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Elections for the senate in georgia and as things stand now if they focus they regroup if the party is seen as responsible and forward looking they have a every chance of winning those 2 seats and therefore holding the senate if they join with trumps you know lawsuits and refusal to move forward and you know inflammatory tweets and all of that it may be seen as so irresponsible that the voters of georgia who ought to reward them with 2 senate seats might in fact go the other direction its unpredictable so it may be that Mitch Mcconnell the kentucky senator who is the Republican Senate majority leader is actually telling donald trump you know we need to hold the senate your battle is probably lost anyway but we need to fight this one and yours is hurting ours i think you have a good point there regarding with the public reaction to this we just saw all those people celebrating. Oh but you know joe biden got around as a 7374000000 votes trump still got almost 70 so thats 17000000 people who are not going to be happy and we know one thing about toms support is that generally they go to his writings are very vocal about the love of the president by loyalty to have kids think were going to see more on rest between the pro and the anti trump has im afraid we might thats that was my original point i mean im glad you asked that because Many Americans who dislike trump and that includes me but on this point i disagreed because i always understood from my experience in the former in russia and Eastern Europe and western europe that populism that the anger of the working class that supports trump is well founded their lives have been destroyed the working class has been decimated by 25 years of globalization of dnd just realization and the democrats have not yet come up with an answer for that and so in less biden can seriously address their concerns they will be back and maybe trying to still be leading them maybe somebody else but they are angry and large constituency who have recent to be that way and my worry is that our elite still hasnt understand stood as usual in the us and ignoring that constituency that rural you know former industrial class is explosives they have to change what i want to pick up on than it sounds like i mean we could look at the right if it was so much enthusiasm around donald trump he won by huge margins and ohio which is of course a rural area will say. In florida as well and he said he represented the average american man who made huge gains with minority groups more than any republican in 60 is are you surprised that he didnt win this year. He almost did i would have been surprised is the other way among my you know i associate with professors Researchers International business types all kinds of people and i think i had a pretty good understanding of the base of his support i sat there in brussels when braggs it went through back in 2016 and i was with a group of people who had an inkling that breaks it would win in britain again for the same reasons thats like a trump vote brags that a bourse johnson vote but i was surrounded by sort of internationally elites who couldnt imagine that any country would leave the European Union how could they its so wonderful but of course they dont look at how difficult it is for a huge section of society that suffering weve become so economically polarized and the elite needs to wake up and fundamentally change some things or there will be another trial and another cell or he has gone away yet you know what i mean theyll be more and more populist revivals because the fundamental problem in the western world among the o. E. C. D. Countries has not been fixed on god and he said we need to wake up were going to shake things up keeping the house of the people to do that or do you think were going through a sort of just a continuation of what many Democratic Administrations before when telling i dont know i honestly dont know thats the best question of all and i would think in the position of trump and calmly harris that they would look at how they almost lost they would see the passion of those supporting trump and they wouldnt dismiss it as just crude and ignorant which is the tendency right to say these are just rubes these are just southern idiots instead they should listen to them feel their pain as another president clinton said 30 years ago and and make significant policy changes to help. There that class of people and not just continue policies that concentrate wealth in the Information Technologies of the west coast. The east Coast Entertainment high tech highly educated theyre leaving behind half the country and that half of the country so woken up and if were not listening to them tell be heard even louder next time i dont know the answer to your question though i think that biden and com laris understand they cannot be you know another status quo Democratic Administration or theyll be voted out very quickly theyll be one term president s also why i suppose thats something that will find out over the next 4 years unless of course donald trump is proven right in the next in the coming weeks and months that was right but english director of Central European studies thank you for coming on to the program it was great talking with you well youre watching out international we will be back in just a moment with the with the very latest stay tuned. Im. A little while on the way off you know down with the wife. Swap or how you would think if the thought of the clothes. That come. From one of. Our of a. 6 is your media a reflection of reality. In a world transformed. What will make you feel safe. Isolation or community. Are you going the right way or are you being led. By. What is true whats his face. In the world corrupted you need to descend. To join us in the depths. For a mate in the shallowness. Let. Me get. It would go back to our breaking news from the us where media are projecting the joe biden has been elected the footie 6 president of america how they secured 290 addict World College votes just to remind 270 are needed for victory the full movie ps win state of pennsylvania and nevada have pushed him across thoughts threshold donald trump meanwhile stands up to 14 but right now 77 year old joe biden is craving the keys to the white house and has the very latest. Joe biden seems to be declaring himself the winner of the president ial election however if you look on social media just shortly before hand we got dominic trump proclaiming on twitter that he won by a lot but at this point the media seems to be echoing the statement that because of the vote count in pennsylvania joe biden is so far ahead pennsylvania theyre calling pennsylvanias 20 electoral votes for joe biden so joe biden is considered to be the winner and he has proclaimed himself to be the winner he has declared victory but donald trump apparently is planning all kinds of legal challenges weve heard about Donald Trumps claims that he made thursday evening when he addressed the country the allegations