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Have the progressive bring in and you have some people of color to original side of the Democratic Party and on a republican side as well especially where from trumka coming out in 2016 you seen the regional side of the Republican Party and now you see a new side a democrat a Republican Party who are all ok well i mean i mean look at that thats an interesting argument but even when he is in the 2 parties a lot of people feel disaffected ok ill give you im a perfect example ok i can see myself as a conservative but i am a noninterventionist so theres no place for me in the Republican Party if theres a john mccain. Lindsey graham or marco rubio i think no i have no ability with those people whatsoever so you know i mean thats why you know there will be chants of the to the in the to the g. O. P. I mean you see what im getting here ok i mean the parties are very monolithic they can what they claim to stand for which i dont think they do but thats that and that does a back seat will go ahead john. Well look i agree with you wholeheartedly and then will to an extent as well there is faction in within the party but i agree more with your point that the parties are monolithic because at the end of the day no matter how radical a o. C. Or issue too late is on the left or or what a Freedom Fighter a jim jordan or matt gate was a friend of mine is on the right they still have to caucus with the establishment when the end of the day as hes going to vote the way nancy pelosi tells her to vote and the members on the right to Republican Party are going to caucus with mccarthy and the establishment of the party but theres one reason we dont have a true 3rd party in this country and its money simple as that money 2 major parties control all the money and its very difficult youre talking about name recognition brand name recognition and of the individual candidates in this hypothetical 3rd party were talking tens if not hundreds of billions of required dollars over not years but decades to make a 3rd party viable i think well get there but i doubt theyre going to get there any time since you know i think well go ahead and jump in well thats when i dont have a degree of time like look at this press primer all you know might bloomberg want to most americans you know if you try to get and you try to you know hes not at the image today hes not in service man democrat and hes not and hes not a progressive you havent gotten here yet hes no which as i say it takes time as much as money im with you will we agree on this even with his 56000000000 it still would have taken decades Mike Bloomberg to morrow said im stuck in the Bloomberg Party and im putting 25000000000. 00 toward it it would still take a bow decade to make that party viable i think you and i are in agreement just saying the same thing and 2 different. David will but then its a donor issue because i mean if you look at where the donors but theyre learning that theres nobody in both sides of the block it ok i mean get a get in this Contest Rules being the space of what can be obsolete. In force because when i look at you know some of the real conservatives in the Republican Party and their sway is not nearly as much as i think it should be my criticism of the Republican Party that theres a small number of libertarians that dictate too much so much policy that most people dont people who dont agree with i mean you look at the majority harry and issues i mean its very much with the libertarians and i think trump has made a huge mistake in his presidency listening to those people and theyre not and then on the left here i mean im a conservative but in 2016 there were 2 candidates i followed trump and Bernie Sanders when bernie got burned again by the same kind of machine politics because its all about money and i think that that hinders the democratic experience and it just that affects people who get involved in politics to take really young people i think were going to rue the day by shutting them out of the process here will agree agree and disagree with me i disagree if you like we can 2016 so work on Bernie Sanders abstemious it was 27. 00 and like you know he got a lot of donations truck the whole entire country over all from people who are who are average you know Blue Collar Workers she got that many to count but didnt like that at in a day 2 its also inside the Party Overall so we could look at 26 seem to had they have a subset rule such as debates or caucuses and in the primaries overall so its that it is money but its also this absolute rule over all that like hope that hinders part of her or that is really very green on that and you know i mean berkeley was is it was consistently shut out you know in this election cycle he seemed to kind of buy into the establishment they were nice to him they were friendly with them they gave them a Committee Assignments you know he they brought him in and you know thats bernies president s decision but a lot of people. Progressives are still very disappointed john you know it seems to me and maybe. Watching like nancy pelosi she has more bend him for progressive than he has for any republican yeah look i mean Nancy Pelosi Elizabeth Warren kemal Harris Joe Biden theyre all wall street hacks at the end of the day you touched on an important point right i dont care who you are youre a Major Corporation you know your Small