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A full my International Criminal Court Official forms. So do you guys didnt rebel lee to joseph coney, its old under investigation. Now . It is, according to uganda is but attorney general the without no shortage of your news on this wednesday program live from months ago. It is so good to have your company today. Quote, the us blew up the north stream pipelines out of fear. It was losing influence in europe. And thats the revelation made by Pulitzer Prize winning and investigative journalist, Seymour Hersh on the one Year Anniversary of the attack to bind the administration blew up the pipelines, but the action had little to do with winning or stopping the war. In ukraine, it resulted from fears in the white house, the germany would waiver and turn on the flow of russian gas in germany. And then nato, for economic reasons would fall under the sway of russia. And its extensive and inexpensive. Natural resources invest, follow the ultimate fear that america would lose its longstanding primacy in western europe. Another bombshell revelation by Seymour Hurst with his most recent article, it really reveals the decision as to why washington decided to blow up the north stream pipelines and why it shows the timing that it did. It all has to do with the influence that washington was afraid. That russia would exert on western europe and germany with the sale of cheap natural gas act, expected to go through these north stream pipelines that at that time of the attack were actually not flowing any natural gas. Now, in terms of the sabotage operation and the associated planning, this is the that amounted to a delicate several months projects in which everything was done to cover up to see ice tracts. I mean, all of the documents associated with this operation works typed up on type writers, they were immediately destroyed after the operations completion. And all reports were made exclusively to the head of the c. I a who then passed information on to us president joe biden. The white house was isolated some of the goings on. Your also various reports and updates from the field were directly provided to c. I. A director bill burns, was the only link between the planters and the president who authorized the mission to take place on september 26th, 2022. Once the mission was completed, the types of papers and carbons were destroyed, thus leaving no physical trace, no evidence to be dug up later by a special prosecutor or president ial historian, you could call it the perfect crime. According to hurst washington also chose to attack the north stream pipelines because it didnt feel like there would be any problem about denying involvement in the attacks. Its all something that russia is. Foreign ministry is calling a very important series of revelations. The hash investigation is cooler than will to gate. American president s have never gone these the before, the board and administration is obliged to provide this star a response on all counts. On top of that hearse also says that german chancellor hold off schultz knew about preparations for the attacks in advance actually. And its really not all that surprising, considering what hearse calls the legacy of us politicians trying to weaponized Natural Resources for political purposes. Something that obviously continues into the current day as we see with this intent on destroying the north stream pipelines. If uh, if from russian rage then there will be as we, there will be no longer on our stream to we, we will bring it into i m. And i think the administration is very gratified to know that north stream too is now as you like to say, uncles metal at the bottom of the seat. These pipelines that is more streamlining richmond to were not pumping gas into your data offers. Tremendous strategic opportunity for um, for the years to come. So its even more bombshell revelations from Seymour Hersh and a clear us mel intends when it came to north stream pipelines. I mean, its obviously going to be a lot more difficult for washington to keep up this narrative of denial and then actually expect people to listen. We also will gauging a commentary from the former Australian Foreign minister, a kind of can i so has speculated on why germany web most still thought gas was heading, essentially sent back and did nothing in response to the north stream pipeline summit. Why the german, im sorry it just cut another reaction. So thats why the in wives rational, sorry, choose to do some little effects funding altogether. The other left you have to give to that, is it . What was the front of the be a very nice to situation for germany to accept the fact that its made to allies how slowly a very important is actually interesting to know if were drumming easy for the terminal is by the all of those companies which, where i still are involved in the principal show because its not only a matter of liability political, my affinity responsibility is all for the fall of compensation. So savish. So who with that much sooner or later that would have to be some sort of legal dispute verification . I do hope that that will be some of the small one i station i just comes to the Exchange Direct slide. The Corporation Sports are the was uh, would be a lot of problems on my life station. But when it comes to business, such as energy, i dont expect that russians. Okay. So to say, really change uh, once again. Uh, its a, its a customer because its new customer with the customer. No. Uh, station i like india i thats i like asians the latest revelations by Seymour