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Infrastructure must also include backups, data communications, connections and environmental controls and various other security devices. Companies primarily use the cloud in order to reduce the total cost of ownership, have quicker delivery and better prospects for innovation. The cloud has been the foundation of the Digital Transformation and allows for flexible, Digital Workplaces and remote work. But the cloud is actually built on top of these data centers. Northern virginia in the United States is the Worlds Largest Data Center Market. But india is quickly becoming the Global Destination for setting up new data centers due to lower costs, cheaper labor and tax incentives is now setting up a data center is very cost intensive. As a general rule of thumb, it costs between 61100. 00 per square foot, or 7000000. 00 to 12000000. 00 per megawatt of commission. I to load to build a data center. First, there is the cost of land in the building shell, which is between 15 to 20 percent. Then there are the Electrical Systems which have to run 247 and have back up generators, batteries an Uninterruptible Power supply. This will be approximately 40 to 45 percent of the total cost. Then you need Network Connectivity where one mile of fiber optic connection may cost as much as 250000. 00. Then you have h back and cooling systems to chill the units, which will be another 15 to 20 percent of the total cost. Finally, there is the building outfit which includes a standard lobby, shipping and receiving area, which will be 20 to 25 percent of the project budget. In total, a data center of the size that facebook or google might use would cost around 500000000. 00. Microsoft is now building its for data center in india, where this latest Center Construction is estimated to cost about 2000000000. 00. Microsoft already has more than 200 physical data centers, in more than 34 markets around the world, serving over 1000000000 customers and 20000000 companies worldwide. Amazon also announced in 2020 that it would spend 2800000000. 00 to build a 2nd data center in india. And a donnie group has also announced plans to build 6 Data Center Campuses all across india with the growth of data intensive technologies like Cloud Computing, organizations are generated and processing larger volumes of data. These data centers need to scale their server infrastructures to accommodate the increasing workloads. So as a number of data center grows, theres a corresponding need. 4 more server infrastructure to support the expanding competing requirements. Industry revenues are expected to increase at a compound it annual growth rate of around 18 to 19 percent from the increase in rack capacity. So with this in mind, lets bring in the professor of Computer Science reco marble. Yeah. At the melbourne university. Now professor, can you discuss any emerging trends or technologies that are driving changes in data center design, operations, and cost optimization . Yeah, sure. Enough magazine data centers, definitely space. You update our technology that are driving the i punch in data center that can produce any reduce the cost in terms of service, asked me. So if you look at the, uh, the advisors and do this and uh, more than more than bet imaging obligations uh that, uh, those coming from domains like, uh, see if theres any divisions. So these are cases, a video nick, a model of a local so so there are companies while im doing that, being very with workspace, itd be see view essentially present unit. And also these a applications, the consumer and all of us, of energy like this card, machine learning, pending much of learning good at times so that they can come on that onset. So this would be a lot of the time to process. So therefore we need to, to get them started beating. This enters, enters into that uh, not only foster, but obviously energy efficient. And so the, those that are coming up in terms of how demand is lead us into resources and integrated advantage that might indicate amanda. So for example, in the Cloud Computing, they need to send us of the backbone today. Most of them are mandated to do as well. Uh, resources and computers who did, but this was quoting resources. So the need for having integrated what is the degree of managing viewed as the imaging . Uh yeah, the concept is coming up. So in that the example of whats going to be looking into building a site to a new class and got to doesnt support knew what to do upload really can mean it might be conducive an energy so that you can reduce the cost of a maintenance of data center, nor did the construction, but also the maintenance Operation Management place and the cost of vision it got to very high as you know, duty building it out of center, maybe the next a month. Obviously the cost and the tools. So were looking to so these are the emerging in terms of how does it in terms of application was i mean, for us to manage to do this and us what then we can deliver services in a cost of heating amount of energy. And what are some potential challenges or risks and operating data centers and regions prone to natural disasters or political instability . So yes, a, you know, and thats what a disaster can be developed. A very common um, so if you have a data centers in one place and for some reason it didnt ask for disaster. So you do a kind of for the end of the customers and all that. So this is van aspect of having a deal. This will be submitted out of 10 does come to be chip rated. Instead of having audio produced 91. 