Business thats growing and now starting to hire 10200 employees you bet old horses and ive done it when i was on the corporate side of the what you have to do it because you dont want to be regulated you dont want to you know want to have regulation retribution by the side to which you didnt donate but to wills point i agree with well again here is that the establishment has a lot to do with this and both parties for the simple reason that you need to be establishment infrastructure to win right now youre saying donald trump gain a lot of ground here in florida were seeing some new numbers out of ohio out of texas minnesota and one of the reasons thats happening if not the reason is that the Republican Party in the last month has really got it together and they are knocking doors like crazy last thursday in the state of florida alone Republican Party not 36000 doors on behalf of donald trump and republicans and that kind of grassroots politicking is what wins elections and to wills point you cant have that infrastructure unless the establishment behind you so if you go too far in one direction and palosi mccarthy urana mcdaniel a whats his name perots on at the d. N. C. If they start polling that support in order in the state parties to pull that grassroots support you cant win so the establishment in addition of money does control a lot of whats going to continue to happen in the elections dammit and you know hes a big this is going to cross bob he keep agreeing with each other i know i dont wish to go but i do. Know when were going on when it and when were going on when it will be me again i mean i want to keep pressing the point here because i think a lot of people in both parties feel disaffected because in the donor is basically drive the agenda and it again will use the example. Myself there thats again you know im disaffected by the Republican Party because i am an intervention thats why i took interest in donald trump in the 1st place in 2016 and i think a lot of other people did for the same reason but at the end of the day the Party Controls that you know i mean it seems to me you know people say that trump is revolutionized Republican Party you know the Republican Partys names donald trump thats my opinion particularly in Foreign Policy here so will again i mean will there be any kind of progressive voices a light waves because it seems to me they they play to lip service to the rhetoric but i dont see it and i see just this continuation of a new liberal model which is disaffected more in more people ok and it has very little to do with the the will of the people as the will of the people that have money they can make decisions again the donor class is all important so let you know will there be progress and then in you know in the republicans like we see more conservatives instead of libertarians will you can answer that the democrats so this is the doing over all the way so every 2 every time we have a president ial Election Year we see 1617 sometimes even 20 cameras and each side running and some people are like oh gosh why is this happening i believe thats thats good overall because what happens is it helps shift over or nominee on each side of the party so when biden to some round when you have everyone in their mom running on a democratic side that helps shift joe biden over to the left 4 years ago and down the truck ran when it was the same thing as well shifted party over all but one thing that really crucial that like a real house im seeing with both sides of the aisle to know is that while a lot of people are left out of the system overall is because of the system does not engage the less so if you look an average voter average voter if they do not vote and a few elections they get left off or to target overall because a campaign to say what im going to turn out someone who doesnt vote you keep going to over and over it or it isnt. Isnt that a vicious circle thats a big circle because overall look at the trade overall right now one of my clients when we were doing targeted back in a primary we try to poll after americans who had a high propensity of voting and to detroit in a detroit market overall it was less than 20 percent overall when you look at different cities overall in the city and in a lot of sides to say wow why go after americans not because you do not talk why do you have done for because you do not target him why do you disagree because you dont target him so im really proud of myself and my endo we were the Organization Called for america owed is passed we can we send 20000000 Text Messages to voters and we had to register to vote you for as well to people who are not targeted by the campaigns it doesnt matter if to vote for donald trump or joe biden we just said listen you have to vote so for 2 years 4 years that or im just cant reach out you can are going to take your message of heart well thats such a good point you know john you know the roach ad that was working Bernie Sanders i mean i im sassed needed by his Campaign Strategy and reaching out to latino is because if they get the more he reached out in texas and in florida that it gave latino the choice i mean theyre saying this is what we say and and so the process that is speaking to them and they might say but im more conservative but even he even tried to buttonhole them for the democrats actually have a number sation with them and bring them into the process the