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Out international the weekend for a good morning for me kevin 0 in here with this update this saturday the 12th of september whole days going well so far been ok in the headlines this morning 1st off germanys accepted moscows request to cooperate on a probe into the alleged poisoning of alexina valmy over state prosecutors want some information will only be shared with volleys consent it says Russian Police to interview the activist in berlin where hes currently in hospital. To it still expects moscow to be held accountable for the incident. The relations with russia are influenced by the fact that russia is 1st of all an important global actor and also by the fact that in the past and in present times we have had some problematic topics between each other and we should express ourselves carefully this time there was an attempted murder on mr novelli performed with a very specific and internationally banned nerve agent of the novacek group and our demand is that russia urgently explain what happened. Our authorities are investigating this incident we dont like it when other countries dictate to us when and at what point to start our processes we cannot legally call this a criminal case based on the analysis of the journal of board 3 moreover the board to receive the b. R. D. Army just as in the b. Or d. It is probably impossible to initiate a criminal case on the basis of tests that were taken in our Military Hospital this is legally nonsense there are acts of furphy cation our investigative bodies are working they have questions new questions appear we hope that we will receive information from our german colleagues it will help to move forward the only emerge from when jews cope with this week with a doctor saying he now reacts to spain chill the long term effects are still unclear he was airlifted to lynn for treatment last month after falling ill on the flight from siberia the russian hospital that initially treated and notes no evidence of poisoning was uncovered. Well the German Parliament stipulated the poisoning of a special session is mentioned with lawmakers already calling for action against moscow our europe correspondent next this morning paper all over as the latest on it. Fiery debate on the stack on friday night with the majority of lawmakers pointing a finger of blame firmly at russia and the russian government for what happened to alexis there was some voices questioning the official German Government line that they werent many and to commit that really if the kremlin really regrets the assassination attempt on alecs in the valley and really wants to clear things up why does novell need such a level of protection from our Security Services political murder is part of the putin system. Im not so not only are the russian supposed to have tried to poison an opponent of the regime with a military nerve agent but the put it in his tea why would the russian government be so stupid them and even let an avanti fly out to germany instead of hiding him in russia its absurd. The north stream to gas pipeline project was a major factor in the debate the pipeline which would take russian gas under the baltic sea directly into germany well lawmakers fall into 3 camps when it comes to the Multi National multi 1000000000 euro Infrastructure Project there are those that say it needs to be halted immediately and perhaps canceled altogether there are those that want to wait and see how russia reacts and how this story develops and there are those saying that its simply too important economically and it must remain purely an economic project no matter what else is going on we have those see heated debate over north stream both on the streets here in germany and on friday night in the bundestag nostra inspired by me and north stream has never been a purely private Sector Knowledge act as the German Government has repeatedly argued this by the war in syria just by the use of a chemical weapon insult the federal government is sending a message to the kremlin no matter what you do economic goals are more important to us than climate Protection Security policy and human rights. And minding their media determination of north stream who is in my view has a team and misguided reaction but it pleases those who have only supposed to project a special and egregious acts well as germany code to use to push russia for an explanation for what happened to Alexei Novelli the Russian Foreign minister Sergei Lavrov has said russia still waiting for information it requested from germany but its the use of your mind you the german representative to the u. N. Said the data is no longer not for my last will relations between germany and russia but amounts for multilateral proceedings what kind of proceedings the germans are talking about they were unable to say in the interests of our german colleagues we urge them to provide all necessary information which might in any way should lights when absolutely on. Sounds like you see sions. Investigators in russia of also being on the search for more Information Police in the city of tomsk which is where alexina valmy had been he was flying from tomsk to moscow before his plane had to make an Emergency Landing in the city of squid the legs in a valley in extreme distress well police in tom skipping putting together a timeline of where he was in the lead up to him getting on that plane theyve placements in the valley in a hotel in a restaurant in a flat and in a coffee shop what they have also been going about doing is trying to interview those that were in close contact with alecks in the valley during his time in the city of tomsk police there say theyve been able to interview 5 of the 6 people that spent a lot of time with mr novelli they say the 6th person a woman is believed to have come here to germany there are still lots of facts to come to light in the case of what happened to alexa in a funny but as we search for those facts the diplomatic route between germany and russia continues to heat up. Julie