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A tossed out price from human rights advocates on kenyans the light as you and to assist in u. S. Box to kenya. Lead International Minute to mission, to hate. Pulls in the african countries saying they should be doing washington. It is ridiculous to have tenure restore peace and order in haiti so that america can achieve its mission. American tony want to misuse our country and use it as a stepping stone to reach that destiny. Our mission is not experienced at all. We dont even have good weapons and our economy also is not doing well the hello and welcome. This is all to international. Great, happy with us as we take a look at whats going on around. Well, ill top story from washington, us with public couldnt kevin mccall, fee has been ousted as the speaker of the house of representatives to find margin 206 engel makers voted in favor of removing him from the post 210, a post to move funded republican gates here triggered the vote, accused from a call to have doing a secret deal with president boynton on 58th ukraine. It was concerning to me to hear of news of a secret deal on ukraine funding. That word of a log rolled more money with ukraine with our southern border. Now how expensive is that to our customers and be able to patrol to our eyes, to the people that are suffering as a consequence of our border, that some of my colleagues are only willing to stand up and fight for our border if tickets and billions to ukraine to fund their border to well, ive had enough of that and thats why i brought this motion to vacate. Well, the speaker of the us house of representatives is 3rd in line to be president after the president and vice president. Its an important position. They can dean over the larger house of the us, the legislature from and she and list know we see the republican does not lead by congressman map date of a teaming up against their own party leader. Republicans currently have a majority in the house of representatives and their leader was the speaker of the house. Kevin mccarthy. However, there has just been major disagreements among republicans that imo congress, people in general about funding for ukraine that we saw a government shut down narrowly avoided over the weekend as it came very, very close to the Us Government. Not having continued funding. There was an agreement reached for a 47 day. It was against the end of government funds, but it did not include any more money for ukraine. And that was largely seemed to be the work of the so called mago republicans or republicans that are aligned with donald trump and associated with his populist rhetoric. Now it appears that mat gates who is among these now the republicans has rallied the majority of the republicans in the house of representatives. 2, for the 1st time in history, remove the speaker of the house of their own party and out of him from the leadership position of the house of representatives cuz they consider him to be out of out of line of the majority within the republicans of the house of representatives that have a more populist isolation is donald trump, america 1st mancha perspective. Now this has a lot to do with the controversy related to ukraine because it would be very moderate republicans who were demanding that money for ukraine not be included in the spending bill. Uh and in the money that was passed to avoid a government to shut down. And now it seems that because they dont consider Kevin Mccarthy to have been there ally, theyve removed him from his post. So the question now is he will be the new speaker of the house, a new speaker of the house last to be elected ration from the democrats will obviously vote against whoever the republicans put forward. But the republicans with a majority in the house of representatives. Now i have to tap to finding someone along along their rank that is acceptable to a majority within the house itself. So at this point, it seems like this is yet another wind for the mazda republicans, marjorie taylor, green mac gates, and others, the backend within the Republican Party that is more associated with donald trump as ousted Gavin Mccarthy was seen as a kind of a figure from the, the old guard and the Republican Party, closer to neo conservatives, closer to more centrist republicans. So this is quite a shift in american politics. We saw, hows the lensky returned to the United States and didnt get the big spans there. He got previously out. The republicans denied him the opportunity to once again address a joint session of congress. How you brain spending was not included in the recent budget that was passed in order to prevent a government shut down. Now Kevin Mccarthy, the moderate republican speaker, the house is out and theyll be electing. Yeah. A new leader of the house of representatives nichol. I need to on this line. Know, believe something ukrainian black money hole paid a decisive role. And these latest developments, and im going to start off by saying, i am not unbiased. I am not a journalist. I am not in any way going to give you away concise, an cronkite esque approach. I am telling you as an american citizen, finally, the republicans have done something. Anything they started for something might be wrong, it might be stupid, it might be foolish. But finally, for the longest