latino vote is going to be absolutely crucial in biting in this election and im really glad that well pointed out Start Talking to him ok that oh yeah go ahead finish the Republican Partys been terrible at it gauge but theyve got now better at it right are you guys are right well im trying to pick up ground with with africanamericans for the simple reason that now even hate to use this term black voters is voters americans who get up and go to work every day to feed their kids who happen to be africanamerican or hispanic they dont identify with these black lives matter lunatics breaking store windows trying to kill cops they dont identify with this maybe never set up to get up to. No heart rate i have little heart rate and legs without a new one especially on the Political Campaign in the United States 2020 in november. Was a pandemic no certainly no border to nationalities. Has emerged with the we dont look like world to. Judge a. 2 commentary. On the same things. We can do better we should. Everyone is contributing way but we also know that this crisis not go on forever the challenges create the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that were in it together. Im max kaiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is fun its a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. Thats right this has clearly not accountable and were just getting more and more to the. Destabilize the Global Economy you need to protect yourself and get informed because we. Need much. Theres not. But im also the most open he knows. When i meet. People. Even though he goes from didnt you know this was. Someone. Who seemed. Kind of the most beautiful. Little kid is he. Ok your list. Welcome to cross talk were all babies are considered im Peter Lavelle to remind you were talking about political diversity in america. Ok john lets go back to you and for a lot of that im sorry we had to go hard to go ahead and finish your point what i was saying is that africanamerican normal americans happen to be black americans who get up and go to work and worry about what everybody worries about feeding their families buying a bigger house in a better neighborhood to get their kid no Better School they dont identify with black lives matter rioting and breaking windows and talking about killing cops there and then a fight with that and they dont want to be associated with it thats why i think youre saying in some cases 90 percent black support for donald trump which is staggering and its devastating and a Democratic Party down in terms picking up hispanic voters because i go to the forums down here in south florida he speaks to hispanic voters not about racial identity politics but about how to build your business how to build wealth out of by a better piece of property those are the messages that resonate and thankfully the Democratic Party is still preaching racial identity politics using that monolithic strategy that all black or all hispanic voters need to be dependent on government to succeed well blacks and hispanics are well i dont say and now we dont its interesting Ronald Reagan of famous lee said is that latinos are not our natural republicans they just dont know it oks right you know you get well let me go back to you but i mean ok theres been too much agreement on this bridge. I do have to disagree with but i do have to fire it up a little. Bit i want to know why people dont vote ok i mean i have lived up i lived in communist Eastern Europe in the 1980 s. And i know a lot of people that emigrated and for them having the right to vote to make their own decision was so very important to them when they became citizens but the majority of voters in america potential voters dont vote why i think its over all its a system and since thats what it is for lets go back and let history jim crow gerrymandering all new things are as well dont walk as over all so to now you just have a whole entire history in families of saying why am i going to vote because my foots going to matter. The other thing as well in a lot of countries they have a National Holiday in order to show up before you try being in a single martyr like you know working on minimum wage and seem to employ hey i need to go vote that means are going to be youre going to be youre not going to have a job that i mean today and so one thing im like i believe really strong United States we do have to make voting a National Holiday as well and a thing to do is we have to make voting more easier for people when the actually came out of it as well is that simple by mail is actually the ability to are allowed to vote by mail or absentee for as well and i got to totally totally disagree that we saw a rack and floor im. Going to give me let me give you the numbers let me give you the numbers 1st and then look into it ok thank you will see exactly where i wanted to say way you did it ok in the same. Gallup polling that i mentioned at the beginning of the program here is this is this is truly astounding probably the most astounding piece of information in their polling numbers on the issue of voter fraud ok or voter integrity in 2726 pairs of the potential voters had doubts about the integrity of the ballot counting. Now in 2020 its 53 percent of people then doubt the integrity of their election go ahead John Cantwell because theyre seen ballots come to their home with their address for people that dont exist at that address