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Not so in moscow and the region today they open passenger traffic on the third branch of the moscow central diameter mcd3 ceremony will be attended by Vladimir Putin we are the capitals Sergey Sobyanin governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov the new diameter will connect zelenograd and ramenskoye via moscow hours, the length of the route is 85 km. There are about 40 stations on it , each of them is within walking distance from the mcc metro station, or train bus stops will run daily from 5 30 am to midnight peak hours. Intervals will be reduced to a minimum. Well, of course, you can pay, you can also travel with a troika card. Well, now a special military operation is going on, the latest events on the fronts are in the report of alexander bilibov. Ugletarsky tactical direction in business, our largest artillery caliber , a 2003millimeter selfpropelled gun malka enters the firing line, leaving no chance for the enemy to take cover even in the most fortified positions. You are inflicting on employees of the 165th amur Artillery Brigade fire damage to the manpower of artillery, Armored Vehicles of the armed forces, located in positions in the area of ​​​​the vremya salient, significantly reducing the pace of the enemy counteroffensive in this sector of the front, advanced units of the vostok grouping of troops, with the support of artillery and aviation, inflicted fire damage on the enemy. Two tanks were destroyed in the urozhnaya area, a pickup truck with nationalists , a mortar crew, a control center for Unmanned Aircraft and accumulations of manpower of the armed forces in the kupyat tactical direction , personnel of an artillery battery, howitzers d30, Western Group of forces. Inflicted fire damage on the area of ​​​​accumulation of Armored Vehicles and manpower, as well as on the ammunition depots in the moustache, the artillerymen conduct counterbattery combat, destroy the rocket launchers, mortar crews and other targets, the coordinates of which are provided by reconnaissance and drones help to correct the fire. Christoph saves the blood of the infantry, which, with the support of our guns, continues to advance the assault groups of the sixth combined arms army, and owned two strongholds, two observation posts and defeated up to two infantry platoons in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bolshan during active hostilities, loitering ammunition lancet, five artillery pieces were destroyed in the calculation of the 82mm mortar vasilek of the ussuriysk separate guards airborne forces, which is now operating south of artyomovsk, the mortars use the tactics of a wandering gun, firing position , after the shooting is constantly changing in this way , it is possible to avoid loss during return fire from the ukrainian militants. In the neighboring swatov direction, the enemy tried to counterattack, but to return the lost positions by the subdivision of the armed forces failed, the coordinated actions of the advanced units of the grouping of troops, the center of the attack was repelled. The enemys losses amounted to more than 10 people, an Armored Vehicle was destroyed , in addition to ground formations, the formation successfully inflicted fire damage on the enemy, and ground attack aircraft in the accession, the crews of su34 fighter bombers of the Southern Group of forces, delivered guided munitions strikes at afu facilities on lisichansky solidarity, artyomovsk and oleksandr kalinovsk direction, the struck point of temporary deployment of the 4th brigade of the National Guard of ukraine, two points of temporary deployment, 28 separate mechanized brigade of opponents , russian units retain the initiative in all tactical directions of the line of contact in the zone of their oleksandr bibov lead. Vladimir putin ordered to prepare a proposal for the promotion of russian video games on the brix market by september 30, this is one of the results. His visit to the exhibition of the development of the Creative Economy in russia in may of this year, in addition, the head of state instructed to consider the issue of creating a special Economic Zone in moscow in the Film Industry , essentially a new International Film cluster, as well as amending the legislation on full state financing of production and distribution cartoons for children. At the international forum, the army today is the final day of work in a limited mode, when it is open only for specialists, tomorrow the sites will be available to everyone only a ticket will show visitors novelties, defense industry, advanced models and weapons and equipment, you can also ask questions to specialists, and at scientific and business events, everything is in the forum program. This year, about 260 different events have different formats these are conferences, open discussions, round tables. Here today, for example, the focus, including training for enterprises of the complex fight against the Death Threats of Artificial Intelligence capabilities. Foreign ministry in china urges tokyo to abandon the approved plan to dump radioactive water into the sea from the Fukushima Nuclear power plant as an argument. They pointed to a recent incident at a japanese Nuclear Power plant. Japans plan to dispose of contaminated water from the fukushima1 Nuclear Power plant has raised questions from the international community. The new leak reinforces the suspicion that teppka is incompetently managing the process and the japanese government is not providing effective oversight. We reiterate our call on tokyo to respond to the international communitys legitimate fear of halting the project to dump radioactive water into the ocean to conduct a responsible dialogue with the countries concerned and agree to international control. And new leaks of radioactive water at the emergency Fukushima Nuclear power plant , we recall, it became known last week , the reason for the defect in the pipeline outside the barrier, the contaminated liquid did not get, the Company Operator claims. Well, let us recall three