Transcripts For RT CrossTalk 20240712 :

RT CrossTalk July 12, 2024

Discuss this and more im joined by my guests across in washington she is a democratic strategist and political analyst and in los angeles we grossly joe collins hes a g. O. P. Congressional candidate in californias 43rd District Court process up rules in effect that means you can jump any time you want and i was appreciate ok traditionally i go to the person i got up early its for this program as joe in los angeles welcome to the program joe and i hope i have a nice cup of coffee to keep you Company Donald trumps in trouble in the polls and one in looking at the candidates the of joe biden which i have to say quite honestly i cant imagine how it inspires anyone so obviously this is getting down to being a referendum on the tram time terms of time in office was that a fair characterization a referendum less than an election. No i wouldnt think so and a reason why is because he was down in the polls whenever he ran against him. And he will not double digits like this im sorry. I mean still going to pose down the polls regardless of how much youre down i think what they have to remember is hes running against joe biden i mean hes in my paintings and im one of those races politicians and the entire United States and when you think about his history politician if he you know out of space america and then what he what he did and why he was in the senate in 2 he would have probably you know how barack obama fix america by the fact that he feels like right now it is time to fix something that he feels is broken in my opinion asinine i think trump is going to win this election hes running against joe biden who my opinion thats not a great candy for office to present a United States where i mean i said i said in my introduction when youre mean we look at the history of the presidency the likelihood of being reelected the incumbent being reelected is quite high ok but obviously exceptions when its a trend here and donald trump isnt really. Duplicating that trend again the same question to you it seems to me its much more a referendum on the occupant in the white house and theres almost nothing to do with joe biden youre free to disagree obviously go ahead and disagree that what we are seeing with President Trump is a president who has aggressively gone against the grain of all things when it comes to moralistic being someone who is seen as president ial he is taking this role of big enough to work terry and 1st as someone who actually understands what a democracy is how it functions and even has ever read the constitution what were seeing with joe biden is someone who i think that america 1st and foremost issue super joe biden is local jail to a lot of people he someone she was part of the most successful Democratic Administration the past 6 years and hes also someone shuai knows how to unite United Nations and right now in the midst of a Global Pandemic in the midst of a neck and. Crisis he is someone who is also waded through an economic crisis before he is the orchestrator along with president obama of the relief packages after the crash of 2008 so i think that with him people are seeing someone who is in stark contrast to what President Trump is doing not only in terms of unification but also someone who is not making flat out racist statements someone who is not objectifying women someone who is not out here being the antithesis to all things democracy and all things democratic and i think that that is something that speaks more to people than anything else is their referendum on donald trump absolutely but i think that just by saying that that is the only reason or you know part and parcel black people are getting out to vote i think that that is a little bit too broad of a statement true that i made several mistakes over and over and over again hes someone who believes wholeheartedly in what hes doing Small Business needs so many unborn heirs it is remarkable ok but let me let me stay with you here let me rephrase it here joe biden just as it is likable as Hillary Clinton i think thats what it gets down to because trump hasnt been able to put a label on joe biden that sticks because like you said he has a likability quotient that is very difficult to challenge i think hes an empty suit and i dont see anything to be proud of when the in the Obama Administration but most importantly joe is these not only likable joe react to the last of us. Disagree with that its as well joe biden is not a likable candidate i mean when you talk about the contrast between President Trump and him you know you know his growth limon you have to look at joe biden his group of children and as something that plays a huge part in whether people especially in a black or Latino Community to vote for him especially you know with that crime bill still pending on the books i mean hes going to have to do some type of you mustnt have a restitution or in a set of eyes a mass incarceration for black america and hes going to have to explain how why he so easily had he thought he would children. Ok im ok but then i think ive got standard you can accuse donald trump of the same thing and you know if and that can be an element and maybe that is something that will make people think or they pull the lever that has nothing to do really with policy and thats what i really want to stay with here this character defamation stuff i guess and doesnt move the needle i dont think with anyone here michel let me go to you you know policy wise i mean if you look at trump in the poll he started he started collapsing when to connote that coronavirus and his administrations response to it and i dont in my opinion and im a conservative joe dont misunderstand im a conservative ok but it seems to me this theyre playing catch up now in trying to deal with this pandemic and of course theres been grossly politicized by all sides