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My cameraman grabbed by offices while he was filming. While we were trying to do an interview. On the World Antidoping Agency blast the United States for double standards after the senate banks a bill to jail those behind in support except in americas domestic leagues. They just gone for coke in the afternoon here in moscow. Are you watching r. T. International now police in berlin. Have used water cannon on protesters making a stand against with 19 lockdown measures, but looking at some live pictures from thats against the backdrop of debate in parliament at the moment on a bill that would make it easier to introduce restrictions over the coronavirus them. Ok lets go to berlin now and to pay to all of the whos following events for us there paid to why so people, why are people just so angry then it appears over this draft law . Well, its whats in trying to within this paragraph, this would change part of the prevention of infection act. Thats been dissed debated in the book right now. Basically what it does is it takes certain things that are in try and in that and advice and puts them into law, basically giving them a stiff backbone. Nisa, things like orders to stay at home social distancing in the wearing of masks. All of these things would eventually have would ultimately, i beg your pardon, be down to the consideration of the individual states of germany, the 60 to slander the heads of the government would have to impose which ones they want to put into place. Now, the people that weve seen out on the streets of berlin continue to remain in the center of the capital who are unhappy with this. They say it goes too far, but many saying it tramples all over germanys constitution. The group, the group thats been out said, according to police, it could be as many as 14000. 00 people whove been there and they come from a really quite disparate group. Were looking at it from corona deny is too far right extremist groups conspiracy theorists right through to people who have either lost their jobs, who or who may well lose their jobs because of measures against the spread of covert 90. Now one of those who was caught up in the, the more thats been going on around was an end. It was a member of the bundestag himself, cast an inset, hes a member of the alternative for germany party. He wasnt wearing a mask, he was confronted by police and being told that he had to wear a mask, produced a document according to mr. Ayers. Anyway, that said he didnt need to wear one that he was medically exempt. That wasnt good enough for the police, and he found himself detained in a quite well raucous manner, really by the a thought there. What we also know is that these demonstrations, they werent supposed to take place, they were banned. The reason that they were banned is because no demonstration in germany is supposed to infringe upon the workings of parliament. The Security Office of the bundestag looked at the demo, looked at the intent that was there, and thought, well, they may well try and do just that. So thats why it was supposed to be banned. Didnt happen in the end, because this demonstration is still ongoing. Police moved in with water cannon being spraying down protesters. This isnt the type of water cannon being used to blast people off their feet. Its more of a were going to soak you and make you wet and cold and miserable. And then hopefully youll go home under your own steam, but its still ongoing at the moment. No standoff between protesters and police have been pretty tense at times, but its also being tense inside of parliament where this new amendment to the, the, the act regarding corona restrictions is being debated. Todays draft is an empowerment of the government on the scale one seen in decades, even rupert short an expert on constitutional law. Mind you from the c. D. U. Party, even he says it goes against the constitution. Merkels draft concludes dance on the point seat alternatives that are typical merkel wish. But the reason alternative for germany, what we just saw was a drowning Political Force clutching at straws, you know, drowning as a party because they have no topics, ideas, and no answers of their own. Youre not keep people have created. All you can do is be against god and what not. There are thought on that side. Radical friends outside have been calling to block the entrance to the parliament. And you just like them. Want to block the way of lawmaking. You want to hold the whole institution of parliament through the mud because you hate it. Natural religion. Youve got my will turn it if all you want is turmoil. The proposed law is no good, but it doesnt pave the way for dictatorship. Is it . Or when the German Health minister took to the microphone in the bundestag, members of alternative, the germany held up plaque cards. Proclaiming that this move would be the death of the gringos, the german constitution equivalent thereof. They were then told by the speaker of the house, the president of the ability to take those down. They, they all timidly did, but its likely that this amendment will pass how that will be received in parliament, and particularly how that will be received by those outside to show no intention of leaving under their own volition just yet or how that will be received. Well just have to wait and see a little bit longer. Looking at the pictures, there are live pictures still thousands out on the streets. Well keep a close eye on that. Thanks. That was a arties piece for all of that. Meanwhile, protests have turned violent in france too, following a draft security bill to ban the publication of images of police with intent to cause them