And yes, i work with supervisor wiener on the valencia corridor. At that point, the avenue we choose was one that was consistent where the community was. In this case, the community believes that to fully consider a conditional use down the road, that we need to have this interim control. So that the communitys efforts go to actually studying the issue as opposed to fighting a specific project. The other thing that i would say is that for purposes of these Small Business it really is about preserving Small Business commercial space and that is critical, because commercial space when its smaller is more affordable. In this case, in this hot real estate market, to engage in a special use district as the community is terrified that a specific storefront is going to be lost. We dont want to do that. We dont want to have to worry about that and this is simply giving the opportunity to the community to actually engage in an open discussion and in a full study without having to worry about that. That is why we approached it this way, and as the Planning Department noted, the issue of the cu was discussed, but we thought to give that concept due consideration that we couldnt really engage in two processes where you actually engage in a discussion about the conditions for conditional use, interim control process and on top of that the sud. We want to focus on the sud to get this done as quickly as pob. Thank as quickly as possible. Thank you. Supervisor kim. Thank you, chair cohen. I just wanted to add some of my brief comments as well. First of all, i do support this interim prohibition on commercial mergers in the special use district. And i think i will just add a couple of comments. I think there are while there are many neighborhoods in the city that are experiencing a lot of change, there are very few micro neighborhoods that i believe are seeing the changes that this neighborhood is. I spent a year on 24th street corridor, when i ran a Performance Arts venue space and for a year, we were not in our originalal space. So we actually coshared with the galleria rosa and i was there every week and its stunning the changes that i have seen in that corridor over the last ten years of its a corridor that has already supported really Small Businesses that were clearly familyowned, individuallyowns and i think its important that we continue to support the original characteristics of this neighborhood. And also, to really examine a plan for the future Economic Development of this neighborhood. So how do we protect these types of jobs in the neighborhood . How do we protect these types of Ownership Opportunities and to do that to ensure that we have small plates that emerging Business Owners can move into. They are easy for change and with capital, 24th street has always been an opportunity street for many of our residents and small familis to really begin sustaining themselves economicalry and also contributing to the vitality of the neighborhood. This interim prohibition goes into look at the health and welfare of the community as required by the state and is really looking at in the longterm, how can we preserve i hope not historical purpose of this neighbor, which is really for our residents in that neighborhood. So i do look forward to seing this forward. Its an interim prohibition and well do a longterm study. But i think given how rapidly this neighborhood changing a prohibition of 45 days is appropriate. Supervisor campos. Madame chair, just a quick note. The ask would be that you amend this along the lines that were described before, and that once Public Comment takes place, i would respectfully ask that you move forward this item to the board, to be heard on the 28th of july. Thank you very much. Thank you. That is definitely understand. I have a couple of questions for the Planning Department. Mr. Sanchez, just very clearly and succinctly, is the Planning Department supporting this . Yes. And why . Preserving it is preserving the existing character of 24th street and something that makes the 24th street corridor unique and stand out among the commercial districts. Thank you. Have you had a chance to review with some of the folks who are interested and the opponents who want a conditional use requirement for the mergers. Have you had a chance to talk to them and understand their perspective . I have personally not. I know the Supervisors Office has been in discussion with the groups. Thank you, mr. Sanchez. I want to speak to supervisor campos real quick. Im really interested in what you are doing, what you are trying to do, and i understand the purpose which you are using every tool that you have available to do. One of the things that i have been able to do in the bay view community, we started a citizens advisory committee. We started that because of the redevelopment agency, the dissolutionment and it allows bay view residents to have a voice in the overall planning process of the bay view community. The Planning Commission so that would require every single planner or project sponsor to come to the bay view community, and before they can go before the Planning Commission, the bay view cac has to sign off on this. Im only using this as an example as something that you mike date might be able to implement to ensure there are neighborhood voices at the table that are affecting and shaping the Planning Departments decisions as they continue to move forward. I only offer that as a suggestion. Its a tool that we have been using for about a year now. Were still working out the kinks, but it has really empowered neighbors that have been really nervous about the change and the development that has been happening in the bay view community, everything from the shipyard to possible rezoning. They