00 in one place. You can have multiple data sources individually, locally can be submitted by somebody is any one of the data center is not available. Then you can dynamically switch that to the other place where it is available. So this is again, my name is the last us a. These also can be, you know, uh as simple as, are you losing your network . Could i duty uh, of course, losing the pallet. Uh if there is some kind of do you got big unsafe, know and i know anything that causes the whole daughters into the districts. So um that according to what is your factory mentioned . So you have 30 days to really in the country. Now people can, i know cut off a lot of the network. 1 but other happens so therefore we need, you know, a backup plan. Also not that, that covered us would be submitted. I mean, we can many of this with your by disappearing if one of them is not eligible for whatever reason. You can switch to the others and then for what i mean terms of the since. So there is one of the, i know, one of the best, the magazine of the situation. So these are the signed release of the products. And how important is redundancy and backup infrastructure and Data Center Operations as what are the cost associated and considerations when building . Yeah, so you didnt see the way to uh to have it already. Um, so you have something youre not available. So you can move doors to get it done, done because copy entered into the video. Com. And this has been uh, if each of that being added to you went to a satellite. So you can go to the one side of other can both of us use multiple computers and if one of them as soon as you can, well do that in and us similarly, you one other doesnt to fan so you can move in the center. So obviously the moment you go put it in and see if the cost comes in a bit too, because you may have to have more than 1. 10. Mean you need how much of an attempt to do because to deal with this, the only problem. So you want to get a combination, for example, sometimes you want to come producing, you put home today and computers, but definitely some doctors really good because for somebody then if you tears you cant afford to restart the whole thing. You have to tell you that it can be a competition, so it means that the cost. So boys very with nick, low computing and what i mean, and you have looked at it in is the uh 10 percent. That means you have costs with us and convert into 2 percent in terms of paying for that the close of business as low as possible, managing the data consistency because it is very easy to say. So if i keep it in the, which is the latest copy, i know you 5 operating, whether you are already here, but i have to also update that and update it because so, so there is a cost of acquiring this. Most of the costs associated with the mentality, pick a consistency, visit x, that cost. That is the audit also makes the development of software complex. Building an application that can deal with it in and see consistency, but because use it. So the increased complexity of the Software System engineering, so you will see the cost of the prospect of Audit Committee and also Software Application beating, having the deputy you know, to cost the youre looking to have done. But if i have a um obligation with the subject of it and then see what happens if i have one degree issue to 20 to the 30th. So as you do more than welcome to the last, then that means you have to move on what im going to end and see. So more than a few minutes, more complexity and more expensive. Can you provide some examples of real world scenarios or case studies where data center downtime had severe consequences for businesses or users . Oh yeah, that, uh, i totally me the example here in austin instead of uh, in 2016, 17, we had it as having the this, the injured us in the companys house that, that isnt a decent base. It on the they also have inputs up enough to jump in the city. It wasnt because of stock. So that about the does he do. And because of the, to all the pick isnt a name on that, isnt the neighbor, but not the simple example. A credit card. You know, this credit card. So if you want to buy that or we have a meeting, so you need a good the, the base of. So when people are not able to pay for it to cause they need their credit card for the credit card because the services are putting this up in the case and, and take advantage of that is done not expensive of the name of this one of them so it can be one of the 20 systems in the middle, but so we have, you know, mike is, is like a 10 car. So very go to the race. They send you a separate, theyre open to get. No, because the be says the indication and i know when to opening the data on the cloud. So the cloud, the, the kind of getting to the thing, is it the lesson bed that example and yeah, this can cause a lot. I mean, the huge problem. Um yeah, so this as simple as a day to day people are like, then you go to the businesses, obviously the beginning because the electronic