were seeing foreign nationals being sent mail in ballots i was down here in Fort Lauderdale at ground 0 literally at the supervisor of Elections Office in 2016 i had affidavit from volunteers where they were watching republican votes be thrown in the garbage and transcribed to democrat votes behind a locked door with a little window we just saw a report this you morning breaking out of baltimore where volunteers and Nursing Homes are assisting elderly with their ballots by circle a day all the way down ballot this is rampant for fraud where same postal workers throw away ballots and by the way i want to add one thing how out of touch is the Democratic Party that be brought back they resurrected newman from seinfeld to justify mel in voting to promote male and voting no women there was an episode where he held 5 months of mail in his apartment because he didnt want to deliver it he was too lazy it was the old joke they knew it wasnt me on the route because the mill was getting delivered i mean we know that mail in fraud is real the democrats have been telling the so its a nonsense its Conspiracy Theory but now were seeing it people are being indicted theyre being prosecuted here in florida 2 supervisors of elections removed by the governor broward and Palm Beach County blue counties removed by the governor with overwhelming probable cause one of them lost her appeal in court on this to get her job back together benefits reinstated because the mountains of evidence that they were committing fraud were overwhelming were sitting in around the country and it is unique to the democrats and americans know its not 0000000000 extension 0 will will will will give me as i will if it is as gallup is telling us if 53 percent believe there and they have there is that going to be a lot of transparency in counting the votes. Then they dont come will be contested it will be contested not just in the courts and im really worried about that go ahead bill so lets talk about security when i was a veteran im about to myself when i deployed overseas when i was in afghanistan on a photo i was able to vote for parliament and my focus counted but look at who also votes right now donald trump to own president as states she votes by absentee ballot ballot and is so secure that in less time 2016 when we when we had a president ial election there were more cases of bear attacks in the United States. That were going to wait as an important distinction here and well thank you very much your service i know youre deployed saturday thanks for that but let me say that its important to stay and absentee ballot is very different than mailing voting and its very important that we define that for the viewers an absentee ballot is when john cord or will pierce calls their supervisor election of the secretary of state or transmits an email or and says i want to a ballot here is where i live its consistent with my Voter Registration send it to me whether im working out of state or d deployed like like you are well thats very different than indiscriminate mail and where the state just mails a bunch of ballots out to every address in the state and anyone there and so bad ballot out and send it back yes absentee ballot requests are fine because that process there is integrity in that process like there was for you like there is for donald trump because hes a florida resident now and they said that ballot up door is working in the state he sends it back but they know who its going to very different than indiscriminate mail and where these democratic governors unique against democrats want to just send out a bunch of ballots to a bunch of addresses without verifying those ballots are not yet made by an individual they will then look at one of the one of the biggest scams and both parties do it again because it is a is the voter rolls ok and how you hurt them and you dont purge can be positive you know people unfortunately die people move out of the state ok. You need to clean up the the roles but there are people that do not want to do that for obvious reasons here and again you know well want to go back to you on this is that if people dont believe in the integrity of i mean this is you know none of us are hacks here ok i mean if the 3 Percent People hold a potential voters are worried about this and considering the rhetoric of the poisonous rhetoric on both sides and i think more on one side but we dont have to go there you know the this really is going to be a challenge for people because you know the partisans in both parties are some totally vested in this election here and its the 1st election in my lifetime where people begin to think its existential to be or not to be are you worried about that well im worried but lets look at the center and they actually go on to state they have absentee ballots you know what you have to get you have saved ability to go. See not go into a poll of his you so you get your ballot mailed and thats how you vote we have not seen any cases of voter fraud or productivity use and convicted of crimes outside in oregon because of that so lets look at the same organism im going to vegas because its a its a blue state but is anybody in florida this theres another theres another problem in that process florida we have absentee as well and again look ill agree with well i dont have a problem with the integrity of absentee but when you book absentee in florida you dont know