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To prevent people from greece. And the israeli pm signs peace deals with the u. A. E. And bahrain in washington something Donald Trumps called a historic breakthrough for the move is met with outrage in palestine. A very warm welcome to you youre watching r. T. International with meaning. From moscow has urged for the alleged poisoning case of opposition figure alexina valmy not to be politicized after talks with his german counterpart russias top diplomat stressed the need for cooperation heres what the Foreign Ministry had to say. Any further evasion from satisfying the stated requests will be perceived as a lack of desire on the part of our partners to help establish the truth in the framework of move jet save and comprehensive investigation of what happened the alleged nerve agent poisoning of the russian opposition faygo was high on the agenda at the European Parliament session on tuesday the vast majority of speakers pointed the finger of blame squarely at russia although no evidence was presented our europe correspondent piece all of our picks up the story. The 2 main topics that were brought up were sanctions that would target senior russian officials or d the by the pausing or banning altogether stopping altogether the north stream to gas pipeline project that would take gas directly from russia into germany its a Multinational Multi 1000000000 euro project there were some voices though that said well we really need to wait for an investigation before we take any action but those voices were few and far between lets say. A name president putin refuses to say out loud opposition leaders and independent journalists and russia are not safe it is time to stop impunity boys and girls not our lives are we up to all of us we need to make a deep review of our stretch to a sort of democracy russia should be our priority not business as usual of luxury to type the i dont do all of this of well there are people who tear into russia whole day long before anything has been established there are people calling for new sanctions against russia its like a kind of mythology for the cold war when every tragedy was used to instigate a confrontation. At least 20 countries and organized crime groups have strengths of this nerve agent poisoning is a possibility which one thats fine from how we can prove beyond doubt that many had a motive we know little more but in next to nothing from the russian side what they say is theyve requested again and again information from germany the evidence that germany says proves a nerve agent was used in fact russia just sent a 2nd request on monday from their Prosecutor Generals Office to the officials here in berlin asking for information there thats after their initial request went on he did Russian Foreign minister Sergey Lavrov was becoming clearly quite frustrated with western partners who he say it says so. You have made up their mind already. If there was no new the they would have come up with another reason to impose additional sanctions. On the world going beyond all limits of decency and reasonably in fact we are now demanding that we confess is such a mysterious story given that on the 27th vogue we sent a request for Legal Assistance from the russian general Prosecutors Office and still there is no want so theres no we dont have legal grounds for. And that is why we are Legal Assistance from the german side on monday next week e. U. Foreign ministers will be meeting to discuss this issue further your seat belt did say that looked as if the situation would have an impact on russia relations well have to see just what type of impact that will be most likely get more answers or not following that Foreign Ministers meeting taking place next week. They use Foreign Policy chief here is that burrell has also proposed sanctions along the lines of the u. S. Magnitsky act well that paper was initially drawn up to punish russian officials who were blamed again perhaps by the u. S. For their involvement in the death of russian anticorruption lawyer 30 gay magnitsky who died in pretrial detention it was later expanded to punish people across the world involved in Human Rights Violations now the e. U. Is considering a similar act with no foundings name on its had a and lexan of on his condition has improved significantly in recent days hes no longer on a ventilator and can even take a short walks away from his hospital bed in berlin hes also back on so she will media this photo of him and his family was posted earlier with no family saying it felt amazing to breathe on his own again. French i mean p. T. Area mariano who also took part in the e. U. Parliamentary session took a somewhat different view to many of his colleagues. It was a little bit disappointing because i think there was no reason the borer position except me and a. Few members said ok if there isnt boys in meaning of mr neville only 1st make a Serious Investigation to know d who is guilty and dont set the name of the guilty before investigation everybody understand that there is. Some. Idea between this and this sanction to stop or to continue the last 3 years through exhibit and not for europe if europe want to be independent there is dissolution its continued not through to and how the direct relation with russia oh stop this. Gets a line or what would we do its the only solution for europe we need to to buy share of gas from america and i seen the interest of europeans to have the various produce for gas. The same session in the European Parliament also took that touched on the Current Situation in belo roast the bloke foreign minister stated that the e. U. Is preparing sanctions in light of the recent disputed election and may even consider suspending all relations with men however the minister got his countrys confused. We consider their elections on the 9th of august truculent show. Not the legitimacy president of ukraine ashanti merely wish. They were thinking about. It comes a day off to Vladimir Putin held a meeting with