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This is Art International thomas certainly glad to have you with us and we start with the deadly standoff between armenia and azerbaijan on europes southern border with asia hospital has been hit by a large explosion in the disputed province of. There are unconfirmed reports of casualties as well earlier the regions main city was bombed from the air and locals have been hearing the regular sound of air raid sirens. Several buildings were damaged as well including the Emergency Ministry where the windows were shattered and holes blown through the walls d the Armenian Defense ministry has blamed azerbaijan for the airstrikes and put its army units on full combat alert has not confirmed or denied the bombing raids. Reports now from. Step on it has come under probably the heaviest shelling since we arrived here 2 massive explosions in the very center of the city usually what we could hear at which we could see the smoke from the explosions which were on the outskirts in the suburbs this is the very city center and moreover this is the building of the ministry of emergencies so it has been obliterated i mean look look at this everything is gone windows are gone the whole wall theres a hole in the whole wall and its not just this building theres a whole complex its a large its a large complex and its everywhere like this obliterated not raise to the ground but its gone i dont see any way how it can be fixed all renovated we dont know what we dont know what exactly caused the explosion but we didnt hear any sirens and sirens so probably wasnt a drone but some really heavy artillery and with a very long range as well but we have to go they are telling us its not safe because sometimes as the azerbaijanis are using these socalled double tap so that they not only they destroy the building but also the kill soldiers who arrived here weve arrived here with the soldiers as well so we have to go this is the crater that was made by one of the rockets and this is a piece from its head the military here is telling me that this is a 250 caliber 250 millimeter caliber so it is a massive rocket they dont know exactly what it is theyre telling me these these are not laws but that this one is also israeli made. By john itself has also seen sizable damage a border region was hit by mortar fire with several buildings destroyed while in the capital citizens have been showing support for the military action local journalist is male of reports from baku and just a bit of warning his piece does include imagery of military strikes. Cling to the old eat the wrong. Youll see the. Police looking for those who are now i think you want. Our fine lady and you can take on the special line for Mission Residents are quite enthusiastic. Including full time. To see. Who would seek a. Negotiation process so my support will be army you can see the National Flags that they hang outside their house or just. Thank you the card. Lets listen to some of them will be asked recently expectations signal now that i am originally from carroll im ready to defend my land i have been to areas where the fighting is if they call me im ready to go to war just i think we will win all lands back as soon as possible and we will go to karabakh and put our flag there only our people and soldiers can take our lands back people are not tired everybody feels motivated and wants to help our troops are continuing to have a negative attitude to the war young people are going to the war their minions must surrender and leave rolands. Service chemical mission and conscription a. 1000 young people. Came to the. Service. Its pretty decide to join the army or something because we think national t. V. Networks and online media. Outlets where we can see that absolute majority will become rich. The most prosperous and. The cause of the conflict is one of several border disputes still unresolved since the collapse of the soviet union young klav populated mainly by armenians broke away in 1988 from azerbaijan but the area has not been widely recognized as a sovereign state. But years the u. S. Now donald trump has arrived to to a Military Hospital walter reed for quote a few days after earlier testing positive for covert 19 u. S. President is reportedly suffering mild symptoms and will undergo tests at the medical facility the 1st lady has also tested positive for quote a virus and a number of top officials have been tested as well democratic rival joe biden was among them his results came back negative though and thats good news the white house says mr trump will continue in his role but what happens if the situation deteriorates arties killam up and looks into that for us. This is pretty big news trump is in a High Risk Group as he is overweight and 74 years old now many are pointing out that donald trump has somewhat downplayed the danger of covert 19 over the past few months looks like by april you know in theory when it gets a little warbird miraculously goes away i hope thats true we have it very much going to grow right here in the United States is lowest in numerous categories were lower then the world they wanted me to come out and screw. With so we did it just the right way now were weeks away from a vaccine were doing therapeutics already fewer people are dying when they get sick far fewer people are dying we dont agree with just about a month left until the president ial election is to take place on november 3rd this is a pretty dramatic event to have the president of the United States testing positive for covert 19 now dozens of Campaign Rallies have been canceled now a debate was scheduled to take place in the following 2 weeks a debate with joe biden in which