says it passed on election of ollies test results conducted by the countrys military to the Global Chemical weapons watchdog although russia which is a member of the p. C. W. Continues to maintain that nothing has been received yet. Meantime senior german politicians are calling on the government to pull out of the north to project over all this the vast gas pipeline connecting russia to germany should be ready by the end of the year we got the force of political analyst John Laughlin hes got questions over the efforts to derail the project. Its immediately been joined with the north stream 2 gas pipeline project the germans who previously the german Political Class has previously supported the completion of the gas pipeline very strongly not least because germany doesnt have any other Energy Source and no major cracks are appearing in what was a consensus so the fact that theyre not stream to gas pipeline has been immediately put into the equation into what should be a private Police Investigation shows who would benefit the answer is the american exporters of liquid natural gas and all those in europe who are determined and have been for many years and decades to drive a wedge between europe and russia for the not stream to gas pipeline is not just a symbol although its a very powerful one it is also a reality of bridging the divide between russia and europe and that is what the russian people in europe and in the United States do not want and thats why then a valley business is being immediately joined with not stream to. British counties a reimposing code restrictions in england a ban on gatherings of more than 6 controversially is due to start on monday lockdown figures are also being measures rather are also being tightened in scotland it comes amid an alarming rise in corona virus transmissions the prevalence of the virus in the population is increasing we found evidence that it has been accelerating at the end of august and beginning of september. Well the number of positive cases to 1000 tova test doubled since the end of july on friday the number of new delhi confirmed cases rose to more than 3500 named cresap more than 600 on the previous day the total number of confirmed cases in britain is now more than 360000 but the World Health Organizations covert special envoy told us we may not be over the worst of it yet. There will be a mole by going to see is what you get are its like fish basically where every going to do every time to spread between people and hide all right usually. Rather than me. With the virus with in fact lead one with d the virus anatomy jordi outbreaks building up to every possible bridge and i suspect there will be quite a job right you know. The average the. People are being told about the only way things are really garbage truck bombing our notion why you lost. It all down. By. That terrible social economic and educational consequence. Training a Strong Defense office by 6 when they prevented you from economy being outrageously juco as to why and how dangerous the situation is she managed to get on with our lives and maintain our defenses. Sort of women who traveled from britain and the e. U. To syria to allegedly small i still who are being smuggled out now to tension comes through money being raised online the surroundings call that story. The socalled Islamic States all directions that refer to pejoratively in arabic have long since been defeated territory and. But there are still thousands of captured minutes an hour and women and children being held in camps in syria amongst them are a number of british and european citizens whose governments have consistently refused to take them back and put them on trial citing security concerns countries such as britain arris declared that these people who are stretched and therefore should not be. But the problem with a system. Of course the longer these people study especially children started growing under conditions of the camps its more likely that they themselves will become radicalized in themselves a future strikes i think in many cases its going to be difficult to find evidence against these individuals so in order to prosecute in full power stuff or tax membership or for actual crimes for example kind of out of the box and unlike the mayor was he went out there and elsewhere to join the scripts what you havent seen the children and of course we squiers them posting evidence treaty on social media and the thinking Council House tens of thousands of family members of suspected di fights is on a run by western backed by cutting edge groups in Northern Syria who were struggling to keep control of the inhabitants and now its been revealed but detainees including british female dyce suspects are being smuggled out of these camps using money raised online via social media guide sympathizers reportedly using facebook and messaging apps like telegrams to board to make Fund Raising Campaigns to help pay for the breakouts and shed videos and messages like this one by a british woman known as Mariam Albritton being sent out from the Islamic State to the camps was by fallen of the last moments of my life its a big defeat them help them and donate every month to help smuggle them out and its not just British Forces with videos in french german and russian also doing the rounds smugglers reportedly charge around 12000. 