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Trump was charged with four counts for the attack on the capitol tomorrow he will appear before the Federal District court, colombia mostly nato caliber. Donetsk makeevka gorlovka svetlodarsk, panteleimonovka dokuchaevskoy and other cities and towns were under fire from the nationalists. Three civilians were killed, 10 more were injured, 10 residential buildings were damaged. Task as part of the special operation, artillerymen of the Central Military district are performing and the main goal is the accumulation of enemy personnel and Armored Vehicles. Intensity. Attacks are not reduced, even if the gun requires replacement of components and assemblies or maintenance , the repair battalion works in three shifts with lines of contact report by Alexei Baranov to the forest from the shelter to the firing position this is a pair of selfpropelled artillery installations msta goes at full speed, about 10 km behind the line of contact, a reconnaissance drone of the Central Military district discovered the location of the enemys Armored Vehicles, the main task of such a highspeed march along the prosiks , burnt pine forest. Have time to strike at already received coordinates. Before a group of Armored Vehicles and artillery pieces of the armed forces tries to change their place of deployment. Here shots of a hit on a cluster of enemy Armored Vehicles, filmed by the camera of the same reconnaissance drone that discovered the target, i had to work according to foreign models. Here m. Three sevens artillery pieces were successfully destroyed for different purposes. The manpower of the enemy Armored Vehicles fortified areas, precisionguided munitions up to 50 km. Well, the usual 27 km. Such intensity of combat work. Just cant do without tool maintenance. And when and without replacement, worn components and assemblies. This repair base is equipped with everything necessary. It is located near the front line, but for security reasons. We do not disclose its location. The work here goes on in three shifts for maintenance, for example, an armored personnel carrier takes a day, and for repairs , depending on the complexity of the breakdown, up to 4 days after the repair tests, which last several hours, the vehicles are already sent under their own power to the line of contact, each to its own unit. Aleksey baranov andrey yurchuk khalit tankiev lead the contact line in the donetsk peoples republic krasnolimanskoe direction today is the day of the Airborne Forces, they perform the most difficult tasks in the zone of a special military operation, and the glorious annals of the Airborne Forces began on august 2 , 1930, then during the exercise near voronezh, 12 fighters parachuted aircraft for the first time. Ammunition containers were also dropped by parachute. After a successful landing, the paratroopers moved to their destination, successful maneuvers. They laid the foundation for the creation of a new type of army. In the winged guards, general vasily margelov stood precisely under him, the Airborne Forces received new weapons, combat equipment and external attributes. Blue berets and vests. A heavy downpour hit the ural region last night in chelyabinsk flooded the roads, yards or out of the water they couldnt cope with the flow of water, the level in places rose by almost a meter for several hours , stopped walking, even public transport, trolleybuses and buses could not overcome the water barrier that had arisen, the emergency mode remains in the region until the morning, Weather Forecasters predict a wind increase of up to 25 m s, showers and hail. At least 20 people died in as a result of the continued heavy rains in the Chinese Capital region, about 30 more went missing due to flooding, the authorities announced an evacuation, the Railway Station was closed, flights were canceled, water also washed out highways, there were interruptions in communication in some areas, landslides descended to help, the victims sent rescuers and military humanitarian assistance to hardtoreach places is delivered by helicopters, with the help of aviation. Also takes out the wounded rerisk of repeated disasters from the fallout. Still remains high. Former u. S. President donald trump will appear in federal Court Tomorrow in the metropolitan district of columbia, charges will seek an expedited trial , billionaires have filed four counts of charges. All of them are connected with the attack on the capitol in january 21 , several people were killed during the riots, the Prosecutors Office believes that the expresident s and his accomplices tried to use this situation to change the results of the president ial elections. Trump himself considers all the accusations politically motivated in his opinion. This is happening in order to prevent him. According to the latest polls among candidates from the republican party, he is in the lead by a wide margin until the next election for the presidency. The military that carried out the coup detat in the republic of niger announced the opening of air and land borders with five neighboring regions. Earlier , the military announced that the president of the country had moved the border closed, a curfew was announced, and thousands protesting at the French Embassy demanded the closure of foreign bases. After since then, the eu countries have begun evacuating their citizens, it is reported that about 1,000 citizens of western countries expressed their desire to leave the country. Further news of the regions, do not switch. Now the news of the Capital Region today in moscow and the region will again be hot, the air will warm up to 26 . Possible rain and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Tomorrow the temperature will be even higher next weekend will be the hottest. At first, Weather Forecasters promise it up to plus 34 and such heat, according to Weather Forecasts, will last until the middle of the next weeks. More than 250,000 flowers adorned the streets of the capital; hanging pots with verbena petunias and begonias were installed in parks on the facades of the building and along the fences on the sidewalks. More than 700,000 times the residents of the capital used the service of online appointment with a veterinarian for 4. 5 years. You can do this on the mayors portal or in the mobile application of the Moscow Public Services all information about the health of pets. Now available to muscovites in a convenient format on the my pet website, the most Popular Service for which vaccinations are recorded in pets. Our news is always available on the media platform, we watch it in the application or on the website, we watch dot ru see you soon. And tortured the tides of it melanin cycle is more profitable up to 50 cyclimalanin from evalar find out your Credit Rating for free on the dot website everything flows thoughts, rather time is life. Choose the power of natural water, the benefits of minerals, the freshness of the mountains, rashtau, natural antistress formula, how delicious loves for the taste of iron nerves, strong immunity, come in the clips what you want with the designer of impressions. Good morning. Hello Irina Nikolaevna stokov synchronously greeted you this wednesday morning on the second of august on the calendar. If you suddenly decide to swim today, you know the fountains are busy, there are paratroopers, thats for sure. Well, in general , to everyone who realized that it was already august. You have not had time to notice the summer at all, which is what you usually want. Well, you say, the sea, the sun is the cathedral, and its the same recession and Massage Services have reached a new level. Now get mass, pleasant emotions from one of the most popular favorite manual techniques. It is possible right in the sea off the coast, sochi does not interfere with the massage therapist , it is not known for sure, but there is no doubt that the client is satisfied from the main resort and naberezhnye chelny, only instead of the sea there is a river. There, apparently, this fashion trend of a spare sea of ​​relaxation also takes root perfectly. Well, here the weather is of great importance for relaxation on the opener. Heres what it will be like for the next 2 days, lets ask the leading specialist of the weather center, phobos Vadim Zavodchenkov. Good morning vadim, as always hot is just not the right word. They will be abnormally hot. So as a massage therapist, sochi is very lucky. Ill go tell you. The atmosphere over south russia will be dominated by an anticyclone, so there are few clouds here and only in some places in the mountains can arrays of cumulonimbus clouds appear, carrying showers and loads of air. It can warm up well in the daytime up to 3237, the weather of the Northwestern District will be affected by the influence of the cyclone, so it will not do without rain , in places with thunderstorms and gusty winds , air masses will flow into the regions from mediterranean, this stream will break through even in the arctic at noon the thermometers will show plus 23 28, and in central russia, the influence of the cyclone will also affect. Here, residents are waiting for the weather of humid subtropics, local thunderstorms and abnormal heat during the day 2530, black earth up to 2833 frontal sections will destabilize the atmosphere on dual therefore , arrays of thunderclouds will form here , and the air will only be able to warm up to 2328 , and in southern siberia there will be less clouds and thunderstorms, they will wear local and shortterm nature , so the air warms up better in the afternoon to 2833 to the south of the far east , air masses will break through from the tropical zone of asia in the region, thunderstorms are expected, and the temperature regime is moderately warm in the afternoon plus 2429. Thank you, but so far here are the first days of august. Uh, what is called compensates us, uh, rainy summer, the opponent is so pleasant in summer, well, dis, indeed, the situation is unique. But the first days of august will be the hottest for the entire past summer, if we talk about such more. Longterm forecasts, otherwise it is a heat wave of heat wave. It will drag on until early next week. A cold front will pass on monday tuesday. E will drop the temperature, and the temperature regime will return to the climate, but on average, according to preliminary forecasts, august will still be warmer than usual. Most importantly, let the weekend be always good. Thank you. Vadim vadim told us about the working days the final of literally this working week vadim zavochenkov big. The fruit and flower collection is a lake this is the perfect combination of tea leaves of the highest grade , aromas of juicy fruits and fresh berries. Morning, time to brew azerchai, an attempt will be made. Ignore here the fact that tarasov has already asked us about this place. At 21 20 on the russia channel , the ability to run fast in britain is gaining popularity sleeping golf is a sport in which not only skill is important, but also endurance players task. Pass the course as quickly as possible, fewer strokes more hits between 18 holes. He will have to run more and with a set of clubs, he managed to cope 18 seconds faster than his opponent. And this, despite the fact that he was moving on bugs, experiments were set to find out if a person is able to beat another if he moves by car . Yes, Internet Users do not feed bread, yes, compete with each other and offer to evaluate the most exciting fights. Well guys, lets go, of course you very interesting with the hole we came up with, then i, too, maybe hang a little interesting. This is putting it mildly Internet Users. They just love to compete, who is stronger or faster, more dexterous or can stay under water longer, such videos always gain thousands of likes and views. Probably each of us thinks in the soul. Yes, i can do that too, for example, raise my girlfriend. And this is the legacy of knightly duels. Only if earlier it was necessary to throw your opponent off the horse, now everything is much safer and more fun. But these guys are not exchanged for trifles. Their video, as it is called, is the most powerful men in the world, however, the spectacular effect on the competition. And it doesnt matter to them. Thats how the olympian, lets say all of mine we figured it out, now well find the fastest ones on the internet now with a gold medal ready to give this operator an attempt to remove an athlete. In the end, he even overtook him, and this is us in the printers competition. Jesus, however, how you are too banal not located. How about the twist speed here this small toy on a string, by the way, some people know how to do. Its so fast that it seems that it could not have done without special effects. About competitions for the most enduring one of the most interesting options. This, of course, is a breathhold, the daredevils compete, who can stay under the water longer, the guys warn against me there is no chance at all. Sunday dinner has been awaited for 4 years. At least the inhabitants of bristol are small, the tavern in the city center ranked first in the world among establishments that are difficult to get tables. There are painted for years to come, thanks in large part to the famous Homemade Sauce and giant yorkshire pudding, the price of lunch has been attracted. For two of the three courses will cost 22 pounds. This is 2. 500 rubles. For dessert , they offer cake. Pavlova with strawberries and White Chocolate lemon tart or panna cotta with raspberry yogurt. In general, delicious. The main thing is not to die of hunger. Waiting for a table knows what you will do in the twenty fifth year. On this day , the restaurant market in russia, one of the most dynamically developing, appears every year. Interesting establishments with an unusual concept, and thanks to the project, small and Medium Enterprises each. Anyone with an idea for their own restaurant or even entire chains can seek support at my Business Center. Every detail we searched on different sites. These are basically all russian designers. Irina is proud that she was able to bring an atmosphere beyond the volga to the Business Center of samara, as the samara people call the right bank of the river and their favorite business vacation spots. Started in the eighteenth year during the world cup with spanish restaurant to open a new gastrobar. Now with local flavor and dishes of the volga cuisine, she took a soft loan through the center. My business. Only 1 per annum we received state support, and in the form of the amount of money for which we were able to buy fixed assets, and we have a very cool, equipped kitchen in this Institution Due to this. It became possible to diversify the menu and move from simple street food to rich regional cuisine and even participate in gastronomic festivals. All this volga theme. Collected in these walls on the menu in our dishes. We have an excellent fish soup, caught practically from our river , and bomb cutlets and pikes. We plan to open another restaurant this year. Irina is again counting on state support , the amount will need to be serious, she will need to leave a deposit and apply to the guarantee fund. They have already developed a targeted program for the restaurant business. They are more facing problems and shortages of such highly liquid collateral, as would all, for example, banks, yes, and Many Organizations used to understand that this is a car. This is real estate, therefore, in their programs of the samara region guarantee fund, they also provided for the possibility of accepting such property as equipment as collateral. Here is a specific for this sphere of communication old people. There is no restaurant chain yet, but already its first coffee house has become one of the most popular. In the center of barnaul , the educational courses of the center my business helped us quickly succeed, we were trained in both business and coffee. We are certified baristas ourselves. Within my business. Yes, also several have been trained by the school of entrepreneurship, in principle, to refresh their knowledge there, that we can already apply in our work, as a womens business. I went to open a coffee shop. In 2 weeks, it was possible to create an authentic atmosphere in a Historic Building without commercial loans and investors, only with the help of preferential state support for various fields of activity, various requests, and today just in the onestop shop for any issue. For any business information. How once to build the right route to the ultimate goal of obtaining energy state support thanks to the National Project, small and Medium Enterprises. Anyone who is ready to open a cafe or restaurant and become an entrepreneur can apply for support to the nearest center my business in 84 regions of russia there are more than 400 such centers. Helps to eliminate the symptoms of poisoning and diarrhea intermediary no 115 rub. For 10 style filter tablets, in order to put things in order in the stomach from a headache, there is askofenp at an affordable price and askofen ultra with a reinforced composition to combat headaches and migraines. Askofen when the head hurts. Why is a credit card, the most profitable in the country, a new interestfree period of 120 days begins every month. Shop so, again and again, a free forever super rate of nine eight percent. Apply online or select and benefit every day. It has the highest dosage of the substance from inflammation pentalgin extragel against pain and inflammation in muscles and joints in the world of hundreds is impossible. Iota says you can try, maximum. First month for only 399 rubles. Can iota what is the pin code here . So it looks like you dont remember the correct answer. If a simple question turns into a quiz, it can help for lunch for lunch improves brain function, memory recovery and concentration. For lunch, head to work cafe restaurants for free and plan your dreams potential. Find out in advance the amount and conditions for all loans available to you. Calculate the credit potential in sberbank online right now apply for a loan. At the lowest rate in sberbank from four percent for the first month. Wow pentalgin is a remedy for various types of pain pentalgin acts against pain, wherever it is, regardless of the causes of its occurrence, pentalgin will do without pain one of my friends, well, very popular in russia i, as always, came to the rescue. Yes , infinitely. Here are megapowers for you unlimited, watch videos, listen to music, stay in social networks as long as you want call. I take on the strength for unlimited megaphones. Or, for example, do not be nervous. Thanks for the advice. Need to sleep its easy to say, but in fact, anxiety can be treated. By the end of the first week, afobazol helps to cope with anxiety, anxiety and associated insomnia. Afobazole anxiety can and should be treated. Find out everything about anxiety on the allrussian portal of the dot rf territory. Pain to pause life has two components. Long block gels blog help relieve pain from arthritis, injuries and sprains long block double block against pain with age. Changes in vision can change the usual things, then the foundation was created to nourish the restoration and preservation of youthfulness of the eyes, it is recommended to use it daily for 3 months, now it is in a new package specifically for course use, it contains a special component for better penetration into muscles and joints. The next childhood stop, pensioner Jorge Ignacio from argentina, assembled a minibus to ride his granddaughter and her friends in an adult way. The bus has a number and a route in one of the districts of buenos aires, transport. Calculated for seven people is equipped with all Security Systems when you worked as a driver of a real bus a small prototype. He created in 4 1 2 years. And now every weekend is cash for a tyrant. The red bus is waiting for those who want to ride. About the new, mediumsized sedan to us, then our auto expert ivan zenkevich is ready to tell everything about him. After several years of pause, the Company Began to supply its sedans to russia. The beginning was laid by the arizo8 exterior, distinguished by sculptural lines. The front rear optics are connected by horizontal jumpers such design. Now the trend is quite unexpected to meet here a quartet of exhaust pipes and live Brake Calipers to prevent me from taking a sports car, the body length is solid 4 m 76 cm. A test car is asked for 3. 5 million rubles. Large dimensions, spacious interior seat on the second row, as in Business Class , passengers can use the seat heating in the central armrest and Additional Air ducts in the drivers seat, advanced technical design and a bright display, and riza eight is equipped with ten airbags, including a pair of knee speakers, as many as 12 pieces. There is even a builtin air freshener. But the trunk by the standards of the average segment is 455 liters. It has a turbocharged petrol engine. Of course. This is a four with direct fuel injection with a working volume of 1. 6 liters of power. There is no alternative motor in the lineup of 186 horsepower, but the torque of 275 nm is one of the largest in the class, the car accelerates, accelerating to a hundred takes less than 9 seconds, an Important Role in the lively temperament is played by a nimble, robotic, sevenspeed transmission, an average consumption of 6. 