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Baptist. No you know the theory of service jobs about itself is donald trump answering a call so to speak that is upon his life you know add thats what i took away from that meeting when i 1st met him he said to a group of preachers that when the real me said why do you guys were are pursuing a higher call i was building buildings i think its time for me to catch up and so you know he considers what hes doing a higher call it didnt do a favor he didnt do it for money they do have a power he actually has less power now than air when he was a private citizen and so he did it in answer to a hunger that was gnawing it is our to pursue Public Service on the highest level as president of the United States and i think hes done a phenomenal job he was considering running in 2012 he asked us to pray for him that god gives him the wisdom as to whether to decide to run or not and i didnt say it in the book but i thought about it afterwards as i believe god spoke to him and said hey donald dont run in 2012 run in 2016 and i got you. That he has less power as president than he was as a private citizen why has he been unable to shake off accusations hes some kind of russian assets even up to the intelligence director John Radcliffe in the past few days declassified Hillary Campaign attempts apparently to stir up scandal linking trump to russia and 2016 the declassified information appears to indicate perhaps that obama was in on this russia conspiracy thing why was trump unable to dealing this russia connection that that is on the media i have to say here in britain that alone in every major country because the american left wing media has become the propaganda arm for the Democratic Party and it conveniently ignores anything that is positive. Regarding donald trump and negative regarding the Democratic Party its a travesty of justice its a shame we forgot the way the media conducts itself here in america and i hope its not like that and ill give you an example on 2 fridays ago President Trump old out the most comprehensive plan for black america in American History access to 500000000000. 00 thats app a trillion dollars access to happen so you dollars over the next 4 years to a 1000000 new jobs 500000 new black businesses all specifically and exclusively for the black community in america and c. N. N. And thats in d. C. Repeals to cover the black community by a large those other news outlets that that i would my community watches and so love my people were in the dark about it i had a business of a large Reformation Church reformation when i told him about it he said i knew nothing about it why dont i know this and i said where are you getting your information from and so once again the media has become the propaganda arm for the Democratic Party the liberal left wing media and the right wing media is like a voice crying in the wilderness and others up American Public has been deceived the American Public has been kept in the dark so to speak on a number of the past encounter i mean with a serious i mean i think anyones what he when he signed his wouldnt accuse that media being a left wing incidentally and surely and im not speaking for those channels that youre referring to but they will said that 210000 dead because of coronavirus the worst death toll in the world disproportionately affecting people of color is a bigger story than the economic indices you just read. No i dont believe so because the i believe those colbert numbers up think the books of cooked all those cold numbers dying with cold and dying from cold it 2 entirely different dynamics and if you look over here at the hospital reports of the death before its anyone does. Dies has called it as being listed as dying from copd and so the numbers are increased the books are cooked and part of that is because of the funding has received from covert patients and so thats very subjective but best is dubious at best as well well we invite john hopkins is comment i think they will complete their future what youre saying and what. I dont but listen i know lots of people personally that die when they die they didnt die from the cold they died with to cope ok well the authorities if you notice the c. D. C. Will sort out she you know the leading government site is none of them deny the found to be done to find you said you didnt need to wear a mask when that when the outbreak 1st k. And hes the one who said you did the do it now its on us and you do need to wear 1st they said it was surface transmit now this thing is not service transmitted they tell us to wear gloves now we dont have to wear gloves come on were still learning about this on a regular basis theres no definitive. Evaluation of this disease available yet were still finding were still learning this is going back to one theme in the book though the christianity the and its the base of his support in november do you believe trump believes in the biblical end of the world. You mean the book of revelations as ray i believe trump believes the bible as far as trumping of difficult scummer to loads and i would put him on that level but i believe that he believes the bible but i believe it believes the bible the same way i believe my kids believe the bible and those same questions can be asked of any of the other party i dont believe barack obama believe the bible because if they believe the bible are the policies that he he endorsed he would have endorsed i dont believe that joe biden believes the bible because of job i believe the bible joe biden would be promoting abortion on demand and late term and partial birth abortion i dont really come out here as believes the bible so as far as troubling the bible yes i do believe he believes that then what do you make of the fact that he may have taken a vaccine donald trump that relied on fetal tissue from aborted fetuses vaccine. You said man and i made her wear down which i took a vaccine. A vaccine backwardly and ive already said antibody treatment a lot of these treatments involve the use of aborted foetuses we dont know you said we dont know if he did it you mention in the book that his twitter account was run by the general manager one of his golf clubs. Do you know him and obviously that seems to be one of the