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A convoy and central guy that almost 800 people. When did the hello there will come to the global news update on our international. I a michael question that will lead conversation. Shes evidently this information of a jump. My defense minister has said that the results of funding total investigation regarding the leads audio of military officers, conversation about the strike on crime. You may be made public early next week. The for the incident is clearly more than just the interception and publication of an air force conversation. It is positive and information for the putting is waging. There is no doubt and i told it is a hybrid attack of this information. Its about division. I dont to what the spot, the German Defense minister labeling the lead the audio is russian. This information, the authenticity of the tapes was confirmed by believe that besides discussing the strikes on the bridge in crime, the german offices were also heard discussing supply of long green, taras metals to you trade barely and currently hose. The title of being the 2nd biggest donor ability get a key of up to washington. Russias foreign minister commented on the lease the audio. He is saying that the prove that the was the pro war camp in europe remain strong. We were recently with us to fax that have come to light counselors, sholtes confrontation with the boom display some evil intentions of the windows, for which became apparent due to the publication of all the recordings about how carefully they were preparing and attack on the crime. In the breach and other targets, especially the immunization depots. And the main thing is how they wanted to see if everyone into thinking its not on them, but on the americans and the british as theyre already there. Well, thats just screaming self disclosure. The situation clearly indicates that the pro work camp in europe is still very, very strong. If anyone has any doubts, there have been a lot of analytical materials over the last couple of months that seem to begin to realistic point systems and futility of continued to co x ukraine into military action. Well, the latest papers by mccord and austin and the conversation of german generals, and they all say that the pro war party does not want to change its course district physically different, russia on the battlefield, them. But as we realized that of germany seems to be still in the state of shaw ca shocked. So i guess so over the fact that their secret got out, as soon as this came out, so they official comments, was no comments and then german price was all over it. And as were about to see from some of the headlines and in german media, they are side things, several soldiers who are assuming the confirming that links to the other confirming that its itself and 6. And also what they did was there was one to 2 censorship, according to durham and media, because they started trying to book a several accounts that were sharing that link, the audio and the link transcript on x, formerly twitter. So thats what happened on friday as soon as the sleep came out and there were also claiming that german Counter Intelligence supposedly bridal way, wants to probe. And so this and now we finally have confirmation from the drum and counsellor that indeed they are looking into. It does start, but the fluid is being reported. There is a very serious matter, and that is why it is now being investigated very carefully, very intensively and very quickly. And the very latest we are now getting reports that apparently one of the main channels in germany is confirming the authenticity. All of that least audio and their sites in germanys ministry of defense. So this is huge. They all started on friday, when ortiz editor in chief margaret to send one young post that 1st the transcript, and then the audio ultimately conversation. The lead conversation was between 4 people, so that had all the germanys the air force, the branches, the deputy chief of staff for operation as well as a to other military personnel. And it was a 38 minute conversation and image they are discussing the operational and targeting details of those tourist cruise themselves that germany was supposed to sign ukraine. The west was as a mountain pressure on germany to send those missiles, but it hasnt done yes. Yes, in this league conversation, these people are discussing that as a done deal, and theyre not only discuss it. Theyre saying how they can use it. Theyre strategizing how they can use those missiles to attack russian infrastructure, primarily the bridge and crime. You the Commission Also who came to the conclusion that there are 2 interesting targets the bridge in the east and the munition depos above the bridge and the east is hard to reach. Its a rather small target, but the torres can do it. The ammunition depots can also be hit if we consider the bridge, i dont think torres is enough and we need to have an idea of how it might work. And for that we need satellite data. I dont know if we can train the ukrainians for such a task in a short time and we are talking about a month what, what a tourist attack on the bridge look like from an operational perspective. I cant estimate how quickly the ukrainians will be able to learn how to plan such an action and how quickly integration will occur. But since we are talking about the bridge and military bases, i understand they want to get them as soon as possible. This conversation apparently so called place on the 19th of