Transcripts For SFGTV Police Commission 8515 20240622 : vima

SFGTV Police Commission 8515 June 22, 2024

Excued. Commissioner marshall, here. Commissioner dajesus ask excused. Commissioner [inaudible] is in routeyou have a quorum also with us tonight is cheer of police cheer suhr and joyce hicks welcome to the august 5th Police Commission meeting. For those watching at home the view from up here is something, we vapacked house tonight. Beautiful faces that have been here for much of the summer. California Law Enforcement suffered a tairl loss last week at the hay word Police Department and ask my colleagues to adjourn the meeting in memory of [inaudible] please call the first line item. Item one, jenual Public Comment. The public is welcome to klaess the Commission Regarding itemsthality that are not on the agenda. Speakers shall address remarks as a whole and not individual commissioners or department or occ personnel. During Public Comment Neither Police or occ personnel nor commissioners are required to respond to questions but may provide a brief response. Commissioners and occ personnel should rerain from entering into any debates or discussion with speakers during Public Comment. This is general Public Comment so anyone have Public Comment on anything that isnt on the agenda tonight . Good evening and welcome. [inaudible] we had to prepare video on how this can effect communities and the future leading to the hypothetical and potential [inaudible] [music] thank you. Thank you for that work. Welcome my name is diaunt a and from Community Engagement [inaudible] what we did this summer is work would the kids own Community Events and we took them to field trips and what we did this summer, we engaged with our community by making bumper stickers and pens and stickers and wewith hash tags and [inaudible] on them. We vaanimation video to show. We have a animation video to show. Community engagement team, our goal get people to [inaudible] youth live in differently. Fillmore, western addition, bay view, mission, tenderloin and all other San Francisco communities. Living in communities filled with vivns poverty discrimination low income families gentrification and differences. The question, how do too get people to view the communities differently . Step one, engage with community. Volunteer at Schools Community centers parks [inaudible] step 2, giver back financially physically and financially. [inaudible] step 3, [inaudible] through social Media Outlets using hash tags, twitter instugram, [inaudible] hash tag western addition, hash tag our community matters, hash tag be the change in your communityx hash tag fillmore. You can do this. [inaudible] visit www. [inaudible] for more information and follow on facebook. Magic zone. Thank you thank you is there any other general Public Comment on something not on the agenda tonight . Okay, call the next line item item fwopressionentation from 234 Community Safety inturns discussion. So, welcome, i see shareal davis quhing to the podium. This is a presentation from the Community Safety inturns who have been here for many of the meetings regarding the questions we ask them to think about and help thunk through on recommendation for rescrutment of communities of color and trust between all of San Franciscos communities and how to continue to talk about Law Enforcement in a way that all of the neighborhoods in the city see themselves in the department so we have some real extraordinary young people that give recommendation squz finds squgz talk 33 the process. I dont know if you want to say anything about this before they begin . I want them to get started. Before you have a couple folders which have in the pink folder there is a sheet like this which is a rough kraft draft of a report of the work that has been done, the young people and activities. All and all there 7 cohorts that work would the Community Safety this summer, 3 from hope sf and in partnership with theo miller and this was a internship about Skill Development and about really preparing people to think about going into project pull or future grads and creating this pipeline where we sometimes dont see young people from had communities most at risk if violence and poverty and crime. This is focused on how to build better relationshipwise the Police Department so i do want to thank president loftus and chief suhr for being willing to engage and move if t it forward and the partnership. We were just talking and this is by far the best summer we had with young people, this age and the work they put out is amazing and like anything that you would probably pay something to do, so excited for that. I wanted to share stats with you. We did surveys in regards to how many of them would consider Law Enforcement as a career and we did that at the beginning we had about 66 percent of them said absolutely not and would never consider being in Law Enforcement and now we have 20 percent of them saying absolutely not so there was a shift and some have become recrurts. They are not thinking about it personally but recommendobe other people. We also had 100 percent say they now see Law Enforcement differently than when they first started the program and the other one i want ed to share is, did your opinions about Law Enforcement change and 89 percent said their perception and ideas about Law Enforcement changed so i think this is the beginning of having conversations how to have better partnership. They created amazing product squz the report givers a smap shot of what they worked