time, i am going to tell you the g o p a, which i am not just blowing the record. I am a registered independent, which is a political atheist or reg gnostic. Whatever that means on either side i despise equally. But for the longest time, people been asking, what did these republicans been for . They dont like trump, they, they, they are, are they democrats . What are they a true . Yes. A significant portion of this was the ukrainian vote because nobodys understood any of it. Specially right now when think about this, people are being told were going to shut down the government because we dont have enough money. Im sorry, but to be frank, that might be listed. Theres belt way, politics. Theres washington the way they think, you know, deep state to heritage and though that sort of thing. They watch cnn. And morning, joe and they live in that world. The vast majority of most americans have no idea of what ukraine means. Were rushing means they know what some kind of a war and you know, theyre, were going to help the good guys. But what really gets peoples attention, what really gets americas attention is, is when you say you have monies that are going elsewhere, that are not being audited. Not being accounted for. Now, a lot of aspects to this, and some of them political, some of them via radical. But this is, this is been quite a while donald trump is on trial, as we speak, who just received a gag order. I mean, this is new. You, you cant write this, you cant write this, ive been doing this for a while, and i have never seen anything even remotely as, as a tragic comic as this us on. Despite the political turbulence, the Biden Administration has assured kids that washington is lining up. Yes and not that military age package. However, when grilled about the scale of corruption in ukraine, the state Department Spokes person admitted the ongoing problem which even described as wide spread. This is a question that obviously goes back to before the full scale russian invasion, where we have been working with ukraine to urge them to route out current corruption and, and talking about best practices they could rely on for tackling corruption. That conversation has, can, can continued on his continued as recently as the secretarys visit when we talked of through these issues directly with presence of lensky with others in the ukrainian government. They need to have the economy that can kind of stuff that can support a Security Apparatus that can deter future russian aggression. And it cant do that if there is, you know, widespread corruption, a difference in different sectors of economy. Meanwhile, a link to confidential report obtained by pallets co shows that the bite Administration Fee is that high level corruption, could undermine ukrainian governments quite a bit of see the appropriate results so they can offer us highlights question how send support is to keep funding. He has, however, been declassified documents show that washington has taken very limited steps that helps the landscape government keep its hands on reputation. Seen this one comes after ukrainian who makes the countries officials to stay clear of corruption scandal. Suppose me for the next 4 to 5 days. Now, coincidence me, thats precisely how long the latest us funding bill which exclude it additional a to key of is due to last as americans will make us have been unable to agree on a new support package for the there is one major public complaint against us corruption, almost late, even that is greatly exaggerated and it is not very fair. But this should have been discussed before. The problem became such a big deal and is now as it is, this is why these 45 days had passed without a single big corruption scandal. The ukraine is very much on the agenda. The war is going very poorly. The, the offensive was the disaster. I mean, get the ukraine gained very little territory at all. Uh and, and, uh, and patients is running. So then its, its actually, its, its, its quite, i mean its, its, its really quite amazing me. The cleanings have been, have been fighting and dying, but the americans are growing impatient at their lack of lack of progress. And but meanwhile, all the allies that have surrounded this, this uh. Ready more are now finally coming home. I mean, uh, you know, the idea that the, uh, the ukrainian nationalism is pure as the driven snow. It has nothing to do with, with nazi as im, that would explode. And the idea that the, that that potent invasion was unprovoked, thats now seen, is clearly fallacious. And the idea of the potent himself is some kind of demonic se tannic figure thats been, you know, thats now no longer really gets much traction. So. So the, the reason is for the war are running at a steam, the war itself is running out of steam. Uh, and uh, and support the air force diminishing. Ukraines president has publicly own ideas. Now the nazi properties by name and one of the countrys military units off the ask any kind of all at school, have teamed up with hitler out of world war 2 to have pulled out all the stops vacation, even hosting you for him, for us, the chief justice bro, it was that that sermon, a one a ukrainian Reconnaissance Battalion proudly out of the name of the kind of audits to its title type of file. As such cases as present, savanski ali renamed a brigade to a device