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How to work in a combat sense, how to repel an enemy attack, but you have this happened exactly as it is called, today after it became known, and this is exactly what it is, this is heroism, in the literal sense of the word, i want to thank you for this, wish you success. During this meeting, a moment of silence was observed in memory of those who died during this battle. In your ranks, together with you, practically in a trench, two more soldiers fought, who came voluntarily to the armed forces from places of imprisonment, they died. Well, first of all, i want to say that, yes, we are all human, everyone can make some mistakes, they once they were committed, but they gave their lives for their homeland, they atoned for their guilt in full, this is the first, second, of course, we will do everything to help their loved ones, without any doubt, but maybe you dont know, but today is the funeral of one of these dead guys, so before we begin, lets begin the conversation, i propose to honor their memory with a minute of silence. The military departments of the cis countries will create Research Centers for the study of military Security Problems and will jointly develop a system of preuniversity education, about this meetings in tula the ministers of defense, states, and the commonwealth agreed, more about the results of this meeting, evgeniy petrukhina. As Sergei Shaigu emphasized today at the meeting, russia is always open to deepening interaction and cooperation with the cis countries on issues of militarytechnical cooperation. The head of the delegation of the cis countries, belarus, armenia, azerbaijan, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, uzbekistan, tajikistan, today discussed ways to expand interaction. Departments spoke, among other things, about new areas of cooperation. Militarytechnical issues cooperation are constantly in the focus of attention of the council of defense ministers and bilateral contacts. In this regard , i would like to emphasize that the Russian Federation is always open to deepening cooperation in this area. In addition, today we will start joint preparations for the celebration of the eightieth anniversary of our peoples victory. The lessons of which still remain relevant and chief among them is the need to have wellequipped, trained armed forces, ready to adequately respond to threat challenges. Modern militarypolitical the situation in the world obliges this. As the secretary general of the commonwealth of independent states, sergei lebedev, noted today, nato countries are under the pretext of containing russia. Are increasing their offensive capabilities, and this entails an arms race, such an erosion of the role of international institutions, an increase in the crisis, all this ultimately threatens the sovereignty of many states, which is why the activities of the council of defense ministers today are of particular importance. Western hegemony responded by dismantling the unipolar world, continues provoke local wars, inflame hotbeds of old conflicts, and unfortunately create new ones. It was precisely such actions of western countries that led to the severe ukrainian crisis, allocating billions of dollars in military support to ukraine, supplying it with weapons. And ammunition, sending their mercenary military advisers, the United States and nato states are doing everything to further inflame the conflict and draw other states into it. In this regard, dear colleagues, the activities of the council of ministers of defense of the cis and its Coordination Committees in the current conditions, takes on special significance. Without a doubt, the council of defense ministers has a powerful collective potential for the further development of military cooperation and increasing its effectiveness in order to ensure peace and stability in the cis space. The heads of the delegation of the defense departments of the cis countries today visited the Design Bureau named after academician shipunov in tula. Military equipment is presented there, which, in fact, has already confirmed its effectiveness during a special military operation, for example, a multipurpose Missile System cornet m, on a typhoon wheeled chassis. With the combat compartment berezhok, in fact, representatives of the delegation, they highly appreciated Russian Military products , we decided that we need pilots in us, we put it under everything , we put it under the pilots seat, so it appeared, 9x19 cartridge, right . Russian defense minister Sergei Shaigu and governor of the kul region Alexey Dyumin laid red carnations at the eternal flame on victory square in tula. Memory of the soldiers who died during the great patriotic war was honored with a minute of silence. As a result of todays meeting , Important Documents were signed, for example, on the training of troops within the framework of the unified air Defense System of the cis states. Evgenia petrukhina, dmitry bucharov, olesya alekseeva, news. Now about the actions of the Russian Military in the special operation zone. Artillery. The south group struck enemy targets in the kleshcheevka area, as the ministry of defense noted, the Infantry Group of the 80th separate air assault brigade of the Ukrainian Armed forces was destroyed. Here is our unit in the donetsk direction they destroy enemy positions with the help of aviation, and paratroopers enter the battle in the kherson region. Stanislav bernwaltz latest information on the progress of the special operation. These are our air attack aircraft. The Russian Aerospace forces launches an air strike on military targets and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine unit in the donetsk direction. Missile launches are carried out in pairs from low altitudes. As a result of combat use , the militants camouflaged fortified field positions and equipment were destroyed. You really cant hide from these guys, you cant hide. We received a task, after which they took off the pair and struck the enemy uncontrollably. After which they landed in pairs at the home airfield, according to the report of the aircraft gunner, the targets were hit, and this is the work of a mobile Russian Group of Airborne