february, and then they later gone also to say that actually sending those massages will not change the course of the war and ukraine. They admit themselves that its only necessary to send these missiles because have the brits and the french have already signed so long arrangements also, germany must call forth as well. So that must seem to be doing something we know that you crane is losing and they know that by sending those message it will not again, their words change the course of the war there. And they also emphasize, and this is whats interesting, the emphasizing the importance of covering off their tracks. And theyre saying there is no way that they can have the German Military being associated with the crime. But how are they going to do that . Well, they say that the communications are, all of them has to go through the manufacturer off of themselves on the tours. This house is not. Thats not the kind of us. Yeah. Hot. It doesnt matter. We need to ensure that from the very beginning, there is no mention that would make us part of the conflict. I am exaggerating a bit, but if we tell the minister now that we plan meetings and well drive by call from poland, so that no one notices thats already participation and we wont do that. Is it totally moreno . How those this then stack up against the law shows the state made about refusing to send those tours, missiles a to ukraine executive this, this is what is bizarre because we know that germanys parliament, yes, it did approve additional military aids to ukraine. Button knows when it comes to those for as cruise missiles and all the shows himself said that she was out send and then because hes afraid what ukrainians will do that with them that they might target loss go and then drew many will be considered party to to the war with function and thats something that they want to avoid. And in that statement, all of salt said what the british and french are doing in terms of target control. And the company and target control can not be done in germany so far that he out of their presence in ukraine and that led to even the u. K. The statements there where they have to admit, yes, we do indeed have a small number of personal supporting the armed forces in, in ukraine. But that shows this comments are wrong, that they are irresponsible and a slap in the face of allies. Now again, in the slicks dont deal, we have these german officers throw in someone else under the boss. This thomas on the brits is not the price as the americans because they are revealed that theyre also there. Know monday. Do you think it is possible to hope that ukraine will be able to do everything on its own . After all, it is known that there are many people there in civilian clothes who speak with an american accent. So it is quite possible that they will soon be able to use it themselves after all, they have all the satellite images. So all of us talk about russia, supposedly planning to attack europe for europe to get ready. And now we have them covertly applied in the tax on a russian soil. It seems so this just goes to show just how much nato is actually involved on the ground. And you cry. While i was a russian Army Makes Advances on the battlefield. The training and president of lot of them is the last he has said, his west them partners a plain political games while he demands more aid from miss patrons in spokane, a new crane ask for nothing more than necessary to protect lives when lives are lost and partners are simply playing internal political games or disputes that limits or defense. Its impossible to understand. Its unacceptable and it will be impossible to forget the world will remember this. So the just now is not a new package of just under 700000000 euros has been put together, enabling us to provide further immediate support to ukraine. I just wanted to tell you that we were supposed to claim no model. They paid the price to pay that to we will be with you in the achievement of your aspirations to be free on silver and countries that besides its own destiny as a member of the p and family. Simple duty. I confirmed to the ukrainian president that the typically public will donate more that that can be called does to ukraine and hundreds of thousands motor lodge kelly, but munitions in the coming months. They take republic. Well also help ukraine with violent training, including training for f. 16 aircraft, and we will supply ukraine with flight simulators. So that training can take place not only in the west, but also in ukraine since february, last year. Sweden has provided ukraine with 2. 2. 2000000000 euros implant bilateral support. Weve continued to provide political, military, humanitarian and Financial Support in close dialogue with you and our common partners to make sure that you cranes needs are met for as long as it takes a problem. Middest of slovakia, robust fits always one west non official who comprehends the consequences of the west, directly engaging in the conflict back when its full of what i did. Finally, after the meeting, it was confirmed by several participating politicians, especially the french president. Ukraine needs modern air Defense Systems more than anything else, otherwise it makes no sense to think about expanding the production of weapons or large Training Centers directly on the territory of ukraine. Without air defense, they would be an easy target. And here the dog is buried. The west cannot supply such systems to cream without western soldiers operating them. This is