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My profession attacked and australias government says it will act on a report revealing its troops committed war crimes in afghanistan. But it threatens to affect those who have nothing to do with the allegations. A very warm welcome to the program from all of us here at our church q in moscow. Lets get started with your live news update. A heinous assassination of the United Arab Emirates has described fridays killing of irans top nuclear scientists, also voicing concerns on deepening tensions in the middle east. The emirates condemns the crime of the assassination. It kosher no sides to practice the greatest possible restraint. So as to avoid dragging the region to new levels of instability and threats to peace, they attack sparked uproar and irans capital with rioters burning the flags of israel and its ally the us as well torching portraits of dull trump and joe biden, while demanding quote war with america tehran immediately blamed the incident on israel, which denies the accusations. Heres what we do know about the assault which iran already valen retaliation . It will only ever get in the triangle of tension between the us israel and iran. And as arties, it goes down of explains that creates a real headache for a future biden and ministration. So far, its been up to iran to make accusations and israel along side with the us quite expected. Lee are its prime suspects. Warning against any adventurist stick measures by the United States and israel against my country. Particularly during the remaining period of the Current Administration of the United States in office. The Islamic Republic of iran reserves its right to take all necessary measures to defend its people and secure its interests. In response. Israel, the one country whose spies might actually know more about iran than iran knows about itself. Has had this to say. I have no clue who did it is not that my lips are sealed because im being responsible. I really have no clue. And the United States, the same United States that kicked off 2020 with an open assassination of irans top general has been completely mute this time. And it would be perfectly fine given the total lack of evidence and nation thousands of miles away from iran had anything to do with the killing except in the past 2 weeks. Several unconfirmed reports claim the donald trump was seeking options to attack iran to further detail its nuclear program. Factories that there would make a perfect target given he was quite a celebrity for israeli intelligence. Remember that moon 5 years ago. So heres this directive right here. And uses the general loom is to announce the closure of project on mars. But then he adds special activities. You know what those special activities will be carried out under the title of scientific know how developments. And in fact, this is exactly what iran proceeded to do. It continued this work in a series of organizations over the years. I know for preside a well, he doesnt know how well i know him. If i met him in the street, most likely i would recognize him. He does not have a minute. He did not have immunity, and i dont think he will have immunity by aggravating iran. Trump would also be throwing a spanner in the machinery of joe bidens foreign policy. Given that the president elect has hinted at a friendly, a stance on to iran would offer to iran a credible path back to diplomacy. If iran returns to strict compliance with the nuclear deal, the United States would rejoin the agreement as a starting point for follow on negotiations. With our allies, we will work to strengthen and extend the Nuclear Deals provisions while also addressing other issues of concern and europe, whose leaders probably still have a p. T. S. D. Over januarys prospects of world war 3. Have been pointing out that this latest killing creates a tough road ahead for biden, a few weeks before the new u. S. Administration takes office. It is important to preserve the scope for talks with iran, so that the dispute over Irans Nuclear program can be resolved through negotiations. We therefore urge all parties to refrain from any steps that could lead to a further escalation of the situation. During the past 4 years, trump has sent americas relations with iran, back into the path of us, tell it by unilaterally tearing up the nuclear deal, recognizing jerusalem as israels capital. And sending his top diplomat on a Charm Offensive to all of the middle eastern nations that oppose iran. Definitely what the israelis were aiming for. I mean theyre there, theyre sure and hope is that the United States gets involved in a military action against iraq. Thats. Thats their ultimate goal, thats their ultimate objective. You know, boy, that the next best thing is to ensure that the united doesnt improve relations with iran, by rejoining the Iranian Nuclear agreement in the way you do as to sabotage any effort at diplomacy. I mean, when you knock off the number one side just Irans Nuclear program in a suburb of tehran in a bold, daring daylight attack, youre not going to have the iranians go. Thats ok. Lets, lets get on with diplomacy. Its going to get the reaction. Its getting right now, a hard line iranian response that will further restrict the efforts of not only shut down the efforts of International Inspectors and only increase International Concern that iran might be edging toward. A military weapon is ation effort. This new high profile death, even though theres no hard evidence to reveal the culprits will only once again prove to tehran, that the raw power is hell bent on destroying it. And with the wounds from the assassination of gen, son, imani, still fresh in the mind. No one can be expecting restraint from iran. Most teachers in norway fear personal consequences if they show cartoons of the prophet mohammad in class. A survey has found thats in the wake of last months, murder of a french teacher summed up by t. , who presented images of the founder of