design and build them and then fly them across these enormous distances the solar system so its all about delayed gratification and of course the usual questions of nassers mean i asked since if inception is it worth it whats the point maybe you better remind some of our audience about the side effects of what seems like as a tearing expeditions to far off places well to the contrary of course the development of space and Space Exploration as probably changed our world countless ways me take your i phone. Your smartphone whatever it might be that Space Technology take that g. D. S. That you use for a location for mapping for her knowing where you are now Space Technology and then look at the entire tech economy which is fueled by the inspiration of children who want to grow up and be engineers scientists largely because. They get hooked on tech through seeing Space Missions that inspire you see arguably one could say that it was a pride of the United States the Space Program by nasa do you think people are less inclined towards it because of all the private funds seeping in there its less about the United States and more about these private companies and people ever more suspicious of private companies being involved in space than the us as a nation well i think the introduction of private space flight has been a tremendous boon for innovation in for driving costs down and that lets us get more done in most of these private companies are after all currently in the United States were just beginning to see a european wave of private space flight launch companies eccentric and i cant wait to see that flower but i mean are there dangers in that there were some reports that when the Space Shuttle tragically blew up it was because of private outroar saying of space flight i mean on this mission that youre working on presumably it all government funding theres no private elements to it. Well the new Horizons Mission is a nasa mission its fairly funded by nasa which is a arm of our federal government and why do you think that congress is mean reluctant to sign off on money that trump wanted to go i think i understand jumper made a request for 25200000. 00 for nasa the house not liking any is monday in political. Parties and issues on the hill that tell you scientists dont really concern yourself with but maybe understand theyre going to impact your missions yeah well actually in our country Space Exploration is is supported by both major parties and theyre arguing about the last 10 percent of nasa budget not the basic night percent and in fact both president ial candidates have come out and endorsed continued human exploration continue Robotic Exploration studies of the earth are so important that we do from space and i think the level of disagreement is down at that its tails id like to see a higher budget but well have to see how that turns out and just your mind is also i guess why its important to actually go to these places rather than use radio telescopes arrays of telescopes here on earth or even space telescopes yeah well its simple he telescopes even the very largest ones really cant produce the kind of detail that we need in order to understand these worlds and its only by going there and bringing the cameras up close that we can understand yalit gee if we can see until theyre atmospheres and we can search for signs of underwater underground oceans and evidence for astrobiology for life that may have arisen elsewhere in the city such as saying yes i do is has led him events it has paid dividends before this guy is going to the place rather than using telescopes. Absolutely and you know probably the biggest did it is the inspiration that it gives its. Really human beings are best only human beings explore only human beings create new knowledge and i think Space Exploration is probably the best example of that in our time some animals are going to wonder about that. Basically the big geopolitical stories involving space are about space forces dont troubling the start militarization of space worries in nature a nation press about china going to the dark side of the moon for the 1st time of course china and the u. A. E. Going to mars what what do you make of these militarization stories i presume theres nothing military about this mission. Theres absolutely nothing military about what nasa does and terms of Science Missions like new horizons but you know the militarization of space started in the 1950 s. And sixtys and. Early as the early 2000 the chinese and other countries were conducting any satellite weapons tests and its unfortunate that space is militarized but like every other domain for seats away and its just another place as human beings operate and its a place where we need to have our differences at least yeah russia had to deny that it was involved in some kind of satellite warfare in the past few days but can you understand why people are going to be suspicious of missions like this and certainly do you realize that some of your future funding could to be siphoned off to more military escapades rather than your pure scientific research. Or not very worried about that because to the contrary although that space is the militarized for decades the nasa budget has been stable if not growing over that time and i think that the public civilian Space Program and now the entre of commercial companies are are really showing that thats the way that humans need to become a multi planet species expand into the solar system for economic good for new knowledge for inspiration and frankly. In some respects because its what we do its its how human beings set ourselves apart from all the other species on the earth we are explorers will you mention those private private entities but as i said you work for jeff bezos a Space Company for a while youve done a lot of