dynamics instead of using the ending on the cloud, it is not available. Therefore, you will click on kind of what of the many, many examples as you go on see date of just how kind of work and causes meetings and views of uh, lots of example Companies Like amazon. So who was simple, who, how does the ca, electronics, uh, be a business, you know, you come us. So you said the site is down, they do Something Like hold on to be in spite of our business opportunity. And what are some notable differences and data center costs between developed and emerging markets . Yeah, so emerging markets. Uh, you know, the other thing the joe looked at places like, ah, studio is, and some of you have in the countries so that i did it. Now the money market, like say, indiana does. So then also they take off the Electronic Transaction payments as to people in production through mobile phones, various objects here. This is a massive that it can do like you can get it to my super relation. Uh, you know, the toilets of, uh, moving to the site x, linux based exemption technologies and directions. So theyre, theyre also now, okay, i know i havent applying this into any of it. So now that it, cuz i have that, that the next likely to canada is of course at the beginning. So thats it. This water distribution is really so we can assume that the data type of computer coming from the to recently for those of india and the government has boston 90 getting that data centers of the critical inputs adjust. That goes that moment goes down. But if the block is a good, the only, and if love does take the hood and lets see, the country can come to this task that they have is i have not seen one of the other. Know people wont be able to make it any time they send annual. Oh yeah, i know people have become so much of a commit. Did you really small vendor to see . So they, i know ill put a best i think statement. So there is, so here is my quoting scan and then the people, not even getting money. And even if you tell me many people are not accepting it my, you know, positive piece equipment, obviously to the present the, i dont, i retain. So it least be in some places it on an accepting the guess they say august 25th. So that they can see this becomes that much more are going to be, you know, what is kind of united way loved. There is no loss of any, you know, many laws easy so, so this is a good medium that isnt uh, uh, not up to any moment. Gonna cause steps into the services. The people who attended. Somebody put in the data center because as of yet it could become resource. Thank you so much, professor rock who mar, but please stick around. Professor raj gumaro will stay with us right after the break. And when we come back, we will explore the future of data centers in india. Dont go away. A, a, a, the one, a must launch this operations against israel to west the world as usual, declared, it was an unprovoked attack. This is not surprising as to what the conflict in ukraine the west refuses to accept that he is responsible for his client states disruptive mc illegal behavior. The today im authorized is additional strong sanction floor and companies are quitting russia invisalign to on the think license. Dom console, vault and things disconnected from the International Payment system is optional. Poppy dollar and Euro Exchange rates followed me nap when i tell him pull up, buying a couple more stuff. So catherine would know what i bought. The committee met 3 walcross. The feeling understand is a good can you say i dont know . Sure. She material because im a sports in the russian business of a come this song. See. Yeah. And i bought enough to help oceans tremendously. Just me dont crestwood bullshit. Im not sure product of much of steel shall be able to receive the ssl renew for one year. For the seasonal prism i need because know i know of to the cost difficult when you when you use the name with dr. Nutrition, coke, this is for some of the news with the food or both of, you know, the most of the, of the, the world has approximately a 1000 physical data centers. As of 2022 with 33 percent of them located in the us. The us has 2701 data centers more than any other country in the world. Followed by germany at 487, the u. K. At 456. 00 and china at 443. 00 is the Largest Data Center is located in china at 10700000 square feet. However, india is one of the Fastest Growing markets for data centers, although it currently ranks 13th place with a 138. 00 data centers. India has more than 700000000 Internet Users at the end of 2022 almost doubled that in the us. The Data Center Market in india is expected to grow at a compound annual growth rate of over 4 percent through 2025. As more and more people rely on the cloud, and the proliferation of smartphones. Businesses are increasingly migrating to cloud based business operations. And the government is attempting to roll the Digital Economy through supporting data center development. The favorable Government Support in india in the form of tax incentives is another key factor of accelerating market growth. These data centers are also able to access longer 10 years that competitive rates and access to foreign funding through external commercial borrowing, as well under a National Policy framework for data