Transcripts For SFGTV 20240622 :

SFGTV June 22, 2024

Being practically a hearing. If i was able to get an opportunity to discuss in more detail some of my concerns about just the process here, and i would ask that we remove the item and place it on the next agenda, if there were no objections. I would have to inquire with Legal Counsel about this. Its on the agenda. Can that be done . Maureen ambrose city attorneys office. Yes, you could remove an item from the calendar and recalendar it to the next meeting. I think the question to staff is whether or not it would have implications from that point of view we have put everything on hold for this particular project, waiting for this amendment. It was on calendar last time and we pulled it and we thought we had addressed all of the questions. If we havent, we can put it to the next calendar. The matter is subject to the board of supervisors approval and cant be approved by the board until the beginning of september. So as along as you hear it by the well, you will lose two weeks in september if you dont do it today. That is right. Cathy, does it have any effect on the schedule or anything else . At this point, it doesnt hugely impact our schedule. Okay. At the pleasure of the commission. Commission is that quite all right with you all or not . Or do you want to start to hear it, and if it looks like were at an impasse to continue it . My concern is just being respectful of everybodys time. Like i said, my honest opinion is that one question is going to lead to another, and then im still going to be short the information that i need to be able to vote on it today. So i am asking that i have an opportunity to meet with you, cathy, just to flush this out in the interest of just moving it forward. Okay. I would be supportive as along as we are assured that there isnt a scheduling delay, and that hopefully, the information can be provided. I would like it to move forward, but im willing to meet with commissioner courtney, because i want him to be comfortable with this. We did spend a lot of time with mwh and go through their whole process and how they selected to add a major subconsultant. We looked at the lbes and what was on the current contract and we considered whether we should rebid it or put out another rfp . Or whether we should do this amendment . So we do spend a lot of time on it. So i am happy to meet with commissioner courtney on this. Okay. Should we continue to the next meeting . I want to point out though that we only have three commissioners at the next meeting. I do really need that motion the next time. Wasnt that item already . Yes it was on the calendar two weeks ago and we moved it to this time because we still had some followup questions with our consultant, mwh. Noreen ambrose, city attorney, if its heard today you could get it introduced by the board at at the end of the month and hear it the first week of september. If its heard at the next meeting or the one after that in august, its irrelevant. You wont be able to get it introduced until the first meeting in september to the board. So you will necessarily if you dont do it today, whether you do it on july 28th or august 11th, it wont make any difference. Okay. I just want to make sure that we have a quorum for the next meeting. Its very important. All right. Thank you. I promise i will be here. [laughter ] you better be. Do we have to make a motion to continue . So moved. You can do it by motion or the president can do it. Okay. President just did it. Okay. Thank you. Next item, please. Item 11 authorize request for qualifications and subsequent requests for proposal for agreement no. Ww628 for an amount estimated to be 225 million. Good afternoon, commissioners. President caen, this item is for our Sewer System Improvement Program project and this goes right back to the memo regarding cm gc and were asking to put out a request for qualifications and to put out a request for proposals to have contractors apply for this contract. Because we would like to bring a contractor onboard early on to work with our designers. And so in answer to commissioner morans question earlier, it really does remove the conflict of being able to work with the same contractor that then does the construction the with the traditional low bid, we cannot talk to one contractor versus another and its a conflict for us to talk to the various contractors on means and methods. And so going the cm gc route would allow us to work with a contractor in constructability. Mr. Moran, i think you had an amendment to the resolution. Well, we had talked to staff, and as i indicated before as ongoing discussion of administrative procedures we should put in place around the new ordinance. I had proposed a further resolve, that basically says this contract would be subject to whatever administrative provisions this Commission Adopts at a later time. That is correct. We talked earlier today. We came up with some language in antpation of this question coming up. If i could read into the record, the language, further resolved that the award and administration of any agreement entered into pursuant to this authorization will be subject to any administrative provisions subsequently approved by the commissions applicable to cm gc contracts. And im not sure what the appropriate process is. I can move that amendment. That might be the best thing to do, and i will do that. Okay. I will second that. Discussion . Any Public Comment on the amendment . I will call for the question. All those in favor . Aye. Opposed . The motion carries. Excuse me, may i ask for clarification, is that the last further resolved . Yes. Okay. Thank you. Now we have to vote on the motion itself. I have a motion so moved. Second. Further discussion . Public comment . All those in favor . Aye. Opposed . The motion carries. Next item. Item 12 approve proposed modifications to the floodwater Management Grant program. The