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Bias. Police in the u. K. Urged the public to report violations of new coronavirus rules and warn that theyre ready to crack down on. Christmas. If police force. The celebration and to get me. Off that whole element in london a family immunity but if i complicate my door in that we get kicked back out into the street. Good morning and thanks for joining us here. A 2nd has been arrested by french counterterrorism officers started on suspicion of links to the perpetrator of the gruesome knife attack in nice on thursday the atrocity left 3 dead earlier on friday. Another man with alleged ties was taken into Police Custody french prosecutors are trying to establish whether the suspected killer was in contact with extremist islamic groups his family in 2 newsier have also come under scrutiny they deny any involvement in the killing. Elizabeth hurley here to them i started crying when he told me that he traveled to france and i asked him about who drove him to go and he doesnt speak the language or even know anyone there i asked his brothers to call him and his phone was switched off and we tried to call him repeatedly but his phone was switched off until the day came when suddenly we were raided by the police we were all taken for interrogation we do know what happened i lost my son and i lost my life and i demand an investigation about who stands behind this incident and i want to know who recruited my son my son does not do such things he cant even harm a chicken i want the truth and i havent given all of them will we are his cousins we are enormously shocked we are good people we stand against terrorism and we denounce what howard wants and our what we know about him and what it is that he is a more room well raised person and we do not believe that he has suspicious connections and this is the world and there was well the main suspect behind the attack has been identified as a 21 year old to museum migrants he was not previously known to french intelligence he arrived in europe last month italy where he claimed to be a refugee but he was served an expulsion notice and then dropped off the author of his radar the attack in this was the 3rd attributed to islamic radicalism in the space of less than 2 months terrorism struck the southern fringe city in the early hours of thursday when a man yielding a knife attacked churchgoer. Fatally stabbing 3 came just 2 weeks after the beheading of a teacher in paris teacher had shown his class characters of the prophet mohammed president of the new micron denounce the atrocities as a product of extremist islamic ideology is found to push back against radicalism in the country we spoke with a priest who was inside the church in nice when the attack unfolded. Committed to i was in that church of the time of the attack on it was almost 90 yeah i get a call from the police and was told that the terror attack has been committed in the no 2 numbers it closed down your church they said with a few minutes later they called again saying that they could 2 people had been killed and fortunately later it was revealed that in the other person had died it all happened so quickly multiples on the i regret to say this was the 1st and foremost i feel angry spirit is not very holy over the quota for Security Forces issued a warning and tuesday by about the threat of terrorist attacks being heartless so we all knew about would have before the attack you but no checks have been me the Intelligence Services havent done enough people have thats why i am angry. I feel good if used solely because its in fear because christians and their feet they have nothing to do with this and what people dont know is that charlie a bill has made more caricatures about christians and catholics and muslims the problem is not that these people are muslim the problem is i think these are people who commit these crimes they are fanatics yet you hear is why its so dramatically as human as youve all got really didnt have any. Muslims across the world have protested president microns whereabouts on islam and freedom of expression as well as his defense of the right to mock religion demonstrations on friday so muslims burning portraits of the president and calling for a boycott of french products so the day when he picks up the story. The last few weeks have seen anger whipped up in a frenzy once again with france and secular values sparring with islam ists the tide continues to rise following the brutal attacks that took place here inside this church in the center of nice where 3 people were stabbed to death the French Interior minister has said that france is that. Enemy from within and from without we are not with any religion with islamist ideology islam islam is a 21st century fascism 3 attacks in france in 5 weeks have raised the temperature here but even before the College President had finally outlined his vision to stop the rot. We have to confront islamist separatism radical islam is the least rejection. And that in time. Violence driven some of our citizens like children. To consider the worst to be. Already many had suggested that this clump time wasnt just about dealing with a long standing problem but it was politicking thats because president my 1st term in office is edging closer to the end now he ended the day on a platform of being noida from the left nor from the right but hes been accused of adopting right wing policies including being tough for political islam ist in a bid to shore up voters his detractors say that despite his efforts he fails to understand the enormity of the issue. Is the war against islamist ideology really been implemented are the measures announced by the government sufficient when we are attacked on our territory im sorry to see the answer is no. At the same time not calling his own good many muslims who feel that the current crackdown punishes all muslims not just the radicals or was this based on the tough questions about migrants the last 3 attacks were carried out by migrants one. Group. Has already held rallies for the kids to be kicked out of europe. As the