islam to students. On a region teacher says there are now very real dangers to those working in the profession. After the murder of some, well, i decided not to show them at all because i felt its wonderful. I felt my profession was attacked at the moment and the freedom of speech over expression was attacked, of course. And i wanted to find other ways to express myself and to achieve the same goal with my teaching. Because the characters to get your drawings are not the goal. Theyre just a part of criticism against our religion. And theres other texts we can use as well. According to the poll, almost 2 thirds of teachers here showing the images and many worry about even bringing up related issues like islam, concern about scaring students is the main reason, given the negative reactions from students and parents are also a factor. And in france by brutal murder is proving extremely divisive, present a crime and says the cartoons are about freedom of speech, but muslims are outraged on the answer to one of our competitors was murdered because he taught our competitor, it was the victim of an islamist terror. Attack the norwegian teacher we spoke to as that they should be free to decide how to explain religion to students. Theres the law and the is the law and it one hand and freedoms of speech on the other hand. And we can maneuver in between the limits of those. And i dont want to have anyone telling me which texts to choose in my teaching. I think its really important that teacher, its all around the world, is allowed to to, to make those choices by themselves. We have the curriculum and we have these limits and i think for us its really, really important too to make choices about these things ourselves. The thing is that as the know, each and curriculum has a very important main topic, thats democracy and citizenship. And we are teaching in with the law on the, on one hand, the laws against hate speech and in the right. And we have the human rights on the other hand rights. So we have to maneuver in, in between them. And for us, we will have to find a way to achieve, to develop the students skills and their, and ability to, to read attacks with a critical mind. And i think we can do that even though were not showing these specific pictures. Australia is demanding china apologize. For posting a shocking mock up image of an australian soldier with a knife to the throat of an afghan child, a warning you may find the image youre about to show, disturbing. The picture is part of a tweet by Chinas Foreign Ministry spokesperson condemning the unlawful killing of afghans by australian troops. Prime minister Scott Morrison lashed out at the image as truly repugnant, demanding its removal and an apology. Theyre going to find then they tweet insisting australia should be the one apologizing to the Afghan People. And there is already a move to dismiss 13 soldiers over unlawful killings in afghanistan, but as the country deals with the fallout from its damning war crimes report, general hawkins asks if it will hurt those not even involved the burden inquiry is sending shock waves through australia dozens of afghan civilians and prisoners of war killed and brutalized by special forces the evidence systematically and deliberately covered up. And as the grim details emerged, the calls for Army Top Brass to take responsibility have grown. In each case is important that not only is there accountability in the Defense Forces for individual alleged acts, but also in the chain of command about those you had responsibilities and accountabilities in that chain of command. The report was heavily redacted, but it still described as possibly the most disgraceful episode in australias military history, and the commanders are feeling the heat. There is a process to be followed here. Weve received the inquiry one week ago. We need to follow a very deliberate, very methodical and very fair process. Whats the best damage control . Well and apology for starters. To the people of afghanistan on behalf of the Australian Defense force, i sincerely and unreservedly apologize for any wrongdoing by a stroll in soldiers. Such alleged behavior profoundly disrespected the trust placed in us by the Afghan People who would ask 1st to the country to help them. Action has begun to trickle down so far. 13 soldiers are facing anything from warnings to discharge if they fail to explain their actions. Its still unclear though, if criminal proceedings will go ahead and many feel this is insufficient and unacceptable. Its not the whistle blowers. Its not david. Thats right. Its not jail. She manning . Its not, julian. Its noted snowden, it is the war criminals who need to be put in prison, and the moment i came to sinai on this, it was even going to think what kind you mean when i mean life a. N. C. Troops in afghanistan, defense chiefs have opted to go further and strip medals from the thousands of afghan veterans who had nothing to do with the crimes causing a massive backlash from the military community and beyond. This is not fair on thousands of our soldiers who served with distinction and deserve the thanks of a grateful nation, not to be thrown under the bus. Over the last 3 weeks, 9, serving and veteran soldiers, 8 men and one woman have taken their own lives. Though theres no direct proven link to the scandalous britain report. Some say perceptions of collective blame are damaging veterans mental health. Basically branded, every soldier sees all of the 3000 as murders. And its just not right, and it will have an awful impact on these people who are very vulnerable. Afghanistan is not a normal war. Its not between its a guerrilla warfare. The reality is, like sending back these soldiers time and time again. And i think that was quite wrong and that explains, i think what happened and you know, the politicians have a lot to answer to this and, and everyone stocking their travel. All the leadership has also made clear that responsibility must go up the ranks