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Everything to aid Law Enforcement if their investigations to keep the communities save first portion requires the videotaping of all ammunition sales within San Francisco the videotaping will apply to other critical areas of the premises by evidence where all firms are sold or transferred or carried by evidence industry ways and parking lot no California Law requires the requirements only Business Hours or ammunition sales to provide cameras simply having the videotape will deter people and give the Law Enforcement from any individual that buys a gun might be able to track a gun purchase if uses in a shooting current the bureau of alcohol and tobacco and firearms didnt have the resources to check the firearms and dealerships that are licensed across the city i want to give San Francisco to track down videotaping of arms theyre under staffs theyre lucky to do one check of dealers a year Washington Post investigation of 2010 as a result of inadequate staffing atf were not able to internet them the pawnbrokers railroad associated with the largest number of trafficking of guns including included the probability access to large numbers of firearms makes them a threat to Public Safety this legislation will insure we have evidence all the time for the local Law Enforcement second portion of the legislation requires the electronic transmission of sales data and transfers of the Police Department our Police Department would be responsible for crafting of the forms they want to submit more than a dozen jurisdictions in california have adapted ordinances requiring ammunition sales in california San Francisco doesnt have this ordinance ordinances have Great Success in identifying people that possess ammunition and there was a routine inspection that provides Law Enforcement with an opportunity to have checks of improper records if they dont match their sales records again wooekz to give the Law Enforcement the tools to prevent the illegal sales our City Attorney has been drafting that i want to thank them for their efforts this is to make sure that the dealers in San Francisco will not be detrimental to the Public Safety and to track the ammunition and prevalent the loss of firearms and preventive to protect sales to people who are not allot to have firearms i do believe this helps to deter people and stop them from getting guns and ammunition that are legally and the the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor farrell supervisor mar. Thank you, madam clerk im introducing a resolution from the aid of the board of supervisors members in sponsored supportive avenue memorial to never forgot the offer 2 hundred quote unquote confront women youth him in for the wilson that surfed pain and humiliation of sex slaves this memorial will provide a suffocated place for remembrance and atonement for those women and girls they were kidnapped and forced into the swlafr by the japanese in the pacific id like to say from the 1930s to the digger of world war the country that many of the girls and women were not limited to conner and china and indonesia and the p,z e, finance governance thank you supervisor kim and supervisor cowen and sxhoifshgs and supervisor campos and commissioner avalos and others for joining me in supporting this memorial i want to acknowledge for the past three years ive been working with a growing coalition of organizations not only including many from the chineseamerican counties but immigrants human Rights Groups and weve gained support from leaders such as the public defender and the executive director and the founder of the San Francisco interfaith arab the Jewish Community Relations Council and from the plied church in the womens and thestasis mr. Rodriguez or commissioner rodriguez and form commissioner for the status on the commission of women and the president of the naacp and the pastor of the thirds Catholic Church and many, many others this year marks the so on and so forth anniversary of the world war ii and the pacific war during the occupation of the countries unspecial war crimes including mass rape and wholesale mass credits were committed by the Japanese Imperial armies and many of the scaled comfortable women have died without acknowledgment and the turmoil endured will not be denied and sadly global issues of Human Trafficking and violence against women haves not subsided its a modern day slavery with 20 million victims worldwide according to the advocates and to provide sexual acts it goes unpishl punished it is important that San Francisco remembers to support the victims and this memorial will be a good testament colleagues, i ask you to join in the socalled comfortable women by supported this with a growing coalition inform our community the rest i submit. Thank you supervisor mar supervisor wiener. Thank you, madam clerk colleagues im introducing a hearing request for Student Housing as you recall i offered legislation this board passes to try to make it easier to provide incentives for universities to do Student Housing for their students we have over 80 thousand College Students in San Francisco it is a significant number of students and we are really dont have nearly enough Student Housing for those residents and as a result we have a lot of students that dont live in the city and have long consultants and a lot of students that are simply in the general housing pool and expediting with other residents of the city for housing so in everyones interests to have irrelevance create their own housing so their housing is affordable and to students to the students to the fewer students have to commute into the city and less pressure on the joan Housing Stock so the general legislation makes it easier for universities to create their own Student Housing and restricts the universities from buying up housing unit and converting it into exclusive dorms it has been built as we understand several universities are circling entering into the heirs stock we needed a lot of Student Housing and dooekz to create new Student Housing so the hearing will explore what has happened in the last few years in terms of creating Student