2 liters per 100 km. At the same time, you can refuel with ninetysecond gasoline; there is a lane Retention System here, which itself taxis at the right time. If the driver is distracted while fully trust the electronics. Still, its not worth it to display handling settings that are pleasant in turns. Eight flies into hunting or balks, and the stability margin is high front suspension maxperson rear independent multilink. And here are the transmissions four by four is not, and is not expected in the near future. In general, the cherry arizo8 impressed me as a modern sedan. In no way inferior to its counterpart from japan, korea a in terms of the number of options, and overtaking, however, in terms of cost. He approached them too. Who is there i sing. Its a shock to live, please, so well put this one in the attic, and the money for the night will go to the new roof. Who is there i am a runaway bunny of this. Lets put the stove, and the money to pay for heating. Yes, well, we came up with, in general , to rent out house property and tell everyone completely soon. Oh who is this . Take a minute. After that, a Major Overhaul will have to be done. St live in Andriy Shevtsovs studio hello, the intensity of the shelling of the peoples republic by the Ukrainian Military over the past 24 hours. The total increase was 112. So , more than 400 shells were fired at settlements. Mostly nato caliber. Under the fire of the nationalists were donetsk makeevka gorlovka svetlodarsk, panteleymonovka dokuchaevskoy and other cities and towns three civilians were killed 10 more were injured, 10 residential houses were damaged, in the direction of the special operation, the positions of the nationalists were hit by artillerymen. Calculations of selfpropelled installations hyacinths strike at strongholds and western made equipment. Artillery fire adjustment was carried out in real time from a drone. This made it possible to destroy the german selfpropelled installation of the enemy. Today is the day of the Airborne Forces, they perform the most difficult tasks in the zone of special military operation. The highest level training and inflexible character all this is the paratroopers the avantgarde of the armed forces is being trained at the ryazan Higher School, the Airborne Forces alexander visited it at the parade, as in battle, the paratroopers should be the best, as the founding father of the Airborne Forces vasily margelov said , army general and now strictly looks at recruits. Even on the birthday of the winged infantry , they will not be allowed to relax. They work out a drill ball on the parade ground, juggling a carbine with a fastened bayonet, part of the demonstration performances. But, in fact, in the hands of the cadets, the training material is small arms from a pistol to a machine gun. They should know perfectly and not only domestic production. In front of you we have a machine gun, which is in service with nato countries, this weapon. We are studying in anticipation of being a cadet in the course of a combat mission moss. This weapon is to use, and to use this weapon. He must know its purpose characteristics combat properties. Well, and, accordingly, the general arrangement for theory immediately practice is as follows, in principle , training in the ryazan guard. Skom higher airborne school, the actions of each the arrow in the department is worked out to automatism, so the cadets are taught tactics and strategies of warfare. The cadets, with full ammunition of the machine gun, loaded with live ammunition , the task is to destroy the enemy stronghold , the first snipers to advance in positions. But at the same time, of course, paratroopers do not forget about parachutes without jumping. The vest will not be given during the period of great exercises from heaven to earth descends and this is a formidable technique. By the way, in the ryazan school they know how to treat fear of heights, as well as other phobias. They themselves in basically must have a strong spirit and a desire to defend the homeland the rest we are here with him as a paratrooper. Lets do it from the root. Lets strengthen the pressure of courage. The victory in this formula is the whole essence of the Airborne Forces of the great patriotic war in afghanistan by chechnya, and now in the zone of their own paratroopers have always acted at the forefront to prepare cadets for this. Now they are working out the capture of the enemy line, defense. Battle of city blocks. Building clearing is one of the aptitude tests for graduate cadets in this group. Each has its own role and a common task to destroy. Th the enemy so that there was no loss in personnel in its history. The ryazan Landing Force brought up 172 heroes of the soviet union and russia , there were always stupid berets, where courage was required, personal courage, readiness to sacrifice oneself to this tradition. They are followed today by alexander andrey body of anastasia zorina and mikhail shum lead, ryazan region. The indian authorities announced a curfew , suspended Internet Access and sent units, the military to the north of the country , the reason was clashes between local clashes between muslim communities and one of the hindu nationalist groups. Its been going on for 3 days now. As a result, four people died. Including two policemen in one of the cities, the crowd set fire to a mosque and killed a muslim cleric. Many people were forced to leave the violenceridden areas, Law Enforcement officers are investigating several attackers of the detainees. One person died, five were injured due to the passage of typhoon eve in southern japan on the island of okinawa without electricity, more than 200,000 houses were canceled more than 400 flights, ferry and trains stopped. Today the weather may get worse, wind gusts up to 65 m s are expected. Meteorologists reported that waves in coastal areas could reach 12 m , authorities have warned local residents, he floods and urged them to stay in their homes. Further news of your region with the residents of moscow and the region will see you in a few seconds. Now the news of the Capital Region today in moscow and the region will be hot again, the air will warm up to 26 degrees. Rain and thunderstorms possible in the afternoon. Tomorrow temperature will be even higher next weekend will be the hottest. First, in the summer , Weather Forecasters promise up to plus, 34 . In the northeast of moscow, eliminates the consequences of a spill of an unknown liquid, a container with a caustic substance was brought to waste sorting. There were canisters with acid inside. After measuring the air, an excess of Hydrogen Chloride vapor was recorded. The place is now unhooked. The territory was flooded with foam. More than half of the work on the overhaul of the zhukovsky overpass zamoskvorechye was completed, the specialists installed six blocks span structure. There are 12 of them in total, each weighing 36 tons and 24 m long. They connect the bridge supports and serve as foundations for laying. Slabs of the roadway were carried out special work to deliver them to the construction site. The beams were delivered only at night by special vehicles with escort, after the installation of all twelve beams is completed, we will proceed to work on the improvement of the adjacent territory , installation of an outdoor lighting pole, installation of a barrier fence for traffic safety, both for pedestrians and vehicle. On the approaches to the overpass , the builders will replace more than 200 m of curbs and lay new asphalt with an area of ​​about one and a half thousand square meters. The work is planned to be completed by the end of the year. In moscow, today it will restrict traffic due to events on the day of the airborne troops, the car will not be able to drive and park at seven in the morning and until 1 00 in the afternoon along ilyinka street and also from ilyinka to varvarka street in addition , from eight in the morning until 11 oclock the passage on the street of the soviet army will be closed drivers are asked to be careful. Capital Companies Legal entities will be able to pay for parking to a nobleman in the moscow parking application. Now they can change the start time of parking, the adjustment must be made before the end of the day and no more than three times a month, all organizations must be registered in the personal account of the legal entity of moscow parking , the possibility of adjusting data and parking is also available for individuals. The head of the moscow archive opened access to old documents about the families of priests of the 18th and 19th centuries. They contain records of the composition of families at the age of the priest himself or other ministers of the church. As well as their relatives, thanks to new documents , the range of searching for relatives has significantly expanded and an additional source has been obtained for studying the history of ones family. It is an analogue of the elixir of the population and is useful for those investigators who are engaged in their genealogy and had representatives of the spiritual composition of the press in their family to serve her to hang up fairy tales available to the family for free. The documents are hosted in the Online Service my family and will soon be available on the archive search platform. In the Moscow Region, after heavy rains, there is a sharp increase in the number of mushrooms, experienced mushroom pickers collect hundreds of porcini mushrooms; also in the forests, many aspen mushrooms, the first milk mushrooms and mushrooms appear. There are many in the forest. Now, after the rains of porcini mushrooms, polish mushrooms under birch trees. It is considered edible mushrooms unconditionally, edible edible, so its time to collect. Well, about an hour later , rospotrebnadzor experts warn that buying mushrooms in spontaneous markets and along roads is dangerous. All news are available on the media platform, watch in the application or on site look dot ru see you. Climax and tortured tides. This is not for me. Tame the hot flashes of cyclimalanine cyclimalanine benefits up to 50 cyclimalanine from evalar thought sooner. By virtue of natural water minerals benefit the freshness of the mountains. And that the natural antistress formula is time to extend the osago, millions of motorists do it on sravni and receive gifts. Buy osago or other insurance on sravni and win a car. If insurance then compare on the site and in the application. Find content for any you want with the constructor impressions right now you clips are the Meeting Place of impressions. What is the most costeffective medicine for cystitis . Good morning. Hello elena, we are in a hurry to meet you with our devoted viewers today , august 2, wednesday today forms a person in every sense. And what we say is nothing to be ashamed of, and this is exactly what the majority of russians think. When it comes to salary, only one in three feels embarrassed because of the difference in earnings with friends more often of all people discuss this delicate topic with friends. One in four speaks about financial matters very often or constantly, but do not discuss their law earnings at all. They began to show ingenuity and stopped paying. The collector first called anastasia a. Then he wrote a post that allegedly she was suspected of embezzling money. He, like, do whatever you want, so that she gives the money within an hour and starts mailing to friends. My relatives started sending this picture, like nastya, what are you, where is the money for i only took it when the girl turned to the police. The bouncer disappeared. The activity of collectors was controlled by the Bailiff Service in kamchatka for the first year. She has received dozens of complaints, not infrequently calls from unidentified individuals who do not identify themselves, but who stink or text from phone numbers that are not registered. It is prohibited by law, but collectors do not attract. After all, incognito in tatarstan, the police raided the office of the agency, where they blackmailed and threatened to extort a debt from a pensioner and sent a photo on social networks his wife with a signature on the provision of intimate services, the criminal Investigation Department of the ministry of internal affairs in the republic of tatarstan identified and detained the suspect, he is accused of arbitrariness, slander, as well as illegal production and distribution of pornographic materials. It looks like the chaos that was before. Although it has been 6 years since the order of communication between collectors and the debtor is determined by law, a personal meeting once a week, calls of reason twice a week, eight times a month on weekdays from 8 00 to 22 00 on weekends from 9 00 to 20 is obliged to introduce himself to inform the debtor, the name of the creditor and the Collection Organization, violation of this regulation threatens with a fine, and a conversation with prejudice, also a criminal penalty has been introduced. In effect , the article of which already provides for criminal liability when collectors threaten life and health. God forbid uses force to damage property, and depending on the disposition of each yes specified in this article, and the term can be up to 10 years in prison, and the low legal culture of collectors, says statisticians last year. The agency was fined 300 million rubles. It is clear to knock out debts. The job is thankless, but the code they have to honor is working within the right framework for but collectors. This is task number one, because people will be different, but the situation we know is that sometimes after the call, well the collector, well, that is, we were suicides and suicides. And this must be taken into account. Everyone has a different position. Well, debtors. Most. The main thing is that you should not be afraid to give in to the threats of the blackmail act on your side. But the law doesnt say how to deal with those who call, anonymous bailiffs, although they control collection agencies, are not involved in the search, but they could if they were given resources and powers, because they have a common task with collectors. We will continue the topic with the chairman of the Public Council under the federal Bailiff Service, vladimir gureev, Vladimir Aleksandrovich hello well , its clear that you need to repay debts, but everyone must act within the framework of the law, since quite a lot has already been written regarding collectors, we understand that operates some anonymous. Well, is it possible, is it really impossible today to figure out some kind of anonymous person, if the call comes from a Collection Organization from representatives of a Collection Organization that is officially included in the register, then by law, they must all record their calls and store the archive for a certain time. On the one hand, on the other hand, if it is gray and the socalled collector, which is not included anywhere and does not make calls. This is exactly where, of course, you need to advise our viewers to fix the performance on their own, if we are talking about the so called substitution of numbers. And now this is a problem. She still remains, then, of course, here in the first place. Uh, this is a problem that cellular operators solve. Uh, Verification Services are starting. Traffic is the so called antifraud system, which blocks the possibility of ecalls from spoof numbers. That is, this problem is gradually disappearing into the past. Although it is still preserved. What powers are not enough for the state duma to fight this process on consideration is being given to a bill that is designed to give bailiffs the opportunity to obtain Additional Information from mobile operators from the bureau of credit histories. And this is the top authority, which will just help the bailiffs in a very, very short time to establish the caller esubscriber. And if at least some statistics, how often the defendants to me, maybe they didnt leave them in places. She too sounded. Uh, with the possibility of applying sanctions up to 10 years. It was only introduced into the criminal code on july 10 this year. For the time being, the problem also lies in the fact that there is a market for microfinance organizations , mfis, which, for the time being , it is not clear how much the eBailiff Service should become under control, that is , they can threaten calls from microfinance organizations. And these people are not considered collectors. The lions share. Well, a significant proportion of such complaints come, unfortunately, from microfinance organizations. They must live by the same absolute rules, like other collectors, and animals. And well, partly. Well, again, just the same bill that we just mentioned to you, uh, which is aimed at bringing the activities of microfinance organizations under control and enabling bailiffs to fully control this market. So he just should offend this sphere of activity to an even greater extent. What rooks still need to be closed . This is where these narrow levers are flowing away there should not be any such anonymous e callers should not be anonymous subscribers. Yes, there should not be direct threats, because these are direct threats. This is a criminal liability. Now, if we minimize, first of all, at the level of practice, all these manifestations, then the market is abundant. As for legislation, our legislation now allows quite a lot for both Law Enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities. And we ll get there someday. Uh, to the person who suddenly starts calling. Uh, outside the scope of the law such. Eh, beaters, dolgov, he will not have to prove anything. He just comes and writes a statement that they call me. Eh, figure it out, the person, of course, did not have time not to fix it, he was confused. Yes, i couldnt somehow, there wasnt some at hand , maybe, but an improvised means , its just that the service already receives an appeal, which just, in fact, figure it out. Help and bailiffs understand and try to help. Thank you very much for the questions answered submitted by the Public Council at the federal bailiffs service. Vladimir gureev. Well thank you with a wave of the hand evening at the vra. Forgiving awesome amazing people are better 21 30 only on the channel, russia what if the parachute doesnt open . The season of watermelons and melons has begun. This means that there will be not only a lot of sweet berries, but also a wasp summer delicacy attracts them no less at the sight of a wasp, experts advise not to wave your hands, freeze and not move , it will fly away if insects can be destroyed, whole stings of tosa can fly, as a rule, if that something threatens the nest. In general, they do not like smoke from a fire. Yes, the smell of needles and geraniums ultrasonic devices bright clothes, especially yellow eat watermelons in yellow or just share is entitled to your slice of watermelon. But the owners of jelly in Apartment Buildings have the right to additional income from Common Property , they can spend it on compensating for part of the utility bills for ongoing repairs or landscaping, how to make money on the house , figured out how to donate new ones, here this room used to be called a water meter unit. And now here is a renovated snowwhite basement is a Womens Clothing store through the wall of a photo studio. Household property for commercial purposes tenants of this an Apartment Building in kostroma has been rented out for several years now. Andrey pinchukov, the manager of the house , calculates for 70 m² he manages to earn about 30,000 rubles. Per month, the proceeds go towards the payment of residents for repairs , maintenance of the house and landscaping, for example, we installed a barrier. We have installed a Video Surveillance system around the perimeter of this is important, we have changed the windows. In the common residential entrance receives additional passive income from the Common Property in the house. Other owners of multiapartment residential premises may also have such a right, owners, apartments, give the housing code , you can earn money by renting out a basement in attics and other nonresidential premises, advertising placed in the elevator exactly on the facade of the building and much more to start making money on the house. To begin with , the owner should decide who exactly will be looking for tenants to do. These are the owners. They can independently or through intermediaries of legal entities. This may be a Management Company that already serves the house, or an hoa created from scratch , the first option is quite rare due to difficulty for the average person holding. Transfers are made by bank transfer, by the way, another plus in favor of creating an hoa is the minimum amount of taxes, if the recipient of funds is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, then depending on the taxation system. Well, for example, with a simplified taxation system, and from one to six percent is paid. In general, if everything is done correctly and not afraid to take responsibility for the maintenance of housing, then earnings for the general housekeeping will help owners not only save money, but also create comfortable Living Conditions in their own entrances. Pentalgin extragel has a special component in it for better penetration into the focus of pain and inflammation askofen when the head hurts for 30 years. You choose antifall innovation. 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Pentalgin extragel, it contains the highest dosage of the substance against pain and inflammation of pentalgia against more inflammation in the muscles and joints. The concert on the top of the mountain and kilimanjaro and got into the book of records to climb the roof of africa, it took her several years to local conductors, the funds raised in the help fund for people with incurable genetic diseases spoiled young man into a real man in less than a week the film won the love of viewers across the country. My dad became one of the richest people in the city and when you grow up, it burns with a golden spoon, well, you understand , as they say, your flask starts to whistle, but all this coolness will end in one moment, as soon as the father of the young major goes bankrupt. Well, the guy himself will be in the Army Barracks for reeducation. We will treat you, but really grow up and understand that money decides. Not everything will help artyom the dove, not so much military service. How much life after her, when the hero has to stand up for his grandfather , the seventyyearold palych, in conflict with local authorities, is this my grandfather vasily safonov, major . Vdv god bless. This soviet is so pleasant, kind, it is not often removed one for all, and in this case for palych, this is a film about family friendship , mutual assistance and the struggle for justice. And also about the fact that it is important for any generation to hear and understand each other. So heres the onion, no one except us in a situation where, uh, the grandson does not understand from his grandfather, it is best to resort to humor. This is our russian traditional tradition. Brilliant cast Sergey Shakurov and on pegovo alexander samoylenko and many others give this picture the status of a truly popular witty joke and wise advice make this film easy and understandable to all viewers, and those who have already appreciated palych assure such a funny, sincere and at the same time touching story, they have not saw the film is wonderful interesting ideas about family reunification in general. And you can laugh, how to go from friends. As from a family , such a picture will certainly build. New comedy for palych already in all cinemas efir soon will start on time woke up, the broadcast will start soon. Go change your clothes, go downstairs, too, sleep does not help. Maybe this is your dream. I closed my eyes for a minute and then i saw such a dream. Russia hello the water level has risen by almost a meter, chelyabinsk is recovering after a heavy downpour that flooded the city. Trump has been charged with four counts of attacking the capitol. Tomorrow he will appear in Federal District court. Colombia intensity of shelling in the donetsk peoples republic by the Ukrainian Military over the past day. Increased total 112 were recorded. More than 400 shells were fired at settlements. Mostly nato caliber. Donetsk makeevka gorlovka svetlodarsk, panteleymonovka dokuchaevskoy and other cities and towns were under fire from the nationalists. Three civilians were killed, 10 more were injured, 10 residential buildings were damaged. Task as part of the special operation, the artillerymen of the Central Military district and the main objectives of the accumulation of enemy personnel and Armored Vehicles are performing intensity. Attack is not reduced, even if the weapon is required replacement of units of units or Maintenance Repair battalion works in three shifts the last combat contact report by Alexei Baranov through the kremensky forest from cover to the firing position, this is a pair of msta selfpropelled artillery mounts at full speed, about 10 km behind the line of contact, a reconnaissance drone of the Central Military district discovered the location of enemy Armored Vehicles, strike at already received coordinates. Before a group of Armored Vehicles and artillery pieces of the armed forces tries to change their place of deployment. Hits on a cluster of enemy Armored Vehicles, taken by the camera of the same reconnaissance drone that discovered the target, had to work according to foreign models in m3 seven artillery pieces were successfully destroyed on various targets. The manpower of the enemy of the fortified area with precisionguided munitions up to 50 km. Well, the usual 27 km. Such intensity of combat work. Just cant get by when no maintenance guns. And when and without replacement, worn components and assemblies. This repair base is equipped with everything you need. It is located near the front line, but for security reasons. We do not disclose its location. The work here goes in three shifts for maintenance , for example, an armored personnel carrier takes a day, and for repairs, depending on the complexity of the breakdown, up to 4 days after the repair tests, which