Transcripts For RUSSIA1 Vecher 20240703 :

Transcripts For RUSSIA1 Vecher 20240703

Night, good night, perhaps, i prepared it myself, but i didnt eat it myself, its very tasty, by the way, what are you dissatisfied with, how i wish i could go back in time, be just a doctor, oh what are you, you are the story with appointed. Satan, the wrong stepanov, some kind of bad dream, you became the head of the department, this is your dream, not some bad dream, but you know, no matter what name is written on the door of this office, red still remains the leader, and im in it. Im nobody, im nobody for them, so its time to get out of this mess, tomorrow, maybe its time to change the role of bob, what do you suggest, ill go to anna, tell you about the patients grandmother, why this data was hidden, because that this was andreis order, i would have been a shame i havent tried this drug at all, well, i wouldnt trust the words of a girl who is in love with you like a cat, its very beautiful, dr. Krasnov, continuation, watch it tomorrow at 21 20. Hiding behind the slogans of the struggle for freedom , the west in fact asserts a totalitarian regime of control over people, the report of an expert from the council of europe approved a new concept, malinformation, denoting true information that harms a person, organization or country. This is simply brilliant. I remember once i was sued, there was such a mayor of samara, tarkhov, i dont know where this one is a crook now, and a judge who, well, is clearly local, so he had few options there. He awarded me some kind of fine, completely insignificant, when i asked what he said for, but he was offended, when i asked, well, that is, what. He said a lie, he says, no, there is no need to refute anything, but hes offended, now its about the same situation, but if so, why are you saying its true, stop, well , dont do that, what are you really doing, well, well, its offensive, yes, it turns out its true , can be offensive, so its better not to to say, well, why did you say that this old canadian nazi is a murderer, but hes offended now . Trudeau is offended trudeau is so offended, yes, and the canadian bet is so offended by all of them, they come and cry to you, well, why offend them all like that, dont say that, well, you told beerbog that she is a fool, well, thats true, but its offensive, its a shame, why did you say that if you turn 360 , you will go in the same direction, but she s offended, she was hoping to go in the opposite direction, and the fact that 360 is a circle is not enough information in itself, its simple its a shame, this is a mockery, well, why say that, why tell the truth that no one could confirm her education even once, well, this is offensive, in general everything is offensive, but this term is now in the unesco guide for journalists, if before europeans fought against the kremlin narratives, they are now moving towards an official ban on the truth, just think about it, today the vicepresident of uefa apologized for the very idea of ​​​​admission to competitions. He said well , i thought that children should not be held accountable for the atrocities of adults. And then i thought, no, well, somehow, and i thought that this dear swede reminds me of the nazis, who killed jewish children, but they are to blame for the fact that, well, well, they are jewish children. You can also quote all sorts of antisemitic pamphlets that jewish children immediately grow up with secret knowledge. Which they pass from each other motsoi, you can and no one will tell this swede that you are a nazi scumbag, you are just a nazi scumbag, this is a partial form of racism, but no, well, because the degree of abolition of everything russian goes beyond any conceivable boundaries, to the detriment, those who echo this moracobesia look no stupider than anyone, and when you look at. The diagnosis in order to fight everything seemed that it was specially invented by the opposition, but it turned out that no, that it was really sluggish , current schizophrenia, look at this, this is russian, italian art. And they also said about a certain, as i understand it, academic course for students, but could you just tell me a little more, in more detail first, the course, this is not a course, a course, it was an idea until it completely abstract, we have the manifesto of sofrashima. Com, it has been translated into 10 languages, other languages ​​are now being added, it can be found. Its text is how we see racism and how we see our responsibility to fight it, and the other the idea is completely different, since everyone endlessly talks about how the marshals plan is impossible in russia , there will be no occupation, we live online, we need to take advantage of these opportunities, it seems to me that returning to the world of civilization is impossible without obtaining a drivers license, a person who does not know how to drive a car is dangerous on the road, people with the russian world in their heads, no matter where they live, they continue to broadcast those. They continue to be dangerous for, including russians, including , people exposed to the russian world, not aggressively, maybe passively, but nevertheless transmitting the same values, or more precisely, the lack of ideas, they are now suffering greatly under sanctions that they are deprived of access to credit cards, deprived of access to services and such comfortable all sorts of things of civilization in order to return there, in my opinion, you need to go through a program of deraschization, you can program it and you will listen to a certain course , pass a certain test, watch hours of real filming, i dont know, testimonies of people from the occupied territories, i dont know, the film mariupol, whatever you want, and then you wont you can say that you didnt know this , you saw it anyway, but if you pass some test, you will receive , well, roughly speaking, a passport of the good, you will not receive a passport of the good, you will get back your access, for example, to your bank card you can, what was supposed to be the passport of a good russian, the last question, and you say, we wrote, we are you have a group, and we have a small horizontal community that looks in different directions. There are people from very many countries, there are people from ukraine, from europe , and note that this is a conversation with Foreign Agent sota, who is all read by liberals, said by a person of the same nationality as me, and does not even understand