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Builds in france as the country has passed, a controversial bill with the filming of Police Officers for reasons. Good morning. Thanks for joining us. This is we will start this hour in the United States where president elect joe biden formally announced his National Security team. The choice of obama era war hawks for top jobs at the white house has been criticized by peace groups and human rights activists. Americas Foreign Policy needs to be properly fixed after 4 years of diplomatic rock says one who says the man whose own white house mistakes as donald trump saw them, were thorley taken care of by the outgoing administration. The time has come for the u. Turn to go full circle. Theres been some damage done. That is going to take some time to dig ourselves out of. But theres no doubt that joes got the right people to do it. The man taking over the oval office in 2021 was president obamas number 2. So who are the best people to set these apparent wrongs . Right. Well, the former deputies of obamas team, of course, how easy, im really starting to get that joke that barack scott himself a 3rd term. Lets take a look at the collective portrait of a deputy dream team. One squad member clearly thinks it was the meddling russians who god, donald trump, elected in the 1st place. Jake Sullivan Biden speak for National Security advisor. This was a moment where we realized that the russians had decided that they were going to actively interfere in the u. S. Election. That they were going to intensively work to undermine the pillars of u. S. Democracy. And that they were going to try to defeat Hillary Clinton. If it wasnt for the russians, if you know what i mean, this career boost would have come much earlier. After all, mr. Sullivan served as an advisor for the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yes, he worked as a National Security advisor to the Vice President biden. And here were looking at someone who was all for upping u. S. Involvement in syria. Tony blinken, the new man taking care of americas Foreign Relations in syria. Its tougher, its longer. Its going to take time to build up the syrian opposition, but we believe it can be done. Our commitment is to help them to support them, to give them the training, to give them the equipment to give them the air, the power, to give them the advisor. And it all comes back to hillary, who, infamously said this about libya. We came, we saw he died, right. As you may have guessed, mr. Blinken was among the star democrat diplomats who love the idea of getting libya sorted through intervention. His c. V. Highlights include deputy secretary of state deputy National Security advisor and National Security advisor to the Vice President. So moved on with deputy dream team, you simply dont deserve the position of intelligence director under joe biden. If you havent been to a big name blood, say in the cia under obama, without further ado. Heres avril haynes, the former deputy cia director also happened to serve as the deputy National Security advisor right after tony blinken. Some give ms. Hanes credit for making americas drone wars more transparent. Her critics though, paint her with a different brush focusing on her role as the architect of the drone program. One which is associated with scores of civilian deaths. A slight stain on the record, isnt it . Any great Team Deserves at least a few qualified veterans. This one is no exception. Take john kerry, hes getting his comeback. Chance to the job of special president ial envoy for climate goes to the former secretary of state. Bear with me for a bit of feedback on the team from someone familiar, the Incoming Administration could not have chosen that to pursue now for the Foreign Policy and National Security team. Ok, at least there are no surprises. And the world knows what to expect. The libertarian politics 2020, Vice President ial candidate spike cohen believes the new budget ministration will be more aggressive in his Foreign Policy, but not to the benefit of ordinary americans. I think if you like the continued expansion of u. S. Imperialist Foreign Policy, then this is a dream team for us. We got tony blinken, we got michelle flournoy, avril haynes and others who served under the obama administration. And while they were there, they were the main cheerleaders for the expansion of the war in iraq. The involvement in expansion of the war in syria. The continuation of the u. S. Sponsored genocide in yemen and the involvement and invasion of libya by the u. S. Military. If you want more dead u. S. Troops and dead people overseas, if you want more trillions of dollars being run up in debt to continue this empire imperial system going than this would be the ideal pick for us. In general. If you just talk about the subject of us Foreign Policy, the average american wants the wars to end, the average american wants the troops to come home. The average american doesnt think that the u. S. Military should be used as the worlds police or that its done a good job at it, or that it done anything other than lead to an increasing number of veterans coming home with, you know, p. T. S. D. And other Chronic Health problems and not to mention the measurable suffering and harm thats being done overseas. So the average american wants this to end whether that will play out or not. And in public outcry about that remains, in another district of the disputed nickel in a kind of creature has been handed over to as a body shop. The last armenian Soldiers Left the area. As part of a russia brokered peace to the full troops abandoned, their position civilians fled the war zone. Aunties, and i guess they have tells the story of some of those who the conflict has left homeless. Everywhere you go, there is only desolation, despair, empty, burnt, and abandoned villages. Rusty trucks palled with furniture, clothes, and who police souls. Theres no one left but the awed desperate stragglers. Its so