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Almost hyperbolic right why then are we leading our newscast today with the suggestion of of this potential scenario well because 2 World Leaders are coming out and saying that this is what they think could happen and these are leaders who know the region the Asian Pacific both men are all strong and both have held the position of Prime Minister of australia 1st theres the former Prime Minister who happens to also be a china scholar his name is kevin rudd you see him there he has just penned an editorial in the Foreign Affairs journal where he says that the risk of an Armed Conflict between the United States and china in the next 3 months is especially high. Then as you might expect australias current Prime Minister there he is Scott Morrison he was asked to comment on his predecessor statement and surprisingly he basically agreed morrison said that the hot war between the United States and china was quote previously inconceivable and not considered even possible or likely. But not anymore. 2 australian Prime Ministers one a former the other a president sounding a lawyer they seem to want the whole world to hear so the question is should we be heeding the warning or was so we should we simply see it as an alarmist new. Were going to answer that question here on the news with rick sanchez where we believe its time to do news again. Here is the list of questions we think youll be asking tomorrow after watching this newscast today are australias concerns over a war between the United States and china justified what really caused the devastation in beirut and whats an explosives expert have to say about it are sports making a comeback or will we see even more game cancellations. For almost a full year now we hear on this news cast of watched as relations between the United States and china have deteriorated there have been arrests there been sanctions have been terrorists there but military exercises and interactions in open waters between military and that was all before the covert 19 pandemic that has one side now accusing the other of purposely making the world sick to gain any good amik advantage while we begin our newscast today with our to correspondent john hardy. Hot war cold war cyber war whatever war on the Prime Minister Scott Morrison said in a recent interview with c. B. S. News and a war between the u. S. And china could break out if cooler diplomatic heads dont prevail he was responding to a recent article written by his predecessor kevin rudd who warned of a potential hot war that is an Armed Conflict between the us and china in the run up to the us president ial elections in november well if its up to experiences it differently. And certainly not as dramatically as kevin has but in our own defense weve acknowledged that what was previously. And not concede to even possible or likely and sometimes those talks about tom says hes not conceited in those counties the more australia has had its own issues with china lately china has criticised australias recent handling of the coronavirus pandemic and more since comments about prioritising and indopacific alliance to balance quote chinas economic coercion after beijing banned australian barley and some beef imports following cambers call for an investigation into the origins of covert 19 morse and also took some recent heat for his view about tick tock being as he said a line that connects right back to china still australia and china are significant trade partners china is the single biggest foreign owner of us truly in water with chinese investors now surpassing the u. S. In ownership of australian h 2 o. And australian imports hit 56600000000. 00 u. S. Dollars in 21000. 00 and during the past decade australian dairy imports to Mainland China have grown more than 4 fold according to recent reports Prime Minister morrison has called on china to enhance regional and global stability rather than he says focusing on a narrow national or aspirational interest while also urging the us in trouble ministration to resolve its own issues with china on trade security and International Law for the news of Rick Sanchez John honey good stuff john thanks for breaking that down for suffering on some expert guests who can help us decipher those jobs at least as a geo political analyst with Trilogy Advisors and of course George Galloway as youve come to know is our former british m. P. Who oftentimes talks about these specific issues in this part of the world a job that im going to start with you. How would you describe what not one but 2 Prime Ministers of australia are declared. Well 1st let me begin rick by just noting that i believe that we have entered the phase of cold war 2 sprit much the case now after chinas actions over the last 6 months beginning with the spread of covert asked to the australian Prime Minister as i had a chance to read the Foreign Affairs article this morning and i dont think theres anything thats really all that startling about either Prime Ministers comments tonight a war between china and the us is no longer inconceivable given the very accelerated militarization of the South China Sea by china and it could be a success sizes to potentially invade taiwan the suppression of freedom and autonomy and hong kong i know tax along the china india border over 2000 miles long so we see a pattern of chinese but widger ends while the world is distracted by covidien by economic devastation but i dont believe theres any such thing is there are 3 months window where world war is more likely or anything like that and i believe that there will be much cooler heads prevail in both washington and beijing about any deliberate steps towards war but dangerous given what has been happening under chinese belligerence in asia and beyond the potential for a miscalculation could lead to an escalation that no one wants to see occur just to be clear at the very beginning i heard you