Thursday, February 18, 2021 4:00 AM Mike McCarty has devoted his life to putting a stop to violent crime. Mike McCarty, left, was interviewed by Inside Indiana Businessâ Gerry Dick. • • - 1990 graduate of Wabash College - Returned to Montgomery County eight years ago to set up company - Married to Trish, a former Munster Police Officer. They have five children McCarty is a former police officer and detective with the Metro Nashville, Tenn. Police Department, Mike spent 10 years in the violent crime division and violence prevention program. He is regarded as the nation’s leading expert on violence prevention in churches, businesses, schools and public spaces. Mike is also a consultant to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and has partnered with the Secret Service and FBI on Intervention and Violence Prevention Programs as well as tactical and high-tech security systems. Mike is CEO of Safe Hiring Solutions, an Indiana-based national company that produces high-end security systems, background / red flag software integration systems for schools and businesses, and sex abuse prevention training and education for staff and volunteers in varied public spaces, including youth organizations and places of worship.