harm. The interior minister insists the bill will protect officers, but it has sparked outrage from rights campaigners tear gas and water cannon have been fired in the french capital to disperse. Angry crowds. Holderness as you can see, Police Vehicles are moving down and pushing the protesters down that the street protesters whove come im convinced to Global Security look to draw. 7 for real thats being discussed in the National Assembly on tuesday evening. This is a rule which includes an element which if cost could make it illegal for people to disseminate to record and publish images over police offices. If there is intent to harm criminalizing, shoot all over, could lead to mourning amphoras around a 45000 new roof. And we have seen police battening and whacking protesters trying to move them from the streets behind us. You can see that there is a row of Police Vehicles here that water cannon as well thats being used tonight as has ample tear gas. Thank you. Thank you. Ive seen women having their hay young and being used to be grabbed by the head to be thrown to the floor by Police Officers, medics being hit by police battens. And in fact, as we were just at the metro station filming some of the violence against the protest as we ourselves were forcibly chucked out by the police, my cameraman, who grabbed by offices while he was filming. While we were trying to do an interview and objected from not crowd that you know. 7 i dont think that this protest is true, but i am sure the law has been criticised by the e. U. And you are seeing times of its time apart because according says, the bill could lead to significant violations of human rights and fundamental freedoms. In particular, the right to privacy and the right to freedom of expression. Intent is a concept that is open to interpretation and hard to determine any photos or video showing a dent a fireball Police Officers that are published or broadcast by critical Media Outlets or are accompanied by critical comments, could find themselves being accused of seeking to harm these Police Officers, for journalists, the legal risk exists, and the possibility of conviction would be real images over the police are protests, have been used time and time again, showing the violence thats been used that this is law, would essentially stop. Thats what unions say, they say that it is senses ship. However, the government says this new is needed to protect Police Officers from the violence. Because while im talking about the police hitting protesters trying to move them around, we have also seen violence towards the police. This evening, weve seen bottles thrown into woods and far as being lit. We have seen destruction here on the streets of paris with the bus shelters being smashed in. So there is violence on both sides. And the government says this noor is needed to protect the police. Police unions say it doesnt go far enough and if it is a choice between freedom of the press and liberty, when it comes to showing these images of the security of their offices, they will side with the security of their offices every time anybody who would be found guilty of if this law passed would find themselves one year behind jail with a fine of 45000 you is that is a severe punishment. But let you tell me this. A severe punishment is being on the frontlines in an evening like this when the tensions are so high. And there is that attack from the police. Possibly because theyre also afraid over the protestors. But the reality is it is been a brutal like with violence from both sides. But from where we have stood, the violence has been main coming from the police to wards protesters who for the most part we have witnessed in doing anything well deserve some of the violence. Ive said this evening, shall it be put in the center of paris that will a political analyst and the Police Police off Police Officers should not expect to be kept. You dont camera because there is something going on with the reorganization of the French Police and Law Enforcement agencies. The tip of the iceberg that were talking about today, and its getting everybody really nervous, is the fact that you would not be able to morrow to film a police van. And i think its important to state that people are not policemen today or Law Enforcement agents who are law abiding, who are respecting the law, who are just doing their job in trying to make sure that demonstrations are going as normal. But people are feeling today because weve seen in france in these past years, extreme violence, lot of them as traitors. Their only way in defense is to film the policeman showing that this is my security, my insurance that you want people up. If you do, im going to make sure that your base is on is an internet. I think it is extremely important that people who are in the streets that people be able to film this is extremely important. Thats part of the job of a true Police Officer 2020. Thats the way it is. If you dont want to be killed or become a Police Officer, i think this is something which is, which is important. I know the World Antidoping Agency has blasted the United States over a bill that could jail those involved in sports studies being except in u. S. Domestic leagues wada as described. It is double standards and a free pass for professional and College Athletes in america. And you do bring agency wishes to understand why this legislation excludes vast areas of u. S. Support. In particular, the professional leagues and all college sport. It is not good enough for american sports. Why is it fine for the rest of the world . Washingtons rolled out its latest offensive in the war on performance enhancing drugs. Its called the rod shank of act, the rather doping act of 2019 which strengthened the integrity of International Sports competitions by imposing criminal sanctions on certain persons involved in International Doping fraud. Conspiracy. The act would green light washington for legal action against doping conspirators in games involving american players and it outlines some have to be penalties, fines of up to 1000000. 