sfpuc will seek appropriations to increase its allocation to 2 million. I would like to move this item. Second. I have a question on this. Does this remove any further legal action against these properties, or from these properties . Brian henderson, wastewater enterprise, filling in for agm walla. The simple answer is no. I do have if you would like, i do have a summary of the changes. We have a very detailed description of the modifications in your packet, or i can go through a quick summary, if you would like. A quick summary would be good. Okay. About two years ago, this Commission Approved a grant assistance for floodwater Management System to encourage San Francisco Property Owners to make improvements on their properties that will lower their risk of damage due to flooding. The Current Program reimbursed Property Owners for removalable flood barriers and sewer back flow preventers. We kicked off this program to the public at a workshop, where supervisor campos, sfpuc management, and the appropriate vendors. Outreach since then has included presentations to Community Groups doortodoor outreach and dropin session where we helped the applicants with their paperwork. Our grant administrator and staff have personally communicated with over 35 individuals about the program. Flood barriers and backflow preventers have been installed by some Property Owners as a result of the Grant Program, but many face more sitespecific challenges and have not been able to take advantage of the program. Today were asking the commission to approve a set of modifications that would expand the program in several ways. Based on a feedback that we have received from oneonone meetings with residents, Small Business owners, and Property Owners. The modified program would additionally reimburse concrete flood wall and special projects such as ceiling of garage sealing of garage doors, modifications to plumbing and increase to 2 million. Coincidentally today, supervisor campos is also introducing an ordinances to the board of supervisors that would exemption these grantfunded projects to help further incentivize the program and one of which is this Grant Program modification. As with the current Grant Program, the modified Grant Program would be administered by the sfpuc and applicants would be applications would be reviewed in coordinate Workers Compensation dpw and dbi. We believe these modifications reflect the needs of the affected communities and hope you will consider approving this important resolution to help Property Owners lower their risk of damage due to flooding. We have a lot of public speakers, but commissioners, any comments . Yes, i have a question and comment. So the uptake from the First Program two years ago because i remember we spent some time reviewing right, right. Has it been pretty successful . It sounds like you have done a bunch of outreach and have people really been applying for the grants . Yes. We have had several people actually going through the grant process right now. But we have run into challenges, because the flood barriers and the backflow preventers didnt necessarily meet everybodys needs. Hence, flood walls, in further meetings we decided that we can meet an awful lot more of these needs with flood walls and grade changes, perhaps plumbing changes. Different plumbing changes than the backflow preventers. If people are still applying have they been in the areas most prone to flooding . Yes. They have. So that part it sounds like has been successful at least from the outreach perspective. And i do hear that there are projects for el ninos coming potentially this winter. So i think that probably would include some pretty heavy rainstorms. Every rainstorm spawns a whole new initiative to get this going. Yes. Im just wondering a little bit about the timing, and with the hope that if indeed the forecasts come true, that they bob able would be able to have the barriers in place by the next time the rains hit . Its an individual base. Property owners actually responsible for all the construction work. They dont go through a standard process through approvals and what not. They go through what any private construction, if you are modifying your house, you go through the exact same dbi and dpw approvals. Absolutely. Some of these can be done very quickly. Great. I would just ask if we approve this today, that you really get out there and do the outreach. Because were in july, and if people want to get prepared for what could potentially be a heavy rainstorm winter, it would be great to make them aware of this program. We will definitely continue an aggressive outreach program. Thank you. Good. Any other comments from the commissioners . Okay. To the general public, because there are so many speakers, i would like to limit it to two minutes, if you dont mind. Im going to call three people at a time. Robert hanson. Dennis casey. And chris hinkley. Come forward, please. [ inaudible ] all right. Just real quickly, im dennis casey, fivetime president of the San Francisco Motorcycle Club. Were 111 years old and we had mayors of the city of San Francisco as members of our club. Were about 100 members strong now. Were the largest Motorcycle Club in the world at one time and were first to allow women members. We have been in the building at 2194 folsom for many years. We are not an outlaw club, just a regular Motorcycle Club. We are not the sons of anarchy, but the sons of San Francisco and particular folsom street. Our clubhouse is a our club is nonprofit, we use our clubhouse for weddings, birthdays, Christmas Parties special events. Its just a clubhouse. Its open to the public. And we have always been very generous to our neighbors and never had the police there except one time 30 years ago for a noise compliant. If we are in the clubhouse right now, and the last flood, you would be the only people on dry ground. So the other thing we have done, we spent almost all