are dealing with this issue. So something for you to consider. Okay. At this point, i think its time for us to take Public Comment. Mayors staff, thank you for being here. I would like to open up Public Comment at this time. If anyone is interested, remember you have two minutes. Please line up on this side of the chamber and come up. I dont have any speaker cards at this moment in front of me for item 5. Madame clerk, are there speaker cards . Excellent. You all look good. Please. Welcome. Supervisor my name is luis, with the mission Economic Development agency and i want to thank you for your consideration of this measure. Its something that we really, really need. Its something that we support and i think the point about a conditional use, i think its actually a really important point. I think that the flexibility that a conditional use provides, i think would be great under normal circumstances. Right now, however, we have lost 8,000 people from the neighborhood in ten years. We have lost hundreds of local businesses during the timeframe during the same timeframe. Right now, flexibility is not the highest priority. The whole idea of highest and best use is not what is ruling here. I think what we need is to have we have to control. We have to protect that neighborhood. We have to protect that community. And this is the kind of measure that i would ask you to please support this measure. You heard on june 8th with 100 people, this is part of that movement. There is a Ballot Initiative that just qualified. This is part of that movement. This is a very rational, good approach to protect the Small Businesss in the neighborhood. Thank you. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon. My name is denise deanna, and i support the calle 24 special use district. I have a hard time figuring out how any of us living in San Francisco are going to find the services that we need, if were going to have walltowall restaurants . Which seems to be the current what is happening currently. Small businesses are an economic stimulation by providing jobs locally. They spend most of their revenue within the community, while giving cohesion to the community, for which they provide services. Mission businesses are being forced out to provide for more restaurants. There are just so many restaurants that can be supported in the community. The life span of most restaurants are from 12 years. We need communityserving businesses such as shoe repair, laundry, small meat and fish markets, small vegetable and fruit stores of the restaurants have limited use to the community and taking Community Service out of business will leave behind a sterile community, no color, no diversity, no joy, no caring people. We will be a you community of zombies, distracted by their handheld devices, cell phones. Like the three monkeys, see no evil, speak to evil, hear no evil, while i beg to get attention. Thank you. [ applause ] hello. My name is Allen Martinez and i speak for myself. I will read from the commission plan, city policy adopted by the Planning Commission and board of supervisors objective 7. 3. Reinforce the importance of the mission as a center of latino life in San Francisco. Policy 7. 3. 1. Support efforts to preserve and enhance social and cultural institutions. And 73. 3. 3, protect and support latino and other cultural significant local businesses, structures, properties, and institutions in the mission. Without concrete steps. Without concrete land use policies to implement this, this is just nice words. The city has a responsibility to take concrete steps to make this happen. I want to remind people that calle 24 is significantly different than a lot of other neighborhoodcommercial district because its adjacent to the mission commercial district, which does support larger floor plates for businesses. If you are looking for a larger floor plate in the mission, there are other major streets available. The intent of calle 24 is to support local neighborhoods. So its significantly different than other neighborhood districts. On 24th street, there is no major commercial street around upper 24th street. I want you to keep that in mind that is a unique situation. Thank you. Thank you, next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors. My name is gabriel medina, the policy manager for the Economic Development agency. As my executive director stated, this is a very measured approach, and we really appreciate and support calle 24s leadership and as allen just mentioned, Mission Street is a juxtaposition of what happens to a commercial corridor when you dont have these type of protections. So it has a larger footprint for businesses and if you read the data from the Mission Public life plan, you will see that we have had a 40unit loss of retail space and 40unit increase of luxury restaurants and in addition to, that we have lost childcare spaces and we have had a huge increase in sometimes often without conditional use, or without approved conditional use, office space. So this is actually a very measured approach. I think one of the things that makes San Francisco a vibrant city for tourists and locals alike is that we have these unique neighborhoods with characters, that encourages shopping and gives a sense of place. Its something that not only people grew up in and become incalcatedwith. We graduate somewhere between 3050 new businesses a year and the only way that they can ever find a home is to have a small commercial storefront that is viable and often for Latino Community, starting their own business is the only means that they have of having a means of income and alternative means of employment. So please support this interim control. Thank you. My name is buck and im a member of