the president and joe biden would debate issues of international and Foreign Policy however its unclear what will be happening with that debate as we proceed. The democrats have been quick to criticize donald trump and say that he has mishandled the coded 1000 crisis and downplayed the very serious dangers posed by coded going into crowds unmasked and all the rest this sort of a brazen invitation for Something Like this to happen they have not done so in the past the Administration Must now full of the science and recommended Health Person in order to not put additional people at risk and they must be completely transparent media is rampant with speculation about how this could affect the Election Results now at this point if donald trump were to be unable to perform his duties as president fall ill or die he would be replaced by mike pence or if mike pence were unable to do so by nancy pelosi now both of those individuals are also in the High Risk Group for coded 19 so at this point the question remains will the u. S. Public become more sympathetic to the president now that he has fallen ill or will they become more outraged about his handling of the coded 19 pandemic that will be seen on november 3rd when u. S. Voters head to the polls journalist to dental as are told us that there could be a crisis on capitol hill if trumps condition takes a turn for the worse. No one really trust the infection coming out of the white house you have no idea how sick is a 74 years old hes overweight hes in a High Risk Group and he may become us to be early ill or may even die if it goes into intensive care the way force johnson did in april that could lead to a constitutional question as to who actually will run the white house and the constitutional mechanisms extremely slow extremely inefficient and. Maybe faulty in design its hard to believe nancy pelosi taking over the white house but if thats what the law says though it may very well happen the situation is unprecedented the us is that trying to a period of the extreme turmoil things were already turbulent enough as they were now they are doubly so. French president is proposing a new law to fight radical islam and religious separatism a menu mccraw made the announcement in a speech on friday r. T. Show dubinsky takes up the story. This has been long awaited how the french government would seek to defend the countrys secular values against radical islam present like on friday has set out his stall establishing a religion. Islam is a religion that is in crisis today all over the world we dont just see it in our country it is a deep crisis that is linked to tensions between fundamentalism specifically between religious and political projects that says we have seen lead to radicalism even in countries where islam is the majority religion well the draft glorys due to be presented in december and it will seek to strengthen the secularism here in france now president might call ringback talked about france liberating is from foreign influences and some of the ways it intends to do this with this law will be for example more oversight in how mosques here or funded there will be stricter scrutiny of schools and associations that so serve religious communities and when it comes to homeschooling which is rather popular amongst the Muslim Community that will only be allowed when there are Health Related issues involved sometimes they do not receive any education but go to unofficial structures very Simple Structures walls with no windows children who are there was Immediate Reaction on social media to present my speech with many decrying it. The destruction of france has been written by the hands of the president of france crown houses them in crisis all over the world today do you realize is the leader of a nation the ramification of your words especially on french citizens who follow islam mccanns latest comments on crisis and islam as nothing other than a shill to the crisis in europe of their identity and liberal is on the other hand many people feel that this who is needed to stop the slide away from francis secular values it has forced the country in the last few years with the terror attacks that france is seen to take stock of what its core Republican Values are and some of the things that have come out have been concerning to many french people for example a recent poll found that 3 quarters almost 3 quarters of the young muslims under the age of 25 thought that their values of islam were more important than the french republic and that really worried many people just in the last week we saw fresh terror attack here in paris and the man who carried out that attack did so because he was unhappy with the satirical magazine charlie ever dont we publishing controversial cartoons of the muslim prophet mohammed and the idea of islam and how that sits with those values of secularism in the french republic is a thorny issue will this. Debate or will it settle it well thats yet to be seen what we clearly see that the manual mark ron is trying to toughen his rhetoric on the values of the republic hes trying to please the traditional right but also the National Rally supporters who are concerned about this issue so this law countering islamic separatism is all part of his Election Strategy 18 months before the end of his president ial term. So become the e. U. Slap sanctions on the russian officials over election rigging claims but leaves a look at all. The list all the details when we return this is our international. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe from. Isolation for community. Are you going the right way or are you being led some. Direction. What is true what is faith. In a world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Aura maybe in the shallowness. Of our own. Head. Or behind or if you give us such. An arguer. Of it is that you. Just fitted the commission did. You see most americans who moved. To nominate to fish you know not must go from home. They are the house when the. God sits. In a manner that i need. To meet the name of. The scandal in the. Prison system definition in the cool. And innocent in our newscycle. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics sports business im showbusiness ill see you then. Welcome back this is our to international now the regional authorities in madrid have launched a legal challenge against the spanish governments new lockdown order they have filed an appeal in the National Court claiming that the measures violate local laws on self rule and will cause unnecessary anomic harm the madrid area has one of the highest corona virus infection rates in spain and the Health Minister insists the shutdown is unavoidable but what i can tell you is that we have to act with determination to take control of the pandemic in the madrid region and this is the most important thing we have to do in this moment because health comes 1st. We believe this document contains decisions that concern the entire National Health system and above all the fundamental rights and freedoms of millions of people the minister is imposing measures that go against the will of many citizens under the new restrictions residents in madrid will not be allowed to leave the area unless they have to make an essential journey social gatherings will be limited to 6 people while bars and restaurants will have to close by 11 pm parks and playgrounds also off limits but the measures have already led to mass protests over 2000 people gathered to denounce them last friday protestors pushed rubbish bins into roads and chanting slogans mending freedom madrid presents what they think about the new law after. They have turned it into a political war theyre playing with us and they should be aware that they have to see this is a pandemic not a political war. I think there is a real threat and this could be improved a lot if the a serene measures are taken with more transport put on to avoid grounding if you lock people up at home for the virus for the flu for a cold everything will get better but people dont have anything to eat you just have to take a walk through madrid to see the shops are all closed people will eventually have to grow their own potatoes because i dont know what were going to eat if madrid closes again. United states has imposed sanctions on a dweller russian officials including the interior minister over the countrys disputed election earlier the e. U. Blacklisted 40 belorussians in response to allegations of election rigging and violence against protesters responded in kind with measures against a list of european officials and his peter oliver reports now from berlin. It was a Long Time Coming but the European Union have agreed sanctions on belorussian officials following organists disputed election the reason for the delay was a standoff between cyprus and pretty much the rest of the e. U. Bloc cyprus wanted to see action taken against turkey over an kriz exploration for Energy Resources off its coast before it would agree to any form of sanctions against bella ruse that action against turkey that was agreed eventually and therefore they were able to proceed with the better russian sanctions so dozens of senior officials 40 in total will be. Facing sanctions this is to do with them they being accused of falsifying Election Results and a crackdown on protests following not election back in august now notably absent from this list is you gaze better russian president alexander you to share his name not being there is raised a few eyebrows however underlying the e. U. Commission president says these sanctions send the right message there will be no impunity for those who are responsible for the crackdown on demonstrators and opposition politicians sunni important is these are true of the 3 since we are critical but we repeat that we would like to to to consider the people of the has the rights to do to mean whats the only future french president to manual microamp back not putting sanctions on belarusian president Alexander Lukashenko saying that if they did that they could see him retreat into a bunker mentality and refuse any future talks Angela Merkel the german chancellor said the result came after a long night of discussions but called this a real step forward minsk for their part they arent happy about this at all as you would imagine they say that no nation. On the planet wouldve agreed to the demands that were being made of it by the European Union and that theyll be countering the sanctions with sanctions if they were saying sions have been imposed as a punitive measure for the belorussian failure to comply with a set of ultimatum requirements that not a single self respecting sovereign state would ever meet moscow which has a key role to play in the future of belarus to to the longstanding and close ties between the 2 countries has responded to the news of the sanctions to meet the press core of the kremlin Spokes Person less than impressed with the move made by brussels if these sanctions are a manifestation of weakness not of strength and could be included on the list that would have deprived the e. U. The chance to maintain dialogue including on topics of interest to both sides we have a very negative attitude toward sanctions in general the u. K. And canada both are out sanctions against belarus previously the u. K. Issued a asset freeze against Alexander Lukashenko the reason for this delay from the