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For broadcasting live from our studios in moscow. Recapping the weeks top stories with our Weekly Program international. Now, france was gripped by protests on saturday night over a new security bill, which could impose tougher restrictions on the filming of Police Officers in the capital. Security forces fired tear gas as the rallies descended into chaos. 23 Police Officers were injured in paris and 60 nationwide if i if a controversial Global Security law is approved in january, it would make sharing video or images of the police illegal. If its dissemination put the officers in harms way. Now punishment could involve a hefty fine and even a year in prison, while the government claims the law doesnt prohibit filming, if there is no ill intent, critics say that the devil is actually in the details. Its going to show that hes going to be able to continue feeling the answer is yes. Are they going to be able to continue broadcasting . The answer is yes. A civilian is going to be allowed to film the police intervention. The answer is yes. Will he be able to afford to do prosecute it . Is that the answer is yes. Intent is a concept that is open to interpretation and hard to determine any photos or video showing a dent to 5 Police Officers that are published or broadcast by critical Media Outlets or are accompanied by critical comments. Could find themselves being accused of seeking to harm these Police Officers. For journalists, the legal risk exists and the possibility of conviction would be real. This was the scene in central paris on sunday morning vehicles were torched and storefronts and bus stops smashed. Dozens of arrests were made during saturdays unrest which involved an estimated 46000 people. Nationwide journalist and political commentator and elizabeth motera believes authorities, it needed to change their approach in order to calm tensions. Big government have tried themselves because the, the bill itself is not necessarily all bad, but article 24. 00 is something that has managed to bring together you position left and right. 8 the extreme left and the conservative right saying that this is, this is contrary to not only is it contrary to essential liberties and threw out it could, it could make the know it could make the lives of people much more dangerous and even make the work of police and more dangerous because they could be no trust anymore. Thrills had last has let the situation rot in so many ways, almost all on police brutality, but also on the town. And its in the past 2 years. And its so its something that will have to find a solution that it doesnt lie in on security, but potentially anti constitutional protesters in the iranian capital, have been burning, israeli, and american flags over the killing of the countrys top nuclear scientist, which tehran blames on israel iranians are demanding retaliation for what the foreign minister branded as an act of state terror. It is feared the killing could hit the already faltering iran player, do the unresolved assassination of one of irans top nuclear scientists, or in the words of tehran. A terror attack carried out by the mercenaries of the asserting zionist regime, mileti, iran, who the people of iran are smarter and wiser than falling into the trap of the zionist conspiracy. They are thinking of creating chaos. They should know that we already know their tricks, and they will not succeed in achieving their evil goals, both the zionist regime and those who are against iran, should know that the path of the countrys development is that of the countrys research will continue rapidly. Terrorists murdered an eminent iranian scientists today. This cowardice with serious indications of his radio role shows desperate woman gring of perpetrators. Iran calls on International Community and especially e. U. To end their shameful double standards and condemn this act of states. Tara irans accusations have yet to evoke a response from israel, but this isnt exactly a unique situation. Many times over the past 10 years, Irans Nuclear scientists have been the victims of mysterious assassinations and to run is almost always convinced israel was behind it. Israels refusal to comment on the attacks has been common to all though in 2018, the countrys Prime Minister claims the recently assassinated fuckers a day wasnt just a scientist know the head of an alleged Nuclear Weapons program in number. The name focus of the so heres is directed right here. And he says, the generally is to announce the closure project. But then he adds special activities. You know what that is. Special activities will be carried out under the title of scientific know how development and in fact, this is exactly what iran proceeded to do. However, has always said it enriches uranium for peaceful purposes only. We are not seeking Nuclear Weapons, even if the g. C. Pioli collapses, we wont seek Nuclear Weapons. If the safeguard agreement is destroying, we wont seek Nuclear Weapons. If i relations with the i a is good or bad, he wont seek Nuclear Weapons. As in years before, experts on both sides of the barricades are not seeing eye to eye. Of course this assassination is illegal and its an act of war. When that see a spy is arrested in iran or on a terrorist is arrested in iran, immediately western human rights organizations, governments, the media