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Very very very gracious to myself and niece and think my sisters came out and gave us a tour and spent time with us and explained his perspective as well as the coalitions perspective. Since then we have been on the same side of issues and different side of issues but one thing i appreciate the most and think this is a true hall mark of leadership is there is a level of respect to respectfully disagree and dennis embodies that. I have come before the prozacs committee and think you were against us for that as well. I supported you on the [inaudible] and on 900 [inaudible] the point i was trying to make is we walk a similar pathway of want toog see park squz open space maintained across the entire city not just on the west side but also the entire city absolutely that isour paths may diverge every now and then you have been a gentlemen and a true leader and i applaud you for sticking to your values sometimes when it isnt politically expedient and have a tremendous amount of respect for you in the work you have done and happy to support you today. I hope we can move this item quickly and get you back to where you belong. Thank you. Can i just throw one observation . When kimble, which is located on steiner and just south of geary, which it was redone, the field was redone, that was used by the youth in the area and didnt know much about it and had tolearn more mptd after the field was redone and field access was becoming reserveivation base i got complaints from the neighbors the kids couldnt go on and drop in. Drop in play was i think a big thing because i grew up that way. We didnt organize it just a bunch went and played softball or basicalball. We havent been successful in that because the revenue first model that the Parks Department adopted since 2010 means generation of funds that comes from reserveivation and over 50 percent of all the funds coming through reserveivation and fees come from soccer and that is what happened at kimble. We were not successful to change it but i was concerned about that thing. It happened in the Mission District when someone showed up and the guys in the afternoon play pick up soccer and were told you have to pay a guy 5 or 10 bucks otherwise they couldnt play. It created a outrage. Those are the kind of things i think are mistakes and can be corrected but we havent been successful because of the issue of revenue. That is just my share. Thank you. Thank you. Okay we can open for Public Comment. Any member of the public like to comment . Please come forward. Good afternoon commissioners. Supervisors. I know this is one person for one seat but when a good person steps forward is t is important to say good thipshs about them. I worked with dennis many times and have found him to be one of the main champions in city operating in sit ahall making the city beautiful and keeping it beautiful and not letting it slide including open space of course. The other thing i found really important about dennis when i worked with him in the past is he is very no nonsense. When you advocate a issue you can be hypobolic but when dennis was in the room adviceing me what i was working for in city hall policy he know the law and policy and history so well he was with a very no nonsense way tell me what is up and that kind of knowledge is extremely valuable and speak tooz the need to reappoint him. I also want to chime in support of emphasis and commentsnaomi cline wrote the shock doctrine when whereit talks about how you can create a false crisis in federal government and local city programs by not funding from general fund and faxes taxes and that allows private entities to come in and take a hold of public spaces and it is crucial to keep dennis fighting to get things properly funded so we dont have to keep turning to private parties to fund our parks, that isnt a good direction to go. Thanks. Thank you, next speaker please. Hello im Sally Johnson and think that parks should be organized and [inaudible] the trees and flowers [inaudible] people who love the park and to get money to [inaudible] to play in. [inaudible] which make it more beautiful. I do like bicycles [inaudible] i got hit by a car and got some money for that and that helped me out. My mother took most of it. There again, everybody get rich off me and dont get nothing. I hope this dont keep on going and there is some kind of line [inaudible] i would think that mathematical procedures and [inaudible] how it is all kept up is really important. Thank you thank you very much and seeing no other members of the public well close Public Comment and this item is before us. Im in support of mr. [inaudible] excellent, glad to hear that. Sounds like we are on a consensus and like to make a motion we move forward mr. Dennis mu scoffian i second that. As a committee report. No, we just move forward. Okay. We take that without objection. Thank you. Next item, please item 4 is a hearing to consider appointing a member term ending march [inaudible] to commission on the [inaudible] there is one seat and one applicant. Thank you just [inaudible] reverend hope. This is a appointee for district 11 seat and supportive of a [inaudible] is not here today so but representing her is reverend hope and well open Public Comment for her to speak on mrs. [inaudible] behalf thank you for the courtesy. She apologizes she is on the east coast tending to her 86 year old mother and thank you supervisor avalos for make tg possible for us to engage [inaudible] as a lead organizer for a multigenerational ages Place Network in the outer Mission District. In a short period of time she organized a program which has a 3 time a week vigious exercise class which is so popular we vawaiting list. [inaudible] decluttering work shop. Free audiology test in english, chinese and spanish. Pot lucks and entertainment as mixers. People getting to know their neighbors and this reflects the rilsh diversity of our neighborhood. A program on will, trust and advanced directives. She teaches computer classes so seniors dopet become isolated because they dont know how to use computers and other devices. She has a arts and crafts and oral history video going. There is a upcoming work shop on utilizing