of our own savings i cant mention specific numbers. Its way in excess of 50,000 to support our own foundation on our own dime. We can really use some help with waterproofing the front door and with the plumbing backflow items that we would get funding for if this were approved. Thank you very much. Thank you. Our next speaker dennis casey. I was dennis casey. Oh, sorry. Too many pieces of paper here. Go ahead. My name is chris hinkey and i have had my Building Three years. There has been three floods there. After the first flood, i realized its going to be a lot of work to get this fixed. I spent almost million on the building to prevent water getting in with doors and floodprevention systems and pumps and everything. I urge you to get this motion passed so all the other residents can do the same things to protect their buildings. It would really be helpful, particularly before el ninos come in and Global Warming and so on. The bigger picture, we would like to get this fixed permanently to prevent the surge waters getting into our builds. There are proposesals and one is to put a proposed park on 17th and folsom street. But if we can put that in, it could actually prevent the water getting into our buildings anyway. So i really hope we could look at this further and meanwhile today, lets get this first stage passed. It could really help a lot of people. Thank you. Thank you. Now do we have mark jordan . Okay. Good afternoon, commissioners. My name is mark jordan. I am a 13year member of San Francisco Motorcycle Club, the same club that dennis casey just addressed you about. Dennis has told you about our history in San Francisco. We are really an institution here and i believe a true asset to the city. In addition, to the things that dennis mentioned that our clubhouse does, one thing that i would add, we do a lot to support not only the motorcycling community, but all of the folks in our peripheral communities when they need help. We do a lot of fundraising and so forth and now its us to do Fundraising Efforts to waterproof our building. Were having to rebuild our foundation because of hydrocompaction that happened over the 100 years or so that the building has been there. This is one of the lowestlaying areas of the city. On march 19th, i attended the public sevenday forecast safety and Neighborhood Services commit, where they discussed improvements on folsom street. Im not hydrologist or engineer, but the takeaway i got effectively there is no easy solution to fix the flooding problem that we have in that area. What was discussed was large numbers and large reservoirs to be constructed. So i urge this body to approve the motion before you today, the modifications. And i also have an estimate actually from a Company Called flood i will submit that to you to give you an idea of the numbers and amount of money. Its about 20,000 to floodproof the top two feet of our wall and add a floodproof door. Thank you for your consideration. Thank you for your time. The ne three speakers hans arts. Angela sinocropi and francisco garcia. Hi. My name is hans art. Im an auto mechanic and i have been running my shop for 45 years in the Mission District at 17th and folsom. We had to mop out our shops more times than i can remember because of overflow of the sewer system. I want to support this program, because we will i tell you, we will very effectively use the dollars available to help keep the waters out of our properties. One of the difficulties that i have is that i have a parking lot that acts as a conduit that floods the restaurant next door. So that is the sort of specific solution to a problem that the earlier program didnt have the money to support. So well save you a lot of money. Good. Thank you. Hi my name is angela and i own a building that is both my business and residence on 16th street. We got flooded off and even more in 2004 and got flooded against this last year and to thank the puc and meeting with hans and others and discussing in depth the changes to the grant for our buildings. Because the dam was just not the right solution for the majority of the buildings. I think very, very few people actually went through that, because it wont work. You know, it would prevent you from entering your building. You would have to be there to install it and know ahead of time. Things like that. So the changes would be so each of us could individually do something that would specifically prevent our buildings from flooding. And we really, really need it. You know, i mean its really stressful. Its really expensive. Its an ongoing problem. So we need this, so we personally can hopefully immediately act on it to prevent damages, rather than repair thing after they have already been damaged. So i think its a really good solution to at least get things started and that is about it. Thank you. Thank you for coming. Our next speaker. Mr. Garcia. Hello commissioners. I ran a restaurant in the mission, cafe and we have been flooded five times in seven years. So we support 12 families, all mission residents. Its a little hard to keep going with a business, you know . When we have every winter is a headache. We can barely sleep and we appreciate that the city helps us cleaning and opening again. This time, we were closed four months from december to april. So really actually were doing our best. We already installed the barriers, but we get 70 of the water so we really need the help. And we really want the issue to be solved on the ground, and not just cleaning every year. So we really need to be able to grow. So we really appreciate that you help us in this matter. What was the name of the restaurant [speaker not understood]. Thank you. Its on the property of malcolm davis. We opened seven years ago and we flooded five times. Every year, every winter, especially now with el nino coming its very scary. Its hard to run a business, w

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