on. I did want to invide theo miller up because he did a lot of recruitment. Thank you for this opportunity and you are in for a amazing surprise tonight thank you mrs. Davis im the director of hope sf which represents 4 neighbors, hunters view, potrero hill, sunny dale [inaudible] privilege tooz be here on behalf of the mayor. I love this young peep lt and want to thank you cheer suhr. We started this with the communities were experiencing too much violence and wanted the young people to be mart of the solution and wanted to think of career path ways for these brilliant young people t. Is my privilege to find 40 or so of the best and brightest people and without further ado ill bring up morken. We took a cohort model because young people learn well in teamsism we know the young men and women work well together but sometimes better separately. First Morgan Tucker who is the team lead for the females will come up. Thank you thank you theo. I will sometimes take pictures of you guy. Welcome morgan my name is morgan tuck er and fts the cohort lead for the female group of girl and throughout the summer we worked on a project to benefit the Community Relationship between theplice z people in the community so we came up with different ideas using social media like a app or instugram and face book to look and see what we can do to help bring more peep people in and would like to introduce my girls to come up. Thank you for coming, my name is [inaudible] this is my cohort that consists of melody, [inaudible] today we would like to talk about the recommendation my cohort and i came windup to help better the relationship between the community and San Francisco Police Department. We believe that in order to better this relationship we need to be able to share stories and get opinions that involve the events and actions in the community and i would like to have [inaudible] come up and explain how. Thank you. Welcome my name is aleana [inaudible] i created a app to for police to keep up with the people in the community by giving them a safe place to connect anonymously about issues we are facing in our communities. This app will hopefully improve connection between the police and communities they serve. The app also have a unspoken voices column for families who face tragdied and would like to address the problems; next i would like to bring up [inaudible] appleton to introduce the [inaudible] thank you aleana. Good afternoon. My name is mellied [inaudible] what i came up with is a instugram page for the sfpd to connect more with their communities. We thought as a group a way to connect to the communities is interact with them and we felt like an instugram page is a good way to interact with them by hosting commune tazty events and have them more often so if you want a sports day we recommend you can do them twice a month so the community can see you are consistent in what you doing and trying to create a bond. That is what the Instagram Page is about what is the name of the account . Sfpd gives back. I followed it i did want know it was yall. That is good, i was glad. There are great pictures on it. If you want the instagram ask me because i got it. Chief suhr will ask for that later. At first people were not following the Instagram Page until i fallowed a bunch of famous people and got more followers. I posted a picture of a Police Officer, part of the sfpd and already got a comment saying how they feel safe being here, but i dont comment back because im not a real officer, you know, but think it will be helpful. Got it, thanks melody. Good evening everyone, my name is [inaudible] for our third recommendation was a face book page. Face book is not only a place where people socialize with friends and families but it is great space to connect with officers in the community. It gives residence a chance to post special and positive moments they captured interacting with officers and it gives them a chance toface book is also a place where it helps bring awareness to current and future events which will not only help residence feel security, it will also give them a chance for interacting with the officers. It will give people a chance to be open minded by cooperating or working with or socializing with Police Officers in the community while also creating a chance of bonding. Already with the Facebook Page being like said red by over 100 people we have a feeling it will not only help change the perception of officers in the sfpd but officers all over the world. Lastly, the Facebook Page gives a opportunity for communities to voice their opinion on a broader level giving more details for feedback and other comments that they have with the work the sfpd is doing in their community. Thank you. Thank you. Hi. There is a skit to show how the app works qu how it can be used in different ways. This is called [inaudible] do you want to explain the moony thing . They had a accident and didnt know how to pronounce muni, so they said moony. When they hear moony they mean muni . Ya. Gregs a quite young man gets robbed on moony. [inaudible] the Police Capture the 3 teens but they are released the same week due to lack of witnesses. Greg requests a [inaudible] his friends tell him about a app he can use to give anonymous [inaudible] greg downlouds the app and once he sees how it is set up he tells the police what happened and he has proof from moony. Hi, my name is [inaudible] i also created a skit to show another way you can use the app. The video dont have sound so you have to read the words