on its held by a not see division. The Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman condemn, relates to bent states and that is there any further evidence of an already worrying trend in here . And once again, a confirmation of the nazi essence of the key of regime. Another minute tend to unit has been designated in on a of the hits variety of any kind of audits. Also full ukrainian, nazis kind of audits was one of the most invited to hitler on the most loyal kind of audits was a prominent to ukraine in extreme us. During the 19 twenties and thirties, he co founded and lead Ukrainian Nationalist Organization the late to for right to inside denazis. He built close ties with a sod, rice, and much of even met his law himself. Several times was ultimately assassinated in 1938. Now the controversial ceremony in kiff comes to stay as alter, not the scouts interrupted in the west, over the Canadian Parliament stand to go to station for a real time nazi collaborate of from ukraine, some west and media outlets. And now trying to whitewash the story though. But lets kurt, for example, has published an article on the incident, quoting it complicated. The opinion piece, even like an associate union to nazi germany even suggests that citing with hitler wasnt such a big issue. Lawyer and john estimate for the scars told us that the control the seat in canada could serious for him. The forest support the key of schools. As we are seeing, the real questions raised above the wisdom of sending weapons to ukraine to a degree that weve not seen in any time in the last 18 months. I think that the publics appetite for the behavior of parliament has been greatly diminished. And frankly, there has been no end of criticism coming from all ends of the political spectrum in canada. And what happens, i think that this is more than a black guy. This is a really a devastating blow to whatever International Standing canada had. And the people in canada are keenly aware of that. And i, and frankly, the last thing ill say is i think that this, this bothering him and not seeing canadas problem is not with not one but to stand. Innovations has had an international impact. It goes well beyond canada and has started to raise very serious questions throughout the west. About the wisdom of are supporting his government. Hundreds of demonstrates as marched for peace through the streets of berlin to mock japanese unit. Today on tuesday, demonstrate as dom onto the current government design and hold the elections. They occurred to the growing divisions among European Countries have a funding to pray, inclusive for an end to minutes. Suppose elijah mcneil, which on this, on political on the says that your parents need to learn more about what other opinions are on the matter to avoid being brainwashed by mainstream media. The thing to appear in the population is not very educated about the jewel politics and they dont really follow the news. So they like that, but they are brainwashed by mainstream media. The, the more information that are more independent that come out, the better is to show how this war is leading to the destruction of europe. Now, there are manifestations in the street, but there are on a strong measures from the population against the leaders. However, as we have seen is go back. Yeah. And we have seen in hungry and also all the days against russia, but never stop from buying guys. And we have seen the return of the right. We because they all say that all the policy, that is america for us. Now this would increase in euro, we have more voices that are coming out, but still not enough. A us box military intervention in haiti has been approved by the un Security Council. The Multinational Mission will be led by kenya, and is expected to begin in january. The african countries president william router says the english flight security and hate, which has been placed by bang violence for yes. I pretty good for that is a lucian under top. The 7 of the chapter with the appropriate provisions to facilitate support for they hate the National Police in enhancing its capacity to effectively provide security for the people of haiti that infrastructure and property. I am delighted that today the Security Council has directly on sub this quote with you and security, the solution 2699 of 2023, which mandates the Mountain National Security Support Mission and you and response came off to the haitian government set account, managed without International Assistance to russia and china and staying from the boat with most co questioning the legitimacy of the ministry and to pension the goat reaction from some locals in kenya, we say the nation is too ill equipped and struggling with an off of its own problems. To help a country on the other side of the globe and the name of washingtons interests. So far as, as you come to us at heart, does not have a good will for 10 years. So they are looking for ways to ensure we are fighting with haiti and not the gangs they want to benefit from this. And honestly, our mission to haiti will not manage the situation at all. It is ridiculous to have tenure restore peace and order in haiti so that america can achieve its mission. The u. S. Is unable to help 80, and that is why they want tenure to find a problem that the us started many years ago. It is very