private work actually the public all are really is more and more worried about these causing monopoly companies. Having dominance over markets here on planet earth and presumably the natural worry is that theyre going to start trying to monopolize space who knows stop mining from enrolled in space why this emphasis and why your approval of private corporations who are being called out here on earth in congress for abusing their positions allegedly why do you want them to go into space. Well let me say to begin that i dont know of any instance of. The United States congress that using private companies abusing their position in space that may be true on the earth and it may be true with for example the internet i dont know of any such instances space and what private space investment is doing is creating tremendous weight of innovation like we saw when computers went from rare and expensive to routine and inexpensive because of the developer the p. C. Were seeing developing a small innovative satellite systems low cost reusable launch all of this is helping us explore do more science and expand humans into the cosmos in ways we couldnt when it was a little a government monopoly space for. Yeah you know the pure science was done a publicly funded universities the pure innovation fannys are being done to show that it is public funding that has created Core Research you mentioned the technology of an i phone its not me is private companies or anything a private company siphoned off whole that public taxpayer money funded research and try to privately capitalize off. Here i have to disagree with you and ill give you a specific example private companies are now launching large numbers of satellites to study the earth the climate Climate Change and nasa the premier space agency on the planet is behind datasets from those companies because they cant get it any other way because theyre the private companies are producing valuable datasets to the Scientific Community that the government satellites are not producing and i think theyre voting with their feet and showing that this wave of innovation and this explosion of new applications for space is scary. I may have a lot of money just vinyl and then the kuyper belt itself i mean people will know the one day pluto is a planet the next it isnt why is there being so much confusion and will this Mission Clear up what is going on at that far end of the solar system that seems to from year to year decade to decade change the textbooks have to change. Well in fact new horizons as really written the textbooks will scratch on this most distant part of the solar system the 1st exploration of the pluto system the 1st exploration of the quaker belt a vast array of discoveries including possibility that pluto even harder dast ocean larger than the earths oceans and you know were learning so much through ground based telescopes and Space Missions their view of what a planet is has changed at 1st we thought there were only the 9 and then we discovered so many more in our own solar system and then other Solar Systems around faraway stars the strong words got a little bit afraid of that thought that the numbers were too big we should legislate by voting what is and what isnt a planet but the real experts the people in my field in Planetary Science never really paid attention to that you can see that in the scientific literature at scientific meetings where planets like cluedo are referred to as planets by the experts every single day and i think the astronomers are a little bit still licking their wounds from that state. When he come back on about this mission if we get the images thank you so much that fit for this lump an edition of going on the ground what the next show on wednesday with legendary often winning film director all of the of and faith faith. You cannot be both with the yeah you like. Me how can you explain love ive been to 82 countries ive given 12 but i came here and on those 3 days i just felt it hopes to cut all of it. And he kept pretty isnt it 6 show that. I made my decision to come here because i felt i knew i could build a new life here to see if the. Companys name. Goes a free man. God decided that this money is no good to be free prostyle it if only i can get to you you know i was with my one dream is that all my children find the same kind of happiness i just. I love my home i love cold weather i like the culture i like the history i like everything about it a little bit of those months and finally i know that. I am. Russian fama. Join me every thursday on the alex simon show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im show business ill see you then. Its 3 oclock live from Central London this is also u. K. Swathes of Northern England stay locked down as the infection rate surges a Major Incident is declared a Greater Manchester giving police the power to bring in the. Company say millions of employees once returned to the Office Despite the promise of school to get started back to work. Levels. Back to pretty locked down the hall says the long the may further knock down easing along with budget cuts could escalate the situation we speak to a full blown Police Officer shortly. A report. It is never right across britain for earnings but is found to have considerably lloyd when property and other finances are taken into consideration. For the same economic freedoms and universities may be at risk because a survey shows that academics feel they need to censor themselves. Coronavirus lockdowns continue across Northern England with Greater Manchester declaring a Major Incident as cases rise it puts the region on an alert level similar to terror attacks or Natural Disasters he said and he joins me now with more on this so why has the local authority taken such a drastic step. What weve seen in the northwest of