centers. The i Team Ministry intends to provide up to 1800000 in incentives. The growth of india is data center is driven primarily by large hyper scalars like amazon web services, google, facebook, microsoft, ibm goober, alibaba, dropbox, to power all of their cloud demand. The rapidly growing Cloud Computing and increasing Internet Penetration or fueling the demand for data centers in the country and the sector is likely to witness a 5 fold increase and capacities in the next 5 years. There are also Major Investments into india is big data and i Ot Technology sectors that are increasing the demand for Data Centers Sector such as logistics, transportation, e commerce and government agencies. They are witnessing high demand for co location services. The overall Public Cloud Service market in india may hit 10800000000. 00 by 2025. And while this growth is rate for the economy and productivity, Power Availability will become increasingly constrained, particularly in top markets. Power costs already rose by mean a 16 percent in 20. 22. 00 and data centers are expected to consume 20 percent of the worlds power supply by 2025. In 2020. The Data Center Industry consumes around a 196. 00 to 400. 00 carol, what hours. So all data centers are great for the advancement of technology. Many environmental activists are paused due to its Massive Energy consumption. So for this and more lets bring in again, Computer Science professor, rush qu marble yeah. At the melbourne university. So professor, how have advancements in technology and infrastructure effect of the cost structure of data centers of the past decade . Yeah, so definitely definitely really is been, i know, i know uh, becoming more and more of the sticker. And so on the uh, so does the got us in the us, i want to be con, close, obviously. Is that a primarily used by no, not companies, but not with them again, so the that ends up becoming more like commodity through tanks to Cloud Computing. So anyone without investing upfront, youre going to get them so they can simply will do a lot of these close out of centers and start up with their business identities. Any, usually in the past, the really Big Companies we have the one with building said, unless you give every day and then i kept hitting the markets it. But now the small emerging startups can also come in really and we do surveys. The cost would be to in the come to close out and they didnt, you know, they wouldnt be different offers on cost, not the good of cost of the kept the expense of history, the ship to an operational costs. So we have a gosh with liquid elizabeth, the business good. Then the business is going value again, obviously the, the expenses. So the, the, the model. So this combination of that as in the Cloud Computing has not, you know, most of what it is, but imaging and also new entering into the marketplace. So its a little clean, see it. If somebody has a great idea, they can work with me. And also, im just going to be very just up to this stuff instead of us. I mean with a lot, this kind of thing can be this type, the whole business. Uh so you can do that uh, you know, what is indeed up to date, even though we did it today, may not be the name of tomorrow. Maybe somebody else. Can you share some insight into the potential economic benefits that data centers bring to local economies such as job creation and attracting Technology Investment . Uh yes, uh, this is one of the reason why number of government is considering that as an, as, as it could be going into success just like last. So therefore they are making sort of that uh, you know, they are friendly to us creation of the dentist and, uh, that also providing uh, you know, make any sense or that, uh, Different Companies can invest in the country. So if example, uh in india, so you know, uh they have made you so that, you know, send us using the product too because a lot of energy, so constant uninterrupted by something is a. So therefore the god benefit also for what he normally stimulated city. But also encouraging the people to deploy the data centers in places were in a d, a button and the low cost sometimes maybe a window of somebody about place they have that is, i know they have sort of energy so abundantly energy available. So that by so you can pull out of that so, so this is creating, you know, a new were kind of in what taking place in the video on think about. So the more places where there are no businesses now, suddenly the investment doesnt bring that applying of the sources and then pulling it out. And so it is creating the, you know, new economy in the place is very new laptop. So, so this is the one, the one youre going to be. Then obviously more than most, thatd be so, so im going to have this. So this becomes kind of the reason why you need to go there. If im going to do, can provide you with that step by the next to the step it involved and then get us into, you know, not for the just eyes by anybody is. So these are the us. What is the government . I testing some of the people to move their businesses to those countries. They have to think about possible and how the data center cost intersect with sustainability initiatives and Energy Efficiency goals within the industry. Yes, a excel, if you look at the