wrong for the us to use a small country like kenya to solve hate these issues so that it can gain and even achieve its own agenda. Our mission is not experienced at all. We dont even have good weapons and our economy also is not doing well truly. Im disappointed for that decision. Its very human leads into santa ken admission to hide c worst in our country. We have great problems in securities everywhere. Americans only want to misuse our country and use it as a stepping stone to reach that destiny. I think kenya is being used by the Us Government so that it can achieve its goals in our country and in haiti to they want tenure to appear as an enemy to other nations and chlorophyll onto one that what the Peoples Assembly has also reacted signing the hate to mission as a washington project that was actually so the interest of the locals and the carpet nation. Once again, the Us Government is using the United Nations to push for a genocide omitted tree into invention. In haiti, the disastrous experience is the foreign interventions show that the release of to deepen violence, poverty and injustice against the hate and people. Why is this resolution facing so much criticism at this time . Especially this is a us back canyon led Multinational Military intervention in haiti to help this country. And its um, gang warfare. Now can you has offered to contribute a 1000 Police Officers to haiti with other countries neighboring haiti, also pledge into the same b, u. S. On his part, offered 100000000. 00 in logistical support. Now, many haitians can damage this as they see it. Every Foreign Military intervention of haiti has brought nothing but a pain and misery to the people of the country. We are writing to you to sound the alarm against an International Military deployments supported by imperialist countries. The United States, canada, france and demanded by the legitimate corrupt and repressive government of ariel henri, it is the same actors who are responsible for the crisis in heidi for an interventions. And heidi also already have a consistent track record. Apartments civilians with no accountability, introducing color injuring civilians while its destroying property in military operations, perpetrating acts of Sexual Exploitation and abuse, and living victims and the results in children without resources or resource by misdirecting assistance and delivering faulty infrastructure. Yes, of course, this is not the 1st time and patience of experience, new or for in the military interventions, including when the United States multiply the country for nearly 2 decades. And the alteration that brought the locals neither peace nor prosperity as was promised to them for many decades. United states, it seems like its fixed and shows who was ruled weighty, who would be the president of the country, you know, financing them, of backing them, backing them up as they are of interest to the United States and with its last policy of this kind. It ended up would be as, as a nation of warmer haitian president , back in 2021. So in this current case, the United States tried to lo, be canada to lead a force in haiti, which they refused. So now they have 10. Yeah, 10 is going to do that, and now it looks like b u was maybe theyve learned a lesson that they are no longer directly involved in this country, but instead theyre looking for other states that could be involved in of course, they would be financed by them with the, the us american faction. Lets take a deeper look at these us intervention. The talk to us basically, why is the us advocating for another intervention in 80 now, now back in hates and leaders accused for 3rd, terry and rule. Uh, simply because they advanced us interest in the country is a tactic that the United States has been use it for a while and looking back at american policy in haiti over the decades. It is quite important to understand why haiti is the way it is, and why haiti remains the course country in the western hemisphere. This 5, the billions of the age and money that the us sends to the country. According to the states department, the us has provided over 5600000000. 00 in a to haiti since 2010 and 12. Now the United States is also paying for this with this new resolution that was drafted by the Us Government. The u. S. Has provided 120000000. 00 for the hate and National Police over the last 2 years. We expect to be working with cougars to provide another 100000000. 00 in support for the Mountain National Security Support Mission itself. And we expect the pentagon will be provides another 100. 