european side it is a touch embarrassing and highlight some splits within the union it requires unanimity to impose sanctions for the e. U. To impose sanctions on a nation basically the Baltic States and in particular lithuania were demanding action immediately while cyprus said no no no hang on there well get to your problem once ours is sorted so belorussian officials 40 of them in total will have sanctions placed upon them notably absent from that list though Alexander Lukashenko your political analyst rainer roth for us says that any sanctions are likely to have a knock on effect a more public. So i think its just a game of slightly stepping up the the tone against. Against look i think oh and i see the difficulty that. Usually when we have reached a stage of sanctions once its like a one way road and we will never 3 never get out of it so we can take years and that was sanctions 1st may harm or amaze seem to harm the political elite but in the end we know from enough experience in this world iraq syria venezuela cetera that its the normal people its most of all the poor people who are hit very very severely by those sanctions as soon as they get really tough. All right that does it for me ill be back with more news in lets say about 36 minutes and a half or 2 national. We just surveyed it just about a month into the pandemic and found that people said they lost 35 minutes a day less. At home which was kind of a surprise because you know with all the things that are going on until right now this is not the time. To be doing it. And so. Commuting. Always. Start. If youre rich. You got. One now. So you should be seen more if you dont take. Property. Tax and. Property. Tax and. Property developer. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss branch of war in washington coming up another world leader has tested positive for corona virus as the pandemic continues to ravage the globe straight ahead we bring you the latest details on the breaking diagnosis and how the world is responding and there has been a major crackdown on the cryptocurrency industry as Exchange Giant bit max has faced some scrutiny from regulators we bring you up to speed on the controversy with 2 keen krypto observers with a packed show today so lets dive right in. And we lead the program with news that u. S. President donald trump and 1st lady maloney a trump have tested positive for cope at 19 the president announced the diagnosis on twitter hours after tweeting he and the 1st lady were waiting for test results following news that one of his top aides hope pics had contracted the virus in a tweet sent around 1 am friday morning trump said they will begin the quote quarantine and Recovery Process immediately adding we will get through this together following reports questions were raised as to whether other Administration Officials had been exposed to the virus Devon Omalley the press secretary for Vice President mike pence issued a statement saying as has been routine for months Vice President pence is tested for coping 1000 every day this morning Vice President pence and the 2nd lady tested negative. But 19 Vice President pence remains in good health and wishes the troops well we recover so with the latest news well lets take another look at the trends and spread of virus globally with our correspondents. Start where we brought in so brand cover in 1000 has now infected almost 35000000 people killing over 1000000 out in the u. S. More than 7500000 come from gate cases while deaths have surpassed 213000. 00 so short of a vaccine still no one is safe right now from this virus not even the u. S. President by also want to take a look at us trend which is actually looking a lot better and going into the right direction as cases have been lower all of this week compared to last week so on thursday there were 41984 cases now that up 8 percent compared to last week but in prior reaks are actually seeing increases up to 30 percent in new cases so this is actually looking a lot better and then in deaths there were 847. 00 reported also on thursday now thats a decrease of 16 percent from the numbers again that we saw last week and all this week the numbers have been much lower compared to last week so thats exactly the direction the country needs to be going brant and sorrow of course the biggest news story of the play is president roh being diagnosed with cobra now other World Leaders have been diagnosed you tell us about that so president is by no means the only world leader to have tested positive for the virus so far theres been brazilian president president also naro there is russian Prime Minister mikhail. And then theres been u. K. Prime minister boris jobs and now from. This list u. K. s Prime Minister johnson has experience the worst of the virus where he spent about a week in hospital and 3 nights in intensive care now President Trump on the other hand is currently only experiencing symptoms like a minor cold now theres also been other high profile figures have also gotten the virus which include chief. Negotiator Michel Barnier britains Prince Charles there is a straight Home Affairs Minister peter dutton irans deputy Health Minister iraj she an advisor to irans Supreme Leader hominy i react out of velayati now additionally brand more than a dozen u. S. Members of congress have also tested positive for the virus and that leaves 110 capitol workers and 43 members of the u. S. Capitol police so brand this virus obviously has no bias to who you are whether youre a world leader or a front line worker or just ordinary people like you and i brant are 2 correspondents side to abjure thank you for keeping us up to date

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