Transcripts For RT News 20240702 :

RT News July 2, 2024

The just about 5 pm here in moscow when youre watching R T International time, your host donald quarter. Welcome to the program. Now we start with breaking news and within the last hour the International Court of justice in the hay has ordered israel to immediately stop its military operation in the southern cause and city of reform. Because its considered, is that in conformity with obligations under the Genocide Convention is that it Must Immediately hold. Its mindy to offense and any other accident ended up on a government which made conflicts on the but assuming that. Ready garza conditions of life that would bring about it physical destruction in hold or input in the presidency consensus. The court is also of the view that in order to piece of evidence related to allegations of facts forwarding within the school of art is to get 3 outside convention is must be effective measures to ensure the and b, the access to the guy, the script of any commission of inquiry Fact Finding Mission or as of investigated by the mandated by competent organs of the United Nations to investigate allegations of general. So i want to get more on this breaking news story. Now were crossing live 2 r t correspondence lavoy. Youll come down whos joining us from south africa. So we just got this ruling from the top un court against the rule. They ruled against as rarely, operations and reforms. So can you take us through the details and its implications, of course, has indeed done no dont or the test so that because request to order an immediate halt to, to as well as the rough office of and does the city and judges of the 15 have all agreed back to the situation and in the last 5 is complete a red line saying that its entailed for the risk of repairable home to the human rights of people who does the jobs know of salon. So the states of that to the situation had changed since the i c j made is previous orders and conditions that had been mix full, knew he mentions images in the case of the i, c. J has also order as well to report to the quotes within at least one months on its progress in applying the mrs or the from today, the i today has made as the um, several orders including full as well to open the board across the wood. Its a for the into a few minutes henry, an aide at scale and also to ensure access to gaza for investigators in fact, finding missions. And todays ruling is indeed part of a much bigger case support by so back because of choosing, as well as committing genocide, i guess for the seniors. And that, that is well has resisted the claims of several times as fools, and a glossy, distorted as they say. The eyes today is not expected to deal to deliver a ruling on this case for several years, but very recently and very urgent please. So that people also quote, to take a person to add provisional misses, which is a seems to be a quote in some sense. The tendency is a situation to, to, to prevent any home being done before a final quote, findings v stuff. Youd also remember that so thats a good fit. Im previous readings from the pins telling as well to prevent the crimes and the guys that have not succeeded in for tipton. Palistine is so this was pretoria speaking and explicit for that this time we yeah, thats definitely some huge news right now or to correspondence and olive oil. Com. Good, thanks for bringing us. Those details from south africa and avenue is russian Authorities Say Ukrainian Military intelligence was directly involved in the deadly terrorist attack on a mosque out concert hall 2 months ago in which 145. 00 people were killed. The head of the federal Security Service said an International Terrorist group helps train the perpetrators it has been determined that the prepared actions financing attack and get away of the terrorist was coordinated through the internet. With the members of the we lie a horse and Group Located on the border of afghanistan and pakistan. After conducting the attack, the terrorist were given a clear order to head to the ukrainian border, where an opening was being prepared for them. While the investigation is ongoing, it is possible to say with confidence that Ukrainian Military intelligence was directly involved in this attack. This is alexander board because hes a veteran security chief when he speaks about this stuff, we listen because weve been on tend to hold waiting to get more information about the details of whats been going on in the aftermath of the attack. A lot of speculation online about the assault and congress, the brutal attack, of course these a attackers were apprehended heading towards ukrainian porter. Now hes also told us that theres been 20 people uh, detained, the attackers themselves, and a Significant Network of people facilitating them as well, which is very interesting. Theres a huge investigation. The investigation is still ongoing. Now bought the calls, made these comments out of commonwealth of independent states meeting, which is an alliance of old soviet states, russias allies and friends. He also find them interestingly, for their assistance in carrying out the investigation which suggest is the very wide ranging investigation where a lot of these countries these and so many of them i was number 4 because remember there was allegations that this was a and is allowing us to attack and he also has suggested that there was an islamist involvement from an ask on slash pakistani a group struggling that sort of wild area between the 2 countries that there was involved. But there as well. He also said something very, very interesting about the desperation that this marks of this type of brutality that no real as you know of civilized states could possibly be, will be involved in this. And that the ukraines involvement demonstrates a real sense of desperation that theyre losing on the battlefield, that their military campaign is collapsing. And in the event of that, theyre seeking desperately to try and impact bush in any way. They can listen to what he said about