that what she he says, this is word for word, i repeat what they said when they destroyed our people, the orians fucking, theyre just fucking orians, even she has so little historical memory, she has so little sense of shame, 6 million. Exterminated jews dont even click in her head, that is, its such a shame for our people , which can only be compared with a scoundrel who does not use his jewish surname, this is his right, maybe he was born into a family, but when i was born, i didnt change anything, i was born vladimir solovyov, if i had been born with there are my mothers last names shapira, but i was vladimir, so i did not change anything, there is nothing of this, misha khazin, there is nothing of this, that is, alexander sosnuvsky, we never hid yasha there, kid, we never hid it, we are jews, simeon bogdaserov never hid that he is armenian, this is part of our understanding ourselves, and part of the tragic history of our people, no matter what country we are in, no matter where we are, this is something that always makes you think, just before you say what citizen morgulis is saying, well for a second, just replace the word rashism about zionism, you wont shudder in horror, but this is what an absolute bastard, and an absolute nonentity, says, a man who started many novels in his life, but could not finish any of them, a certain dmitry bykov, such a classic version of the frivolous. Shit everywhere, but look what he says for a long time, and how these words sound now, i will tell you the most terrible thing, i ask you all to forget it, the first book that will be published in the rod series as a result of the new perestroika will be the biography of general vlasov, thats how it is and i i will do Everything Possible in order to. Write this book, this is a terrible fact, unfortunately, today the only true patriot is the one who is absolutely in orthogonal contradiction with todays russian patriotism, today to be a patriot means to be a russophobe. And i can object to you only one thing, to your wonderful consideration, unfortunately, the russian civil war of the forties included the almost mass extermination of jews, and those who were going to live in a free russia, liberated by the nazis, was forced to agree that the jews were completely exterminated in the territory controlled by the hitlers. I think no one was ready to buy russian happiness at such a price, and this is another fatal one. Knowing russian history, you see, i am absolutely sure that hitler would have achieved one or another , but still popularity in russia, if the extermination of jews, like the fair case of the gypsies , had not been his main task, unfortunately, or fortunately, yes , the infiltration of jews into russian cultural life at that moment was already significant enough, at such a price to buy. Independence, Russian Society was not ready, and i will add one more important thing hitlerism was defeated in russia to a large extent thanks to soviet internationalism, soviet internationalism a phenomenon of modernity, opposed the german archaism, if hitler had the moment was a little more modernized, a little more internationalistic, but hitlers. Zoological, completely primitive, monstrous antisemitism, of course, aroused distrust and hostility among the russian intelligentsia, and the one who is not friends with the intelligentsia in russia will never win, now this is an important law, and now the one who considers himself a russian intellectual is easily ready to get rid of the russians, well, that is, the jewish intellectuals of the soviet union were not ready. To accept all this nonsense that this stupid, illiterate animal utters, which to so many people seemed almost the height of encyclopedism, and the fact that. Well , hes always drunk, and besides, well, no, hes not drunk, its the kremlin authorities who poisoned him , that is, she is creeping up all the time, yeah, yeah, that is, well, this is an animal, which is what any historian says in horror , because he knows, that is, every word is a lie, every word is a lie, but they are gladly ready to get rid of all russians if they vote for putin, and then just all russians, because it turns out that the problems are not in putin, in russians, rashism, not putinism, how quickly they crossed this line, the scumbag kashin, who was once carried in the arms of kremlin circles, and who happily took money from everyone, so the only thing he became famous not only for the fact that alphonse lives on his wifes money, but also a scoundrel who is afraid to show himself anywhere, because he knows that for unfulfilled obligations he will definitely get one of the customers in the face, he writes about another idea, about a pedophile adagamov. Rostom stars in the role of general vlasov and looks, you see, very cool. Taking this opportunity , i want to say that the more the debate about lenin is imposed on us, the stalinists are such a thing, if any of the figures in russian history of the last 100 years deserve a discussion again, this is not lein or stalin , it is vlasov, the image of a clear traitor and scoundrel has not been there for a long time, the image of the peoples hero of a desperate antisoviet revolutionary is not yet there, but most likely it will be, most likely it will even be good, and this was also a long time ago and. I warned in this studio, how many times have we talked about it, all this scum was in the hands of moscow , all this scum was paid for by government agencies, all this scum was covered up, and the scumbag venediktov was invited to the kremlin, to the white house and anywhere else, groomed or cherished, whom, who, even such an idiot as arestovich, brought in today to free russia, which is generally stupid, they want to destroy russia, why is it consolidated, and aristovich explained everything there, what i dont like most about the russian opposition is constantly apologizing for the word russian, this one this is imposed victimization in the style of, well, excuse me, we are russians, for me real fascism is to label all russians as fascists. When they tell me, they constantly tell me, i hear this refrain everywhere, that russians have a genetic failure, that russians are some kind of wrong from the very beginning, that the heavy oppressive metahistorical reality over russia made them all scoundrels there, under the faces, bastards, slaves, incapable of anything, im just starting to get mad, because, well, what is this, this is a racial theory, how to interpret