and watch closely. [music] [applause] welcome. Hello, my name is [inaudible] we ran around the community asking questions. The first question we asked is how do you feel about the connection between the community and Police Department. The answer i got back [inaudible] stay away from the police because they were the bad people but as i grew up i know they were not so bad. The second question we asked is what are your thoughts about sfpd in general and the answer i got backshe is also part of the sfpd. I love being a part of the sfpd, there are so many good things we can do like helping people. [inaudible] ability to make connections some people dont have. I like going to different communities, meeting and talking to new people and seeing what i can do for them. Thank you. Thank you. The next cohort coming up is the Recruitment Group and want to acknowledge [inaudible] worked a little with the groups oen their video and they will show a snippet and share the link later. [inaudible] do you want to come up . Hello everybody. This is a initiative to transformsorry. My name is Jerry Johnson and my group came with a short film sla and documentary. We realize if there isnt a grood relaceship between the recruiters and recruited the compan wont work. We found out interviewing a bunch of people throughout the communities and here are a couple of their opinions and after this well give our opinions on how you can better recruit people or help the recruitment process go more smoothly. [inaudible] [unable to hear video] do you feel like police protects you . I think that is their goal, but no. I think that was [inaudible] but in the different communities that really need people to actually be there for them they dont have that. [singing] i say yes and no because yes, you [inaudible] you might hate me because im black or something. [inaudible] i know that is not true for all. How have your experiences been with police . [inaudible] bad experiences with the police. Getting pulled over and not being explained what im pulled over for. [inaudible] i was in a Interrogation Room and that is it. [inaudible] what are wrour thoughts on diversity on the Police Department . [inaudible] being able to experience it and being a officer in that environment where [inaudible] i can talk to them better about it because i have seen it done. I want to see more African American people who came from [inaudible] change because they talk about the police and [inaudible] would you join the Police Department . [inaudible] i think about it sometimes. I sure would because the retirement is [inaudible] [laughing]. [inaudible] if that is what they want to do, let them do it. [inaudible] they never called me back so i gave up on that. What could we do to get people like you in the force . [inaudible] respond to something [inaudible] they can come out and impact day to day and you get to know them outside of just [inaudible] it creates a relationship beyond [inaudible]. We got to have a better relationship and have more programs going on. [inaudible] like boys and girls club in the ymca, talking about the youth and let them know they are on their side and they can be trusted. More involve would the community. I feel [inaudible] they try to give Police Officers to come around and [inaudible] Community Involvement is a big thing. [inaudible] to the community and try to encourage people to pursue a career in Law Enforcement. Thanks for watching, hope you take this information into consideration to make Law Enforcement even more diverse. [applause] hello. Welcome my name is [inaudible] and my recommendation to help make people in the sf communities more safer is to have young youth and young teens between the grades of k12 go to Different Police stations arounds the city. At least one or two a month to get a feel of how the Police Community is. Thank you mob nob my name is [inaudible] and my recommendation is to have local Police Officers coach local teams to get more acquainted thanks my recommendation for the police to have better [inaudible] is for the police to go into the local Youth Centers or where they have Community Meetings ask people sit down and talk to them and get a good idea what is like to join the police force. My name is angle and my recommendation is to do at least one bbq every other month. Angel, i think we all agree as long as we are all invited [inaudible] my recommend is to use social media to make the police more positive word. Thank you stefon. Hi, my name is [inaudible] my recommendation for the Police Department is have a little and big brother mentorship program. Thank you. Hi, my name is tray von and my recommendation is to see more Police Officers doing Community Service whether that starts with [inaudible] because that is what i work on and [inaudible] i figured that is one of the best ways. Thank you travon. Mike [inaudible]. Mine is follow windup qualified candidates and thank you for watching and hope you take all this into consideration of what me and my colleagues said. Thanks mike. Thank you jerry. Thank you jerry and your cohort. Thank you gentlemen. Mr. Wilson you are up and your crew. Good evening, hope everything is good and thank you for taking into consideration all the projjects before us. My group is working on a documentary and took [inaudible] wanted to do police and Community Relations so we created the same thung, a documentary. It is a little lenty, there are 2 sides, one side is giving the Police Officers

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