if your vote is received and counted you know that John Cardillo or well pierce he was here which is requesting a ballot for john or will john of war will its sending that ballot back but we dont know if it ever got from point a to point b. We dont know if when it did or if it did get to point b. It was in fact counted and properly counted i am a very big proponent of a limb and eating all of that except for deployed military or put polling places on the military base and thats all they seem so and now. See homes a nursing home while hoping to that nature or bring the polling electronic polling to them im a big proponent of any person voting i really am again even with deployed military unless youre in a Forward Operating base you want to get that mail and we can make those exceptions because they wont sway the vote either way. Seeing rep and fraud i got a real simple quick who won the iowa caucus. Shadow. 5 point is do we do we know i mean when the my point is we dont know ok and and of course considering the environment we lived in was that on purpose i dont know it was not a test i dont know but because of the murky result because i dont remember this is a hope this is not a taster for what can happen oh right because as you know ive lived abroad for most most of my adult life and one thing i always tell my friends americans are well arms. Let me let me ask will a quick question no it will be you really believe and i am if anybody knows my work on the last guy a conspiracy theories i was Law Enforcement i debunk them but doesnt it bother you as a democratic operative that Bernie Sanders is soaring hes got these massive rallies hes winning every primary the d. N. C. Establishment steps then essentially says now biden is going to be the nominee and all of a sudden biden starts winning nobody showed up by the way 3 people are showing up theyve got to like us or im in wheel chairs bernie still putting 80000 people in a rally in a park if he walks out of a drive through and calls it in 5 minutes and biden is all of a sudden the nominee and the trend line completely reverses in a way ok that would extend i dont blame a few phone calls were made obama did it and that you know what thats called more of a cult politics ok but you know one of the things that i didnt like was the treatment of healthy gobert ok i thought she was treated very very shabby way and it was because of her antiwar views and you know i do a lot of conservatives that just adore her for that one specific thing that she spoke and she went and she spoke with authority ok she spoke with the experience here so by only getting a difference on the phone to the last 30 seconds go to well here what about voter shaming the democrats should stop shaming people ok but let me. Legal and of problem 30 seconds go ahead well im going to say and im going to go back to the main point about like overall if we do need to or if you do want to get there as a bio then after parties if lets go to gabby a quick if youre going to be a true democrat youre going to have to boot youre going to have to agree by the overall platform of the party and you cant just come in and say hey im going to change over all and im going to be and im going to do it im just going to have an a in a candidate should matter to opinion you know is that you know what you know what if youre not going to agree with the platform then why are you going to run into what ada last 15 seconds we had real crossed out but its all regional i want to date my guest in washington and what led the guys when they got viewers for watching as the r. T. C. Unix im remember us of. When else seemed wrong. Just dont call. Me old yet to stamp out this thing comes to cancer. And in detroit because the trail. When something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. A dark industry comes to life in los angeles every night. Dozens of women sells their bodies on the street many of them underage. Los Angeles Police reveal a taste of their daily challenge no if youre going to exploit a child here in los angeles were going to come as you see officers going undercover as 6 workers and customers to fight the l. A. 6 trade. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to a guest of the world of politics sports. This unless im show business ill see that. Was a pandemic no certainly no borders and just blocking 2 nationalities. As americans we dont come with the we dont have the facts in the whole world needs to be. Judged. Come in a crisis what is the sentence. We can do better we should. Everyone is contributing each in our own way but we also know that this crisis will not go on forever the challenges create the response has been masked so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. Breaking news on r t president putin says a 2nd russian vaccine against covert has been registered named that whole road this follows 2 months of clinical trials. Russias foreign minister Sergey Lavrov hits back at european threats of sanctions over the novelli case saying the hostile language coming from the e. U. Is making it impossible to maintain relations most of those in the good work calls. The question is not just with business as usual as possible any business with the European Union is possible tool. The viability of the ceasefire between armenia and azerbaijan looks in ever greater doubt i made claims

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