Hersh come one. Yeah. Since the know 3 pipelines was sabotaged investigations but a, but on all power it out by European Countries have so far failed to find any concrete results. And so on the attack, some of us are a russia contained a meeting of the Un Security Council to re address the issue, but this time with multiple speakers implicating western actors. So when you do your professional operation do for us, they need a cover for the deployment off the bumps. And secondly, you need to disconnect the deployment from the triggering off the bones. Otherwise, people would easily find, alter, with the purpose to. Ready us off, the obvious cover was the bolts trench exercise in june 22. With 45 ships from various natural countries. They exercised mine welfare with divers, and unmanned underwater vehicles. Us ships like the small aircraft carrier, us as clear thoughts, 257 meters. And us us constant haul 15190 meters, were both capable of ringing and mich itself, marine, which could have been useful for the deployment of explosives. Its touched with an incredibly, most western news outlets ignore the fact that the president of the United States, joe biden himself announced on february 9 2022. And he would in fact, attack ignored stream to pipeline saying, and i quote, if russia invade ukraine tanks crossing the border again, there will no longer be annoyed stream to pipeline. Even with that pre admission of guilt from the president of the United States. Most of the western repressed remain baffled as to who could have pulled off the greatest back of echo terrorism in history. And like all criminals, the perpetrators could not contain the relation over committing the crime. Shortly after the attack, many high ranking us officials could not help but brag about their cheapest and express multiple times how they were proud of being able to put an end to the pipeline. The Security Council meeting opened with the, the, to present or is and they went over the details of, you know, the 1st speaker went over the, the numbers, the facts about how the account given by us official. It just doesnt add up. And this was very clearly a military operation. The gates went over the logistics of how the United States could have carried it out, back numbers measurements, details. After that, we heard brilliant remarks from jimmy doors, the american political commentator, who talked about how it seemed pretty obvious. This was done by the United States as us officials threatened to do it, and then celebrated it afterwards. He went over the history and why the United States is threatened by unity between russia and germany potentially taking place in an economic front. Quite really opening remarks then from there uh they opened the floor and members of the council spoke and russian emphasize once again how they are unhappy with the fact that what seems obvious to the entire world is something that many countries just refused to acknowledge. And these independent National Investigations are taking place dont seem to be really going anywhere, but lets just figure it out to the Russian Federation submitted a draft resolution to the Un Security Council requesting that the un secretary general present proposals for the establishment of an International Commission to investigate this incident of sabotage tomorrow will be exactly 6 months since the resolution was voted on its text was completely de politicized. It took into account all the specific comments and proposals made by Council Members during, in formal consultations, the last of an entire month. However, it was not adopted. Let me recall that the main argument made by those colleagues who abstained during the vote with their so called full confidence in the National Investigations carried out by the authorities of germany, denmark and sweden. Well, it has now been 6 months once again, and there are still no results in many countries did make the point that they are deeply concerned about access sabotage and destruction of critical infrastructure. And we heard representatives of china urge were the investigations of this destruction of a critical Natural Gas Pipelines and not be politicized. If we call on countries concerned to actively communicate and corporate with russia. Rather than simply rejecting it an attempt to politicize the investigation would only create a suspicion and cause more speculations on the north stream issue. The international community, including the Security Council, should refrain from applying double standards. The u. S. Representative spoke and declared that he considered the meeting that was taking place to be a waste of time. The mon, the fact that he thinks russia is. Busy way too many meetings to discuss the destruction of the word stream pipeline didnt take it seriously at all. Uh, so quite a big difference there. But over whelming lake country after country did express, they were deeply concerned about the north stream pipeline and its destruction and finding out the truth about it. The United States seemed to be the country that was a bit isolated when it uh, simply called for uh, you know, complaining about the fact that so many meetings have taken place and so the speak up of kind of as low a house of parliament has not only apologize, hes also resign the offer inviting a world war to not see collaborator to be applauded during a visit by ukraines president saelens came at both 70 and kind of as private as though they both gave the full, my wife and a soldier, a standing ovation no and peas, im good bye to those hobbling of the scandal are according