00 pounds to. Help families escape from camps like al how will on the border of northeastern syria and iraq and donors using crypto currency like bitcoin to make payments if they can offer more anonymity from surveillance on the main implications of money being racists. And able with the scam pretty soon to be sure suggests that people are being brought on tricks on political settlement being issued in these circumstances not suggests that our Security Breach is inherent in the camps itself of course scots are today larry page or perhaps they can be bought to allow people to escape but i think oh say looking at the sums involved and looking at how easy it is to grace funds in the way. From such as bitcoin all conall on this. A large amount of this money that is being raised is probably not going. Directly to fund the scape or at least people who actually straight into touch to fund our activities security analysts say that the longer die suspects remain stranded in these cabs the higher the likelihood that they can escape and present a whole new security challenge for the region pressure will continue to mount on western governments to finally take responsibility for their own citizens and put them on trial back at home for the crimes that was alleged to have committed a saudi ought to u. K. In london. Its quarter past 8 in the morning moscow time and if you do this we can hope its going well this is a head to head giant apple tells russian News Companies including i suppose but ukraines trying to ban their ups will try and work out the reasoning for that one web. Join me every thursday on the alex simon chill and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you. Know weve been talking about tesla for you know a number of weeks a few months because it is a phenomenon and the point ive been making from day one is that its a me me me that as a market valuation at one point over 400000000000. 00 and it taps into people who trade means and these are generation z. And the millennial is on the robert of apps and other forms and means no fundamental value theres nothing there just its a murmur ation like starlings in the sky they conjure day and then they disperse. Again good morning so ukraines us to ban the ups of russian broadcasters the News Agencies tech giant apples told moscow based networks about the request has come from kim Security Service to remove them from its up store across this is morning morning so whats the reasoning behind this move that most. Well our Russian Media has been censored in ukraine for years already and now we are getting this socalled involvement apple as well as take it step by step on now friday several media from russian major state networks claim that apple decided to take off their apps in ukraine and that was on requests from the ukraines Security Service now. Russian union of journalists as well as other colleagues are already calling this an act of censorship meanwhile apple themselves well theyve made a statement a little bit later claiming that no apps have been deleted at this point and all theyve done was just send notifications about this fact to the Russian Media and they suggested that Russian Media contact ukraines Security Service that directly now the list of networks has apps or to be deleted is quite extensive and they claim that this is in line with the politics against Russian Media lets have a listen. Ukrainian Security Service demanded the removal of the ukrainian apple store colleagues ruppel say nothing on proposed we solve this problem with ukraine by all cells all this is part of the fight against Russian Media and social networks in ukraine it began on the pershing and continues on this island scheme now russian parliamentarians as well as the countrys Journalists Union have already said that if the apps do get deleted they will explore legal action now censorship against Russian Media in ukraine began back in 2014 after a referendum was held in the crane near where people have voted for a union with russia now several Russian Media and social networks have been as well have been deleted in ukraine since then and of course r. T. Is also banned there its 0000 source oppose if youre ready go then it cant be taken off your phone thats right yes so i suppose the message if youre in ukraine theres a danger this might be download it now the. Store theres a plug romans thank you we got the thoughts from journalist daniel assad says the request reflects the things kids efforts to cozy up to washington. Of course that its censorship and of course that goes contrary to freedom of speech the ukraine is that doing its best to create a special relationship with the United States and the us d is responding and for the u. S. Clearly is hoping to develop its alliance with ukraine against against russia with the ultimate aim of integrating the ukraine and to nato. And whatever draw as those 2 countries closer together has washingtons approval so therefore one of the ukraine makes a request like this of apple apple really cant say no because it knows that. That washington wants it to comply. The previous a little known family spoke with a small print runs to see the surprise publicize the posts in which in france after a senior official called for it to be banned an advisor to the gender Equality Ministry said the title i hate men went too far this book is obviously an ode to misandry which is clear from the summary in the title i would like to remind you that incitement to hatred on the basis of gender is a criminal offense this man works for the secretary of state for gender equality Whose Mission is to do something about Sexual Assault and rape it seems outrageous that she was more concerned about censoring a small feminist book than doing his job well the books publisher monster graf called claims of inciting hatred ridiculously also 25 year old activists from lille says her work encourages female readers simply to take less account of the often unsupported opinions of men and rediscover the strength of female relationships the initial print run of i hate men was just 500. 