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So so low around the whole world would lead to exclude couldnt it be you can come up because some people come from the mood to put up there to make things out to jump and point to the t. V. This is important because they come up the nazi to get some support someone to give up a whole day. What night it will be a 1000000 season. Palms out simple on when you have a good lawyer, a meal ticket. Let me point. And her man deployed not sampoerna by hygiene people to log on to lawyers that day and then that can monitor, let them someones what guy i am today. And tams see how i couldnt do it. Guys who are only in town. How quite sick i am and the police couldnt that he could be lonely. There was no more lonely and yet the talk of peace could be let in to speak. And now when asked why and could any student in a suit and get in then couldnt and 50 1 tapped flighted paddle out a mile a call. I love and call you by the you know i am so so hard to be told. Im told ok. So when you see a serious it was a great guy and he could ignore and really wanted to hear it seemed so he hands of my and how my how i had what i had a hard to do what a hit me the need in my in the hole in the new sort of money and a needed me power and there for how the 100 seeing how i dont care and good enough for me and. The join me every thursday on the alec simon show, and ill be speaking to guest in the world of politics, school business, im showbusiness. Ill see that the world is driven by a dream shaped by the day theres thinks we dare to ask the banks are involved in a ponzi scheme attached to the Federal Reserve bank. And the Federal Reserve bank is attached to a huge ponzi scheme called the Global Banking financial. And the i. M. F. And the world bank and the people at davos. And then that part of the ponzi scheme is backed by americas military. So americas military is kind of the force behind this global ponzi scheme. So if you defund the military, then the whole house of cards crumbles. When i was told seemed wrong when old quotes just dont hold any old belief yet to shape out these days become agitated and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for Common Ground. A new gold rush is underway and gonna thousands of ill equipped with flocking to the gold fields hoping to strike it. Rich, as children atone between gold was very poor thought i was doing my best to get back to school and will have the strongest appeal to the government, the people of laos. Thank you so much for the kind. Welcome that youve extended to me and my delegation. I am very honored to be the 1st american president to visit lots of 1000. And i realize that having a u. S. President in laos would have once been unimagined. 6 decades ago, this country fell into civil war. Your neighbors and foreign powers, including the United States, intervened here at the time the u. S. Government did not acknowledge americas role. It was a secret war. And for years the American People did not know. Even now, Many Americans are not fully aware of this chapter in our history, and its important that we remember today. Over 90 years, 19641973, the United States dropped more than 2000000 tons of bombs here in laos. War inflicts a terrible toll, especially on innocent men, women, children. Today i stand with you and acknowledging the suffering and sacrifices on all sides of that conflict. I also know that there are remnants of war continue to shatter lives here in laos. So today im proud to announce a historic increase in these efforts. The United States will double our annual fund to 90000000. 00 over the next 3 years to help laos expand its somewhat i mean home someday in the home they provide to mobile and and i love them too much to all sing thought i of course, got all their support telling my heart and ok, im the guy me and im looking at the outback man. Am i going right now out on happy and then be a napkin and now and then, and until i think no matter when theyre equal to one man in the masses that they havent made up by the common man with the pm happening not enough in the hot, you now, im unhappy and they didnt come in and accompany me. Are you happy . Dont song even am i have to go who are. But beyond that, i know when they get, i did it to me and they have been our guide down. How might that have been livin yet . I mean, not affected by the fact that thats been and out. They were in their reaction and i say there was a full moon tonight, a man gets the arms and hours ago, the man, the man and front of him for now im not but the last time around this morning and im not so common that every man with the dew on the canal, president obama just made history by being the 1st sitting u. S. President to visit laos. Obama has so far, refused to issue a formal apology for the secret u. S. Bombing campaign in laos. During its war on vietnam, the u. S. Secretly dropped 270000000. 00 bombs on laos in part to cut off north vietnamese supply routes again. Margaret, this plan, 90000000. 00 or so to help clean up and detonated bombs still in the country. What are the details . This is 90000000. 