last several hours, the vehicles are already sent to the line of contact on their own. Each has its own division. Alexey baranov andrey yurchuk khalit tankiev to lead the line of contact in the donetsk peoples republic in the red liman direction today is the day of the Airborne Forces, they perform the most difficult tasks in the special war zone of the operation, and the glorious chronicle of the Airborne Forces began on august 2, 30, when 12 fighters parachuted for the first time during an exercise near voronezh the aircraft also dropped containers of ammunition by parachute. After a successful landing, the paratroopers moved to the destination of the successful maneuver. Started the creation of a new species troops. At the origins of the winged guard was general vasily margelov, it was under him that the Airborne Forces received new weapons, combat equipment and external attributes, depths, berets and vests. A heavy downpour hit the ural region last night in chelyabinsk , flooding roads and yards. Livnyovki, could not cope with the flow of water, the level in some places rose by almost a meter for several hours , stopped walking, even public transport, trolleybuses and buses could not overcome the water barrier that had arisen, the state of emergency remains in the region until the morning of the Weather Forecast predict wind intensification up to 25 m s, showers and hail. According to the ball, at least 20 people died as a result of heavy rains in the staly region of china and about 30 more were missing due to flooding, authorities announced evacuations. Were closed, Railway Stations were canceled flights, water, also washed out roads , there are interruptions in communication in some areas , landslides came down to help the victims sent rescuers and military humanitarian aid to hardtoreach places delivered by helicopters using aviation also takes out the wounded at risk repeated disasters. And for rainfall. Still remains high. Former u. S. President donald trump will appear in federal Court Tomorrow in the metropolitan district of columbia , the prosecution will seek a fast track trial for the billionaire indicted on four counts. All of them are connected with the attack on the capitol in january. On the 21st of the first year , several people died during the riots, the Prosecutors Office believes that the expresident and his accomplices tried to use this situation to change the results of the president ial elections. Trump himself considers all the accusations politically motivated in his opinion. This is happening to keep him out before the next president ial election , according to the latest polls among candidates from the republican party, trump leads by a wide margin. The military who carried out a coup detat in the republic of neger announced the opening of air and land borders by five neighboring countries earlier, the military announced that the president of the country had moved the border closed, a curfew was announced, and thousands French Embassy protesters demanded the closure of foreign bases. After that , the eu countries began to evacuate their citizens , it is reported that about 1,000 citizens of western countries expressed their desire to leave the country. Further news of the regions, do not switch. Now the news of the Capital Region today in moscow and the region will be hot again, the air will warm up to 26 degrees. Rain and thunderstorms possible in the afternoon. Tomorrow the temperature will be even higher next weekend will be the hottest. First, in the summer , Weather Forecasters promise up to 34 and such heat forecasters predict it will last until the middle of next week. More than 250,000 flowers decorated the streets of the capital. Uh, hanging pots with vervain petunias and begonias were installed in the parks of the building along the fence sidewalks vertical flower beds can be seen in the city center on Zubovskaya Square Kutuzovsky Prospekt and in the triumphal square garden more than 700,000 times the residents of the capital used the online Appointment Service to the veterinarian for 4. 5 years, this can be done on the mayors portal or in the mobile application of the Public Services of moscow, all pet health information. Now available to muscovites in a convenient format on the my pet website, the most Popular Service for which vaccinations are registered for pets. Our news is always available on the media platform, watch the application or watch on the website. See you soon. Climax and tortured tides. This is not for me. Tame hot flashes, valanine cyclimalanine is more profitable up to 50 cyclimalanin from evalar come to vk and watch in clips what you want with the impression constructor. Iron nerves strong immunity everything flows thoughts time life. Choose the power of natural water benefits of minerals freshness, gorshtau, natural antistress formula its time to extend cmtpl millions of motorists do it on sravni and receive gifts. Buy osago or other insurance on sravni and win a car. If insurance then compare on the site and in the application. What is the most profitable medicine for cystitis in terms of price, not simple and malar is more profitable up to 50 , not simple treatment of cystitis without overpayments . Good morning. Hello today is already wednesday august the second number with you this morning Elena Nikolaeva deniseikov. We sit here and think. I wish i could survive the heat in urban conditions on the sea outside the city by the river. At least forget how to dream about it in the summer. It is simply impossible, by the way, it is also impossible to unlearn how to ride a bicycle. This has been proven by scientists. Its all about the kinds of memories to pedal and steer, its like playing Musical Instruments skills are fixed for life in the socalled procedural memory, it controls the processes that are below the border of the level of consciousness. The explanation for this is still given in the form of a hypothesis. Possibly in in areas where Movement Patterns are fixed , fewer new nerve cells are formed in people and there is less risk that such memories will work together. This is not poetry for you or teaching hands, feet, remembers everything. Yes, but you have to drive carefully. Alarming statistics show accidents involving cyclists. More these shots were recently taken in syktyvkar at a Pedestrian Crossing, a driver knocked down two boys. The children were taken to the hospital. In irkutsk, a child recently crashed into a bulldozer at full speed, fortunately survived after fall. I lost my memory. After some time, 1015 minutes. I started to come to my senses and realized that i had a broken head, they had recently recovered from a serious head injury, and she fell off the bike due to the fault of pedestrians who ran out onto the bike path on the main embankment of blagoveshchensk, a young man who did not look where he goes, but its like there were a lot of people. It just wasnt possible. As a result, the young man disappeared and they never found him. But in the accident that recently occurred in ulyanovsk culprits. The driver was punished. He hit the girl at a Pedestrian Crossing and sued, pointing out that she did not dismount and crossed it on a bicycle. Well, the suter clarified that he was to blame. In any case , the rules of the road oblige the driver of the vehicle. The drivers decided to take measures to prevent a Traffic Accident for a year and a half and ordered them to pay the victim 300,000 rubles. Alas. Today there are more and more such cases. The problem is confident experts that in the last the time behind the rapid growth in the popularity of electric scooters transport gap, simply forgotten. But unlike the means of individual mobility, cyclists are officially considered road users according to the rules, they are allowed to ride on roads and sidewalks, and they always have an advantage over cars, experts are sure that in order to return the status of one of the most convenient and safe to cycling, the rules need to add article about the advantage of cyclists and over drivers seven, which are more powerful and heavier than bikes in my opinion, it is overdue and thats for sure. It is necessary to divide this one here, and the park for private pastime , and lets call it industrial exploitation. And here i, as it were, include not only courier items, but those published for rent, the second point is necessary. Considering the arrangement of the road network in cities, there are good examples where the bicycle has become a popular means of transportation. There are special paths for it called a protected bike station, when the sidewalk is then a section of the road, but it is reserved for bicycles, and it is separated from traffic. What there, dividing by ators with columns, there by curbs, and also to accustom pedestrians to recognize bike paths and not to walk along them is the biggest trouble, as we note. This is what led the paths to walk, not just pedestrians, but mums with strollers walk, this is dangerous for them, because these are still zones for cyclists. Only subject to all conditions of cycling. It will again be able to take its place as one of the safest and most convenient means of transportation. We will hope that the ideal solution to this problem will be dreamed of by some other officials or deputies, and im not kidding. Four out of 10 russians. Even at night they think about work. She is dreamed primarily of an account manager and teachers are the least likely to dream. A System Administrator and a designer, and women see work in their dreams more often than men. Yes, there is a lot to talk about. We have a person in our studio who knows absolutely everything about dreams doctor somnologist to doctor of medical Sciences Professor Roman Buzunov roman vyacheslavovich good morning. Good morning. So dreams work, what is it, but speaks of our psychological state. These are some nightmares or vice versa, uh increase the generic performance in terms of performance its definitely not conducive. I always remember leo you know how many years 15 hours. I heard that laziness was invented by lions, just imagine going to bed a lion and so the lionesses will go to another. And ill wake up and everyone will scatter. In general, a drought will come and everyone will die, as if our people have worked exactly like this , they begin to think this is illumination. And what was wrong with actually dreaming extremely important elements . The point is that everything we stored in ram . During the day, the elements of the clients and so on , the brain processes dreams at night and thinks that we forget , and thank god, most of us forget to analyze, make a decision and act somehow in the future, that is, adaptation to the environment. And if suddenly a dream, it happens that it becomes obsessive, so it repeats. Eh, what does that say . And what order of frequency should alert posttraumatic sleep, this is a classic of obsessive dreams, the brain refers to this, but does not understand. He cant forget like a disaster. He cannot accept. Yes , he cant accept it, he doesnt understand what to do next with it, and he, like a broken record, turns, turns, turns, but there is no solution. In this situation, the task is already to turn to psychologists, this psychiatrists in terms of doing something so that this thought somehow. Well, liquefy, as you can not change. At least make peace with it. And you can somehow manage your dreams , moreover, i read an explanation of a successful person and an unsuccessful one, what distinguishes them. Here they got it wrong somewhere. In life, a successful person scrolls how he fixed it all in a dream, and not a successful person scrolls his failure 500 times. But how can you order . A dream where you, in fact, will turn everything in your favor, if you have a positive mindset, you are set to solve the problem. You will make a decision. And if you are set, sorry for the fact that everything is bad. I collapsed. So you will dream that the nightmares of a disaster, if everything is bad and collapsed, how to tune in to positive thinking, at least in a dream ah, and here it is already done its impossible to have a good day. Of course, i can tell you for a long time that this requires physical activity. Even benjamin frant said that fatigue is better than a pillow. There is such a situation. It seems to me, especially in children, when, uh, maybe some kind of nightmare is dreaming. Yes, a person even woke up, and then he even falls asleep again, maybe he drank some water. And what is called for the second season, the dream went on, as it were, such a situation. I usually say, there the child was frightened. I say, well, roll over to the other side. You woke up and i realized that this is a dream, roll over, and you will dream of something else, but suddenly not, suddenly the same thing, like such a situation, well, it happens even more. The worst situation is when a child jumps up . Well, my mother knows and begins to go wild , her eyes bulging, not understanding anything. At this moment, the socalled night. Horror is when a person, well, a child goes to kindergarten. Or , lets say there is Something Like that, but you are of a certain age, the main thing in this situation is not to wake the child at all. Here. If you wake him up, he will remember this fear , he needs to be patted on the head to calm him down. He stop screaming. In the morning he will wake up without remembering anything at all, the angel will feel great. And if you know what happened we wake up remembers, this fear remembers frightened parents. Here is the same thing that works. After all, often, even in films shows a nightmare. The same person will be. And everything is fine. Its all right. You saw a terrible dream. You dont have to wake up. You just need to somehow carefully stroke it and turn it over in a good way, yes, that is, its better not to wake it up, then the person will forget from here. There will be nothing at all in the morning remember. It is clear that astakhov we can ask questions a lot and for a very long time , but still he summarizes what we started with when we have dreams about work, as i understand it, it basically means a person. Hey, its time for him to go on vacation. I understood correctly, right . Thank you, it was very interesting for you, and we talked about dreams about dreams with the founder of the Russian Society of somnologists Roman Buzunov. All the best. Thank you and watch today a special edition of the program 60 minutes all the latest news about the situation on ukraine and in the world. Dont miss 60 minutes today at 11 30 17 30 on the channel russia information at 21 20, scientists finally found out what kind of strange pepelats carried a twometer rusty metal tank from the sea to the coast of Western Australia turned out to be not a message from aliens to the wreckage of the third stage of an indian launch vehicle. Now we have to decide what to do with this space debris , some believe it should be returned to india, others want to move it to the park of the nearest town as an orthoobject. Well, to attract tourists to scrap metal. In any case, dont will hand over. Its a pity. I wonder where the gravity is in the development of new alloys for aircraft by russian scientists in the decade of science and technology. They added special properties to aluminum and launched the Industrial Production of composite parts for any aircraft designer. Struggles to reduce the weight of the aircraft openly in the xx century. Alloys. Today, they no longer provide the necessary characteristics, so scientists are constantly looking for a way to improve their compositions, so in krasnoyarsk , iron was added to the aluminum alloy. And zinc we we retain all the advantages of aluminum this is weight, but at the same time we increase, and physical and mechanical properties. Simply put, this is strength, the main knowhow lies in the technology of metal production, molten aluminum is mixed with other components, and then sent to an electromagnetic mold under the influence of a magnetic field, the liquid metal is held in shape at this moment water is supplied to its surface. You have a very high cooling rate, which is not characteristic of the traditional casting method, but rather the ingot solidifies due to which the metal instantly crystallizes and a finegrained structure is formed. Finegrained structure determines the subsequent physical and mechanical properties. New parameters are ideal for those areas of Mechanical Engineering where weight matters. Rivets for aircraft will be made of metal. Or new wiring. As a result, the airliner will become lighter, and its carrying capacity will increase to reduce the mass of future airliners, these legs work. From obninsk they supplied the production of composite parts on the flow, but if earlier carbon fiber was glued to the tooling by hand, now it is done by machines. The mechanical arm lays out the carbon fabric tape with a speed of accuracy inaccessible to humans. The key element of the installation is a special head in the lower part there is a roller that applies the fabric with an additional mode. This reduces the porosity of carbon fiber and increases its strength. At the final stage, the part is packed in a bag and the air is pumped out of it. Then it is fed inside, the binder assembled and impregnated structures fall right here. This is an autoclave. They would not spend 8 hours in it and would be baked at a temperature of about 200 and under increased pressure , it is very important that with the help of a similar technology. It is possible to create large parts, for example , aviation wings, the production time will be less, and the physical characteristics of composite elements will be as high as possible as a result of this , most importantly, the reliability of aircraft will increase. Sky duels operator sprinter and villagers underwater unusual competitions that can only be found on the internet we will see soon o advertising is a great excuse to drink a cup while brewing azerchay. In the world of hundreds , you cant. Iota says you can, try the first month for only 399 rubles. Decide how many gigs and unlimited apps you need. There is a job for everyone. We were told love is forever. When dad has a bee, the family has more internet and dad . And mom shrugged it off. And the children spun opera bee for the whole family in the beeline application beeline is on your side. This is detralex which helps to fight the symptoms of hemorrhoids at any stage and act on their cause details always 180 days without interest. Actress on the set, i will not act in this, you will be left without money. Dont worry, the rabbit will drink money with the new smartphone. Didnt close. Its yours youre so impressed. Only now i have five five times more enjoyment from movies and tv shows. Stay here for a long time. Yes, infinitely. Heres megapowers for you unlimited, watch the video, listen, music, sit in social networks. Activate mega powers for unlimited. And the Internet Users decided that the bear was not real when they watched the video of the malay mishka of the zoo in the chinese city of hangzhou, the slipper begging for food, catching it with his front paws and funny standing on his hind legs down. Naturally, pose. Many thought that the clubfoot was replaced by a disguised man who was put into the aviary. And, apparently, his suit is a bit too big for the parka. I had to make amends quickly. And on behalf of the bear himself, some people think that im standing, as a person you seem to have little about me. You know. In general, even more fog was let in, the intrigue remains. Well, quite plush. Well, its true, it happens that people resemble birds. As a helicopter pilot from novosibirsk, who achieved such skill in the profession at the national championship, won first place in the allaround discipline. Preflight training strictly according to the rules and at the helm with the graceful iron bird urine didenko full Mutual Understanding and longterm cooperation helicopter sport came more than 10 years ago, the sky no longer lets go. From a height as in the palm of your hand is already a native airfield. Here irina is preparing for the slalom competition. Cargo transportation, navigation, flight for the accuracy of the discipline are difficult, and most importantly, the partner helicopter, every now and then shows character, but already the habit at the helm is maximum concentration. Samara is a pilot who are professional instrument pilots two. And so this is our competition with them. Yes , takaya made positive in a good way, but we performed as well as possible. On each of the exercises, and they are exactly at the limit of possibilities. Without the right to make a mistake, the struggle with the female crew for leadership. As a result , the novosibirsk pilots didenko and her partner led to an unexpected result. Svetlana gumbatova. In the Overall Standings , several mens teams were bypassed at once. This happens rarely from the Overall Standings, the men moved this for the first time in 65 years of helicopter sports in russia and in the soviet union when two women crew are on the table of the common tongue, as a result of silver in general. For what type of allaround and gold among women from a birds eye view, you fully feel the spirit of victory , positive energy this is the very possibility. That is, heres what im doing now, im managing the space. You control the space, and my head is spinning, and i know, i say this and Irina Didenko knows how to achieve her goals in the russian championship participated for the ninth time and won the title of the absolute champion of the country in the third its time to take new heights at the world championships. And then there is never too much good cuisine, we will tell you how to develop restaurants business with the help of the state after the news. They continue to work live in the studio of Andriy Shevtsov hello, the intensity of shelling in the donetsk peoples republic by the Ukrainian Military over the past 24 hours. A total increase of 112 was recorded. More than 400 shells were fired in the settlement. Mostly nato caliber. Under the fire of the nationalists were donetsk makeevka gorlovka dokuchaevskaya and other cities and the village was not without casualties, three civilians were killed, 10 more were injured , 10 residential buildings were damaged. In the red lebanese direction in the special Operation Zone , the positions of the nationalists are hit by artillerymen , the calculations of the selfpropelled installation hyacinths strike at strongholds and westernmade equipment. Artillery fire adjustment was carried out in real time from a drone. This made it possible to destroy the german selfpropelled installation of the enemy. Today is Airborne Forces day, they perform the most difficult task in the special war zone operation. The highest level of training and unbending character. All this is being prepared by the vanguard of the armed forces at the ryazan school. Alexander visited the Airborne Forces at the parade, as in battle, paratroopers should be the best of all , so he said, the father of the founder of the Airborne Forces, vasily margelov, army general, and now he strictly looks at recruits. Even on the birthday of the winged infantry, they will not be allowed to relax , practicing on the raft a drill step juggling with a carbine with a fastened bayonet part of the show. But, in fact, in the hands of the cadets, the educational material is small arms from a pistol to a machine gun. They should know perfectly and not only domestic production. In front of you are the negev machine gun, which is in service with nato countries, this weapon. We are studying on the eve of having a cadet in the course of performing a combat mission moss to use this weapon, and to use this weapon. He must know its purpose