Alexander Lukashenko in sochi heres the claim to showed moscows clear support for the lucas and could ministration but the russian president warned against any external pressure on minsk and instead called for dialogue between the government and the opposition. We want the belorussians to handle their situation without any external assistance or pressuring in a call manner through dialogue with each other and come to a joint decision on how to move forward you know that there was a meeting between. Monday yesterday and it seems from this meeting that it should pull through to. Continue. Historian and other less productive ski believes bellaver is being used as another reason to ramp up tensions with russia. I dont really know the difference between belair easy to aim ukraine and so on they just know that these states are buffer state between russia and the western word dougs defined old you are the basic point to us most western tell it to shoes and does very hard to make them understand these countries are. Countries that should give local in their own cause and not could be dealing with International Tension actually if there is a break takes the relation concerning russia because it does the reason why attentions in belarus are so. Observed by a lot of western people some of them are conscious docked belarus cannot be bothered to question i lay inside and they go and they are trying to find some compromise during this crisis but some of them i appreciate your great hearing to both push tension to make this you know friendship difficult and not taking into account question what is the real situation and then there is. A delegation from israel has signed peace deals in washington with bahrain and the United Arab Emirates but the agreements have prompted a ferris reaction from palestine which claim to spin stopped in the back a protest occurred in front of the Palestinian Legislative Council headquarters in gaza with several demonstrators carrying signs which read little lies ation is at the trail people stomped on and burned posters of gulf leaders donald trump as the israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu however mr trump how the deal says a huge breakthrough. This is a truly historic day we hope that this will start an even more historic journey for the middle east and beyond was a Historic Deal and. Are said to deal in over 2 decades but do agreements like this really help solve the israel palestine conflict thats debatable the trumpet ministration is moving toward a 2 state solution rejecting outright a solution where all residents of the area are granted equal rights under a single state my vision presents a win win opportunity for both its a realistic 2 state solution that resolves the risks of Palestinian Statehood to israels security furthermore were a peace maker and supposed expert negotiator the trumpet ministrations moves have been rather one sided over the course of the last 3 years now the white house has cut aid to palestinians it has also recognized jerusalem as israels capital furthermore they have given washingtons blessing to the expansion of israeli settlements on the Palestinian Land now at this point weve got the white house touting a peace plan that many of us pretty strongly in favor of israel under the white houses preferred proposal up to 30 percent of the occupied west bank would be handed over to israel furthermore the remaining palestinians would be in enclaves isolated from each other with israel having full Security Control however donald trump insists its a great deal for the palestinians i want this deal to be a great deal for the palestinians that has to be todays agreement is a historic opportunity for the palestinians to finally achieve an independent state of their very own now the palestinians not only reject this deal but they find it insulting Mahmoud Abbas officially cut ties to the United States and israel back in may the palestinian president is saying that at this point all previous agreements are off the palestinians have also read. Ject of the recent deals made by bob graham and the United Arab Emirates to recognize israel they see these countries as betraying them and stabbing them in the back the palestinian position is that no other country has the right to negotiate on their behalf normalize ation of states in the region with israel will not change the essence of this conflict which is the systemic denial of the palestinian peoples inalienable right to freedom and silver and now theres plenty of doubt over these agreements but for donald trump it looks good on t. V. With the elections approaching and the coded 19 body count rising at home and also looks good for netanyahu to be able to smile for the cameras as opposition to him is domestically increasing as well Bibi Netanyahu leaving a trail hes flying to the u. S. Today to sign what he calls the create Peace Agreement leaving a country that is total chaos. Sort of like a lot of politics hes leaving us in israel hes going to put his inclusion of the countries in the horrible ses the totally failed in handling their own crisis. Netanyahu in the Mainstream Media may hail these has historic agreements leading toward peace most analysts look at these deals and see even further violence and conflicts down the road. Earlier we spoke to a Regional Affairs expert to see how palestinians have reacted to the negotiations what would have been the future is what kind of reaction would be and there was for example and the goal way of. Things also may go where. Things may deteriorate and we may get back to 3rd intifada although i think it will be very difficult now because the Political Leadership is not interested in that its interested in the book be a lot of resistance but things will not be pleased with what is have been in the mail if you will see the people who feel how much they feel depressed by what is happening that. Its not only that they are giving. That i what israel wants their problem is with todays signature they killed the last. Piece of wood that the palestinians can hang on in this sea. So let had a call to code it proves the u. K. s neighbors inform on the roadway case more on that story in just 90 seconds. Will justice be done in a london court not only is joining us on trial but so is freedom of speech and profession of journalism what explains the sparse Media Coverage of this trial why havent more journalists spoken out and is a sign of being used as a target to Say Something but those challenge the powers that be. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. Direct. What is true what is faith. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us on the death. Or inmate in the shallowness. Oakum back down a bit to counter a potential 2nd wave of the virus the new rule of 6 has come into force in much of the u. K. Limiting the amount of people who can meet up although after so many m. P. s a cold on the publics report will break those concerns have been raised about developing a nation of inform. Its open to neighbors to do exactly that through trickle through the nonemergency number and if they are concerned they do see that kind of thing then absolutely its now the law they should be concerned yesterday yes they should ring in and report that near it will just inundate us with cools does he think we have an Endless Supply of officers who can just go out to these things it will be hundreds and hundreds of calls coming in from curtain twitches the new rules were brought in after a spike of infections in recent weeks particularly among young adult people now face fines if more than 6 gather together exemptions include covert secure events and households of more than 6 people work and educational locations and events are also exempt where put the issue for debate. There will be quite a lot of breaches some through ignorance some through mistake some just straight forward through im not going to do it people need to understand why theyre doing what theyre being asked to do the courts understand that things are a good idea otherwise they wont comply with them i dont believe that we should be snitching on a neighbors i think we need to be encouraging people to take personal responsibility and use their common sense ok this is a time when politicians are letting us down maybe the pound and the economic spend is being put a head of Public Safety and health but you know the messages coming from politicians who knew how dangerous this was and they delayed so long and we knew if we look at the flu pandemic from the night in 20 that it comes back up this summer doubly hard so we need to all share fortunately unfortunately some dont act socially responsible a year some are malicious about it some are just ultra callous some just last one way or the other we rely the police arent everywhere we rely on the public reporting the more egregious examples the worst examples so that the police can deal with them and all our safety personally i wouldnt shot somebody if the next thought is just not the way we do things it is not the british way its not cool it police that you know they are being spread very thin at the minute resources are tough the tough job to be we dont need to have examples of police dishing out. You know tickets and. Fines for people who are trying to congregate if it was plainly a family saw a gathering and some of those were kids maybe not if it was a raucous raucous Drunken Party of the sort that maybe would attract calls about disturbance in the 1st place anyway rick regardless of coded and then maybe as our judgement tasted hue pizza and marcus say people call the police about disturbances and noisy parties and things like that anyway and i suspect a lot of those will be reported now with kelly. Do you want to or youre living in some kind of dystopian or well your nightmare where weve got you know like a virus thats what i want to salute people on the street spying on each other in concert the monitor working on this is our safety when we say you know why its not all right for the Public Health aspect of the problem so to explain it were an awful awful long way from. Donald trump has confirmed he wanted to assassinate syrian president bashar assad but despite 2 years of flat out denials the option was even discussed in a new interview the us president confirmed to the killing attempt it would have happened if it wasnt for our position from his former defense secretary jim mattis is it true that after assad guess children for the 2nd time that it was you the ones that take out a side that you had a good side on and i would rather rather get him out rather brought him out as didnt want to do it such as the assassination of president assad by the United States never even discussed the book is total fiction washington believes bash other side committed crimes against his own nation specifically and claims he is responsible for conducting at least 3 Chemical Attacks during the operations against Islamic State they are the 2013 guta strike which the us claims left nearly 1500 dead the 27000 consequence sarin gas attack which claimed the lives of more than 80 people and in april 28th in dumas which was the pretext for the us britain and france to conduct as strikes on Syrian Military bases both syria and us military ally russia have always denied any involvement in the gas attacks. The executive director of the Ron Paul Institute Daniel Mcadams believes the tough guy approach from trump is only putting the u. S. Military and officials at risk. Ballasts admitted early in 2018 that the u. S. Had no evidence that assad was the heinz either the attack or the change a coon ass attack in syria in a fact or only source of evidence were the white helmet who were basically working with al qaeda in syria who are going to believe al qaeda over russia and god who are busy trying to fight al qaeda but theres a real danger in this that is sort of a lawless and this for a long time frowned upon even though the cia has done its its best to do assassinations but as legally and officially frowned on the idea of assassinating