of ballot dumping which are going around around from Trump Supporters and legal challenges are definitely expected to this result so at this point out we do have the media in the United States fox c. B. S. M s n b c c. N. N. All declaring joe biden to be the winner we have joe biden proclaiming himself to be the winner but weve got trump proclaiming that he is also the winner that he is the winner as well saying that you won by a lot so it looks like the divisions resulting from this election are going to continue were going to have contested Court Battles were going to have a president who does not acknowledge the results that are accepted more more widely and its not clear whats exactly going to happen next many people were hoping that today saturday would finally be the day in which the president ial election seems to add and it seems like there is quite quite a broad consensus that that at this point joe biden is the president but donald trump doesnt seem to think so and there is going to be a legal challenge so its saturday we do have a winner declared for the most part but we do have a an opposition that is not prepared to accept that result so the president ial election still isnt over the election took place on tuesday its saturday and we still dont exactly know what is going to happen and we dont really know whos going to be president for the next 4 years. So many york city mayor Rudy Giuliani has stressed that any allegations of fools will see the election and up in the courts be settled lawsuits will be brought starting on monday. But the 1st time it was discovered was here in pennsylvania just a couple of days ago. If you just see behind me are just a few of the. Id say 50 to 60 poll watchers. All testified that they were uniformly deprived of their right to expect any single part of the mail in ballots as you know from the very beginning the mail in ballots were the source of some degree of skepticism if not a lot of skepticism as big a pro to pro. Publica get some reaction now from what a hypocrite who is associate professor at the sha school of policy and Government George Mason University what do you for a warm welcome to the program lets start off with i want Rudy Giuliani just said what do you make of the i dont want to make generally also the trunk campaigns allegations of widespread votes of food. Its very interesting that even though the media in the United States would seem like a consensus that there is a winner institutions are not working because they are contesting it its just a very surprising that what is happening in the United States. Its what happens in countries that are underdeveloped for example mexico when a president has not been. One candidate does not acknowledge triumph or another can i thought the United States had very strong institutions which shows very strong limitations and weakness of us at all levels this is a very divided country where the decision of the majority is not taken into account this is very worrisome for the americans who regarding the failure of these institutions at the moment do you think that this is something specific to trump at the moment the fact that hes a candidate whos not willing to leave or do you think its points to a wide spread problem with the Electoral College system for example where people dont feel represented. Absolutely that that shows that the arrangement the institutional arrangement that function or for centuries its not working right now because the poppy the people are the majority of the people do not decide. Whos going to be the president of the United States it to really show. Fragmentation pull out asian of the society and at the same time the limitations of institutions that will not work people are not satisfied with the fact that their vote does not count when an Electoral College is going to choose for the majority and in that regard i think donald trump does not have any grounds but it seems that because of the institutions he thinks they are there they have grounds and some east some i mean elections can also be even cited in the courts which is problematic because the popular vote gets the victory and apparently also the electoral board is giving the victory to one of the candidates this shows very very important limitations of the United States the mark prosy and all its institutions you talk there about polarization now of course weve seen this over the summer as well with the riots divisions have been growing for some time now people who voted for trouble you know 70000000 of them will not be happy with the results do you anticipate that there will be hostilities on streets across america. There is the possibility before the election. People were prepared to protest and to limit protocol after these maybe the people are going to go out to the streets and the mobilization its going to be organized by probably the 2 sites of your question this will this will represent also a lot of instability more protests and you know uncertainty and maybe financial uncertainties of the most powerful country in the world cannot decide who can lead who will lead it who is going to be the president and maybe this is going to be decided in the courts and this is going to be reflected in what happens in the streets so i would have never and typically if these were happening here there have been other moments of very important instability like in. The United States of lets solve it then i think this is unprecedented because of what we have seen with matter and with white supremacist groups during all of these i mean these these last few years and these can turn really violent and this is what is worrisome. A country with so many divisions cannot lead the world as used to its shows fragmentation shows problems in many other regards. To money power the United States is being. Voted out croucher what i just want to pick up on you talked about how you know the u. S. Is the most powerful country it sees itself as the cradle of democracy and many critics say that too often it sort of polices the world and tells them that they should follow americas example are these elections in any way going to undermine americas status as the bastion of liberty. Thats very good question and i do believe. That the whole process and depart a few years are putting into question the litter ship of the United States the United States and germany over all you cannot have an edge in money power where one part of the countries against the other parts of the country what had made America Great was that consensus around america seems to. Respect that their Electoral College the constitution and the courts and it seems that right now a segment of the population does not acknowledge their results and the way the mark received functions i dont think that a country with so many patients can continue to be an edge of money power one part of the United States is against the United States and he says this is destroying the country from within. Its very war its now this puts geopolitics in another level i think that we have to start thinking