Housing and whats in the piecemeal today and getting the feedback from the universities as well as the Planning Department and other advocates and trying to see if there are policy changes we need to make to move in a better direction in terms of housing all the students the rest i submit and thank you supervisor wiener. Supervisor yee. Thank you, madam clerk. Colleagues today, im introducing a hearing request asking the Fire Department and the department the Human Services to update the board an their purposes in the event of brush fires or forest fires yes urban forestry we have it in San Francisco whether under is Mount Davidson or Telegraph Hill theres lots of trees bundled together and unlike my colleague that is talking about floods im talking about drought so with only of the biscuit fears i guess you know when you look at the news as recent as june there were british fires close to the bay area whether it is in antioch or los gaits theyve had fires that has been just a warning that this is a bad year it is a desecrate year it is going to be dry i know a lot of times we dont think about Mount Davidson or sutro as an effort but that is exactly what it is and many times in most years the big part of any year there is enough going to keep things a little bit moist im anticipating in september or october whole thing it becomes warmer all it takes is a few days of low humidity no fog and everything is dry you have brush that is around so for some of you who has been in the bay area for a long, long time people remember the oakland recognition fire that blacked out a lot of homes and hurt a lot of people and people do think that will happy there a few decades before that proper in the 70s they have the brooklyn hills fires and it was disastrously those kinds of conditions can happen in San Francisco it is important to understand are we ready or not so i want us to really have a discussion on this so see what kinds of discussions so that residents are safe and in addition, i want to know what preventive activities were taking for example you you know are we removing the dead and drying trees in those urban forests so were ready so this is what im requesting thank you supervisor yee. And madam president seeing no other names on the roster that is the roll call for introduction of new business. Madam clerk can you please read the oh, Public Comment. Can you please read Public Comment. All the time the public may address the board up to the agenda to include the minutes and marries comments on the calendars item 51 through 57 Public Comment is not allowed when it was previously remarks direct our remarks to the board more to the audience people icing translation whether be allowed twice the mind to testify if you want to delay our document on. Overhead, please cleaver state to sophisticating finding sophisticated and remove our document. First speaker come forward. Good afternoon. Im betty im an 11 year residents of the yerba linda Island Community yerba linda island is the bedrock landmass secondary to Treasure Island and in june we received 90 day nos that the city was Environmental Impact us our only option with the eviction to move into units nefldz among the contamination clean up on Treasure Island or give us an 5,500 to go away weve tried for 5 years for yerba linda island residents mature benefits 60 o 501c 3 to work with tida on those offensive their refused weve submitted written accommodations to put us think the sat down to talk about how those sad offering are given that time were we didnt know to come to the board of supervisors i stand here before you having taken a half day off work to needing plead for our intervention and no eviction by the city of San Francisco we received a eviction date the contract that was signed by the tida before it was roved to the state was done on june 28th a no bid contract to lennar to develop yerba linda island it was the latter landmass owned by the city of San Francisco and identified for affordable and Affordable Housing and below market rate housing to the residents of San Francisco that contract should not be authored. Thank you very much. He. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Good afternoon Peter Alexander i was license in and left hand to one of the supervisors and his concerns regarding guns thats a serious concern one to 3 innocent People Killed every month in this country interesting situations with guns, however if thes hes advisory maybe addressing the 4 hundred children that wish or are dying from cancer or delivered from the port industry for over 40 years theres mind control technologies that are available thats been going on for a very lormentd and as a matter of fact in regards to hip tim frye and micro technology censured considered old business ill shoot i was kind of upset or didnt feel good about the way the sheriff was treated by a lot of people i think the sheriff did exactly the right thing made an issue of this guy sent to mexico 5 times and the feds cant handle their job and this 0 fell sanchez like, sir hand, sir hand is a one hundred percent i could look at dr. M k assistance no shortage of information on this topic ive stayed and state again here the reason there this occurred the feds are looking for diversity different ways to took over the local sheriffs and Police Department that is not a good idea i support of the sheriff Peace Officers Association and i would hope the local sheriffs and departments thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please good afternoon. My name is a melody and i want to right read a poem ppo edward files theres a section shadow governments so that, too shadow big karma 60 years of the officerus and nothing to show for in a in a nut shell numerous facilities like ucsf and an intentionally designed for vaccination for population controls is hysterical it and cancer while making trillion dollars ucsf in conjunction with 15 University Programs nationwide along with a handful of k9 families have denied the people vaccination and experiment designed to injure the human subject typically puppies and by a a bone twins were injected and toy percent of the time the vaccinated youngsters were 20 and 40 percent duller this is an their on and on vaccinated their play physicalness become retarded i recommend you review dr. Peter congressional ficus meds on Youtube James human uncompromises since 1951, 2 hundred and diseases and cancers are into farm vaccines and delivered to the american serves everyday in america 4 hundred children die from cancer thank you. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Hello my name isal michael im here to point out that during the cherishes tenure more than 33 thousand evicts id like to have a discussion about why the sheriff has carried out the evicts and we need to ban guns another big concern while im here 3 shoirtz in the San Francisco chronicle showing that they sent photographers into public rooms at the Public Library the chronicle was on a crusade to have new penalties against people by showing you and shaving in the bathrooms the chronicle inironically when they sent hair festers and reporters was because of the editors they conspired to hang out in the public bathrooms to take pictures of Homeless People washing themselves all in violation of the state law this is from heather nights article that appeared in the chronicle you can see two homeless women undressing in the public room down the block none of the reporters have been charged with voiflt the session of the penal code that has to do with with violating privacy in Public Restrooms it is time that the board look at how the chronicle with its editors recorded and photographers what basically stalk Homeless People in the Public Libraries bathroom to run stories calling for more penalties against the homeless breaking those local lays against bathing at the local library yet the chronicles violated the law. Thank you very much. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Thank you supervisor president breed im chris i live on 67th and howard less than a few plain clothes to comment on stupid white people think someone skin color indicates the quality of the people intelligence crossexamination people that only indicates the quality of a persons history stupid people believe the assigned of your accent transient x people know with the soundness is the quality of our results stupid white people think that anyone that asks for help is a loser and were outline csi in a measure of family obligation to help those whos histories has challenged them with obstacles and not provide them with results and stupid people believe the quality of our luck is the quality of our character and the intelligent x people understand that in the end luck is just a matter of chance stipulated white people think they have the target intelligent x people understand that even when they have badge and gun theyre just as afraid of you as you are of them stupid white people believe that if someone gets away with something they should be able to get away with anything intelligent x people understand that none of us are entitled to result but opportunities thank you supervisor president breed. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker, please. Well, i cant say other things but a good example you call is city hall i call is silly hall first of all i want it give a contribute to any supervisor and shout out to the supervisor of the week ill do it but she had a wonderful meeting in the western edition to answer in of the questions i think were on the right track to 0 brand new era supervisor president breed if that means anything the other thing i want to talk about at the city hall the politics i started publishing my newspapers the Washington Post california im not going to go into the bathrooms ive got you already but i want to know what the hell is going on with city hall with may i and the boss their smoking 3 years and all of a sudden the nation is talking about what is going on here at city hall i call is silly hall lets tell the real story i know who is in control right here in right here in San Francisco and people will say well ed lee who knows me we work at ed lee was with the hr k cs and it is no mystery x ed lee hell probably is a still it is city who whats going down, down, down in his town the black population is going down what is might be thank you very much mr. Washington. Thank you. Next speaker, please. I want to thank supervisor farrell important bringing attention to the architect to eradicate gun that will allow people to line us behind as us and commissioner avalos for Affordable Housing in the mission on van ness for the Market Street studies into Affordable Housing thats a milestone in the history of San Francisco in saving the mission im deeply grateful and jane kim for making sure we have 1 3rd of Affordable Housing at the Giants Stadium in my neighborhood i appreciate you accomplishing that commissioner avalos has gotten the most votes he ran for mayor he came in a close second and become close to be the mayor ed lee hes gotten more votes of anyone in the chamber thank you very much thank you all. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker please. I am a stupid white person well in Room Temperature anyways my issue is the Decision Making thats my issue formerly president tom ammiano said there are other issues but ive not found them wasting our times perhaps for instance the Decision Making in the election process that is one of the big issues the possibility of a candidate getting elected without a real system but you learn as a neighborhood activist if it looks like it takes 3 years to get accomplished take on 3 years we can have a better election process and the issue runs across political lines in this room you know so i go to the tmcs board meetings theres one vote that is deservant going back to the committee that is like thirty years you know smfr my issues on the location form as we get a more subsequence board well see more of a board thing when the decisions with inaugural crafted it is better we get one more vote and make is that to 4 people are obviously skateal plastic it doesnt take that much to get one more vote a procedural or more to we have mayor ed lee and leading

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