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Broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is R T International im sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us right now russia is accusing germany of using the various pretexts to withhold information on the election of all the case the russian opposition figurehead a recently came out of a coma in berlin where he is being treated for a suspected no but poisoning and moscows permanent representative to the Global Chemical weapons a watchdog has told r. T. That all requests for data have so far been denied. The Russian Federation has been waiting for answers from our german colleagues the general Prosecutors Office has sent 2 requests for Legal Assistance unfortunately we have not received any answers there were various explanations from the german side firstly there were references to National Secrets the german said they were afraid of revealing secrets and german technologies during our specialist acquaintance with the results of the analysis in a boon to swear laboratory. Then our german colleagues started talking about the necessity of the prior approval of look sane of all these relatives after that they referred to in a volley himself all in all the germans have delayed the response in every possible way through deliberately delaying the process impeded the completion of the preliminary inquiry in russia that was held in order to ascertain whether there is an offense or not and then to start an extensive investigation into the case that dealt with the russian citizen on russian territory. Its like a vicious circle on the one hand german officials said that they were ready to refer the case to the o. P. C. W. And the case becomes a multilateral one on the other hand the o. P. C. W. Claims that they will not share the information without the consent of the germans that is why we have taken some measures weve sent a letter to the germans Permanent Missions to the o. P. C. W referring to article 9 paragraph 2 we requested the german side to provide us with comprehensive information on a whole range of questions relating to involve these case we are talking about test results biological and clinical samples and everything connected with this case german colleagues are required to respond within 10 days the countdown has already started and of all the has now been discharged from the hospital in berlin his doctors say a full recovery is possible but the potential long term effects are uncertain russia and germany meanwhile continued to demand answers over the case. It is not the responsibility of the German Authorities to conduct an investigation the crime was committed in russia and thats why urgent appeal to russian side is to comment on the matter of your Prosecutor Generals Office has lodged official requests with their colleagues in germany france and sweden and with the o. P. C. Doubly calling on them to fulfill their obligations under the European Convention on mutual assistance in criminal matters we have still not received any replies but were hearing nonsensical Public Comments including the remarks of german officials who say everything that happened in the valley took place on russian soil so were not going to help you in any way you have to sort it out on your own but we demand that you admit your guilt thats rather unbecoming for such a great country is germany. Berlin claims election of ali was poisoned with a substance from the Group Although the scientists who created the deadly nerve agent are disputing that finding your political analyst rainer Office Thinks that the circumstances of the alleged poisoning are still shrouded in doubt. We look into what really is a military nerve agent which is highly highly poisonous and dangerous. If it has been applied never any what has died within several minutes after being in contact with that substance so its not really likely that novacek really was in the play but not in charge of course plays a great role in the narratives in the media narrative for me its more important to look at the geopolitical backgrounds of the anglosaxon and the u. S. American powers are in panic about the fact that the north stream to pipeline is about being finished quite soon so they need to get some pretext to the public to oppose the finishing of this major pipeline project because it would bring germany and russia closer together it was it would strengthen both countries economical each year politically and therefore there are great great geopolitical geo strategic economic interests to stop this pipeline project. Regional leaders in france are pushing back against the government over a new set of tougher coronavirus restrictions a raft of new measures was unveiled on wednesday after a spike in case numbers arent in sharjah been ski reports now from paris. Well the Health Minister in france has outlined new restrictions which sparked this war of words on social media between himself and local officials what he announced on wednesday evening is that 2 departments in france we placed into a maximum alert in that means that from saturday for 2 week period a limited period were told there will be a closure of bars and restaurants people wont be able to go out to some public spaces and the 2 areas impacted are guadalupe and mar say now we know that restrictions have been divisive people have been unhappy about them in the past but nobody nobody could have predicted the futurists reaction by mark sayes own mare i was astonished and angry with the decision the city of massey did not consult anyone nothing related to the Health Situation can justify this announcement i do not accept the fact that we are the victims of political decisions that no one understands well other elected officials were equally as angry with the president of one of the local regions impacted describing this as being collective punishment but the Health Minister hit back and said that he did consult with the local officials before making those announcements. The decisions announced this evening and won them the measure for the people of must see are aimed precisely as protecting them while all the Health Indicators are very degraded not so says the regional president 2 says that a call from the Health Ministry in the moments before these restrictions were announced did not constitute a consultation and he has argued that these decisions were taken unilaterally by the french government now other restrictions have also been put in place for areas such as here in paris paris is now on an enhanced alert area which means that from monday next week buyers will have to shop by 10 pm in the evening theyll be a restriction on gatherings no more than 10 people gathering together in public settings and we know that sort of large scale events like protests where they were allowed to be around 5000. 