just one of the other aspects of the escalation of tension and new cream. The west sees that despite massive financial and military a despite sanctions ukraine is unable to resolve the military conflict and is getting the short end of the stick on the battlefield. The change could only be caused by the entry of soldiers from the countries of the European Union and nato into ukraine, with the most modern weapons. But then we can all just sit on the balcony, have a cognac, a cigar, and wait for the world apocalypse to come. It is good that there are several world politicians who see the reality and all the risk associated with direct involvement of the west and the mutual killing of slots and ukraine, although they strongly supported. Because now we spoke to a blogger and political analyst, allies reports off for you who says, but its very doubtful that you create and well get to new logs some of aid. I dont know if there is enough money left in the world for it. Mister zelinski, hes already managed to burn through about 250000000000. Interesting. I think, you know, the americans are trying to get funding through, but that is tied to, you know, uh, potential republican candidate running for the United States of america, which would be trump, which trump is saying, absolutely not, no more money going to the ukraine. So once again, i think mr. Zelinsky cap in hand desperation, hes throwing everything he can add it. Will he get more money . This is very, very doubtful at this time. At this point, i dont really see much of a survival of ukraine period. I feel that the country or what is left of it will be pretty much uh, you know, territory open even for poland or romania to take parts of it. I think this is the final stage of ukraine as a country, as we know. And so the know the name clave of guys a now where more than a 100 people had been killed and almost 800 wounded with idea of troops accuse of the opening fire on crowds that had the swarm done, aid come void. Now this graphic footage secured aging online shows the aftermath of the strike survive was trying to help the wounded by taking them on the cost of hospitals. Father stephen authorities of condemned the attack, brandi gets a cold blooded massa. And according to the information that we have, dozens of them have bullets in that heads. Its not like, you know, fighting in the sky to that is today and people, if there was a confused use and class, it was intentionally thought of getting and killing this out through just you know, massacre is a testimony to the fact that as long as the security concept is better lies and beat those cast it then it is costing the Palestinian People their lives according to palestinian reports. The idea of opens fire on a crowd of palestinians who gathered on the sheets, treating guys a city where they have been waiting for food distribution, the palestinian house ministry, blaines israel for the deadly attack. My soul, sir, we acted say, this assault his part to a vase rose efforts to fully displace palestinians from the land and quote obliterates the palestinian cause. The idea of release a stage when the initial idea of the investigation revealed, the militants open fire on humanitarian aid. Trucks and in the resulting russian trampling. Many gas ends were killed. The idea of responded by firing a warning shot as gas approached them, believing they were endangering our forces. Many of the wounded were evacuated to the chief un all their hospitals. Those few that was still functioning in the north all the probably seen in and play, including come on at one hospital from which we received confirmation and to be do all the injured and killed. Heres what the victims have to say. We were on algebra, c street and certainly tank stores us. They were the parcels packed with 8 people who dont have food like flour and aid headed to the sea. It was chaos. There were crowds of people, but the occupation tipped fire in the task. There were so many martyrs and casualties. I am one of the wounded was on our seat straight. We were there from 7 in the morning in order to get food for our children, the elias, they said we brought a, but we paid for that site without blogs. The my nephews went there to bring flower, but the fire on them were under siege to be on us remedy on this coming soon. People should look at us pdfs. Humanitarian crisis in gaza continues deepening with numerous human rights organizations reporting that few a trucks crossed into the in quite recently, blaming israel for delays and for blocking the fake health carrying food halter and medical supplies at the check point. If your admissions were also able to reach those a need, those organizations also reported that almost no age is distributed outside rough. All the major, 16 gases south. When now, around 1500000 people crowded after they had to flee the hostilities in other parts of the street. The food that people were waiting for at the time of the attack on saturday morning was brought by a rare convoy the thats reached. The north jose and clave is really official said the 1st major delivery in a month to the devastated, isolated area of the un says a quarter of guys is 2300000. 