to him to do the right thing and take responsibility. The speaker of the house took the fall and the Prime Minister continues to blame everyone else, a full blown International Embarrassment for our country, for our allies. And for every thing this nation did to defeat the nazis and actual nazi invited to the house of commons. Welcome and celebrated as a hero and a government that vetted everyone here. The pm has called canadian citizens, nazis. Well, he muster the courage and stand up on his feet today and take responsibility. Thats approximately strong when i tried to well tutor early, i chose to deflect attention from the incident 1st blaming the House Speaker and then cooling the entire scandal russian propaganda. This is extremely settings. This happens the steve or speaker has no excuse mistake. Its going to be really important, and all of us push back against russian propaganda. Rushing this information and continue our steadfast, unequivocal support for ukraine as we did last week with announcing further measures to stand with ukraine in russias legal war against her that you see for yourself in parliament, with homes miss m. P. As in attendance, the 98 year old was introduced as a ukrainian and canadian here on the green scandal has actually coal, with massive condemnation from the 2nd the 598 year old ethnic ukrainian who 14. I know tori is watson s. S, division. The division was known for the mass killings of poles, jews on soviets during the 2nd world war. Hunting himself has never shied away from his past. Having posted all kinds of photos and talked openly about his service on the back of the nazi by now. And while the canadian Prime Minister says he had no idea who, who was a Facebook Post uploaded by the ss veterans grand daughter seems to suggest that true go did. Prior to the standing ovation, crudo attended a private meeting with the 98 year old. We talked with professor gideon grief, a holocaust historian, who says that incidents of nazi gore, if occasion, are a disgrace to the memory of the millions who died at the half step of the right. From day to day, you will discover new elements of the National Socialism in deal crate. From day to day. This is only one of this contents. Every week you can add some new scandal, so called the new not just, i mean in ukraine. And i would like to tell you as a jew, it is hardly built to think about the hundreds of thousands of jews who brutally were murdered during the whole of course, by the germans driver. Really of course, but also with the collaboration and to he asked the collaboration of thousands of credit union. So of course the current to create an inch deep not to the crime. We have to be very clear about the but the fathers and grandfather said great grandfathers happy li assisted the germans in their heart of crime in matter and brutally murdered hundreds of thousands of jews. And when i hear the news now a days about v needs, i bought the key of about the other places didnt do a crane. The 1st thing which comes to my mind is the cost of what happened to those innocent jewels who were brutally murdered by the germans and do crating inch. And i think im sure as a story without a big fan of 2 craniums, the scope of the mess mode or fuels during the articles would never have reached such big hardy both numbers. And as, although i try to downplay the incident, it does actually turn out that kind of goes relationship to the far right runs even deeper. There is a record of support to ride when goes all the way going back to world war 2, to modern new parade. If you dont believe me, have a look for yourself. The article is it off the dot com. Find out who somebody use just in here at all to you. That ultimately negates and dispels a reason to western media, narrative Russian Media pro, costing an interview with a come on the of the black sea fleet. Adam roll big put of suckle off as follows. Ukrainian claims he was killed and a recent attack on the fleets headquarters and the city of cyprus double there on tuesday, the Russian Ministry of defense also published for his showing the come under attending a briefing and his interview at roving cortisol off, spoke about the black sea fleet, sapir rich dyslexic fleet is successfully fulfilling the tasks assigned to it. The task are performed by Surface Forces on a water forces naval of ation and coastal troops. The exploits of our marines can be seen on tv screens almost 247. Of course, its always good when the truth comes out, especially when kids from the western press had been hammering a false narrative exploits imposed and have now concluded that ukraine fired the miss all the kill 2 people that a great in Storage Facility in november. How does media, citing the investigators cost with getting to the bottom of the incident, made this so all to contribute original mazda and now shed some light on a very mucky story. You know, the neighbor who was always annoying everyone using the leaf blower early on weekend mornings, living his dog runaround while into his business on the neighbors lines. Then when you confront him about it, he says, well it was my dog. Well, you crane is that guy, except instead of dogs, he occasionally thats a mis, ill land on the neighbors place, but then refuses to take responsibility. This is exactly what happened last november when this all landed on a green facility in the south of poland. And t have immediately pointed the finger at russia saying it was theirs, and says, claims like that could take off world war 3 if they were validated. Poland and the us both gave him