00 over 3 years to clean up whats called unexploded ordinance. These are, they look like little balls, little kids pick them up and often become victims of these bombs that were dropped nearly 40 years ago in a war that this country was never technically a part of up to 80000000. 00 of these failed to detonate. And just one percent of them have been cleared. Obamas 90000000. 00 for bomb clearance in laos. Its not enough. We bombed laos so much. It is officially the most heavily bombed country per capita in all of human history. The 19000000. 00 just at 1st sounds like a lot numbers that everybody talks about that you brought up that are accurate as far as we know, that we also know that that is the low estimate of the large numbers of airplanes that were sent to do. Bombing runs in vietnam, for example, came back over, lost to bases in thailand, and on their way back would randomly drop their loads and we have no records whatsoever of those lows that were dropped. So we dont actually know how much was dropped in the 1st place. We know its more than the numbers that we talk about. Experts say the president s visit shows that the u. S. Is trying to make friends with countries near china to help balance out that nations growing power in the region. Because of the problems and because of the lack of cleanup because of the lack of recognition, it continues to kill people and trouble this very undeveloped country. There are fields that cant be plowed, there is land that cant be developed. There are children who are walking there and you werent even alive during the vietnam war. You are missing arms and legs and lives when we are able to come here and show respect for their culture, recognize our history and your point towards a future in which we can work together. We will actually have more influence. Well be able to promote our ideals more effectively. But thats part of what weve been able to accomplish. I think over the last 78 years, open up places that previously were closed and engage people in ways that will create long monotony to dampen all the noise. Good bye. And the the the, the 0. The law the bomb the internet you keep in mind when i went to my last night i was all wanted man u. Me and not moaning. And i was happy that the now are limited. Im a little more behind behind the welcome. I was hired the job. Im in general for members. While playing i was 100 now just have a lot of time to the empire. I wanna be behind one of the trip, but ill move, ill tell them i was how i was trying to after years of secrecy and so on. And we are now learning a lot about the talent. He sat in my life to me number 10 percent. Now i tap into consistency. I might make him some money and not take on the family and employ my fellow americans. Laos is far away from america, but the world is small in the confines of what you want to make your money. And if maybe the parking lot and you want to go into the gotten up to swipe a holiday plasma class with the need to meet him. Doesnt tapped out the Company Public a lot done. Am i am i am am the little childs seemed wrong all quite all, all just dont hold the world yet to shape our lives just to pick up the ticket and in gains from it. Because betrayal, when so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for Common Ground in the is your media a reflection of reality . In a world transformed what will make you feel safe . Isolation, community . Are you going the right way or are you being led . So direct. What is true . What is faith . In a world corrupted, you need to descend to join us in the depths or a mate in the shallows. From his easy, probably his last battle as president who he triumphed over the generals and killed by his foreign policy. Pick up where the willing neo cons again, back in control as well as in the bull, but the most rational, big city bright lights, huge opportunities and many dangers for the blight of atlanta. Its also a city where not just 300000. 00 crimes are committed every year for the whole the last living, but it will be the new mosque. Its still to the reserve least one Police Officer for every 200. 00 residents in russias capital cost on the list. I think we all put in a little truth that i will not go with the wind up toy soon, or the few muslims who would have to last. You know, so, you know, when to avoid internal political upheavals Holding Early parliamentary elections is inevitable. Staring down the barrel of mass protests, the president of armenia calls the governments resignation. It follows a week of public anger over the pa, the peace deal between armenia and azerbaijan, which halted the conflict. Meanwhile, displaced under the new deal, armenians tear down and torched their homes as they are forced out of areas now controlled by azerbaijan. They say they dont want to leave them for who they see as the enemy. And we had a good life. Now we are tearing down the houses, we built a house, so i know one thing for sure. I wouldnt even want my any means you find yourself in situ

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