the bernal chapter. This is a great idea. Please support it. You should be doing anything that can you can to preserve the diversity of our neighborhood and prevent the displacement of residents in small neighborhoods. I want to note that some people on the board, if they cant stop these efforts do anything you can to order them down. In this San Francisco brand of neoreaganism, that worships the market as a solution to all our problems and supervisor wiener, the chair of that wing and may you go no further in your political career please remember remarks are not personal. Next speaker. Hello supervisors, i am speaking for mill. Mill. Myself, i am a artist and photographer and recently in the last couple of years i worked with other members in the community to restore the historical carnival mural on the corner of 24th and south van ness and got support from the Merchant Association and many, many businesss and ngos in the neighborhood in order to get the funding from the city. It was a Community Challenge from the city of San Francisco. The murals of San Francisco, i think you all know, but i will say it anyway, they are known. People from another neighborhoods see the murals and people from all over the city, all over the bay area, all over the state and from all over the country and the world come to see the murals. You can come any day and there are people giving tours and many different foreign languages. If you are going to have murals, you need muralists. You need artists. Im an artist, and i have seen so many artists being forced out of the neighborhood. And im talking about internationally Famous Artists like mike rios and talking about artists who are just getting started. One the spaces that artists use are small storefronts and you deanna showed the art gallery and we need the gallery and artists to produce the art that goes out to the world. Thank you. Next speaker. Good afternoon, supervisors. I want to thank the people who have brought this to your attention. Calle 24th and the mission has been a barrio and friendly to family and a Community Associated with toughness from the Valencia Gardens to the army street projects and upanddown different streets of the mission. It has been a place of dreams and sometimes nightmares for local businesses. Its been a place that families with thrive and send their kids to college and what not . The families like the dominguez bakery and casa sanchez and families of generations of la palma, taqueria, et cetera. These families and many more families have prospered in the mission, have given their kids a future by being able to sustain a business. Also continues today. The guerra family at sunrise holiday hairstyle and garcia hair and another in danger of losing his business. Our family the bakery next to phils, sidewalk juice, adobe books, the pizza place, press. There is a lot of news businesses on that street, and they are all prospers. I would like to say that we like to see that as a business, more prosperity. Again, we know that future of our prosperity depends on the local people who live in that community. And that has been falling by the wayside to profit. And again, we want to say that the Latino Community is growing in numbers and is now the majority in california and have surpassed the anglo population. Thank you. Thank you very much. Next speaker, please. Supervisors, thank you. Especially supervisor campos. My name is lorraine garcia, former San FranciscoArts Commission and federal commission for the National Museum of the american latino and current advisor to the latino historical society. I am here probably going to focus in on some of the issues around conditional questions. I used to give out funds for the whole state of california, oversaw huge projects here for public art in San Francisco. And also gave out funds in the bay area. One of the most important things that you do is actually establish guidelines and criteria for the basis of challenging decisions that have to be made. So if i based all of my decisions and recommendations on conditional thread, it would be very difficult to be able to make informed decisions. So where i completely honor and respect your question, to be able to make even decent conditional decisions, you have to have informed and wellgrounded criteria and guidelines. For that to happen, you have to gather the data, and you have to have all of that be informed in advance. So i really thank all of you for considering this piece that actually gives us time, and that time is very important. So i at this point also would like to just mention that i have heard the word that people want to open up, you know, the mission and to me that is code to just continue some of the very thinly planned ventures that have happened todate. Thank you very much for considering this. Good afternoon. My name is an stasia, the executive director for brava theater in the arts. I have been living in San Francisco for 33 years. I lived in the mission for 15 years and been a resident of bay view for the past 16 years. I am here to talk to you about social justice, because that is what is really important to me. I have in the last three years, took an organization that was in foreclosure and i raised over 3 million 2. 5 million of that was from grants. I wrote all of those grants based on the services that i would provide to the community. The services to families, to children to queers, to people of color, to all of the unheard voices that struggle in our cities. That is really so all of my grant reports are how many people did you serve . And who were they . And where did they live . Where did they come from . And a lot of the grants that i got from San Francisco, the city of San Francisco. So you are very interested