00. Strong population is one step from famine, including thousands of children, while literally everyone the organization says, is in desperate need of food and all that comes well on the wall, a case humanitarian a provided. And guys of that, almost half of all function and relief organizations have been relying on even before they swore that it has been forced to pause a deliveries to northern gaza. Meanwhile, the probably the Student Health Ministry Says at least assessed 2000 people have been killed in the gaza strip since the beginning of these really offensive on october 7th. The ministry has also stated that this 3 medical facilities are not able to cope with the current wave of the wounded due to of course, for a slack of medical supplies and medical personnel. And the governmental body has urged the International Community to put pressure on a 0 to open. She went into her in corridors and stopped the atrocities in guys a global average portion for a c spy. Also grow as you know, but so far we see that hes ro seems to be determined to continue this devastating more. Now one of these roles was cabinet minister, as benny guns has touched down in the United States for a visit with a number of washington political leaders at the move as reportedly spot. The furious reaction from these ready Prime Minister begged him anything out according to reports, and they found, yeah, who didnt sanction guns overseas visit. And has instructed these ready embassy in washington not to facilitate meetings with him. Just by that fox, the war minister is shovel to meet with high ranking us. Officials, including Vice President , coming to hire is and National Security advisor, jake sullivan. Dons is also expected to visit london by small cross live to a political analyst. Im there, all right, and joining us from tel aviv, its nice to have you join me right now. I mirror. Whats your take on that . Benny gone visit to washington reported me without. Nathan, yahoo is approval to so many guns used to be nothing else. Tribal. Then he joined him and hoped to become an ultimate Prime Minister, succeeding then to teneo, pulled the 1st one and left the guns. Uh, you know, position. Then there was another twist and a lot. And right now, as of october, the 11th, the guys joined the cabinets on a temporary basis just in order to run the war, which is revel surprised and was shocked into account or offensive. So he is not really working for nathan. Jo. Rather, nathaniel o is working for extreme right wing ministers, such as the bank driven, smart bridge and guns and soft feet to go to washington and make sure that the american cello is kept open. Because nathaniel is obviously on the collision course was the by the administrator and, and the wall range the most of these really public support. Im not to nathaniel, i was liking that. Then you all would like the war to be prolonged as long as possible. While most of these really public, along with guns wont that hostage do in which doesnt. So peace rallies have buy from us, will be released from david to know what, what does this trip tell about the state of these roles . Leadership especially given the ongoing and caution in god that doesnt look like very some internal Political Risk within the leadership. A yes indeed. Um there is an internal rift. Uh in the public. Um, lets say its a rough estimate. Nathan, yall enjoys only the support of one quarter of the public while you 3 quarters of bed set the gas team. They want the early elections so that the new leadership will reflect the new mode following october. The 7th and the guns apparently seems to be enjoying the lead in the Public Opinion polls, but as long as sees in the cabinet, he assures responsibility and accountability with nathaniel. So he wants to make himself quite distinct from nathan jo. And this is perhaps a 1st thoughts bolting from the government and thoughts golding, for legal action. Now, what are some of the major differences when considering gone specific views on the current war in comparison to the position of prominence done that then you know the well guns and the most especially hes 2nd in command in the retired general guy. The eyes in cold, who is a much more season, more respected. They are for looking at the Northern Front as the center of gravity, and therefore getting as soon as possible. Shes firing garza so that is really good faces ball lot and demand that the police drove from the boulder so that the almost 100000 residents of the galley would go back home and rebuild their communities. On the other hand, um then, you know, wed like the warring the south to go on forever so that the doesnt have to face. Hes legal, political and personal problem. All right, thank you so much for your insights. I mean, all right, political analysts joining us from tel aviv, we really appreciate you. Okay, the royal navy, inside us say that the u. K. May have put one of its 2 across carriers up for sale. Speculation is running rampant after it was revealed that the better state budget would not include an increase in defense spending. For what else might be on the chopping block. Our day, steve sweeney. 