foreign leaders the assassination of salomone of course in iran was a huge exception its hasnt gone very well for trump who hasnt got iran coming on its knees begging for a deal after that on the contrary so all this talk of assassinating people in reality what it does is puts u. S. Troops u. S. Diplomats and just plain old americans overseas in a lot more jeopardy than they than they need to be theres a lot of tough talk and actually has negative consequences for the u. S. Has a big jewish pilgrims from israel have found them found stranded trying to make their way to their traditional place of worship in ukraine for the new Year Celebrations hundreds are now stuck on the countrys border with better routes to being granted permission to travel fleeing minsk on august 29th kiev banned entry to most foreign nationals amid fears of a 2nd wave of the coronavirus the pilgrim to a chaplain by land has blocked all traffic in the area in protest the red cross and other humanitarian organizations have started providing them with vital supplies israel has a tales directly to the ukrainian president to let it be his if it g. s into the country but the pilgrims themselves arent convinced by tel aviv. Where the next man is on life without taking a step back which were not going to bella rouged all know when we refugees we have little Children Women elderly people we have no. Food no drink no nothing of the israels not helping us on the contrary theyre trying to close ukraine for us soon well never get off their backs well stay here but there were doubts he would love to hear your thoughts on our story so to get in touch by following us on social media leaving a comment that were back at the top of the hour with the latest headlines. Welcome to max keiser financial survival guide. Looking forward to your pension account. Yanks this is what happens to pensions in britain. Watched kaiser report. Look at the bill really to sneer those who really can show you. Show it to take is just be suitably. Proud that was supposed to stop us they have something. No no no risk of being a bull episodes didnt go to see you cure the disease go to sleep during your force wake would be near must of missed if not thoughts about spirits appear to do it was more than 6 been found in the old. State via google should. Show the stress of school schulmans for you to put bus to move to. A story they were but it. Seemed wrong. But all wrong just dont call. Me call yet to say pal it just did become educated and it gains from it because betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. Israel media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. High salacious community. Are you going the right way or are you being that. Direct. What is true what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Or a mate in the shallow. Oh and welcome across top where all things are considered im Peter Lavelle will justice be done in a london court not only is joining us on trial but so is freedom of speech and the profession of journalism what explains the sparse Media Coverage of this trial why havent more journalists oaken out and is assigned being used as a target a big sample for those who challenge the powers that be. To discuss this and more im joined by my guest a lawyer who duck in london she is a journalist with activism munich and in los angeles we crossed iran welcome he is a comedian and host of the you tube show. Get your news on was run as well as a writer and regular on the jimmy dora show or across the prose in effect that means you can jump anytime you want and i was appreciative ok lets go to taylor in london you have the fortunate experience of being a witness to whats going on in this trial i dont know how much you can see because i know that the authorities have made it very difficult for the public to observe here but here youve been watching it now for a few days just give us please our audience are your impressions because so few Media Outlets are covering this trial so the right to have. Yes so many journalists are covering this case remotely and we have to watch it there a video link only 10 journalists were granted access to be physically present in the courtroom and only a few observers can be in the Public Gallery they say that this is a result of the coronavirus pandemic but this case has really lacked open to s. S. I can tell you that earlier today and even last week it has been very very difficult to follow the core proceedings weve had so many technical difficulties so many journalists have been booted off the baby away if you dont. Catch this video link within a certain period of time you want to have access for the rest of the day its very very strict and in fact on monday last week the 1st day of the core proceedings there were 40 observers who were initially granted access to cover the court case and then once they went to visit the video link they found out they were actually granted Remote Access on accident so the judge revoked their access and these were and shield servers and people part of professional organizations who were seeking to monitor this court case as well as to report on it. You know iran its going to los angeles you know it wasnt many years ago that julian assad was they found in his last year alongside the the guardian in the New York Times so why isnt the guardian the New York Times and that doc too because it one time he was considered the greatest journalist alive now hes even given that privilege of that title and you know can you explain journalism just abandoning one of its own go ahead run those are all the questions that weve been asking for quite some time now and i wish i had the answer for i wish i didnt do yeah i mean i think it really speaks to just the failures of the industry especially in the United States i mean i remember that when he was exposing these war crimes and he was deemed a hero and rightfully so he exposed some essential information of war crimes going on around the world

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