shock of thursdays horrific attack sinks in sadness is turning to anger and the government is reacting once more with promises. And i think in these troubled restless times with so much worry so much does a read so much anger or political responsibilities to please be good to bring together somebody might call to his being defiant saying france will not step down that it must be united in the face of islam is terror attacks but these words have been spoken before not just by president macron but by previous french president s for many they may ring hollow when the terrorism threat has spiked again all while the nation mourns the latest victims. R. T. Nice. We spoke with the executive Vice President of the Eurasia Center they told us that micron should focus on binding a new policy when it comes to the Muslim Community in france think the move with the crack. Basically step to show that hes taking some type of action. And i think more appealing to his political beliefs than some of their action i dont think theyre going to be effective and i think i think its more a political move than it actually is the move to secure the country i figured be better a better direction. Would be to not be so anti muslim in an interaction i think. The bad for the country and it. Would create divisiveness and i think a call for bad poor health from our future political perspective and well. Social media giant twitter has flagged a recent r. T. Report on the u. S. President ial election as potentially misleading label means that users cannot comment on the post or share it and in the report our correspondent look to potential fraud in the upcoming vote including troubles at u. S. Polling stations and the drawbacks of mail in voting during the pandemic r. T. Has us to explain it sanctions for the social network has recently expanded its Election Integrity policy posts with disputed claims or and verified information on the election are to be labeled or removed tweets that could mislead people about Voting Results also fall under the restrictions in ma twitter isnt a load on worrying about the integrity of that coming votes the International Community u. S. Politicians even donald trump himself all warned the 2020 election could be rigged. This election will be the most rigged election in history this is going to be a fraud like youve never seen if congress and steet dont act immediately our country could fisa no electoral chornobyl this fall Overall Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights Needs Assessment Mission interlocutors noted that the conduct of these elections will be the most challenging in recent decades they expect that Election Officials will face serious challenges prior to and on election day due to new measures in response to covert 900. 00 pandemic and expressed concerns over their ability to overcome them now according to recent polls europeans also have low confidence in the freedom and fairness of the upcoming vote this was stressed in the flag r. T. Report meanwhile ours isnt the 1st Media Publication targeted by twitter a recent New York Post article concerning leaked emails allegedly found on the laptop of joe bidens son and exposing bidens links ukraine that was restricted by twitter and facebook and its led to the Senate Grilling the c. E. O. s of both Networks Early we put tech giant content policy up for discussion. Well i think twitters motive is very simple their motive is to control what people see what people think and what people believe i know that sounds dystopian but i think thats what were seeing across the board with social Media Companies right now in Tech Companies their goal is not simply to create fairness thats not what theyre trying to do they say theyre trying to preempt prevent election interference when in fact those Tech Companies are creating the most election interference right now that weve seen at least in a generation in terms of affecting how people would vote the information they see before they vote vote or should be able to make up their mind whether its a New York Post story whether its an r. T. Report people have the right to information and then make up their minds but Tech Companies and Media Companies have colluded together and whats really shocking here with Intelligence Companies to kind of create a perfect storm of we will decide what you see and what you hear when jack dorsey says well everyone who uses twitter signs up for terms of service they dont agree to have you decide whether or not people can think things about them and by the way every time one of those reports is labeled misleading untrue untruthful or essentially a lie thats actually libel against the journalist whos publishing it in the 1st place any content that has that has a whiff of controversy it comes across our t. Is interpreted by twitter by facebook who are taking their lead from the cia from the f. B. I. From the n. S. A. Who have publicly said that russia is interfering in the u. S. Election the irony is that even jack downing the head of twitter is said twitters capable of influencing the u. S. Election so this has everything to do. Heavily anti russian stance of the United States and nothing to do with the actual content. Its been its been since if you want to look for logic in twitters Decision Making venue can compare it to somebody being chased by a jag. Antic flock of b. S. They arent they have been running away from the idea that in 2016 they were charged by many in the Mainstream Media and on their own platform as being complicit in a election result that they were not happy with and now they are kind of flying willy nilly and just making things as they go along in the hope that people will not be mad at them this time i wrong to say that twitter is effectively having to decide whats true and whats not and is it in any way a qualified to do that they have no inherent ability to ascertain what is dissent from ation what is misinformation or what is Accurate Information that theyre just not equipped trained staff to do this but they were assumed their role by doing this theyre exposing themselves as being nothing more than partisan platform not only is Twitter Facebook you tube incompetent to be able to fact check but theyve actually hired people who are funded by special interests to do it for them and that in and of itself is a huge problem the real power that lies in here is that most of the media lives on twitter despite the fact that most people in america and around the world dont go to this website almost every reporter an editor does so if you are able to wag the dog by posting something that is totally outlandish or at least abnormal and every single reporter is going to see it because theyre obsessed with it then thats just going to be the reality of what our 360. 