00 move in, in time support intelligence, lift, communications, a magical. Now whats interesting to note is that no municipal or just the civil problem entry elections have been held in years, creating essentially a power vacuum in the country. And one goal of this can you lead mission is to create conditions or safer conditions for safer elections. And for the United States to be choosing an african countries to be participating at this appears to be some kind of Public Relations exercise for the United States. And, but this is not a fresh new tactics that came from the us. I spend 33 years and 4 months inactive military service and during that period i spend most of my time as a high class us on line for big business for wall street and the bankers insurance. I was directed to you, a gangster for capitalism, helped me hating cuba, a decent place for the National Citibank boys to collect revenues in helping the raping of half a dozen Central American republics for the benefit of what street. So of course, with that logic, knowing that one of the goals of this intervention is to create a safer environment for say, for elections. And knowing that those games that the us is claiming that they will be fighting against in the country. They are calling for over throwing a us, nominated government. I think if we put 2 and 2 together, it simply looks like another intervention for the sake of getting more control in the country. Find me a new level to a Global Economy with no tillman and current c. Im the future of energy markets. Those are just some of the topics on the agenda at the 20th annual meeting of the fall died Discussion Club and the russians that youve thought you ought to use. The impulse donald brings us the details from the 4. And this is the 20th meeting of the fall day Discussion Club are here in the Southern City of sochi in russia. And basically the t term here that has floated around more than anything else, probably is fat multi polarity. It means that people are discussing such entities as breaks. The people are talking about global processes, like the Global Economy moving away from the dollar. It means they took food security, just simple Global Security and the future of energy markets. Again, this is just the tip of the iceberg as to everything thats been going on and discussed here. In fact, the russian for administer. So collaborative talked about the importance of every topic that is on the table here. Its, it was supposed to be in the thoughts of the authors of devolved a club report, very closely resonates with the assessments that we make based on the results of the events that took place over the past month and a half. Primarily during the breaks meeting, the east asia summit in jakarta, the g 20 summit in new delhi, and the ministerial meeting of the un general assembly. All of these trends are emerging. The world is becoming multi polar. Countries want to find reliable partners, and the main confirmation of this is the expansion of bricks. Initially, 6 states joined the 5 bricks members and 20 others also wished to establish a special relations. Brooks is seen as a reliable partner and a reliable structure that will not let you down and will help each member country of the association feel more confident. This is a very important process that we are witnessing now. The russian for administered is not the only high profile gas store i v i p to attend this meeting, rushes full energy, minnesota, and now deputy Prime Minister of russia. He told about Energy Security because right now the Russian Court me that relies heavily on oil and gas impulse. It has to operate under the so called price cap band on oil for instance. And he talks about how ineffective it has to be. That in fact, that it leads to a certain degree to a certain extent rushes economy has managed to circumvent this price caps still make a quick profit. These are just a few topics that i personally had a chance to discuss and gauge opinion from some of the many guests and many participants. All of this meeting of this ball. The Discussion Club here in the studio, in melisha, especially, and of the largest se agent region. Basically we have strongly comic fundamentals, but unfortunately ill central buttons are forced to raise Interest Rate to follow what the United States is doing. Or else we risk capital of proof whos the depreciation of ill currencies and formulation contact is the ring it. And this is really what did us it is doing at the expense of many emerging markets across the world. Basically prove that the dollar is an unreliable treat currency. If that is the case, why shouldnt we move to other currencies to explore Bilateral Agreements youre looking for . Are countries have very strict Monetary Policy ratios, and this Monetary Policy regime as an influenced by our relationship with the launch trading, approximate thing, the United States of america . As a consequence, a lot of the decisions taken at the in the United States federal has been seriously impacts upon Decision Making for Monetary Policy within developing countries themselves. What weve seen as a consequence to match the interest price increases in the usa is that a ratcheting up of Interest Rates. In other words, the cost of money inside developing countries. We have thats why we have rising indebtedness of developing countries. The consequence therefore, is austerity and austerity means Less Government spending within societies that actually require even more spending because of the conditions of inequality. And especially under development. Of course, many of these terms like fan multi polarity rate on new concepts in the global discourse. And so all these leaders of steward, hol, these visionaries, x pads and analysts, they have converged and descended upon this venue. And so cheap to do exactly what theyre supposed to do to figure out as to what these terms off precisely and how they can potentially make the world a better place. Well that is our person for the saw bunch of Different Company have

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