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By the next to put it straight, should look at the compounding the humanitarian disaster. Here is the sheer goodness of these mountainous country and refugees return home to know what i care about. Because russian peacekeepers secured the only route linking the region to armenia, takes the trip. Untested safety run the club, bring you the stories, all those might not. This is not international very welcome to the program. Want to start us off this hour, blood lost on competition. Killing may have provoked a strange and special forces to mud a thought to 9 afghan civilians. An inquiry has found that on some killings appear to have been part of an initiation ritual for new troops. There is credible information. The junior soldiers were required by their patrol commanders to shoot a prisoner in order to achieve the thought, just 1st kill in a practice that was known as bloody. So essentially, the general idea behind this report is that some rogue soldiers, some rogue members of most elite astray in his unit s. A. s, that they have been fusing excellence, military excellence with eagle, with pride, and well with indiscriminate killing. Heres how a top defense official of australia described the atmosphere of the dominated in this unit. The report finds that some Specialist Service ridgemont commanders in australia fostered within the s. A. s. What Justice Burton terms, a self centered warrior culture . A misplaced focus on prestige status and power turning away from or from the regiment. Heritage of military excellence fused with the quiet humility of service. So to put it in simpler terms, a soldier was given a boost in status in the world, you know, within the unit. For instance, the 11. 00 ritual that is described in this, in this document in this report, is that some new recruits were made were made to shoot prisoners compliant prisoners which were no longer combat tends to make their 1st kill. It was called blooding. And theyre also, theres also some evidence uncovered by the investigators that weapons were planted later on the bodies of these prisoners to make them look as if they were fighting back and so on and so forth. And also the report suggests that these kills that they werent made in the heat of battle. So you know how some decisions, like if theres a, if theres a heated shootout going on, and then if its you or me, if its kill or be killed, then world soldier could be absolved of some of the over some of its actions that later, you know, looking back in hindsight, dont look as good as, as good of a decisions as they seemed in the heat of the moment. That was not the case when it comes to the incidence that this report has been looking into. In fact, one of the investigators that was who is familiar with the matter. She said that the killing was made into a sport. You say it was happening again and again, what was happening . What sort of actions are we talking about . It was killing as a sport. Also the report interesting me enough, it absolves it seems to absolve the commander suggesting that the higher up officers officers higher in the hierarchy, they didnt know that was taking place. Some difficult and disturbing information to learn to everyone who condone history is involvement in afghanistan, especially given that they went in, that they intervened in this, in this conflict that intervened in affairs to the tune of these words. Terrorism is based on evil, intolerance and bigotry and new free societies, such as australia, the United States can never buckle under to bigotry and intolerance. So that the report suggests punishment against 19 members of s. A. s. So this is the number, so well have to see what legal steps and what legal action will be taken in the wake of this probe. International fast, fastest affair, mcclellan says many foreign soldiers have showed a total disregard for afghan lives. The word afghanistan was always framed and a 2 pronged way, one on the one hand accountability for the attacks of 911 arguments that afghanistan had been used as a breeding ground for terrorists. And on the other hand, an attack against the taliban. A humanitarian intervention to save the Afghan People from a brutal regime. The reality is that none of the behavior that we have witnessed in these reports shows any serious care for the Afghan People. At no time do we get the sense that theres any concern for the future of the nation. And for the complexities of rebuilding a country thats been ripped apart by war since 979. 00. And in fact, in the, the afghanistan papers that were released are only just about a year ago. We found out that the u. S. Government wasnt even really taking seriously counting civilian casualties. They didnt count the bodies of dead afghans because the afghan lives did not count in the war. And so i think we see, you know, a consistent pattern here where theres no accountability and no concern at all for the people here, republican Election Officials in the u. S. State of michigan are claiming they were tricked into thought to find the results. And wayne county, theyve signed affidavits rescinding that decision to approve the vote count. Thats after they initially blocked the certification process, citing discrepancies. I need sleep voted not to certify the election. And i still believe this vote should not be certified. And the state board of canvassers should canvass for an additional period republican canvassers, william hartmann, and Monica Palmer initially voted against certifying the Election Results in wayne county, michigan. Now they are the reason they chose not to vote to certify the results is that they said there were irregularities. They said