00 people that is now going to be limited to 1000 people and the local authorities have the right to impose stricter restrictions if they wish to do so this is because the Health Minister said that the situation across the current tree is deteriorating rapidly that if you distribute it is increasing sharply the infection rate is constantly rising we are at 95. 00 cases per 100000 inhabitants we must take additional measures it is necessary. France has been using a color coded map to show the rates of transmission of 1000 thats pretty much been a green yellow red traffic light type of system but now the red zones have been split into subcategories and if you look at that map now most of the country is in shades of red suggesting that there is a high rate of transmission of co that 19 lets not forget that france is carrying out around a 1000000 tests every week so that rate is likely to go up but whats concerning the officials is the fact that in the last week there have been 3 days where more than 30. 1000 new cases have been registered and in addition to that hospital admissions have gone up by double to around 1000 and we know that hospitals in france are under strain the Health Minister is people to abide by the restrictions so continue social distancing wear a mask wash our hands and knees even suggested that people should tale some of their social activities restricting that all in an effort to try and be the transmission of this virus but as weve seen 2 areas of france including marsay already now in this maximum alert zone and other departments will be looking at the figures and wondering when they are going to slide potentially into that category and face their own mini restrictions and lockdowns for the future. Israel is about to enter a 2nd nationwide shutdown the plan was approved at a Cabinet Meeting on wednesday night after the infection rate doubled in a 2 week period and hes possibly or reports now from television. The new measures that are being imposed are reminiscent of the lockdown that the country put in place back in march that was the 1st nationwide lockdown and what were hearing now from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is that a full lockdown will be in place from tomorrow friday until october the 10th he has said that hopefully some of the measures will be eased even sooner now last week we did see the country go into full locked arms it meant that schools were a strong hotels were completely shut but people were allowed out doors for exercise or for gathering for prayer meetings or protests now all of that is being forbidden israel is the 1st country in the developed world to be imposing a 2nd lockdown i mean. The situation is difficult there is a steep rise we have to take decisions decisions are tough but as Prime Minister i am a blood to save your lives and you need to understand that there is a danger to lives and thats why there is no choice but to take the difficult decisions and we will save lives with your cooperation. There has been a recent surge in covered positive cases one day so i record high 70000 people being registered now that has been a heated debate in parliament between netanyahu who is calling for a full lockdown and the rest of his cabinet there are those who are suggesting that netanyahu wants a lockdown because its a way to silence history tractors who is asking for complete closure it is not us it is the Prime Minister i hear the Health Professionals say the reason the reason for general closure i want to understand why food garage is recommended closure is a last resort and not a solution to demonstrations at the same time this looming lockdown and nonce to an admission of failure by Prime Minister netanyahu it was only a few months ago when he boasted that he was the worlds best Prime Minister at handling the crisis at that time is always one of the 1st countries to seal its borders and imp. But soon afterwards it was criticized for opening up its economy too soon and the virus would turn and we now have a situation that every week there were protests in front of the Prime Ministers residence in jerusalem with people calling on the Prime Minister to resign for both corruption charges and for what they say is his mishandling of the whole corona virus pandemic. It is being claimed that the pentagon spend up to a 1000000000. 00 of coronavirus funds on military equipment including jet engines and body armor congress this year gave the Defense Department a 1000000000. 00 to battle the coronavirus but a Washington Post report claims most about money went instead to ship Building Maintenance Army Uniforms satellites drones and space surveillance the cash was supposed to address funding gaps in the countrys Coronavirus Response within the u. S. Offering the worlds highest krone virus death toll and this comes at a time of severe supply shortages the u. S. Centers for Disease Control has said an additional 6000000000. 00 are needed to distribute potential vaccines next year and it has noted a severe lack of medical grade facemasks the pentagon has not directly responded to the Washington Post story but has defended the way it has spent its coronavirus funds we are thankful that congress provided and resources that enable the executive branch to invest in Domestic Production of critical medical resources and protect key defense capabilities from the consequences of curve it we need to always remember that economic and National Security a very tightly into related and our Industrial Base is really the nexus of the 2 preventative medicine Professor William schaffner says the spending scandal goes to the very top. Obviously we would have preferred those monies go to code relief i would think that this decision to spend the money not on the defense but on. On forces was made at a very high level clearly the diversion of these funds from the Public Health programs of the United States is very misguided i would think that the appropriate congressional committees would do an investigation to find out why this happened and to correct this if a 1000000000. 