pundits, experts all say that theyre innocent as if they have some sort of insider information. Yet when these attacks are carried out, these attacks are carried out with the help of spies with the help of terrorists, and they gloat over it. And instead of condemning it, they go and you know, they try to make him look as if hes evil, these lows will respond. So you cannot put the blame on these will everything, disposable in the middle east and in prison, these bodies and lead them identify them. And if he is behind these, lets see if those people are really israelis right now. Very much in 2015, iran even agreed to limit its Nuclear Activities for the lifting of u. S. Sanctions. It was part of the jay c. P. O. A deal between tehran, washington, russia, and other world powers the same deal that donald trump scrapped as the war steel ever in 2018. And to the great praise of israel, i went through how the last administration was disastrous iran. If i didnt terminate that stupid, the deal was a disaster. The agreement that was signed was a disaster. Trumps withdrawal drew a whirlwind of criticism throughout the globe and relations between the u. S. And iran are now at rock bottom. Iran has even proclaimed to the un. It has the, right to defend itself from provocations, both from israel and the u. S. , but with joe biden preparing to take the throne. European powers have already sat down with him to rehash the deal with germany specifically urging all parties to avoid an escalation at any cost. A few weeks before the new u. S. Administration takes office. It is important to preserve the scope for talks with iran, so that the dispute over Irans Nuclear program can be resolved through negotiations. We therefore urge all parties to refrain from any steps that could lead to a further escalation of the situation. By himself even said hes, considering diplomacy would offer to iran a credible pause. But to diplomacy, if iran returns to strict compliance with the nuclear deal, the United States would rejoin the agreements as a starting point for following negotiations. With our allies, we will work to strengthen and extend the Nuclear Deals provisions while also addressing other issues of concern. While iran definitely has plenty of concerns, especially after a 2nd top official, was assassinated in just one year. But who knows, maybe washingtons new look, could rebuild the ruins of the j. C. P. O. A and even under a biden administration. That the purpose of u. S. Foreign policy in the middle east is to regain hedging monye over the entire region, including iran, which it lost in the islamic revolution, which overthrow overly that dictator, the shah. And so they would, the game is hedge of money dominance. And whether its true or biden, that they, that is the game higher. Also this week joe biden announced his top cabinet picks for the white house. He said the world is looking to his team to restore americas role as a global leader. Together these Public Servants will restore america globally scoble leadership and its moral leadership without engaging in needless military conflicts and our adversaries in check and cherished at bay. While team trump is not giving up all hope of overturning the result of the election. It has now given the green light to allow a transition to begin. Indeed, a clearer picture is emerging of what abided ministration will look like. And as it turns out, many of the faces are a blast from the past. Americas Foreign Policy needs to be properly fixed after 4 years of diplomatic rock says one who says the man whose own white house mistakes as donald trump saw them were thorley taken care of by the outgoing administration. The time has come for the u. Turn to go full circle. Theres been some damage done. That is going to take some time to dig ourselves out of. But theres no doubt that joes got the right people to do it. The man taking over the oval office in 2021 was president obamas number 2. So who are the best people to set these apparent wrongs . Right. Well, the former deputies of obamas team, of course, how easy, im really starting to get that joke that barack scott himself a 3rd term. Lets take a look at the collective portrait of a deputy dream team. One squad member clearly thinks it was the meddling russians who god, donald trump, elected in the 1st place, me take sullivan biden, speak for National Security adviser. This was a moment where we realized that the russians had decided that they were going to actively interfere in the u. S. Election. That they were going to intensively work to undermine the pillars of u. S. Democracy. And that they were going to try to defeat Hillary Clinton. If it wasnt for the russians, if you know what i mean, this career boost would have come much earlier. After all, mr. Sullivan served as an advisor for the Hillary Clinton campaign. And yes, he worked as a National Security advisor to the Vice President biden. And here were looking at someone who was all for upping u. S. Involvement in syria. Tony blinken, the new man taking care of americas Foreign Relations in syria. Its tougher, its longer. Its going to take time to build up the syrian opposition, but we believe it can be done. Our commitment is to help them to support them, to give them the training, to give them the equipment to give them the air, the power, to give them the advisor. And it all comes back to hillary, who, infamously