mention covert 19 are you asserting as President Trump that the chinese did covert 19 on purpose. No im not then i actually dont believe thats what the white house has been stating what we do see is either immense gross incompetence on the part of the Chinese Communist party or potentially and i think this is really where the mistrust has emerged in the white house between washington and beijing the communist Party Leadership from shushan ping on down knew this was far more dangerous it was no longer containable who harmed and yet beijing continue to impress upon the International Civil Aviation Organization to allow for International Flights from a war crime to the united to europe and worldwide while it shut down Domestic Travel from move on to beijing shanghai and other major cheney said its ok i just wanted to get a clarification on that i had to do the riyadh lets go to George Galloway george i imagine you are might disagree with with what mr said leaders have to say. Well that was the world does viewed through the Looking Glass where words mean exactly what you decide they mean and in many cases those statements were of the precise opposite of the truth its not china others call warships in the south american sea its america thats got warships in the South China Sea its not china others go Nuclear Armed airplanes off the coast of china its the other way around the belligerence is all on the other side than has just been asserted but we both agree on this that there is nothing all that remarkable about what 2 australian Prime Ministers have said because trade wars cyber wars propaganda wars cold wars often times pave the way to war and if the whole war breaks out then of course were in if youll forgive the pun completely Uncharted Waters will it be a conventional war. Will the escalate to short range Nuclear Missiles will it escalate to our continental Ballistic Missiles in which case you and i will never talk again rick because the world will be and the end susi omes with which some people approach these existential questions ending of the human race questions is quite frankly staggering you know why give the dog was not just a movie bill clinton in my lifetime killed one of my friends the finest woman in the arab world. As a walk the dog maneuver to distract attention from the failings of his administration and donald trump has more than more than enough bill clintons problems right now just a few months out from the president ial election you gentlemen gave us to come trusting points of view on an issue that we wanted to take a look at and we were certainly glad that we had you both here to take us through it john civilities John Galloway thank you sir for joining us for that discussion. And it is time now for our weekly media model segment where we look at the media stories with an emphasis on what is right and what is wrong in this profession doing a nationally syndicated writer and Award Winning journalist Ruben Navarrette ruben always good to see you lets start with the name igor ching go its even fun to say but interestingly enough this week we found out igor dead chang co is the source behind the so call them infamous steal a report that was written by a guy i used to be an officer with for m i 5 that started the whole brouhaha here in the United States if we had. No one at the beginning that there was just some guy just down the street from where were im speaking right now igor dead chen cove a source of information im not sure we would have run with the story the way it was it right rick sanchez good to be with you again this is really an example taking a long way home right this is something that was created in part in washington d. C. Goes all the way around the world goes to the moscow hotel it comes all the way back again back to the same block where it started yes its true the f. B. I. Has said that so much of the Russian Investigation had its roots in the now discredited still dossier and now we find out finally where some of his crazy allegations that were in the dossier where they came from and they came from this gentleman igor as you say yes who because you love saying his name so good anyway i think ukrainian got based in washington d. C. And not it was this planned inside moscow right there next to putin you know spying on the president of russia this guy could have been like you and me. The reason this is important rick is that theres so much evidence polly up and it has piled up over the years that the democrats were determined to create in their words an insurance policy in case donald trump got elected they were determined to do everything they could in the Obama Administration with a wink and a nod from joe biden where we heard that name before the Vice President now the democratic candidate to try to either deny the victory or make life very difficult for him once he was elected at all goes back to the dossier which is the root again of the Russian Investigation so this story while the democrats would love the story go away man rick its more timely than ever you know because one of the main figures involved in this is running for president on the democratic side. Hey i want to switch topics a little bit because twitters in the news again there is a twitter. Twitter apparently now is banning all state by the way twitter and facebook and these entities they change the rules weekly they just all of a sudden they see a story weve got a new rule now you cant do this or you cant do that or at least thats the way i see right it is a little different at least from the foundations of our profession in journalism so there has sided now that any state affiliated media entities from any specific countries of their choosing. Will be banned so the b. B. C. Is ok but if youre a vet as well an entity for example d youre not ok and i guess it could change from week to week what do you what do you make of that. Right the social Media Companies rake in these Big