fukushima reactors were destroyed in 2011. After the tsunami hit since then , the molten nuclear fuel has been constantly cooled with water to store it at the station nowhere else in the last decade in august, japan plans to start dumping 140,000 tons of this liquid into the ocean. Before that, they promise to clean it of all isotopes, except for the third one, and dilute the project. Approved by the rich is designed for 30 years, but it raised doubts neighboring states, including russia not a place in the european union, but brussels simply gives the country false hopes, the former leader of the fifth republic believes that it will not be possible to return to the past and believes that the current authorities in ukraine should move on. Sarkozy recalls that he, along with former german chancellor Angela Merkel , did not support the entry of ukraine and georgia into nato because he knew that this would be a red line for russia. Website of the office of the high commissioner for human rights. There it is noted that the law on education, which was adopted by the estonian parliament. At the end of last year, he introduced discriminatory measures that affected the interests of the russianspeaking minority of children, which is the native language of the russians, in fact, deprived them of the opportunity to receive education in it. This is contrary to estonias International Obligations in the field of human rights, the commentary emphasizes. The military victory of the kiev regime is impossible , it is necessary to start peace negotiations as soon as possible so that ukraine can save as many territories as possible write about this on the american internet portal on infotefai, kiev and washington should realize the futility of trying to continue the counteroffensive, ukraines losses are huge. I quote excerpts from this article, moreover , the most trained soldiers were killed to replace them with some 100 billion dollars of american investments, the supply of huge batches and ammunition did not pay off, we must admit this and refuse further expenses , the author of the article notes. He urges washington to start unpleasant work with kiev and allies in nato preparing a diplomatic agreement with russia however, ukraine continues to persist. Uh, with the details my colleague. Maria gave birth. Kiev assures the allies, and their relations need a reboot, they will try their best. Give weapons fighters missiles tanks ukraine announces a key outline. To loud in all european. The media is true, the militants vsu, spoil everything. Now the trouble is an assault, along the entire front line. Will now be. Hello kombat. The president of ukraine in a trap write newspapers in his call and the counter attack, according to experts, threaten to split the leadership, a conflict between civil and military authorities is brewing in kiev, some want to stop others go to the blank write they will not have time in the usa ukraine and are dissatisfied, telling too rosy situations at the forefront of local authorities misled washington , say sources. Well, further help from the allies. The United States has already declared a single decision is needed or there are no atakam missiles, the f16 is also complicated, american analysts state that they are provoking an administration in conflict with ukraine. Badina miscalculated if we if we stop funding ukraine, then the local government will collapse. We pay salaries to their authorities. You did not know, and how we can force a Peace Agreement tomorrow, we will simply take this money from kiev and their regime will collapse. You are right, if we completely refuse to support ukraine, then the government of ukraine will collapse, and then everyone who helped the independent, and let the last german journalists find out the truth. They wanted a sensation, they went to russia , the answers of the russians the viewers of germany shocked the provocations of reporters, because what they have been hearing about from politicians for so long over the summer sun sand, this is russia sochi in bars, hair and dresses are developing. She is a thirtyfive year old teacher. Yana with her daughter. She came to sochi from crimea russia is a strong country and people in crimea are russian by origin, they are not ukrainians, but russians and the people of donbass are also russians, we dont want to live the way you want us to live, we want to decide. This is our own and our decision to be with russia in the fourteenth year. We also received berlin ourselves from ukraine, cannot fulfill the order of natalia spending two percent. And your gdp in the german army is not enough military residents of germany are asking the authorities to stop stop. And to rob in favor of kiev without satire, of course, dont bother robert highback dear hands away from our heating boilers. You are better in a plate of germans, in which there is a normal german schnitzel, and not that nonsense from the grass that you advise us to eat, and it seems that now rosecolored glasses fall off even from those who have been galloping for a long time. On the maidan for the sake of life. Im on social networks tens of disappointments from ukrainian refugees instead of a rich life and it is necessary to have lunch, some are standing at Employment Centers , others are playing with fire in duisburg, germany , a hundred ukrainians were detained for fraud, the locals are capable of being outraged. And i was still thinking. Where do they get the money from, they cut through bmw here, however, for a european , death or ukrainians, freed from mobilization for bribes, travel around europe in this photo, a ukrainian blogger with her husband and friends, the girl is advised by a domestic citizen to go to war and talking about the future of the country from the territory of others. Their states, well son the son of a ukrainian famous prosecutor is cheering in monaco, the guys are driving expensive cars in europe while dad works like this, you cant forbid a beautiful life, because ukrainian corruption works with it, a message appeared that one of the kiev prosecutors