characteristics combat properties. Well, and accordingly the general device for the theory immediately practice is such, in principle, training in the ryazan guards. At the skom higher airborne school, the actions of each shooter in the department are worked out to automatism, so the cadets are taught tactics and strategy of warfare. The cadets, with full ammunition, machine guns loaded with live ammunition , the task is to destroy the enemy stronghold ; snipers are the first to advance in positions. But at the same time, of course, paratroopers do not forget about parachutes without jumping. The vest will not be given during the period of great exercises from heaven to earth descends and this is a formidable technique. By the way, in the ryazan school knows how to treat fear of heights, as well as other phobias. They themselves basically must have a strong spirit and a desire to defend the homeland the rest. We are here with him as a paratrooper. Lets do it from the root. Lets strengthen the pressure of courage. The victory in this formula is the whole essence of the Airborne Forces of the great patriotic war in afghanistan by chechnya, and now in the zone of their own paratroopers have always acted at the forefront to prepare cadets for this. Now they are working out the capture of the enemy line of defense of the combat city blocks, cleaning the building. Is one of the aptitude tests cadets graduates of this group. Everyone has their own role and the common task is to destroy the enemy so that there is no loss of personnel in its history. The ryazan Landing Force brought up 172 heroes of the soviet union and russia. Blue berets have always been where courage was required, personal courage, readiness to sacrifice oneself to this tradition. They are followed today by alexander andrey body of anastasia zorina and mikhail shum lead, ryazan region. The indian authorities announced a curfew , suspended Internet Access and introduced divisions of the military to the north of the country , the reason was clashes between local communities, clashes between muslims and one of the hindu nationalist groups. Its been going on for 3 days now. As a result, four people died. Including two policemen in one of the cities, the crowd set fire to a mosque and killed a muslim cleric. Many people were forced to leave the violenceridden areas, Law Enforcement officers are investigating several attackers of the detainees. One person died, five were injured due to the passage of the typhoon eve in southern japan on the island of okinawa, more than 200,000 houses were left without electricity more than 400 flights were canceled stopped ferry crossings and trains today the weather, it may worsen even worse wind gusts up to 65 m s are expected, meteorologists report that waves in coastal areas can reach 12 m power warned local residents about the floods and urged them to stay in their homes. Further news of your region with the residents of moscow and the region will see you in a few seconds. Now Capital Region news today at moscow and the region will again be hot, the air will warm up to 26 degrees. Gas rain possible in the afternoon. Tomorrow the temperature will be even higher next weekend will be the hottest. First summer, Weather Forecasters promise up to plus, 34. In the northeast of moscow eliminates the consequences of spills of an unknown liquid , a container with a caustic substance was brought to the waste sorting. There were canisters with acid inside. After measuring the air , an excess of Hydrogen Chloride vapor was recorded. The place is now unhooked. The territory was flooded with foam. More than half of the work on the overhaul of the zhukovsky overpass in zamoskvorechye was completed by specialists who installed six beams of the superstructure. There are 12 of them in total , each weighing 36 tons and 24 m long. They connect the bridge supports and serve as foundations for laying. The carriageway slabs have been done a special delivery job. The beams were delivered only at night by special vehicles with escort after the installation of all twelve beams is completed, we will proceed to the improvement of the adjacent territory according to installation of an outdoor lighting pole; installation of a barrier fence for traffic safety, both for pedestrians and vehicles. On the approaches to the overpass, the builders will replace more than 200 m of curbs and lay new asphalt on an area of ​​about one and a half thousand square meters. The work is scheduled to be completed by the end of the year. In moscow, traffic will be restricted today due to events dedicated to the day of the airborne troops, the car will not be able to drive and park from 7 00 in the morning until one in the afternoon along ilyinka street and also from ilyinka to varvarka street. From 8 00 a. M. To 11 00 a. M. , the passage on soviet army street will be closed. Drivers are asked to be careful. The Capital Company will be able to pay for parking in a new way in the moscow parking application, legal entities. Now they can change the start time of parking, the adjustment must be made before the end of the day and no more than three times a month, all organizations must be registered in the personal account of the moscow parking legal entity , the possibility of adjusting the data, and parking is available to individuals. The head of the moscow archive opened access to old documents about families priests of the 18th and 19th centuries. They contain records of the composition of families at the age of the priest himself or other ministers of the church, as well as their relatives. Thanks to the new documents , the range of searching for relatives has significantly expanded and an additional source has been obtained for studying the history of ones family. It is an analogue to transfer the population and will be useful to those investigators who are engaged in their genealogy and having representatives of the spiritual realm of the clergy in their family. And if fairy tales are available for research on documents are hosted free of charge in the my family Online Service and will soon be available on the archive search platform. In the Moscow Region, after powerful lines, there is a sharp increase in the number of mushrooms, experienced mushroom pickers collect hundreds of porcini mushrooms, and in the forests of many aspen mushrooms, the first milk mushrooms and mushrooms appear. There are many in the forest. Now, after the rains of porcini mushrooms, polish mushrooms under birch trees. It is considered edible mushrooms not nonconditionally edible edible, so its time to collect. Well, in about an hour , rospotrebnadzor specialists warn is it dangerous to buy mushrooms in spontaneous markets along the roads . All news are available on the media platform, watch the app or on the website, see you. Ru. See you soon. Climax and tortured tides. This is not for me. Tame the tides from cicly malanin cyclimalanine is more profitable up to 50 cyclimalanin from evalar rating for free on the site compare dot ru all thoughts time flows. Choose the power of natural water. And now i want to be surprised, dive into the tape according to your mood. I want to learn something. Pump your brain. Find content for whatever you want with the direct impression builder now. You are like clips a Meeting Place for impressions. Buy osago or other insurance on compare and win a car. What is the best medicine for cystitis . Not just for larlar more profitable up to 50 , not easy for malar treatment of cystitis without overpayments. Good morning. Hello Irina Nikolaevna stoykov synchronously greeted you this wednesday morning on the second of august on the calendar. If you suddenly decide to swim today, know the fountains are busy, there are paratroopers. Thats for sure. Well, in general , to everyone who realized that it was already august. You havent made it yet generally notice the summer, which you usually want. Well, you say, the sea, the sun, the cathedral, and also the spaboard and Massage Spa Services have reached a new level. Now get the mass. Pleasant emotions from one of the most popular favorite manual techniques. It is possible right in the sea off the coast in sochi whether the waves interfere with the massage therapist , it is not known for sure, but there is no doubt that the client is satisfied. There is no cost from the main resort and naberezhnye chelny, only instead of the sea there are medicines there, apparently this fashion trend along the river is the sea, relaxation too gets along great. Well, this is of great importance. For relaxation, open aero has the weather and thats what it will be like for the next 2 days, lets ask the leading specialist of the phobos causes center vadim zamuchenkov. Vadim good morning. As always, they will be hot, just not the right word, they will be abnormally hot, not so that the masseur, sochi, is very lucky to go and tell. The atmosphere over southern russia will be dominated by an anticyclone, so there are few clouds here, and only in some places in the mountains can masses of cumulonimbus clouds appear, carrying showers and loads of air. It can warm up well in the afternoon, up to plus 3237, the weather of the Northwestern District will be affected by the influence of the cyclone, therefore it will not do without rain, in places with thunderstorms and gusty winds , air masses from the mediterranean will flow into the regions, this stream will break even in the arctic at noon, the thermometers will show plus 23 28, and in central russia, the influence of the cyclone will also affect. Uh, here residents are waiting for the weather of humid subtropics, local thunderstorms and abnormal heat during the day plus 2530, the black earth up to plus 2833 frontal sections will destabilize the atmosphere. To the urals, therefore, arrays of thunderclouds will form here, and the air will only be able to warm up to 2328, and in southern siberia there will be fewer clouds due to thunderstorms, they will be local and shortterm, so the air will warm up better in the afternoon to 2833 on the south of the far east will break through the air mass from the tropical zone of asia in the region , thunderstorms are expected, and the temperature regime is moderately warm in the afternoon plus 2429. Thanks vadim, but for now, here are the first days of august. Eh, whats called compensates us, uh, rainy summer, the opponent is so pleasant in summer, well, sharp indeed, the situation is unique. But the first days of august will be the hottest for the whole of the past summer, if we say such that is, uh, longterm forecasts, otherwise this is a heat wave of abnormal heat. It will drag on until early next week. A cold front will pass on monday tuesday. E will drop the temperature, and the temperature regime will return to the climate, but on average, according to preliminary forecasts , august will still be warmer than usual, thank god, the main thing is that it will always be good for the weekend. Thank you. Vadim vadim told us about the working days the final of literally this working week Vadim Zavodchenkov big. Fruit and flower collection this is lakes of tea this is the perfect combination of tea leaves of the highest grade , aromas of juicy fruits and fresh berries. Morning is the time to brew azerchay. Razuyte pick you a stylish, bow. We have already picked it up in a vegetable garden, which has gathered in a bunch. The potatoes are gently cut and boiled to form a tender must. My green eyes, you are my cucumber you call the show premiere saturday and sunday at 15 05 on the channel russia accurate kick and the ability to run fast britain is gaining popularity sleeps golf is a sport in which not only skill is important, but also the players endurance task. Pass the course as quickly as possible, fewer strokes more hits between 18 holes. Well have to run more and with a set of clubs. Or you managed to cope with it 18 seconds faster than your opponent. And this, despite the fact that he was moving on bugs , an experiment was set up to find out if he is capable of whether a person beat another, if he moves by car, let him compete with each other and offer to evaluate the most exciting fights. Well, guys, lets get it on, of course, you are very interesting with the hole we came up with, then i too, maybe ill hang it up a little interesting. This is putting it mildly Internet Users. They just love to compete, who is stronger or faster, more dexterous or can stay under water longer, such videos always gain 1,000 likes and views. Probably each of us thinks in the soul. Yes, i can do that too raise your girlfriend. And this is the legacy of knightly duels. Only if earlier it was necessary to throw your opponent off the horse, now everything is much safer and more fun. But these guys do not exchange for trifles and the rabbit is called the most powerful men in the world, however, the spectacular effect on the competition and for them is not the least important. Thats how we all say the olympian. With the most sorted out, now we will find the fastest now on the internet. The gold medal is ready to give attempts to remove the athlete to this operator. He even overtook him in the end and this is us printing contest. You re doing here, however, as you are too banal not located. How about the twisting speed of this little toy on a string, by the way, some people can do it. Its so fast that it seems that it could not have done without special effects. Well, how can you forget about competitions for the most enduring ones . One of the most interesting options is, of course, holding your breath, daredevils compete, who can stay underwater longer, the guys warn you against me , there is no chance at all. Sunday dinner four waiting years, at least the inhabitants of bristol is small, the tavern in the city center ranked first in the world among establishments that are difficult to get tables. They are scheduled for years to come, thanks in large part to the famous Homemade Sauce and giant yorkshire pudding, the price of lunch is attracted. For two of the three courses will cost 22 pounds. This is 2. 500 rubles. For dessert , they offer cake. Pavlova with strawberries and White Chocolate lemon tart or panna cotta with raspberry yogurt. In general, delicious. The main thing is not to die of hunger, waiting table to know what you will do in the twenty fifth year. On this day, from the entry into the restaurant market in russia, one of the most dynamic developing ones , interesting establishments with an unusual concept annually appear, and thanks to the project, small and mediumsized businesses each. Anyone with an idea for their own restaurant or even entire chains can seek support at my Business Center. Every detail, we searched on different sites. These are basically all russian designers. Irina is proud of what she was able to bring to the business the center of samara is the atmosphere behind the volga, so the samara people call the right bank of the river their favorite business vacation spot. He started in 1918 during the world cup with a spanish restaurant to open a new gastrobar. Now with local flavor and dishes of the volga cuisine, she took a soft loan through the center. My business. Only 1 per annum we received state support, and in the form of the amount of money for which we were able to buy fixed assets, and we have a very cool, equipped kitchen in this Institution Due to this. Diversify the menu and move from simple street food to rich regional cuisine and even participate in gastronomic festivals. Collected in these walls in the menu in our dishes. We have an excellent fish soup, caught practically from our river, and bomb pike cutlets. We plan to open another institution this year. Irina is again counting on state support, the amount will need to be serious, she will need to leave a deposit and apply to the guarantee fund. They have already developed a targeted program for the restaurant business. They are more face problems and shortages of such high liquid collateral, as would all, for example, banks, yes and a, Many Organizations are accustomed to understand this cars. This is real estate, therefore, in their programs of the samara region guarantee fund, they also provided for the possibility of accepting such property as equipment as collateral. Here is specific to this area. There is no side of the network yet, but already its first coffee house has become one of the most popular in the center of barnaul with quick success. Helped educational courses. My Business Center, we were trained in both business and coffee. We are certified baristas ourselves as part of my business. Yes, also several have been trained by the school of entrepreneurship, in principle, to refresh their knowledge there, that we can already apply in our work, as a womens business. I went to open a coffee shop. In 2 weeks, we managed to create an authentic atmosphere in a Historic Building without commercial loans and investors, only with the help of preferential state support, various different fields of activity, different requests today just in singlewindow mode by reversing. Asking for any question for any information to business, he will just build the right route to the ultimate goal of obtaining state support measures thanks to the National Project for small mediumsized enterprises. Anyone who is ready to open cafes or restaurants and become an entrepreneur can apply for support to the nearest Business Centers. There are more than 400 such centers in 84 regions of russia. About advertising is an excellent occasion to drink a cup of fragrant tea while brewing azerchay. Companies and found this job for everyone. We were told love is forever. The price of a full package of Communication Services from rostelecom forever, connect the online cinema winx internet tv mobile communication at a price that will last forever forever rostelecom technology of opportunity professional quality, understandable in any language syoss shampoos and balms retain color brightness for up to 12 weeks, shine and shine syoss hair is professional as always. In the world of hundreds , you cant. Iota says you can, try the first month for only 399 rubles. Decide how many gigs and unlimited apps. You need you can iota why sit on the internet, if you can ride on the internet, lie about it, walk about it and even dance in it reliable mobile internet, with such beeline anywhere on your side for 28499 and you get for one ruble. Buy goods for the ruble you get. Salo on tele2 will remain the coldest point on the planet, because when you connect or switch to tele2 tariffs , their price will be frozen for a long time. We freeze prices for tariffs. Already 30 years. You choose innovation. For this we say merci and give super discounts and prizes submersible blender tifal for only 2. 799 videos and eldorado one of my friends. Well, very popular in russia. As always, i came to the rescue. Yes, infinitely. Heres your mega power for unlimited, watch videos, listen to music, sit in social networks, as long as you want, calmly, i take on this challenge. The next childhood stop, pensioner Jorge Ignacio from argentina, assembled a minibus to ride his granddaughter and her friends in an adult way. The bus has a number and a route in one of the districts of buenos aires, transport. Designed for seven people equipped all the Security Systems when you worked as a driver of a real bus a small prototype. He created in 4 1 2 years. And now every weekend is paid for the tyrant. The red bus is waiting for those who want to ride a new, mediumsized sedan, then our auto expert ivan zenkevich is ready to tell you everything about it. After several years of pause , the Company Began to supply its sedans to russia. The ori laid the foundation for eight. The exterior is distinguished by sculptural lines. The front rear optics are connected by horizontal jumpers of this design. Now in the trend, its rather unexpected to meet here a quartet of exhaust pipes and living Brake Calipers will not let me take a sports car , the body length is solid 4 m 76 cm. The car is asking for 3. 5 million rubles. Large dimensions, spacious interior seat on the second row, as in Business Class , passengers can use the seat heating in the central armrest and Additional Air ducts in the drivers seat, advanced technical design and a bright display, and riza eight is equipped with ten airbags, including a pair of knee speakers, as many as 12 pieces. There is even a builtin air freshener. But the trunk by the standards of the average segment is 455 liters. It has a turbocharged petrol engine. Of course. This is a four with direct fuel injection with a working volume of 1. 6 liters of power. There is no alternative motor in the lineup with 186 horsepower, but the torque of 275 nm is one of the largest in the class. A smart, robotic, sevenspeed transmission plays in a lively temperament, an average consumption of 6. 