Forces equipped with an antitank Missile System in the kherson direction in the area of ​​​​the antonovsky bridge; scouts discovered an observation post of ukrainian formations in abandoned dachas, quietly, and this footage of the presentation of a certificate for the payment of funds to military personnel of the First Guards Tank Army of the western military district destroyed a leopard tank in the kupinsky direction during the battle, thats how it happened. We looked for them for a long time, they were hiding well, the artillery helped us a little. In the night it turns out that in the morning they already used a lancet, the lancet hall was hit with a lancet, such an event does not happen every day, then that there are leopards, uh, well, we will continue to search, find, hit, reconnaissance from the air, plus wellcoordinated work, this is the key success of our fighters, and as they say, where one leopard is not far from the second, third, tenth, fifteenth, take off the shoes of german cats, our guys. Certainly learned, they received data, coordinates, reacted quickly, that is, the entire crew immediately immediately began their official duties, thats it. So they aimed at the command and fired, after a few minutes they corrected us, then they hit the guslya tank, thereby we stopped it with our crew, as our live fire showed, that is, it is not so vaunted, it stopped just like Everything Else stops, these payments to Russian Military personnel are additional to what the Russian Ministry of defense pays for personal destruction or seizure of military equipment. While our guys are zeroing out german tanks at the fronts, the enemy is trying to master the basics of piloting american f16s. The training takes place not even on a professional flight simulator, but on a computer in a classroom. Like for the first time, we started burning miraculously. Teaches how to fly american afks, american instructors. Americans are at the controls of a real plane with their pets. Also lets in, though only for now on the ground for a beautiful tv picture. Stanislav bernwalt, lead. Tens of thousands of residents of nagornokarabakh have already moved to armenia. The day before, the selfdissolution of the republic was announced, where refugees are now being housed, what assistance is being provided to them and how, from the border city, natalia solovyovas report. Indeed, this city, a city on the border, in fact, of nagornokarabakh and armenia continues. Refugees are accepted, as we know, according to the latest data, approximately 80,000 have already left the unrecognized republic and are now in armenia and the main flow of people goes through gorist , this is what you see behind me, this is one of the largest Registration Centers where refugees are now receiving assistance, buses arrive there almost every hour, and you see hundreds of people , these people are now waiting for registration, but they are waiting to see how they will be helped and will be able to accommodate a lot of people along with their belongings while, alas, they are on the street, there are ambulances on duty nearby, doctors are working inside, including doctors, volunteers , who, as we know, sleep about 2 hours a day, and people arrive in very poor physical condition, they were on the road for about a day from a day to three and. Of course, they need help here, help for children and help for pregnant women who were on the road all this time, and i came like this, they say theres help there, they give me a towel, and i was going to go buy it in the store, i took my wallet, so i went down like this, i took two blankets, thats all, and i took two pillows, here are mine things, two bags, several clothes, and thats all, and this everything was given here, here. The land was native, i cant talk, excuse me, please, now i dont know where well go, where well live, we live like this on the street, lets see what else is here, theres practically a small tent camp here, of course, in it people are not accommodated, here they are provided with all possible assistance, these are the tents that we just passed. There are hot drinks there, there are snacks there, and fruits for children, let me remind you that people were actually under siege for 9 months, here here doing with children, there are a lot of children, in armenian families, approximately always well, from five children, here probably for sure, but here they gave out water, here, now, lets see, yes, here with. Things that were collected as humanitarian aid , both childish and warm, its quite cold, its already night in goris, its a city in the mountains, and today the head of the ministry of health gave her comments here, she just talked about how much the road now takes people, in what condition, ցավոք սրտի, նման however, citizens, exhausted due to malnutrition, left without even taking with them medications, were on the road for more than 40 hours. For this reason , deaths from stroke in older people have been reported. I will add that now Many Organizations are bringing humanitarian aid here, of course, the Russian House in yerevan did not stand aside, but they also delivered warm clothes and the most necessary items that the refugees asked for. Essential goods are diapers for children, and a fleece blanket, since its cold in the mountains at night, but you were in the hotel just now, you saw Something Like that inside, its just cold, yes invigorates is not the right word, heres a towel, they saw that too, now people were just taking it away, everyone, all the women were absolutely talking about the fact that the children. heres chocolate spread, sweets, they were really asking for electric kettles, well, thats roughly the situation now at the border , in the city where the main flow of refugees occurs. Natalya slavyava ilya novikov and natalya varova armenia. The president of kazakhstan commented on his position on the issue of western sanctions against russia. Earlier, at a press Conference Following negotiations in germany, he said astana will comply sanctions regime. Now he emphasized that kazakhstan is forced to take into account restrictions, and at the same time considers the sanctions confrontation, quote, absolutely counterproductive. Kazakhstan and