about the world with a very different litter ship i dont know we have to we have to wait but a country where. The United States is fighting against the United States cannot keep that in mind power while it will be certainly interesting to see how exactly does elections play out the transition of power father how how america continues with its Foreign Policy especially that was widely Pereira Cabrera associate professor at the sharp school of policy and Government George Mason University thank you so much for speaking to me this hour. Youre watching out International Well be back in just a moment especially with news about the u. S. Anybody who thinks that because i just won the election we our problems are over that is simply not true the problems were there for President Trump theyre not going away you have problems for the economy in the long run youre going to have huge debt to pay for the things youre going to do there we still have a problem in the United States which is racism we have too many young are going to american. Jails are growing possessions etc so those problems have been there or wrong and simply allowed produce not does not. Reduce the. Well reduce our. Thats undercutting that whats good for the market its not good for the global economy. Welcome back down welcome back to our breaking news from the u. S. With me job projecting that joe biden has been elected the 46 president of america having secured 273 and turrell College Votes just remind 270 needed for victory in the form of the piece when in his home state of pennsylvania has pushed him across the threshold donald trump meanwhile the incumbent stands at 214 right now 77 year old terrified and is claiming the keys to the white house. Well lets cross live now to your correspondent shot at do you penske. Biotin back claiming hes beaten trump hes already changed his twitter handle he is president elect in his view on to the views of many people celebrating in new york about special well its the reaction be from a group. Well european leaders have been waiting for the last few days as has the rest of the world to get a result in this u. S. Election that took place back on tuesday and many now are responding thick and fast to this projection that joe biden will be the next u. S. President and many people are quick to congratulate joe biden as the president elect lets just go through to what some people have been saying the Prime Minister of ireland this is Michel Martin has said that job royden is a true friend island and he looks forward to working with him in the future lets not forget that biden has some irish roots so big congratulation from his forefathers homeland spains deputy Prime Minister this is a public place is he said trumps defeat is good news for the planet thats something that will also be welcomed by politicians here in france as well given that donald promp pulled the u. S. Out of the Paris Climate Accord joe biden says the 1st day of his presidency he will look to re enter it now haiku massoud the German Foreign minister he says he looks forward to working with the next u. S. Government and he says that he wants to invest in the cooperation this is a trance atlantic cooperation that is incredibly important not just for europe as a whole but particularly for germany germany lets not forget has had some friction with the u. S. Over the last 4 years of Donald Trumps presidency Angela Merkel a woman who said she would work with anyone who has had issues over things like the nord stream to gas the pipeline thats being built from russia to bring gas directly through germany the u. S. Donald trump has been incredibly unhappy about that project and has extended u. S. Sanctions on the companies that are working on that. Theres also been this warning or threat of tariffs on german cars you can imagine there is a sense of relief in germany that they may be able to have a relationship with biden presidency weve also heard reaction from the london and paris mayors all congratulating joe biden and also nicholas sturgeon the 1st minister of scotland not just who actually to joe biden but making a point to say that this is a historic victory a historic victory because now as president elect that means the Vice President elect is a woman. The 1st woman to hold that office in the United States also reaction from the labor leader who said the Biden Campaign was a campaign on values values that the u. K. Holds itself as such as decency integrity compassion and strength and reaction from all seemingly welcoming this news that joe biden will be the 46. 00 president of the United States wow its gaffney going to be interesting to see how it all the policy changes under joe biden if fears are inaugurated in january on january 20th that was started to penske reporting from paris many thanks. Well lets look finally before we go about how people are reacting to the news images from the big screens at the moment people in new york shouting you can see chairing filming celebrating in short they clearly are joe biden supporters happy to see that man elected on the other hand you can see on the right hand side of the screen now pro Trump Supporters that will stick out the ring but theyre not quite celebrating we can see in georgia that they are on the left a key state of course georgia traditionally republican but this year so tight that a recount has been one of the states that the trauma team will be contesting in the coming days trump himself and his supporters of course believe this is far from over and in fact i think on a couple of those signs that the fight is still long this is not the end so clearly for them this is not the end they will still be hoping that they will continue to stay in office but at the moment its not like the media projecting joe biden to be the 42nd president of the United States youre watching on t. V. And will be on the election in just a few. Things because youre going to the election problems are over simply not true the problems are there for President Trump theyre not going to worry you the economy the wall route. Youre going to do we still have a problem in the United States which raises too many young. Jails for growth possessions are still those problems are. Simply allowed to produce not does not stop them. So what weve got to do is identify the threats that we have its Crazy Foundation let it be an arms race. Spanning Dramatic Development only basically im going to resist i dont see how that strategy will be successful very. Time to sit down and talk. Protections put joe white boys in the white house as the 46 us president as the key state of pennsylvania to class more of its vote count Vice President elect coming to harras described the wind as not just about boss she sent her congratulations. Believe we did it. Here given the next president of the United States. Donald trump declared victory for himself in the election that could still be a twist as the republicans launch no suits over 8. On the fallout from Election Night and im

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