2 liters per 100 km. At the same time, you can refuel with ninetysecond gasoline; there is a lane Retention System here, which itself taxis at the right time. If the driver is distracted although fully trust the electronics. Still, its not worth it to display handling settings that are pleasant in turns. Eight flies into hunting or balks, and the stability margin is high front suspension maxperson rear independent multilink. And here are the transmissions four by four is not, and is not expected in the near future. In general, the cherry arizo8 impressed me as a modern sedan. In no way inferior to its analogue from japan, korea a in terms of the number of options and overtaking, however, in terms of cost. He approached them too. Whos the shock, please, so well put it in the attic, and the money for the night will go to the new roof, so lets put it by the stove, and the money to pay for heating. Yes, well, we came up with, in general, to rent out house property and we will tell everyone very soon. Oh it who it . Take a minute. After that, a Major Overhaul will have to be done. On the russia channel good morning russian selfpropelled guns prove why the artillery is the god of war in the kremensky forest destroyed by the nationalists. The water level has risen by almost a meter, chelyabinsk has to. Trump was charged with four counts for the attack on the capitol tomorrow he will face the federal court of the district of columbia this night explosions were heard immediately in a number of regions of ukraine since in kiev, as local authorities reported, the air Defense System is working the mayor of the ukrainian capital noted that fragments of drones were falling in some areas in a nonresidential building, a fire broke out, an alarm sounded also in the kiev sumy chernihiv zhytomyr regions in izmail in the south of the country , powerful strikes also write about it. Media details are not given yet. The intensity of shelling in the donetsk people of the republic by the Ukrainian Military over the past day has increased by a total of 112. More than 400 shells were fired at settlements. Mostly nato caliber. Under the fire of the nationalists were donetsk makeevka gorlovka, svetlodarsk, panteleymonovka dokuchaevskoy and other cities and towns were not without casualties, three civilians were killed , 10 more were injured , 10 houses were damaged. Task as part of the special operation , artillerymen of the Central Military district and the main objectives of the accumulation of enemy personnel and Armored Vehicles are performing intensity. The attack does not decrease, even if the gun requires replacement of assemblies or maintenance. The repair battalion works in three shifts. Firing position this is a pair of selfpropelled artillery installations msta is at full speed, about 10 km behind the line of contact, a reconnaissance drone of the Central Military district discovered the enemys Armored Vehicles. The main task of such a highspeed march is to ask the burnedout pine forest to have time to strike at the coordinates already received. Before a group of Armored Vehicles and artillery pieces of the armed forces tries to change their place of deployment. Here are shots of a hit on a cluster of Armored Vehicles the enemy, filmed by the camera of the same reconnaissance drone that discovered the target, had to work on foreign models m3 seven artillery pieces successfully destroyed on various targets. The manpower of the enemy Armored Vehicles fortified areas, precisionguided munitions up to 50 km. Well, the usual 27 km. Such intensity of combat work. Just cant do without tool maintenance. And when and without replacement, worn components and assemblies. This repair base is equipped with everything you need. It is close to the front line, but security reasons. We do not disclose its location. Work here takes place in three shifts for maintenance, for example, an armored personnel carrier takes a day, and for repairs, depending on the complexity of the breakdown, up to 4 days after the repair tests, which last several hours, the vehicles are already sent under their own power to the line of combat contact each of its units. Aleksey baranov andrey yurchuk khalit tankiev to lead the line of contact in the donetsk peoples republic in the krasnolymansk direction today is the day of the Airborne Forces, they perform the most difficult tasks in the special war zone of the operation, and the glorious chronicle of the Airborne Forces began on august 2 , 1930, when, during exercises near voronezh, 12 fighters parachuted aircraft for the first time, and ammunition containers were dropped by parachute. After a successful landing , the paratroopers moved to their destination , successful maneuvers. They laid the foundation for the creation of a new type of army. At the origins of the winged guard was general vasily margelov, it was under him that the Airborne Forces received new weapons, combat equipment and external attributes blue berets and vests. A heavy downpour hit the ural region last night in chelyabinsk , flooding roads and yards. Livnyovki, could not cope with the flow of water, the level in places rose by almost a meter for several hours , stopped walking, even public transport. Trolleybuses and buses could not overcome the water barrier that had arisen, the state of emergency remains in the region until the morning, Weather Forecasters predict a wind increase of up to 25 m s, showers and hail. At least 20 people have died as a result of heavy rains in the Capital Region. About 30 more missing in china due to flood power. An evacuation was announced, water flights were canceled, Railway Stations were canceled, roads were also broken, communication interruptions were observed, landslides came down in some areas to help the injured, rescuers were sent and military humanitarian aid was delivered to hardtoreach places by helicopters with the help of aviation, and the wounded were also taken out by the risk of repeated precipitation. Everything is still high. Former us President Donald Trump to appear in federal court for the Capital District tomorrow the colombian prosecution will seek an expedited trial for billions. Roma was charged with four counts. All linked to the attack on the capitols in january 21 , several people were killed during the riots, prosecutors believe that the expressents and his accomplices tried to use this situation to change the results of the president ial elections. Trump himself considers all the accusations politically motivated in his opinion. Its going to keep him up the Upcoming Elections for the post of head of state , according to recent questions among candidates from the republican party, trampling by a wide margin. The military who carried out a coup detat in the republic of niger announced the opening of air and land borders with five neighboring countries. Earlier , the military announced that the president of the country had moved the borders, closed and declared a curfew, and thousands protesting at the French Embassy demanded the closure of foreign bases. After that, the eu countries began evacuations of its citizens, it is reported that about a thousand citizens of western states expressed their desire to leave the country. Further news of the regions, bet with us. Now the news of the Capital Region today in the Moscow Region will be hot again, the air will warm up to 26 degrees. Rain and thunderstorms possible in the afternoon. Tomorrow the temperature will be even higher next weekend will be the hottest. At first, Weather Forecasters promise summer up to 34 , and this heat will last until the middle of next week. More than 250,000 flowers decorated the streets of the capital pots with vervain petunias and joggers were installed in the parks on the facades. Buildings along the fences on the sidewalks, vertical flower beds can be seen in the city center on the Zubovskaya Square on Kutuzovsky Prospekt and in the garden of the triumphal square. More than 700,000 times the residents of the capital used the online appointment with the Veterinarian Service for 4. 5 years. You can do this on the mayors portal or in the mobile application of the Moscow Public Services for all information about the health of pets. Now available to muscovites in a convenient format on the site my pet is the most demanded service, on which the pet is vaccinated. Our news is always available on the media platform, we watch it in the application or on the website we watch dot ru see you soon. Climax and tortured tides. This is not for me. Tame the tides from the melanin cycle cyclimalanin is more profitable up to 50 cyclimalanin from evalar time by the power of natural water buy ctp or other insurance to compare and win a car. Iron nerves and now i want to be surprised, dive into the tape according to your mood. I want to learn something. Pump your brain. Find content below i want anything with impression builder right now. You like clips of the Meeting Point of impressions moscow coffee houses taste pleasure love recommend. What is the most profitable medicine for cystitis at a price not simple, alar, more profitable up to 50 , non sheet treatment of cystitis without overpayments. Good morning. Hello Elena Nikolaeva denis stoykov. We are in a hurry to meet you with our devoted viewers today , august 2, wednesday wednesday today forms a person in every sense. And what we say is nothing to be ashamed of and thats how they think most russians, when it comes to salary only one in three feels embarrassed about the difference in earnings with friends most often people discuss this sensitive topic with friends. Every fourth talks about financially. Very often or constantly, but not at all discuss their strangers. Earnings. A third of the surveyed incomes have been of great interest to collectors since then. How were their activities put under the law. They began to show ingenuity, calling debtors from spoof numbers, writing fake accounts and ends. Ilya davydov has never dealt with the problem , and suddenly anastasia should tell how a friend took a loan , indicated her as a guarantor and stopped paying. The collector first called anastasia a. Then he wrote a post that allegedly she was suspected of embezzling money. He, like, do whatever you want, so that she gives the money within an hour and starts mailing to friends. My relatives started sending this picture, like nastya, what are you, where did you borrow money from us only when the girl turned to the police the bouncer disappeared the activities of collectors are controlled by the Bailiff Service in kamchatka at the beginning of the year. She has received dozens of complaints, frequent calls from unidentified individuals who do not identify themselves, but who stink or write messages from ephone numbers that are not registered. It is prohibited by law, but collectors do not attract. After all, he was incognito in tatarstan, the police raided the office of the agency, where they blackmailed and threatened to extort a debt from a pensioner, sent a photo of his wife on social networks with a signature on the provision of intimate services, employees of the criminal Investigation Department of the ministry of internal affairs in the republic of tatarstan identified and detained the suspect, he is accused of arbitrariness, slander, and illegal production and distribution of pornographic materials. It looks like the chaos that was before. Although it has been 6 years since the order of communication between collectors and the debtor is defined by law, a personal meeting once a week, calls once a day, twice a week, eight times a month on weekdays from 8 00 to 22 00 on weekends from 9 00 to 20, the collector is obliged introduce himself to inform the debtor, the name of the creditor and the Collection Organization, violation of this regulation threatens with a fine, and talking with predilection, and also a criminal penalty , an article has been put into effect that already provides for criminal liability when collectors threaten life and health. God forbid uses force to damage property, and depending on the disposition of each yes specified in this article, and the term can be up to 10 years in prison, and the low legal culture of collectors, says statisticians last year. Agencies were fined 300 million rubles. Understandably knocking out debts is a thankless job, but the code they have to honor is the work of the right framework for collectors. This is task number one, because people have different situations. We know that sometimes after the call. Well, the collector, well, that is, more suicides and suicides, and here it is necessary to take this into account for everyone, it is a different situation. Well, debtors. Most. The main thing is that you should not be afraid to give in to the threats of the blackmail act on your side. Only now the law does not say how to deal with those who call anonymous bailiffs, although it controls collection agencies, but they are not engaged in the search, but they could if they give resources and powers, because they have a common task with collectors. We will continue the topic with the chairman of the Public Council at the federal Bailiff Service, vladimir gureev, Vladimir Alexandrovich hello well, its clear that debts need to be repaid, but everyone must act within the law, since laws have already been written regarding collectors , quite a lot has been written here, we understand that there are some then anonymous. Well, is it possible, is it impossible to calculate today some anonymous, if the call comes from a Collection Organization from representatives of a Collection Organization that is officially included in the register, then by law, they must all record their calls and store the archive for a certain time. On the one hand, on the other hand, if it is gray and the socalled collector, which is not included anywhere and makes calls. Right here, of course, we can advise our viewers to record the performance on their own, if we are talking about like this called substitution numbers. And now this is a problem. She still remains, then, of course, here in the first place. Uh, this is a problem that cellular operators solve. Uh, Verification Services are starting. Traffic is the so called antifraud system, which blocks the possibility of ecalls from spoof numbers. That is, this problem is gradually disappearing into the past. Although it is still preserved. What powers are not enough to fight this process with the state duma, and a bill is under consideration, which is designed to give bailiffs the possibility of obtaining Additional Information from mobile operators from the bureau of credit histories. And this is the top authority, which will just help the bailiffs in a very, very short time to establish the caller esubscriber. And if at least some statistics , how often the defendants come to me, there may be no data in places, it turns out such, er, not very clean collectors of the article, about which we are now talking to you, which are in the report. She spoke too. Uh, with the possibility of applying sanctions up to 10 years. She was only introduced into the criminal code on july 10 of this year. So far, yes, the problems are also in another thing, that there is a market for microfinance institutions mfis, which, for now, should be brought under control. E service of bailiffs is not clear, that is, from microfinance organizations may call to threaten and these people are not considered collectors the lions share. Well, a significant proportion of such complaints come, unfortunately, from microfinance organizations. They must live by the same absolutely rules as other collectors, and animals. And well, partly. Well, how once again, the bill that we just mentioned to you, uh, which is aimed at bringing the activities of microfinance organizations under control and enabling bailiffs to fully control this market. So he just should offend this sphere of activity to an even greater extent. What rooks still need to be closed . Here, where these narrow streams flow away , there should not be any such anonymous callers. There should not be anonymous subscribers. Yes it shouldnt be direct threats, because these are direct threats. This is a criminal liability. Now, if we minimize, first of all, at the level of practice, all these manifestations, then the market is abundant. As for the legislation, our legislation now allows quite a lot for both Law Enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities. And we ll get there someday. Uh, to the person who suddenly starts calling. Uh, outside the scope of the law such. Eh, beaters, dolgov, he will not have to prove anything. Just comes writes a statement that here to me are calling. Eh, figure it out, the person, of course, did not have time not to fix it, he was confused. Yes, i couldnt somehow i didnt have some kind of, perhaps, improvised means, especially not every phone, you call to write a conversation, of course, and often, just the service already receives an appeal that here, in fact, figure it out. Help and bailiffs understand and try to help. Thank you very much, the questions were answered by the representative of the Public Council at the federal Bailiff Service. Vladimir gureev. Fine. Thanks, ill get it good luck. I want to marry the tail of the Kings Daughter , im sure that you suit her, at the behest of the pike, we look to my level to spend time with children, russian cartoons and childrens programs have begun. This means that there will be not only a lot of sweet berries, but also a wasp summer delicacy attracts them no less at the sight of a wasp, experts advise not to wave your hands, freeze and not move , whole toses will fly away, as a rule, if something threatens the nest, in general, they do not like the smell of pine needles and geraniums ultrasonic device bright clothes, especially yellow eat watermelons in yellow or just share it right. A piece of watermelon, but homeowners in Apartment Buildings have the right to additional income from Common Property, which can be spent on compensating part of utility bills, current repairs or landscaping, daria timonova found out how to make money on a house. Here, this room used to be called a water metering unit. And now here, in the snowwhite basement, there is a Womens Clothing store repaired through the wall, a photo studio of a Common Property for commercial purposes tenants. It has been rented out in an Apartment Building in kostroma for several years now. It is possible to earn about 30,000 rubles. In a month, the proceeds go towards the payment of residents for repairs , maintenance of the house and landscaping, for example, we installed a barrier. We have installed a Video Surveillance system around the perimeter. It is important that we changed the windows, in general, the residential entrance to receive additional passive income from the Common Property in the house. Other apartment owners can residential premises such a right, the owners of apartments, give the housing code , you can earn money by renting a basement in attics and other nonresidential premises advertising placed in an elevator or on the facade of a building and much more to start making money on a house. To begin with , the owners should decide who exactly will be looking for tenants to do. These are the owners. They can independently or through intermediaries of legal entities. This may be a Management Company that already serves the house, or an hoa created from scratch the first option is quite rare due to the difficulty for an ordinary person to carry out all the procedures, the second is often unprofitable, there are some Greedy Companies, managers, yes , who form such an offer to the owners of an Apartment Building. E, they suggest that 60 , e of the income will go to the income of the Management Company or 40. And here , for their own needs, for the owners, the option to earn money on their own house is the creation of a third homeowners association, that is, a separate legal entity and a separate current account. For this it is necessary hold a general meeting of owners and elect the chairman of the board register partnerships with the Tax Authority order a round stamp of the hoa and also apply to any bank to open a current account, which will receive money from tenants from the same account, the owners will be able to spend money on general needs, for example, ongoing or major home repairs compensation for part of utility bills or landscaping. Where exactly to spend the money, the owners also decide at the general meeting once a year and they delegate the search for contractors to the service provider, the chairman of the department, all money transfers are made by bank transfer, by the way, another plus in favor of creating an hoa is the minimum amount of taxes, if the recipient of funds is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, then depending on the taxation system. Well, for example, with a simplified taxation system, and from one to six percent is paid. In general, if everything is done correctly and not be afraid. Take responsibility for the maintenance of the vest, then earnings on common house property will help the owners not only save money, but also create comfortable Living Conditions in their own entrances. I recommend the drug grippferon this is the prevention and treatment of colds and flu, even for expectant mothers and babies from the first days of life. Planets, after all, when connecting or switching to tele2 tariffs , the price will be frozen for a long time; freezing prices for tariffs is difficult not to notice the legendary alpha Bank Credit Card with new benefits. Order a credit card now with cashback for all purchases. A sip of water from the holy spring with juicy fruit and berry flavors will help refresh your senses at the right time. Tune in for purity of taste. Well, very popular in russia. As always, i came to the rescue. Yes, infinitely. 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The sounds of a harp in the clouds shivan brady gave a concert on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and got into the guinness book of records, the wind interferes a little, but in order to fulfill her dream of climbing to the roof of africa , it took her several years to bring the harp to the local guides, the performance lasted 18 minutes played. Potpourri of irish music, proceeds from the concert will go to the fund for helping people with incurable genetic diseases russian film distribution. Now the people s comedy for palych is a light witty story about the transformation of a spoiled young man into a real man in less than a week, the film won the love of viewers all over the country. My dad became one of the richest people in the city and when you grow up, burns with a golden spoon, well, you understand, as they say, a flask starts to whistle, but all this coolness will end in one moment, as soon as the father of the young major goes bankrupt. Well, the guy himself will be in the Army Barracks for reeducation. We will treat you really grow up and understand that money decides. Not everything will help artyom the dove , not so much military service. How many lives after her, when the hero has to stand up for his grandfather, the seventyyearold palych , in a conflict with local authorities, major of the Airborne Forces God Bless America. Friendship family mutual assistance and the struggle for justice. And also that it is important for any generation to hear and understand each other. So heres the spinning top, no one except us in a situation where, uh, the grandson does not understand his grandfather, it is best to resort to humor. This is our Traditional Russian tradition, the brilliant cast of Sergei Shakurov and alexander samoylenko on peklo and many others give this picture the status of a truly popular witty joke and wise advice make this film easy and understandable to all viewers and those who have already appreciated palych assure such a funny sincere and at the same time a touching story, they havent seen the film for a long time, wonderful interesting ideas about in general about family reunification. Looked straight. Straight away, every minute of the movie was. And you can laugh, how to go from friends. As from a family, this picture is definitely worth it. A new comedy for palych already in all cinemas lena will start broadcasting soon woke up on time, the broadcast will start soon. Go change your clothes, go down, too, the dream book does not help me. Maybe this is your dream. I closed my eyes for a minute and then i saw such a dream. Live in Andriy Shevtsov s studio the air Defense System of the ukrainian capital noted in some areas fragments of drones were falling in a nonresidential building, a fire broke out, an alarm sounded also in the kiev sumy regions, also powerful strikes. The intensity of shelling in the donetsk peoples republic by the Ukrainian Military over the past 24 hours has increased by a total of 112. In addition , more than 400 shells were fired at settlements. Mostly nato. Caliber, lets approach the nationalists turned out to be donetsk makeevka gorlovka svetlodarsk, panteleymonovka dokuchaevskoy and other cities and settlements were not without casualties, three civilians were killed, another 10 were injured , 10 residential buildings were damaged. In the krasnaya limansky direction in the special Operation Zone , the positions of the nationalists are hit by artillerymen , a shot, the calculation of the selfpropelled installation hyacinth s strikes at strongholds and westernmade equipment. Artillery fire adjustment was carried out in real time from a drone. This made it possible to destroy the german selfpropelled installation of the enemy. Today is Airborne Forces day, they perform the most difficult task in the special war zone operation. The highest level of training and unbending character. Thats it, the vanguard of the armed forces is preparing paratroopers at the ryazan Higher School of the Airborne Forces Alexander Ivanov visited it. At the parade, as in battle, paratroopers should be the best, as the founding father of the Airborne Forces vasily margelov , army general, said and now strictly looks at recruits. Even on the birthday of the winged infantry , they will not be allowed to relax; speeches. But, in fact, in the hands of the cadets, the educational material is small arms from a pistol to a machine gun. They should know perfectly and not only domestic production. In front of you, we have a negev machine gun, which is in service with nato countries, these weapons. We are studying in anticipation of what would us a cadet, in the course of performing a combat mission moss. This weapon is to use, and to use this weapon. He must know its purpose characteristics combat properties. Well, and accordingly, the general device