painful, unbearably painful, your entire life. You have been billed in step by step, trying to make it a little more comfortable so you get something good sound only a tool has just disappeared. A little it and her husband igor, for 17 years have made a hard living in the mountains raising cattle. When the barrow visited by john, the artillery became too much, they left everything but they shipped a dog and fled. As did everyone they returned to find the village, empty, and, and looted, littered with dead pets and animals who starved to death when the humans left. Those that survived came begging for food and will be filled with limited eagle for 3, desperate days as they try to salvage what they could of their old lives belongings. They feel even empty barrels. Things that many of us would see as trash, anything that would help them start over. Theres no choice for armenians to stay after the region has had to do that too. Is it about john . They claim it could be that death sentence. If a dog is killed on mistreated and you read the whole world, condemns it. What was our crime . And what did we do that . No one even objected to all the civilians been killed here, where all the humanitarian groups that apply and fall over anymore cruelty. But have done nothing about the massacre here says the engine on a little, it was forced out of her home twice during the war in the ninetys, when both meenie and as it about john accused each other of massacres and ethnic cleansing. The both deny that this is the 3rd time shes lost, the house. She isnt a hateful person. Shes 62. 00 a mother. Most people would burn their houses so no. Is it about johnny gets it . She couldnt stomach the thought. Yes, i dont want to burn down my house if someone wants it, let them have it. Even burn it for fun. So my children were born in this house. They grew up on that is all true, and i cant believe it and i can burn that in my life. All the good and all the bad. It was all here. Me mussy a real even tomorrow. We dont know who gets the house and to hell with them. Im here to bind it down and it might sound a little. It couldnt bear to watch. We found a weeping behind the house is the 5 is spread. What do you call this . Is it sad . Is it devastated . Having to burn down a house you built. You loved you tended and raised 3 children in 17 years because of the shape of your face, the color of your skin, your creed, your culture, your faith. Everyone here understands whats happening. This is the price i mean, eons of paying for backing doubts, accepting peace terms. Despite their resistance, the thousands dead may have prevented a massacre and preserve some territories. But political eagle, it was the end of life as they knew it, everything theyve moved, burned and gone. Theres nothing comforting you can say nothing to ease or dull the pain. Its terrible to think anyone driving but to them. This is just another house. They wont even bat an eye off the rule. Dozens and dozens of villages have burned over the past week. Of course, these isnt just another house. It had a knife, it was happening soon, there was joy. They would see is, and there was sadness. Now, its all over the more i guess the of from kids by job region, by job frances been rocked by public unrest after lawmakers passed a controversial bill that forbids the filming of officers for quote malicious reasons. Autoresponder chawla dubin skis in paris for us covering this story. Good morning to charlotte. As i understand, the public anger has spilled over into a number of cities that thats right. These protests will be known going now for a few weeks against this law. Thats called the Global Security law. They came to a head on tuesday evening in france, with protests in several cities that came after. Deputies in the National Assembly decided to adopt that more meaning. It will now pass through to the senate where it could be rebuffed, but at the moment it looks like it is at least passing through of the parliament here in france. Now, thousands of people turned out to show their anger against this law. And theres one part that really angering people, and this is article 24. 00, which would essentially criminalize the publication and broadcasting of images of the police where they can be identified in certain circumstances that would be punishable with up to a year in jail. And a 45000. 00 euro fine. Now journalist groups in n. G. O. S have said that this is essentially a green light to stop journalists from doing their jobs. Such as the e. U. And the u. N. Have criticized. This is in danger in democracy. And the said that news media must be able to do their jobs. Thousands turned out for a protest in the yawn last night where tear gas was used to disperse the crowds. As you can see from some of the images, pretty difficult circumstances there. We also saw protests in and here in paris. Now the government says that this rule is needed to protect the police. It says that they face threats unprecedented threats at the moment to their lives and also to their families. Now, Police Unions have said that they dont think this mall goes far enough, and by the time images circulated on social media, they in me have been retreated, thousands or tens of thousands of times. And they were actually looking for something that was much stronger than has been announced. But because of the criticisms, all of this article 24 and the way its written, the Prime Minister, the french Prime Minister on tuesday evening, said he would refer the law to frances Constitutional Court to check the wooding of it. Though he did say that he thought that the text itself was excellent. Now, many people just say that despite those assurances from the government that this isnt a law to stop journalists from doing their work. They dont believe that thats actually true. Obviously were very, very angry with the system which favors the police which protects them. This is going to worsen the problem. Were going to be even less free and they will