go ahead in washington. I think that you make a very good point up until corona virus hit and we saw all President Trump go from having daily briefings to now pausing and having to over things to coming back and having more briefings disillusionment and excitement about a drug that has been proven time and time again not to work in protecting people against coronavirus were actually saving lives and hydroxyl acquit him making several statements about not wearing a mask and himself not modeling wearing a mask and just being someone to ignore it even his own task force when it came to the steps necessary to reopen schools when it came to the steps necessary to ensure that everyone had the p. P. T. That they needed were watching time and time again in a Global Crisis where the president needs to be someone who is a unifier but also someone who pays attention to and understands the science were seeing this president not do that and utilize his isolation his policies not only to pull out a lot of the a lot of the unifying missions when it comes to health care we see what he how his reaction is with the World Health Organization we see him not listening to other nations state leaders who have come together on trying to fight coronavirus is a united front because of the populism that this president exemplifies because of his isolationist policies you cannot see the forest for the trees and it is really causing more and more people to die we just saw a report what last week that showcased how initially he was absolutely fine with not following a lot of the guidelines or not even talking about them because he thought that the states that were going to be the most effective or states they were democrat democratically won when you assume that people can die in democratic led states and you can just blame governors thats a problem hes present the United States not just president of the red states ok joe we just heard something that i want to explore because something that ive been thinking about a lot i think that all of us would agree trying and it is a populist in 2016 and he won ok he won the only needed you know toral votes to win the presidency here ok. Joe has governed as a populist because i dont think he has go ahead you know what i dont think there is any correct way to govern especially during times like coronavirus. Could do a better job just agree with that thats when you see real leadership real leadership when you have a challenge for all the country for every citizen irrespective of what letter you put at the end of your last name or you have to be a leader of all. Was absolutely and i absolutely agree with that and like i said before there are things that he could have done better there are things that his ministration have done better especially one time like coronavirus but i will say this the media doesnt give him a fair shot i mean when he tries to shut down travel to Foreign Countries they call them a race they call them all types of names you know and you can make that assumption and he can blame governors from things that are happening in state but less youve got a for you as an example gavin newsom shut down our statements. Gavin newsome did you know a 1000000000. 00 do you get mass in china you know and so when you look at these type of bans when you consider misinformation specially when it comes to where in mass what type of mass we are if mass even a fact if you know you have to put that on the head of the leadership now President Trump has his ideals are how he filled should go just like every other governor not in their day when it comes to matching states the overall you know leadership by the overall Authority Comes from a governor so i have been this agree with mrs cross on that when the governors are there has a distaste president trying to make recommendations but he controls what happens fairly each individual. Lets go back to. Washington are you disappointed how this pandemic and the reaction to it has been so politicized because you know all lives that red state right here and i really pains me when we talk about red states and blue states were dealing with a pandemic because a pat the pen demi doesnt discriminate between. Red and blue states here in is there any neutral ground on this series theres nothing theres no neutral ground in american politics right now go ahead no absolutely and youre right the pandemic doesnt discriminate the policies happen to there are very few policies across this country that are race neutral and we know that over time weve seen it extrapolated across the whole where there are blacks latinos who consistently are hit hardest when things like this pandemic occur or any type of economic upheaval but when it comes specifically to coronavirus the expectation was that from the top and the president is at the top that you would have a leader who was able to get a piece by piece plan and a strategy around how states would handle this be in Constant Contact with state leadership give a guy point because you are the leader of the greatest nation on earth you are that leadership model youre supposed to model yourself after what you would expect citizens to do and what we saw a time and time again was trump mistake those opportunities we saw him stand in front of audiences and just not tell the truth we saw him ignore the science we saw him speak against things that his own Pandemic Task force what is giving other alternative information for thats a problem because it will lacked a lot of trust it made people confused the reason why we have such a push against mask Wearing Masks right now is because the president for the longest did not wear them and he actually tweeted out aggression and support for those who were marching in stomping on state capitals with weapons so that they didnt have to wear them so when we see a president take those types of names in the wrong direction and we