for the theory immediately practice is as follows. In. The principle of training in the Ryazan Guards Higher Airborne School of the actions of each shooter in the training department. Before automatism, cadets are taught tactics and strategies of combat. The cadets, with full ammunition of the machine gun, loaded with live ammunition , the task is to destroy the enemy stronghold , the first snipers to advance in positions. But at the same time, of course, paratroopers do not forget about parachutes without jumping. The vest will not be given during the period of great exercises from heaven to earth descends and this is a formidable technique. By the way, in the ryazan school knows how to treat fear of heights, as well as other phobias. They themselves should basically have a strong spirit and a desire to defend the motherland, the rest. We are here with him as a paratrooper. We made it from the root. Lets strengthen the pressure of courage. The victory in this formula is the whole essence of the Airborne Forces of the great patriotic war in afghanistan by chechnya, and now in the zone of their own paratroopers have always acted at the forefront to prepare cadets for this. Now they are working on capturing the enemy line of defense. Oh, city blocks, sweeping the building. This is one of the aptitude tests. Cadets graduates of this group. Everyone has their own role, but there is also a common task to destroy the enemy so that there are no losses in personnel in its history. The ryazan Landing Force brought up 172 heroes of the soviet union and russia. Blue berets have always been, where courage was required, personal courage. Traditions. They follow and today Alexander Ivanov andrey kutsov anastasia zorina and mikhail shum vesti, ryazan region, indian authorities announced a curfew suspended access to the internet and introduced military units to the north of the country, the reason was clashes between local communities, clashes between muslims and one of the hindu nationalist groups. It has been going on for 3 days and 4 people have died as a result. Including two policemen in one of the cities, the crowd set fire to a mosque and killed a muslim cleric. Many people were forced to leave the violenceridden areas by Law Enforcement officers. Are investigating several attackers detainees one person died. Uh, five got hurt because of over 200,000 homes were left without electricity by the passage of a typhoon eve in southern japan on the island of okinawa, more than 400 flights were blamed, ferries and trains were stopped. Today the weather is expected to worsen, wind gusts up to 65 m s are expected, meteorologists said waves in coastal areas could reach 12 m, authorities warned local residents about floods and urged them to stay at home. Further news of your region with the residents of moscow and the region will see you in a few seconds. Now the news of the Capital Region today in moscow and the region will again be hot, the air will warm up to 26 . Rain and thunderstorms possible in the afternoon. Tomorrow the temperature will be even higher next weekend will be the hottest. At first, Weather Forecasters promise summer up to plus 34 , and such gerard, according to Weather Forecasts, will last until the middle of next week. The largescale urban Planning Project of the Renovation Program is 6 years old, as Sergei Sobyanin said in his telegram channel, over the years, the authorities of the capital have selected territories for the construction of more than 11 million m² of housing approved a list of houses for the settlement , 260 houses in a new apartment have already been put into operation. Over 100,000 people moved. The mayor noted that today more than 200 New Buildings are being built, 150,000 muscovites will receive housing in them. More than half of the work on the overhaul of the zhukovsky overpass in zamoskvorechye has been completed. The specialists installed six blocks of the span structure. There are 12 of them in total, each weighing 36 tons and 24 m long. They connect the bridge supports and serve as the foundation for laying. The roadway slab was special work has been done to deliver them to the construction site. Reconstruction of Wastewater Treatment facilities in shchelkava is almost completed this project has become the largest in the Moscow Region as part of the National Ecology program, the complex will be launched at full capacity in november. Igoryanko knew how the work was being completed. The largest communal facility of the Moscow Region, shchelkovo Treatment Facilities with an area of ​​​​almost 72,000 m², in the final stage of readiness, this facility serves four districts of the Moscow Region at once, and this is over 700,000 people, Serious Problems with Sewage Treatment began in mid2010, when the volume of housing in vadim exceeded the capabilities of already emergency old structures. Now , even a meter away from these huge sumps in hot weather. There is no smell of communications designed for peak loads, these teeth, uh, regulate a little. E, the hydraulic mode, that is , with an increase in drains, but the mirror of water increases and the cloves skip more of it, but with a decrease. They slightly slow down the area of ​​Treatment Facilities increased in more than two times. In this case, the object itself. Even during the modernization, he did not stop his work for a day. Not only that, the building was built in record time in just 2. 5 years. So also passed ahead of schedule helped. The liquidation of russian equipment is now supported by the government oak serpukhov , we still have the next modernization this is Pavlovsky Posad everywhere. These are very modern technological solutions. It is important that the equipment that is here is completely domestic, often located near moscow. These are the key Treatment Facilities for these urban districts, then this is a system that forms honest ones that provide sewage, and completely urban districts, it is important not that all Sewage Treatment plants are built. With a margin, given the further development of cities. Game gaming yaroslav aulov. Not the chosen ones yuri antipov to lead. In moscow, today it will restrict traffic due to events on the day of the airborne troops, cars will not be able to drive and park from 7 00 in the morning until 1 00 in the afternoon along ilyinka street and also from ilyinka to varvarka street in addition, from 8 00 in the morning and street traffic will be closed until 11 a. M. Soviet army drivers are asked to be careful. In the Moscow Region, after powerful lines, there is a sharp increase in the number of mushrooms experienced mushroom pickers collect hundreds of porcini mushrooms also in the forests, many aspen mushrooms appear first breasts and mushrooms rospotrebnadzor experts warn that it is dangerous to buy mushrooms in spontaneous markets and from sellers along the roads all news is available on the media platform, see the application or on the site smotrim. Ru see you. Climax and tortured tides. Its not for me. Tame the tides. Vanin cyclimalanin is more profitable up to 50 cyclimalanin from evalar buy osago or other insurance on sravni and win a car all the time. Choose the power of natural water. And now i want to be surprised, dive into the tape according to your mood. I want to learn something. Pump your brain. Find content for whatever you want with the experience builder right now. You are like clips a Meeting Place for impressions. Find out your Credit Rating for free on the site compare dot ru on valar treatment of cystitis without overpayments. Good morning. Hello today is already wednesday august the second day with you this morning Elena Nikolaeva denis drains to experience the heat not in urban conditions on the sea outside the city near the river. At least forget how to dream about it in the summer. Just impossible to ride a bike is also impossible. This has been proven by scientists. Its all about the types of memories to pedal and steer, its like playing Musical Instruments, their skills are fixed for life in the socalled procedural memory, it controls the processes that are below the level of consciousness. The explanation for this is still given in the form of a hypothesis. Perhaps in areas where Movement Patterns are fixed , fewer new nerve cells are formed in people and there is less risk that such memories work together. Yes, but you need to drive carefully, alarming statistics show accidents involving cyclists , these frames are becoming more and more. Recently made in sykty. At a Pedestrian Crossing , the driver knocked down two boys. The children were taken to the hospital. In irkutsk, recently a child full speed crashed into a bulldozer fortunately survived after the fall. I lost my memory. After some time, 1015 minutes. I began to come to my senses and realized that i had a broken head, they had recently recovered from a serious head injury. She fell off her bike due to the fault of pedestrians, who ran out onto the bike path on the main embankment of blagoveshchensk, a young man who did not look where he was going, but there were so many people there. It just wasnt possible. As a result, the young man disappeared and they never found him. But in an accident that recently occurred in ulyanovsk perpetrators. The driver was punished. He hit the girl at a Pedestrian Crossing and sued, pointing out that she did not dismount and crossed it on a bicycle. Well, the suter clarified that he was to blame. In any case, the rules of the road oblige the driver of the vehicle to take measures to prevent road transport travel. The driver was deprived of his license for a year and a half and ordered to pay the victim 300,000 rubles. Alas. Today there are more and more such cases. The problem is confident experts that recently, behind the rapid growth in the popularity of electric scooters, the transport rule has simply been forgotten. But unlike the means of individual mobility, cyclists are officially considered road users according to the rules, they are allowed to ride on roads and sidewalks, and they always have an advantage over cars, experts are sure that in order to return the status of one of the most convenient and safest rules to cycling , you need to add an article about the advantage of cyclists and over sim drivers who more powerful and heavier than bikes in my opinion, its overdue and thats for sure. It is necessary to divide this one here, and the park for private pastime , and lets call it industrial exploitation. And here i, as it were, include not only courier items, but those published for rent, the second point is to reconsider the structure of the road network in the cities of uda. For example, there is where the bicycle has become a popular means of transportation. There are special paths for it called a protected bike station, when the sidewalk is then already a section of the road, but it is reserved for bicycles and it is separated from traffic. What kind of business are there with nonatre columns there curbs. And to teach pedestrians to recognize bike paths and not to walk on them is the biggest trouble, as we note. This is what led the paths to walk, not just pedestrians, but mothers with strollers walk, this is dangerous for them, because these are still zones for cyclists. Only subject to all conditions of cycling. It will again be able to take its place as one of the safest and most convenient means of transportation. Well hope for a perfect solution to this problem dream of someone else officials or deputies, and im not joking. Four out of ten russians. Even at night they think about work. First of all, she dreams of a client manager and teachers, least of all, sisya, an administrator and a designer, and women. Work in a dream more often than men, yes, in general, there is something to talk about. We have a person in our studio who knows absolutely everything about dreams doctor somnologist to doctor of medical Sciences Professor Roman Buzunov roman vyacheslavovich good morning. Good morning. So dreams work, what is it, but speaks of our psychological state. These are some kind of nightmares or vice versa, uh , an increase in kindlike working capacity in terms of working capacity it definitely does not contribute. I always remember leo you know how old 15 hours. I heard that laziness was invented by lions, just imagine going to bed and thinking so the lionesses will go to another. And ill wake up and everyone will scatter. In general, a drought will come and everyone will die. No matter how our people worked exactly like this , they begin to think this is illumination. And what was wrong with actually dreaming extremely important elements . The point is that everything we have accumulated in ram for the day customers of the elements and so on. At night, it processes in dreams and thinks that forgetting and thank god most of us forget to analyze, make a decision and act somehow in the future, that is, adaptation to the environment. And if suddenly a dream, it happens that it becomes obsessive, so it repeats. Eh, what does that say . And what order of frequency should alert posttraumatic sleep, this is a classic of obsessive dreams, the brain refers to this, but does not understand. He cant forget like a disaster. He cannot accept. Yes , he cant accept it, he doesnt understand what to do next with it, and he, like a broken record, turns, turns, turns, but there is no solution. In this situation, the task is already to turn to psychologists, this psychiatrists in terms of doing something so that this thought somehow. Well, liquefy, as you can not change. At least come to terms with it. And you can somehow manage your dreams , moreover, i read an explanation of a successful person and an unsuccessful one, what distinguishes them. Here they made a mistake somewhere in life, people, a successful person. Scrolls everything. The rule in a dream is they are successful 500 times to scroll their failure. But how can you order . A dream where you, in fact, everything will turn in your favor, if you have a positive mindset, you are set to solve the problem. You will make a decision. And if you are set, sorry that everything is bad and everything collapsed. So you will dream that nightmares are a disaster, if everything is bad and collapsed, how to tune in to positive thinking, at least in a dream ah, and here it is already done its impossible to have a good day. Of course, i can tell you for a long time that this requires physical activity. Even Benjamin Franklin said that fatigue is better than a pillow. There is such a situation. It seems to me, especially in children, when, uh, maybe some kind of nightmare is dreaming. Yes, a person even woke up, and then he even falls asleep again, maybe he drank some water. And what is called for the second season, the dream went on, as it were, such a situation. I usually say, there the child was frightened. I say, well, roll over to the other side. You woke up and i realized that this is a dream, roll over, and you will dream of something else, but suddenly not, suddenly the same thing, like such a situation, well, there is an even worse situation when the child jumps up, well, mom knows. Decorats eyes bulged, not understanding anything. At this moment , the socalled night. Horror is when a person , uh, well, a child goes to kindergarten. Or, lets say there is Something Like that at the second certain age, the main thing in this situation is not to wake the child at all. Here. If you wake him up, he will remember this fear, he needs to be stroked on calm your head. He will stop screaming. In the morning he will wake up without remembering anything at all, the angel will feel great. And if you know what happened we wake up remembers, its fear remembers frightened parents. The same works. After all, often, even in films shows a nightmare. The same person will be. Everything is fine. Everything is fine. You saw a terrible dream do not wake up. You just need to somehow carefully stroke it and turn it over in a good way, yes, that is, its better not to wake up, then the person will forget this dream and in the morning you wont remember anything at all. It is clear that astah we can ask questions a lot and for a very long time, but still summarizes what we started with when we have dreams about work, as i understand it, it basically means a person. Uh, its time for him to go on vacation. I understood correctly, thanks correctly, you were very interested, and with her about dreams. We spoke with the founder of the russian sociology society, all the best to you. Thank you very much. The stylists himself, like the foliage of the complaint, i get to change the word to be the point of sorting things out quickly. Eat from where he just took the devil on our head, the boris hookah, without hands without a tribe , he will be my guest tomorrow dear to buy me. Think about it fedorovich today at 15 00 on the russia channel, scientists finally found out what kind of strange pepelats carried a twometer rusty metal tank from the sea to the coast of Western Australia turned out to be not a message from an alien to the wreckage of the third stage of an indian launch vehicle. Now we have to decide what to do with this space debris , some think it should be returned to india, others want to move it to the park of the nearest town in as an art object to attract tourists drank lol in any case will not be handed over. Very sorry. It is interesting where russian scientists are developing new alloys for aircraft in the decade of science and technology. They added special properties to aluminum and launched the Industrial Production of composite parts. Any aircraft designer is struggling to reduce the weight of the aircraft discovered back in the 20th century. Alloy. Today, they no longer provide the desired characteristics, so scientists are constantly looking for ways to improve their compositions so in krasnoyarsk iron, magnesium and zinc were added to the aluminum alloy, we retain all the advantages of aluminum weight, but at the same time increase the physical and mechanical properties. Simply put, it is strength , the main knowhow lies in the technology of metal production, molten aluminum is mixed with other components, and then sent to an electromagnetic mold under the influence of a magnetic field, the liquid metal is held in shape at this moment. Water is supplied to its surface, a very high cooling rate occurs, which does not characteristic of the traditional casting method, and the ingot solidifies due to which the metal instantly crystallizes and a finegrained structure is formed finegrained structure determines the subsequent physical and mechanical properties new parameters are ideal for those areas of Mechanical Engineering where weight matters from metal they will make rivets for aircraft or , as a result, the liner will become lighter as a result of the new electrical wiring, and its carrying capacity will increase to reduce the mass of future airliners, they work and they delivered technologies from obninsk the production of composite parts on a stream, but if earlier carbon fiber was glued to the tooling manually, then now it is done by machines, a mechanical hand lays out a carbon fabric tape with a speed of accuracy inaccessible to humans, a key element of the installation, a special head at the bottom is a roller that applies fabric with additional clamp. This reduces the porosity of carbon fiber and increases its strength. At the final stage, the parts are packed in a bag and air is pumped out of it. Then the binder is fed inside the assembled and impregnated structures end up here. This is an autoclave. They would not spend 8 hours in it and would be baked at a temperature of about 200 and at a very high pressure. It is important that with the help of such a technology it is possible to create large parts, for example , aircraft wings. It will take less time to manufacture, and the physical characteristics of composite elements will be as high as possible as a result of this , most importantly, the reliability of aircraft will increase. And then jousting duels operator sprinter and villagers underwater unusual competitions, which will be seen on the internet soon. Advertising is a great excuse to drink a cup of fragrant tea while brewing azercha. And i found this parttime job on hh. Ru. There is work. 