said this about libya. We came, we saw he died, right. As you may have guessed, mr. Blinken was among the star democrat diplomats who love the idea of getting libya sorted through intervention. His c. V. Highlights include deputy secretary of state deputy National Security advisor and National Security advisor to the Vice President. So moving on with deputy dream team, you simply dont deserve the position of intelligence director under joe biden. If you havent been to a big name, lets say in the cia, under obama, without further ado. Heres avril haynes, the former deputy cia director also happened to serve as the deputy National Security advisor right after tony blinken. Some gives ms. Hanes credit for making americas drone wars more transparent. Her critics though, paint her with a different brush focusing on her role as the architect of the drone program. One which is associated with scores of civilian deaths. A slight stain on the record, isnt it . Any great Team Deserves at least a few qualified veterans. This one is no exception. Take john kerry, hes getting his comeback chance to the job of special president ial envoy for climate goes to the former secretary of state. There with me for a bit of feedback on the team from someone familiar, the Incoming Administration could not have chosen back to pursue now for the Foreign Policy and National Security teams. Ok, at least there are no surprises. And the world knows what to expect. Still to come this hour construction of a key gas pipeline linking russia to europe is to push ahead. Despite the u. S. Sanctions that are much more after a short break. This is our Key International in the weakling. The Foreign Policy team of a potential buy in ministration is being counted by the liberal media. We tell you why all this should be for a fine also, theres a lot of talk of a great reset and build back better looking back on bode well for the future. The world is driven by a dream, shaped by one person thinks we dare to ask joins me every thursday on the alex salmond show, and ill be speaking to guest of the world of politics, sports business, im showbusiness. Ill see you then. Welcome back to the weekly right here on our t. V. International. Now, a gas pipeline linking russia to europe is on course to be completed despite u. S. Sanctions. The Company Building north stream 2 has said construction of a section off the german coast, which had been frozen for a year will soon restart. We are planning to resume by playing werent using and still in german. This exclusive economic zone. This year. The ship mentioned of area is now anchored off of the coast of Russias Kaliningrad it region according to marine traffic data. Now last month, the u. S. State department stepped up pressure on european firms involved in the project. The measures include penalties for vessel owners and insurers, but not in the Energy Giants that are actually financing the construction of senior German Energy official. Described washingtons behavior as gangster, like the flu. Currently u. S. Pressure over north stream to has reached an unprecedented high. Its an attempt by the americans to lobby their economic interests to go behind the backs of their supposed partners. Actually, this behavior reminds me of the matthew, matthew c, come to the restaurants and say, we must protect you. But if you dont pay for this, we will smash all your places. And its the same thing here. The americans say they protect us from the russians. But in fact, we dont want this protection. We want to trade with the russians. We want russian gas, and then they say, if you dont let us protect you, we will kill you. In other words, they impose sanctions on companies, threaten them with economic collapse, and this is whats actually happening. But we must reject such methods, simply objecting to them is pointless. Only real action will help the kremlin has questioned washingtons motives in trying to block nord stream to spokesman. Dmitri peskov called it a display of unfair competition, and north stream 2 will pump gas from russia to germany through the baltic sea once completed, it can supply 26000000, european homes. Washington sees it as a threat to European Energy security and has urged the e. U. To ditch the project by the holy from of Germanys Left Party believes its crucial for berlin to see the plans through. I believe that the Technical Expertise that is collected and the Companies Involved with knots or 2 is immense. They have some of the greatest engineers working on this challenge and they have solved most of the technical challenges. The remaining legal challenge us most new product of interference of foreign interference by the United States, but they will be overcome. And the government seems to be holding firm behind the austrian to project, which is of course, all absolutely vital interests to the current transition away from coal and dark energy to watch renewable sources and Clean Natural gas. Would of course be a part of the future energy mix of germany and to ensure that supply we need to. And i do believe that there are enough people in the German Federal government that understand the vital importance of this project to make it through to the end. The u. K. Has been slammed for Holding Migrants in prison like conditions at a disused to army barracks. Activists want the side closed, saying it flouts covert