that the poll book, which is the official list of registered voters, did not actually match the Election Results. They had questions, they were not comfortable voting to certify the Election Results. The state of michigan had already been called for joe biden. The we had been ahead at that point 150000 votes, but because of these irregularities, they were not agreeing to certify the Voting Results in wayne county in michigan, thats the county where detroit is located. So immediately after they did not certify the vote, there was kind of a 3 hour deadlock and then there was a zoom call where activists and poll workers spoke to the board on a zoom conference and raised the issue of racism using them a grazes. Im saying that this fit in with the long history of Voter Suppression efforts to deprive africanamericans of their right to vote. This is what they endured on the xoom call. We are going to you guys are not right, and im sorry for your descendants will be so esteemed of you know, i am ashamed of you. Im not going to read it to you. Shame on you. Youre a racist. Ignorance was showing your racism is very up parish and i dont know how you sleep at night because this is on the record, monica, your daughter is going to look at you in disgust because shes going to know and this is going to affect her because people will ask her why is sure mother race is so after about 2 hours of public humiliation, the republican officials reached a compromise with their democratic counterparts. Now, according to them, they agreed to vote to certify these results. Despite their concerns in exchange for the democrats conduct in an audit afterwards to see what was going on with these irregularities. Now the democrats decided not to conduct an audit. They say essentially that, that their, their agreement was not have held. And they regret certifying the votes, we now have palmer and hartmann saying that they were misled. They have now signed affidavits saying that they rescinded their decision to certify the votes. In wayne county, michigan, vice chairman, gave me sure and says that voting for the certification of the november election would result in a full, independent outed of detroits unbalanced precincts. I relied on that assurance and voted to certify the election based on that assurance. Later that evening i was sent statements that secretary jewson benson made saying that she did not view our Audit Resolution to be binding. As a result of this fact, i reset my prior vote to certify wayne county elections. Now the Legal Mechanism by which the votes of wayne county michigan could still be overturned, is rather unclear. Now the county is considered by the state of michigan to be certified and the decision to certify the entire state of michigan will be carried out on monday by a Different Committee that would be the board of state canvassers. That committee is split evenly along party lines of republicans and democrats, and its not clear whether or not these affidavits from the 2 republican poll canvassers in wayne county, michigan will have any effect on that upcoming vote. Now at this point, the state of michigan, the lawsuit that was filed by the trumpet, ministration in the state of michigan has been dropped. They are no longer in a legal battle with the state of michigan. But michigan is not the only place where there were concerns about irregularities, allegations of fraud and concerns raised by the camp across the country. They claim there is a pattern of voter fraud that favored joe biden and secured his victory in the election. And now according to a recent poll, 40 percent of americans believe that the recent of the election on november 3rd was tainted by fraud. And at this point, people are looking at the situation and michigan people are looking it at allegations made around other states. And there is widespread concern now donald trump still maintains that he is going to get a winner of the election. However, there seems to be a pretty big consensus in us media that joe biden is the winner of the election. Took place on november 3rd, but yet still there is controversy in the United States surrounding that election. There are legal challenges that remain. There are allegations of fraud being raised by Rudy Giuliani and members of trumps team. So at this point, the controversy surrounding the u. S. President ial election has not ended might compare has reiterated the u. S. Few that the occupied Golan Heights are part of israel. The u. S. Secretary of state visited the area day. Its all kept at the Golan Heights from syria during the 1967 war and made to the next the territory last year. The trumpet, ministration recognized it as part of as 0, making the us the only country to do so. Move along with the recognition of jerusalem as the israeli capital. Although part of the trump peace plan for the region nicknamed the deal of the century. Prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu had, was for the u. S. To president through the us work in those dreams that was used to president truman, to go to search through with the truth written from a student wants to present to notice his record. His roots were going to turn to president truman, whose roots to forge through their next president going to those with whom he was released from might be ok. Also infuriated palestinians by paying a visit to jewish settlements in the disputed west buying protests. Violent is rising. Hell, drugs at its way to soldiers. We spoke with 2 Foreign Affairs analyst about pay its visit as well. And generally how the trumpet, ministrations, policies, the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Some talk about diplomacy and peace. What does it mean