00, as well as prison sentences of up to 10 years. A dream come true for the usa today. It is a monumental day in the fight for clean sport worldwide, and we look forward to seeing the act soon become law and help change the game for clean athletes for the good. Considering how the u. S. Has treated domestic doping in the past. The log book could probably use of updates take Julian Edelman, the patriots shining star and super bowl m. V. P. His career seen some great achievements with a little help from dope patriots wide receiver Julian Edelman is facing a 4 game suspension for performance enhancing substances. A 4 game suspension is quite a long leap away from 10 years in the can for edelman though, the cushy treatment didnt end there. He was still showered with awards at the years and even sealed advertisement deals. There are no rules in basketball. Its a similar story. Last year basketball, prodigy deon, dreyer, 8, and was caught doping up his punishment jail. Just kidding. He was suspended for 25. 00 games and then showed up on the jimmy kimmel show. Hes a member of the n. B. A. All rookie team from the phoenix suns. Say hello to deion 3. Hello to you. All right, and heres the best part. Hes now the face of a Protein Health shake commercial on the price. Thats how you do it. Washingtons long made it clear they take doping in sports very seriously when of course, it suits their agenda. Dont rise from broadcast around the moons that the u. S. Spill does have a very different agenda to the one state. This has nothing to do with least welfare or looking after us. If it did, it would be totally different stuff. Looking out for the 5 things, its not going to mean though, for the sponsors of the sport, its simply looking out for the money interests of the hollanders, media, and government. Its not seem to do with r. C. , whether because it was a welfare, they would have brought it in across the board to all the Major League Sports in america would side of the meter water. But you wont do it because the owners of the big major sports teams that Media Networks who cover them. But this huge be massive situation of best years in the sports wont happen so does, has nothing to indicate whether this is simply about greed and the dollar washington is still to come see this as the u. N. Has released emergency funds phoenicians to tackle hunger as a result of the 19 pandemic. Well have the details but so the stories tell you just off the press the results of the u. S. Election cycle have surprised many. There was no blue wave and the g. O. P. Witnessed gains all across the board. Both parties have deep internal divisions, and the court is in both parties based populist challenges. Is this the perfect recipe for a political deal like i welcome back. Now the un has released emergency funds to countries facing severe hunger as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. 100000000. 00 will be used to tackle the social impact of k. With 19, after a warning from the world food program. Many people in lower middle Income Countries to a few months ago were poor, were just about getting by now, find their livelihoods, have been destroyed. Remittances that from workers abroad to their firmly the home of all for dried up, causing immense hardship. As a result, hunger rates are skyrocketing around the world. While a joint report by humanitarian organizations has found that lockdown restrictions have limited mobility dented incomes and hindered the process of receiving a sending money to family in greater need. The authors say faltering Distribution Systems have actually affected 800000000 people. Now last month, the world bank did warn remittances. Of middle Income Countries could tumble in the wake of the pandemic, and that could leave an additional 33000000. 00, people at risk of hunger, according to the world food programme. We spoke to a senior Food Security advisor from the un body kuwait 19 had a compounding effect on the already deter, eating Food Security situation on the road. The pandemic hit at a time when hunger has been on the rise for all 4 constitutive number of years, mainly due to conflict, climate data chunks and the economic crisis. Already in 2900, more than 135 people were in food crisis, meaning that they dont know where their next meal is coming from. So all early on we estimated, actually, because of the pandemic that up to 270000000, people around the world could now become food insecure. If we didnt secure due to the negative, social cannot make effects caused by the kind. And, you know, that 495000000 full time jobs have been lost as an immediate consequence of the pandemic. But rather by putin has offered a behind the scenes look at talks to end, the nagornokarabakh conflict, the russian president explained the peace deal between armenia and azerbaijan could have been reached weeks ago. One of the nations was reluctant to stop fighting, did not store. On october 19th and 20th, i had a series of phone conversations with president i live and Prime Minister passion. At that time, the armed forces of azerbaijan had regained control over an insignificant southern part of care about. In general, i managed to convince president aliyev that it was possible to stop the hostilities. But his obligatory condition was the return of