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Segal to 'wear all hats' in Salina Symphony's diverse three-
Segal to 'wear all hats' in Salina Symphony's diverse three-
Segal to 'wear all hats' in Salina Symphony's diverse three-concert Jan. series
Yaniv Segal
By GARY DEMUTHA performance featuring rock guitar and a cl
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United States ,
Philadelphia ,
Pennsylvania ,
American ,
Americans ,
Bob Dylan ,
Dena Berquist ,
Philip Glass ,
Yaniv Segal ,
Neil Young ,
Denise Blehm ,
George Floyd ,
Andrew Lipke ,
S Santa Fe ,
Robert Wesley Mason ,
Eleanor Rigby ,
Mannie Sherman ,
Samantha Rose Williams ,
Maggie Spicer Brown ,
Melanie Mann ,
Young ,
Disney ,
Salina Symphony ,
Theatre Salian ,
Stiefel Theatre ,
Roll Meets ,
String Quartet ,
Led Zeppelin ,
Black Americans ,
Indigenous Americans ,
New Americans ,
White Working Class ,
Sunflower Financial Theatre ,
Theatre Salina ,
Harmony Games ,
Jane Gates ,
Led Out ,
Rolling Stones ,
Rose Williams ,