the side i and said theyd look into that. And now the polish process reporting details of the investigation, citing polish experts, saying that theyve concluded that ukraine was indeed responsible, despite how adamant to ukraine president ly mirror zalinski himself, was at the time that it was a russian miss. All, despite the lack of cooperation from the ukrainian side, which has not yet made any materials available to poland, investigators looking into the famous tragedy made their own findings about its causes. The opinion is categorical and excludes the possibility that the missile that fell on a drying shed in a former state farm on this evening of november 15th last year and exploded to into farmers could have been fired from russia. The longer russia feels, impunity, the more threats there will be to anyone within reach of Russian Missiles to fire missiles in nato territory. This is a Russian Missile attack on collective security is a very significant escalation. We must act. I suppose sources say that just a range of them is all alone. Some 75 to 90 kilometers, could not possibly have correlated with any Russian Military positions at the time. So they chalk it up to Ukrainian Air defense. Good thing nato didnt dive headlong into world war 3 for ukraine. Simply believing zalinski is claimed that russia attacked a nato member and triggering collective defense article 5. At the time, nato secretary general young stilton burg offered zalinski. The consolation prize of blaming russia anyway, saying basically that ukraine would not have bombed its own neighbour if russia hadnt been there. Its like the diamond says his wife drives him to drink. Its never is responsibility for anything. Anyway, it seems that even to tory, sweet russel phobic, poland is getting a little set up with ukraine these days of the recent United Nation summit earlier this month, zalinski, after filing a lawsuit against poland and its other neighbors at the world trade organization, basically called poland hungary ask for vax. Yeah. Who unilaterally all renewed their National Balance to protect their own farmers from a glut of ukrainian grain coming into their countries called with a bunch of crumbling enablers. Poland in particular, did not take too kindly to that. Ive said this for you, i also want to tell the prison zelinski never to insult pulls again as he did we simply do in his speech at the un poles will never allow this and defending the good polish name is not only my duty and honor, but also the most important task of the government of the republic a fully furnished or victor or bond of neighboring. Henry explained in parliament this week that hes fed up with being gas with by the e. You over ukraine siding its promise to get ukrainian grain to africa, but then letting it get dumped into hungry instead. And also the hypocrisy of brussels, which constantly bangs on about minority writes everywhere except in ukraine. They want to transform hon gary and schools into your credit in this course. So if that doesnt watch, they want to close them. We do not support you crate in any sure on the National Scene until its restores the lowest the guarantee, the rights of honey. I rims so that he also had a great band in place, then walked it back, causing its farmers to take to the streets with black keys and all this right before an election in slovakia. This upcoming weekend where the populace former Prime Minister robert fico, who claims that he was color revolution, right out of office, back in 2018 is now pulling in a tight race with a government that just reject on protecting its own farmers. What could she could possibly be saying that resonates with will vacuum motors. We are a peaceful country, we will not send a single round to ukraine. They will have to sit down anyway and find in agreement. Russia will never leave crimea or the territories that it controls sounds a lot like what poland also said about not sending any more weapons to kias. Seems that the only thing that all of you craves neighbors can agree on, regardless of their polar opposite positions on russia. Is that moving next to frame is like moving next to a Fraternity House of noxious, unpredictable and enabled by their rich benefactors, to act like spoiled, brats with total impunity . And as your brain does cease, afford from a Eastern European side start to fade amid what on diplomatic spots cross talk examines the roller president. Savanski is an anti russian project. Pushed by the west. It is a fascinating episode available for you at all to dot com for the means. Im just a small pre if you had told me that all you need to do is to create a character with the green t shirt and some veiled reference to finding someone. And then just this, this bravado embryo, and that would be enough. I would say no, no, no, america would need to know specifics and whats the goal . And we would have remembered peter the days of vietnam and, and were not gonna fire it again because of no, it, it goes to show you yet again, that anything can be packaged. And if you provide as little as possible, but make sure you utilize also the social media platforms to promote things like flags and waving anything that is either anti version or as you put it in or, and you throw that mixture in and you werent guaranteed complete and total pavlovian obeisance, i remember zelinski his true calling a comedian, playing a piano without any clothes on. Okay. And now hes been reinvented as the new churchill, which is really quite extraordinary. Thats why its all a marketing deal. But yeah, so um and hes