00 was misused we had better look to the rest also to see how those monies were expended the distribution of the vaccine is going to be our next major effort here in the United States to stop or to d reduce and control so cool that problem and all of those things will require funding it means that the congress of the United States has to hold the executive print to account they have to be absolutely. Very attentive to how these monies allocated for good purpose are being spent. Coming up of the Program Republicans are outraged over billionaire Mike Bloomberg fund raising scheme to give felons that the right to vote we will tell you more after a break this is art international. Its going to be hard to reclaim freedom and were going to have to work at it but as people recognize from examples like. What repression Digital Systems need to. I hope people will start fighting. Saying we wont tolerate systems in our streets in our homes that cant possibly track what were doing. Seemed wrong. Just dont. Get to shape out these days comes to educate and engage with equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. And. Welcome back this is Arts International now 2 Police Officers have been shot and are now hospitalized in the us state of kentucky amid unrest in the city of louisville protesters are angry after only one of the 3 officers was charged in the Fatal Shooting of African American and briana 10. In march a grand jury returned an indictment only against broadhead consent accusing him of wanton endangerment of protesters want of the officers charged with murder why police have been deployed in the area around taylor who was 26 was fatally shot when Police Showed up at her apartment to conduct what is called a no knock warrant search suspecting that there were drugs but fearing it was an intruder taylors boyfriend opened fire and officers shot back taylor who was unarmed was killed reaction to the grand jurys decision has been mixed so far. Theres been a lot of talk in the news about the case with a lot of very wrong facts and today for the 1st time the right facts were explained by the attorney general of the state of kentucky in a legal setting making a legal grand jury finding the police were returning fire on a bad guy who fired at them 1st knowing they were Police Police do have the right to defend themselves in the course of trying to apprehend criminals who fire at them 1st they have the right its even specifically laid out in state law in the state of kentucky if theyre fired during the course of their work theyre entitled to fire back if only to defend themselves and that is what they were doing and in the course of that selfdefense Briana Taylor was struck but its definitely mr walkers fault not the polices fault that the gun got started and that it ended up going in her direction it is all going to come down on him Law Enforcement who works for the ruling its. You dont want to punish your own employees to implement your agenda thats one number 2 my black reticences students have not soleus point its all their power and influence to control their communities to preserve their communities and to demand them to see both justice and say over the policing in their areas if they see got charged a lot of times people go on. The riviera and say its Certain Police decorum and people get paid money and they get money when they kill people like what used to happen soledad also certainly so theres some charge there is a new young black attorney general that has done something theyve given the huge pay out to be out of family i believe that the federal government should step in and really look into this. You can sense a want more going on than what you need this know. Donald trump has branded former new york mayor Michael Bloomberg a criminal accusing him of paying people to vote although thats not quite the case that is after the media mogul raised 16000000. 00 to boost voter turnout in florida although bloomberg has stressed that none of the money comes from him personally and its not illegal or can kill a month and has more on the story. Elections in the United States are supposed to be about testing popularity candidates appeal to the public with their ads their speeches and their platform and then the public determines who they like the best its supposed to be democracy in action money is supposed to have nothing to do with it critics of the United States often point out that the reality is quite different rich people often have a way of asserting their agenda take the latest example of former new york city mayor Mike Bloomberg hes a billionaire and hes putting up 16000000. 00 to help pay the court fees of black and brown voters in florida who happen to be convicted felons now the former new york city mayor says he is just being generous no political motivations here whatsoever the right to vote is fundamental to our democracy and no american should be denied that right working together with the Florida Rights Restoration Coalition were determined to end disenfranchisement and the discrimination that has always driven it well it just so happens that the courts in florida have ruled that people with felony convictions are not allowed to vote until they have paid off their court fees and fines now until recently they were forbidden from voting for their entire lives so it looks like a lot of black and latino florida residents who have felony convictions are going to get a nice check from mayor bloomberg to make sure that theyre able to vote at the polls this november it just so happens that overwhelmingly black and latino people disapprove of donald trump and he. Presidency so republicans in florida say this pretty much amounts to bribery i will be calling on the Florida Attorney general to launch an investigation into Mike Bloomberg for potentially engaging in bribery and vote buying in the state of florida bloomberg does not care for donald trump he has laid out cash in florida to maneuver against him before bloomberg recently spent 100000000. 00 in the hopes of beating trump when it came to early voting in florida trump shot back at him with his usual style. I thought mina mike was through the democrat politics of desponding almost 2000000000. 