england in particular around the grace manchester area rises in the rates of infection when it comes to smaller towns places like black burn an older and that region seeing that escalating transmission rate we saw a number of measures brought in just before the weekend with peoples ability to meet and to gather in large numbers being restricted and with regards to the Greater Manchester combined or 30 they said that an announcement of a Major Incident is actually a boosting their capabilities to help them get to grips they said they learnt from places like leicester and how they handled the spike in the number of cases what exactly does a Major Incident constitute though it is usually declared in response to a terror attack or a Natural Disaster of some sort that means that localized regions can Access National resources and funding and and also that they can get more help from the military if needed and that is something of course which usually happens if for example flooding takes place in the police can handle and the local authorities in medicine have says come and that they call in the army now we understand that the police are expected to increase their enforcement of existing cronin my own virus legislation and also those measures that were put in place over the weekend of course if the police were to call in the army then that would certainly alarm people and lead to many concerns however and that is the city council saying that people shouldnt be alarmed and that there are no plans to do that or to make anyones life more uncomfortable than it currently is now of course these rules also apply not just in manchester other parts of the north of england east lancashire West Yorkshire and it really limits how households can visit other households where those. Measures would have eased before with the easing of lockdown restrictions now those parts of the country moving forward will have those restrictions until things have been going on top of them this is perhaps the governments way of not putting the whole country back into some of the harsher lockdown measures to trying to do it on the localized level to minimize destruction. Thank you very much indeed for all of that well despite those local knock downs the government is pushing to get employees back at the office from today but it seems that Many Companies plan to defy the cols and keep staff Remote Working more than 60 percent of employers expect some or all of their staff to carry on working remotely according to the british chambers of commerce among those companies and Networks Group rolls royce scottish and Southern Energy b. P. And of eva critics a concern that city centers will become ghost towns of many continue to work from home while Boris Johnson gave bosses the power to tell them to return to the office instead of government telling people to work from home were going to give employers more discretion and ask them to make decisions about how their staff who work safely meanwhile the governments eat out to help out scheme to tempt the public back to restaurants and cafes and revive the hospitality sector got underway today don is going to 50 Percent Discount in participating outlets monday to wednesday capped to 10 pounds per person critics say that the scheme is over complicated and could lead to confusion as it covers only food and non alcoholic drinks we got reaction from venues and the public. Really think about it as you know what i mean and its something thats going to take things you want to come out still be able to save money where it might if they dont miss object right kind of thinking about that be able to patronize our stores and then the next and that will allow us to you order for the coming help not just us but that will be. My thanks. For that right steve but we just want to was you know. Because of these things. But yes if i use local businesses will be done with the government help you know grants and such when i was trying to get out we. Didnt get much. Better yet its just been tough frankly and i know people say well kind of im still around that was. You know a little this is my bank bust and strength but i you know im sorry you know thats a good scheme to say but for us yeah we since the military help us like i think is a very good idea because we were going to look for the front end. And i can see being from god now in the rest and so some of the so. Said the sucking up the existing ways survive and i like addressed and i notice that you have to scoff and i think things as you say i think so on one level its really nice you know that people coming out buy houses and even stuff on the other hand i do feel like its a kind of one shot there we saw in court today because this out nor i saw a level of danger which is still kind of person so its a kind of way that presumably the base was actually i dont know how much it will help the economy. You know i think its in many ways kind of ideological already for economic. Policy crime has so. To pre lockdown levels across the u. K. According to the metropolitan police there were just over 19000. 00 Violent Crimes in june in the capital above the average for that month thats over 2000 more than in february when over 17000 were reported in 18600 were recorded in january a similar trend has been reported by the West Midlands police where this commission is stating crime levels there had balanced back to data from the region shows that Violent Crime hit its highest rate in at least a year this june was 17 percent higher than last year londons mayor said the cars will get a further easing of lockdown could lead to further rises combined with cuts to Law Enforcement and Youth Services during the last decade of government austerity ministers slashed Police Services causing Violent Crime to rise in london and across the u. K. Now we are in danger of going back to square one under a new era of austerity as the government refuses to compensate londoners for the cost of cope at 19. 