consumption. So here it is. Increasing, although the heart of it and the minutes had become the official and what a motor in is if you send but how the use of the data center. The use of the slow down as inductive obligation sees a drastically growing audit on what and what applications are going to include auto center. This is it is the thanks to this quote is what im working from home. That means obligated southern on the load and then reading, typing up the application. So the flow notice in does is increase. So next, because of this is the amount of energy comes about us and us use it. So the security more and more. So there are studies there so that by 2030 i know is the worst case as im sure it was good. We did attend the goddess in the kinds of and then the last to put under 20 percent, the Global Energy 31st. And the 2nd image and stuff like that got into the, into the either takes everything become part of internet as it enjoy the want to clear smart services. So this, i would need to obtain some healthcare in smart cities in spite of because it, so these obligations love the gaming entertainment. So you would have any one loaded into this. Id be sense of is the do they do this . Has this, if i any say, uh, you know, sort of is that a small sense of really quick the Community Services enhance, give you a for example. So the services, if you upset somebody more data center, which i didnt include auto center. So the latency very high, so therefore, i know people are now moving that us into, into the city. So that means the daughters in the city. So they may have been in the further what are they can some said, so theyre coming to this the, the, the, the people think of defining this the, you know, uh, so a lot of the panels and so on the side of the city. So there is the, maybe the place there to the sun in the sun. Energy is very high, then put it there. But how about this real time low density application and making that to put some other isnt the c. So another one to see in a big chunk of the, the calvin between those whose guns im saying, read that a, what, its what is readable and the city live and what it to these, what about in the never . So these are the new lots of things are coming up, but anyway, so far is it continues no need to be including. So we need and once its in how the many to be less than 30, so says on holiday, direct them only to put us in both to minimize the sum of the goose and to minimize the cover constrained. So these are the 2 big challenges. The next and he said thank you so much, professor raj, come off all your time today to my now it is cliche that data is the new oil, the high tech fuel of the 21st century economic progress. But unlike oil, we often think that data has no physical form, and therefore no environmental impact. All of our data gets stored in the cloud, right . Some imaginary internet infrastructure that just some how it works when we need to pull it out. That couldnt be further from the truth. The International Energy agency estimates the data centers consume approximately 200. 00 turner, what hours of electricity, or nearly one percent of global electricity demand, and contributes to point 3 percent of all global c o 2 emissions. And while it is attempting to point the finger a big tech, the truth is that every company and every individual with a smartphone contributes to the increase in data center workloads. Companies are now looking into solutions to address this problem by designing improved cooling systems and updating server that has significantly reduced energy costs. While this helps to slow down the problem, it is but a temporary band aid. The more digitized our economy becomes, the more we will rely on data centers to support it at the expense of the environment. Im christy, i thanks for watching and well see you right back here next time on the cost of everything. The to take a fresh look around this life kaleidoscopic isnt just a shepherd, reality distortion, but how of tired vision with no real opinions pictures, design to simplify will confuse really once a better wills and is it just as a chosen few fractured images present . It is, but can you see through their illusions, going underground can the at the end of the 18th century, britain began by illegal opium, afraid in china. This hard drug causing addiction and literally destroying the human body became a gold mine for businessmen from the foggy l. B. And however, the ruling chinese dream dynasty tried to resist and to stop the illegal trade, which provoked the wrath of the London Business community. In 1840 without a declaration of war, the english fleet began to seize and plunder chinese coastal boards. The bar lee are dead for lead train chinese army was unable to provide adequate resistance. The g empire was forced to hand hong, gone over to england, and open it sports for trading the legal good. In 1856, branch of the United States joined in the robbery of china. The anglo french troops defeated the chinese occupied basie and committed an unprecedented robbery. Destroyed and blundered the wealth of the un mean you one palace. The defeat of the jing dynastee and the do opium wars lead to the transformation of this. So lets

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