5. This report. It does per ton. You still will. The waves, apparently not in a major environment, the royal navy was recently able to send its newest aircraft carrier, the prince of wales to the red sea, to find the whos these because of a broken propeller shaft and crew shortages. There is an awareness in the group that the navy is struggling to maintain operational commitments and it has to expand the fleet as rapidly as possible. The 2nd carrier is an asset that is held in reserve and is a very expensive piece of rarely used equipment. So if we want to address the Balance Sheet issues, disposing of her or sharing her with an august ally is an option. The car struck navy as a pull to be put the ship was an i will thing 3500000 pounds up for sale. Britson is main at golf carrier, the Queen Elizabeth is not doing much better either. The 3700000000 pounds ship was recently forced to pull out of the largest 90. So not even exercises since the cold war. When a problem was discovered with its propeller routine, pre sailing checks identified an issue with a coupling on h. M. As Queen Elizabeth starboard propeller shaft, h m s. Prince of wales will take her place on nato duties and will set sail for exercise. Steadfast defender as soon as possible. The county is the same as the game with at least one plan to be sold by 2028. Why . Well, there is simply no money in the budget for maintenance. Im afraid he makes a point in keeping hold of ships. The remaining dry dock on all fit for purpose is not just the aircraft carriers that are in trouble. Written submarines that form parts of the so called nuclear deterrent. A seemingly unable to find themselves in february, the try didnt miss all dramatic. The misfired, crushed into the ocean. In a box test, the defense minister ground shops, or whatever he calls himself these days was on board at the time. With the missile landing very close by. The British Government issued a Swift Response to the test ransom, the effectiveness of the you case, new good tenants in which the government has absolute confidence on this occasion and normally do the cure. But it was event specific and there are no implications for the reliability of the why did China Missile systems and stuff files . The government has absolute confidence that the u. K. Is that said, and remains effective, dependable, and for minimal. 4 times he knew to combine as a curious, a government of covering up the fight. Yeah. The 2nd in a row. The government can try and spin this, but Nuclear Weapons are clearly useless, as well as being a colossal waste of public money at the expense of vital public services. Its time to stop the waste and get rid of these weapons of mass destruction once and through the fight. It is also the dots of the American Military Industrial Complex with the product, besides least, the president from the United States. The submarines have to return regularly to the us by using kings by georgia for the maintenance and replacement of the missiles. President pays an annual contribution of 12000000 pounds to was the cost of this space in november, the partition that unity sunk a Nuclear Submarine during a training exercise. When a crew of maybe 140 people dived to the so cool that changes. Im often a technical failure, a, according to experts, the worst goal navy dissolved since world war 2 was only a birth date at the last minute. On top of this, in january to partition destroys, come all i didnt vote is off by writing in an embarrassing gulf, which expert said good home operations in the gulf of the critical time. Putting the item espana out of action. Despite this person has threatened the who these who are carrying out the tax on ships and the red sea in response to isabels massacre of palestinians in gaza. The u. K. A long side elyse has previously made clear that this illegal attacks are completely unacceptable and is continued the who fees will bad the consequences. But despite telling reporters to watch this space, whose things are unlikely to pharaoh, once martine navy, that is unable to get out the docks on his coming deposit the themes and now to boil friendly platforms, tens of thousands of young people from the around the globe. Byron, russia right now for the well used festival. Its day to all the events which is being held on the block c coast. Its bill, thats the main thing of mines web. A next generation skin, this cost building a common future. And throughout the festival, week archie is bringing new special coverage all the event the yeah, the 2nd day of the festival spotted but energetic exercises ad there will need the adage of course, because a ritz program awaits. Deposit depends from all commas. Master trust is context meetings with celebrities as cushions in many, much more. Not a one of these workshops. Why does it bands load 1st aid using a training medicaid . Not a full 1st aid kit. Are these Donald Cortez is, are the festival now and brings us this latest report while the world use festival here is continuing. Its turning out to be an amazing event. Were already on day 2. Weve seen a lot of interesting stuff connected to lectures, discussions, cultural events. And of course, one of the main themes about this world Youth Festival is to allow the use of the world specifically and focused on the multi polar world to build connections and build a Brighter Future based on when, when cooperation and fairness. But there are actually a lot of people in park participating here. Not only people from countries right now integrated into the multi polar world are enthusiastic about really building closer cooperation between the youth of the world. But also the young people and professionals from the west as well, who unfortunately, their governments have taken an unfriendly stance towards russia. But as always, we have to understand that that doesnt always corresponds to the feelings and ideas of the People Living under those governments. So this really is a world use for them that encompasses the entire world and its going to be a great opportunity for the use of that entire world to become more cooperative within with one another and build really

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