00 well this year also saw more killings in the capital with 17 homicides reported this july to more than last july and the highest number this year despite facing criticism over its us 30 measures the government says it is plugging enough funding into the police force we have given london an unprecedented package of support and been clear about Police Forces across the country will get a financial backing they need to see them for corona virus pandemic. To discuss the possibility of a spike in crime as knockdown eases im now joined by a former Police Officer and policing expert at liverpool job more university Peter Williams hello to you peter now Violent Crime is back on the rise was that to be expected absolutely. A cause of crime any crime bill is. As we heard during the lockdown commented upon by the old secretary no less shoplifting had reduced to all time lows not surprisingly exult judge who shot the same im afraid applies here in Violent Crime will far more serious issue that you picked up on but hes let me just interject there because you mention the home secretary actually have what she had to say at the start of lockdown so i just listen to this provisional data from police shows a full in overall crime during this corona Virus Outbreak car crime burglaries shoplifting only lower than the same period from this time last year. But we also know that the most sophisticated criminals continue to exploit and capitalize on this horrendous crisis or part of the drop in crime is because everyones stuck at home. Yes completely and i asked pretty much the reason why the bounce back if a content of it like that doesnt surprise me because its probably returning to show im still so normal in the muleteer 8 and in that refers to that applies to crime rates of crime and crime figures as much as anything else. There is a theory out there which if so many listeners are probably aware of written by a very famous french sociologist and neil decker im who of course says that a seminal level of crime is perfectly normal in society and it shows that to an extent it is you know we operating in a Healthy Society now whether or not you accept that or not obviously there are very grave concerns which youve commented upon bill in relation to cuba comments from the old mare i control crime and as a fact of life but just mention them on the med theyre saying that cuts to policing a new service isnt the real issue thats what i think carter said what do you make of that well after sept i think he has got a point i would point of views in the area of the violence the violence crime strategic approach which eventually the government accepted an approach adopted if you like but with in the area of particularly im referring to knife crime now but of course had been operating very successfully in scotland for a number of years now the issue this is the crux here is which touches on what the law and the mess said is that this is a now a multi agency approach as opposed to just a Law Enforcement approach in trying to resolve and problem solving the issue in relation to violence or pacifically knife crime so on that point i have to say theres i think i do think along the meadows has a call to say how very relevant points because the kid agencies are. Role on just the police that the n. H. S. Social services in particular Education Services and only if services more importantly which of course hes pointed to theyve been cause of the last 10 years peter prison into question text putting to context what were experiencing now the moment pandemic you talk about multi agencies but of course to the police isnt it with this burden of having this added responsibility of policing coronavirus prevention measures on top of other crime oh indeed and weve weve had conversations about that before and ive made the point that the police cannot proactively police these drone virus regulations as much as the politicians may sort of imply that doing that they just have not got the resources policing in now is a profession very much operationally that is what we call intelligence led of course trying to apply the regulations of coronavirus or coal or anything bought that so they can only react to various situations and we know theyre guided very much by the guides from the college of policing but i accept totally what hes saying in relation to the additional burden that have been placed upon the police would have become a bit down because obviously theres a massive drive in recruiting more officers. Well that to some extent the doing theyve been doing the right thing of course and that the recruitment process started prior to the coronavirus pandemic as you probably were theres a number of to be a number of phased numbers which should weve seen the 1st tranche coming through and that is going to assess pretty much in the visibility of the police on the street which was sadly lacking children in the years of austerity so the idea to some extent has to plug back up and it will be very extremely welcome particularly in the area of neighborhood policing which is the area. Particularly that has suffered a lack of resources and its that the neighborhood policing d the bobby on the beat bill that the public want to see and feel reassured when they see them thank you very much indeed for joining us live here on r. T. Peter williams thank you. Still to come this hour a leading think tank reveals a wealth disparity has narrowed across the country in terms of earnings as increase in terms of property and other financial. And Economic Holdings universities may be a risk if they survey shows a browser to academics feel they need to censor themselves. The end of a love story will