offices released on bail 800,000 hryvnia several murders of repeat offenders at once. Maria birth. There is a major scandal in london from the exposition of the british museum, a number of exhibits disappeared, according to preliminary data, they were stolen by one of the employees, and as the guardian reports we are talking about jewelry, gold jewelry with precious stones, including ancient ones made in the 15th century bc, whose employee is suspected of stealing was fired, a criminal case will be initiated against him. But the missing value has not yet been discovered. In germany, this night a downpour with a thunderstorm interrupted the work of the International Airport in frankfurt am main, part of the runway went under water , the aircraft parking area was flooded, controllers canceled about 70 flights. Well, the passengers who managed to get on the planes are forced there were many hours. Thats how to spend on board weather forecasters also report anomalously powerful lightning discharges in the region , more than 25,000 lightning strikes were recorded per hour. Do not waste your time, spend our money at gazprombank, a cash loan for any purpose is issued at lightning speed at a rate of three and nine percent per annum up to 7 million rubles. Only on the passport the first month zero percent. Apply to gazprombank. Ru. And you will save money and the new smartphone will only be in megafon choose things a level higher at the same price on avito in the vast expanses russia has points of attraction for talents, where experience is combined with innovation, and Breakthrough Ideas receive comprehensive support, where russian engineers and programmers work. It is here that a new class of devices has been developed powerful stylish multifunctional Technological Center for your home a new word in russian electronics. Meet russian lotto wins every ticket. Buy tickets at stoloto Branded Stores and on the sportmaster website will help with running technique. Come to School Trouble in the section, poster, get free lessons. Train to run farther faster safer. We knew in the scooter that the main thing in the glider was creaminess, and ekaterina knew how to find natural cream for this, we do the scooter well together coughing less chemicals. Rinival cough pills we trust reval we choose. Its the new august truffle. Enjoy and when paying through st. Petersburg, there is also a 10 discount on everything. This is internet cartoons, everything is here, as agreed for three months. Well, its all free with discounts. Mikhail mishustin today in samara for the Largest Enterprises of the rocket and space industry have already shown him the workshops of the kuznetsov military and Industrial Complex , which are part of the rostec state corporation. The company specializes in the development , production and service of gas turbine and rocket engines. He has his own design bureau, a serial production site. The test base and Service Center of the lugansk peoples republic detained a citizen of ukraine who lived, uh, in the lpr. And according to the investigation, he worked in the interests of kiev, as reported in the fsb department for the region, he collected information about the location Russian Troops and equipment. Why did dmitry horn find out why he committed a crime . On these frames of operational shooting, the detention of a ukrainian spy in the territory of the luhansk peoples republic, the employees of the fsb, according to the lpr, established that this man transmitted coordinates about the locations of Russian Troops to the Ukrainian Special services, a social military operation, his son left for the territory of ukraine in april, he met the sbu sbu and said that it is necessary to transmit information on the location of the russian military, where is the position of the russian military, im not preparing to eat, where is the russian equipment for the crime, the man was actually pushed by the son, now the father is threatened, a serious term has been instituted on the grounds of the corpus delicti provided for by 276 of the russian code of spies that the transferred data could threaten the lives of civilians of the accused, not even i thought, but meanwhile the kiev regime is not considered the lives of civilians shelling city blocks. Lugansk wipes out other cities in the region for participating in preparations for the destruction of the inhabitants of donbass their countrymen. The offender now repents, just as the Ukrainian Military captured by us was sent by the command to storm. Uh, these are the positions that used to be. The terms are necessary for everything in a quadric. At the enemies. Uh, four people who went with me immediately for 200, i can say i was more fortunate there. I created my captivity. Eh, this assault failed. Your intelligence works better defense. Uh, i, uh, well, if not me, a literate quadric was set. Well, as i already intelligence is constantly watching over us, there is nowhere even to hide tactics of recruiting a civilian the population of the terrorist kiev regime did not cross over by accident. Failures at the front force the ukrainian mobilized to take extreme measures. They actually throw water and ammunition on the front line without food, so the regimes accomplices have two captivity or prison. In russia, an artificial Mountain River was opened today in the village of bogorodskoye near moscow. Columnist stanislav dikultsev. Another atmosphere here can not be. Naturally. Festive, because athletes, russian rowers, have been waiting for the appearance of this ultramodern complex in russia for a very long time , and many athletes have not. The russian team had to train either on real Mountain Rivers. Where as you understand , it is quite difficult to make a sports track that meets the requirements, either abroad, and most of these trainings have become, by and large, impossible over the past year and a half. Not well, since 2010, our words of the place have been dreaming of the appearance of such a complex. And today it is open, and the Opening Ceremony was attended by sergey lavrov, minister