them, or the crating authorities, having no real opportunities to achieve their goals on the battlefield, have resorted to terrorism. There are a systematic showing of the civilian population and Public Infrastructure in russian regions. Sabotage, rates are being carried out in the border area. Ukrainian special services are actively recruiting young people to engage in terrorist activities by promoting pro Ukrainian National as formations on social networks with the assistance of nato countries. The massive transfer of mercenaries and fighters of International Terrorist organizations from the middle east, north africa, and afghanistan to ukraine, continues. Some of them are used for further terrorist expansion in the commonwealth of independent states. We just heard from the head of the, the f s field of federal Security Services that he said that you created was somehow into twined with me. So members, i mean, what role did these need to maam display . Do you think in the crow . Cuz attacks. Uh huh. I think this all has to be taken into wider view point of view, planning and project for the west is buried. Anything happens in your train without a western imprint on it now from finance, from weapons from direction on the battlefield. Theyve decided in the west that theyre going to take control of many elements of ukrainian society. And we know that the military campaign is intimately controlled by them. And we also know that the Investigative Committee in russia has recently open an investigation into the activities of companies in youd probably like brief smile, which hunter boyd was intimately involved in himself. He was a director on the board of the reason that which is to be the Energy Company in your brain. And the funding and cash from the operation has been used in a terrorist operations against russian interests from it. We didnt really just in the New Territories of russia in dont bust on the new guns and also in north stream or mac, mac. So this is not as some sort of conspiracy. Theres actual investigations that are coming up with the information with the move, with the money the form describes the type of terrace worth of interest. And you say, oh, and we do look, take a step back. And so it takes a while to look at the picture. Nato countries by must also involve of the western countries. I mean, you said the money comes from the u. K. The us, what i have about since 2014, basically theyve been getting involved in the ukraine in every aspect. Can you give us some examples of the sort of thing that theyve been involved in . Yeah. What its, its, its an open secret now that the c a m, y, 6 British Intelligence are involved in ukraine. Weve had reports from various western media outlets. New york times the Washington Post talking about how the c a is training. The, the s b u, theyre very much feared domestic Security Service within ukraine. And even back in the 2016, the New York Times themselves, they wrote an article talking at a very proudly about how the west and Security Service were training. The new plane and secret service in sabotaged. So to attract russian targets out to the reverse engineer, drones that are captured from oceans like this sort of a list and our look as a New York Times article around 2016, the c i a began training and a lead ukrainian Commander Force known as unit 2245. 00, which captured russian drones and communications gear. So that c i, a technicians could reverse engineer them and crack moscows encryption systems. One officer in the unit was carrillo boot on of now, the general leading ukraines military intelligence and the c. I. A also helped train a new generation of ukrainian spies who operated inside russia, across europe and in cuba and other places where the russians have a large presence. Also in the context of the revelations recently that our own, the editor in chief margarita, similar in yon, revealed at german officers talking about how they were going to facilitate and provide weapons, unintelligence dislike the courage bridge and find me. We know that you find has absolutely no satellite systems. It doesnt have to target these weapons. It doesnt have any storm shuttle miss of nobodys called me. So im assuming that it doesnt have the capacity to operate these huge operations across the russian frontier on oil refineries. Etc, so we know its obvious and we know from accounts in the western media that the nato countries on the proxy. A war thats been wage by the west against ocean is being doing dual. And if you like, the snowball has been rolled in london and washington thrown from us or says, foreign minister has taken a swipe at western states for tricking their people into thinking. They are not already fighting a war against russia using their own weapons to strike russian territory. Some dealer, in fact, they are waging a war against us. An american weapons have already been used on a variety of objects outside the conflicts own. So the fact that the americans are trying to make some kind of soothing statements for their Public Opinion or for nato members to show that a decision has not yet been made is in my opinion, all the trick. And we proceed from the fact that american and other west are weapons or striking targets on russian territories, primarily civilian infrastructure and residential neighborhoods. So this is on their conscience to this holes tons, its aimed at making crane easy. It makes it easier for kids to fight and essentially they have been though that has been a lot of problems for the key of regime to be able to continue this world. One of the main concerns for key if combined is, is that they might run out of the reserves on the bottom of the field. So they have been trying really, really desperately to draft as many men as possible on the 18th of may. Your payments to power in ukraine, which is severely strengths, the number of criteria that a person has to say to be eligible for the truck on the well right now dropped of offices, they pretty much can take whoever they want. And essentially this has led