refugees, including to shusha. Then unexpectedly, for me, the position of our armenian partners was formulated in such a way that it was unacceptable for them that the Prime Minister told me back then. No, we cannot agree to this. We will fight. Therefore, accusations against him, of some kind of betrayal have no basis. Well, the truce is widely seen as a capitulation in armenia, triggering protests and demands, the Prime Minister, quits. There is, there were very differently than is the vision which is celebrated. The pace still will keep its military gains and later this month also receive 3 other districts in the disputed cata back region historian gerald horn told us how the armenian premier, as you turn on a truce cost him national support. Keep in mind when the Prime Minister or her mia went into this war, this conflict that is left to the deaths of thousands to the maiming and injuries, the tombs of thousands to the creation of displaced persons and refugees. The significant percentage or 1000000 population, not to mention, there were many of the arab spring was the Prime Ministers corner. But as is often said, victory has a 1000 parents, and defeat is an orphan. And so now you see that a number of the were many and were cheering on the Prime Minister when he wanted this conflict, or when he entered into this conflict. Now, already to see the nearest and close this refugees, meanwhile, continue to return to kind of back under the protection of russian peacekeepers on changed day 500 army back to their homes. Having fled the fighting 1700. People have now gone back to the king cities and a cat, and express thanks to the russian support. We feel that we arent alone anymore. Were supported, weve been given our lives back. Im happy that russia has with me. I have nothing to respected russia and i have nothing to lose. I feel happy and proud that we have friends like this that help us and dont leave us in trouble. Russian peacekeepers have reopened the only road link between armenia and the region to ensure the safety of civilians. The mission has also helped improve cooperation between me and his 80 troops in kind of back of census report on the peacekeeping work just north of shushi, the site of some of the bloodiest and most merciless fighting of this war is a russian peacekeeper outpost. They arrived to a scene from a nightmare routes lined with bodies and bombs burned and blasted vehicles after weeks of failure. As she was eventually reached on the 10th of november, it was full of compromise where armenia agreed to handover various territories. It controlled to a. Z. Headed by john, the latter agreed to let Ethnic Armenian refugees return to their homes. But signing papers is one thing. Making sure things actually happen is another one of the benefits of the 2 dozen or so. Russian seized monitoring stations that have been set up here in the go in the code above is that they are neutral territories. Larry, as well as their buddy troops, just a few 100 meters away from us, can come as well as Armenian Forces and they can resolve their disputes with the help of russian peacekeepers. As mediators, there are also areas where the red cross can come. For example, to do its own work such as organize the exchange of prisoners, the exchange of the remains the fall in troops to coordinate the mining operations. Its all about trust peacekeepers serve an important function. Sure. They discourage ceasefire violations. But that really gets you so far, but they shine that is getting those who waged war to build peace to that end. Humanitarian groups, if flocked to care about the red cross being at the forefront now, rudes and passes once littered with bodies and traps and mines a safe and, but what breeds even more optimism, is that armenians and is it by job. These can gather at the same place and talk if through russian peacekeepers more, i guess dia of the gold make up its actually company, the south to name just coming up to hospital in the afternoon in moscow will be back at the top of the greater tempered it is a symptom of exacerbating an alarming everyone who mindlessly actually what that means is we end up making solutions that can actually drink very little. Its just a kind of fuel instead of the Natural Solutions that were new gold rush is underway and gonna thousands of ill equipped workers off flocking to the gold fields, hoping to strike it. Rich as children are torn between gold, my family was very poor. I thought i was doing my best to get back to school, which side will have the strongest appeal . Seems wrong. But yet to shape out this day become agitated and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart, when we choose to look for common ground, i was always on the bull, but the most national big city, bright lights, you jump, but you know jeez and many dangers for the blatantly to do. Its also a city where up to 300000. 00 crimes are committed every year for the last one, but it will be the new mosque. Its filled to the reserve least one Police Officer for every 200. 00 residents in russias capital cost on the list. I didnt put them out of my tree with the not going to come up. Boysen, you know, with the muslim who would have to last is your media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safe . Isolation community, are you going the right way or are you being led . So direct. What is true . What is faith . In the world corrupted. You need to descend to join us in the depths, aura made in the shallows. This is boom bust the one business show you cant afford to miss. Im going to washington coming out. Countries around the globe are getting caught

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