Tech Companies that testified more recently before before congress you know and theyre wired into everything theyre wired in the media and corporations in the politics and the case of twitter if you ever thought twitter was going to be political was it going to involve itself in g. O. P. Politics only not it is involved in that i read the story several times and i cant make sense of it i dont see how you can say on the one hand state sponsored media from russia bad state sponsored media from the u. K. Or the u. S. Thats ok also theres a laughable line in there where the folks at twitter apparently know so little about media they think the quote independent media lacks any kind of political agenda i mean ive been in media for 30 years rick have you ever found a piece of media didnt have a political agenda and what is independent media defined for me please not because i but he seems to be conflicted in one way or another i had a no idea yeah yeah he was in the steel dossier youre absolutely right good good conversation for shit as usual ruben thanks so much you bet thank you and this is those with rick sanchez d as you watch it let me tell you what weve got coming your way after this break were going to have a weapons expert whos going to be joining us he will tell us about the explosions thats what he knows as all of us try and figure out what really caused this explosion in beirut that the world is talking about and focusing on will be right back. I think when the hosts ask a question yes and then actually listens to the yes answer and then react to that answer a folks Dennis Miller hes got a new show. On the larry king question listening learning you know ive always said i never learned anything when i was talking its important to a list of. Questions and more. Seeing the horrors that arise with money and evil. Corporate criminals who trashed countless lives there just one more dollar to their millions. They threaten they bribe theyll do anything to keep their crimes in the door but the people theyve heard are demanding justice their stories need to be told on americas lawyer. Listen stop letting online algorithms dictate what you get to want to go to portable dutch t. V. 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Hey welcome back im rick sanchez today World Leaders are responding to the disastrous explosion at the port of beirut earlier this week by the president of france was of the side of the blast while bringing material aid to the nation as well as the promise of more support other european nations italy germany have promised to send aid as well closer to home israel has offered to take in lebanese medical patients and iran have even offered their support as well russia meanwhile is sending in doctors and nurses to create a temporary Field Hospital arties igors adot of has the exclusive details. This is a Field Hospital in its early stages it is just being built in fact theres another group of emergency workers on the way with more infrastructure but this is where russian rescuers will be taking those injured those still in need of medical attention from after the blast. Well everything that you can see around me was erected overnight it was literally an empty lot just 2 oclock in the morning last time i was here well fast forward 6 hours and well theres already a small tent city here. Well these are search dogs have been traveling with me or rather i was with them and they will be sniffing out those who may be still trapped and a life under the rubble. The city of be roots is devastated morally physically financially in fact of all places that ive ever been to apart from active war zones of course. This one with all the rubble of destruction and vehicles just abandoned at the side of the road resembles a scene from a postapocalyptic movie the most and the russian 8 f. Aims here at relieving at least some of the pain im don of reporting from beirut in lebanon. Right now lets take a step back to see the actual blast once again let me let me show you once again what this blast looked like there it is and its a pretty wide shot right so you can kind of see or as we discussed yesterday where is this explosion emanating from is it coming from the ground is it coming from above everybody to try to work through this information so joining us now is explosions expert renee joining us from Miami Florida mr basulto thank you so much sir for joining us this is your expertise is there anything you see in the video or what youve read or any of the evidence sort of the reports that would lead you to believe that this is either a case of sabotage or Something Else maybe a missile. Its hard to tell if its i would. Not appear to be a missile d from what ive read and from the the facts available to us right now it seems to be an explosion of the Ammonium Nitrate that was being stored. At a facility theres a quite a bit of a one in 1000 so let me press you on that lets suppose somebody knew then but there was a mony of nitrate there i would almost argue as many experts have an irresponsible amount of Ammonium Nitrate stored in one place for years but somebody knows that and they say i could blow this thing up pretty easily all i got to do is take a match and boom throw it into that Ammonium Nitrate i get Something Like that to happen is that a scenario thats possible that would include sabotage. There are a lot of things that need to happen for disposal like this to occur a lot of. Things need to go wrong its not as simple as throwing a match at it or the Ammonium Nitrate itself is not a combustible or ever it at a high enough temperatures the Ammonium Nitrate can. Become law tile and violently decompress on its own so you would need a sustained source of of sheep and a very High Temperature which in this case appears to have been the fire adjacent to it you can see by the pictures you can see in the video now that theres a fire small during a quite large fire next to this facility