to some very tragic outcomes because when officials, uh well, maybe they all if they overly eager they make decisions, especially minutes. You metrics and they send to fight to they say that men who concretely fight, they still sign that they are eligible for the draft. And so the dropped offices conscripts them. This has already led to, to a number of deaths. Unfortunately, there are cases when medic still in the nature of medical condition, recognize the post and slide both a mattress service, a speech for service, but tragedies a cure afterwards. We would like to inform you that on may 23rd at person liable for metro service. Who is in one of the subordinate recruitment and social support centers of the region. And according to the conclusion of the nature medical commission was fits for service sharply to terrier rates. He was given a pretty medical care and an ambulance was cold, which upon the arrival of stated that he had died, you see how they say that a person is fit to serve is fit to wield the weapon, the, to fight, to run in the full body yamma on the, at the same time the person called people to handle the simple stress of to being dropped it again. This is the case, a woman that had to go to the police when the brother was dropped to hell do. But the draft offices and then he dies out in the unknown circumstances. Of course, thats what it is now. And again, this is not the only case, not the only tragic death, but essentially, since the 18th of may, the streets of ukraine, that has been absolutely desolated. We have seen pictures of the streets just being, as if from and the post apocalyptic. So movie, people are staying at home. And when i say people are most of the mean men, of course, because they see it, they feel that they might be conscripted. Also many, many people have had to flee ukraine. And remember the countries on log down essentially, a man who is considered eligible for dropoff time. Thats pretty much anyone now a con to leave the country. But still so many people, thousands, tens of thousands of people have been risking their lives, trying to cross rivers, trying to walk through the wilderness and across the border again of some 20000 people will quote, doing so more than 10000 did manage to escape. Many died again, trying to swim across the river. So its a very tragic picture for ukraine now. But is it dropped offices at the same time have been seen and have been filmed . Yeah, well just doing whatever they want to people who they believe is liable for draft. We have seen some very brutal images. So be where im viewed discretion is advised when we show you some of the pictures like this. The of the. So you can see there are no lines to the draft office is in ukraine under the officials. They have to literally pull and well, many cool it abductions. They have to pull people off the streets on the way a to see for markets to what and so on. We have seen all right, well vladimir put in is about to give a press conference with his close allied the bell, russian president , Alexander Lucas jenco, and thats during his meeting in minutes for an official visit. So lets take a listen now with this. As we agreed to pass the symbol of food yesterday, we started with the secure 10 defense companies, and this day was devoted, pursued the mattress. Each trip each i have recently forwarded in z. My pressure by the rest relations of ive seen an up to an officer feeling it, you know, the level of trust in every area is unprecedented to come between the 2 countries. Human ways and why its and its going to college. Thats what it is. Our economies are developing dynamically despise the well known feature architect is listed below that standard. Were going to see if we have problems with the discussed nuclear. But other than just some free cooperation, industrial cooperation, really thrown machine engineering and which is searched is really and that i sure is for me is making, let me show you the other sectors for homeowners, for, for the 1st of all, not for about you put things that you see machine for substituting, submitting to production that will allow us to achieve greater technological sovereignty. That is also very important for me to secure and see what i see. Now i am confident that the russian governments for blue, but frustrating you not sure if from us with the bellows will seize swing succession ship where they are no Health Spending issues located between us. There are some issues we treat quiet, has months, store the, the work, and a deeper elaborating motion. I do see motion in uniform. I say that today we have no outstanding issues. Only for move would your issues have been result and im sure that we will continue to have some really well approval for trouble and going forward. Who should be funded to want to get discussed for verification from with the movies. I dont know if you guys could integrated for faster policy as part of the union state agreement. You for the last 2 to do away with that not from the remaining of protective and restricting measures, moving otherwise towards the 2 poor peoples will not understand this. We have discussed our menus, transport and logistics, and we are both of the opinion. Thats a serious additional investment is required or the 5th young and recent to use for the students. We have taken a new look on regional cooperation. You can have reassessed as potential risk, and its regions of see awesome hope. Reading with the truant entities of the russian federation. You know, were seeing increased more tech Sports Products to go to skip problems in june of 27 and 20. Takes the form, the folks to sort of ship, all those kind of a pulse quasi literacy through through a bell. Rous russia event is rescinded. We expect you to, for a day or colleagues to attend ordering the form for you that we will be holding to do is the actual the agenda will be for very relevant for pretty much group is approximately 2 meeting we have discussed in special issues such as secure team, the

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