for an entire nation of people, Palestinian People who have been dislocated now for a century . Plus this is horrible for so many millions of palestinians families, and would pump it was doing is giving the green light in the next few weeks for. d the hard writing israel to continue to trample over talus sunni and Self Determination and 16. She need to go below historical Palestinian Land in gaza in the west bank. And now these incursions into syria incipit go on heights. I mean, israels functions as a massive u. S. War base in the middle east seemingly do whatever they want without any consequences. Its a political move. You know, i think the campaign for 2024 is already starting because what theyre doing here 1st of all trump shows that hes not giving up the fight. Nace, you know, have to concede the election or realize that on january 20th, hes going to leave the presidency. But hes not giving up the fight and he keeps working for israel in the middle east, even in this lame duck period where hes not where hes on his way out. And what he does is he sets the stage. So once President Biden comes in in january, he either has to reverse these things, or he keeps up. Now its a win win for the trump and the republicans because if he keeps them, thats what they want for israel, thats what its and you know wants, thats what most israelis want. If he reverses them, then it looks bad for the democrats. Since arriving in israel, the sect of state has announced a u. S. Initiative to counter the pro palestinian boycott divestment and sanctions movement accusing it of on it seems like a statement of fact, but i want you to know that we will beat it. We take steps to identify organizations that engage in hateful b. D. s, gunder can withdraw our u. S. Government support for such groups. While b. D. S. Is a global group appropriate listing, an activist for the past 15 years, its been calling for a total boycott of over its treatment of palestinians. Its known for encouraging farms, including banks and retailers to stop doing business with as well. Some of its key to the return of occupied lands and full equality for palestinian citizens of this row palestinian rights activists, mahmoud. Noisy, says opposition from washington. Could bring the movement, even more supporters. We believe that this is not just an attack against b. D. S. Its an attack against the freedom of expression and the right to be the sound that out of people to take a political. But it can stand against colonialism, occupation, an Apartheid Regime that imposed on people. Its about people taking a stance against war crimes against ethnic cleansing again and again, this will broaden our base and also because people will feel that they are threatened by this government and they would be allied with us. We can, we can build more coalitions and people out of the other coalition that they will feel that they are threatened by this new poll that says that would be not against against us. But again, its all people in order to express their silence, silence by using such, such to finish while still ahead. Refugees who fled the carabao conflict zone are now heading home. After a russian break, a truce with official is youll be a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safe. Isolation in a cheat. So you going the right way or are you being led . So what is truth . What is faith . In the world corrupted, you need to descend to join us in the already made in the shallows. Join me every thursday on the all excitement show and ill be speaking to us of the world of politics or business. Im sure business. Ill see you there. Welcome back. Now police have detained at least 20 protesters in the army and incompetently in an ongoing wave of unrest over a Peace Agreement with us. And by john, demonstrators formed a human chain blocking several words in the center of thier front and cooling on Prime Minister call, pushing on to resign, but hes moved in to break up the line of traffic moving again, this follows a week of protests across all media most of the nagornokarabakh troops which was signed last tuesday. So the deal was brokered by russia and it was to end 7 weeks of deadly fighting in the disputed region. Many armenian see the treaty as a capitulation, as allows as a by john to hold onto its military gains, including the city on media will also have to handover 3 of the districts to baku. Meanwhile, refugees are retarding to care about russian peacekeepers all securing the key highway, connecting the area with all media to have tested the route himselfs brings us this report. One of the things compounding the humanitarian disaster. Here is the shia ruggedness of these mountainous country for the 10s of thousands of people who fled the fighting for them to return home. They need a safe road, but because of the fighting various segments of the routes to get about under the control of different sides. What the Russian Peacekeeping mission has been able to do is to make the achaeans key, corridor safe for all these refugees to return. So we went for a very literal test drive to see if its true afresh. And peacekeepers really had convinced that said by john to let mean refugees written it turned out to be a very cautious dr. The other problem, of course, is the weather. These late in the year in november, december, it gets increasingly cold, increasingly wet and visibility is down to what . 