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Was previously. As new york city becomes a battleground for trouble and haters facebooks reportedly push to beef up its moderation tools to combat postelection violence the system was slammed as a failure of the trial than other countries. Morning this is not International Thanks for joining us. There is growing resentment in europe over the pandemic rules that the number of cases has doubled in some countries governments are trying hard to avoid full log downs citizens a business is a flouting the new measures anyway there were mass riots in the spanish city of barcelona thousands took to one of the main squares in the catalan capital condemning the state of emergency implemented to. The country overnight people violated a 9 time curfew that came into force on sunday they also overturned and set alight rubbish bins near parliament. And a similar scenes over in italy where several cities saw protests getting out of hand and cheering for example smoke bombs were let off and bottles hurled at the police by the milan riot officers resorted to using tear gas on to speak to all of the reports on europes latest response to cohabit and how its being received. Italy and spain are the latest nations to put in place new restrictions on their populations in an attempt to try and get the number of covert 19 infections down in italy theyve seen the number of cases double each week over the last 3 weeks in spain they vented whats being called a state of alarm thats putting in place a curfew for the next 15 days people not allowed out on the streets from 11 at night until 6 in the morning now politicians there are also wanting to extend a state of emergency in the country for a further 6 months now in italy what weve seen is new rules come in place regarding restaurants and dining out all restaurants are going to have to shut their doors to customers from 6 pm at night only for people allowed at a table while theyre allowed to be open they are allowed to continue serving takeout after that vote there is a strict rule against any Food Consumption or drinking on the streets or in public areas after 6 pm these new rules well theres been pushback against them in both naples and in rome. For not everybody has gone to those extreme levels that we just saw in naples and. Rome but italians in general and people in spain as well and happy about the measures that have been put in place on them with some saying simply wont work. Did it as you can see italy is rebelling his government has decided to suppress the italian people to starve them to death we hope that this government information that its pretty much over its a disaster it will be devastating for many people and many families that work in the nightlife industry going to be uncertain here. This makes me suspect that in the end the problem will transform from a cemetery issue into an economic one and that is where the real problem lies in a guy named jackie baby and i am ashamed to be talian because the government is carrying out psychological terrorism we traders will be forced to shut down one of. These a quite drastic measures but they are kind of in the middle its not a real lockdown its a look down by hamas here in germany we recently passed 10000 deaths while each one of them is a tragedy in its own right germany has fared considerably better than many of its neighbors in fact almost all of its neighbors despite that performance though there are those that are extreme on happy with the way the German Government has handled the pandemic in fact on sunday we saw protests on the streets here in berlin there were some clashes with police and arrests were made cases of covert 19 of also being rising in russia as well over 17000 new infections in the last 24 hours no less help in sight it seems as the world continues to try and fight against covert 19 but its keeping that balance between trying to keep populations healthy and trying to keep economies afloat that seeing tensions rise in areas. Turning to the u. K. Now where for over a week daily new Coronavirus Infections have exceeded 20000 among the new restrictions being rolled out in high risk areas is the pub some bars have to serve meals with drinks if they want to stay open and the owners though criticize the rules saying it doesnt make sense and looking for ways to get around it we spoke to one who told us that things are hard enough as the pandemic has driven away many customers id already lost a not. Promotion Events Company this was a last stand on its pretty much its more about the free food now its about you know where its Mental Health is well its can people get together and everybody said to kate and understands the rules you know me get it you know the hands free speech but now that breaking all down. Its become too complicated in one minute you can only know. Through selling drink you cant its absolutely bizarre it doesnt make any sense this is a this was me i had nothing to lose no it wasnt for having nothing to lose this when it happened and now this happened. And everyones backing us its been ridiculous and its more than just because its huge. Top to infection risk areas in the u. K. Must that here to the rule of 6 both indoors and outdoors residents are also asked to avoid any travel unless absolutely necessary and only those places that serve substantial meals can remain open but the term substantial meal its raised many questions the guidelines define it simply as being a main lunchtime or evening meal there is no other criteria provided and that has created confusion among bar owners and officials making it unclear on how to define if a certain bar meets those guidelines we asked people in manchester what they defined to be a substantial meal. The right thing today what i. Mean without it i would class a sustainable me or. Maybe most people with class as a main meal so for example im just hard sausage pie