00 coverage is this is been a capitulation of Mainstream Media and a declining ad market that they are chasing whatever heat they can the absolute shubra arrogance of these of these companies to believe that they are my guardian are my keeper theyre not im going to american voter. I go to way i see fit it wont based on the information that i gather that i assess and i dont need twitter to this year is a giant filter for me and its deeply insulting to me and believe me to millions of other americans and this is where twitter may ultimately pay the price. Turn to poland now where around 100000 people flooded the capital on friday Night Protests against plans for a more extensive ban on abortions have been ongoing for over a week but this was the largest rally to hit warsaw yet clashes broke out when the latest demonstration was met by a nationalist counter protest. A draft law could see the outlawing of abortions in cases of severe fetal deformities if passed the procedure would only be legal in case of incest rape and risk to the Mothers Health the National Prosecutor earlier threatened criminal charges against those organizing the protest movement or the recent surge in covert 19 cases in the country but protestors are determined that their voice be heard anyway. Even time to reach a compromise has passed were going to have seen their rights taken away and now they want them back one more writings i am devastated im going to demonstrate as long as there is no new law or referendum the best solution would be early elections. Because we are in the middle of the fund then make this shows how much emotion is involved that we feel this is the time to come out and force seriously. To celebrate christmas with more than 6 people in violation of pandemic rules seem to have found a coming glue poll will reveal what it is right. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its crazy. Let it be an arms race. Spearing Dramatic Development only. I dont see how that strategy will be successful very critical. Police chiefs of called on the public to inform on that it will violate the latest anti pandemic rules adding that they were ready to break up christmas family gatherings if they involve more than 6 people or we. Succeeded 20000. 00 new restrictions were rolled out in the middle of october with partial regional lock downs depending on the infection rate the systems been slammed that was confusing especially ahead of the Holiday Season correspondent reports from london. As covert cases around europe authorities are looking for ways to stem the tide and some of the measures are pretty drastic here in the u. K. Police in some areas of threats and to rape family christmas dinners if they feel people are breaking the rules the grinch himself would approve. If we think theres large groups of people gathering with the shouldnt be the police will have to intervene the idea of police dragging grandma away in handcuffs might seem farfetched but some taking any chances and of getting creative in finding loopholes one innovative britain says hes beaten the restrictions on private gatherings and it only cost him 6 pounds by creating a company and listing family members stuff some Police Chiefs to have other ideas and smashing your doors down while you watch the only fools and horses Christmas Special including informing on neighbors who are breaking the rules leading to fears of a socalled snitch culture being encouraged we asked people in london for their thoughts on a possible christmas crackdown im sure were not the only nation with these measures but the fact of the matter is i will not accept eyes on constitutional and if i come kicking my door in that we get kicked back out into the story if police force were to come and try and break up the celebration and to get the names it just loses a lot of that whole element in london the family immunity to visit gains deregulation and its will to keep the covert numbers down then what choice do we have that going to get clear guidance in what we are exactly allowed to do and not to do i think probably the government could be flexible for one. Because otherwise people who just got 2 months of being miserable person in germany to Health Authorities have been calling on Security Forces to go into peoples homes to check whether rules are being followed we are in the sea that could be worse than in spring the inviolability of the public must know the libyan argument for lack of controls if true sort of regimes in apartments and houses in danger Public Health and safety you thirtys must be able to intervene course after the court of Public Opinion had its say on twitter lots of tried walking his comments back breaking up parties but also be on the canadian cops to do list in quebec officers are authorized to demand proof of residency and homeowners or tenants refuse entry though. Be able to obtain warrants foster through new virtual system and intervene while in new york police work use of invading a private home when targeting a jewish family during the crackdown on gatherings of more than 10 people but we have the fleet of Vehicles Market in the front there now look at you know over 10 people in the crowd so now its an issue where you are the Police Officer you are the last you know there was. Tell me that its ok and beyond the immediate concerns of violated privacy invaded homes and lost Civil Liberties theres always the question of what happens when this