hallmarks of the presidency this bypassing of the media presumably in the context of what youre saying to me that the media presents a completely traduced version of who dont trump is this twitter account is not run by donald trump runs his own twitter account but he has danced to be no contribute to his twitter account so when you say run it youre acting as if his tweets and the ideas in the tweet are not from him and they are dance camino is and once again hes been with the job of ministration for the very beginning his great cause kept out of the president also in the book you refer to Michael Cohen of course whos now been jailed did you always suspect that Michael Cohen wouldnt be serving the president as best he might. Michael was not a part of the campaign Michael Cohen had a job in the Trump Organization and so as far as doing his job a chunk of chump organization he whatever his duties and responsibilities were i imagine he did michael commas never as i stated in the book Michael Cohen was never a part of the Trial Campaign and he tried to insert himself in it and he was indirectly involved somewhat because of his position in the trump orbit but as far as having the official position with the campaign in never had one and of course the most contentious remark as far as media that considers trump to be a racist is you say the trump has done much more for Race Relations than obama ever did just tell me a bit more about that contention if you look at the policies of the Trump Administration from 2017 when he 1st took office 1st of all i believe donald trump under promised and over perform we got in the black a 1000000 but youre talking about criminal justice we pour Prison Reform urban revitalization opportunity zones historic levels of funding for h b c us lowest level of unemployment in the black community prepay endemic in talking about the rollout of the plan a plan that he just did 500000000000. 00 access to capital over the next 4 years and were also talking about some symbolic ceremonial just just doesnt make it Martin Luther king jr birthplace as a National Monument he pardon the 1st black heavyweight champion jack johnson possibly hes going to declare june 10th as a National Holiday and there are number about the initiatives that are favorable towards the black community that dispels any notion of racism you cant name one policy initiative in the 8 years the back brock obama was president that was exclusively geared towards the black community not one do you think he gets that reputation not because he is a racist but because he has used race for electoral advantage if we want to bring up that then we have to bring up joe bidens well documented. We have racism as a Public Servant not as a private citizen as a Public Servant he has a well documented history of racism i mean just still doing enough just recently he said 2 days ago that the reason he was able to make it in the basement of his bunker was because of the black women the stock the shelves at the supermarket he said whatever black people didnt vote for him werent really black he said the hispanics have a more expanded worldview than black people that we tend to think monolithically he said that the grand cyclops of the ku Klux Klan Robert was his mentor when he eulogizing he opposed busing by saying he did not want his children growing up in a racial jungle with blacks he orchestrated that 994 crime bill that locked up more black people to any other crime bill in the history of our country and he said that we were predators that needed to be plucked up just in the prior debate kemal i have missed in the democratic primaries she called joe biden a racist and a sexual predator too. And the moderator didnt bring it up in the debate busted out scott thank you off of the break we have from retired u. S. Army major richard j. To a trump supporter turned democrat who is edging others who support the president to switch sides just in time for next months president ial election elizabeth coming up about 2 and going underground. But the pandemic knows that you know borders and design too much on the t. V. As more people really dont like seeing the world to. Judge 2 us coming crisis. We can do better we should be better. Everyone is contributing a way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges crave the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that were in it together. It. Seemed wrong roles just dont call. Me the ultimate yet to shape out this day to come out ahead and gain strength because of the trail. When so many find themselves worlds apart when chance to look for common ground. Well you know what i get. Out. But there are some friends that are still. To do something to see. That i do about them as a political rally going to put them on the back you know the book and. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics or business im show business ill see you then. Welcome back incoming u. S. President trump won the Electoral College in 2016 with 304 votes next to Hillary Clintons 227 someone who contributed towards trumps win was retired u. S. Army major richard o. J. D. But ever since then the former West Virginia state senator has been campaigning to turn trump voters into biden voters in time for novembers election believing the trump win in 2016 was a big mistake for the working class he joins me now from logan county in West Virginia richard thanks so much for coming on we just spoke to trump ally Pastor Darrell Scott who blesses claim that trump is the most pro black president youve ever had in your country what do you make of. And thats an absolute joke you know we know donald trump is a racist i think Everybody Knows dont trump is a racist and its not hard to say you dont have to do a bunch of research to see that they said he says the things that he does read books that absolutely show that the guy is absolutely as dirty as it gets thats michael her and so on sprouse me thats my thing you know it is actually i should say thats Michael Cohens book actually in Pastor Darrell Scott memoir he says Michael Cohen had nothing to do with the president had nothing to do with the campaign and is exaggerating his his alliances with the president i think at pastors been eating too much pixie dust. Ok but you know perfectly well from the Vice President ial debate that that when when harris was confronted by mike pence who said that as attorney general she disproportionately had it at the black community Africanamerican Community in california as attorney general her only reply was its her work as a model of what our nation needs to do and we will be able to do under joe biden presidency what does that mean disproportionately imprison africanamericans now i think that i think you know people youve got to talk about look at peoples past you know people people as time goes by sees things differently you know i believe that they realize that they are needs to be a lot of things done in this country to be able to address the issues with race i mean its a shame i would have never thought that in 2020 we would be looking at a current it looks more like 955. 