Seeking Bids from experienced trail contractors: The Maah Daah Hey Trail Association (MDHTA) is seeking bids for trail surfacing projects on the MDH trail located south of Coal Creek campground and east of Andrews Creek on the Buffalo Gap Trail southwest of Medora, North Dakota. The work consists of excavation and removing topsoil to re-establish the trail tread and placing gravel surfacing on approximately 2.5 miles of trail at each location. Contract documents, including plans and specifications, for 2022 Maah Daah Hey -Buffalo Gap Surfacing and Coal Creek surfacing are available from Curtis Glasoe at 701-260-9459 or email at There is a Mandatory Pre-Bid conference on the ground at Andrew Creek crossing of the West River road Section 19, T139N R102W- at 1:00PM MST on April 6, 2022. Bid packages will be distributed electronically, please include your email with your request. Bids will be received for each project by the MDHTA at until April 8, 2022 at 500PM MST. Include at least three (3) successful trail projects and their location as references. No equipment over 40” maximum width shall be used on this trail under this contract. The project is jointly funded by the FHWA Recreation Trail Program (RTP) and the MDHTA. The RTP is funded with gas tax receipts from off highway vehicles. MDHTA reserves the right to reject any and all bids submitted. Curtis Glasoe, Pres-MDHTA (March 30; April 6, 2022) 46676