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Tele2 salons will remain the coldest spots on the planet, because when you connect or switch to tele2 tariffs, it will be for a long time frozen their price for tariffs drug grippferon is the prevention and treatment of colds and flu even for expectant mothers and babies for the first time in their lives. And the Internet Users decided that the bear was not real when they watched the video of the malay mishka of the zoo in the chinese city of hangzhou, the tramp begging for food, catching it with its front paws and funny standing on its hind legs down in a natural pose. Many thought that the clubfoot was replaced by a disguised man who was put into the aviary. And, apparently, his suit is a bit too big for the parka. I had to urgently make excuses. Moreover, on behalf of the bear himself, some people think that i stand as a person, it seems that you are not enough about me. You know. In general, even more fog was let in, the intrigue remains. Well, quite plush. Well, its true, but it happens that people resemble birds, as a helicopter pilot from novosibirsk, who achieved such skill in the profession at the national championship, won first place in the allaround discipline. Preflight preparation strictly according to the rules and at the helm with an elegant iron bird urine didenko complete Mutual Understanding and longterm cooperation helicopter sport came over 10 years ago, the sky doesnt let go anymore. From a height as in the palm of your hand is already a native airfield. Here irina is preparing for the slalom competition. Cargo transportation, navigation, flight for the accuracy of the discipline are difficult, and most importantly, the partner helicopter, every now and then shows character, but already the habit at the helm is maximum composure this helicopter sports championship in the tver region gathers the best pilots of the country this year samara is pilots who are professional pilot instructors perform on the mi2. And this is our competition with them. Yes, such positive in a good sense made us perform as well as possible. On each of the exercises, and they are just at the limit of their capabilities. Without the right to make a mistake, the struggle with the female crew for leadership. As a result , the novosibirsk pilots didenko and her partner led to an unexpected result. Svetlana gumbatova. In the Overall Standings , several mens teams were bypassed at once. This happens rarely from the Overall Standings they moved men like that for the first time in 65 years of helicopter sports in russia and the soviet union, when two female crews are standing for some reason , as a result, silver in the allaround standings and gold among women from a birds eye view , you fully feel the spirit of victory, positive energy thats it opportunity. That is, heres what im doing now, im managing the space. You control the space, and my head is spinning, and i know, i say this and Irina Didenko knows how to achieve her goals in the russian championship participated in for the ninth time and for the third time she won the title of the absolute champion of the country, its time to take a new height at the world championships. And then there is never enough good cuisine, how to develop restaurants business with the help of the state we will tell after the news. On the channel russia hello the water level has risen by almost a meter, chelyabinsk comes back after a heavy downpour that flooded the city. Trump has been charged with four counts of attacking the capitol and will appear in federal court for the colony tomorrow. This night , explosions were heard immediately in a number of areas ukraine, so in kiev, as local authorities reported to work the air Defense System, the mayor of the ukrainian capital noted that in some areas fragments of drones were falling in a nonresidential building, a fire broke out, an alarm sounded also in kiev , sumy, chernihiv, zhytomyr regions, in izmail, in the south of the country, powerful strikes also write about it. Media details are not given yet. Task as part of the special operation , the artillerymen of the Central Military district perform and the main goal is the accumulation of enemy personnel and Armored Vehicles. Attack is not reduced even if the gun requires replacement of components and assemblies or Maintenance Repair battalion works in three shifts with the line of contact report by Alexei Baranov from cover to the firing position, this is a pair of selfpropelled artillery installations msta goes at full speed about 10 km behind the line of contact a drone reconnaissance of the Central Military district discovered location of enemy Armored Vehicles. The main task of such a highspeed march through the fields of a burnt pine forest is to have time to apply a strike on already received coordinates before a group of Armored Vehicles and artillery pieces of the armed forces tries to change their place of deployment. Here are shots of a hit on a cluster of enemy Armored Vehicles, taken by the camera of the same reconnaissance drone, which discovered the target, and m3 seven artillery guns were successfully destroyed on various targets using foreign models. The manpower of the enemy Armored Vehicles fortified areas, precisionguided munitions up to 50 km. Well, the usual 27 km. This intensity of combat work. Just cant do without tool maintenance. And when and without replacement, worn components and assemblies. This repair base is equipped with everything you need. It is located near the front line, but for security reasons. We do not disclose its location. Work here takes place in three shifts for maintenance, for example, an armored personnel carrier takes a day, and for repairs, depending on the complexity of the breakdown, up to 4 days after the repair tests, which last several hours, the car is already under its own power sent to the line of contact each of their units. Aleksey baranov andrey yurchuk khalit tankiev to lead the line of contact in the donetsk people s republic in the krasnolymansk direction today is the day of the airborne troops, they perform the most difficult tasks in the zone of special military operation. And most importantly a glorious chronicle. The Airborne Forces began on august 2, 1930. Then, during the exercise near voronezh, 12 fighters. Uh, for the first time they landed by plane. Ammunition containers were also dropped by parachute. After a successful landing the paratroopers advanced to their destination , successful maneuvers. They laid the foundation for the creation of a new type of army. At the origins of the winged guard was general vasily margelov , it was under him that the Airborne Forces received new combat equipment and external attributes blue berets and vests. A heavy downpour hit the ural regions last night in chelyabinsk, flooding roads and yards. Livnyovki, could not cope with the flow of water, the level in places rose by almost a meter for several hours , stopped walking, even public transport. Trolleybuses and buses could not overcome the water barrier that had arisen, the emergency situation remained in the region until the morning, Weather Forecasters predict a wind increase of up to 25 m s, showers and hail. At least 20 people have died as a result of heavy rains in the Capital Region. China has about 30 more missing due to power floods. An evacuation was announced , more were closed, Railway Stations were canceled, flights were canceled , roads were also washed out ; military humanitarian aid hardtoreach places are delivered by helicopters, with the help of aviation. Also takes out wounds of the risk of re disaster. Precipitation is still high. Former u. S. President donald trump will appear in federal court in the metropolitan district of columbia tomorrow, charges will seek a fast track trial. The billionaire has been charged with four counts. All of them are connected with the attack on the capitol in january 21 , several people were killed during the riots, the Prosecutors Office believes that the expresident and his accomplices tried to use this situation to change the results of the president ial elections. Trump himself considers all the accusations politically motivated in his opinion. This is happening to keep him out before the next president ial election , according to the latest polls among candidates from the republican party, trump leads by a wide margin. The military who carried out the coup detat in the republic of nigeria announced the opening of air and land borders with five neighboring countries earlier , the military announced that the president of the country had moved the borders, closed curfews were announced, and thousands of protesters from the French Embassy demanded the closure of foreign bases. After that, the eu countries began to evacuate their citizens, it is reported that about 1,000 citizens of western countries expressed their desire to leave the country. Further news of the regions, stay with us. Now, to the news of the Capital Region, today in moscow and the region it will again be hot, the air will warm up to 26 . Possible rain and thunderstorms in the afternoon. Tomorrow the temperature will be even higher next weekend will be the hottest. At first, Weather Forecasters promise summer up to 34 and this heat will last until the middle of next week. More than 250,000 flowers have adorned the capitals streets; hanging pots with verbena petunias and begonias have been installed in parks on the front of this building and along the fences on the sidewalk. Vertical flower beds can be seen in the center of the city on Zubovskaya Square, Kutuzovsky Prospekt, and in the triumph garden square. Largescale urban Development Project program 6 years of renovation, as Sergei Sobyanin said in his telegram channel, over the years, the authorities of the capital have selected territories for the construction of more than 11 million square meters of housing, and have approved a list of houses under arseniy, 260 houses have already been put into operation in new apartments. Moved with 600. 000 people. All news is available on the media platform, we watch it in the application or on the website, see you. See you. Climax and tortured tides. This is not for me. Tame hot flashes from cyclimalanine cyclimalanine is more profitable up to 50 cyclimalanine from evalar sberbank represents Service Credit potential. Plan your dreams. Find out in advance the amount and conditions for all loans available to you. Calculate the credit potential in sberbank online right now and apply for a loan. At the lowest rate in sberbank from four percent in the first month. 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Hello Irina Nikolaevna stokov synchronously greeted you this wednesday morning on the second of august on the calendar. If you suddenly decide to swim today, you know the fountains are busy, there are paratroopers, thats for sure. Well, in general , to everyone who realized that already in august you have not yet had time to notice the summer at all, which is what you usually want. Well, you say, the sea, the sun is the cathedral, and aka recession and massage saved services have reached a new level. Now get a lot of pleasant emotions from one of the most popular favorite manual techniques. It is possible right in the sea off the coast in sochi whether the waves interfere with the masseur is not exactly known, but there is no doubt that the client is satisfied from the main resort and naberezhnye chelny, only instead of the sea there is a river. There, apparently, this fashionable spa river sea trend, relaxation also takes root perfectly. Well, here the weather is of great importance for relaxation at openery. And this is what it will be like for the next 2 days, ask the presenter Phobos Weather Center specialist Vadim Zavodchenkov. Vadim good morning, as always , hot hot, just not the right word. They will be abnormally hot. So, as a massage therapist, sochi is very lucky, ill go and tell you that an anticyclone will dominate in the atmosphere over south russia, so there are few clouds here and only in some places in the mountains massifs can appear. Heaps, you are rain clouds, carrying themselves and loads of air. It can warm up well in the afternoon up to plus 3237, the weather of the Northwestern District will be affected by the influence of the cyclone, so do not will do without rain in places with cargo and gusty winds will be delivered to the regions. We need masses from the mediterranean, this stream will break through, even in the arctic at noon , the thermometers will show plus 23 28, and in central russia, the influence of the cyclone will also affect. Here, the weather of humid subtropics awaits residents, local thunderstorms and abnormal heat, during the day 25 30 of the chernozem region to plus 2833 frontal sections will destabilize the atmosphere of the ural node , therefore arrays of thunderclouds will form here, and the air can warm up only up to plus 2328, and in southern siberia there will be less clouds, thunderstorms, and will be local and shortterm, so the air will warm up better in the afternoon until plus 2833 to the south of the far east , the air mass and the tropical zone of asia will break through in the region. Thunderstorms are expected, and the temperature regime is moderately warm in the afternoon plus 2429. Thank you, but so far here are the first days of august. Uh, what is called compensates us, uh, rainy summer, will the whole month last so pleasant in summer, well, sharp really the situation is unique. But the first days of august will be the hottest for the whole past summer. If you say here are such longer forecasts, otherwise this is a heat wave of abnormal heat. It will be tightened into the flesh until the beginning of next week. A cold front will pass on monday tuesday. The temperature will drop, and the temperature regime will return to the climate, but on average, according to preliminary forecasts, august will still be warmer than hats. Usually. Most importantly, let the weekend be always good. Thank you vadim vadim told us about working days final literally this working week. Thanks a lot. Fruit and flower collection this is lakes of tea this is the perfect combination of tea leaves of the highest grade , aromas of juicy fruits and fresh berries. Morning time is brewing azerchay, artist. The folk song choir, at the age of 69, only dreams of hugging one little brother, from whom they were separated in infancy. In our studio, the singer will not only find her own, whose brother she has been looking for for many years, but will also see her father for the first time, about whom malakhov never knew anything today in 16 30 on the channel russia accurate hit and the ability to run fast in britain is gaining popularity sleeping golf is a sport in which not only skill is important, but also endurance is the task of the player. Pass the course as quickly as possible, fewer strokes more hits between 18 holes. You will also have to run around with a set of clubs as a champion of the competition. Or you managed to cope with it 18 seconds faster than your opponent. And this, despite the fact that he was moving on bugs, an experiment was set up to find out if a person is capable of beat another if he moves by car . Come on, dont feed Internet Users with bread, lets compete with each other and offer to evaluate the most exciting fights. Well, guys, lets get it on, of course, you are very interesting with the hole we came up with, then i too, maybe ill hang it up a little interesting. This is putting it mildly Internet Users. They just love to compete, who is stronger or faster, more dexterous or can stay under water longer, such videos always gain 1,000 likes and views. Probably each of us soul thinks. Yes, i can do that too, for example , raise my girlfriend. And this is the legacy of knightly duels. Only if earlier it was necessary to throw your opponent off the horses, now everything is much safer and more fun. But these guys are not exchanged for trifles. Their video is called the most powerful men in the world, however, the spectacular effect on the competition. And it doesnt matter to them. Thats how the olympian, lets say all of my most figured out, now lets find the fastest now on the internet with a gold medal i am ready to give this cameraman an attempt to remove the athlete. In the end, he even overtook him , and this is us in the printers competition. However, as you are too banal not located. How about the twisting speed of this little toy on a string, by the way, some people can do it. Its so fast that it seems that it could not have done without special effects. About competitions for the most enduring one of the most interesting options. This, of course, is holding your breath, the daredevils compete, who can stay under water longer guys warn against me no chance at all. Sunday dinner has been awaited for 4 years. At least the inhabitants of bristol are small, the tavern in the city center ranked first in the world among establishments that are difficult to get tables. They are scheduled for years to come , thanks in large part to the famous Homemade Sauce and giant yorkshire pudding , the price of lunch is attracted. For two of the three courses will cost 22 pounds. This is 2. 500 rubles. For dessert, they offer cake. Pavlova with strawberries and White Chocolate lemon tart or panna cotta with raspberry yogurt. All in all, yummy. The main thing is not to die of hunger, waiting for you to know what you will do in the twentyfifth year. On this day of entry into the restaurant market in russia, one of the most dynamic developing ones , interesting establishments with an unusual concept annually appear, and thanks to the project, small and mediumsized businesses each. Anyone with an idea for their own restaurant or even entire chains can seek support at my Business Center. Every detail, we searched on different sites. These are basically all russian designers. Irina is proud that she was able to bring an atmosphere beyond the volga to the Business Center of samara, as samara residents call the right bank of the river and their favorite business vacation spots. Started in the eighteenth year during the world cup from a spanish restaurant to open a new gastrobar. Now with local flavor and dishes of the volga cuisine, she took a soft loan through the center. My business. Only 1 per annum we received state support, and in the form of the amount of money for which we were able to buy fixed assets, and we very cool, equipped kitchen in this Institution Due to this, it became possible to diversify the menu and move from simple street food to rich regional cuisine and even participate in astronomical festivals. Collected in these walls in the menu in our dishes. We have an excellent fish soup, caught practically from our river, and bomb pike cutlets. We plan to open another institution this year. Irina is again counting on state support, the amount will need to be serious, she will need to leave a deposit and apply to the guarantee fund. There already developed a targeted program for the restaurant business. They are more faced with the problem and lack of such a high liquid collateral, so everyone, such as banks, yes and a, Many Organizations are used to understanding this cars. This is real estate, and therefore, in their programs of the samara region guarantee fund, they provided for the possibility of accepting such property as equipment as collateral. Here is the specific for this sphere of the old man. While there is no restaurant chain, but already its first coffee house has become one of most popular in the center of barnaul rapid success. Helped educational courses. My Business Center, we were trained in both business and coffee. We are ourselves a certified barista as part of my business. Yes, too , several have been trained in the school of entrepreneurship, in principle, to brush up on their knowledge there, that we can already apply in their work, as a womens business. I went to open a coffee shop. In 2 weeks, we managed to create an authentic atmosphere in a Historic Building without commercial loans and investors only with the help of preferential state support, business, various different fields of activity, different requests, and today just in the onestop shop mode. Asking for any question for an information album for business, will just build the right route to the ultimate goal of obtaining state support thanks to the National Project, small and mediumsized enterprises. Anyone who is ready to open a cafe or restaurant and become an entrepreneur can apply for support at the nearest Business Center. There are more than 400 such centers in 84 regions of russia. Paints which one of my girlfriends chooses very selectively in roles. I will not act in this, you will be left without money. Dont worry, the rabbit will drink money and with a new smartphone a month. Only now in ormatec an anatomical mattress for healthy sleep, comfort with a smart spring block with a 40 discount, expert in the field of sleep. My name is sergey and i am not an actor. I am a chef and found this job on hh. Ru. On hh. Ru. There is work. For each more prizes in the mobile app magnet. Buy with a card from the app or register checks to participate in the draw. Play and win every day its hard not to notice the legendary alphaBank Credit Card with new benefits. Order a credit card for a year without interest now with cashback for all purchases and free cash withdrawal from the bank. In the world of hundreds, you cant. Iota says you can, try. For the first month , for just 399 rubles, decide how many gigs and unlimited applications you need. Can i have an iota . We are good at it, but i havent tried the meatcutting serverel from our farmers, we take meat, chop it in the oldfashioned way, add fragrant spices and simmer the servelat in the oven for the most juiciness and taste. Hmm the old is really delicious from the very origins of arts patterns. It was yours that impressed you so much. Only now i have five of them. Five she said five yes five five times more fun with winx subscription movies and series watch content in five online cinemas in one subscription. Wing for just one ruble winx Video Service from rostelecom x5 Club Launches benefit gate. Let me show you, accumulate single points at the crossroads and multiply the base in pyaterochka Service Package 10 times. Start his whirlpool with the x5 club. Multiply the benefit. Now its quiet time. Quiet time at school only until august 13 beds with a discount of up to 70 . Ascona seems to everyone to sleep one of my friends, well, very popular in russia. Music , sit in social networks, as long as you want, calmly , i take on this challenge. The next childhood stop , pensioner Jorge Ignacio from argentina, assembled a minibus to ride his granddaughter and her friends in an adult way. The bus has a number and a route in one of the districts of buenos aires, transport. Designed for seven people equipped all the Security Systems when you worked as a driver of a real bus a small prototype. He created in 4. 5 years. And now every weekend is paid for the tyrant. The red bus is waiting for those who want to ride a new, mediumsized sedan, then our auto expert ivan zenkevich is ready to tell you everything about it. After several years of pause , the Company Began to supply its sedans to russia. The beginning was laid by the arizo8 exterior, distinguished by sculptural lines. The front rear optics are connected by horizontal jumpers of this design. Now in trend quite unexpected to find here a quartet of exhaust patros. And orange Brake Calipers prevent me from taking a sports car, the body length is solid 4 m 76 cm. This means that arizo8 competes with models such as the chingan univi kia k5 and toyota camry for a test car asking 3. 5 million rubles. Large dimensions, spacious interior seat on the second row, as in Business Class , passengers are provided with a central armrest , seat heating and Additional Air ducts in the drivers seat, advanced technical design and a bright display, and riza eight is equipped with ten airbags, including a pair of knee speakers, as many as 12 pieces. There is even a builtin air freshener. But the trunk by the standards of the average segment is 455 liters. It has a turbocharged petrol engine. Of course. This is a four with direct fuel injection with a working volume of 1. 6. With a power of 186 horsepower, there is no alternative motor in the lineup, but, a torque of 275 nm is one of the largest in the class; nimble, robotic, sevenspeed transmission, average consumption of 6. 