and though what the sad part is that it was probably in storage in probably in stored being stored it usually needs to be in a dry cool well insulated space. Its rare that you have that type of facility has to be a facility specifically for this type of chemical and it with means to order for a long time the material so slow start to be composed and releases and i truly offsides which in itself or could be very bad problem so youre an expert youve looked at the situation youve looked at the video and the prima fascia that you see in literally before your face is that there was an explosion it affected the stored. Ammonium nitrate and it caused the explosion. It makes you it makes us all think then that these reports were hearing about missiles and sabotage youre pretty much knocking those down right now right were down to 30 seconds. It doesnt appear to be a missile could it be sabotaged possibly. Imagine if there is a very well known to be a very. Also the last use in Mining Operations d as well d as a fertilizer but you would have to. Know that. In order for it to be sad. You cant rule it out were going to get you to be no but the like of you do this for a living youre called into court rooms to be asked a question that i just called you so i thank you for your expertise on this and for sharing it with us mr Basulto Renee Bushnell to thank you very much. And heres another explosive segment that were about to bring you tonight yes i did serve at the proper segue but what the hell were thought it was ports. In the world of sports where things are kind of all over the place wild yeah were going to play were not going to play what are the rules what can we do my god anyway lets start with soccer yeah lets do that because they are playing the Major League Soccer m. L. S. Now and the m. L. S. Is bactrim lets get right into the high Portland Timbers taken off Philadelphia Union in the semifinal here tim is already have one now but sebastian block has just made it to know in the 70th minute from the corner kick header down to the back post and it was a beautiful set piece resulting in a double header as youre going to check it out one more time block those 3rd goal the tournament teammate just heads it right to him and then he heads into the goal to make it turn 2. 00 to 1. 00 would be the final because Philadelphia Union without a goal in the 85th minute but it wasnt enough so m. L. S. Is back final will have portland in it and they will play either orlando city or Minnesota United which is august 6th tonight so well find out after tonights big of doubleheaders will soon be talking about sports but not just yet 1st we have loved braun versus trump you knew it was going to happen you knew it was common the president of the United States donald trump could not keep his mouth shut about the n. B. A. He was very critical of anybody who kneels during at them as we know hes been saying this for years against going against the cabinet theres a whole entire n. B. A. Everybody. Everybody all this seems the coaches are pretty much 99 percent youve got a player here and there are a coach here and there has to chose the stand which is fine but many the majority of the players and coaches now during the anthem of that unit and started by the way is a major news stories where it is going to be as bright and used to be that one or 2 people would do it now the entire senate has embraced the move and well heres what donald trump had to say about it he said i think its disgraceful this was an interview with fox and friends of his favorite show and he did a phone interview with them saying it was disgraceful and he worked with the n. B. A. To get them open and he was pushing for them to get open and then he says i see everybody kneeling during the at them and thats not acceptable to me i when i see them nailing down the game i just turn it off i have no interest in the game let me tell you this plenty of other people out there too now of course the King Lebron James heard this and was asked about those comments and i want you to take a listen to what he had to say all right. I really dont think the best one community. Are sad about losing. Is if you were sure the game will go on without. Without his eyes on. City history for all that was the you know about us. We could care less demographically speaking the n. B. A. Is not looking for 74 year old white guys they are not they do not as you heard him right there i mean thats their business call im not saying you know thats not their demographic thats not their target audience and theyre really just fine theyre doing just fine the actually up 14 percent across all the networks t. N. T. E. S. P. N. And a. B. C. In viewership through monday nights game so theyre doing pretty well and its a great product the n. B. A. s but now its interesting yeah as usual its an interesting little spillover that it takes my friend thats it for us thanks for being with us im rick sanchez he is the fish tacos and well see you again when its time to do news again. Banks geysers financial survival will face a lot of the girl id. Love to be using this is a social pact supported by a columnist i dont call them right now so stop. Join me every 1st week on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see that. Ill be doing this cold day i die and i hope not i hope i dont have to spend my days going to save dogs and you know you cant save mall and then you drive by barnes and you look who on earth is a dogs owner. I. Said its only fair allowed to do this to these dogs. I mean 67 years you know theyve been locked up in a cage outside you see no protection from the weather the heat you know the cold air the rain the snow the thunder nothing they have no protection yet as soon as we take the dog and you should just wants the case you need to see you know once the affection. To get what you. Get through kid a. Little. Kid

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