have even more rights do whatever they want. You know, not to be part of the match is not over. The bill man has to go through the senate. And weve seen that despite everything, several employees from the majority, hesitating to support the bill after seeing what happened yesterday at the migrants rally. Here in paris there were protests as well, but the focus of the ngo was slightly different. The focus was on what happened on monday evening. Here in paris, this was a migrant camp that had been set up in plastic of publique, which was dismantled by the police. And there are accusations and video, lots of video showing this that the Police Used Excessive force brute force to dismantle this migrant camp. During that dismantling, there are images that have been circling on social media and from news channels of journalists being attacked and also too much force being used against migrants so much so that frances interior minister who stood time in time on the side of the police. He said that those images were shocking and he ordered an investigation with that investigation is underway, but many people will say this is exactly the reason why news media need to be able to do their job. Need to be able to film the police while theyre carrying out their duties to show that if there is excessive force, used, that that is captured on camera. And those individuals who perhaps taken them all too much into their own hands can be able to feel the full weight of the law themselves. If there is an investigation in media saying, you know what they do, is an essential tool to expose potential brutality within the forces. As i mentioned, that law passed by the National Assembly on tuesday evening. It will now head to the senate where it will be scrutinized further by the upper house of frances parliament. Lots of eyes watching to see how many, thanks to the paris you all about, you will hear secretary general of Frances National Journalists Union says that this bill amounts to censorship. What bruce earth, the question is censoring journalists. Even selfcensorship is now as urgent as ever. Journalists are constantly being pressured already, and they have a difficult job. We are not saying that Police Officers have an easy profession, but if someone through filming or Something Else, encroaches on the honor of an officer, the measures are already spelled out in the criminal code. Why add Something Else to it . We see this is an attempt to put additional censorship on journalist. This profession has been under pressure for more than one year through various laws, the laws on commercial secrets of the law on fake news, and also summoning journalists to find out their sources. This is all well known and we try to convey to the minister that its time to Pay Attention to frances image abroad. In the meantime, the french president has announced the country will start to ease its lockdown this weekend. The situation does are being critical with hundreds of virus related deaths each day. Among your micron said that everything would be done to prevent a socalled 3rd way roared through or not most of the return to normal will not be for tomorrow. So we can, im convinced control the epidemic over time. And the same time we have to face an unprecedented economic concerns will crisis is the consequence of the 1st confinement and of what we are going through. I told you last year like the crisis is likely to get even worse. We have an answer to provide. We did it from the start of saturday, businesses will start to reopen. The lockdown will remain in place. Itll only be lifted in mid december if delhi infections drop to 5000. 00, but bars restaurants, cafes they will have to remain closed throughout the Christmas Period and will only reopen in late january when schools and universities will also resume in person teaching local matter that we spoke to is feeling positive about the proposed plan. These announcements are good because at least they give us a schedule. So french citizens can no longer cope with a complete absence over a long term plan. Since the beginning of the 1st stage of self isolation, people made plans only for one day. Nobody could adapt. People shouldnt be told, they need to get through difficult times. They need to no way for getting out of this situation. The murderer president s speech is dead. He defied 3 goals in the schedule, even with all possible reservations. We hope that we will be able to avoid a new 3rd wave of self isolation on the cove in 1000. 00 economy, the impact of long that and the new normal. Those are just some of the discussion points that were covered on the latest installment of r. T. America. Host ben swans online show is a pretty throughout human history. Herd immunity has been developed by populations. Its how humans survive the idea. Now that the only way herd immunity can be reached, obviously can be helped by a vaccine, but the only way it can be reached is through a vaccine. It just seems to me to be maybe the ultimate twisting of science. The strangest thing about 2020 is that weve pretend as if the immune system, you know, doesnt exist, nor, which is very strange because this is a zillion out all the knowledge weve had for a 100 years. Its like its suddenly gone. And we think that the only cure for diseases for people to sit in labs and concoct some potion that theyre going to inject into us and do things go back to normal. Because there are a lot of people who, as we said, are suspicious of vaccines to begin with. But theyre also suspicious that things are not going to necessarily become better based upon the usage of that vaccine. Those things will never live up to normal confirmations. There are just Small Businesses who suffer from the start of all of the after school suffer from every day through after their hols. These important groups of people will get better. What do you believe is the answer moving into the, into this year and going into 2021 for people who say enough is enough. What we have