tensions in the u. S. German relationship determine the fate of nato and if elected will joe biden be americas version of the soviet ruler plenty of fresh air. We go to work some straight home from. The world is driven by a dream shaped by frank person of. The day theres thinks. We dare to ask. Coming. Across europe fiz of a 2nd wave the pandemic has seen the tightening of restrictions spikes in cases have been recorded in france germany and a number of other countries on the continent correspondents in paris and berlin have the nicest. Francis seymour towns and cities announce where or when wearing a mask will be a blink a treat in public as it aims to take in the cases of new virus that are being forwarded to hear from monday the city of neil even though the heart of front has said that wearing a mask is going to make it free now in the citys pedestrian areas and also in the citys parks that follows decisions for example in new orleans which has decided that if you go to the open air market in that city you will have to wear a mask and in to us hot spots such as be a hit and some theyve said that within the city you will have to wear a mask if you are over the age of 11 and that follows an announcement by the French Health minister who said that that decision could be taken locally to limit the circulation of 19 the prefectures canal by decree extend the obligation to wear masks to Public Places this decision can be made locally depending on the spread of the epidemic in each territory or fungus being seeing an upsurge in the number of positive could be 19 cases being announced most worryingly Health Experts say that the uptake is between those aged 20 and 30 with a 54 percent increase now meanwhile there is work underway to create a code that 19 vaccine all the pressure to create one class with many countries saying that they will have something that they can grow relaxed by the end of 2020 but the e. U. Is actually warning that even if there is a 19 vaccine that is ready there are many hurdles to face because its members face an issue with a lack of certain. Certainly here that it is needed to rollout that vaccine that includes a lack of sleep and is a lock box and old says. I lack of wife. Who had 9000 vaccines once developed may come without syringe is and other items and there could be shortages of those Member States who were asked to comment on their preparedness regarding the availability of supplies for immunization for example syringes alcohol wipes people now all of this comes as the latest figures show that across europe more than 210000 people a said to have died with their deaths being linked to cope at 19 on saturday around 15220000 people were out on the streets of berlin protesting against them on the tree wearing of masks and although corona virus prevention measures there are also so monks that crowd who were denying the existence of tall off the covert 19 virus no masks were worn at these demonstrations no social distancing it here too and Health Officials here in germany a furious record numbers of new covert 1000 infections world wide it is crazy to demonstrate against hygiene rules at such a time the deliberate violation of distance rules and mosque wearing is not only administrative offense but poses a danger to the health and life of others or the protesters say they have a right to free speech in a right to demonstrate the German Government city officials in berlin say they have a right also to be responsible in these times. Yes demonstrations must be possible during the pandemic but not like these distance hygiene rules and masks serve to protect us all these demonstrations how they against having to follow safety requirements which evidently were not followed so that shouldnt have been held 15220000 isnt representative of the whole of the population of germany but it is a significant number and certainly significant enough to warrant comment from some of germanys closest European Partners today the us to be free of mass in 90 of freedom does not make people laugh skeery well over 130 protesters were detained by police and dozens of officers reported being injured with 3 of those requiring hospital attention theres also a number of reports of journalists who were there being threatened by protesters who clearly didnt want anybody there reporting on or covering this demonstration ultimately though this isnt a good look for a country that has scored pretty much choice not top of the class worldwide when it comes to dealing with the initial impact of covert 19 stay with us on r. T. U. K. When the next ill discuss the impact of the 2nd wave in the u. K. Zone localise lockdowns with a virus expert. Trove of recently undisclosed court papers as revealed in the rogue British Special forces unit may have been responsible for the murder of more than 33 civilians in afghanistan back in 2011 now a judge is demanding the britains defense secretary testifies as to why in the seventys was not used earlier in High Court Proceedings or he has shot it was dusty has more. But im here at the high court in london while the trial is set to continue into allegations of crimes against humanity committed by a rogue s. A. s unit of the british army in the keep a show of afghanistan theyre accused of executing innocent civilians now according to the prosecutions accusations around 33. 