00 and nobody. Doesnt c. D. s we say the problem that we have in this country when it comes to race we know that you know africanamerican man or b. Children and alarming rates are moving their hands from the tanda truth is to the now. And 3 donald trump preys on people is what he does just like he preyed on my people he come down here to West Virginia and stuck a coal miners cap on and acted like he was working and a visible shovel to make these people think that he cared about them he was going to fight for their lives the truth is we have 7100. 00 least less coal jobs now than we did when he took over comes down he tells people he makes promises to people but hell keep it to save the Auto Industry at ohio he told them that they better get ready to work their asses off and guess what no change no change he has done nothing for those people just like he has a nothing for us he can go on and he can talk about being the most most beloved president for the africanamericans but nothing has changed you know were talking about a guy who doesnt have the guests today gone White Supremacy in this country and says that their spine people on both sides know theres not our president is an absolute joke and you know it because youre over in england and you guys know exactly what you guys are seeing or because ive got friends that ask me all the town is this for real and sadly it is it isnt everything here there is a certain bias in European Countries against donald trump he would have said that he says that he did bring some jobs to michigan i know you say you would do plus time in 2016 but now you want people to switch to vote for joe biden who is financing joe biden is way more money when were talking about the working classes in your country hes funded by Hedge Fund Billionaire james simons of euclidian of euclidian hedge fund post group people can check it on the website can Sequoia Capital bain capital we why do you want the working classes of the socalled rust belt of the United States to vote for the corporate candidate joe biden well 1st 1st off you know joe biden 9 was not my 1st decision ok but ill tell you right now hes a hell of a lot better than donald trump but in the face. Is you know i supported donald trump because i was a Bernie Sanders supporter and Bernie Sanders in my hometown of west mock state of West Virginia he won all 55 counties and they still say it Hillary Clinton and i was absolutely livid at that so i voted for don trump basically out of spite but then a week later i realized it was the worst thing i could have possibly done so i have been going nonstop doing everything my power to expose dont try to tell people about him and how he doesnt care about us you know i got you know money you know if its a shame we cant overturn Citizens United and get big money out of politics because thats the problem that we have in this country and its big money going to job bad its big money going to donald trump we need to we need to next step because thats a problem that we have in america but you know i can tell you i still believe that the you know i believe joe biden is going to help us be able to get our repeat patient back across the globe you know we know that donald trump is absolutely embarrassed us and i know that people in other countries are looking to a slight now and going are you guys for real you know i think joe biden will once again allow us to feel like we can you know. Fix the friendships that weve had with countries like your country with germany and places like that the donald trump has spoken down to im looking forward to some just some sense of normalcy for a change who we know focused on how has the nothing but 3 and a half years of of chaos arca we know from wiki leaks how Bernie Sanders campaign was sabotage for becoming democrat president ial candidate 2016 would it make you feel in 2020 to hear any sound as a valid socialist would it make you feel to hear joe biden say theres not one single syllable ive ever said that could lead you to believe i was a socialist. You know 1st off its democratic socialism you know democratic socialism which is thats what joe. Sander supports thats where our military comes from thats our public roads its our Public Schools thats an ocular lation but why did you i didnt feel then why did biden feel it necessary to say this. I dont know i dont know why by the way the reason to say that i do believe that steele no matter what i think bad is going to be head and shoulders above i think hes more president ial i think that he knows how to do the job for 8 years he was a Vice President i think that hes going to do phenomenal science. For our country now would have rather solved you know Bernie Sanders or andrew yeah yeah i would have but baghdad is one that made it through and make no mistake about it i think that hes the only one that we can select right now to be able to get us back to a sense of normalcy in this country your National Spokesman for no damn left behind tell me about that campaign and how successful or how failing it is mean when it comes to targeting the working classes of america who may decide ultimately who will become president in november will we go into the rid rule districts of this country we pick a fight no get left behind and has some amazing candidates that if people take the town to listen to theyre going to like what they hear what they see the thing is is that the Democratic Party looks at