russia have the longest land border in the world. We have a tradition of cooperation, be it trade or humanitarian ties; we signed an agreement on allies in 2013. Relations between our countries, we maintain regular friendly contacts on a bilateral basis, as well as within the framework of relevant integration associations. A statement on this topic was also made by the Russian Ministry of foreign affairs, where they noted that moscow does not interfere in kazakhstans relations with third countries and looks forward to further joint work in all areas. Another quote it is important to prevent outside influence from interfering with good neighborly relations. Connection with the camp. End of quote. The results of digitalization and transformation of the oil industry were presented to experts from the ministry of energy and the ministry of Digital Development of russia at the bite and Oil Conference. The Largest Companies presented advanced startup developments and were looking for investors for creating it solutions that ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. Details in the material of my colleagues. Dozens of Digital Solutions for industrial transformation, from the use of Artificial Intelligence to discover oil fields to the processing and systematization of an impressive amount of data. It is precisely such innovations that ensure the technological sovereignty of the country. This conference is the first of its kind. It developers in the oil and gas industry will present their new products, solutions already tested on the market. By experts estimate that by 2030, the effect of their implementation as part of the Digital Transformation of the oil and gas industry could reach about a trillion rubles. On the sidelines of the conference , participants of the Industrial Center of competence for oil and gas, petrochemicals and subsoil use will present their products. A year ago, 13 leaders of the oil, gas and Petrochemical Industries united to create domestic it solutions, the center is headed by the general director of gazprom neft, alexander dyukov. This is the idea of ​​​​creating this institute of itska. Industrial competence centers, which was adopted by the government last year, is indeed a very correct decision, which allows companies to create such a common platform for coordinating their efforts, for developing software there , including for our industry. On the first day of the conference, the ic presented 19 particularly significant Digital Projects developed by startups from the countrys Largest Energy companies, whose task is to allow the oil and gas. By 2028 to completely switch to domestic software, which is not inferior and even superior in quality to any foreign analogues. At the moment, the technological independence of the sector, according to the centers estimates , is already 76 . We set ourselves even more ambitious plans, we want to achieve 100 coverage of this landscape by the year twentyeight, according to exclusively domestic software, and the software should. Be no worse, basically even better , than all foreign solutions that exist. Thus, lab advance supplies the industry with technology that allows create Microfluidic Chips that reflect in detail the characteristics of deposits. What is important is that the test period is reduced by 10 times, and the cost, on the contrary, is reduced by five times. The only competitor to this development is technology from canada, although the domestic product is already firmly on its heels. In simple terms. What we do is we take a rock sample for an oil and gas company, that is , one that was taken from 3 km underground, we make a digital twin of it, we clone it onto a microfluidic chip, and then we carry out research on this microchip, why this is needed, to increase, improve the efficiency of production, to increase Oil Production in already developed fields or in new ones. The main task of the Industry Association is to give the opportunity to more than eight hundred developers and programmers to exchange experience with the future completely importsubstituting the market for industrial technologies, they gave a lot to the developers, and i understand how valuable the time of customers is here, colleagues, try it, pilot it, we love them, we believe , what the they are the future, so we kindly ask you not to be afraid to implement Russian Solutions in general , i think its very cool that gazprom neft gives Russian Developers the opportunity to pilot their solutions, its very cool when you can test your solution at a specific enterprise and show that it works, an important project for the industry, helping to attract new ambitious developers, platform professionals 4. 0, it specialists in freelance or remote work format. Gets the opportunity to cooperate with the largest players in the oil and gas market. I i registered, looked at the parks, looked at active relevant projects for me, there is an opportunity to choose a role, i chose my role as a developer, an architect, i saw a bunch of projects, that is, i was still, i still had the opportunity to choose projects based on key competencies. Pooling the resources of the Largest Companies and creating digital platforms for project work allows every ambitious developer to gain. Access to Key Countries and customer companies. The bight and Oil Conference takes place in moscow until september 29, inclusive. Varvara nevskaya, alexander pushin, Dmitry Maslennikov and tatyana klepcha. News. Trade turnover between russia and belarus over the 7 months of this year increased by almost 10 and reached 2. 5 rubles. This was announced by deputy Prime Minister Alexey Overchuk during a meeting of the councils highlevel group. Ministers of the union state in mogilev, where they discuss a variety of issues of cooperation. At the end of the twentysecond year, Foreign Trade turnover between russia and belarus increased by 13 and amounted to a record 3. 5 rubles of russian rubles, exports and imports are balanced, russian exports amounted to 1. 7 trillion belarusian rubles, and imports 1. 8. This years trend. Our trade remains the same, for 7 months of the twenty third year, trade has already reached 2. 5 russian rubles, which is 9. 