consistently see the coronavirus cases up to over and over and over again it begs the question are we a leaderless nation and youre right i think you said this a few moments ago moments of crisis or when you see true leaders rise what weve seen is this president all over and over again at a time where in all honesty the whole world is seeing a crisis in the United States is typically. Where people look for motivation its where people look for this guy post and right now thats just not what were seeing were seeing countries bar the United States and our citizens if you look around the world the United States is a lack of is one of the worst performers in dealing with this and demi are ok my farms and the whole the whole issue of opening up the schools its really only in the u. S. Everyone else is moving on youre right im going to jump in here were going to go to a short break now but thats our break well continue our discussion on trumps reelection stay with are. Going to use theres a word of hope of a little fleecing of the little moments of. Time to put it on the prime. Time i guess long as a name for a list of. The most moving. The feel. For. Those of you so. The point was to use the book with their stuff just doesnt have those with he was up in the big. Easy but the other media of course. Welcome to cross that were all things are considered im purell about remind you were discussing trumps reElection Campaign. Ok lets go back to Los Angeles Joe lets look at believe the economic reaction to depend demick here. Personally as a conservative im very disappointed that the white house hasnt taken to the dealing i mean 1st of all we had the 1st round of stimulus bailout and of course it went to some of the richest people in the world people that didnt even need the money ok and that goes across the board whatever your political affiliations its the one percent they got relief ok the stock market so far is ok what im really upset is that you know mix with Mitch Mcconnell he comes into washington for a couple weeks you know somebody might do something maybe we will maybe we wont and then well go on vacation here there are millions in millions of people facing a crisis right now a really huge one particularly when renting is that issue is you know is coming up people who are not being able to pay their rent here why hasnt donald trump got into the oval office told the networks we have a National Emergency and this is what the president of the United States wants done and i dont care what you think mcconnell you better get back in your seat and we get a figure this out because millions and this is only going to get worse this is no movie were for it in america youre going to look if its going to be. In the long term ok where is that leadership right there because it seems to me that there is this is an ideal moment in this Election Campaign for trying to go left of by and say were going to bail out the middle class and working class people he ran as a populist but he doesnt govern as one go ahead. To agree with his cross and earlier which he said are black and brown communities are economically disadvantaged and this is you know true coronavirus and before coronavirus these are some of the things that we have to go through on the law every day now when you x. Out come the president has in you know joe biden to say this is what we need to do i have a lot of questions i would like to x. And another question i would like to ask because i cant even the aster we have to reach out so its ministration we have actually not come you never visited any black and broke a music show that you actually care about what it is and we go through on a regular basis i mean we are were economically disadvantaged at every every turn when it comes to education when it comes to the lack of Economic Development when it comes to having quality jobs in our community and when it when it comes Affordable Housing or even tell you know theyre innocent most of those communities are run by democrats yes this is absolutely correct it is but this you know what im not going to say that democrats are the problem and i will say that people who are leadership positions in the Democratic Party are the problem i mean i look at areas like South Central los angeles the 40 there in their shoes whos been governed by Maxine Waters for over 40 years i mean people have gotten comfortable without getting anything from their representatives which means they fell to hold them accountable which is why many more people stand up especially young people is that enough to run for the office positions that we dont have to x. These questions we can be the answer to these questions ok but they cant what do you think what can donald trump to attract the support. Of people of color black. Black communities where you are here i mean it seems to me that in there he seem it seems to me that donald trump is this kind of lost his mind just touch because he couldnt he could fight off you know this russian impeachment need crain all of that nonsense he was able to do it but when it came to this here he seems to have lost his touch it seems to me and the administration is listless and you know what really angers me going to for a conservative to conservative is that he continues to listen to these libertarians around him you know mix the regulate this get a tax cut our job is done lets go home that is a recipe for a mcgovern rout style rout in november here were done no youre not youre done for your friends and your donors but youre not done for the American People and and i and thats what and thats why i will so sorely criticizes the administration because i dont see any proactivity concierge treatment for the rich but no we cant spend the money you know if you spend hundreds of billions of dollars on the military all the time but you can spend it on Middle

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