this in general, oh than we are. And unfortunately, it seemed to me that this slightly apologetic tone was imposed on the russian opposition. You know, how this manifests itself for me, in good training about glory, glory to ukraine, glory to the hero, everyone shudders a little, then they start, of course, glory to the hero, how no one hears us, doesnt see us there, doesnt record it, as if yes, what if we dont say it, and then they wont let us into this hall ever again, and even then they recorded us, which i didnt have time to say, jump up in time and say glory to the hero and. From my point of view, you can do this, but you are not obliged to do it, i do nt like this training, this is a purely ukrainian story, glory to ukraine, this is like a gesture of solidarity with ukraine, which many in the world pronounced, but you shouldnt do it, it seems to me, in my opinion, nice, like the nazis those who are arresting are mocking broken, pathetic scum, living on handouts from the collective nazis, i have a question, why is panumaryov still alive, the man who. Personally took the blame for the death of daria dugina, and lives calmly, and they know in the west, they know that he is the head of an extremist group, but the west doesnt care, and why dont we care, why have we forgotten the great court platov and his exploits, well, probably no one will answer this, by the way, let me remind you that panmarev has a long life years was hereditary a deputy of the state duma, his mother a senator, and he was a boy born in a good. Family, who was he there , a member of ponovaryov, his grandgrandfather, he was, a greatnephew, a colonel general, well, the main colonel general, he was candidate member, no, pamaryov boris nikolaevich, who is a great uncle, thats what im saying, he was just like a colonel general, so a boy from a good sevetsky soviet family, born with a silver spoon in his mouth, who betrayed everyone everything. Thief who allegedly stole money from lectures skolkovo. Oh, lord, he doesnt have a Higher Education, of course, what kind of Higher Education does he have, he doesnt even have a Higher Education, i remember how he begged. Begged in the kremlin offices, begged, besides, he himself told me about it, so that he they gave me to become the mayor of novosibirsk, for this he was ready to give up everything , he dreamed, he says, give me this, give me that, thats all , whatever, yes, dmitry, yes, no, i dont agree, about panomariov, what is it like a silver spoon, there is a gold one, two, and, yes, one a tea room and the other a dining room. Well, it was the same, i just want to say one thing, somehow in the 2000s, when it was still fashionable, i was right here in the village committee, in one place where i worked, and well , they practically forced me to read a book, mr. Bykov, i didnt ill tell you what kind of book this is, in this place where i worked, reading bykovs book was. Obligatory , you cant read it straight away, youll have problems, yes, this is, in general, a person who, by the way, believed myself, apparently a sincere patriot, and when i read, well, that is, i so, i said that i read, finish reading this crap, i couldnt, i said, well, i say, well, well, well, well, i said it differently, well, thats the meaning, from the look i realized that i wouldnt be here for long ill work there. But we were forced to eat it, i still remember very well how they promoted the city girl margolis, how they promoted this lady, who then and now looked like a city madman, but they pushed it into us and by the way, i wouldnt be very surprised if when it all ends , it turns out that all these events of this opposition. Were financed, among other things, from the money of businessmen, who here sing the anthem here and, therefore, with shining eyes, talk about getting up from their knees. This doublethink of the elite, this, this rottenness of this elite, of course, of course, played a very difficult role in the fate of our state. And im afraid that Something Else will play out, because these connections havent gone anywhere, these connections are why hes alive and feels great, so all sorts of very murky characters in our history are rolling back and forth, who should actually be in prison for in the aggregate, its actually a different time to reward them, but someone is protecting them here, they are needed here, and now lets ask ourselves why are these characters needed here . I cant, yes, i have a bad character , i ruined my career with it, and more than once, so as soon as a career lit up in front of me, some kind of prospect, i definitely, i must have a bad character, and as they say, rushed, but i cant say, not say about what i see, and i. Read what various kinds of intellectuals write here, give interviews, they give out all sorts of texts, i read it very interestingly that it turns out that we have four russias, one of which is the russia that left, this is the one we showed here, which you showed here vladimir rudolfovich, it turns out these are these four russia, russia at war, russia in depth. Forever silent, metropolitan russia, russia that has left, these, they all seem to have equal rights to participate in the governance of our country, but what about us, we seem to be afraid to say that very serious forces in the Political Leadership of our country has been trying to legalize this opposition that has left for the last 2 weeks, an attempt. To make sure that this opposition, under the guise of, well, this is russia that has left, well, a lot of them have left, russia of tbilisi, russia of irevan, russia of istanbul , well, here is baltic russia, in order to find a place for it in the leadership of the country, to find an opportunity for influence, why dont we see this, we dont read these interviews, we dont read these gram channels, we dont understand what s happening. And ill tell you whats happening, our western partners absolutely need a pause, they are suffocating, they could not stand the pace of confrontation. After all, this is a very important symptom, it is much more important than the revival of this opposition that has left and much more important than what aristovich says, supposedly zaluzhny, supposedly zelensky and so on, this is evidence that in the west of the United States to the federal republic. Germany begins the process of gradually transferring the general life of these countries, the life of the countries of the collective west, ont

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