for what happened in afghanistan. Accountability ris with those who allegedly broke the law and with the chain of command, responsible for the systemic failures involved. Ironically, general campbell himself was in command of australian troops in the country from 2011 to 2012. When most of the killings in a broken report took place even receiving a distinguished Service Cross for his efforts. His medal doesnt appear to be up for a vacation. And as the scandal drags on with army chiefs finding themselves under fire from all sides, accused of doing too little too late. Dodging blame themselves are now collectively punishing innocent veterans, whatever the outcome, the broken report fallout is only just beginning. I still had to ask why us media are finding out our president like joe biden, as if else his Administration Team stories after this short break. Join me every thursday on the alec simon show and ill be speaking to guests of the world of politics. Sports business, im show business. Ill see that is youll be a reflection of reality in the world transformed what will make you feel safe. Isolation from community. Are you going the right way or are you being led . What is true . What is faith . In the world corrupted, you need to descend to join us in the depths or unmaidenly shallowness. Welcome back to the program and a historic 1st us president elect joe biden selected and all female communications team. As part of a promise of a more diverse administration. Artist assesses how an unusually buoyant american, media are treating biden and his nominations. The u. S. , Mainstream Media seems thrilled that it will have a new White House Team to report on this january. And the Biden Administration seems quite thrilled about its upcoming relationship with the 4th estate. And President Biden believes that the media is a critical piece of our democracy. He also believes though, that the medias job is to hold him accountable. He walk of that relationship, the idea of a better relationship with the executive branch is certainly appealing to the media. You are being very aggressive, as is the job of a white house correspondent, david gregory, and i are sitting here talking about our experiences. Pissing off everybody in that room, pissing off president obama. Pissing off president bush 1st, long as ive been alive for as long as youve been alive. No leader of the free world has publicly spoken about the press. The way trump does it is poison. Already the press are hitting home the hard questions. Maybe just maybe yourself and your business. Does russia have any leverage over you the mantra or otherwise . And if not, will you release your true friends to prove it . How will that color of your attempts to build a relationship with a leader who has been accused of committing an act of espionage . Just kidding. Those were the questions they asked when donald trump was transitioning into power. Now, at this point, biden has already been the president elect for 3 weeks, and this is how tough it has actually got. Going to encourage unions to cooperate our grandkids back to classroom. If the media is giving him such a grilling, what do you see as the biggest threat to your transition right now, given President Trumps unprecedented attempt to obstruct and delay a smooth transfer of power, you just spoke of. Some of the dangers of the president s continued stonewalling of this transition, but it doesnt appear that the president is going to come around anytime soon and admit defeat. So what are you going to do . And what is your message to republicans who are backing up the president s refusal to concede . Yes, the press is doing its job and being oh, so tough on biden. Some democrats want investigations to go forward against President Trump after he leaves office to support that theres going to be some tension between getting unity getting things done, working the republicans and investigating any wrongdoing that occurred during the trial administration. So weve got journalists accepting joe bidens, non answers as the focus now seems to shift to his picks for the cabinet, who all seem to follow a certain pattern. But he didnt. Once his teams have people of every race, color, creed, gender, and sexual orientation, who supported the war in iraq. Now with poll after poll showing that the American People are tired of foreign wars, you would think that the media would press him on the fact that hes filling up his cabinet with washington establishment or ox. But the mainstream us media has decided not to go there. This is about the least flashy team you could possibly get. They are deeply experienced. They are humble, and they are life long. Public servants is the experience of intelligence professionals for 3 years at the cia has been handling the National Security team. The transition for joe biden on National Security and is a respected intelligence professional trying to repair what is broken here and less focused on the team of rivals, to repair team, to fix what has been broken. Now to be fair, there are a handful of journalists asking real questions, but this pretty much sums up the new attitude. Can we just says take a moment and just i dont want to talk on the 2 to drink you in for just a moment because im having to get used to looking at a president. You know, ive gotten out of gotten out of the habit you got to go. I got to warm up for joe biden. So after a president ial term of digging for dirt around the white house seems like now the media is busy filling the trenches back in. One thing we can certainly expect will be another 4 years that are the polar opposite of the last r. T. New york. And widespread criticism of the pandemic lockdown from the public and even his own party. M. P. s, britains Prime Minister is looking to ease restrictions ahead of the christmas break is alie reports. Throughout this crisis, the Prime Minister Boris Johnson, has faced criticism for his handling of the coronavirus. Not least from many on his