been told has not been working. But if you want to suppress the epidemic, some form of social restriction until we get that seen is it is inevitable. Otherwise we will get rapid growth. The promise that we keep hearing from leaders is it, once we get the vaccine, things will, you know, go back to normal. Can we trust, even in the word normal . Dont even with the vaccine, the virus isnt going to go away. And i suspect, you know, ive been saying our grandchildrens grandchildren will certainly the experience, the infection, the w. H. O. For their part has come out and said that the coronavirus lockdowns globally have contributed to quite possibly a doubling of global poverty. If any, that kills more than a 1000000 people is going to generate economic hardships. Anyway, the issue is how you manage that in a way that the epidemic doesnt actually by itself, destroy the economy. But at the same time, those restrictions do the least harm to the economy and thats a difficult balancing act. Well, meanwhile, the world is a year into the crisis. Scientists to still debating the best response to what is happening, what is done. Hawkins takes a look at the options. Its almost a year since the coronavirus entered our lives, and its in no hurry to leave. Everyones affected in some way. And everyone seems to have become one hours of our all or just over the last 11 months. But how well do you really know your facts and what are the experts saying . Lets test your knowledge if theres one a symbol of 2020, its the mask from moscow to madagascar government. Some mandating Wearing Masks in one way or the other just days ago, a Scientific Study in denmark, concluded mosques offer little protection for healthy individuals. And the study gives an indication of how much you gain from wear in the mosque, not a lot. So when you finally throw that mask away, not so fast. Heres a japanese study that states the opposite. We found that cotton masks, surgical masks, and end 95 masks all have a protective effect with the respect to the transmission of infected droplets. Aerosols of sars, carved to both studies are reputable and published by qualified professionals. They just come up with different conclusions and thats the problem. When it comes to any research on covert, you can find a study that will prove all disprove almost anything. How long is a piece of string . Heres what the u. S. Center for Disease Control has to say girl, a virus and surfaces. And the objects nature alludes to, within hours to do slightly ambiguous, but not a disaster until you read a study by a stranger as National Science agency, which gives coded lifespan of 28 days in some cases. So i guess theres no right answer. Well, what about the incubation period . Heres a little clue. The in commission period, youre referring to is anything can be anything between 1. 14 days. Commonsense 14 days is usually the maximum period. Most countries around the world have quarantined new arrivals. All those potentially infected. So we all know this one right seems odd. Got that one wrong as well. Researches at Trinity College dublin say the danger period could last up to 34 days. But lets get back to basics. We all know that smokers are more at risk of suffering complications from covert. Heres a study. Our study provides evidence supporting the utilization of Smoking Cessation programs, especially in younger populations. As part of a strategy to minimize the adverse consequences of the covert. 19 pandemic, common knowledge. After all, we all know that smoking is bad for you. So is it time you put that cigarette out . Apparently some research is in france. They cigarette claiming nicotine is the answer. Just to be clear, we obviously dont condone smoking or drunks. So as we approach the one year mark in a covert buy endemic the best Scientific Minds in the world are united in their mission, billions of dollars thrown into research. All we any closer to seeing the back of this disease. It seems, despite all our best efforts that family get away, will have to wait a little longer. Youre watching our say thanks for the company this morning, told me formal in half an hour when i was still seemed wrong. But ill just dont call me old yet to say power to stay active. Engagement equals betrayal. When some find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. Is your media a reflection of reality . In a world transformed what will make you feel safe . Isolation, full community, are you going the right way or are you being led . Direct . What is truth . What is faith . In a world corrupted, you need to descend to join us in the depths or in maine in the shallows. Again you know, when i was just the last look at just what i thought it would be. Now most of it is on the left now, but i dont want to know this. Why is there no bit of a bleed enough and then some of that, but enough of that most of it out of the end, you have a sense on of that that unless it is the other and this is the list and look it up to me over the c. C. List, i wonder will be done in the end zone in earnest. Which money going to an innocent as yeah. Youre not seeing how easy it would be when i looked up at the number of other guys i was going to. Yeah. So i called right into my yeah, because arsenal tried to be an me by a little bit. I mean by that. I mean roland martin, else am i evil or react as if it were right . Joey only mildly. There are all those women to get out. They get it on their moment to give you your company though, said that theyre on your wish man from memphis and that only and doesnt know probably much. There arent really your. d share are left by the bears, but at last are sissy out of this understanding and you have it in enough of that us your we have the new inducements to move around. The only mother didnt have on me equal marriage, but there is that, i mean if we all accept each minute at all with any other than the mental ability but the mother is were

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