9 higher than the same period last year, while russian exports to belarus amounted to 1. 2 rubles, imports 1. 3. The First International parliamentary conference opens today in moscow. America, it is organized by the state duma, parliamentarians and experts from more than half of the latin countries participate in it america. They will discuss Current Issues on the International Agenda with their russian colleagues. And on okhotny ryad a meeting has already taken place between the speaker of the state duma and the chairman of the Central American parliament. You have taken a principled position in support of the Russian Federation in all International Organizations and when discussing issues that concern our country in your own. We appreciate this, this position deserves respect, and once again i would like to say, in your person, words of gratitude to everyone who understands the situation, how difficult it is, and is doing their part the parties do everything in their power to support the construction of a fair world order. We want to use every opportunity to interfere and obstruct. European countries to condemn russia in the context of the crisis in ukraine. We emphasize that we will not allow our geopolitical space to be used to achieve such goals. Latin america has made it clear that it will not allow any condemnation in the space where our countries participate. The draft budget was submitted to the lower house of parliament. I studied its key parameters our economic commentator, maria kudryavtseva, joining us, mash, welcome. Well, lets start with this. How many pages are in the countrys Main Financial document this time. Hello dmitry. 4,375 pages, or rather 14 discs. This year the budget was submitted entirely electronically for the first time. The government has submitted a draft threeyear budget to the state duma. According to the head of the profile committee, andrei makarov, the document solves the main tasks, these are the defense of the country, Economic Development and social support. Previously, the budget was submitted to the state duma in in paper form, this year in 4,375 pages, but for the first time completely in electronic form, and this is the result of work to improve the interaction between the government apparatus and the state duma. No matter how difficult the budget is, no matter how difficult the Economic Conditions are, no matter what new sanctions our former partners come up with, the main condition of the budget remains. Full implementation of all social obligations of the state. Costs in 2024 will be more than 20 higher. Current year, average until 2026 it is expected in the region of 35. 5 trillion rubles. Income will also increase by more than 20 , to 35 three rubles next year, in 2025 to 33 and a half, in twentysix slightly above 34 rubles. The ministry of finance previously assured that there would be enough money for all planned purposes. This year the budget is a little more than 33. 36. 6, there is no reduction in the budget, there is no sequestration, and what you call sequestration, or again this strange word, may be those expenses that we redirect every year to new priority tasks, this sequester, if we take it here 36. 6 trillion rubles expenses, yeah, amount to 500 billion, oil and gas revenues will increase by almost 30 ; the ministry of finance wants to continue the gradual reduction of the discount on eurols oil when calculating taxes to 6 dollars per barrel in 26. The ministry also proposes returning to calculating the budget rule based not on the amount of revenue, but on the base oil price of 60 per barrel. And to cover the budget deficit, they will primarily use borrowings from the domestic market; they plan to attract more than 43 rubles annually. We still extremely. From some reference points that it is better not to go beyond, in this sense , we have an internal source of financing from the public debt, well , it has not yet been used in much demand, there are no concerns from the point of view of budget execution, and at the same time still, there is no need to be afraid of the budget deficit, because it is, well, some kind of additional investment. Resource to support the national economy, especially in conditions when we still have the need to replace foreign investment. Funds from the National Welfare fund will be taken to cover the deficit only in 2024, by which time more than 12 trillion rubles will have accumulated there. In addition, the budget will receive a billion and a quarter annually from privatization. As for taxation, no changes are planned, but targeted adjustments will be made and administration will be improved. For the next year , the ministry of Economic Development also prepared a rather optimistic forecast for development, which was included in the forecast of the russian budget. Of course, some optimism also emanates from the forecast for economy and the forecast itself, which we see is based on tax collection, but besides this optimism, there is also an effect invested in high income growth. The draft budget is drawn up on the basis of a basic forecast of socioEconomic Development, and this is a transition to strong Economic Growth in 2024 above 2 . And of course, the document provides for an increase in social payments and other key parameters, for example, the minimum wage will increase by 18. 5 starting next year. I go into the shower, a projectile flies into the office, you and rudskoy made some mistakes in you, naturally he did, what would you have done differently . Could have won, those who went against a peaceful city and unleashed a bloodbath, criminals, then this option was chosen not parliamentary, not popular, but tough, there was no need to shoot from tanks, the spectacle was, of course, to put it mildly, bad, it was from here the same broadcast was being conducted, which was watched by the whole world, the fact is that each side believed that the instigator was the other side, in those days i myself fulfilled the oath, even after 30 years, i believe that i do not know the whole truth about the events of the ninetythird year. Russia is experiencing the most difficult political crisis in postsoviet history, which will end in bloodshed

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