these races and automatically says man those areas are too worried so we dont want to waste time and effort there well thats where we pick up and we go into those areas and we help these people and the truth is we know were not going to win all of the seats that were going after but we may win a few of these states and i think you know we can show the Democratic Party that there are people in these red rule districts that need to support if we dont go into the river all districts and pick a fight how can we. Ever expect these seeds to flee from red to blue so were putting in the groundwork and im telling you if you listen to our candidates weve got a harvard grad that also happens to be married to a man who is deployed with a bounty over his head right now thats running in missouri a belief if district her name is Lizzie Simmons we have the 1st female female transgender democratic nominee in me a mason running in marylands 1st district and we have other candidates that are absolutely as equally amazing as intelligent and with vision that you know we believe just serve the opportunity to be able to to take it to the National Stage and thats what we did and i know you you actually did run for the presidency but in another life it may seem like to you you are with the u. S. Air borne as an army major on Foreign Policy trump has said he wants the troops out of afghanistan by Christmas Biden as you know full well voted for the iraq war increasing troops to afghanistan bombing syria destroying africas richest macavity country libya i mean just on Foreign Policy terms trumped by which one is the peace candidate. Well you know look i mean weve been at war with and it is what it is i will tell you that im excited to hear anybody talk about pulling troops out because these are for every wars that are sending many many troops into harms way that when they come home we now have to fix them but make no mistake about it you know i would love to see afghanistan but its got to be done properly because my service in afghanistan after serving with us are the people and i will tell you that if we pull out and we dont make sure that there is protections in place to make sure that does our people and other people in afghanistan such as women you know are are not going to be absolutely slaughtered by the taliban once were gone then bin then that thats what has to go we cant just say im going to pull out by december because that right there is not enough time and finally just on the Environmental Crisis where is vital because biden says he supports fracking so does come on harris say she supports fracking he doesnt support the Green New Deal she was a cosponsor of the Green New Deal. Basically and i think green for the democrats or little bit is there he is there he is its just its just it you know its not exactly the great new deal i think Everybody Knows that you know its time for us to get away from fossil fuel given the coal in his in the coal fields of West Virginia but the truth is this is the day the Energy Natural gas has overtaken it but now i do know that joe biden has talked about is speaking about putting in charging stations all across the nation hiring. Quite a few jobs to put these in for electric cars thats one of using the fracking energy to do to supply it well i mean if thats how theyre getting it but i mean at the end of the day i say i dont think anybody really 100 percent. Sums up once fracking we know that theres theres earthquakes that are taking place in other states i think that right now whats happening is is there in my story about the job aspect which which amazes me in the in the trips out of the house because i mean you know this dam coronaviruses tanks you know millions of jobs but i still think that you know at the end of the day i think they i think that joe biden and come out harris are going to move towards a cleaner. United states a cleaner energy very briefly if trump wins again even a run in 2024. And no no no you know i learned something when i ran for the presidency and i what i learned is that no matter how much support member i was number one at all 435 congressional races in 2008 so when i made the decision to run for the presidency you know i had a lot of momentum in terms of people knowing who i was but the thing about it is i dont have the political background and i dont have the financial background i was on morning joe meet the precise state of the union and they not we never once said president ial candidate richard agenda and the reason why that is because they didnt work somebody like me in there because im not i dont fit the mold of the person running for office because you have to normally have political power and you got to have a bunch of money and i didnt have neither richard ichabod thank you. Thank you very much thats it for the show will be about a wednesday when we return to the former soviet union to hear perspectives on the alleged nato back Color Revolution in belarus until then dont miss an interview by subscribing to going underground on you tube and join the underground by following us on Twitter Facebook instagram and so on. There was only a seat and were going to update on the cease fire negotiations in moscow on the issue of the border the end is a war on coal but also for populism and the left and right. Lets just say that the get a list of all the. People i want to make i wonder why its not a good. Look. At least we hope to be but there are some friends that the us are still so at the still hoping to do something this year. So yeah the charge for. They have about 1000 of the simple dollar cell phone in the most simple ill put them on them that you know will look at that. This hours headlines stories struggling to hold on to its cease fire and the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan sees only spurring moments of calm r. T. Reports from an area. Thats the latest hot spot for shelling attacks. Hes shelling the city right now this is the least safest place of all of the region azerbaijans 9 people are being killed and Dozens Injured after a wall of. Be immediate conflict zone came under attack armenia also claims its territories have been targeted also ahead on the program. Then im going to get

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