much gravy a substantial male to male you might be classed a lot bigger than a lot of people think thats where the difference is because people dont know. What can you actually see because. Not some which is not told me oh ha ha me. Forms a potato me. I dont see how someone just. And having a drink is different between just having a drink and sat down so it is beneficial in what ways but not on the whole i dont think so no why should they have to put a meal on its not that sets in anybody any more than it was previously previously you had way to service most of the tables you were allowed to go to the bar where you must go and say will come into the venue to cleanse your hand with sanitizer as you go around the one way system until one week 2 people traveling from port to pour drinking constantly in the end. And thats when all the idea of social distancing is gone well think about it will behave more reckless. With election day just around the corner in america tensions are running high between the 2 opposing camps in new york jewish pro trump activists and those opposing his candidacy came to blows over the weekend a motorcade waving american flags that entered the metropolis known for being a democratic stronghold activists from opposing camps threw rocks and they set the convoy as it passed the. They booked the program fist fights and arrests and suing faces fine job social media facebook is reportedly going to ratchet up its content alterations to scale of open looks at the platforms trying to record elsewhere when it comes to preventing phone. Now we havent even had the election yet here in the United States but already concerns are going to its aftermath and the potential for anarky on the streets however dont panic facebook is on the case we need to be doing everything that we can to reduce the chances of violence civil unrest in the wake of the selection the social media giant is reported to already have a slew of emergency measures that are being planned facebook has already promised to slow the spread of viral content to lower the standards of whats considered an inflammatory post and get suppressed to tweak the newsfeeds of what users see and furthermore to suppress dangerous posts in such circumstances theres some content that needs to be removed and theres some content that needs to not have access to the facebook tools to create a finality facebook does not have the best record when it comes to this kind of thing these are the same tools that were deployed in me and Maher Facebook was accused of inflaming hate speech in the country that was back when forces cracked down on Rohingya Muslims and it got very ugly. That. The United Nations has actually called out facebook for not stopping the widespread calls for violence and the hate speech that encouraged and embolden those who are ready to kill im afraid that facebook has no time. And into a beast and not what he did originally intended it has substantially contributed to the level of acrimony and dissension and conflict if you will within the public he speech is certainly of course a part of that in 28 thing facebook was once again called out for inflaming anti muslim riots this time in sri lanka. Facebook has apologized for both circumstances saying that they were wrong and myanmar and in sri lanka but now facebooks approach to american politics is being scrutinized facebook decided to suppress the reports about hunter biden and his shady dealings in ukraine drawing anger and outrage from republicans i think theyre a threat to democracy when you can shut down the flow of information plenty when you can censor what millions of americans would see thats a threat to democracy they say work says this was all done in the name of Fact Checking so with a controversial election and fears of violence in the United States will facebook repeat its pattern of behavior and fan the flames making things worse or will its newly discovered art of censorship save lives and restore calm well they are set the ship in a big good morning its up to this for a very long time its not only censorship at this point this is them letting us know that they are going to decide how the conversation goes they are going to we shouldnt trust our power into them because theyre going to protect all of us from mean a post that i guess the leader going to violence in the aftermath of the election so it is even if it goes beyond just the censorship were used to this is them saying were going to control the conversation were going to control what happens in this country. What you see what you hear and what gets out there its next level one of things about these organizations is they look down on the American People we know that they think the American People are stupid violent and they think that they have to protect us from ourselves they think that we have they have to protect us from our own speech of our neighbors our friends our coworkers and the public diggers and news organizations that we want to cure from so theyre nannying us they think that theyre doing some sort of ultimate good and of course anyone who thinks that they are capable of doing such good thats classic like a dictator mentality is that they get it you know its best for everyone else and you were use every tool at your disposal to make sure that your idea of whats best and your and whats appropriate is the only thing that gets out and shaping how people think and speak now prominent in this years race for the white house have been allegations of corruption and nepotism after the break well look at whether it really does run in the family. Join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics Small Business im show business ill see you then. Is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true what is. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. Aura maybe in the shallows. Welcome back latest polls for the u. S. President ial election put joe biden in the lead in the race for the white house despite recently published leaked material suggesting corruption and conflict of interest with some saying that the family is no better. Takes a closer look at just what how widespread nepotism is in u. S. Politics. No matter who wins the election in november both biden and trump are big names in politics now and their families will continue to cash in on that but they cant help who theyre related to right take bidens son hunter if you dont live in a cave youve likely heard that he once served on the board of a Ukrainian Energy company while his dad was a v. P. Now its not exactly clear how much he pulled in there but reports say somewhere around 50 k. A month or more that point on his resume has cost his dad a never ending headache and hes both admitted that taking the position was probably a mistake and that he likely would have never gotten it if he wasnt biting theres a lot of things that would happen in my life that that if my last name was applied did i make a mistake well maybe in the grand scheme of things yeah but thats probably not the only business decision he regrets theres also the time he flew to china with his then Vice President father on air force 2. Which didnt raise any eyebrows at the time biden brought family on foreign trips all the time but thats because back then that no one knew that hunter was forming a Chinese Private equity fund or that hunter met with a Chinese Banker who was his partner in the fund during the trip spokesperson says it was a social visit but that scheme was approved by shanghai authorities just days later and 100. 00 didnt see any money from that until after his dad was out of office when he did it was over 400000. 00 under his business ties to china dont stop there but well lets move on to joes brother james theres plenty to say about him but if we focus on one thing back in 2011 while joe was leading the obama administrations iraq policy james was executive v. P. Of a Construction Firm that landed a 1500000000 dollars contract to build houses in iraq the company denied that the Vice President s position had anything to do with the deal but what do you make of this deja vu this is his name helps him get in the door but it doesnt help him get Business People who have important names tend to get in the do easier but it doesnt mean success if he. The name of bomber he would get in the door easier to be fair those contracts did fall through but its things like that that makes trump jr say things like this the biden family is the most corrupt political family in American History im pretty sure that video is what pops up when looking for the meaning of the phrase the pot calling the kettle black because the trump kids are too and just fine control of the Trump Organization was handed to don jr and his brother eric by their father when he took office due to conflict of interest issues but in 2017 Promotional Materials from trump tower mumbai were not boasting of connection to quote us space real estate tycoon celebrity and potest donald trump the office of the president cant be used for personal benefit guys so the ads which are said to have been unapproved were pulled in line into a temporary trust before taking a role in the white house and yet reports of her company having trademarks fast tracked keep cropping up she rubbed shoulders with xi jinping and the same day several new ones are approved and speaking of her fashion lines right after an appearance on 60 minutes alongside her father after his election it was Jewelry Company sent out a blast promoting a 10000. 00 bracelet from the line she was wearing during the interview it was promised that things that the company were still being sorted out after the election but it wasnt the 1st time mix politics and business she previously used a speech at an r. And c. Convention to her clothing line and theres also the fact that while trump was in the midst of an election his kids opened up Trump International hotel in d. C. Its an honor to stand before you today and officially welcome to Trump International hotel in washington d. C. And that has led several foreign dignitaries to come visit the president paying his kids for their accommodations all this never tism and what looks like selling access to powerful men runs a fine line when it comes to legality but man its got to be great from their perspectives. Electioneering donald trump to straighten out the conflict between armenia and azerbaijan over the disputed nagornokarabakh region he spoke at length to his supporters on sunday. And the problems that they have and that debt and the fighting and Everything Else will get that straightened out thats going to be i call that an easy one ok well get that go back and tell your people i mean it is i its easy if you know what youre doing you know what youre doing its like that if you know what youre doing its easy. Bloody easy case tantrum mentioned stretches back more than 3 decades the disputed region is populated mainly by Ethnic Armenians which azerbaijan calls an illegal occupation fighting escalated in late september and now the sides have agreed to poor studies for a 3rd time the new cease fire was agreed in washington announced on sunday night just an hour after Donald Trumps speech in new hampshire. The sirens were heard again in the capital of the disputed region despite the new agreement with both sides trading accusations again of truce violations just minutes after a cease fire came into effect we discussed the details with International Affairs expert Paul Robinson who says that donald trump is just pushing his own interests. And this is just domestic politics its. Very often the case that politicians will play to Diaspora Groups and the more organized the Diaspora Group the more likely it is that the politicians will pander to them in one way or another and this is really just championing about on mean americans