device frz medical alert devices following a terrible situation where a participant fell in the basement and cracked a known in her neck and she alsothat is probably enough accept to say this innovative aging and place model is operating for a mere 40 thousand dollars. The entire city should be taking a look at this. Thank you very much and it is amazing the Community Connectors program. We just started last year and patty and all the other volunteers who have worked on it have done amazing work. I was so impressed to go there and see how much of a difference all the elderly folks who were there talked about how it made in their life and then talked to the volunteers and they said how much it is meant to do the work as well. Some said they are were so much more healthy and a lot of the volunteers were seniors too. Im supportive of patricia [inaudible] on her work and know she was be a exceptional person on the commission. This item is open for Public Comment. Any other member of the public like to comment . Seeing none well close Public Comment and make a decision here. Colleagues i would like to move to support patricia [inaudible] as the district 11 representative for the commission on aging Advisory Counsel second. We both second. Okay well take that without objection. Before item 5, i would like to take a 5 minute recess, just a quick break and then well be right back. We are in okay, back from recess and madam clerk can f you could call item 5. Motionordsering submitted to the voters [inaudible] renewable Green House Gas energy to provide information regarding leckric power and [inaudible] election to be held november three, 2015 this is for the November Ballot and called the Korean Energy right to know act. It does 2 things, sets a clear definition what we mean by clean energy consistent with state law and lets the public know how much electricity comes either pg and e or clean pow r3 4 f1er using clean, green renewable we are consistent with the Legal Definition in state law. The ballot misher will informerate payers how much of electricity is coming from Nuclear Power. When san franciscan choose their Energy Provider we can make a informed choice about where the electricity comes from. We know all most a quarter of pg and e lickticity comes from Nuclear Power plant. This shows pge and e is committed to Nuclear Power. Today we have a technical amendment to site code section 399. 30 that guvens San Franciscos electoral production. This makeatize clear San Francisco will comply with state law in how we describe electricity as clean, green renewable and Green House Gas free. We have staff presentations today from jason freed as well as the sfpuc clean power sf director Michael Himes and [inaudible] from the department of environment and [inaudible] is also here from the department of the environment. Why dont we go next to staff presentations unless the Committee Members have comments to say . Seeing none well go to mr. Freed. Mr. Freed if you talk about the ballot measure and the impact on clean power sf program and also how the pg and e measure put out by [inaudible] would impact clean power sf. Happy to do so. Jason freed extech officer. For the past 6 years and have helped to [inaudible] hap tee make comments today about the 2 measures or the one measure in front of you today as well as the measure in front of the voter ozthen ballot. First off one of the things i wanted to bring up is go solar sf is a clean Green Renewable Program by pretty much every definition you have out sthr. We have 3500 roof tops 11 mega watts occur because nof good fram. Under the ballot measure you have you can consider that a clean green program, g [inaudible] under the ibew measure the roof top solar isnt considered clean and green because [inaudible] do not fall under category 1 especially residential roof tops. Not through the fault of pge or the residential yurz but the meters are not of the grade and quality you need to get the category one certification restrictive in the measure but not restrictive in this measure. If cca takes over and run a go Solar Program it woulden be able to call it a clean green source. Some other things to keep in mind when dealing with energy, it is a complicated issue, that is what i learned over the last 6 years and had the staff who gave me a good education how to understand all these issues. Whether you get a example of the [inaudible] you haveyou need to make last mr minutes decisions. You shut down the Power Generation and replace it something else. You may need to go out and use a category 3 Renewable Energy credit in order to get that generation to be state compliant under renewable standards. [inaudible] all of a sudden we vashort period because of the emergency situation where we cant do that if you want to take a example of consumer information, if you go to the overhead, this is pge power. These resourceerize Green House Gas free and renewable. The nuclear large hide roand renewable is clumped in the definition of Green House Gas free or renewable and that is because what the state law allows. Nuclear and hide rowere not considered renewable by state standards. Lets say we take [inaudible] under the measure we would only be able to say we were 22 percent Green House Gas gree or renewable and cant take cred further the other 32 percent pge takes. Whaum a consumer perspective when you show a bill to them and what the ballot measure does is say you need to present things the same way pge does. We could present under the ballot measure to be voted on, we would present this same chart and say here is your choiceism here is our energy mix and that is determined. [inaudible] or you can have pge mix and dpro you get the same definitions and expressions of what is going on and it is a good way fwr consumers to understand what is going on. If you have something restrictive we may not be able to call our energy mix the same. Because of the restrictions in the ibew ballot measure so that is important to take into consideration when consumers make a choice is which choice do you they want. What is the impact be . You would end up a few more people choosing not to par tis pot because they get confused. They would stay with pge in realty based on everything