20 reasons at this point, the roads are treacherous. If youre a refugee though it isnt the fault youre afraid of. Neither is it the bad roads, the end exploded munitions or the bodies of the dead. Its still leaving the scale you just over a week ago. This was a fiercely contested front blood. It still is a frontline in the room no longer contest that the next 19 kilometers off to the sun. Held by is headed by judd, through russian mediation. The sides have agreed to let all traffic through unmolested. Meenie and its headed by john the military vehicles, civilians or refugees at 1st few willing to trust the other side. We heard that there were azerbaijanis about ambushes here. I didnt know if it was true or not, but now i know everything is fine here. When am i afraid . Of course im not afraid is what is there to fear when youre driving under a russian flag . The situation is that booth side 2 were at war just over a week ago. Have to share the same stretch of road and its up to russian peacekeepers who patrol the road and who is stationed at various points to prevent the 2 sides from taking revenge on civilians or harassing them. It took a lot of work, but russian peacekeepers were successful. New weapons are allowed, not even for as they did by johnny was i mean the troops, everyone searched every vehicle, inspected every weapon, confiscated. Here we filmed a small as it is by johnny military convoy pass immediately after because carrying armenian refugees, which by itself was unimaginable. 2 weeks ago. Its not that i havent been home in 15 days. Were going back now. Thank you. Everything is going fine. Thank you. But everything changes, if you would have believed russian peacekeepers and i did it by jonny outposts, would be situated metres apart. Or that as it is by john, the troops would be barbecuing food and setting the table as armenian refugees. Return to cattle. The city will post on the group. We have had no difficulty with the neighboring outpost. We have very good relations if they need something, we help them. And if we need something, they help us. Everyones playing by the rules. The ceasefire stands and thousands of people are returning to their homes, their previous lives more, i guess the of from the garden account about finally being a u. N. Refugee agency is warning of a full scale humanitarian catastrophe. In ethiopia. More than 27000, people have fled to neighboring countries from civil war and the north. Ethiopias government is backing the great Peoples Liberation front, after accusing it of attacking a military base or storage, and then launched a military offensive calling the lead to default an act of treason. It is a whim of his face, how many years he left. Everything can pat who came with just our clothes on our backs. I was severely beaten and tortured, and we were detained for 3 days. We near death from hunger and thirst before they released us. Children, adults, and pregnant women have been shot and thrown into the streets and bitter with, sticks. After they took control of c. T. , they stole all homes. The humanitarian situation on the border between ethiopia and sudan is quickly evolving and its extremely urgent. In the matter of a week, the u. N. H. C. R. Has already recorded more than 30000 refugees who have crossed from ethiopia into sudan. We lost everything our belongings, our livestock, everything. I do not know anything about my children. What does the world not see us now . Where will we go . When we just die, we barely escaped with our lives and away, whoever did not flee will die. Well, thats how things are shaping up. Now, banks are picking with picking off and sticking with us, i hope, sees a greater tempered it is a symptom of exacerbating an alarming everyone who mindlessly actually what that means is we end up Picking Solutions that cost a lot, but actually do very little. Its just a kind of feel good instead of the Actual Solutions that were tricks the new gold rush is underway and gunna, thousands of ill equipped workers are flocking to the gold fields, hoping to strike it. Rich is a good many other posts that you apply to those that work children are torn between gold. My family was very poor. I thought i was doing my best to get back to school. Which side will have the strongest appeal . Shows seemed wrong. When all the roles just dont call me old, yet to stamp out disdain comes to attitude and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart, when you choose to look for common ground. Well the pandemic. No, certainly no blood is just blind to nationalities. Has emerged, we dont have a turkey, we dont have a back seat. The whole world needs to be the chief judge of this commentary. Crisis sleep listening to we can do better. We should know everyone is contributing each of our own way. But we also know that this crisis will not go on forever. The challenge is critical to response has been must so many good people are helping us. It makes us feel very proud that we are in it together. Big city, bright lights, huge opportunities and many dangers like any capital city, moscows standard of living comfort and growth rates attract people from all over the country and the beyond. And they all come with different intentions. Its also a city where up to 300000. 00 crimes are committed every year. When those in the middle to get into law school is also not rational. Thought its thought that there was at least one Police Officer for every 200 of the 12000000 residents in russias capital on our wish. It never occurred to me that the another with a coming in without these people in uniform just couldnt develop as fast as it does. And it wouldnt be moscow, as we know it to be a fairly good hand to hand drug dealing is old school, illegal websites, selling narcotics in russia, make annual profits of at least 1500000000 rubles. And the vast majority of those conducted in moscow want to shut the war theres been a shift in the 20000000 new almost this is

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