own backbenchers in the face of yet another rebellion from tory m. P. s because many of them unhappy that move out of this lockdown. This coming, theyre going to move back into a socalled 3 tiered system. And in particular, there are some areas which have been put into to 3 of the most stringent measures in place, limiting people to rights to move the meat and also to open businesses. And because of that, hes come under criticism from m. P. s who represent people in those areas, but hes written a letter to his backbench m. P. s promising that he will give them more of a say when it comes to reviewing these measures. These will not be easy decisions with christmas around the corner and the difficult months of january and february ahead of us. We will need to continue to exercise caution, where we have robust evidence that the disease is in sustained decline, particularly in those 2 areas that are already showing marked improvement and that case rates are low enough to allow lots of restrictions, areas will be down. Now the Prime Minister has indicated that these measures will come to an end some point in january where he will be voted in, right . The number of them, particularly those representatives to truth in 2 or 3 areas. Unhappy with the governments communication strategy that far as the Prime Minister is, can reach the following week evidence. We agree to a full copy cost benefit analysis, all its impact on our economy and public health. Before he introduces anything that will lead to years of economic harm, that could end up being worse on peoples lives in the virus itself. We are still in an endless cycle of lockdowns that simply are not with it and the government have again, we stood the opportunity to over the last few weeks to get a handle on testing trees and isolating the government of also indicated the measures will be eased over the Christmas Period for people can visit their families, that indication by the Prime Minister that coming into the new year. He also wants to make things more relaxed. There are some, even within his own cabinet, including the foreign secretary, dominic robb, who think that it might not be so easy for those locked down or restrictions to be lifted. If this process doesnt work and infection rates start to go back up again. Are we facing a 3rd wave in january and february . But theres a risk of that if we dont get the balance right. Plenty for the Prime Minister Boris Johnson to consider as he tries to keep all happy. His scientific advisors on the one hand, and also of course, his bike and jumpy to the public. Lastly, we bring you some world news in greece. Police have searched the home and office of Diego Maradonas doctor in argentina. Prosecutors are looking into negligence claims. Are the football stars death . The 60 year old died on wednesday after a heart attack, or recovering from brain surgery. And indonesian volcano eruption has sent ash flying 4 kilometers into the air. The public has been banned from coming anywhere near the area, but no injuries or damage to property have yet been reported. And this small german town has found a novel way to keep the Christmas Spirit alive while maintaining social distancing rules. Amid the pandemic in the south of the country, a drive in lets locals place orders while passing through the markets in their cars. Has been our breakdown of the days top news for this hour, but dont forget, you can always had to our website for all the details on those stories and many more always be polite, never engage with a negative rated or confrontational. Also dont get into any conversation or start answering questions. Just ask for an attorney to survive tira gracious, jeff, no, we dont want to be going to try to jump ship on cups. Youre more likely to walk free. If youre rich, you kill to work. If youre poor and youve got 2 eyes and ears and one mouth. So you should be seen and hearing a whole lot more than youre saying. If you dont take that advice, easy going to dig yourself a hole. Seemed wrong. But old roles just dont hold any new world that you get to shape out of these, they become advocates and engagement equals betrayal. When so many find themselves worlds apart, we choose to look for common ground. Tax rises, financial survival guide. Stacey, lets learn a salad fill out. Lets say im a troika here please respond based off the fight wall street spot. Thank you for the story. 6 thats true, that slavery is youll media a reflection of reality in a world transformed what will make you feel safe, isolation or community. Are you going the right way, or are you being led . So what is true . What is faith . In the world corrupted, you need to descend to join us in the depths or a maybe in the shallows. I think one of the worst things as a kid is what do you want to do . Its not what you want to do. Why do you do the things you do . , you could design a life that is focused on your y. , being aware of work as a way of expression. People ask me what motivates me every day and i look, im just being me. I started my company because it was an expression of myself. I am just painting on a canvas. But i think if we can teach them that think of their work and their life as a place to express themselves and then dream what they see themselves becoming. Having that strategic mistake makes you think more long term rather than the short term want. Athletes are told to picture making the shot before they take the shot. And i think that the same thing is true for the rest of us. We have to picture what our goal is, is looking like and not just pick an arbitrary goal, but what do we want our life to look like . And then create a plan to get there. And we can help kids do better, but its in their own hands. Its in their hands, thats a lesson every kid should learn. And those sort of step the responsibility i can make sure that i never will be in poverty. And my kids and i wouldnt party if i do the right thing

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