we are looking to do is a greener mix and produce less green house emissions than pge provides. You would get people think they are being greenjure not and opt out of the program which impacts our ability to our buildout plan. The program is looking to have a light and dreep green program. We want to talk about it the same way pge is. The other part i wanted to add in here how would that benefit pge . More people that choose to opt out of our program it means they keep those customers so it benefits them by having the generational line items stay with them. Thank you one of the other things that potentially that i wanted to bring up another example how things can get confusing, in august of 2013 we were on the verge of trying to get a program laurched, it does want but we were working with a Energy Provider who was going to offer us a mix of energy that was 25 percent wind, 75 percent large hide ronot frauj hetch hetchy. If you use the state standsered that is 100 percent ghg free. Under the other ballot not in front of you today, the ibew one, you call that 25 percent ghg free assuming the wind came from category one Renewable Energy credit and that isnt a guarantee. They were talking about the fact we could have had 100 percent ghg makes and wouldnt be able to call it 100 percent ghg at that point. We wouldnt be able to call it renewable because the state doesnt allow large hydro renewable but call it ghg free like pge. Finally i want to get into thethere was a civil grand jury report that came out last week that talks about clean power sf is long last. It does very good discussions about unbundled and bundleed and what it means. I energy you to take a look at it. One of the recommendations is that the local officials including the mayor put the weight of the Office Behind the program. If we dont follow state standards and restrict to firmer stance we gonet r dont put clean power sf on full legs. I encourage you to follow what the civil grand jury and that is you put the full weight of the board behind this measure and support it and happy to answer questions if you have them. Okay, thank you. Seeing no question here from the committee well go on to mr. Himes. Good afternoon supervisors. Michael himes, San Francisco Public Utilities commission. Im just going to supplement actually the remarks that executive officer freed made. I thought his comments were spot on. Earlier today in response to request by the department of elections, our department submitted a letter addressing the potential impacts of the proposed Ballot Initiative regarding Renewable Energy. To highlight a couple points from that letter that sort is a addition to the points that mr. Freed made. First a observation about the potential impact of the measure is that it creates a new definition of renewable Green House Gas electricity that is inconsistent with state law. The proposed energy clean right act addresses the issue by tying the terms clean green to definitions in state law. Mr. Freed also referred to the issue around roof top solar and thought he captured that well. Additionally, the proposed initiative has the potential to increase cost to a cca program without necessarily providing additional environmental benefits. The issue here really is how narrow it defines clean green renewable Green House Gas free energy and can potentially restrict the pool of resources that a cca program may be able to purchase from and provide affordable competitive product to san franciscans. Finally, the proposed measure would increase Program Administrative cost by manitating notification requirements. Under state law the city already has to notify customers a minimum of 4 times of the programs terms and condition squz the opportunity to opt out of the program and this measure would add an additional notification requirement. We estimated the cost of that program to be about 135 thousand dollars. I think those are all the prepared remarks that i have. Im happy to answer any questions that you may have for me. Okay. Thank you and i dont see any questions. Mr. Rod riguez. After you can touch upon how clean power sf fits into had cities Climate Action plan. Chair avalos and supervisors [inaudible] department of environment. Thank you for the opportunity to share the departments comments about this measure today. First i would like to emphasize the importance of understanding sthra lot of clutter out in the market place when you think about going a supermarket or any store, there are many products that call them green. Departments bring residence and businesses should have accurate 2346rgz whether it is the cremical make chemical make upf cleaning products and accht information about power. Californias portfolio standard is the highest in the country mandating [inaudible] must be generated by eligible Renewable Resources by 2020. As we speak the California Legislature is debating senate bill 350 which this board and the mayor indicated support for and that among other things increase the port forelio from 33 to 50 percent by 2030. The department believes this is a important ingredient for San Francisco to reach as well as the state to reach its Green House Gas Emission Reduction targets as stated in the past. One comments on the proposed measure that the department did review penl impacts. If the voters prove the ballot measure and we believe the cost for the department is very minimal in informing the public of the different mixes and happy to answer questions as well as my colleague [inaudible] is here with us. Thank you. Supervisor tang i have a question that can be answered by [inaudible] or puc. First ill say im a huge supporter of clean power sf and excited if we can launch this in the fall and think that both the Initiative Measure and ballot measure before us today are trying to achieve i think great goals which is inform our customers about where the true source of pow er is coming from. I think we all share the goal of providing 2 clee power the customers. One of the questions i have, i know go solar sf is sited as something that may not be included in the measure and the reference to category 3 for the general public, i know you reference california

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