being picked out see how best of all but hes been in a pretty, youre not set. Hes played is caught saddam is i create for these being sold today. The, you know, this is the international. A mos in sweden has been destroyed, offer a fire ripped through the place of worship in the countries of south east. A police are investigating austin as the cause of the blaze this in the city of skill sooner. Besides Communications Director says that Law Enforcement was aware of past threats on the tax on the most. Now the full proven true with the incident motto, serious escalation to the reason, in spite of desperation of the islamic faith in the country, which has been assigned to a number of earnings of the holy book, the code on. And if you didnt notice already in those done, the police would that would they provided protection to those who web boning . The correct your kind of attorney general is wanting to form a International Criminal Court Official could face prosecution if an investigation reveals. He funded the gun during a warlord joseph coney as we have received information about the legit involvement of the named i. C. C. Official in funding the yellow re activities including money to buy weapons and the relevant bodies are investigating the claims. These are serious criminal allegations, and if they are found to be correct, the official will be prosecuted to ensure justice for the victims bridges in the who is the full most the sole gender advise us to form. I think the prosecution was accused by l. R. A victims of funding the rebel leader between 2006 in 2017 to one a few beats, a legal representative for my child soldiers in b o. R a. At this point, we found out from laurie child soldiers, who at the time in the group when bridget and visited over the period between 20062016 is actually visited on at least 7 occasions. Personally at the campbell, joseph connie, and on each of these occasions, she delivered box full of envelopes with got in response to all of this. Weve had stage, minutes till 4 in the face. And you kind of thing that to the relation has exposed the to develop the armies election waste to sponsors, even though when the government made it posted no one kits. And this is the government, and many of us have for years be making it clear that there were western sponsors of the l. L. A. These guys as and deals. But nobody listened while they deliberately chose to be deaf, through full set of circulates and coming to seduce back between december 2006 and october 2007. Bridget, in the allegedly transferred funds to the l. R. A. On a to 6 occasions. According to these reports between for 260000. 00 was transferred each time through wisdom union and picked up by l. R. A commanders into the southwest to done. But in the has denied these claims of the state. We posted the social media saying that to be litigation and i have never met mister joseph. Coney, i have never handed mister coney envelopes full of money. I have never resource duane gaged in any activities that were intended to support the military operations and conflict related activities of the loads, resistance on me, all of this coming despite the jason from which is what for my l. R. A. Of the seas thing back to the one meetings that happened in the them, but National Park in the democratic republic of congo between india and joseph for these people under the leadership of Joseph Courtney. The resistance all me to arise moving your gun to for over 2 decades of the also known to for the brutal attacks in the regions, including salt to den democratic republic of congo and the Central African republic. During the policy, you use the i c. C issue a risk to call me and ill just tell pete is in the army, but honey means at last, mister coney has sought to evade traditional proceedings at this court for more than 17 years, despite continued efforts by my office and the registry of the i c, c tool kit and apprehend him. Assisted by States International organizations and Civil Society actors. Joseph courtney is known, bold lied for being the lead off the boards, resistance army, which began fighting the games the government took. You can take the lead to 19 eighties. The do pest sprayed violence in tara through all to candice. Can you thousands of people . In many cases, the families of, of the children, Joseph Courtney had adapted the whereabouts of the data who is once as for crimes against humanity and will crimes. The remains on to coordinate is accused of crimes including mass killings, torture and forcing children to become soldiers. In 2021, the u. S. Government announced a 5000000. 00 reward for information leading to the arrest of Joseph Courtney. Now as this particular investigation unfold, uganda the, just the Central African republic, salt to that of the rest of the world watches with anticipation, hoping for a resolution that will bring justice in closer to the victims. We were talking to. Youve gotten to the lawyer and investigative journalist at dr. David, my son, go, who gave us his take on the activities, all the International Criminal court. A. Hi, susan cobra. My status is this call to i see is a good good bye. Bye bye bye bye. States that uh, no Member States theyve, they date on what to do. Da da, da da, da, da da, jim, you gotta do set up a gun above it. It could have done it due to be a, theyve done it or where, where is it has gone. It doesnt lift any difficulties and they dont difficult all other countries. We should be fine. Oh goodness, good luck on how to measure. I

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