00 civilians were killed 11 at Night Missions in afghanistans villages its being described as assassinations against innocent civilians by Afghan Special forces and all of this information has been revealed by a cache of secret documents that came to light and were obtained by the sunday times its all part of a wider case from the book by sir for a yahoo is bringing this fight to try and get an independent investigation into the killings of his relatives. Are going. Going. Going. Going going. In trying to 14 the allegations of this quadruple murder was passed on to the specialist investigation into the branch of the Royal Military police but at the time it wasnt deemed serious or important enough to investigate further despite the s. A. s soldiers involved claimed this collective amnesia package also be interpreted as a agreement to a pact of silence and even at the time the s. A. s soldiers they pull this information forward and those higher up in the ranks the commanders raise eyebrows about this socalled evidence that people that were 8 killed were in possession of a k 47 and even grenades given those. Come on so that they did not pose a threat nor were they are engaging in combat activity nor were they in possession of these weapons they were described as being as such north of this has a pattern of clearly having impossible odds according to these documents and so all of that brings into question allegations of now war crimes of course the United Nations definition of war crimes based on the geneva conventions on International Humanitarian law describes intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population or against individual civilians not taking direct part in hostilities now the former director of the prosecutions hes even said that there is a case now to be answered for when it comes to walk crimes it is bad enough if british soldiers were systematically murdering civilians but this is compounded if superior officers and government officials deliberately fail to investigate suspected war crimes and then try to conceal the evidence. Used to comment on these allegations but now in light of this cache of secret documents coming to light theyre now saying that there is potentially a case to be repeated this is not new evidence and this historical case has already been independently investigated by the Royal Military police. These documents were considered as part of the independent investigations which concluded there was insufficient evidence to refer the case for prosecution but very interestingly this evidence has been withheld from the Legal Proceedings prior to the one that continues but prompting the judge to even demand that theres a full explanation from ben wallace who is the defense secretary here in the United Kingdom but unsurprisingly then given this cache of secret documents it all raises questions about whether or not there is a case of war crimes to be answered for during the occupation in afghanistan. The wealth divide is shrinking across britain when it comes to monthly earnings but widening property and other assets are taken into account the institute for fiscal studies as the difference between earnings in london and the rest of the country has decreased since the beginning of the millennium wages grew more slowly in the capital only rising by about one percent since 2002 but now Housing Trends of driving inequality across the u. K. Property and other wealth has increased in london by 150 percent whereas in the northeast it has gone up by just 3 percent well ill be talking to an Economic Expert about all of this a little later today. And finally i could make freedoms at universities could be under fire as a survey shows that breaks it leaning academics feel they need to censor what they teach and discuss the policy Exchange Study has found just over half of respondents would feel comfortable sitting for lunch or in a meeting with leave backing colleagues as well nearly all remain at backing academics feel comfortable expressing their views publicly but their counterparts are likely to solve sense of their views in discussions due to a fear of consequences for their careers. The challenge today is that a serious threat to Academic Freedom may now arise from within universities this internal threat vibes from the way that some of the university both students and faculty members relate to others on campus being willing to penalise them on the basis of their perceived or actual political views a number of right leaning thinkers have been no platform from universities in recent years including the canadian professor Jordan Peterson german politician alice vigil and former trump advisor steve bell and the government promised to enforce freedom of speech but the general secretary of university and College Union claims that the latest findings were false and that Academic Freedom is not under threats but is it ill be discussing this in the next hour with spiked contribute to mars and International Politics expert from Queen Mary University dr lee jones and so thats it for just this moment ill be back with more news in half an hour. How can you explain love ive been to 82 countries i did in 12 but i came here and on those 3 days i just filled with hope. And he kept pretty isnt a sick joke. I made my decision to come here because i felt i knew i could build a new life soon at the. Companys. God decided that this money is no good to be create a profile and it would all. Be ended. My one dream is that all my children find the same kind of happiness i do. I love my home i love cold weather i like the culture i like the history i like everything about it. But the. Thought and i know that. I am a russian fama. Hello and welcome to cross talk were all Things Considered on. The end of a love story well tensions in the u. S. German relationship determine the fate of nato and if elected will joe biden be americas version of the soviet rule or later british. To discuss this and more im joined by my guest bundys and in a slow he is an associate professor at the university of southeastern norway as well as author of russias geo Economic Strategy for a greater eurasia and in budapest we have George Samuel he is author of bombs for peace nato is humanitarian war

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