rules, while those inside have had to sign confidentiality agreements are to try to edwards dusty as more even if we thought they would see why you dont think its like that. Why do you think about it . So theres something wrong government stands accused of trying to cover up the problem. The home office introduced a gagging clause in the form of a confidentiality waiver, centuries silencing visitors from speaking out about what they see inside the barracks. My efforts to talk to people on the inside of the barracks proved futile as long as security was around. So we just arrived here at Napier Barracks and just as we go here, a man came out of his window and he started screaming help out. So he pointed and just overhead, we came over here and the security man prevented him. And as you can see, the Security Guard is still there and it seems like he is calling for more. But why cant they speak to us . You want to know why dont you let them speak to us if they want to speak to us, they can speak to us. At the same time, i need to talk to you the full minute trip. A snake pit barracks in folkston in kent has recently been turned into an assessment and dispersal facility that houses around 400. 00 of saddam seek has all men, some of whom have made their way to the u. K. Across the english channel. The government is obligated to find accommodation for Asylum Seekers while the claims are being processed, but the cave at 9000 pandemic has left local authorities desperate to find enough housing having to resort to using sites like this one in kent. Those on the inside told me the conditions are far from livable. I dont believe what they say, but because the neighbor is a very tired of this place, i threw a to be able to help you on the toilet. Yeah, i thought i needed the toilet. The site is not about if you need to kill, you have to go, go outside and you know its very cold blooded, no safety because the hobo office maintains, however, that these protocols underpinned by the official secrets act are essential. We have worked closely with our accommodation provider, clear, springs, ready, hones, and stakeholders to ensure the napier site is safe and secure. This includes an agreement with staff to provide silent seekers with privacy and confidentiality. As would be expected, volunteers and medics have sounded the alarm of the conditions. This footage shot by a resident shows cramped sleeping areas, cornett off by sheets. Refugee himself has been bringing clothes and essential items to the camp. He says the military environment in the barracks could trigger a trauma for those inside knowing a lot of Asylum Seekers. Been through trauma torment the journey of all safely in prosecution, free in great games that imprisoned them false, imprisoned them and told shouldnt be in place in and just use military barracks. And its going to a lot of them in terms of just demonizing as more reports, imagine protests, hunger strikes and even suicide attempts. Its unclear what the future of these and similar sites will be. But for the residents, a decision cant come soon enough. Only i didnt think we reached trying. Going to be free shots at woodstock r. T. U. K. Cant police in argentina have raided the home of a doctor who had been treating the late football legend. Diego madonna officers seized laptops, mobile devices and medical records. The doctor is being investigated for potential manslaughter. He has denied any wrongdoing, and in an interview a short while ago, he said he did everything he could to help his patient and claimed people were looking for a scapegoat. The footballers 2 daughters earlier claimed that their fathers heart attack was caused by medical negligence. Meanwhile, fans across the world have been mourning madonna, who died on wednesday at the age of 60. The diego, for the argentinians, is like a hero. I always have heroes cake and the heroes. She would be argentinas natives. But i always came to the defense showed us that it was possible to be the communist nation and take on the most powerful enemy. Meridor to me is everything, not just in terms of food bill, but also never the aspect the man, the food bowl or his coke character. I dont think we do that. Ive been following him everywhere since the world cup. Im 9090 when i ran away from home, just to watch him play just under 33 minutes. Thats when i will be back with another look at your weekly. This is our chance or national. There was by social class. People also in poverty by 1st place. If youre born into a poor family ocular born into a minority family, if youre born into a family that only has a single parent that really constrains your life, chances people die on average 15 years younger than you born into generational poverty. Its a tough, tough fight every day to meet your needs and the needs of your family is youll be via reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safe from high salacious, little community. Are you going the right way or are you being direct . What is true . What is faith in the world corrupted. You need to descend to join us in the depths. Aura made in the shallows. Name please. Yeah. Sure. Its serious still a teenager, but in a year hell be fully grown wolf by then, yvonne hopes to be able to afford to move to the country for the time being though have to live close to the city center

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