00 copies but after all the publicity more than 2000 copies was sold and is now the stock we asked people in paris what they thought of the title. We discuss the behavior and appearance of women every day and nobody even pays any attention so for once there is something directed at men and i guess we can deal with it. I think we should not stop at the title of the book we have to go beyond that and read it and find out why should all that was behind it. Women i hate that i could easily write a book like that because i have plenty of bad experiences in my love life have been left many times or had problems with my mother we really have to distinguish between what is literary what is an expression of a personal opinion. What we thought we rushed out a bit more party found the catherine blakelock an actress north a military blank a shared their opinions all said book but it turned out they didnt actually see eye to eye. Prisoners look in the provocation to pammy to a new way of thinking to deconstruct the tree arche its more about. The idea of man and about some behaviors in order consultants or store to store a call for he called me the Perfect Peace and can be different and go for very little reflection in stories d of freedom and on 0 human rights and no feminism and all that the idea that you should hate men as most people should hate men i dont think its about the patriarchy and also said this through loading of men is both natural and logical i mean this is a unbelievably extreme minority position the majority of women love men like men and their georgiev men like women i mean it is quite ironic when women have basically freedom in all sorts of spears in this country and entranced compared to say a country like afghanistan or. In those countries women really are oppressed in the western countries you have radical feminists saying that they hate men and that everything is so terrible when in fact they probably got it the best that theyve ever had it and a lot of and you know men and women are just different and people have to accept that its a very minority number of people who have this view about hating the opposite sex. Bahrain and israel have agreed to establish full diplomatic relations now after a decades long boycott by the gulf monarchy the deal was announced on friday then by u. S. President donald trump who broke at the talks. In the spirit of peace and cooperation both leaders also agreed bahrain will fully normalize its diplomatic relations with israel they will exchange embassies and begin direct flights between their countries and want cooperation and insurance across a broad range of sectors including Health Business Technology Education security and agriculture is a truly historic. U. S. Spy raid in israel of released a joint statement confirming the new pact follows a similar agreement between israel and the United Arab Emirates struck last month and it marks a dramatic change in the dynamics of middle east politics than with arab nations to the storage lee sided with palestine shifting closer to israel trumps role in the process has been prompting one right wing norwegian politician to nominate indeed for the Nobel Peace Prize amid those efforts there is no sign of a letter from the Israeli Palestinian conflict though on friday clashes broke out in the west bank protest against the expansion of israeli settlements in the occupied territory protesters held rocks at Israeli Soldiers last month israel suspended its plan to annex parts of the west Bank Although Building Work has continued at existing settlements tensions have been aggravated by israeli demolitions of palestinian homes built without planning permits with almost 400. 00 destroyed last month alone according to the u. N. Political science associate mike saber and thinks the recent developments a terrible for palestinians. From israels purse. These agreements or a huge. These arab countries which actually for all those years rejected israels exist. Are now formally recognizing the its real weve seen this is a terrible to go for the power steering. For a while your. There didnt seem to be much between their countries and the palestinians in unison they would say there is no peace with israel and thus there is no resolution to the israeli postilion car. And what has gone is he has skillfully i think diplomatically backing. These arab countries have their own National Security just hours. For. These other countries dont like that much about the problem stadiums. Full of quick news alert for your something happening today arties going underground spoken to brazils ex president widely known as lula he spent 18 months behind bars on corruption of Money Laundering charges of late as well as discussing the accusations which he called politically motivated lou the silver talked with Julian Assange and talked to but the case and the need for a u. N. Reform. When you were in that jail cell did you not regret leaving those very elite in power in your 2 terms as president and Dilma Rousseff leaving them in power to prosecute you both. Traditions if you can. Because my innocence has proven. That right now i want to prove their guilt in the crimes they committed against brazil the coup was the beginning of a new attitude in brazil in my opinion it was organized by the u. S. Department of justice the u. S. Never accepted the fact that brazil did become an international player. All those who believe in justice. Cannot let a son to be extradited. A son should receive the nobel prize for having exposed the cias. Frauds to the whole planet the frauds to the u. S. Department of state spying on the world the government spectrographs brazil germany it is not the role of a democratic country to spy on its partners and a sondre is brave enough to expose this. Or the un needs to change its role. Todays un cannot be the same as it was in 1998 we need to have african countries in the Un Security Council we need latin american diplomats using the security council. And countries like india. It cannot be the same 5 countries as in 1948. That shows on various times today from now the reporting from moscow im kevin now in from a the table of a super saturday. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a maid in the shallows. A new gold rush is underway in ghana thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it rich heres a good. Day oh by those that work children are torn between gold. My family was very poor i thought i was doing my best to get back to school which side will have the strongest appeal. This is both the one with a show you cant afford to miss unfair monteith failed and washington coming out

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