2 liters per 100 km. At the same time, you can refuel with ninetysecond gasoline; there is a lane Retention System here, which itself taxis at the right time. If the driver is distracted while fully trust the electronics. Still, its not worth it to display handling settings that are pleasant in turns. Eight flies into hunting or balks, and the stability margin is high front suspension maxperson rear independent multilink. But there is no four by four transmission, and in the near future expected. In general, cherry arizo 8 impressed me as a modern sedan. In no way inferior to analogues from japan, korea and in terms of the number of options, they overtake, however, in terms of cost. He also approached them profitable house. Who am i, Golden Cockerel to live, please, so we will put this one in the attic, and the money for the night on the new roof will go by the stove, and we will put the money to pay for heating. Yes, well, we came up with, in general, house property to rent out very soon. Take a minute. After that, a Major Overhaul will have to be done. St in live in the studio Andriy Shevtsov hello, this and at night explosions were heard immediately in a number of regions of ukraine, so in kiev, as local authorities reported to work with air Defense Systems, the mayor of the ukrainian capital noted that in some areas fragments of drones were falling in a nonresidential building, there was a fire, an alarm sounded also in kiev sumskaya chernihiv zhytomyr regions in izmail in the south of the country also write powerful blows about it. Media details have not yet been given. The intensity of shelling in the donetsk peoples republic by the Ukrainian Military the last 24 hours has increased in total 112 attacks on settlements more than 400 shells were fired. Mostly nato caliber. Donetsk makeyevka gorlovka svetlodarsk, panteleymonavka dokuchaevsky, other cities and towns were under fire from the nationalists. Three civilians were killed, 10 more were injured, 10 residential buildings were damaged. Task as part of the special operation, artillerymen of the Central Military district perform and the main objectives of the accumulation of enemy personnel and Armored Vehicles are intensity. No attacks decreases, even if the gun requires replacement of assemblies or maintenance, the repair battalion works in three shifts, and from the line of contact report by Alexei Baranov through the kremensky forest from cover to the firing position, this two msta selfpropelled artillery mounts are moving at full speed, in about 10 km behind the line of contact, a reconnaissance drone of the Central Military district discovered the location of enemy Armored Vehicles. The main task of such a highspeed march along clearings, burnt pine forest. Have time to strike at already received coordinates. Before a group of Armored Vehicles and artillery pieces of the armed forces tries to change their place of deployment. Here are shots of a hit on a cluster of enemy Armored Vehicles, taken by the camera of the same reconnaissance drone, which discovered the target and had to work according to foreign models, here m3 seven artillery pieces were successfully destroyed on various targets. The manpower of the enemy armor and equipment fortified areas with highprecision ammunition up to 50 km. Well the usual 27 km. Such intensity of combat work. Just cant do without tool maintenance. And when and without replacement, worn components and assemblies. This repair base is equipped with everything you need. It is located near the front line, but for security reasons. We do not disclose its location. Work here goes in three shifts for maintenance, for example, an armored personnel carrier takes a day, and for repairs, depending on the complexity of the breakdown, up to 4 days after the repair tests, which last for several hours, the vehicles have already been sent under their own power to the line of contact. Each has its own division. Aleksey baranov andrey yurchuk khalit tankiev to lead the line of contact in the donetsk peoples republic in the krasnoliman direction today is the day of the Airborne Forces, they perform the most difficult tasks in the special war zone of the operation, and the glorious annals of the Airborne Forces began on august 2 , 1930, then during exercises near voronezh 12 fighters landed aircraft for the first time. Containers were also dropped by parachute. Ammunition. After a successful landing , the paratroopers moved to their destination , successful maneuvers. They laid the foundation for the creation of a new type of army. At the origins of the winged guard was vasily margelov, it was under him that the Airborne Forces received new weapons, combat equipment and external attributes. Blue berets and vests. The indian authorities announced a curfew, suspended access to the internet and introduced units, the military to the north of the country, the reason was clashes between local communities, clashes between muslims and one of the hindu nationalist the gangs have been going on for 3 days now. As a result, four people died. Including two policemen in one of the cities , the crowd set fire to a mosque and killed a muslim cleric. Many people were forced to leave the areas covered by violence , Law Enforcement officers are investigating several attackers were detained. One person died, five were injured due to the passage of typhoon eve in southern japan on the island of okinawa, more than 200,000 people were left without electricity, more than 400 flights were canceled , ferries and trains were stopped. Today is the weather. Wind gusts up to 65 m s are expected to get worse. Meteorologists reported that waves in coastal areas could reach 12 m, authorities warned local residents about the floods and urged them to stay at home. Further news of your region with the residents of moscow and the region will see you in a few seconds. Now, to the news of the Capital Region, today in moscow and the region it will again be hot, the air will warm up to 26 degrees. Rain and thunderstorms possible in the afternoon. Tomorrow the temperature will be even higher next weekend will be the hottest. At first, Weather Forecasters promise summer up to plus 34 and such heat, according to Weather Forecasts , will last until the middle of next week. In moscow, the second stage of modernization of the Emergency Medical Care system begins, Sergey Sobyanin wrote about this on his personal website , according to the mayor, as a result of the transformation , a single multifunctional space will be created in the reception departments, convenient navigation, comfortable waiting areas, posts for paperwork, as well as specialized places for communication additional training with doctors as part of doctors themselves will also undergo modernization. More than half of the work on the overhaul of the zhukovsky overpasses zamoskvorechye was completed, the specialists installed six beams of the superstructure. There are 12 of them in total, each weighing 36 t and 24 m long. They connect the bridge supports and serve as the foundation for laying. Slabs of the roadway were carried out special work to deliver them to the construction site. Reconstruction of Wastewater Treatment facilities in shchyolkovo is almost completed this project has become the most ambitious in the Moscow Region within the framework of the national program. Ecology, the complexes will be launched at full capacity in november. Igor agenko knew how the work was being completed. The largest municipal facility in the Moscow Region, the shchelkovo Wastewater Treatment plant with an area of ​​​​almost 72,000 m², is in the final stage of readiness, this facility serves four districts of the Moscow Region at once. And this is over 700,000 people, Serious Problems with the Wastewater Treatment plant began back in mid 2010, when the volume of vadim housing exceeded the capacity of already emergency old structures. Now, even a meter away from these huge sumps in hot weather. No no smell of communication designed taking into account peak loads, these cloves, well, regulate the hydraulic regime a little , that is, with an increase in drains, but the water table increases and the cloves pass more of it, but with a decrease. They slightly slow down the area of ​​Wastewater Treatment plants, which has more than doubled. In this case, the object itself. Even during the modernization, he did not stop his work for a day. Not only that, the building was built in record time in just 2. 5 years. So they also handed over ahead of schedule , localization helped. Russian equipment now the government supported serpukhov from the oak , we still have the next modernization this is Pavlovsky Posad everywhere. These are very modern technological solutions. It is important that the equipment that is here is completely domestic, often located near moscow. These are the key Wastewater Treatment plants for these urban districts, then this is a system that forms honest ones that provide effluents, and completely urban districts, it is important not that all Wastewater Treatment plants are built. With a margin, taking into account the further development of cities and the greginka yaroslav aulov. Not chosen ones yuri antipova lead. In moscow today, to restrict traffic due to events for the day of the airborne troops, the car will not be able to drive and park from 7 00 in the morning until 1 00 in the afternoon along ilyinka street, as well as the hotel links to varvarka street in addition, from 8 00 in the morning and until 11 00 will be closed passage on the street of the soviet army drivers to be careful. In the Moscow Region, after heavy rains, there is a sharp increase in the number of mushrooms experienced mushroom pickers collect hundreds of porcini mushrooms also in the forests, many aspen mushrooms appear first mushroom mushrooms, specialists of rospotrebnadzor warns that it is dangerous to buy mushrooms in spontaneous markets and from sellers what is the most profitable medicine for cystitis at the price of not a sheet up to 50 , not a simple avalor treatment of cystitis, without overpayments sberbank provides a credit potential service, plan your dreams, find out in advance the amount and conditions for all loans available to you. Calculate the credit potential at sberbank online right now and apply for a loan. At the lowest rate in sberbank from four percent in the first month. Wow, how to choose clothes for all occasions, there are a lot of things, but there is nothing to wear. Is there really no perfect dress . Meet the stylish novelty from lamox the polkadot shirt dress is the only one, and the figurative silhouette effectively emphasizes the chest area forms the waist line hides the fullness of the hips slightly shortened sleeves hide the fullness of the arms and lowers the movements the Button Closure allows you to play with images functional pockets make the dress even more comfortable for everyday wear. It can be washed in a washing machine and does not need to be ironed pleasant to the body, breathable fabric does not wrinkle and does not require special care wide, size range from 48 to 60 second and two classic colors to choose from blue and red universal dress. Polka dot shirt. Polka here will be yours for only one thousand nine hundred ninetynine rubles, the offer is limited to leomax purchases. Plus good morning. Hello Elena Nikolaeva denis stoykov. We are in a hurry to meet with you our devoted viewers today august 2, wednesday wednesday today shapes a person in every sense. And what we say is nothing to be ashamed of, and this is exactly what the majority of russians think. When it comes to salary, only one in three feels embarrassed because of the difference in earnings with friends most often people discuss this delicate topic with friends. Every fourth talks about financially. Very often or constantly, but not at all , a third of the respondents do not discuss their other peoples earnings. But the miracle income is of great interest to collectors with since then. How were their activities put under the law. They began to show ingenuity, calling debtors from spoof numbers, writing fake accounts and ends. Ilya davydov never figured out the problem, and suddenly anastasia should tell how a friend took a loan, indicated her as a guarantor and stopped paying. The collector first called anastasia a. Then he wrote a post that allegedly she was suspected of embezzling money. He, like, do whatever you want, so that she gives the money within hours and started mailing to friends. My relatives started sending this picture , like nastya, what are you, where did you borrow money from only when the girl turned to the police . The bouncer disappeared ; she has received dozens of complaints, frequent calls from unidentified individuals who do not identify themselves, but who stink or write messages from ephone numbers that are not registered. It is prohibited by law, but collectors do not attract. After all, he is incognito in in tatarstan, the police raided the office of the agency, where they blackmailed and threatened to extort a debt from a pensioner, they sent a photo of his wife on social networks with a signature on the provision of intimate services , the criminal Investigation Department of the ministry of internal affairs in the republic of tatarstan identified and detained and distribution of pornographic materials. It looks like the chaos that was before. Although it has been 6 years since the order of communication between collectors and the debtor is determined by law, a personal meeting once a week calls once a day twice a week eight times a month on weekdays from 8 00 to 22 00 on weekends from 9 00 to 20 00 the collector must introduce himself to inform the debtor, the name of the creditor and the Collection Organization, violation of this regulation threatens with a fine, and a conversation with addiction is also a criminal punishment , an article has been put into effect that already provides for criminal liability when collectors threaten life and health. God forbid uses force to damage property and depending on the disposition of each yes specified in this article. And the term can be up to 10 years in prison, and the low legal culture of the collectors, says statisticians last year. Agencies were fined 300 million rubles. It is clear to knock out debts. The work is thankless, but the code they must honor is the work of the right framework for but the collectors. This is task number one, that people have different situations. We know that sometimes after the call, well, the collector, well, that is, more suicides and suicides must be taken into account here. Everyone has a different position. Well, debtors. Most. The main thing is that you should not be afraid to give in to the threats of the blackmail act on your side. Only now the law does not say, how to deal with those who call, anonymous bailiffs, although they control collection agencies, are not involved in the search, but they could if they were given resources and powers, because they have a common task with collectors. We will continue the topic with the chairman of the Public Council under the federal Bailiff Service vladimir gureev Vladimir Alexandrovich hello well , its clear that debts need to be repaid, but everyone must act within the law quite a lot of laws have already been written regarding collectors; here we understand that some anonymous people are operating. Well, is it possible, is it really impossible today to figure out some kind of anonymous person, if the call comes from a Collection Organization from representatives of a Collection Organization that is officially included in the register, then by law, they must all record their calls and store the archive for a certain time. On the one hand, on the other hand, if it is gray and the socalled manifold, which are not included anywhere and makes calls. Right here, of course, we can advise our viewers to fix the performance on their own, if we are talking about the so called substitution of numbers. And now this is a problem. She still remains, then, of course, here in the first place. Uh, this is a problem that cellular operators solve. Uh, Verification Services are starting. Traffic is the so called antifraud system, which blocks the possibility of ecalls from spoof numbers. That is, this problem is gradually disappearing into the past. Although it is still preserved. In what powers are not enough to fight this process with the state duma. And a bill is under consideration, which is designed to divide bailiffs with the opportunity to obtain Additional Information from mobile operators from the bureau of credit histories. And this is the top authority, which will just help the bailiffs in a very, very short time to establish the caller esubscriber. And if at least some statistics, how often the defendants come to me, maybe uh, in places not so remote it turns out like that . Uh, not very clean collectors of the article, about which we are now talking to you, who are also in the report. She spoke too. Uh, with the possibility of applying sanctions up to 10 years. It was only introduced into the criminal code on july 10 this year. So far, yes, the problems are also in another thing, that there is a market for microfinance institutions mfis, which, for now, should be brought under control. E service of bailiffs is not clear, that is, from microfinance organizations may call to threaten and these people are not considered collectors the lions share. Well, a significant proportion of these complaints come, unfortunately, from microfinance organizations. They must live by the same absolutely rules as other collectors, and animals. And well, partly. Well, just the same bill that we just mentioned to you, uh, which is aimed at bringing the activities of microfinance organizations under control and enabling bailiffs to fully control this market. So he just should offend this sphere of activity to an even greater extent. What rooks still need to be closed . Here is where these narrow streams are flowing away there should not be any such anonymous callers should not be anonymous callers. Yes, there should not be direct threats, because these are direct threats. This is a criminal liability. Now , if we minimize, first of all, at the level of practice, all these manifestations, then the market is abundant. As for the legislation, our legislation now allows quite a lot for both Law Enforcement agencies and regulatory authorities. And we ll get there someday. Uh to uh a person who suddenly begins to call. Uh, outside the scope of the law such. Eh, beaters, dolgov, he will not have to prove anything. He just comes and writes a statement that they call me. Eh, figure it out, the person, of course, did not have time not to fix it, he was confused. Yes, i couldnt somehow, there wasnt some kind of handy, maybe a conversation at hand, of course, and often, its just that the service already receives an appeal, which just, in fact, figure it out. Help and bailiffs understand and try to help. Thank you very much, the questions were answered by the representative of the Public Council at the federal Bailiff Service. Vladimir gureev. Fine. Thank you. Used to watching videos on the network stopped working , we open russian channels and all series of films and cartoons, Educational Programs and documentaries. I wanted to ask about this alice who is a policewoman i should be worried. Premiere today 21 20 the season of watermelons and melons has begun. And this means that there will be not only a lot of sweet berries, but also an autumn delicacy attracts them no less in the form of a wasp, experts advise not to wave your hands, freeze and not move, it will fly away by itself, if the insect can destroy whole stings of tosa, as a rule, if something threatens the nest. In general, they dont like it. Smoke from campfires smell of pine needles and geraniums ultrasonic device bright clothes, especially yellow eat watermelons in yellow or just share in general every wasp has the right to his piece of watermelon. But homeowners in Apartment Buildings have the right to additional income from Common Property can be spent on compensating part utility payments. Current repairs or landscaping, how to make money on a house , i figured out how to give new ones here, this room used to be called a water meter unit. Now here, in a snowwhite basement , a Womens Clothing store is located across the wall, a photographic studio, Common Property for commercial purposes, residents of this Apartment Building in kostroma have been renting out for more than a year now. It is possible to earn about 30,000 rubles. Monthly proceeds go toward tenant maintenance fees. Home maintenance and landscaping, for example, we installed a barrier. We have installed a Video Surveillance system around the perimeter of this is important, we have changed the windows. In the common residential entrance receives additional passive income from the Common Property in the house. Other owners of multiapartment residential premises may also have such a right, the owners of apartments, give dwellings, you can earn money by renting a basement to attics and other nonresidential premises, regulations placed in an elevator or on the facade of buildings and much more to start making money on the house. To start owners should decide who exactly will be looking for tenants to do. These are the owners. They can independently or through intermediaries of legal entities. This may be a Management Company that has already served. A house either from scratch created by the hoa, the first option is quite rare due to the difficulty for an ordinary person to carry out all the procedures, the second is often unprofitable, there are some Greedy Companies that manage, yes, which form such an offer to the owners of an Apartment Building. Uh, suggest that 60 , e from income will go to income, only 40 will go to the Management Company. Uh, to the owners for their own needs. The best option for owners to make money on their own home, 3 the creation of an hoa, that is , a separate legal entity and a separate current account. To do this, it is necessary to hold a general meeting of owners and elect the chairman of the board , register partnerships with the Tax Authority, order a round stamp of the hoa, and also apply to any bank to open a current account, which will receive money from tenants from the same account, the owners will be able to spend money on common needs, for example, current or major home repairs, compensation for part of utility bills or landscaping. Where exactly to spend the money, the owners also decide. At the general meeting once a year and the chairman of the department delegates the search for contractors to the service provider, all money transfers are made by bank transfer, by the way, another plus in favor of creating an hoa is the minimum amount of taxes if the recipient of funds is a legal entity or an individual entrepreneur, depending on the taxation system. Well, for example, with a simplified taxation system, and from one to six percent is paid. In general, if everything is done correctly and not afraid to take responsibility for the maintenance of housing, then earning money on common house property will help owners not only save money, but also create comfortable Living Conditions in their own entrances. Great. I will not act as an actress on the set, you will be left without money. Not worry, the rabbit will drink money and with a new smartphone mega profitable with a megasubscription smartphone plus communication with payment once a month. 40 off anatomical mattress sleep expert 15 more than regular noodles and 10 times more vegetables, the choice is clear. My name is ekaterina. I run a childrens Amusement Park and found this job. There is work for everyone from the most. Resilience and strength, rejoicing in our daily overthrow and discovery, runs an endless pattern, russia transneft pattern uniting country commercial cheap its hard not to notice the legendary credit card alfa bank with new benefits. Order a credit card. In the world of hundreds, you cant. Iota says you can, try the first month for only 399 rubles. Decide how many gigs and unlimited applications you need. Can i have an iota . Sounds of a harp in the clouds on the top of Mount Kilimanjaro and got into the guinness book of records to fulfill the dream of climbing to the roof of africa, it took her several years, local guides could have lasted 18 minutes, playing the music funds raised for the fund help people with indistinguishable genetic diseases into a real man in less than a week, the film won the love of viewers across the country. And when you grow up, vzhuh with a golden spoon . Well , you understand, as they say, the flask starts whistling, but all this coolness will end at one moment, as soon as the father of the young major goes bankrupt. Well, the guy himself will be in the Army Barracks for reeducation. We will treat you, but really grow up and understand that money decides. Not everyone artyoms dove will be helped not so much by military service. How many lives after her, when will the hero have to stand up for his grandfather , seventyyearold palych, in a conflict with local authorities . Safonov, major of the Airborne Forces God Bless America light, pleasant , kind, this is not often removed one for all , and in this case for palych, this is a film of friendship, mutual assistance to the family and the struggle for justice. And also about the fact that it is important for any generation to hear and understand each other. Uh, the grandson does not understand, and the grandfather is best to resort to humor. This is our russian tradition brilliant cast Sergei Shakurov irina pegov alexander samoylenko and many others give this film the status of a truly popular witty joke and wise advice make this film easy and understandable to all viewers and those who have already appreciated palych assure such a funny sincere and at the same time touching story , they havent seen the film for a long time, its wonderful, interesting, the idea is about family reunification in general. Every minute of the film was interesting, such as crying and laughing, you can go from friends. How from a family like this this picture is definitely worth seeing a new comedy for palych already in all cinemas of the country we do not pretend. We would like to be on all tvs in the country. Yes, its so modest. Thats the most important thing, thank you for being with us. Have a good day. See you tomorrow. Bye bye. Till tomorrow. By this time direction

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