of Foreign Affairs and chairmen of the board of trustees of the mushroom slalam federation. The most important thing we got at home. A great place for Training Masters and for holding competitions , until now, our leading athletes of the nation. Combined Regional Club teams were forced to train abroad. Now such a need. No. I think to we will be asked by foreign colleagues to be allowed to hold Training Camps in this beautiful place this channel in 2026 should host the world rowing championship slava until the question of cancellation. E, the tournament is not worth it, i note that the length of the channel is 340 m, another 126 m, the training channel is located at the zagorsk hydroelectric power station and was built. Uh, with the help of rushydro specialists and the first competition. On this channel pass already. Now this is probably such a big push in the development of the rowing salon in russia because really. This is the First Channel of such an International High class for russia, and of course, it is very valuable for us, and the channel itself is cool. It is very interesting and full of technical stuff. It is possible to make various drawings of elements to train at all without stopping he never. It seems to me that you really wont get bored on the track, you can reconstruct and redo any configuration, make various turns, change the direction of the water flow, this is a truly ultramodern Sports Complex and , of course, the whole world of russian mushroom. Thank for today here and athletes and coaches. Today we spoke with one voice. They say that this, of course, uh, will give a serious powerful impetus to the development of this rather young sport in the olympic program. He recently, but, and russia in this discipline has a bronze medal and igor peking 2008. For us, this is a very important discovery of my long. Waited, 13 years or even more, and it will allow. Uh, i hope everything will work here, there will be a good sports section for children, and we will have new generations that will achieve the same or even more. Higher heights than. I must say that athletes from all over russia are already coming here since. Uh, literally in a week here on this rowing canal starts, the championship of the country stas tretyakovites. Sergei velichko ivan paevsky and the march news. On the eve of the birthday of the Russian Geographical Society in the capital, a unique tour of the famous moscow conservatory was held as part of the action the best guide of russia, it was held by the famous violist conductor yuri bashmet memories of the maestros student years fascinating the story that took place within the walls of the Historical Building was heard by the ghouls, chatting the monument to petrulevich tchaikovsky, who was actually the first professor of composition behind the crowd of journalists yuri bashmed, talking about his conservatory is barely distinguishable, you have to stand on tiptoe or go in from the rear, the nervous responsible is very worried most of all it was in the large hall for 40 minutes, how did arriving from lviv with factory ice for 97 rubles. And i got a rare five with a plus in my specialty, like overcame the syndrome of a provincial, how scary it was to go on this famous stage. For the first time, the Famous Artist came as a surprise to his native moscow conservatory along with the Russian Geographical Society matters. Where to study did not even arise. After all, the most outstanding musicians of our time walked along these corridors. We students held hands, and we stormed these steps from the stained glass window against the backdrop of the patroness of church music and musicians saint cicily recalls how the viola was approved by making it equal to the violin and cello with bachs chaconne when one on one with a hall without a pianist without an orchestra and there was further success in tokyo and australia, thats all. It was important, but secondary, about my friend mstislav rostropovich, a rabblerouser, a cello on wheels raced separately with a rather clumsy gait, and there was a sea of ​​students behind him, but i went out to the meeting and said, hello, svyatoslav yapolovich looked, and my dear friend, start right away, never saw me and dragged me to his class, silent about the fact that they were unfairly expelled because of the forgery, then my mother had a microinford. Dad began to be taken away legs. The student is serious. Thought it was suicide. After all, music for him was and is life. This is an abyss. This is the most nervous thing for musicians, this fuh all went the final chord of the tour videos from such places that the musicians envied themselves, murmansk region sakhalin kamchatka curonian spit serenade of peter ilyich and who do we say russia, we mean tchaikovsky to the fishing village went from murmansk on a warship 8 hours in kamchatka where, for 300,000 inhabitants, 30,000 bears of moscow soloists were guarded by soldiers with carbines in the curonian spit met the dawn played at 5 00 in the morning beautiful places where the foot of a musician has not yet set foot in russia, which means that extreme concerts will continue gulya boltaeva Viktor Vinogradov Tatyana Merzlyakova konstantin to lead. As a very young man, he joined the ukrainian galician army. There, they were trained as scouts for saboteurs. And, of course, the monster, the holocaust in lviv was organized by the ukrainians, 6 thousand people were destroyed, they used the ukrainian gestapo, i did not meet. And now its time for Economic News course dollar left, below 93 rubles, the euro approached a hundred cooling of the Foreign Exchange market. It continues against the backdrop of an increase in the key rate to 12 , it has also become. It is known that the authorities decided to tighten currency control according to this statement , such a decision came at a meeting between Vladimir Putin and members of the government and the chairman of the central bank, elvira nabiullina, World Oil Demand in august will reach a record 103 Million Barrels per day

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