is all over once your freedoms have been surrendered its not always easy to get them back. With the u. S. Election just around the corner the u. S. National intelligence director is sounding the alarm of a fresh meddling claims but while russia has found itself the frequent target of unfounded accusations it seems this year it might not be alone and has more. One of the key things you need to know to understand how president ial elections work in the United States swing states the nomination process the Electoral College and since 2016 foreign meddling with a tally of tory measures against russia for its meddling in the us president ial election a pervasive campaign by russians to interfere in this years midterm elections russia in the 2020 us president ial race despite much of the heavily redacted evidence proving tenuous in establishing just how alleged meddling affected the 26000 election 4 years on its meddling saga 2. 0 this time with multiple suspects potentially involved 1st and foremost is russia the classics and arya and its deja vu for the democratic president ial nominee under trumps Republican Administration russias face the biggest different expulsions since the reagan era plus asset freezes as well as sanctions under the countering americas a diverse aris through sanctions act but biden and the democrats are confident moscow wants more of the same we know from before and i guarantee that i know now because now i get briefings again the russians are still engaged in trying to deal just to mizar electoral process fact next its china because beijing is a economic and political adversary therefore must be up to no good except according to intelligence officials theyre rooting for the other team so i guess that makes it 11 we the china prefers that president trump. And predictable theres not a real action lastly its iran because its a rogue state and with the u. S. Sanctions crippling its economy and u. S. Missiles assassinating its officials and clearly it must want some revenge on the cement astray ssion force who is operating from the ran has continued to attack the personal accounts of People Associated with drowned president complain. So is the main threat to us elections coming from abroad apparently the problem is closer to home as more than half of election related misinformation about the 2020 vote this year has been of domestic origin as weve conducted our unfortunate actions over the past several years at facebook about how these operations we see using these deceptive tactics are domestic in nature were seeing that trend increase as time goes on yet both politicians and the media focus more on the other half hyping up theories about russian interference while young people on the conservative side of the u. S. Political divide are trying to influence things their way apparently mimicking those very same russian interference tactics theyre even using social media with facebook and twitter are forced to shut down accounts with allegedly misleading claims thats another one in favor of the republicans then theres the billionaires some of them like Mike Bloomberg alongside some celebrities have been paying off fines for felons to allow them to vote but only for joe biden so thats the winning point to the democrats and while bloomberg said his campaign is strictly in the name of democracy his advisors see things more through the paradigm of real polity mike wanted to get this done for 2 reasons one because its the right thing to do for the democracy and 2 because it immediately activates tens of thousands of voters who are predisposed to vote for joe biden the closer this vote approaches the more the question arises is there anyone who hasnt yet interfered in this election. Meanwhile the woman whos accused democratic president ial hopeful joe biden of Sexual Assault has spoken to r. T. Tara reid worked an assistant in joe bidens office in the u. S. Senate back in the ninetys she says that in 1993 the man she wants considered to be her hero physically attacked her in a car door joe biden has repeatedly denied the allegations tara filed a criminal complaint it april of this year and she gave us her version of events on r. T. Americas podcast which is available on our you tube channel. I did try to come forward at that time in 1903 with Sexual Harassment and i lost my job and was terminated for speaking up i did not discuss at that time the Sexual Assault i was too intimidated by the process im to do so as soon as it started getting you know really reported on i immediately got smeared so those either silenced or smeared and i sort of went through the silencing and smearing rotation you know throughout the destroyed my reputation when after my education they went after everything about me smearing the every opportunity they could from the time i was 7 years old on you know i lost my housing i wast work i lost money everything my pets were threatened my daughter was threatened my life was threatened its not even about hunter per se or you know my story is of course important to me but but on a metal level its about the fact that weve weve entered into a propaganda state where we dont have objective media we just have were being spoon fed what certain billionaires want to have or what making kelly refers to as Corporate Overlords my point is that Sexual Assault and Sexual Harassment are nonpartisan and you know what i see the d. N. C. Doing is basically not just elevating a predator but theyre enabling them and then using need to as a mantle to cover so its like a wolf in sheeps clothing. Ok you out of today this is off to a good to see with more in holland. Is sort of amazing country with so many friends in russia and im very excited to be here. I love that idea i think i can do that. Different nice to make a lot of money with them but they make millions and hundreds of me. Heres a nice one. A great wall and nobody builds a lot better than me believe and ill build a very inexpensive like a great great wall. d just in case youre worried about whos going to pay for it mexico will pay for

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