thats an absolute champion type rhetoric the problem here is both sides have really pretty irreconcilable red lines the azerbaijani president. Has said that is red line is that all of their territory must be returned to it which includes both going to carve out in various as every promise is which and when you control on the other hand the Prime Minister actually you know i said that his red line is that the selfdetermination of the people are not going to come about must be respected those 2 guidelines are completely incompatible this is something which is sort of easy enough for both sides to sign but probably without a great deal of intention of keeping to a. Palestinian teenager has died after allegedly being attacked by Israeli Soldiers the incident happened in the west bank on sunday when the 18 year old and his friend with chased by troops his father says the soldiers beat his son to death. Believe me if my son in the market was killed in cold blood when he wasnt going to fight israelis or anything his friends car broke down and he went to help him then the Israeli Soldiers followed him while my son didnt know anything about the area he went to so he was driving around looking for his friend so the soldiers followed him and then started beating him until they killed him without any reason he wasnt carrying a weapon or anything else to fight the will he was a peaceful citizen going to help israel and. Israeli army close the teenager tripped over and hit his head during the foot chase they argue that the death was caused by a head injury soldiers were sent to the area after reports of stone throwing out an army vehicle Palestinian Health Ministry Confirms the teenager had been severely beaten before arriving at hospital the only other eyewitness to what happened was his friend reportedly fled the scene when the Israeli Soldiers gave chase palestinian authorities are demanding an International Probe family say that their last son played a key role in the lives. Of the have on this area euthanize a peaceful and stable area everyone is occupy over their work and their own business killing the or martyr or argument is a tragedy when he was the only help in the aid to his father who has multiple health issues. Because our sons life isnt worthless and i spent my life and lost my health raising my son to be a man and to feed his family then i lose that man attend his funeral that doesnt make any sense. 100 speech by adults have sold at the munich auction house 434000 euros significantly more than the starting price the manuscripts in question believed to have been penned by hitler in 1939 they were the basis for speeches to nazi organizations and referred to germanys war preparations and quote jewish problem has outraged jewish groups. I cannot get my head around the sheer irresponsibility and insensitivity in such a fee bro climate of selling items such as the ramblings of the worlds biggest killer of jews so the highest bidder. Amid fears near an answer to my bid for the documents as a trophy the organ house selling the lot claimed it had taken precautions to ensure the nose didnt fall into the wrong hands. We have made special arrangements for the bias to ensure that we are not selling any of it to right wing to radical collectors he will have to hand in written assurances that is for investigate if a demick work investigation by historians and literature purposes the editor of online magazine history central told us hes concerned such documents could spark interest among certain groups this is a particularly difficult time because of the growth of neo nazi ism in germany and we always had a beef we always worried about that since world war 2 ended whether youre from the west of the east everyones always worried about the reemergence of naziism and we certainly know dont want to give them tools to enhance their movements and by allowing these documents to hopefully not but may have landed in their hands were giving them tools to enhance their movements and thats very bad and im sorry that the German Government didnt find a way of seizing them buying them doing whatever was necessary to bury them because thats what needed to be done these documents had to be buried in an archive and not sold to the highest bidder. Calling the famous classical composers by just their last names has been deemed sexist by some us slate magazine has been urging the public to use musicians full names to fight systematic prejudice and exclusion the proposal has been panned online. Its just. What we use so once last names the short term when theres no possibility of confusion. Maybe its because beethoven is so well known and doesnt need to be accompanied by his 1st name same with people who are so famous they can go by their 1st name. I want to sit in on one of your peach meetings the stories that dont make the cut have to be better than what he published. I have no idea what that means. Reason why we dont say. The 1st name of Wolfgang Amadeus mozart is because we know mozart its its shorthand its deference its the fact that we are lazy sometimes we see bush tromp biden who i normally can at least see the root of the concern i dont understand this but if you said for example miss mozart and miss chopin they miss if there were women and you never said mr maybe you could say how come you call one miss in the other one by one name maybe just maybe the reason why were hearing this is to have a bit to eat and condition and get this used to insanity so that we dont react to any more where we are hit with the most pastors crazy lunacy you think there was anybody in colleges or schools or musicology who were saying they did it every 3 time they say mozart again theyre promoting white racism and homophobia i dont understand it ok average run of today appreciate you coming in this morning here on our return with more than half an hour. Wrong

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