00 and then giving the worst a move in the debate performance in the history of president ial politics no republican has taken the white house without florida since 1924 its the biggest swing state in the Electoral College margins there can be razor thin think about bush v gore back in 2000 in the 2000 election it came down to just a few 100 votes between the 2 candidates so giving the vote to 32000 convicted felons that could make all the difference it amounts to bribery basically bribing people to vote in a certain way and that is clearly against the law in the United States its very hard to bring criminal charges against somebody who has a fantastically wealthy as bloomberg because somebody like bloomberg will hire the best lawyers in the country to defend him and no government no federal government those State Government will want to bring charges against someone whos going to hire the best lawyers against any prosecution so its unlikely that very much will come of this but i think there is a lot there to investigate i mean its a its a very dubious activity and you can imagine that if trump a done anything like this they would be huge scandal about this. Kind of this parliament is back at work after Prime Minister Justin Trudeau controversially suspended it amid scandals tying him to corruption and rising covert levels but what hes done quarter comment the accusations against trudeau are not going away. Last month trudeau suspended parliament claiming ottawa needed a better Long Term Strategy for call the damage control after all the countrys coronavirus cases are nearly at 150002 those handling of the pandemic has been widely criticized no more than ever comedians are looking for clarity and leadership but what they have gotten from the trudeau government is confusion and repeated delays so its all about the coronavirus right nothing to do with a Corruption Scandal we have a Prime Minister and a cabinet that is golf engulfed in a massive Corruption Scandal for those currently under investigation for nearly 1000000000. 00 contract with an Organization Called d we charity it was paying his family members huge speaking fees for years but the agreement was since cancelled after accusations that it amounted to a conflict of interest no wonder all the suspicions and suspending parliament also puts all current investigations on hold if so gross and disgusting that this Prime Minister keeps using the pandemic as an excuse for his corruption believe it or not trudeau promised never to suspend parliament after his predecessor used the same mechanism called to weasel his way out of a vote of no confidence now the truth is promises broken he had some explaining to do the probation were doing right now is about gaining or testing the confidence of the house which is the opposite of what the conservatives did that we rightly railed against back in 2015 approval rates are tanking the oppositions on the offensive and the coronavirus continues to ravage the contrie these are tough times for both the canadian people and trudeau. At the does from the back with more does about 34 minutes stay with us as arch international. Get the valuation you get it by. Stock price times current number of shares outstanding and if you have knowledge on how to buy back their own stock and pump up those stock prices and executive Stock Options then you have a high work and cap but you actually didnt create anything for the economy you didnt engage in any capital expense expenditures account back to expand your company in any way then whatll happen is will happen in the i. B. M. You know they want to the whole stock buyback routine then eventually it played out in the companies a shambles or General Electric General Electric is almost absolutely out of business by trying to push me instead of products. By social class. People. If youre born into a poor family if youre born into a minority family if youre born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life chances people die. If you born into generational poverty. By every day you meet your needs and the needs of your family. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss im sorry montevideo in washington coming up the Labor Department reported a steady hold from the week before on jobless claims but still higher than expected well discuss what this means for the overall economy and markets. For u. S. Companies may be closer to finishing the deal for tech talk but other trumpet ministration may just have to wait for china to give the ok well get the latest from the dean of the Miami Herbert Business School and we have a lot to get here. We begin with the unemployment numbers as weekly jobless claims took an unexpected turn for the worse now for the week ending september 19th Labor Department reported 870000 americans filed for unemployment thats up from the week prior with 166000 the Labor Department remains stuck at a pretty high level here still above their peak 65065000 during the Great Recession that was between 20072009 the data comes as u. S. Lawmakers still havent come to an agreement on a new round of stimulus something the Federal Reserve argues is needed for economic recovery earlier this week Federal Reserve chairman Jerome Powell and u. S. Treasury secretary Steven Newton well they expressed concerns over more need for aid. Pascual it will depend on keeping the virus under control and on policy ill see actions taken at all levels of government we continue to work with congress on a bipartisan basis to pass a phase 4 Relief Program i believe a targeted package is still needed and the administration is ready to reach a bipartisan agreement. Joining me now to discuss bill must cohost christine. Baranski c. E. O. Of openness Alfie Octavia lets start with you the number of 1st time flyers for Unemployment Benefits they continue to creep up theyre coming in higher than expected is this concerning that the market has plateaued as demand is not improving or are we looking at persistently high levels of unemployment here now that so many Small Businesses have permanently shut down. Well i think theres a couple factors at work one is obviously what you mentioned a lot of the businesses closing the economy being in real trouble in many sectors a lot of sectors and actually done ok in recent months so if you look at things like restaurants and retailing those seem to be large recover that doesnt mean there are sectors like lions and travel and movie theaters and things that sort but are still doing really really badly so that speaks directly from economic shock to them and ongoing effects of that i think is another factor at work as well though and that is the fact that for Unemployment Benefits of law

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